How many weeks does the tummy start to grow. When and for how long does the stomach begin to grow during pregnancy. Normal belly sizes at different times

When a woman can say with confidence not only to herself, but also to those close to her “!”, She has a very important question, while examining his mirror image "when does the belly begin to grow during pregnancy?" But do not reassure yourself that this will happen very soon.

Expecting a baby, the expectant mother examines herself with special care, she quickly wants to see such long-awaited changes in her figure. But it is impossible to establish with complete certainty exact dates the appearance of roundness in the waist area. For some ladies, it fades, it is noticeable already at the end of the first trimester, while others remain slender until 5-6 months.

At what time and under what circumstances does the waist volume increase in demolitions?

Very often, doctors hear from girls expecting offspring the question of at what stage of pregnancy the belly begins to grow. In accordance with medical standards, the uterus is actively increasing at week 13, then there are noticeable changes in the female figure.
  1. Earlier, roundness may become noticeable due to excessive food abuse, for example, on the advice of mothers or grandmothers, which, they say, is now worth eating for two, or it is impossible to resist the increased appetite;
  2. Also future mother may suffer from increased gas exchange, which leads to bloating;
  3. An increase in the layer of subcutaneous fat gives the impression of a blurred waist;
  4. Heredity plays an even greater role, you should ask your mothers and grandmothers how they went through this period. Most of what you will have it will happen with the same sequence;
  5. If your figure is petite or thin, interesting position becomes noticeable earlier, and plump, curvaceous ladies can keep their secret until the end of the second trimester;
  6. Women with well trained abdominal muscles can also remain inconspicuous for a long time;
  7. Not the last role is played by the development of the baby, if it develops at an accelerated pace, then the bosom will round out earlier;
  8. Presentation of the child - if he is located at rear wall, closer to the spine, then an interesting position will not soon become noticeable, but at the front it will become noticeably earlier;
  9. When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, if it is the second, an equally important, disturbing question of mothers - with the first, the norm is 13 weeks, then with the second it is already a little earlier;
  10. From the foregoing, it follows that to the question posed, when the belly begins to grow during the third pregnancy, the answer is unambiguous - with each subsequent fertilization, the gestation organ begins to develop for more early dates, because its walls are stretched, and the muscles abdominal cavity fail to bounce back.

If a woman is carrying twins, when does the womb become voluminous?

“Heavy” women, noticing that the belly began to grow early during pregnancy, are puzzled if they have several embryos? So, when does the belly start to grow during a twin pregnancy? This question is not at all idle, because indeed, during the bearing of several fetuses, the bosom is rounded already at the end of the first trimester, since the height of the bottom of the uterus is above normal.

The uterus develops into this case for 4 or more weeks earlier than normal. Weight gain is also more than expected. But there is no reason to conclude that you have twins or triplets. The waist circumference may become larger than necessary due to incorrect due date or large volume amniotic fluid.

How to determine where the growth of the womb originates from during gestation

With regard to physiology, when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy, the second third of the term begins, then the corresponding organ rises above the level of the pubic plexus. The uterus gradually protrudes forward over time, this causes an increase in the abdominal cavity.

It follows from this that rising above pubic bone, from where the stomach begins to grow during pregnancy, it noticeably increases, due to the actively developing corresponding organ.

Already at 15-16 weeks this body reaches decent volumes, then the roundness melts, is visible to others. So say the doctors, developing from the pubic bone, the uterus is actively increasing for about 16 weeks, and already at 20 its size is noticeable to everyone around.

Carrying a baby by week

The fact that the belly begins to grow during pregnancy is influenced by many factors:
  1. development of the uterus;
  2. Growth gestational sac;
  3. Increase in the volume of amniotic fluid;
  4. Physiological features of the structure of the female body.
Usually in the first trimester, all the features of your position in most cases are not noticeable. Gynecologists, in order to track the growth trend of the fetal egg and meet the parameters of the term, measure the bellies of pregnant women by weeks. In order for the expectation of the baby to proceed normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus must meet the norms of the term. For example, at 3 months, the distance from the edge of the pubic bone to highest point should be about 12 cm.

