Congratulations to a colleague on your wedding day. What to give a colleague from the team for a wedding: choosing a gift for an employee. Wedding gifts from the whole team

A wedding invitation from a colleague is a great honor. This means that a person considers people from the work team close and dear. Therefore, the choice of a gift for a wedding should be approached with special responsibility. It is better to find out in advance the possible preferences of the newlyweds, so that when presenting a gift, you do not get into an awkward situation. Besides, knowing what the perpetrators want wedding celebration, you can easily decide on a gift.

Universal wedding gift - money

It is believed that money is a universal and simplest gift for any occasion, including a wedding. This is because the person who gives money does not risk giving unnecessary thing and money will never be superfluous for a young family, especially after the cost of holding a wedding celebration. However, in the event that it is not possible to donate a decent amount, then it is better to get out of this situation in an original way:
- can be donated Money Tree, decorated with real banknotes of various denominations;
- buy for newlyweds gift Certificate to a furniture store or shop household appliances. Any chosen option will be a worthy wedding present for a colleague.

Traditional wedding gifts are considered to be beautiful, memorable and practical gifts presented to the newlyweds by guests. traditional gifts will never go out of fashion. The traditional ones include following gifts:
Appliances and electronics. If the newlyweds plan to live separately from their parents after the wedding, then the best gift not found for them. It is unlikely that the young couple took care of their future and, together with the apartment, bought everything necessary for everyday life. Therefore, high-quality modern household appliances will become ideal option for husband and wife. For example, you can give a microwave oven, a slow cooker, a robot vacuum cleaner, an iron, a food processor or a camera that will capture the brightest and most memorable moments. married life;

- dishes. Dinnerware, sets, crystal glasses, vases, sets of dishes made of porcelain or crystal - all this will become memorable and very necessary in Everyday life gift. Choosing dishes as a gift for the newlyweds, it is impossible to miscalculate;

- interior items. It is also recommended to give such gifts if the newlyweds live separately after the wedding. Interior items donated with love from colleagues will decorate the apartment of a young married couple and will remind the husband and wife of the work team. Of the most popular interior items for a wedding, you can give paintings, bed sheets, figurines depicting newlyweds and much more.

Original gift ideas for a colleague

Original gifts it is usually customary to give gifts only in cases where the relationship between colleagues goes beyond officialdom and business communication and imbued strong friendship, close and confidential communication. If this is the case, then you can give free rein to your imagination and give an unusual gift. Only in this case, it should be borne in mind that the gift will be common for the husband and wife, so both should like it.

One of the original gifts is something that will embody the love of the newlyweds. For example, you can give bed linen, where joint photos of the spouses will be applied, or a calendar in which all days will be marked by a bright event from life together spouses.

Wedding gift from the work team

A joint gift from the entire work team is a very convenient and correct solution. Firstly, it will become an indicator of how much authority a person has at work. And secondly, when choosing a gift from the whole team, there will be more money and therefore more choice. From the team it is better to give memorable and special valuable gifts.
1. Ticket for a romantic trip. But before buying this gift, it is better to consult with a colleague and find out where the newlyweds want the most.
2. An expensive gift for the home. For example, you can give a TV or a large double bed
3. Gift card in large shopping centers cities. Such a gift leaves the final choice to the newlyweds, as they can spend the money stored on the gift card on what is really important and necessary for them at the moment.

What not to give a colleague for a wedding

If the majority of the work team does not believe in superstition, this does not mean that the person playing the wedding is also not superstitious. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, it is not recommended to give watches, sharp objects, mirrors and other items that fall under superstition.

Also, do not give children's things (it is quite possible that the newlyweds do not want to have children yet) and other gifts that are not to the liking of a colleague.

What to give a colleague for a wedding - important question for the whole team. I want the chosen thing to have several qualities at once: it was memorable, useful, brought joy, and maybe even useful to a young couple. What to pay attention to first of all? What are some really interesting ideas?

Gifts for leisure

After the wedding, the employee will probably not be up to work. All his attention will be directed to the young wife. All your own free time they will surely want to spend together. In this case, you should think about gifts such as:

  • a set of board games;
  • DVD collection;
  • barbecue set;
  • movie premiere tickets
  • theater/musical/show tickets;
  • Japanese garden.

And fans of extreme sensations will surely like it:

  • karting;
  • skydiving certificate;
  • horseback riding;
  • boat ride.

To spend time together and, at the same time, with the maximum benefit for young people, a certificate for a joint photo session will help. It's very popular these days to create whole love stories that tell the story of the very first dates and beyond as the relationship develops.

