At what age does the child start? When the baby begins to say the first words: yeah, mom. At what age does a child have the first phrases. Causes of delayed and impaired speech development

For young parents in the first years of a baby's life becomes topical issue What time do children start talking? Often parents do not understand the intricacies of the physiological and mental development children, so they start to beat all the bells when the baby is in no hurry to talk. It is important to note that all children develop individually: someone starts walking early, someone gets their teeth out earlier than usual, and someone starts talking late. It is not necessary to equate all children under the same brush, and even more so, there is no need to worry if the neighbor girl does something better than your child.

A talking baby is a joy for parents. Doctors and psychologists distinguish certain periods when the child should speak. If this does not happen, just consult a doctor and keep this issue under control. Let us consider in detail the opinions of experts about the age at which children should pronounce the first words and what the speech delay may be associated with.

It is very important at what age the child begins to speak, but not in order to immediately show off this skill to neighbors and girlfriends. By the way the baby's speech develops, one can judge about general development child.

As a rule, by the first 2-4 months, the baby begins to make the first sounds. Parents often say that the child began to "coo" or "walk". It is easier for him to pronounce these sounds in response to the speech of the parent, he can continue the syllable when the mother pulls the usual "a ...", and the baby continues "gu ...".

At about 7 months, the child begins to babble, mumble something under his breath, or simply make arbitrary sounds that develop into speech that only he understands. Also, the baby can pronounce individual syllables.

At about a year old, the child should begin to speak the first understandable words: mom, dad, woman or give. He can easily make imitative sounds or sounds that copy the behavior of animals. For example, a mother can ask a baby how a cow does, in response to which the baby says “mu-mu”, etc. In general words and onomatopoeia in the lexicon one year old baby should be around 5-10.

At one and a half years, when the child begins to be interested in the world around him, the baby’s vocabulary, as a rule, is about 40 simple words. His vocabulary is constantly updated, because he is constantly interested in the question - what is it?.

If parents constantly talk to the baby, then the likelihood that the baby will start talking earlier increases significantly. Doctors and psychologists advise to constantly talk with your children, regardless of their age. Mom can tell the baby what she is doing, what is happening around, what she sees. Despite the fact that my mother's speech will resemble an expression - what I see, I sing. From the first months, the child should hear speech, at first he will only listen, soon he will begin to imitate adults.

Some parents try to replace their conversation with their child with a TV monologue. In that case, you don't have to wait. positive effect, since it is incomparable with live communication.

Parents are also encouraged to pay due attention to the development fine motor skills. Scientists have proven that the improvement of the movements of the hands and fingers is directly related to the development of the part of the brain that is responsible for the activity of speech. Mom can offer the baby to string beads, paint with her fingers (telling what color the paint is), sort out the cereal, or give him a massage of the handles. It's both entertaining and useful.

It is advisable to often read rhyming rhymes to the child or rhymes, the end of which, the baby himself must say. Mom should constantly encourage the child to name the objects that surround him, to clearly pronounce sounds. Many parents love to "lisp" with the baby and do not notice how they call certain things incorrectly. You need to control your speech and teach your child the correct pronunciation.

All negative emotions and experiences mom and dad should leave at the door. The time that parents spend together with the baby should be relaxed and calm. You need to communicate with each other without shouting, curse words. The child feels the anxiety and negativity of the parents, so he can withdraw into himself.

Signs of speech delay

In spite of individual development baby, mom should watch how he develops. If the mother suspects any abnormalities in early stage, they can be easily corrected.

Parents should be wary if the baby by the year or cannot repeat sounds after adults. If a child cannot remember the names of objects by the age of 2, does not respond to his own name, or cannot bring the object that you ask him, this also indicates minor developmental disorders.

You need to contact a specialist if by the age of 2 it is difficult for a child to compose the simplest sentence, he hardly pronounces individual words, he does not respond to the speech of adults and cannot repeat the words after them. It is not good when a child begins to distinguish colors late. If a baby by the age of 2.5 cannot distinguish colors and does not know the names of body parts. The same goes for 3 summer age when the baby does not understand the meaning of simple stories and does not speak in sentences.

