Wash by hand do not rub the thing strongly. How to hand wash (effective tips). Clothes to be washed by hand only


Previously, women did not think about the rules hand wash. They poured water into a basin, poured grated laundry soap into it, and got to work. Sometimes it took a whole day to do the laundry. Just imagine: bending over the basin and washing for several hours! But then it was okay.

To our general joy, automatic machines have saved women from such work. Now washing does not require our participation, it can be done in passing. But it happens that even now you have to start a hand wash. For example, clothes are too thin and delicate or fade.

But many current housewives do not understand how to wash with their hands, so offensive mistakes happen.

When not to wash in the washing machine

Some types of clothing cannot be washed in washing machine but only by hand. They spoil and spoil other things. Such items should include:

silk things;
shedding fabrics;
wool clothes;
soft blouses.

Laundry soap is suitable for washing by hand, because. it does not harm the skin of the hands and perfectly copes with pollution.

They still wash the baby’s things with their hands, if the wound on the navel is still healing. It is generally accepted that this approach is safer for the child. In addition, hand washing is appropriate for your favorite clothes, because. prolongs its service life.

Hand wash rules

Hand washing has its own rules:

don't leave clothes on long time in the basket, since this will make washing more difficult;
soak fabrics, which will simplify the washing process;
in water, the cleanest clothes are first washed, then medium soiled, and the process ends with the dirtiest things;
with a difficult stain, you will have to use a washboard for washing or a brush;
the more delicate the material, the lower the water temperature;
for all materials there are special tools;
cuffs and collars are first rubbed with soap and a brush, and then washed;
before starting a hand wash, it is important to thoroughly dissolve the detergent in water;

things made of wool should be turned inside out wrong side and use a solution of soap for washing;
in the process of rinsing, the water is changed until it remains clear;
delicate fabrics are washed with special care, trying not to stretch the thing;
in the process of rinsing dyed things, a small amount of vinegar is poured into the final water;
wool items are rinsed with the addition of glycerin;
in order to avoid excessive shedding of clothes, soak them in water with the addition of salt;
silk, wool and cashmere cannot be twisted, but only lightly wrung out.

Follow the washing rules, then you will not have unpleasant results.

Hand wash. Tricks

It is worth saying that in the process of washing by hand, it is important to first look at the label of the thing. It indicates the manipulations that can be performed: the rules for washing, ironing, etc. Wash clothes in heated water, and if the material needs to be washed in a soap solution, then make sure that all the particles dissolve. Rinse many times.

Then purchase specifically for hand washing and for certain types fabrics. Right choice will help you get good results.

If you are afraid that the material may shed, then this is easy to check with a steam iron. A piece of material is placed between 2 pieces of white fabric and run over them with a hot iron. If there are no traces on light patches, then the product does not shed, feel free to wash it with other things. If the opposite, then provide things with a separate wash.

Compliance with the rules of washing with your hands will help to avoid annoying mistakes that happen when you don’t know the nuances.

Before washing the lace by hand, make a pattern. If during washing the thing is deformed, then when drying, you can give it its former shape according to the template. Hand washing velvet items will also require some tricks. During the final rinse, add 2 sugar cubes and a little lanolin to the water. This will give the fabric strength and elasticity.

To remove soap residue, add a little vinegar to the water during rinsing. In order to winter time clothes that are dried outside do not freeze, add a handful of salt to the water when rinsing. If too much foam forms during washing, then sprinkle talcum powder on it. This will eliminate the foam.

When drying things made of wool on a rope, they often deteriorate: they wrinkle, deform. After washing, it is better to lay a wool sweater on a towel and twist it in order to eliminate the remaining water. Then lay the item out again on a dry towel or dryer so that it dries in horizontal position.

To restore the original appearance of stretched cuffs, they are soaked in well-heated water, and then dried with hot air from a hair dryer.

How to wash by hand. Walkthrough

If you are interested in the question of how to wash by hand, then it is worth noting that this is not difficult task, as it seems. To do this, you need to prepare 2 containers and buy a suitable laundry detergent:

fill one basin with warm water and stir the detergent. It is important to do this according to the rules: there should be no soap flakes left, otherwise there will be stains on things. For washing, detergent in the form of a liquid is more suitable;
gently lower your clothes into the water. Let it get wet, sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes. If you start washing earlier, you will not be able to remove stains;
rub the dirtiest areas with your hands or a brush;
when the thing is not very dirty, carefully stir it in a circle and from the bottom up. Make sure that things do not get confused with each other;
now each element is taken separately and rinsed in cool water;

carefully remove excess liquid. If the fabric is delicate, then use a towel;
hang clothes to dry. Spread cashmere and wool on the floor on a sheet.

