When the child begins to speak first. When a child begins to speak - why should parents not distort words? ZRR - delayed speech development

The time at which a child begins to speak the first syllables and words does not depend at all on heredity. To develop speech apparatus crumbs, parents should make an effort on their own. There are many special recommendations that come to the aid of young parents in teaching crumbs. infancy speech skills. Experts answer the question at what time the child begins to speak the first words, on average at 14-18 months.

Talking about toys mobile phone help kids develop own speech, and then at what time the child begins to speak most often depends on such conversations.

The same norms do not exist at what time the child begins to speak. Therefore, it is impossible to say with certainty that the child will begin to speak strictly at one or two years. In order to more or less assess the situation, we offer a list of norms with medical point vision, at what time the child begins to speak the first words and sounds.

  1. At 1-2 months, babies can cry and act up, while choosing a different intonation.
  2. In the second or third month, the baby begins to coo, this indicates that the baby will soon begin to babble.
  3. At the age of 5-6 months, babies begin to pronounce the syllables "ba", "pa", "ma".
  4. At 10-12 months, you can hear the long-awaited words of the child: “ma-ma”, “ba-ba”, “give”.
  5. IN further kid begins to actively explore the world, listen to the conversations of adults, so it's time to pronounce intelligible sentences.

What can parents do to get their child to say their first words as soon as possible?

Communication and attention is very important in order to teach the baby to talk. It depends on what time the child begins to speak and what words will be the first and most significant for him. It is important from a month and a half to give the baby more of your attention, to show care and love. So the baby will feel that he is not indifferent to you and will soon begin to adapt to the environment and try to talk.

The kids are talking! My daughter (6 years old) loves to look at a book with dinosaurs. And somehow she doesn’t want to braid, I persuaded her and braided her french braid. I say:
- Look how beautiful it turned out.
She touched it and muttered in displeasure:
- Well, yes, just like an ankylosaurus thorn.

At what time the child begins to speak, there are no clear restrictions, but if the baby is silent for up to three years or utters only unconscious syllables, you should consult with a pediatric specialist and a speech therapist.

Attention! A speech problem in a child can be caused by disorders of the nervous system or general retardation in physical development. Signs of this will help to notice an experienced doctor.

At what time the child begins to speak will depend on your communication with him. Any actions with the baby should be voiced.

To make the baby start talking faster, experts advise:

  • hold classes regularly fine motor skills(from six months old games with small items, cereals and pasta) only under your careful supervision. Give your child a finger massage more often;
  • read fairy tales and entertaining rhymes: they speed up the period when the baby begins to speak. This should be done during the game or. For such activities, it is better to use special children's literature with nursery rhymes and funny songs;
  • include positive children's music. You can include adult songs with a fun rhythm. This will distract the baby from the whim, and he will begin to listen to the melodies reaching him;
  • introduce the baby to the sounds that animals make. After a month and a half, you can ask the crumbs, as the dog says, and he will easily give the right answer;
  • from six months, the baby begins to make conscious sounds. It is important at this point that their pronunciation is correct, so parents should correct the baby;

The time at which the child begins to speak depends entirely on the efforts of the parents to help the baby in this.

From eight months, the baby begins to speak the first words consciously, tries to ask his parents for something.

Moms take note! Do not worry if the child does not say the word "mother" in a year. For many babies, the first word may be "give" or "woman." If the baby begins to speak words, parents should respond to them and fulfill the request of the crumbs. So the baby will quickly understand what his pronunciation means.

At 1.5-2 years old, parents may notice that the baby began to speak in phrases and sentences. At this age, he does it quite consciously. However, absolutely healthy child can speak fully and in three years. This is not considered abnormal.

The video will come to the rescue and tell you what time the child begins to speak, how to develop it for these purposes.

The baby does not speak well or does not speak at all - what to do

There are many reasons why a child starts talking late or does not talk, while his peers are already actively "chatting". A slight delay in speech, which is within the norm, is not considered a pathology. There are a number of factors that directly affect the age at which a child begins to speak the first words:

The kids are talking! I take a persimmon out of the refrigerator on a saucer. The fruit is so overripe that a crack has passed from the top to the sepals and a little light juice has accumulated on the saucer. Taya carefully examines this still life and utters:
- A persimmon described itself ...

