How to captivate a child of 4 years at home. What literature is worth paying attention to and why? Improving the speech apparatus

Children at 4 years old are real tomboys. But unlike one year old babies, who are interested in literally everything around them, older children approach their leisure more consciously. If you are one of those conscious parents who are concerned about what to do with a child at 4 years old besides a TV and a tablet, this article is for you. In it you will find the most affordable ways for every mother to organize leisure.

Age Features

Consider the basics age features development, characteristic for children of 4 years:

  • The most preferred activity is the game.
  • Active physical development(dexterity, flexibility, coordination).
  • Expansion of cognitive skills (obtaining information about the features of the surrounding world).
  • Vocabulary enrichment.
  • Formation of the correct sound pronunciation.
  • Pronounced creative development.
  • The development of the imagination, which can manifest itself in the child's personal experiments.

Simple tricks for organizing a child's leisure time

According to pediatricians, 4-year-old children are receptive to any information that comes to them through the auditory, visual and sensory channels.

Simply put, everything that the child hears, sees and can hold in his hands will be interesting to him. Therefore, games can be made in a certain complex, which will help not only to entertain the child, but will also stimulate his development in an understandable game environment.

Cartoons and educational programs on the tablet

The easiest way to entertain a 4-year-old child is to include educational cartoons or programs on a tablet. Fortunately, with the advent of specialized children's channels, mothers got access to high-quality, educational cartoons. But here it is important to choose a program with a semantic load appropriate for the age. Moms need to keep in mind that watching TV for a long time or playing on a tablet scatters attention, can provoke sleep problems and uncontrollable aggression. Therefore, one session of watching cartoons should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

Irina, mother of 4-year-old Yaroslav: “From the age of 4, I began to turn on games for my son with the study in English. Chose the most simple options: the child is shown pictures, and the voice-over calls them in Russian and in English. In 4 months, Yarik learned 30 English words. Not much, but if you consider that classes are 15 minutes long and not every day, this is progress!”

Psychologists do not recommend leaving a preschooler alone with a TV or tablet. The parent should monitor the child's reaction to certain events, comment on what is happening, answer questions and ask them himself. This not only helps the parent to establish contact with the child, but also contributes to a more correct assimilation of the material received.


Very a good option entertainment - listening to audiobooks. Tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Russian folk, modern stories- the choice is great. Unlike most modern cartoons, in addition to entertaining, fairy tales also have an aesthetic component. The disadvantage of this method is that not every child will passively listen to fairy tales.

However, children at the age of 4 tend to perceive the text through the prism of their own perception of what they heard, therefore it is rational to offer the child to play a fairy tale or tell it in roles.


Painting - great way take any child. Give the children paints, pencils and felt-tip pens in their hands, and they will be happy to draw. If the child refuses to engage in such activities, parents need to attract his attention. For example, boys can be offered to color their favorite superheroes, girls - princesses.

Non-standard games at home

On the kitchen

Cook together

If a 4-year-old child asks to help his mother in the kitchen, do not refuse him. There is always something to do, even for awkward fingers. For example, wash apples in a basin, cut bananas into porridge with a table knife (not a kitchen knife), mix eggs for an omelet, knead and roll out the dough.

Important! Trusting a child kitchen appliances, even safe ones, are always nearby. Never leave a child alone near boiling water or soup: this can end tragically!

Let's play chef

If you don't trust your child to cook, just let him play around. Give the little cook a pot, a plate, a spoon and let him cook dinner. Children at this age enjoy role-playing games. Any process can be organized according to the same principle: game form sort clean things, clear dishes from the table. Everything is limited by the imagination of the mother.

kitchen creativity

A very exciting and unusual activity that can interest a baby is to make a collage or a voluminous toy decorated with typical kitchen elements: pasta, beans, jar or bottle lids. Everything is done very simply: the base will be a bright sheet of cardboard, on which the child will stick the figures in a certain sequence using ordinary PVA glue. It can be a landscape, an image of an animal or a loved one. fairy tale character some inscription. Volumetric toys are made according to the same principle, only the cardboard figure will have to be cut out.

Mom's helpers

The child can be involved in housework if he is interested. The girl can be explained that she is the main mother's assistant, and the boy - that he is the strongest and most dexterous and without his help, the mother will not cope. Naturally, a child at 4 years old cannot be trusted with a vacuum cleaner or washing mirrors, but he will already be able to cope with dusting the lower shelves, sort out washed socks and, of course, put away his toys.