This approach will make it possible to wash any thing. Socks are an exception. They are the easiest to wash: put them on your hands and rub with soap under the tap.

How to wash underwear

Now let's look at how to wash underwear, because. these clothes are distinguished by their nuances of washing. Bras and panties should not be machine washed at all, but the following rules should be observed when hand washing:

do not use too hot water;
keep cotton underwear in a solution of vinegar, and then use soap;
linen with lace cannot be twisted and rubbed;

Washing underwear will not cause worries. And use machine wash can do a lot of harm.

do not use bleach for synthetics, otherwise you will ruin the thing;
simple soda will help to wash clothes. Add 1 spoon per 3 liters of water and soak clothes in the solution for 30 minutes;
for white laundry, bluing can be added during rinsing.

Washing wool by hand

Wool washing also has its own characteristics. This material requires special handling. Woolen items can noticeably shrink or stretch if not properly cared for.

Since wool is natural material, she is too capricious to the selection of water temperature. If there is no obvious contamination, then the item should not be washed. Just take it out of the closet from time to time and ventilate it to minimize contact with moisture. But if washing cannot be avoided, then the problem immediately arises, how to do it right? Heed these tips:

turn things inside out before washing;
use liquid synthetic detergents. They are more likely to dissolve and rinse out perfectly;
water should be at a low temperature, not higher than body temperature, about 35 degrees;

remember that you will need a lot of water, because. wool absorbs it intensively;
rinse thoroughly to remove soap residue;
do not use bleach with chlorine, because it ruins the fabric. Spots are best soaked in vinegar solution or rubbed with a sponge;
when washing, stain removers are suitable, but only special ones for wool .;
wring out things carefully, using a towel, so as not to damage the structure of the fabric.

In order for the fabric not to stretch, it is necessary to follow the rules of drying. Correcting the form later will not work, so take care of knowing the nuances in advance:

you can not squeeze the thing intensively. After washing, leave it in an empty basin so that the water is glass;
use a towel to wring;
shake and straighten the thing carefully to avoid wrinkles;

Remember the rules for washing woolen things, then your favorite clothes will last a long time and will not lose their original appearance.

dry in a horizontal position on a cloth. In the role of her fit a towel or sheet;
change the fabric from time to time and turn the thing over.

Often there is a problem of drying when the room is cool. In order to speed up the process of evaporation of water, blow the hair dryer on the item, but do not bring it too close. Putting things on radiators and heaters is prohibited, because. fibers at temperatures above 60 degrees and low humidity lose their elasticity.

Slightly damp wool garments can be ironed. The iron is put on 2 positions and the thing is ironed through gauze dipped in a solution of vinegar. Do ironing from the wrong side.

January 27, 2014, 09:02

A modern washing machine can easily cope with any pollution. But I, like every housewife, periodically have a need to wash with my own hands. Therefore, today I want to tell you how to wash clothes by hand.

General rules for hand washing clothes

If you often have to wash by hand, I recommend remembering simple rules washing, which will help to avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Rule 1. Water temperature

Water temperature for hand washing depends entirely on the product that you are going to wash. Most reliable way find out the desired temperature - look at the tag. If it was cut off, you will have to focus on the type of fabric.

  • natural fabrics, which include cotton and linen, can be washed at any temperature that is comfortable for you. Products made from these fabrics tolerate washing well and do not deform. Bed linen made from natural fabrics is best soaked in hot water.
  • Natural wool and silk should be washed at 30-40°C. At the same time, things cannot be squeezed out - you need to let them drain.

  • Viscose products it is better to wash in cool water - no higher than 30 ° C.
  • Synthetics calmly tolerates water temperatures of 40-50 ° C.
  • Combined materials (natural fabric with the addition of synthetics) it is better to wash at 40-50 ° C.

Rule 2. Detergents

Depending on the type of fabric and the level of soiling for hand washing, you can use the following products:

Image Detergent
washing powder- all-purpose cleaner different types fabrics. When buying, pay attention to the mark "For hand washing".