Analyzing the surveys that were conducted with the parents of infants, we can note the statistics of the first words of the child. Of all the babies whose parents were interviewed, 44% of mothers answered that the first word of the child was "mother", 20% of parents answered that it was "dad", 10% - "woman", "aunt", "grandfather"; 7% of adults noted the first word of their crumbs “give”, and the remaining parents named other pronunciations.

Situations that cause panic

By the age of four, a child may not pronounce words at all, but only actively babble and simply imitate sounds. environment. This situation is of concern to parents, so at this age it is important to consult with specialists who can prescribe to a small patient special gymnastics for language.

If the baby does not have developmental retardation, but he has not yet begun to speak, this is often associated with hereditary factors, maternal stress during pregnancy, nervous breakdowns in the first months after childbirth.

The main incentive for the child to start speaking the first words earlier is considered to be his direct communication with parents, a manifestation of their love, care and attention.

The first year flew by like one day, and now you are moving on to new stage development when the child begins to speak. There is no need to rush things, let everything take its course.

Do not get hung up on the stories of a neighbor whose daughter, at 10 months old, almost speaks in verse.

Nevertheless, it is useful to know at what age children begin to speak in order to understand whether the child is lagging behind in development.

Stages of development of a child's speech

From the moment the baby is born and up to 6 months, when communicating with the child, the foundations of his speech in the future begin to be laid.

Achievements up to six months

  • At 1 month, the peanut begins to respond to the speech of an adult. Stops crying when mom or dad leans over and starts talking to him gently;
  • By the end of 3 months, when communicating with adults, it quickens and begins to walk in response. Sounds predominate, "g", "k", "n";
  • At 5 months, the baby is looking for where the sound comes from, turning his head. During "singing" changes the intonation of the voice; Read about what a baby should be able to do at 5 months >>>
  • Closer to the 7th month, the child learns to say “ba”, “ma”. There is an understanding of what is at stake: listening to the voice, he distinguishes when mom is talking, when dad is talking, and when grandparents are talking. Actual information about what a baby should be able to do at 7 months >>>

What can a baby say up to 12 months

  • At 8 months, the baby begins to speak in syllables: “ma-ma-ma” or “ba-ba-ba”. The sounds "p", "b", "m", "g", "k", "e", "a" slip;
  • By 10 months, a couple of syllables begin to appear in communication, for example: mom, lala; Find out what a baby should be able to do at 10 months >>>
  • In year the baby can speak about five words consisting of two syllables. Carries cubes, a pyramid, a ball into place. He is looking for dad at the request or kisses mom, he understands if he is told “no”. By the end of the first year, a son or daughter will delight you with the first such quivering and long-awaited word"Mother"; Important information about what a child should be able to do in a year >>>
  • From 1 to 3 years lexicon quickly replenishes, because at this age he learns more about the world. There is an acquaintance with all objects, connects them with each other.

What does the baby say from one to two years

  • In a year and three months, the baby says 5-6 words. He understands what they want from him, points with his finger in the picture of animals that are familiar to him;
  • One and half year. The baby says 8-15 words, shows 2 parts of the body;
  • By the end of the second year of life begins to show many parts of the body. Connects 2 words each, for example, “wow pen” or “mom give”. There are already 20 words in the vocabulary.

What does a child say in the second year of life

  • At 2 years old, the baby says 50 words. If you ask the child to go into the room and take the bowl into the kitchen, he will do it. Knows when it says “I”, and when “me” or “you”;
  • At 2 and a half years old, she can show and say “who is standing”, who is lying.” Begins to understand the meaning of prepositions, such as "what are you lying on?". Remembers numbers in the correct order, can count up to 3.

At 3 years old, the child speaks to you, he knows how to ask and tell in sentences. He knows his name, how old he is, and even where he lives. Remembers a book read by mom or dad.

This age is called “why”, the baby becomes interested: why is the car driving? how does she ride? why is the dog barking?

When the baby starts talking

What time do children start talking? There are no clear boundaries, there are only approximate ones, because each child is individual.

Adults should not speak in raised tones in the presence of the baby, because in this case the child will not speak soon. So communicate with each other and with the child affectionately and gently.

The big mistake of mothers who come to me for consultations is that they do not even give the child the opportunity to speak. They are so tight and good contact with a child, that as soon as the baby raises an eyebrow, the mother has already understood everything and runs to get the right thing.

Where is the incentive for development?

Where are the difficulties that the child overcomes and thereby stimulates the speech centers?