If there is such an opportunity, it is advisable to give a work colleague a well-deserved rest and give the young spouses vouchers to a sanatorium, a country tour or a resort vacation. All this, of course, will be appreciated, and the wedding and gifts will bring only positive emotions.

As an option, so that in the future the lovers themselves can plan their travel routes, you can give them a globe or an illustrated atlas.

Gifts for home, for family

Surely young people are planning to acquire or already have their own housing. If this is indeed the case, then main question that stands in front of them is its arrangement. A young couple, especially if in the near future she plans to replenish, absolutely everything will come in handy. For example:


  • washing machine;
  • powerful vacuum cleaner;
  • iron;
  • Dishwasher;
  • microwave;
  • fridge;
  • TV;
  • DVD player;
  • computer.


  • tablecloth;
  • a set of towels;
  • cozy blanket;
  • cover;
  • kitchen set.


  • sofa for living room;
  • kitchen table;
  • closet;
  • chest of drawers for storing bedding;
  • cozy armchair;
  • kitchen set.

Of course, it can be extremely difficult to please the owners to taste, not to mention the size of future furniture. That is why the best way out of this situation is to purchase a gift certificate. On the one hand, already ready gift on the other hand, the possibility of choice. At the same time, if desired, a young couple can always add required amount and buy what you really want.

Commemorative gifts

It is impossible to imagine a single holiday, so that one of the guests would not choose a memorable, souvenir item as a gift. And this is indeed correct, since each event should be memorable in its own way. So, for example, for a wedding, you can choose gifts such as:

  • family tree (where the couple can insert photos of themselves, their relatives and descendants);
  • photomosaic (made to order based on your favorite joint photo);
  • florarium;
  • sculpture " gold fish"(so that all the wishes of lovers will certainly come true);
  • framed poster;
  • portrait (drawn by the chosen artist from a photo).

Among the souvenir products, it is worth considering such options as:

  • paired key rings;
  • t-shirts with a photo;
  • mugs with photo printing;
  • calendar (with photo);
  • themed fridge magnets;
  • designed album;
  • photopanel 3D;
  • pop art portrait.

Useful gifts

Among this group of gifts deserve great attention:

  • original USB-drive;
  • set of dishes;
  • a set of lunch boxes;
  • universal battery;
  • mini umbrella;
  • relaxator;
  • antistress pillow;
  • cozy plaid with sleeves;
  • a set of notebooks;
  • hidden safe;
  • disguised wine bar;
  • jigsaw puzzle;
  • housekeeper;
  • stylish watch;
  • a pair of business card holders;
  • sofa cushion with a funny print.

And of course one more useful gift, which is always needed, and even more so for a young couple - money. Another thing is to present them with sufficient originality and creativity. You can do this in the following way:

  • in a drawn postcard with the signatures of the entire team;
  • in the form of a money bouquet;
  • V original piggy bank- a calculator;
  • as an investment in a box with elite tea.

In this case great attention will be given not only to the gift itself, but also to how unusually it was presented.

As a gift to a colleague, it would not be out of place to offer your help in organizing a holiday, for example, decorating a hall, etc. If everything is done correctly, the chosen gift simply cannot but be liked.

Congratulations on the wedding day to a colleague, its form and content depend on the relationship the employees have. Friendly and warm implies light humor, familiar goodwill, and the use of jocular variants.

Purely official dictate formality, correctness and warmth, appropriate in relation to a friend, but not a close person. However, you can limit yourself to a simple postcard with standard lines of wishes, which congratulates a person on a fait accompli, without expressing any personal emotions.

The nature of congratulations is determined not only by the relationship of employees. It matters if it is individual and dictated by simple and understandable good intentions.

There are times when this is known in advance, and not only congratulations are pronounced, but a gift from the team is also presented.

Sometimes it happens that colleagues are not informed in advance about the upcoming event, for some reason, and then you have to congratulate them impromptu.

A phrase laid down according to etiquette, or a standard cold formulation in prose, is appropriate here. A gift at work is usually given absolutely symbolic, for which certain amounts are collected, and this is a sign of attention from the whole team.

The exception is when both the bride and groom work together, and everyone knew about the wedding in advance and for a long time. It is not necessary to say congratulations to the one who was among those invited to the wedding (he could express his wishes at the gala banquet).

The boss should express his wishes from the whole team, unless the repaired person has long-standing friendly relations with him.

Congratulations can be of several types and depend on the totality of circumstances, but conditionally they can be divided into several categories:

  • poetic and touching, composed independently or found on a special site;
  • congratulations finished postcard on which verses are already written;
  • prose variants own composition or selected from the options offered on the Internet;
  • thought out in advance, which are given out as impromptu (they can be both in verse and in prose);
  • funny and playful in free form, intended for a person who has a sense of humor and will be able to appreciate them.