Doctors from special attention relate to an increase in the volume of the waist, because if it is distributed too quickly, any kind of pathology is possible, and with a slow increase, there may be a lack of amniotic fluid or a delay in the development of the baby.

Norms of fetal development

The dimensions of the fetal egg at first, and then the child, are determined using ultrasound, thanks to transvaginal examination, the embryo can be seen at 14-21 days of its development, that is, at 1.5 months from the moment of conception.
  1. At first, the size of the embryo is very small. For example, at 1.5 months from the moment of conception, the size of the fetal egg corresponds to 2 - 4 mm;
  2. 2.5 months from the moment of conception, the future baby corresponds to 22 mm;
  3. The end of the first trimester, the dimensions of the conceived baby are 6–7 cm, weight 20–25 g, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 30–40 ml, ultrasound shows that the baby occupies almost the entire space;
  4. The first period of the second trimester is characterized by a sharp increase and weight gain of the fetus, when the abdomen begins to grow during pregnancy, and other organs associated with this process develop accordingly, already at 16 weeks the size of the baby is 12 cm, it weighs 100 g, the uterus corresponds to the term in its parameters ;
  5. 5 months, the child increases its volume, when the child begins to move, it reaches 25 - 26 cm and weighs 280 - 300 grams;
  6. The first period of the third trimester, and the size of the baby is 28 - 30 cm, the baby weighs 700 - 750 grams, no one will doubt your interesting position;
  7. 28 week of the child corresponds to 35 cm, and weight 1000 - 1200 gr;
  8. At 32 - the baby reaches 40 - 42 cm in development, and its weight corresponds to 1500 - 1700 grams;
  9. 36 weeks the height of the child is 45 - 48 cm, and the weight is about 2500 g;
  10. The last days of bearing a child, as well as all organs are growing very actively, the waist circumference, respectively, is actively increasing. By the time of birth, a full-term baby corresponds to a weight of 2800 to 5000 grams, and its height is from 48 to 54 cm.

Development of the uterus

Since this organ increases throughout the entire interesting period, it also undergoes changes along with the fetus:
  1. The first time of gestation, it looks like a pear, but by the end of 2 months it increases significantly, about 3 times and rounds off.
  2. During the second half of the term, when it begins to be felt, it retains the shape of a ball.
  3. The beginning of the third trimester, when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy at an accelerated pace, this organ takes on the shape of an egg.
  4. In a normal unfertilized state, the uterus weighs 50-100 grams, but at the end of the expectation of the baby, it already weighs about 1000 grams.
  5. Its volume increases by more than 500 times.
  6. During the period of an interesting position, each muscle fiber lengthens 10 times, thickens about 5 times.
  7. According to its oxygen regime at this time, it becomes one step with such important organs as the heart, liver or brain.
  8. The vascular network is enlarged.
All these parameters are available to find out thanks to the external obstetric research, but in the first days of gestation, while the womb is within the pelvic bones, all its parameters can be found out only with a vaginal examination.

Results of the main question

When the belly begins to grow during pregnancy - this is almost main question all mothers, and especially those who are going to become her for the first time. After all, the feeling that a small life has arisen in you disturbs, excites the imagination. Everytime future mother wondering if this is true? Of course, along with disbelief, such happiness raises another important problem, how to understand whether everything is fine with the baby.

Naturally, the growth of the womb is an individual matter. On numerous Internet forums, there are a lot of stories, already held parents, that it develops very early or it was not noticeable at all, right up to childbirth. Yes all similar cases exist, but very rarely.

Claims that roundness can be seen already in the first trimester are incorrect. Only for the reason that the uterus is actively growing at week 16, and at 20 it will be noticed not only by the woman herself, but also by those around her.

Doctors, in this regard, rely on their research. About 1.5 - 2 months a woman becomes registered in antenatal clinic, from now on, the gynecologist during each appointment measures the circumference of the waist, monitors the growth and development of the baby. All data is systematically entered into a personal card future mother. Of course, the waist circumference is not a constant value, it depends on many factors.