This powder is less aggressive for the skin of the hands. Before use, completely dissolve the powder in water, otherwise the granules may leave a color mark on clothing.

Washing gel- beautiful modern facility. Easily dissolves even in cold water, copes well with strong pollution.

The only downside- high price.

Laundry soap- a tool proven over the years, perfectly washes any dirt and is safe for the skin of the hands.

Laundry soap - perfect solution for people who are allergic to household chemicals.

oxygen bleach indispensable in the fight against serious stains. Such a tool removes the stain, while maintaining the color of the fabric.

There are bleaches for white and black fabrics. Read the label carefully.

Chlorine bleach can only be used for natural fabrics white color. It removes stains well and relieves linen from dullness.

Chlorine bleach is quite aggressive and harmful, so it is best to use it in the most extreme cases.

Air conditioner for washing will give the linen softness and give a wonderful aroma.

Remember: lavsan, acrylic and lycra cannot be washed in alkaline products, including laundry soap. And for natural fabrics of animal origin - silk, wool - you can not use products with enzymes. Carefully read the composition of washing powders!

Rule 3. Additional attributes for washing

Apart from detergent to wash by hand you may need the following items:

Image Description
brushes with soft and hard bristles may be needed when washing heavily soiled areas of clothing.

Basin for washing it is better to choose not too high and wide. It is better to stock up on several containers at once.

Clothespins needed when hanging clothes to dry.

Wash sequence

Rule 4. Hand washing steps

Any hand wash, regardless of the number of things and the characteristics of the fabrics to be washed, consists of several stages.

Instruction will help you to foresee all the nuances and simplify the task:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Decide where to wash. The best places for this are rooms with access to water - a bathroom or kitchen. If you are going to wash clothes for suburban area- a bath is suitable. Direct access to water saves time and effort.

Step 2

Sort things. Expand into different sides bed and underwear, children's and adult clothes, light and dark things.

If you are going to wash wool items, turn them inside out. Also don't forget to check your pockets!

Step 3

Prepare a laundry container. It is best to get at least two basins - one for soaking and washing, the second for rinsing. A sink with a plug or a bathtub will also work.

Step 4

Prepare laundry detergent depending on the type of fabric and purpose of washing.

Step 5

Dilute your choice in water according to the dosage indicated on the package. Allow the powder to completely dissolve in the water before washing by hand.

Step 6

Be mindful of the water temperature. Cotton and linen should be soaked in hot water, wool and silk in cold water, and colored items in warm water.

Step 7

Immerse things in the basin with water and detergent. Lightly rub the material against each other.

Step 8

Leave things soaked for a while. Heavily soiled items can be soaked for 2 hours, linens- for the night.

Do not overcook soaked items until bad smell otherwise you will have to start washing from the beginning.

Step 9

Strong pollution must be washed before soaking. Especially the collars and cuffs of shirts, the bottom of trousers, etc. Rub the items together again and transfer to a basin of clean water.

Step 10

Rinse clothes after washing, constantly renewing the water until it becomes completely transparent.

If desired, add fabric softener to the water at the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

Step 11

Gently wring out excess water and put things in an empty basin. Now they are ready to dry.

Step 12

Hang clothes out to dry completely. Better dry things it on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Rule 5. Delicate hand wash

Delicate fabrics require special attention.

Fragile and delicate materials can only be washed in cold or lukewarm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. For example, 1 tablespoon of powder per 5 liters of water.


  • silk and lace fabrics better wash in liquid products for delicate washing;
  • batik and embroidery woolen threads can only be washed in cold water;
  • if you use bleach or stain remover for washing- add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water, if you are washing an item with embroidery - a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar.

Delicate items should not be actively rubbed and rinsed. Therefore, I recommend that you follow the following washing sequence:

  1. Dissolve the powder in water.
  2. Dip dirty things in the basin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Gently, without twisting and shaking, shift things into a bowl of clean water.

  1. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Move things to clean water and rinse gently.
  3. Lay out a terry towel and put the washed things on it, for the water to be absorbed.

  1. If the fabric is subject to deformation(may stretch) - leave the item in a horizontal position, if necessary, replacing a damp towel with a dry one. If there is no such threat, hang things up and dry them at room temperature.