A wedding greeting depends on who congratulates on this significant day, and on many other conditions, so you need to think carefully about the content, design and expected emotions.

Even the fact that there is a common gift from the team, or everyone considered it necessary to congratulate the newlyweds separately, can tell a lot about the community of people working together and about their attitude towards the happy bride or groom.

In prose

The simplest version of congratulations is a wish in prose. It can be patronizing-joking, touching-feeling, pompous and in a calm tone.

The most important thing is to carefully think over the text (you can even write it down on paper and rehearse it several times). The best option- calmly neutral, with standard wishes for good, love, happy offspring and career success.

  1. Dear newlyweds! Everyone gives you gifts for the wedding, they say beautiful words and wish you all the very best. I want to wish you that the most important and the right gift for you has become your happy and Friendly family. Take care of your love, and this will be the best gift for you and your children.
  2. Joking congratulations made in original form appropriate in a youth team where relations are friendly and benevolent. When presenting, if the newlywed is congratulated, there must be a bouquet of flowers, and if the groom - a bottle good wine or champagne or a box of chocolates for his young wife.
  3. Simple, without verbal frills and ornateness, semi-formal, but friendly congratulations, which can be presented in the form of a postcard along with a gift, or read aloud. If we were going cash, you can buy a special postcard-wallet, in which you can present a present from everyone instead of a traditional envelope.

In verse

Congratulations in verse - the most common option, especially in cases where you want to say for happy couple something more than a set of standard and trivial phrases.

The poetic efforts of the members of the collective may be a little clumsy and lame in size, but they are the ones that make the strongest impression and are remembered for a long time.

They can be presented in writing and at the same time read aloud (certainly with expression and emotions befitting the occasion):

Congratulations on your wedding day

All of our friendly staff.

We wish the couple to radiate

Definitely positive.

Happiness to you, kindness, good luck,

And love for many years.

Live beautifully and richly

Never knowing trouble.

Poems can be cool, playful, funny, but they must certainly be benevolent.

In your own words

Congratulations in your own words, like an article on the Internet, should contain keywords. IN this case- these are combinations of the words wedding, newlyweds, love, happiness and congratulations.

By adding epithets in relation to the newlyweds and the event, you can achieve an excellent result. For example: “Our dear colleague! On this solemn day for the whole team, we want to hand you our congratulations from the bottom of our hearts and express our admiration for your excellent choice.

We sincerely wish you long and cloudless years of life together, endless love, family happiness and financial well-being.

What gift to give a colleague for marriage

Traditionally, one of the best gifts is considered to be a certain amount collected by the team and transferred to the establishment. family hearth. The second option is when the person with whom the hero of the occasion is in the closest relationship delicately inquires what the newlyweds need most.

It is not worth buying gifts without this, which are usually given on the occasion of the wedding, because guests could have already given all this to them during a recent celebration.

Gift ideas for newlyweds should always be for both and preferably be useful:

  • commemorative figurine;
  • beautiful vase;
  • bed sheets;
  • a set of dishes or service;
  • cookbook or encyclopedia of married life.

And you can do this, a simple and at the same time touching video greeting:

A wedding congratulation to a work colleague is a subtle and delicate thing, and everything is taken into account in its preparation. necessary nuances, starting from the level of relationships and ending with the character traits of the person to whom it will be awarded. The best option is to congratulate the whole team and eat a cake on this occasion or get together for this purpose after work. What do you think about this? Do you agree with what is stated in this publication, or do you have any objections? In any case, write to us.

Have you been honored to be among those invited to the wedding of a work colleague? So, the topic of choosing a gift should be approached especially responsibly. If good things have already developed between you and a colleague, friendly relations, then for sure you know the preferences and wishes of the newlyweds. Then you won't be special work decide on a gift. In any case, you can always opt for some traditional option.

Perhaps you will be interested in how you can do it with your own hands.

Money as a universal wedding gift

It is believed that money is the simplest and most universal gift for the wedding. Firstly, there is no risk of presenting a thing that does not fit, and secondly, they will never be superfluous for the budget of a young family. However, if you do not have the financial ability to put large banknotes, then your gift in an envelope will look untenable. In this situation, there are three options:

  1. give a large money tree, decorated with banknotes of various denominations;
  2. give beautiful photo album, in which banknotes are inserted in place of the photographs different countries and different denominations;
  3. give a gift certificate, for example, to baby store or in a furniture showroom.

Each of these options will not only serve worthy gift, but also add originality in the eyes of others to the one who gives them.