All the charms in anticipation important events of their lives, eagerly awaiting the appearance of a round ball. But gynecologists warn that his big size the second trimester is not always good. Development more required dimensions, can lead to uterine tone. Because of accelerated development stretch marks appear, which are extremely problematic to cope with. So experts advise to maintain the severity of the bandage, and also not to abuse food. That's when after childbirth you can easily restore your past forms.

Pregnancy completely affects the body of a woman. Everything changes from psycho-emotional state to body shape. Many women are interested in the question of when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy. For some, this interest is associated with the fear of gaining overweight, and for someone - with pleasant weeks of waiting for a baby.

At what time does the belly start to grow in pregnant women

Gynecologists say that the belly of pregnant women begins to grow from the 16th week of pregnancy. But the circumference of the abdomen begins to be measured in the antenatal clinic already from 7-8 weeks, when the expectant mother becomes registered.

Data from different women at the same time will be different because the growth of the abdomen is affected whole line factors:

  1. What is the pregnancy on the account.
  2. The body constitution of the expectant mother, her weight and height.
  3. Genetics.
  4. Features of the development of crumbs.
  5. The rapidity of weight gain in a pregnant woman.

What does the tummy look like during pregnancy - Photo:

Multiple pregnancy and belly size

Expectant mothers who are expecting twins or even triplets notice changes already in the first trimester: their tummy rounds faster, uterus growth is more intense and weight gain is more significant.

At the same time, there are exceptions to the rules: in some women, the stomach is quite large due to incorrect calculations or a significant amount of amniotic fluid.

Height by trimester

Each trimester is characterized by its own characteristics and metamorphoses in the increase in the belly of the expectant mother:

  • I trimester: the abdomen does not increase in size or may increase very slightly;
  • II trimester: the child begins to grow more intensively, the uterus and tummy increase in volume. Your attentive acquaintances will be able to notice small changes and guess that you will soon become a mother;
  • III trimester: a fairly voluminous belly, which cannot be hidden even under loose styles of dresses and blouses. In addition, changes are visible even on the face of a woman.

The shape of the abdomen and the sex of the child

Experienced gynecologists in the old days could determine the sex of the crumbs without ultrasound or any tests. Of course, the observations could be considered more objective already with a fairly rounded tummy, that is, in the third trimester. At the same time, predictions sometimes did not come true because there is a relationship with the physique of the expectant mother, her muscle tone and no dietary restrictions. At the same time, there are people who are sure that the owners of round tummies are expecting girls, and those who have an elongated, sharp belly are expecting boys.

Belly growth and what kind of pregnancy is in a row

According to experts, there is a relationship between pregnancy on the account and the intensity of the growth of the abdomen. During the second or third pregnancy there is more active growth tummy already in the early stages. The woman gets more round shapes already from the 14th week, since the abdominal wall was stretched during the first pregnancy and its elasticity is higher. At the same time, women with trained abdominal muscles retain their harmony longer.

Skinny vs Fat: What's the Difference?

The massiveness of the bones, the presence of fatty deposits, as well as the natural structural features of the body of a woman affect the size of the abdomen.

It is worth noting that in slender expectant mothers, the changes that occur during pregnancy are more noticeable than in chubby ones. Already in the first months after conception, they have a small rounded tummy, while in plump ones it is barely noticeable in the second trimester. It also happens that thin women do not notice changes in their figure: this indicates that the embryo is deeply planted. Do not worry in this case, since nature has created all of us unique.

Very small tummy

Some women are concerned that their tummy is very small even in late pregnancy. Indeed, there are reasons for concern, but it is better to discuss them with your doctor. So, why are the deadlines late, and the tummy is almost invisible?

  1. Delayed fetal development. The reason may be placental insufficiency. The weight of the baby at birth can be about 2500 g. The baby is born weak and needs support. In the future, this can negatively affect his mental and physical development.
  2. Low water. The causes of oligohydramnios can be malformations of the fetus.
  3. Threat of abortion due to transverse position fetus.