Great way to organize children's leisure is a modern plasticine from which you can make bright and unusual crafts. Plasticine produced by modern manufacturers is soft, colorful, expressive colors. It does not have to be kneaded in the hands for too long. You can also try floating clay made using foam balls. Crafts from such plasticine can be taken with you to the bath.

Creator's Kit

For children 4 years old, a lot of kits for creativity are produced: toys and DIY crafts, mosaics, appliqué. The advantage of such kits is that they contain everything you need to create wonderful crafts. An adult needs only in some cases to explain the procedure and give freedom to creativity.

Needlework and applique

You are also puzzled by what to do with a child at 4 years old at home with maximum benefit, pay attention to special game sets from which you can make children's jewelry. They consist of beads, beads, three-dimensional figures, which are strung on a thread. If necessary, all this can be replaced with existing ones at home. original elements: buttons, rivets that are put on a lace.

Tatyana (mother of 4-year-old Nikita): “My Nikita is never bored. It is enough to show ingenuity and imagination, and the child will take the whole day. Sometimes we create real works of art with it: we pour sand into a beautiful glass bottle, small pebbles that we collected at sea, colorful balls, beads, in general, fill everything that is at hand with water and get an unusual composition. If beautiful bottle not at home, you can paint the usual one with the help of paints - it will turn out even better.

Music games

You can use music to play at home. Psychologists recommend using the compositions of E. Zheleznova “Music with Mom” for these purposes. These songs are simple and there are already hints in the text about what to do.

What we love

We repeat the movements in the text.

We love to clap our hands and clap all the time.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and we always clap!

We are very fond of spinning and spinning always.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, we are always spinning!

We love to stomp our feet and always stomp.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and we always stomp.

One two Three

We create obstacles on the floor from toys. During the performance of the song, together with the child, we step over the toys.

One two three four

One two three four

Let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk around our apartment

One two three four

Let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk around our apartment

One two three four

Let's go for a walk, let's go for a walk around our apartment

On the way, you need to get around all the toys.

If we step over, we will be very happy.

What to do with a 4 year old on a train

It is much more difficult to take a fidget on the train.

Games or cartoons on a tablet can distract a child for several hours, but the benefits of such a pastime are minimal. And vision can be seriously damaged due to the difficulty of focusing in shaky conditions.

If there are no other options, be sure to watch the child's posture when he plays with the tablet - his back should be even. If possible, choose your own game. Let it be something developing, aimed at developing logic, ingenuity.

Games on the go

Special compact games on the road will not let your child get bored for a couple of hours!

We fantasize

Fantasizing about nature and the world is a wonderful way to keep a child busy on a train. We sit by the window, look at nature and together we come up with fascinating stories about what we see. Or, for example, about where the neighbors on the train are going, who is waiting for them, what their business is.


For games on the train, you can prepare a laminated sheet of paper in advance, on which you can draw with a regular marker and erase with a cloth or a piece of felt. This is a good reusable toy that can be used for drawing, learning the alphabet or playing tic-tac-toe.

Books with tasks

4 year olds love looking at pictures. And if they also have tasks or stickers, this is real find capable of captivating child for a few hours.

What to do with a child on an airplane

If you are thinking about how you can interest a child on an airplane, think about the flight in advance.

Exploring space

An airplane is a new space for a child, so you need to start by exploring it. Tell the child about what a porthole is, let him touch everything with his hands, let him examine all the things that the stewardess gave out (plaid, pillow). Be sure to bring a coloring book or a drawing pad with you to the salon. The child can draw what is happening around him now, or you can come up with a fascinating story together and display it on paper.

Magnetic games

Agree, it is difficult to look for rolled toys all over the plane! Therefore, special magnetic games on the road are convenient on the plane. They are equipped with chips on magnets and a playing field.

Toy books

A series of books from the publishing house Clever "Find and show" will be an excellent lifesaver when traveling. Such books train attention, logic, memory. After all the tasks are completed, you can fantasize by looking at pictures or remembering facts and places or animals.

What to do with a 4 year old in a car

Unlike the same train or plane, where the child has space for activities, it is very difficult for parents to come up with full-fledged games in the car, since the safety requirements here are especially high. The whole problem boils down to the fact that you can’t draw, read or play with your phone in the car, because your eyesight can deteriorate, and the child will get sick.

New toy

The best entertainment option is to take a pre-purchased new toy. It can be a doll for a girl or a favorite cartoon character for a boy.

Game "Guess who?"

At 4 years old, the child already knows many animals and their common signs. You can play a simplified version of the game. For example, think of "an animal that lives in Africa, it has Long neck and brown spots. The child will definitely guess and join the game!