If parents notice one of these deviations in their child, do not immediately panic. Perhaps this is just a feature of development, but still you need to show the baby to a specialist. He must do tests and necessary examinations, the results of which will show whether it is necessary to start treatment or whether it is enough to confine oneself to regular exercises.

Causes of speech disorders in preschool age

From how many months or years the child begins to speak depends on how often the mother talked to the baby in early childhood. When the child begins to make the first sounds, parents should do everything possible so that the baby trains the muscles well. speech apparatus. The more often the child will coo and gurgle, the faster his muscles will prepare for more complex pronunciations. It has been scientifically proven that children who were on breastfeeding, very rarely have problems with the speech apparatus than artificial children.

Speech disorders can provoke congenital or acquired injuries. Congenital pathologies include pathologies of the central nervous system, brain, defects in the oral cavity. Acquired injuries include mental disorders: Especially sensitive babies may be frightened of something and start stuttering or not talking for a long time. When children start talking, it is stupid and dangerous to scare them on purpose, etc.

Often a speech delay can occur if a mother retrains a left-handed child to do everything. right hand. This cannot be done, the child must be given complete freedom actions, over time, he himself will learn to do everything with both hands.

Today, babies are no longer swaddled in maternity hospitals. it the right approach, since excessive restriction of the movements of the arms and legs can inhibit both motor skills and speech skills.

If parents pay due attention to their child and the baby has no pathologies, then the child will begin to please mom and dad with their funny words very early. If a calm, balanced and warm atmosphere, the baby is treated with love, then such conditions only accelerate the development of the speech apparatus. All questions of interest to the mother should be asked to the doctor when scheduled inspection. You can consult with several specialists, many experiences are not harmful.

The question of when the child begins to speak worries almost every parent. Indeed, deviations from the norm may indicate the presence of malformations in development. And this serious occasion start worrying about your baby's health.

When should the first words be expected from the baby?

Each child is individual, and his speech apparatus develops depending on the characteristics of the body to perceive this or that information, on the ability to think and on the characteristics of the psyche. Therefore, it is very difficult to answer the question of what time children begin to speak, since a special “speech calendar” simply does not exist. But there is some data that allows you to determine whether there are developmental disabilities in a child or not.

Usually, the desire for communication or verbal expression of emotions in children appears as early as 4 months: not yet able to talk, the baby actively reproduces various sounds

As a rule, eloquent monologues are not expected from children at this age, since they are still too young. But even in such young age it is possible to determine how correctly the speech apparatus is formed.

From about 4 months, babies gradually begin to make some sounds. Already from 6 months, these sounds develop into sentences, they are only pronounced on " children's language". But already from 8–10 months they begin to communicate with adults using sounds, they already clearly indicate their position, demand that they be given something, and also pronounce some words that consist of several letters, for example, “mother” , "dad", "woman" and "give".

Small deviations from the hole do not indicate the presence of serious malformations. Some children begin to pronounce their first words at 8-9 months, and some even at the age of one year begin to pronounce their first words incomprehensible to adults.

In medicine, it is considered the norm if a child at the age of 1 knows and meaningfully pronounces about 10 words. However, in practice, this phenomenon is extremely rare, and if a girl lives in the house opposite, who is 1 year old and she is already trying to talk to the fullest, and your baby is silent, this is not a reason to panic and run to the doctors.

A deviation is considered if a child at the age of one year utters only a few “babbling” words, while the intonation of the voice is completely absent, if he cannot correlate words with actions, objects or persons.

By the age of two, a child usually already knows how to clearly pronounce simple words, in addition, he tries to reproduce more complex ones that are not yet amenable to him.

Parents' concern about speech delay in their child is quite understandable. After all, everyone wants their child to keep up with their peers in development. Therefore, the question of when the child begins to speak and whether it is worth waiting for a "breakthrough" of speech at this particular age is very appropriate.