Everything possible nuances an experienced doctor will notice during the examination and report his observations to the expectant mother.

As you can see, the growth of the belly in a pregnant woman has a number of features that are most often associated with the physique of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy.

How the tummy increases during pregnancy - Video:

During pregnancy, especially if it is the first, women have many questions: what, how, why ... Any little thing can be a cause for concern. For example, looking at other future mothers, a woman begins to worry: why is their belly already growing, but not yet? We will try to find out when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women in order to prevent anxiety from scratch.

No matter how strange it may seem, but the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy is a rather individual question. In some, it is a little noticeable already in the second month (although the reason is not yet in the growth of the fetus, but in overeating or excessive gas formation), in others it is practically not distinguished up to 6-7 months.

During the first pregnancy or when a woman has wide pelvis, "interesting position" will become noticeable at 4-5 months. During the second pregnancy, the belly of pregnant women begins to grow at an earlier date.

The belly will not be so noticeable if the woman has well-developed muscles abdominals and she goes in for sports or, on the contrary, if the woman is very full. There are also cases of "hidden" pregnancy, when the stomach is not visible almost until the moment of birth, but they are very rare.

Multiple pregnancy: when the belly begins to grow in pregnant twins

By the way, another popular question among expectant mothers is when does the belly of pregnant twins begin to grow? The question is not idle, since the terms really differ - with multiple pregnancy the tummy begins to round already in the 1st trimester.

The uterus grows 4 or more weeks earlier, and the overall weight gain is greater than usual. But if you're worried about having twins or even triplets, just because big belly, then in vain. The belly can also be large due to incorrect calculation of the date of birth, as well as a large number amniotic fluid.

What the doctors say

When asked about when the belly begins to grow in pregnant women, doctors answer that normally the uterus begins to grow from the 16th week, and after about the 20th week, the tummy is already clearly visible to others. But, if you think that your stomach is not growing, you should contact your specialist with this question, he will dispel your fears or prescribe an ultrasound scan.

Factors affecting the growth of the abdomen during pregnancy

We figured out that the belly during pregnancy: its size, shape and the time when the belly begins to grow are very individual questions.

So what factors determine the time at which your tummy will begin to round?

  • heredity - ask how your mother and grandmother's pregnancy went;
  • anatomical features - physique, complexion, height, weight of a woman. It usually seems that petite, fragile women begin to grow their stomachs earlier than those of the puffy ones. In fact, it grows the same way, but in thin mothers it is simply more noticeable;
  • what kind of pregnancy - we have already mentioned that during the 1st pregnancy, the stomach begins to grow more slowly. This is because the muscles have never been stretched to such a state. In subsequent pregnancies, it is already easier for them to “adapt”;
  • general weight gain - it happens that the stomach begins to grow earlier simply because a woman listens to her grandmothers, who now advise eating “for two”;
  • fetal growth rate and size - if enough is expected big baby, then this will also affect the growth rate of the tummy of the expectant mother;
  • type of presentation - it turns out that if the fetus is located closer to the spine, the stomach will be less noticeable, and if it is closer to the wall of the uterus that is in front, then the stomach will be larger and begin to grow earlier.

So don’t worry about the question of how long the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, if your doctor says that everything is normal - don’t worry!

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One month after the child is conceived, the uterus increases in size to chicken egg, resembling the shape of a pear, located with the stalk down.

When the belly appears during pregnancy

By a period of two months, it is more rounded, reaching the size of a goose egg. But already at the end of the first trimester (by 12 weeks), the uterus looks like a ball, the size of which corresponds to the head of a full-term baby. In the small pelvis, it no longer fits. The uterus can already be felt over the bones of the pubis. Visually, this is not indicated in any way.

The sensation of an enlarged belly begins around 14-16 weeks in those who are giving birth again, or two weeks later in women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time.