For a long trip, you can get a special wallet, which will store various fascinating little things that you can take a child with. It can be beads, miniature colorful toys, key rings.

We listen and sing

In the car, you can safely use musical accompaniment: For example, listen to your favorite songs with your child, sing them or play games like “Guess the melody”.

The best games in the country

In the warm season, it is difficult to think of a place more useful for a child than Vacation home. Here you can run and lie down in a hammock, help your parents in the garden - in a word, there are many activities. We will consider the most interesting activities for children 4 years old on the street, which they are unlikely to refuse.

Water procedures

Most lovely way entertain a child on the street - arrange water procedures for him under the sun. To do this, we draw water into a small swimming pool, leave it to bask in the open air, or draw water into it in advance warm water, we seat the child and give him in the hands suitable for water procedures toys. 4-year-olds can splash in the water for hours with great pleasure, but it is very important to observe safety measures here.

If the pool is not provided with a roof by the design itself, be sure to install it in the shade, and not under direct sunbeams. Don't forget to put a panama hat on your child's head and use a high-quality and completely environmentally friendly sunscreen.

Kite or balloons

Buy a kite or 10 balloons in advance. Allocate a safe area in the country where the child can run with a snake, will not stumble and will not crush grandmother's tomatoes. If there are a lot of trees in the garden, then balls that you can throw, catch and even pop will do!

Young gardener

Children given age you can already safely attach to gardening work. At 4 years old, children love nature, show to her permanent interest. Therefore, any adult work"- weeding flower beds, harvesting - they will perceive with great pleasure.

Mini football

This is a wonderful, exciting game for fidgets. So, we find a small lawn without holes, bushes and mounds. With the help of pins or ordinary stones we make a symbolic gate. The goal of the game is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal. If you connect fans to the game, it will turn out to be very fun.


And, of course, do not forget about the good old sand, in which all the kids love to mess around. From it you can build incredible towers and caves, you can use molds to make interesting figurines. We start with the most elementary games:

  • The child walks on the sand first with each finger, and then leaves a mark on it with the whole five.
  • He scoops up a harvest of sand, closes his fist, but leaves a small gap between his palm and fingers, from which the sand will spill out in a trickle.
  • Grinding sand between the palms

Be sure to tell your child about the rules of playing with sand: you can’t throw it at other people, and after playing with sand, be sure to wash your hands.


If you have a hammock, you can hang it at a safe height for the child. A 4-year-old kid will be happy to frolic in it!

What to do with a child on the street

If you are puzzled by what to do with a child at 4 years old on the street for the benefit of him and comfort for you, take the following tips into service:

  • Ask the child to tell about the flowers that he sees: what color are his petals, how many of them, whether the flower is large or small. At home, together with your child, draw what you saw on the street.
  • Feed homeless animals, pigeons. Interaction with animals in most children causes genuine delight.
  • Games with soap bubbles develop dexterity and coordination.
  • In autumn, you can take a walk in the park and collect beautiful leaves, chestnuts, cones, from which you can make original crafts.

For every season you can arrange themed walks. For example, with the arrival of spring or autumn, you can go to the park to collect signs of the onset of heat or vice versa approaching cold weather.

Entertainment in kindergarten

A separate layer of games and activities that can be used in kindergarten. In this context, it is appropriate to use team games that will develop team spirit and help children establish social connections:

Game "Delicious Candy"

Children sit in a circle, one child holds a bag of imaginary sweets in his hand. Approaching each child, he gives him a symbolic sweetness. The task of the child: to show with the help of facial expressions and gestures what a delicious candy he got.

Game "What's Your Name"

The children sit in a circle and take turns talking about affectionate words their homes are called by their parents and grandparents.

Game "Sun"

To the music, the children walk in a circle. Their pens are sun rays. Suddenly the music turns off, and the teacher points to one of the children and names the part of the body that is frozen: “Children, look, Alyosha’s hands are completely frozen.” The task of the children is to warm the frozen hand with their rays.

In kindergarten it is necessary to apply the principle of freedom of the child to self-selection games and partner for her. The task of the teacher is to provide optimal conditions for safe and educational gaming experiences.

Developing classes: what do they consist of?

For the organic development of the baby, it is very important to combine the game with useful activities, which in an intuitive form for the child will stimulate his logic, imagination, spatial thinking. Also, classes will help to learn the basic concepts: counting, writing, reading.

Learning the basics of good parenting

We examine the drawings “good-bad” with the child. We show the child pictures of children in different situations (for example, on one - the child plays football in the house, and on the other he helps his mother around the house) and ask him to explain in which picture the child behaves correctly and which does not. Great assistants will be lotto games, where “bad” pictures must be covered with “good” ones.