Wash by hand or machine, the choice is yours. But now you know, hand washing isn't that great. difficult task, especially when all the necessary attributes are present. And if you are still in doubt, watch the video in this article, it will help clarify some points. Any questions? Leave them in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

Hand washing is not as popular as it used to be, since almost every home has a washing machine. But it is she who will perfectly help out if the device breaks down. In addition, there are things that require only hand washing. This will keep them appearance for a long time. How to wash by hand? This is discussed in the article.

What is not machine washable?

On the tags of many things there is an icon - a basin of water with a lowered hand. This means that washing in the machine is prohibited. Most manufacturers are reinsured so that if a defect in machining occurs, they will not be held liable. But often the device worsens the appearance of things. The machine is not suitable for some dirt.

Wash soiled items by hand oil products- gasoline, engine oil, kerosene. Penetrating the rubber elements of technology, they corrode them. If the contamination is high, vapors of combustible components may cause an explosion. Do not wash items made of leather and its substitute in the appliance, as they will lose their shape and color.

Hand washing will become suitable for lace products, as normal mode will result in tearing of the tissue. It is also needed for products with a rigid shape - suits, coats, hats. But processing in the basin is also prohibited. Preferably, take it to the dry cleaners. So, compared to machine wash, hand wash is good for everything. The exceptions are things that need chemical treatment.


Next moment. Before learning how to wash by hand, you should learn how to prepare for this job. It is necessary to take 2 basins, detergent, rinse aid, rubber gloves, dirty things. The container must be placed so that the process is convenient. To do this, you can place a board on the bathroom or put a chair.

Rubber gloves must be used to protect the skin of the hands from exposure to detergents. Aggressive substances corrode the skin, after which redness and cracks form on it. And gloves will serve as protection against many adverse effects.


An important issue is not only how to wash by hand, but also how to sort things. It is necessary to separate the products, as before machine processing. White and colored items should be washed separately. Colored products must be divided by color. Delicate fabrics must be washed separately. First there are light, lightly soiled things, and then dark and dirty things.

Water needs to be changed as it gets dirty. If it has become colored, the product has faded. It should be changed, otherwise the rest of the tissues may also be stained. It is possible to process products similar in color.

What temperature is needed?

The water temperature should be the one required for the specific product. It is important that the hands are comfortable. Therefore, the maximum indicator will be 50 degrees. It is not uncommon for the tags to be removed as they rub against the skin. You can select the temperature based on the type of fabric. Natural materials (linen, cotton) can be washed in any water. Products from them do not shrink and do not stretch, and colored ones rarely shed.

For silk and wool, the water temperature should be 30-40 degrees. Things made of such materials must be handled carefully, not squeezed. Viscose needs cold water - no more than 30 degrees, and for synthetic fabrics (dacron, acrylic, lycra) - 40-50. Combined materials are best washed in water of 40-50 degrees. A suitable temperature preserves the appearance of the product.

Choice of remedy

How to wash things by hand? To do this, you need to choose a suitable tool, which has a special mark. Hand wash powders include less aggressive substances that are safer for hands. The powder should dissolve in water. Granules corrode things, but the gel will best solution. This tool is suitable for things that need to be processed only at low temperatures.

Laundry soap is considered an effective tool, which copes with complex contaminants, while having a gentle effect on the skin of the hands. It won't cause allergies. Soap is more suitable for underwear that comes into direct contact with the skin. Oxygen bleach is used to remove stains, retain color. It can be used for white and colored laundry.

Used for white items natural materials. With it, it will be possible to remove stains and dullness. Chlorine bleach is considered aggressive, and its fumes are harmful. artificial materials(lavsan, lycra, acrylic) cannot be treated with alkaline products. Natural fabrics should not be washed with enzymes. Need to pick suitable means so that things last a long time.

How to wash by hand? Procedure

We need to sort out one more thing. This is how to wash by hand. You need to choose a convenient place, it can be indoors or outdoors. Take hot water in a bowl suitable temperature. Then you need to add powder or gel to it. It is necessary to form foam. The crystals should dissolve. If washing will take place with soap, you just need to put it next to the basin.

Further. How to wash jeans by hand? The procedure is the same as with other products. For enhanced washing, things are placed in foamy water, and you can wash after 15-20 minutes. Heavily soiled fabrics are soaked for 2-3 hours, and bed linen - overnight. Products must be thoroughly rubbed, especially in places of contamination.