From now on, after each visit of the pregnant woman, the gynecologist will, in addition to measuring the circumference of the abdomen, measure the height of the uterus: for a woman lying on her back, one end of the centimeter tape is applied to the pubic joint, the other to the bottom of the uterus. The number obtained in centimeters is most often in accordance with the gestational age (in weeks). So, up to about 36 weeks, the uterus constantly grows both in width and in length, becoming oval. In the meantime, the belly grows visually.

Why does the belly grow differently in pregnant women?

At the same time in women, the belly can be of different sizes. This is how it happens different reasons: the position of the fetus in the uterus, the distribution of amniotic fluid, the nutrition of the pregnant woman, her weight, the thickness of the fat layer. In parallel, two events occur: the growth of the uterus and the growth of the abdomen. The uterus increases, starting from the 16th week of the term. And the belly becomes noticeable at 20 weeks.

In addition, the volume of the abdomen depends on a number of factors:

  • The volume of the small pelvis.
  • Single or multiple pregnancy.
  • Child size.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Threat of miscarriage due to weak cervix.
  • Location of the placenta.
  • Condition of the abdominal muscles.
  • The amount of subcutaneous fat on the abdomen.
It happens that already at the beginning of pregnancy a woman's belly becomes large, although the fetus is one: this indicates some problems. This usually indicates that the uterus is in a strong tone, and this is dangerous.

What affects the growth of the abdomen in pregnant women?

When the belly grows during pregnancy, there are a number of circumstances that affect this process.
  1. During the first pregnancy, the belly increases in size rather slowly and becomes noticeable later than during the second. This is due to the tendency of the muscles to stretch. In primiparous muscles, they are reluctant to stretch, because they do not have training. With a secondary pregnancy, the tummy rounds faster.
  2. Much depends on the parameters of the pelvis. The abdomen will round out faster if the pelvis is narrow. The uterus with the fetus grows forward, as it has nowhere else to go. In women with a wide pelvis, this process occurs in reverse: the uterus expands and only then protrudes forward.
  3. Abdominal growth may occur as early as late term because the fetus is located at the back of the uterus.
  4. You can ask grandmothers and mothers about the course of their pregnancy, thereby roughly determining the beginning of an increase in the abdomen. Because heredity is important in everything.
  5. The gestational age can be confirmed by the complexion of the expectant mother and the tone of her muscles. Yes, at plump women the stomach is not immediately visible, while in thin people it grows literally before our eyes.
  6. The growth of the tummy is also affected by the activity of the development of the baby. Although by the size of the abdomen it is impossible to judge the weight and height of the baby when he is born.
Now expectant mothers, probably, it became clear when they should go shopping to make new clothes that correspond to the new dimensions. The main thing is not to forget that, first of all, it is necessary to register with a gynecologist and visit him regularly, following all the recommendations of a specialist, so that the baby is born healthy and strong.

Thoughts about pregnancy often lead to the appearance in the subconscious of a picture depicting an expectant mother with big belly where the baby is comfortable. Having decided to give birth to a second child, every woman is puzzled by how much earlier than the first time, she will begin to corresponding changes in appearance, and when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

What explains the interest of a woman in the volume of her abdomen?

These questions arise for several reasons:

  1. It is interesting when others find out about a woman's pregnancy.
  2. By the time the tummy appeared, one can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally.
  3. Some, by the size and shape of the abdomen, hope to find out the sex of the unborn child.
  4. Every woman wants to know at least roughly what month she will need special clothes for.

General features of bearing a second child

All this is very important for the expectant mother. You should figure out what exactly affects the period when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy.

Photo of women waiting long-awaited birth baby and those at the same time, show differences in volumes. During the first pregnancy, an increase in the abdomen occurs on average at the 16-18th week. Slender lovers of tight-fitting clothes are "declassified" immediately. But about the changes in position curvy woman others may not guess until she goes on maternity leave, that is, until almost the 25th week. It turns out: despite the fact that the uterus increases in everyone according to the same laws, outwardly this manifests itself in different ways.

Why is the belly bigger the second time?