Telling a story with pictures

By the same principle, you can ask the child to tell a tale by analyzing the images that lie in front of him.

We create crafts

With the help of scissors and colored paper, you can make bright and unusual figures, cut out characters from cartoons, fairytale heroes. Then you can create an improvised theater for which you can come up with stories with your child.

Physical exercise

In conjunction with developing activities, physical activities must also be present. It can be elementary gymnastics for the neck, arms, squats, buckles in place.

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Educational games:


Of course, in all these activities it is necessary that you are somewhere nearby (especially for children of 3 years old), but you will not need to do any active actions. So you are free to go about your business. Effective ways than to take a child 3, 4, 5 years old at home.

1. You can get your child's favorite fairy tales and turn on their audio recording from the Internet (Utube, Yandex video and others) or disk. For example, I quickly find suitable audio recordings of fairy tales on vk. com. Children are very interested in listening and looking at their favorite stories. There are also "talking" books on various topics.

2. Bright plasticine captivates. You can add various pebbles, shells, legumes to it. You can also play with floating plasticine. My kids love this activity. They are happy to sculpt various "products" and let them go free swimming.

3. There is one modern method to captivate your child is to watch cartoons and fairy tales. This method works flawlessly. But a long stay in front of the TV scatters attention, impairs vision, causes aggression and sleep problems in the baby. So this way is not worth getting involved. In general, many pediatricians recommend that children from 3 to 5 years old watch TV for no more than 25 minutes.

4. Games with boxes, caskets, drawers are very popular with kids. The child himself can figure out what to do with them.

5. Drawing is a great way to keep your child busy. Give him paints, pencils, sheets and the child will draw everything that his imagination is capable of. You can also suggest drawing by points.

6. Coloring pages are not less drawing captivate the baby. The Internet has big choice all kinds of coloring. Just print it out and your kid will be happy to color his favorite character.

7. Older children can be asked to sort the items in the box. For example, legumes - in one bowl, buttons - in another. 8. Toddlers are very interested in real objects. For example, give him a spoon, saucepan and other unbreakable utensils and let him "cook" dinner.

9. Various tasks from cubes may interest the guys for a while. You build a certain figure, and the child must make a similar one.

10. Stringing large beads, buttons on a lace can take diligent children well. large beads.

11. Organize water games. Many children really like to bathe in the bath and play with boats, watering cans and various rubber toys. Just take enough water so that the child cannot drown and visit him from time to time.

12. Invite your baby to play with plastic bottle. Let him pour various small items(beads, beans, buttons ...). You can also pour some water into the bottle, let it shake it, creating different sounds. The main thing is that the lid "accidentally" does not open.

13. Winding cords, thick rope on a reel or stick is a rather entertaining task. And unwinding is even more exciting. In fixprice I bought a couple of sets of bright coils with threads - child doing it with pleasure.

14. Very useful is lacing, closing and opening zippers (preferably with old things :)).

15. Hole punch games are enjoyed by older children. You can ask your child to make a lot of holes in multi-colored cardboard. You can also connect a cord here, with which you can create patterns.

16. It turns out that clothespins are needed not only for drying clothes. These are wonderful toys for your baby that develop hand strength. You can cut a hedgehog, a sun, a fish out of cardboard ... and let them decorate them with clothespins. Pretty interesting job.

17. Children like to collect constructor, pyramid, Lego, puzzles and other similar games.

18. If your territory allows, then you can take the child on a bicycle or swing. You just need to be on the alert all the time. With us, for example, a swing does not take up too much space - we bought 3 in 1 swings, a chair-table, a rocking chair

19. Now on sale toy computers with cards that the child himself can insert and play. They are well developed and entertaining. We have a similar one - the child still doesn’t like it, besides, the battery often runs out.

20. Children's disco will certainly appeal to any kid. Turn on fun children's songs or modern music, depending on the child's desire.

21. Older kids will love cutting out old magazines. From everything cut out you can add beautiful composition, which can be stuck on cardboard. You can tear the leaves for younger children

2 2. A magnet can also captivate your child. You can put a magnet under the paper, and a coin on the paper. Let him move the coin across the paper. I bought a magnetic alphabet and numbers, the child likes to stick on the refrigerator and peel off (he knows the letters from the age of 2, he already knows the numbers too, but sometimes he confuses)

23. From the age of 5, you can offer to make from matchboxes bed, paper man, pillow and blanket. We paint a little man, a bed and put to sleep. For my daughter I made a whole toy house in a shoe box, I did it in a simple way and almost everything was symbolic (for fun), but the child was delighted!