How to wash things by hand so that the result will please? You can take a washboard, from which dirt goes away much faster. If washing takes place with laundry soap, the product must be soaped in advance. At the end, it must be squeezed out, transferred to a bowl for rinsing. This is the answer to the question of how to wash clothes by hand. This is how almost all clothes are processed.


You need to do this 2 times - in warm and cold water. The first procedure will remove the foam, and the second will refresh the thing. You can rinse a few more times. Then the clothes must be wrung out, but do it in such a way as not to deform the fabric. Delicate materials are not wrung out, they are wrapped in a dry towel.

After that, you need to hang or lay out things on the dryer. If they are in the sun, it is important to turn everything inside out. Keep in mind that items made of wool and cashmere stretch when dried vertically. After drying, the washed products will be clean. You can pet them.

Features of hand washing

And finally. Can I wash it with automatic powder by hand? In principle, yes, but ... Although washing with it will work, but, nevertheless, it is undesirable to do this. At the powder for handmade- more gentle components that damage the skin of the hands less.

Hand washing is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Do not leave clothes in the basket for a long time, as washing will be more difficult.
  2. Soaking simplifies the work, so it is used with most fabrics.
  3. First you need to wash the cleanest clothes, then the ones with medium soiling, and then the dirtiest ones.
  4. At difficult spots use a washboard or brush.
  5. For delicate materials, a lower temperature is used.
  6. There are special tools for each fabric.
  7. Cuffs and collars are first treated with soap and a brush, and then washed.
  8. Before processing, the powder must be completely dissolved.
  9. When rinsing, the water must be changed.
  10. Delicate materials must be washed carefully so as not to stretch them.
  11. Silk, wool, cashmere should not be twisted, you just need to squeeze a little.

Clothes labels usually indicate what procedures can be done with it. This applies to washing, ironing, bleaching. If you follow all the recommendations, you can save the appearance of the product.

Modern housewives practically do not know how to wash things by hand. This skill seems useless to them. However, the ability to wash things yourself must be mastered. After all, the “mechanical assistant” can suddenly break down, and some clothes even require delicate and careful washing, which sometimes even the most gentle mode of an automatic machine cannot handle.


Hand washing is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. She will only require soiled clothes, a basin, water of a certain temperature (depending on the nature of the fabric), detergent, rinse aid and rubber gloves. The last item on the list may puzzle you, but The presence of gloves is simply necessary to maintain the health and beauty of your hands. Chemicals mercilessly corrode upper layer redness and cracks form on the skin and on the hands.

It is advisable to place the basin in such a way that your back is not in constant tension. To do this, you need a stool or a board that is securely fixed on the sides of the bath. Next, pay attention to dirty laundry. Light-colored items should be washed first, and less soiled clothing should also be washed first. Items with stubborn stains are best left for later and subjected to a more thorough treatment.

Having collected water in a basin, you must deal with the powder or detergent. Pour or pour the substance into a container. Wait for it to dissolve completely. Undissolved powder can clog between the seams and leave streaks.

Then proceed to soak your clothes. The dirtier the item, the longer it will take to soak. If the laundry is not very dirty, then it is necessary to soak it for 10 - 20 minutes. Try not to overexpose the laundry in the basin, otherwise it will get an unpleasant smell.

The intensity of hand washing and spinning largely depend on the type of clothing and the fabrics from which it is made. Heavily greasy places on products, which often turn out to be collars and cuffs, pre-wash with soap.

The last step there will be a rinse. For him, you will need to change the water and rinse things two to three times. The squeak of water on the fingers in which rinsing takes place is a good sign. This means that the item is well rinsed.

Do not forget about laundry with special dirt that is very difficult to remove. Treat the stain on the clothes with a special substance and set aside. If you find it difficult to determine the origin of the dirt, then use the universal stain remover of the manufacturer you prefer.

After the whole procedure, hang the clothes to dry, before shaking each item. Thus, ironing will be much easier and faster.

Hand washing secrets

In order to properly wash by hand, you must select the correct water temperature. Most often, it is indicated on the tag of a textile item. If the tag is cut off, then in this case you will have to navigate by the nature of the material.

Cotton and linen products can be washed at any temperature, as they endure hand washing without consequences and do not shrink. But if you had to wash things large sizes from natural fabric, then it is best to soak them in warm, not hot water.