There are several more reasons that affect the increase in the circumference of the abdomen and, as a result, the change in the appearance of a woman:

Anatomical specifics of a woman giving birth again

All of the above is fair and objective. And yet, the scenarios for the development of the first and second pregnancy are different. The first births are female body irreversible changes. This fact allows us to identify the reasons that affect the change in the circumference of the woman's abdomen.

Wanting to know when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy, you should not take into account the reviews of mothers who have already given birth again. As well as when carrying the first child, for each pregnant woman, the timing of the appearance of the tummy can vary significantly. However, basically during the second it will become noticeable earlier by about 4-6 weeks, that is, others will be able to rejoice at the changed position of a woman a month faster.

The reason for this is that the uterus does not return to its original state after the first birth, which is quite normal. Therefore, in thin women, the tummy will begin to be visible at 12 weeks. And let friends and relatives vied with each other about the gender of the baby to be born!

Location of the uterus

In addition, it is impossible to say unequivocally when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (photo by week helps to see a noticeable difference in the increase in volumes) is impossible.

But changes in the position of the abdomen will certainly affect the timing. The uterus will now be located much lower than in the first pregnancy. As mentioned above, during the first pregnancy, the muscles pelvic floor, abdominal wall and the ligaments were severely “damaged” before and during the first birth, and they no longer hold the stomach so cheerfully. On the one hand, this alleviates the situation of the pregnant woman: she is less bothered by heartburn, nothing makes breathing difficult. On the other hand, the lower spine suffers and pelvic bones. A bandage can help here, which you can buy only on specialized sites or in a pharmacy. And only the one recommended by the doctor.

Everyone is different: reviews of pregnant women

When the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy (reviews from women can be an invaluable source of information), many also note differences in the shape of the abdomen. On the forums they write that mainly the owners narrow pelvis the second time it sags more and looks flatter, and it drops much later. This discourages those who like to tell fortunes on the sex of the child according to the shape of the abdomen. None of them can assume that it is not a girl, but, on the contrary, a male baby that comfortably develops in a rounded belly that greatly increases the mother's waist.

The mothers themselves claim that it is more difficult for them, pregnant for the second time, to hide their position, since the belly becomes noticeable earlier than the first time. This is confirmed by the women themselves. They admit that when the belly begins to grow during pregnancy, the second baby becomes the object of congratulations earlier for a whole month.

Negative experience from a previous pregnancy

It happens that the previous gestation of the fetus is interrupted, and the woman fails to give birth to a baby. It is no coincidence that, worrying about the current baby, mom, being in the early stages, will look forward to changes in her own appearance, and at the next appointment, the doctor will ask when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy after a miscarriage. Usually, there are no differences in the volume and timing of the appearance of the abdomen, depending on the outcome of previous pregnancies.

Mandatory trips to the gynecologist

Women try to calculate when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy. And not always their desires are connected with the desire to find out the sex of the child or to acquire appropriate clothes in time. The doctor is very interested in this information, whose attention pregnant women should in no case be neglected. To give birth healthy baby, you need to regularly visit the receptions of the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, on which he will feel the tummy, measure it with a tape and a special device.

And all the above signs will help him not in guessing the sex of the child, but in deciding how the pregnancy is proceeding, whether there are reasons for concern and a threat to the baby. It was the first time and it will be so in all subsequent pregnancies. Every mom, regardless of whether this happens for the first or second time, should go through this period under the supervision of a doctor: take tests on time, observe a diet and physical activity.

A few words at the end

If the changes occurring with the uterus correspond to accepted norms, neither the size nor the shape of the abdomen will in any way affect the health of the mother and her baby, and even more so will in no way affect his gender.

For parents looking forward to the birth of a baby, it does not matter at all whether it will be a boy or not. And when the belly begins to grow during the second pregnancy with twins, there is definitely no limit to the happiness of expectant mothers and fathers. By the way, this happens quite early, and it will not be difficult to guess why. And yet, the main thing for parents is to help every baby be born healthy and on time.