24. Children's hospital is very popular with kids. They are happy to treat their dolls, little animals. This is how I got rid of phobias associated with doctors.

25. You can offer to make large colored paper clips various silhouettes, long chain for a typewriter or beads for a doll.

26. Invite your child to find a pair of socks in your dresser. It is desirable that the socks are multi-colored and well distinguished from each other. My daughter does not like this game. But hiding and spreading socks - yes!

27. From the age of 5, a child will like to outline his hand along the contour on paper. Then we cut out the outlined hand and create patterns. My daughter already loves to do this, but so far with me. Together we outline the hand, then she draws rings, bracelets, manicure on it

28. You can make your own money. We put the coins under the paper and, better with a soft pencil, paint on top of the coin. Older children will be able to cut out their drawn money.

29. Inflate Balloon to kid. Let him toss him into the air, preventing him from falling to the floor.

30. Making a house. To do this, you can use chairs, a table and bedspreads. Pleasure will be the sea!

31. You can offer a run with a ball. We give a spoon and put a ball, a nut or something else in it. Let him walk or run with a spoon throughout the apartment, trying not to drop its contents.

32. Just let's different tasks. Offer to water the flowers, feed the dolls, put the animals to bed, bring something for mom ...

33. If your child can already dress and undress himself, then you can arrange a “fashion parade”. Give him some old stuff. Let him do what he wants with them. In general, try not to keep all toys out of sight of children. Hide and give them as needed. Then the child will forget a little about his old toy and will play with it with great interest. And what ways to keep a child 3, 4, 5 years old at home do you know? I look forward to your advice in the comments.

We alternate calm and outdoor games that help improve memory figurative thinking, development of fine motor skills of hands, physical development, etc.

Educational toys for children at 4 years old

With four-year-old children, you can play loto, work with interactive map or with an interactive globe, examine objects through a microscope, play as a constructor, make wonderful crafts, sculpt from clay, etc. Ask your loved ones, and buy educational toys yourself, and not just banal dolls / cars. Pay attention to encyclopedias with pictures, it's time to study, delve into, and reflect.

At home, special workplace for a child (table and chair or desk), here he can draw, read, count, sculpt, learn the language, do crafts.

Educational games for a child of 4 years

We offer several games that you can play at home with a child at 4 years old.
Game 1. We blindfold the baby and go with him to an amusing trip at home. Leading the child to various subjects and let them smell, feel, food can be licked. The child must determine what it is. The game will help develop all the senses of the baby.
Game 2. We ask the child to come up with an alternative name for an ordinary thing. For example, take a ladle. How else can it be called - "supona raker", "campo carrier?". Let the child be imaginative. It can be very funny!
Game 3. We take paints, a sheet of paper, a brush (if the paints are not finger). WITH eyes closed the child, with the help of his mother, wets the brush into the paint and makes several strokes on the sheet. And so several times. Then both mother and child study the drawing together and try to figure out what it looks like. The game also develops the imagination.

What else to play with a child at 4 years old?

  • drawing with paints, felt-tip pens, pencils (for example, draw a house different ways);
  • coloring pages;
  • game with cubes with letters, numbers;
  • game with a set geometric shapes;
  • board games for the little ones;
  • children's bowling;
  • treasure hunt in the room;
  • definition of wild and domestic animals.

To develop fine motor skills of hands at 4 years old, we play like this:

  • lay out a house of sticks / matches (without sulfur);
  • drawing up a pattern from matches (sticks);
  • stringing buttons, pasta on a string;
  • mixing and unfolding beads (buttons) different colors;
  • lacing games.

All activities with the child must take place in the form of a game. Do not force the child to study when you want it, not him. You need to create a light, laid-back and interesting emotional background. Start your games-classes with some interesting phrase"Well, baby, let's play some kind of magical game?"

Conduct regular classes at the same time. A child over 3 years old can practice for at least 15 minutes. At the same time, a more interesting activity is able to concentrate the attention of the baby on itself for half an hour.

Do not let your child scatter or misuse activity materials, such as educational pictures. They must be folded after class. The kid should be interested in seeing them. If they fall around the apartment in free access, then for the child they will lose their importance.

Before and after the lesson, praise the baby, say that the classes will help him to be as smart as his dad.

How to spend useful time with a child at 4 years old?

With a baby at 4 years old, you can safely go to the museum, to children's performance, to the circus, to the exhibition of cats / dogs, ride on the nursery railway, through the park / forest on bicycles, go to the pool, to the skating rink, to the cinema for a cartoon, ride a boat, go on a city tour and much more.