Natural silk and wool are preferably washed at a temperature of 30-40°C. It is not necessary to wring out such clothes. Let her drain. For things made of viscose, cool water up to 30 ° C is suitable. Synthetics should preferably be washed at a water temperature of 40-50°C. Combined materials (cotton + nylon, wool + lavsan) are washed at a water temperature of 45-50 ° C.

next no less important feature is the choice detergent. It can be powder, washing gel, laundry soap or chlorine bleach. It all depends on your preferences. Here are some tips for choosing:

  • Powders for hand washing are less harmful to the skin of the hands and are considered the standard in use.
  • washing gel also widely used by housewives. Perfect for products intended for washing at low water temperatures. It dissolves quickly, but is less effective in cool water. Thanks to this product, you will easily part with any pollution. The disadvantage of this tool is the high price.
  • If you are allergic to household chemicals, then laundry soap will be a life-saving solution. It does not harm the skin at all and is excellent at removing stains on clothes of any kind.
  • You can use chlorine bleach to wash white natural fabrics. This tool will not only brilliantly do its job, but also save clothes from dullness.
  • Oxygen bleach attracts the attention of most because it is able to cope with even the most serious pollution. However, such a weapon against stains is very detrimental to the skin. Therefore, it is better to resort to this solution in the most extreme cases.
  • The conditioner is rarely used as an independent detergent. Most often it is used together with powder in order to give clothes softness and fragrance.


Before revealing the secrets of washing clothes, let's figure out what things fall into the list of unsuitable for washing in a washing machine. These include:

  • silk products;
  • cashmere;
  • underwear;
  • woolen men's sweaters;
  • delicate blouses;
  • lace products;
  • clothes covered with unstable paint.

Also, it is undesirable to wash shirts, trousers, sweaters and T-shirts that can sit down in an automatic machine.

Underwear is changed every day, so it is better to immediately analyze the nuances of washing such products. It is undesirable to wash clothes in too hot water. If the thing is lace, then do not try to rub it and turn it inside out. Cotton linen can be soaked in water diluted with vinegar before washing. Bleach is also not recommended. Helps make washing easier special solution, which is one tablespoon of soda per three liters of water.

Particular attention should be paid to things made of wool. With improper care, such products can significantly deform and stretch. It is better not to wash such things if they do not have noticeable, clearly visible stains. But if wet cleaning cannot be avoided, then adhere to the following rules:

  • turn things inside out before washing;
  • use liquid detergent. It dissolves faster and rinses out;
  • water should not be higher than 35 ° C;
  • rinse thoroughly;
  • stock up on water, as washing wool will require a lot of liquid;

  • if the dirt is very deep, then in no case do not use chlorine bleach, it is better to use vinegar solution;
  • you can also purchase a special stain remover for wool;
  • use a towel when wringing.

If you do not follow strict drying rules, then the wool product may stretch. Do not squeeze the thing to the end. Leave it in an empty bowl so that all the liquid is drained from it. Shake well and straighten clothes after washing. Dry the item flat on another fabric, such as a towel or sheet. Periodically turn the item and the fabric underneath. If the temperature in the house is too low, then use a hair dryer to dry faster.

Don't forget that when gentle care for your loved ones wool sweater, shawls and other things you guarantee wear resistance and durability of clothes.


Before proceeding with the removal of dirt on shoes, it is necessary to determine the structure of the material of the product, its resistance to detergents, the strength of the joints, etc. Most often, shoes that can be washed by hand include:

  • slippers;
  • sneakers;
  • ballet shoes;
  • sneakers;
  • moccasins.

But there are also products that are undesirable to wash. These are the shoes:

  • leather;
  • varnished;
  • suede;
  • fur;
  • sheepskin.

If your product is not included in the latest list, feel free to proceed with the action. First, clean upper part shoes from adhering dirt with a brush. If the surface of the product is delicate, moisten the dirt first. Use a jet of running water to remove dirt from the sole. Using a match, remove small stones from the tread. If stuck to the sole chewing gum- Wrap the boot in polyethylene and send it to the freezer. After three or four hours, you can easily get rid of the adhering trouble, just by picking it up with a knife.

Don't be afraid to use effective stain removers. Do not forget about insoles and laces, if any. When washing and rubbing itself, use liquid detergents that quickly dissolve in water.