At this age, children begin to actively babble, and they begin to insert meaningful words into their sentences at about the age of one year and three months. The child begins to understand more words, correlate them with certain actions, for example, during an enthusiastic game. The most important thing at this time is to start actively talking with the child and start a dialogue with him, in which he will certainly take part.

At the age of one year and six months, the baby's babbling is replaced by simplified words, he begins to imitate adults and try to repeat some words after them. Naturally, at this age he will not be able to completely repeat this or that word. As a rule, he pronounces only the first or last syllable.

By the age of two vocabulary the child is significantly replenished. He can already pronounce clearly simplified words and indistinctly complex ones, consisting of more than 3 syllables.

Therefore, if you ask the doctor a question when the child should start talking, then he will surely answer you that by the age of two the baby will definitely speak!

If most of the time the child is left to himself, do not be surprised that his speech skills develop extremely slowly.

This age is famous for its "breakthrough" of speech, and if earlier it was separate words and attempts to build sentences from 2-4 words, now the baby is ready to continuously chat in complex sentences. By the way, after two years and six months, questions such as “where”, “how” and “why” should enter the child’s speech. This age is popularly called "why". Children begin to be interested in everything that surrounds them, and not only the name of this or that object, but also where it came from in general in this world. For example, where did the trees come from, why does the sun shine, etc. That is, by the age of three, the child should already be able to speak intelligibly and meaningfully.

If the baby does not correlate words with the objects and phenomena that they denote, this alarm bell for parents

The main symptoms of delayed speech development are:

  • lack of activity and babbling at the age of one year;
  • lack of understanding of the meaning of words, not their relationship with actions at the age of one year and six months;
  • instead of sentences at two years old, the child uses separate words in communication;
  • inability to build elementary sentences consisting of 3-4 words at the age of three years.

The formation of the speech apparatus directly depends on the development of the brain. It is very important here that the child communicates with adults every day, otherwise the process of forming speech skills will be very long, which can lead to serious deviations in development.

However, if you are looking for the answer to the question when the child begins to speak, and decided to find it in this article, we want to warn you that all of the above symptoms normal development speeches are average and are not an immutable rule.

If you are worried about your child and notice any inhibitions in the development of the speech apparatus, it is best to consult a doctor. He will examine and tell you about the presence or absence of speech defects.

The question of when the child begins to speak worries responsible parents even before the birth of the baby. Studying all sorts of information about how the baby develops, moms and dads develop a strategy for the development of crumbs. When the baby is ready to speak, what are the norms speech development and what to look for Special attention? Read about it in the article.

When does the child begin to speak the first phrases

With the birth of a baby, parents study mountains of literature, buy manuals and brochures on child development in stores. Working with children latest programs, expecting that by the year the child will please with coherent phrases and short sentences. Is this possible and is it right to expect from a child in such a early age what will he say?

It is important to understand the process of speech formation and to know the features of mental and physiological development baby. A newborn begins to communicate with the outside world with the first breath. The cries of a baby, crying, which sometimes piss off parents and make them nervous - these are the first attempts to establish communication with those who are nearby.

The baby hears the words that mom and dad say to him, he remembers intonation, facial expressions. Although not consciously, he repeats them.

We will figure out monthly what to expect from the child. So:

  • 1st month of life.

By the end of the first month of life, the baby is able to draw out vowels. While the baby still cannot convey his feelings and emotions with intonation, he plays with sounds, making them. For him, this is a discovery and an achievement.

  • 2nd - 3rd month of life.

The kid learns to alternate vowels with a consonant [r]. His cooing becomes emotional. The child reacts to the speech of mom and dad. Already at this age, according to the “conversation” of the baby, one can understand whether he is calm or anxious, joyful or sad.

  • 4th - 5th month of life.

The baby hums confidently and stubbornly. The baby is pleased that he can control the sounds that he makes. The child's sound reserve becomes wider and richer, consonants [k], [x], [b], [n] are added to the consonant [g].