Children at 4 years old are real tomboys. But unlike one-year-olds, who are interested in literally everything around them, older children are more conscious of their leisure time. If you are one of those conscious parents who are concerned about what to do with a child at 4 years old besides a TV and a tablet, this article is for you. In it you will find the most affordable ways for every mother to organize leisure.

Properly organized child's leisure is not only a guarantee of his timely development, but the ability of the parent to interact with the child in an interesting format for him. What to do with a 4 year old? What should be useful games and activities for a 4 year old?

Age Features

Consider the basics of age-related features of development, characteristic of children of 4 years old:

  • The most preferred activity is the game.
  • Active physical development (dexterity, flexibility, coordination).
  • Expansion of cognitive skills (obtaining information about the features of the surrounding world).
  • Vocabulary enrichment.
  • Formation of the correct sound pronunciation.
  • Pronounced creative development.
  • The development of the imagination, which can manifest itself in the child's personal experiments.

What to do with kids at home?

According to pediatricians, 4-year-old children are receptive to any information that comes to them through the auditory, visual and sensory channels. Simply put, everything that the child hears, sees and can hold in his hands will be interesting to him. Therefore, games can be made in a certain complex, which will help not only to entertain the child, but will also stimulate his development in an understandable game environment.

  1. Children at the age of four, especially girls, often draw. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to give the child an album and many, many pencils, paints and felt-tip pens. If the child does not really like to draw, then you can offer him paints, a thick brush and give him a large piece of old wallpaper. Not a single child will refuse such a scale.
  2. Give your child a hole punch or stapler and a couple of old magazines, he will be happy to make holes. Better baby in this case, plant not far from you, so that he does not make holes in the curtains while you are busy.
  3. Cut with scissors. Can be given old magazine or the same wallpaper. Children will be happy to cut mountains of garbage for you. At 4 years old, many can already cut out geometric shapes - show how to cut a triangle, a circle and a square. Let them try to repeat from colored paper, and then together you can make applications.
  4. I still have stencils of letters, numbers and geometric shapes from my childhood. Remember, they used to sign wall newspapers. Now they are helping me out. They can be drawn and colored. If you don’t have these, you can download letters, shapes, animals from the Internet - cut them out on cardboard and the stencil is ready.
  5. Modeling from plasticine. At the age of 4-5 years, children are happy to sculpt from plasticine.
  6. Clothespin game is more suitable for 2-3 year old kids. But you can change this game. Pull the rope not high from the floor, give the child some small rags and let him hang the laundry.
  7. You can draw your arms and legs. Once I gave my child a blank notepad and showed her how to draw her hand. For half an hour the child was not seen ... then he brought me a notebook, in it all the sheets were with outlined hands.
  8. Copywriting. Previously, there were carbon papers and there was no photocopier.
  9. Since it is very important for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills, then a lot of my work is connected with drawing. We draw money. Put the coin under the paper and color it with a pencil. Get paper money.
  10. A house made of pillows and blankets, you can put a flashlight inside.
  11. We have kinetic sand, he also helps out in cases of increased employment of parents.
  12. The stores sell children's stickers, buy a pack and show how to stick it in an album or notebook. But usually children are not limited to just a notebook, so there is a chance that stickers will end up on mirrors, cabinets and wallpaper.
  13. Glue with tape. Give me a small tape and show me how to use it. You can allow your child to hang their drawings on tape on the door.
  14. Sharpen pencils with a regular sharpener.
  15. Coloring pages. I download from the Internet those that the child chooses himself and let him color.
  16. Labyrinths. I also print mazes from the Internet.
  17. Dot drawing. Perfect for those who draw poorly, connecting the dots results in a drawing.
  18. I have an old phone, but in working order. The child loves to take pictures or videotape himself on the front camera. This activity keeps him busy for a long time. He records how he reads poetry, sings songs, shoots reports - very funny. Recently, she also taught me how to delete the photos that he took so that the place on the phone does not fill up.
  19. You can prepare the application in advance and give the child an album and glue. It is better to give a glue stick or PVA, but pour it into a separate jar and give a brush.
  20. Piggy bank with coins. Coins can be loaded into a piggy bank or into a truck.
  21. box with different buttons. You just need to suggest, and the children themselves will figure out how to play with it.
  22. If you have a skein of old yarn, give it to your child. You will already collect the threads in a row :), but silence for half an hour is guaranteed to you.
  23. Magnifier. Show her how to look at things.
  24. Mosaic. Sometimes a child can do a mosaic for a long time, and sometimes 2 minutes is not enough. But if you don’t have it, it’s better to buy it, sometimes it really helps out.