No matter what accessory you are going to wash, you will need:

  • pour into a deep bowl warm water;
  • pour the powder into a container with water and wait for it to dissolve (you can also use a concentrate for cleaning dishes);
  • put an open umbrella in the resulting solution for 30 minutes;
  • then carefully wipe the surface with a brush;
  • rinse the product under running water or in the shower;
  • shake off any remaining liquid;
  • hang in a well ventilated area.

Not suitable for machine wash and nylon tights and white handbags. If the item is made of dense, rough material, before cleaning, moisten a small piece of cloth in concentrated washing solution. Then gently wipe greasy and excessively soiled areas with a cloth. When the accessory dries, start lubricating it with a colorless shoe cream, and polish it after 40 minutes.

At home, you can wash even a blanket or blanket by hand. To do this, pre-soak textiles. It is advisable not to squeeze such things, but to let them drain on their own.

Observing all of the above nuances, you can cope with the washing of any textile product.

Sometimes you have to resort to hand washing.Delicate items are labeled as not machine washable.

Hand wash silk, wool, underwear, cashmere and lace. Such things cannot be subjected to a machine procedure, the fabric can be damaged or unknowingly deformed.

If you often have to hand wash , you need to know some tricks and washing rules. Following the recommendations will help to avoid many unpleasant surprises.

How to wash things by hand - tips:

  1. Sort clothes by color.Black things are separated from white.
  2. product care. Decide at what temperature you can soak: cold or hot.
  3. Make sure that the detergent is completely dissolved in the water before immersing the items in the solution.
  4. start from the lightest and purest products.
  5. Change the water frequently if you have a lot of dirty clothes.
  6. What is the best way to wash? Use a detergent designed for cleaning products by hand. Such products are easier to wash out of fibers and can be added to cold water.
  7. 95% of dirt is washed out during soaking.Mandatory procedure.
  8. At heavy pollution you can use a special board or brush for clothes.
  9. When rinsing things, it is recommended to add ¼ cup of vinegar to the water. The acid helps to dissolve alkalis, the soap is washed out faster.
  10. How often to wash things? No need to wait until the basket is full. Washing should be done as often as possible. Accumulated during the day a little linen, washed in the evening. If you do this procedure once a week, it will be hard. Hands get tired quickly a large number underwear.It is better to wash every day or every other day.. If you keep clothes dirty for a long time, then it will be harder to put them in order.
  11. Delicate items should not be tumble dried.
  12. Before washing woolen products, they are turned inside out. Rinse with addition a small amount glycerin.
  13. If, salt is added to the soaking water.

Now every housewife knows how to wash clothes by hand. Observe simple recommendations and enjoy the result.


It is important not only to learn washing tips, but also familiarize with a guide to learn how to wash things by hand.

Before the procedure, the tissues are pre-cleaned. Stains are something that everyone faces in everyday life. Because of they have to send their favorite sweaters and blouses to the laundry.

Pretreatment involves the removal of contaminants. Lay the product on a flat surface, moisten it with water and pour industrial or home-made stain remover onto the stain.

How to wash by hand:

  1. Clean the sink. Sink, used for washing hands must be spotlessly clean. Kitchen sinks may have traces of grease, they get on clothes. IN the bathroom may have traces of skin care products,have a whitening effect. You need to wash the laundry container well.
  2. Fill the basin with water of the appropriate temperature. Usage hot water for delicate materials reduces their service life. Control the temperatureto the optimum level.
  3. Spot focus. If you need to pre-treat stains, now is the time to focus on them. The stain remover used earlier did most of the work, but if the stain still persists, do the following: rub the item gently with your fingers, concentrating on the stained area. Do not apply too much pressure or rub one side of the fabric over the other, as this may cause the fabric to stretch. Do not use cleaning brushes on delicate fabrics.
  4. After treating the stain, you can proceed to deep cleaning the entire product. How to wash by hand: the sink is already filled with water desired temperature, immerse garment in soapy liquid, lightly rub heavily soiled areas with fingers, leave for 5 minutes in detergent. Then quickly pick things up and lower them into the water. Since you wash by hand, just mimic the actions that the washing machine performs by immersing the item in and out of water. Avoid twisting delicate fabrics or underwear. Twisting can damage and warp the material or even tear some of the seams. The inner lining of the bra may become darker, this does not mean that it is very dirty and needs to be rubbed more intensively.
  5. Drain the dirty liquid, rinse the washing container and refill it with water.
  6. Rinsing. Put the item back into the water, gently squeeze it underwater. Raise the thing above the basin, remove excess moisture. Drain the water and repeat the process again. Rinsing should be carried out until the drained liquid is clean without soap.
  7. Washed items must be dried. If the garment is very light, like underwear or bedding, it can be hung on a clothesline. Always use a soft hanger that won't rust to prevent stains. Place heavier items such as sweaters on a thick white towel and roll up to absorb excess moisture. Then place the product on a flat surface on a clean towel and leave to dry in a well-ventilated area. To speed up the process, turn things over more often.