  • 6th month of life.

At six months, parents begin to be incredibly happy that their child says the first words: “mom”, “dad”, “woman”, “dada”. This, of course, is a reason for joy, but not words yet. However, "ma", "pa", "ba", "de", "yes" is a form of manifestation of speech, but not a word.

During this period, the child begins to form a passive vocabulary. The kid can't pronounce the words yet, but remembers them. For example, upon hearing the word "woman", the child will turn his head towards the grandmother or towards where her voice is heard.

  • 7th month of life.

The child still does not pronounce coherent and meaningful phrases, but is able to control the volume and timbre of the voice. At this time, children often whisper, and then abruptly break into a cry - this is just a test of their own capabilities, and not a cause for concern.

  • 8th month of life.

The baby still does not speak, but actively stocks up on words that he hears from loved ones. The kid understands short and simple phrases, can repeat syllables of three letters.

  • 9th - 10th month of life.

By this age, the baby enters into a dialogue using sign language. The baby reacts to the names of objects and knows how to alternate different syllables.

  • 12th month of life.

Closer to a year, the child will already consciously say “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”, “de-da”. This is no longer a repetition of the sounds he heard, but a specific appeal to those who surround him with care from the first minutes of his life.

Every month the baby will learn more and more words, and he will say the first connected phrases in another six months.

When the child begins to speak: the norm

pronounce short and simple sentences the child will start around two years of age. By this time, his passive vocabulary will be significantly enriched. In active use, the baby will have about 50 words.

By the age of two, you can start learning with your baby short poems- it develops memory and helps to learn new words.

When wondering what time the child begins to speak, it is important to understand that the baby is not able to communicate on an equal footing with adults.

The kid must know the names of objects, respond to his name, recognize the voices of his relatives. The more often and longer parents communicate with the child, the easier it will be for him to communicate with those around him.

You should not expect that by exactly two years the child will begin to talk, if before that he was silent. Depending on the psychotype, the baby may be silent. Some children remain silent for up to 2.5 years.

Photo: All about the development of a child or a young mother

If even at this age the child is silent, it is necessary to seek help from specialists in order to find out the reason why the baby does not speak. Delayed development of speech can be triggered by the following:

  • hearing problems;
  • pathology prenatal development fetus;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • speech disorders;
  • psychological problems;
  • individual characteristics of the child.

Often girls are ahead of boys in speech development. The average difference is 2 months. Also, active and physically developed children begin to speak later than their peers.

If they don’t talk to a child a lot, they don’t read books to him, they don’t tell fairy tales, they don’t talk to him on a walk, he has nowhere to draw knowledge from. His vocabulary is not enriched, and the development of speech is inhibited.

Bilingualism is one of the main reasons for the delayed development of speech in children who do not have problems with mental and speech disorders.

Waiting for the age of 3 to sound the alarm is unacceptable irresponsibility.

If you have doubts about whether the baby is developing normally, pay attention to the following:

  • From the first minutes of life, the baby should scream when he wants to eat, hurts, cold, scared, lonely or bored.
  • At six months, the child should be able to control the muscles of the face: smile, fold lips, stick out the tongue.
  • At the same age, the baby should walk tirelessly, learn consonant sounds, and emotionally respond to the appearance of parents.

Special attention should be paid to whether the child reacts to unfamiliar and harsh sounds:

  • At 7 months, the child should know the names of what surrounds him, and find objects with his eyes if the name was pronounced.
  • By one year, the child should pronounce simple words.
  • After another six months, the baby begins to pronounce more complex owls, sometimes connected phrases. He understands requests, responds to comments, appeals.

Photo: Children's speech pathologist in Ramenskoye

Speaking about the norms of the development of speech, it is not a mistake to believe that speech is only words. You can't learn to speak if you can't hear.

Do not think that speech is the ability to correctly name objects and respond to appeals. The ability to respond to phrases and requests, the ability to look and point at objects with your finger is also speech.