What to do with a child on the street

If you are puzzled by what to do with a child at 4 years old on the street for the benefit of him and comfort for you, take the following tips into service:

  • Ask the child to tell about the flowers that he sees: what color are his petals, how many of them, whether the flower is large or small. At home, together with your child, draw what you saw on the street.
  • Feed homeless animals, pigeons. Interaction with animals in most children causes genuine delight.
  • Soap bubble games develop dexterity and coordination.
  • In autumn, you can take a walk in the park and collect beautiful leaves, chestnuts, cones, from which you can make original crafts.

There are themed walks for every season. For example, with the arrival of spring or autumn, you can go to the park to collect signs of the onset of heat or vice versa approaching cold weather.

Mini football

It's beautiful exciting game for fidgets. So, we find a small lawn without holes, bushes and mounds. With the help of pins or ordinary stones we make a symbolic gate. The goal of the game is to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal. If you connect fans to the game, it will turn out to be very fun.


And, of course, do not forget about the good old sand, in which all the kids love to mess around. You can build incredible towers and caves from it, you can make interesting figures with the help of molds. We start with the most elementary games:

  • The child walks on the sand first with each finger, and then leaves a mark on it with the whole five.
  • He scoops up a harvest of sand, closes his fist, but leaves a small gap between his palm and fingers, from which the sand will spill out in a trickle.
  • We grind the sand between the palms.

Be sure to tell your child about the rules of playing with sand: you can’t throw it at other people, and after playing with sand, be sure to wash your hands.

The best games in the country

In the warm season, it is difficult to come up with a place more useful for a child than a country house. Here you can run and lie down in a hammock, help your parents in the garden - in a word, there are many activities. We will consider the most interesting activities for children 4 years old on the street, which they are unlikely to refuse.

Water procedures

The best way to entertain a child on the street is to arrange water procedures for him under the sun. To do this, we collect water in a small swimming pool, leave it to bask in the open air or collect warm water in it in advance, seat the child and give him toys suitable for water procedures. 4-year-olds can splash in the water for hours with great pleasure, but it is very important to observe safety measures here.

If the pool is not provided with a roof by the design itself, be sure to install it in the shade, and not in direct sunlight. Don't forget to put a panama hat on your child's head and use a high-quality and completely environmentally friendly sunscreen.

Kite or balloons

Buy in advance kite or pieces of 10 balls. Allocate a safe area in the country where the child can run with a snake, will not stumble and will not crush grandmother's tomatoes. If there are a lot of trees in the garden, then balls that you can throw, catch and even pop will do!

Young gardener

Children of this age can already be safely attached to gardening. At 4 years old, children adore nature, show constant interest in it. Therefore, any "adult work" - weeding a flower bed, harvesting - they will perceive with great pleasure.


If you have a hammock, you can hang it at a safe height for the child. A 4-year-old kid will be happy to frolic in it!

Entertainment in kindergarten

A separate layer of games and activities that can be used in kindergarten. In this context, it is advisable to use team games that will develop team spirit and help children establish social connections:

Game "Delicious Candy"

Children sit in a circle, one child holds a bag of imaginary sweets in his hand. Approaching each child, he gives him a symbolic sweetness. The task of the child: to show with the help of facial expressions and gestures what a delicious candy he got.

Game "What's Your Name"

Children sit in a circle and take turns telling what affectionate words their parents, grandparents call them at home.

Game "Sun"

To the music, the children walk in a circle. Their hands are the rays of the sun. Suddenly the music turns off, and the teacher points to one of the children and names the part of the body that is frozen: “Children, look, Alyosha’s hands are completely frozen.” The task of the children is to warm the frozen hand with their rays.

In kindergarten, it is necessary to apply the principle of freedom of the child to the independent choice of play and a partner for it. The task of the teacher is to provide optimal conditions for safe and educational gaming processes.

Developing classes: what do they consist of?

For the organic development of the baby, it is very important to combine the game with useful activities that, in an intuitive form for the child, will stimulate his logic, imagination, and spatial thinking. Also, classes will help to learn the basic concepts: counting, writing, reading.

Learning the basics of good parenting

We examine the drawings “good-bad” with the child. We show the child pictures of children in different situations(for example, on one, the child plays football in the house, and on the other, he helps his mother around the house) and we ask you to explain in which picture the child behaves correctly and in which he does not. Great assistants will be lotto games, where “bad” pictures must be covered with “good” ones.

Telling a story with pictures

By the same principle, you can ask the child to tell a tale by analyzing the images that lie in front of him.