After everything is dry, fold it up.

When it comes to , be careful, you should fold them so that natural form was not broken, and unnatural lines were not created. It's better to hang them on hangers - this is great way prevent deformation and ensure shape retention.


Silk products are very delicate and are quite expensive. In order for such a fabric to serve for a long time, it is necessary to wash it correctly.

How to wash a silk sweater by hand:

  1. Fill a basin with water and add detergent according to the instructions on the label. Persil Silk & Wool is a good option.
  2. How to remove stains from clothes: Place silk clothes in soapy liquid and leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, pour clean water and soak again linen for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Drain again, fill a basin with cold water and add Comfort Pure softener.Follow instructionsfor dosage, this information is on the package.
  5. Leave the silk in the fabric softener for a few minutes, then rinse in cold water to remove any residue.
  6. Don't twist the thing the cloth will stretch, uniform will change .
  7. Lay them out on a clean towel to dry. You can not put such products on batteries and other heating devices, use a hair dryer. This can cause things to shrink.

except Persil products Silk & Wool can also be used with other detergents designed for washing silk fabrics.

Silk items can be subjected to machining. On the labels of things there is a special icon, which means that they are washed in a machine.

How to wash silk in the machine:

  1. Put the clothes in the drum. Do not put items with sequins , lightning bolts that shed and other heavy objects. They can damage the material.
  2. Add the correct amount of laundry detergent.
  3. How to wash clothes: set the mode - delicate or manual. At what temperature to wash? Silk items are processed manually or in a washing machine at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, you can turn off the heating.
  4. Do not dry in the unit. This procedure should take place in natural conditions.

If a noticeable stain has formed on the silk fabric, it is removed before hand or machine washing.

Lemon juice is used to remove contaminants. white vinegar and some water. Wipe the stained area with this solution.

5 major mistakes

When washing linen, sweaters and other delicate materials, certain rules should be followed. But most often women neglect them and make mistakes, which as a result lead to deformation of the product.

Five common mistakes:

  1. Placing clothes in a basin before filling it with water.The powder must be dissolved in water. He will leave streaks. In addition, hitting the fabric with water can damage the delicate fibers.
  2. Aggressive brushing can damage fabrics, especially delicate ones. Treat stains by working gently with one laundry stain remover or liquid detergent. Rub them in with your fingertips.
  3. Do not rinse things with water. The fabric will stretch , therefore it is necessary to rinse also in the pelvis.
  4. Squeezing water. Twisting wet, delicate fabrics will damage the product. The best way to remove excess moisture is to gently pull the clothes out of the rinse water with both hands and gently wring out as much as possible. Then lay it out on a towel.
  5. Hanging clothes on a clothesline. To knitwear do not stretch do not make such a mistake. Dry them horizontally.

Try to follow these tips if you want to achieve good quality washing without damaging your favorite products.


It is important to know not only how to wash clothes, but also how to wash them.Not all detergents are the same and are not suitable for manual cleaning of delicate fabrics and underwear.

How to wash clothes? This issue should be taken seriously. The choice of detergent depends not only on the type of fabric, but also on the color.

For example, in order to preserve the whiteness of white things, they are washed with powders containing bleaching particles.

They wash better if you use Perwoll Black Magic. This tool will not only get rid of stains, but also preserve color. There is also Perwoll for silk and wool.

Laundry detergent should be hypoallergenic, skin-friendly, free of dyes, phosphates, UV bleaches or perfumes.

To ensure that clothes always look clean and attractive, do not fade or deform, certain rules must be followed, and such problems will not arise.