Communicate with your children even before they are born and remember that they take everything from their parents to the last emotion, gesture and word. Grow healthy!

It should be understood that this does not happen spontaneously. First conscious words and proposals are preceded by several so-called preparatory stages.

Stages of speech development

From the very first days after the birth, the crumbs show initial vocal reactions, namely, crying and screaming. Of course, they are still very far from our usual speech, but this is - important processes, which allow the development of respiratory, articulatory and vocal apparatus. Already after 2 weeks, the baby begins to respond to the voices of speakers, to listen when they are talking to him. And from 2-3 months, the children have a characteristic cooing (sounds like “aha”, “agu”, “gkh” and others). Up to six months, babies continue to “play” with sounds in this way, and by the age of 7-8 months they have the ability to imitate the sounds that adults utter (“ma-ma-ma”, “ta-ta-ta”, “pa -pa-pa”, etc.). This means that the moment when the child begins to speak is not far off.

What determines when a child speaks?

It should be understood that all children develop individually, and there is simply no single answer to the question of when the child will start talking. However, it has been observed that sensible kids who prefer quiet games surrounded by toys start talking a little earlier. And fidgets, seeking to explore the whole world around them, to touch and taste everything, simply do not have time to learn and talk - their life is already full of vivid impressions.

On average, girls pronounce their first words earlier, while for boys this moment comes several weeks later. However, everything here, again, is relative.

When the child begins to speak also depends on the attitude towards him in the family. If you constantly indulge all his desires, think a few steps ahead for him, there will simply be no incentive to talk - he will get everything he wants anyway. Tensions between relatives and an oppressive atmosphere in the house also negatively affect becoming unsociable and withdrawn.

On average, the basic vocabulary should be formed in the baby by 15-18 months. But if at the age of 2-3 years the baby babbles and hardly pronounces only a few words, it is better to consult doctors who will help identify the cause of such a delay. Maybe he has something that prevents him from talking, or a weak hearing.

How can you help your child start talking?

Of course, before the moment, proposals, is still far away. But you can bring this time closer if you help the baby to master What needs to be done for this?

Keep patience - and very soon in the life of your family there will come that amazing moment when the child begins to speak. Komarovsky, as well as many other honored pediatricians of our country, do not tire of repeating that the main thing is to allow the baby to develop and not put pressure on him. Even if the baby does not speak at a time when all peers are already learning to put words into whole phrases, most likely, at this time, he simply develops other areas of thinking and activity, and therefore there is no reason for concern!

good time and good mood our dear readers.

Parents are always waiting - when the baby is born, when he smiles for the first time, when the first tooth comes out, when he sits down, when he walks. But most of all I want to hear the words "mom" and "dad" from my child. What time do children start talking, approximate indicators of the norm, and what to do if the baby is silent - let's figure it out together.

Speech skills are laid down in a child in the first year of life, the more you read, talk with the baby, the more vocabulary he will have when he starts talking - this process is called passive accumulation of words.

The active stage of the accumulation of words is expressed not only in memorization, but also in the repetition of sounds, attempts to compose a new word from them.

What you need to do so that the baby speaks on time:

  • try not to turn on the TV in the presence of the baby;
  • talk more with the child from the first days of life, phrases should be clear, simple, avoid complex and ornate constructions, speak slowly;
  • after a year, start learning poems that have simple rhymes;
  • do not lisp yourself, and stop such attempts by other adults;
  • do not simplify speech - call all things by their proper names;
  • always listen carefully, do not dismiss the child's questions;
  • reading, looking at pictures should take at least 20 minutes a day.

What time do babies start speaking their first words? The answer to this question depends on many factors, the atmosphere in the family also matters - if you or your loved ones are used to talking in raised tones, the baby will speak later than his peers.

At what age do children start talking

The main thing you need to remember is that all children are different. Yes, there are many tables, tests, where it is drawn and painted what a baby should be able to do at a particular age, but deviations are not always a reason for panic. Speech, walking, teeth - all these are very individual parameters, which Dr. Komarovsky often likes to repeat. But for own peace of mind You can show the baby to a specialist if you think that he is lagging behind in some way.