We create crafts

With the help of scissors and colored paper, you can make bright and unusual figures, cut out characters from cartoons, fairy-tale heroes. Then you can create an improvised theater for which you can come up with stories with your child.

Physical exercise

In conjunction with developing activities, physical activities must also be present. It can be elementary gymnastics for the neck, arms, squats, buckles in place.

The daily routine of a child at 4 years old

If the child has a certain daily routine, he has already become in the habit of doing the main things in certain time. He has enough time to play and relax, he is less capricious, does not delay sleep and lunch, becomes more collected and organized. His meals, as before, are divided into breakfast with lunch and afternoon tea with dinner. With intervals between doses of 3.5-4 hours. But the need for sleep has decreased. Now he needs 12 hours of sleep. Of which 10 hours are allocated for night rest, 2 hours for daytime rest. To make his sleep more healthy and useful, the room must first be ventilated. In the warm season, if possible, day rest better move to Fresh air- equip a place on the veranda, balcony, in the garden.

No matter how rich the variety of toys in the house is, sooner or later they get bored anyway, and the children begin to frankly get bored. Instead of putting them in front of the TV, get creative and come up with exciting activities, which will not only interest your children, but also free up time for your affairs.

Things to do with a 4 year old

Little children constantly demand attention and ask to participate in their games. It becomes difficult for mom to find time for her own affairs, and often it all comes down to banal watching cartoons. However, such a pastime does not contribute to the development creative thinking, logic, motor skills of kids, so you should not abuse the "blue screen". Moreover, children very quickly get used to the TV, and it can be quite difficult to wean them.
If you think about it, there is a huge variety of activities for children from 4 years old at home. These can be role-playing games (if there are several children) or moving games (if space allows). You can captivate kids with a competitive moment - who will draw, build, blind, etc. faster. Having shown imagination, you will soon see that the guys are actively engaged themselves and no longer pull you out of boredom.

What to do with a 4 year old at home

If your fidget is already pretty bored with all the toys, put aside your business for a while and offer him a choice of several activities from our list of how to entertain a child four years Houses:

  • Get your little one's favorite books and find audio recordings of these fairy tales on the Internet. The child will follow with interest the development of events in the book, and then, perhaps, will act out the action with toys;
  • Supply the baby natural materials for creativity, plasticine, paints, pencils, paper. Let him make whatever he wants, or come up with a task - to make a zoo, decorate a postcard for dad, or create a picture;
  • You can invite your child to do coloring. If you run out of purchased coloring pages at home, print templates from the Internet. It is desirable to take into account the interests and preferences little man and choose a picture with his favorite characters;
  • Take several boxes or jars, fill them with different things and ask them to sort them. Can be used food products(peas, beans) and various small things (buttons, paper clips, bottle caps, pebbles, etc.);
  • In addition to the activity above, you can cook lunch for mom and dad from edible products. To give greater realism and importance to children's efforts, allow the baby to use real dishes (the one that you do not mind, or a special children's set);
  • Show how to string large beads and other suitable items on a thick thread or rope;
  • Water games are especially popular with children - put them in a basin or a bath paper boats, drop rubber toys and plastic balls. If you add bath foam, the effect will be amazing;
  • Very often, children are addicted to completely unremarkable things - a plastic bottle, a rolling pin, a set of clothespins;
  • Ask dad to make a development board: screw various locks, cords, chains onto it - in a word, everything that your imagination can do;
  • Take out several different sets of the designer and invite the children to combine them;
  • Puzzles, pyramids, cubes will also perfectly entertain the baby;
  • V doorway hang a rope swing - we assure you, children's joy is guaranteed;
  • Soap bubbles in addition to the swing will create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • Arrange dances - give the kids the task of learning or inventing some kind of dance, and then let them show you the result;
  • Fridge magnets, especially in the form of animals, cars or fruits, will help keep the child busy while you are in the kitchen;
  • Playing doctor is a responsible business! Tell the baby that your cat / dog or any toy is sick and needs to be cured urgently;
  • Sorting coins in size will not only develop fine motor skills of the fingers, but also put things in order in your piggy bank;
  • For girls it will be interesting to arrange fashion show- let the little fashionista dress up and nurse, as if on a catwalk;
  • Arrange a quest - draw a map or hide notes with tasks around the apartment. At the end of the child, a prize must await;

You can create a special calendar in advance, in which several tasks will be provided every day.
And this is not the limit! Imagine, connect children to the creation of new games and entertainment, and very soon you will realize that even at home you can find a lot of things to do with a child at 4 years old.