Traditional wedding gifts for a colleague

Household appliances and electronics

If after the wedding the newlyweds plan to live separately, then it is even difficult to find a better gift than high-quality, modern, multifunctional household appliances. A food processor, a microwave, a slow cooker, an air grill, a TV, a vacuum cleaner, an iron, a laptop, a camera - its choice is huge, it all depends on the amount you plan to spend on a gift.


Traditional wedding gifts are:

  • Table, tea or coffee sets, mostly neutral colors;
  • Sets crystal glasses or wine glasses;
  • A beautiful samovar, with a gift inscription;
  • Sets for oriental tea ceremonies;
  • All kinds of vases, including floor ones;
  • Crystal tableware.

Interior items

This group of wedding gifts includes the most various items. It can be:

  • Beautiful ceramic or porcelain figurines;
  • Memorable souvenirs;
  • Paintings or reproductions;
  • Warm family blanket;
  • Elite bed linen;
  • Lamps or table lamps;
  • Original houseplant.

The main condition is that all these items are of a romantic nature and could become a symbol of eternal harmony and love for the newlyweds.

Original wedding gifts

Of course, if relations between colleagues are not limited to official boundaries and are imbued with an atmosphere of friendship and trust, then it is preferable to give a colleague something individual and unusual for a wedding. Just keep in mind that this gift should be common to both newlyweds and please each of them.

For example, if a young couple has a common passion or hobby, wonderful gift there will be a thing from this area: for spouses-tourists - a good family tent, connoisseurs of antiques - a rare souvenir, coin collectors - a gift bank coin of a wedding theme.

Among others unusual gifts can be attributed:

  • Portrait of the newlyweds, painted in the spirit of the knightly era;
  • Interesting thematic posters;
  • Interior items with photographs of the spouses (pillows, floor lamp, photo panel);
  • Chocolate fondue fountain;
  • BBQ set;
  • florarium;
  • Original decanter for drinks.

Wedding gifts from the whole team

Joint collective gifts giving is very convenient. On the one hand, this is an indicator of what a wonderful friendly team the young spouse (or wife) works in. On the other hand, by uniting, you have more financial opportunities to buy a really expensive and memorable wedding gift.

Here are some of these options:

  • Very good gift there will be a romantic trip. Just first try to find out exactly where the young people would like to go;
  • An unforgettable wedding gift will be a joint parachute jump (unless, of course, none of the spouses is afraid of heights);
  • An expensive purchase for the home (for example, a home theater or a double bed);
  • A gift card with which future spouses can make important purchases for their family on their own.

What not to give to a colleague for a wedding

Some things are not customary to give for a wedding, for example, sharp objects (knives, forks, needles), and mirrors.

In addition, it is not recommended to give children's things to a colleague's wedding, including baby strollers, cribs, car seats, etc. Most often, parents prefer to buy such things for their children themselves, at their own discretion and taste. And if in future family replenishment is already expected, and you want to contribute, it is better to donate money or a gift certificate.

The wedding can be played in any style, if your colleague would like to make his wedding unique, recommend him one of the bride's ransom.

You went to work as a bachelor.
Finally you, my colleague, got married.
May love and happiness burst into your house,
They want to live in it forever.
Let everything in life work out for you,
There will be peace, comfort and understanding.
Be always happy as you are now.
This is, in general, a wish.

You shaved every other time and somehow,
Eat dry sandwiches.
You were a hardened bachelor
And today, I finally gave up.
Today my colleague became the husband.
Congratulations on your wedding day.
I wish you love, I'm not earthly
And happiness without end so that without edge.

That's all, my colleague,
You became a husband - congratulations.
Get rid of your bachelor habits.
I wish you to be loved and love from the bottom of your heart.
Everything will be fine in your young family,
Let there be comfort in the house, provide prosperity to the family.
Be together always, both in body and soul.
Let the joint every day be joyful and sweet.

Congratulations, colleague, now you have become a husband.
I want to wish that I fly with happiness.
So that the director can raise your salary
A young wife so that you can support.
And let her surround you with care,
So that you fly home from work on wings.
The house has a delicious dinner on the table to wait,
So that you do not grieve, and do not know grief.

Down with dry meat with nasty scrambled eggs,
Wrinkled shirts do not wear you anymore.
And the appearance will be all right.
Shaved, trimmed, you will become fatter.
Married, colleague, congratulations.
I wish you family happiness.
I wish you a hand from the bottom of my heart.
Come back to our team as soon as possible.

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.
Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.
And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love!

We want to congratulate you colleague!
Today you are completely, completely different.
What has changed we now know
You are not alone - with a beautiful wife.
Yesterday I went completely unshaven
And you ate scrambled eggs in the morning.
Today joyful, contented, well-fed
And my head is spinning with happiness ....
And our team congratulates you.
Harmony, love wishes all the best!