At what age does the baby start talking?

  • up to 3 months, the baby betrays his emotions with screams and crying, gradually simple monosyllabic sounds appear in his speech, he begins to coo;
  • 4-5 months - the child has more emotions, lingering sounds acquire a different emotional coloring;
  • six months - at this age, the baby well recognizes the voices of loved ones, in his babble you can distinguish short syllables- ma, pa, if up to 8 months there are no signs of babbling, it is necessary to check the child's hearing;
  • 7-8 months - the child understands well simple requests- show, give, take, begins to imitate the sounds of animals, recognizes many objects, but still does not know how to name them clearly;
  • after 10 months, speech becomes meaningful, it is at this age that the long-awaited “mother” can be heard, by 11 months the baby’s stock consists of about 10 words, by the year the number of words increases to 20.

As long-term statistics show, for most children, the first word is not “mother”, but “give”.

How vocabulary expands

After a year, a rapid linguistic leap takes place - by the age of 1.5, the child makes up phrases of 2-4 elements, easily finds all familiar objects in the pictures, performs simple tasks with pleasure, the vocabulary approaches 300. At this age, the baby actively uses pointing gesture, so he encourages parents to name objects that are unfamiliar to him, gradually the child understands that the same thing is always called the same, even if it appearance slightly different.

After 1.5 years, speech becomes more intelligible, the child learns up to 12 new words every week. By the age of 2, children can connect 2 words together, if this did not happen before 2.5 years, you need to consult a specialist.

Experts believe that by the age of 3, a child should speak well. With using simple phrases, and by four already have developed speech with complex sentences.

By the age of 3, children become talkers and how-tos, can fulfill complex requests, perfectly master simple poems. By the age of 4, speech is fully formed, there may be problems with the pronunciation of some letters.

Why is the baby silent, do I need to see a doctor

When should you see a doctor? If by the age of 3 the child's speech remains slurred, only close people can make it out, the baby is often hyperactive, there are problems with chewing food. warning sign there may be a categorical unwillingness of your child to communicate with anyone, often an open mouth, copious excretion saliva.

The reason for contacting a specialist may be the absolute silence of a baby who is already a year old, the lack of a reaction to his name, ignorance of subjects at 1.5 years old. Consultation is also necessary if a child at 2 years old does not repeat words after the elders, cannot compose elementary phrases, and at 3 years old does not understand the meaning of simple stories.

If such symptoms appear, it may be necessary to consult a speech therapist, neurologist, neuropathologist, child psychologist, ENT since the problem may be caused by short bridle speech delay, hearing problems, nervous system. If you start treatment in a timely manner, then by school your child will be no different from their peers.

Why is the child silent?

There can be several reasons for the "stubborn" silence of the baby:

  1. Insufficient development of fine motor skills of the hands. To avoid this, you need to do massage from birth, engage in finger games, drawing, modeling, great entertainment for children - kinetic sand, different lacing, finger labyrinths.
  2. Lack of motivation. Often late first-born children suffer from this, parents anticipate all the wishes of the baby, and he simply does not need to learn to voice his requests. If a similar situation arose from you, you urgently need to learn to misunderstand the silent gestures of the crumbs.
  3. Persistent learning. Many parents strive to raise a child prodigy, constantly insist on repeating the same word over and over, often get annoyed, turn to screaming if the child does not cope with the task. As a result, the baby closes in on itself, problems with the development of speech begin.
  4. The main reason is lack of attention, silent and bad talking kids often found in very busy parents, or in asocial families. Without sufficient and regular live communication, the child's speech will not develop.
  5. bilingual family, early learning foreign languages. Bilingual children start speaking later, but in two languages ​​at once.

Often speech delays are hereditary, before you panic, find out if your loved ones, or your husband's relatives, have had a similar problem.