In order not to slow down the development of the child with your own hands, look at the online course

Through this course, you will learn:

  • properly organize the space at home so that the child develops by leaps and bounds;
  • line up right relationship in which the child feels calm and safe and can develop;
  • communicate with the child in such a way as to stimulate his speech centers of the brain and not face the diagnosis of mental retardation.

There are some exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the mouth:

  • Blow, whistle. good effect give any activities associated with intense closing of the lips. This can help you bubble, pipes, various whistles;
  • Suck. Let the baby drink juices, compotes, from a straw more often so that he can strongly retract his cheeks;
  • imitate sounds. Offer several times a day to imitate the sounds of animals, sirens of cars, trains.
  1. Poor concentration auditory attention. With this problem, the child practically does not understand long sentences or can't hear background noise.
  • Read books familiar to him, make sure that the baby concentrates on every sound and syllable;
  • Draw attention to humor, for example, replace in a poem familiar word to another funny one and give him the opportunity to think what has changed in the sentence?

All mothers are waiting for their baby to say the first words. And let it not be “mom”, but “give” or “dad”, there is no less joy from this. But sitting on the playground, willy-nilly, you compare the children: who has a "silent" baby, and who is already chirping with might and main.

In order not to feel a sense of inferiority, I was puzzled by the question at what age the child begins to speak even before the age of one. Our pediatrician gave us a task: by the year the baby should speak 10-12 words. Simple ones, such as “mother”, “woman”, “bi-bi”, “woof”, “tick-tock”. As a boy, we lowered the bar a bit to 9-10 words. But for this, you need to talk a lot with the baby, read books, play role-playing games.

Some exact dates when the baby speaks, no, everything is individual. But parents need to know at what age the child begins to speak in order to notice in time if something goes wrong.


Let us immediately make a reservation that not all of the following norms should be taken literally. After all, children are different. Doctors undertake to fully evaluate the speech of the baby only after 5 years. Therefore, parents often worry at what age the child begins to speak, fearing a delay. speech development, but the alarm should be sounded only after consulting a pediatrician and a speech therapist.

1. The very first conscious sounds that a baby makes are called cooing. The first "aha" can be heard in the period of 1-2 months. The rest of the time, discontent is still expressed by shouting.

3. From 5-6 months, the speech of babies is called babbling. They create their children's language, trying to imitate adult speech change in intonation. Having pronounced a new sound, the child tastes it and remembers it, repeating it many times.

4. First conscious words appear between 8 and 14 months. Usually this is how children call loved ones or name objects they like.

5. At 2 years old, children are already able to speak. simple sentences and have a large passive vocabulary (understand, but do not name).

6. Up to 3.5 years, an understanding of the laws of the native language is formed. Nouns are declined by gender, number and case, and compound and complex sentences are heard in speech. The child actively uses speech in the game, talks with dolls.

What else to pay attention to?

1. All mothers who are interested in at what age the child begins to speak should make allowances for gender. Boys are more restrained by nature, so they observe and remember for a long time, and only then they begin to speak. At the same time, their interests are based on words associated with the action (fell, went), they for a long time use invented words. Girls, on the other hand, are quite capable of speech. They like to name the objects around them, people, new words are easy to remember.

2. More temperamental children start talking earlier. They are very curious, so they are ready to interact with others in their language.

3. The younger children in the family are surrounded by everyone's attention, besides, they have before their eyes the example of an older child, they also begin to speak early. However, the opposite also happens, very talkative parents or older children may “not let a word be inserted.” Therefore, you need to listen to all family members.

4. Nowadays, life is impossible without gadgets. But scientists have noticed that immersion in virtual world delays the development of speech, and also interferes with the socialization of the baby.

When should you be concerned?

1. If at 3 months the child does not respond to his name by turning his head towards the caller.

2. At six months does not respond to the "kind" and "angry" intonation of adults, does not look for the source of sounds.

3. After a year does not understand the request to show items in the book.

4. From 2 to 3 years old, does not make simple sentences, confuses “up” and “down”.

5. From 3 to 4 years old, uses simple sentences in speech, pronounces sounds incorrectly.

If the baby is 2 years old, and he is still silent, then you need to show him to a speech therapist, child psychologist or a psychiatrist.

How to develop speech?

If a mother is worried at what age the child begins to speak and how this happens, then she will certainly be interested in ways to develop speech. The best passive vocabulary is formed when reading and talking with the baby. Even if he is only a month old, he will already respond to the intonation of his parents. The easiest way to develop speech is to pronounce all the actions that a mother performs with a baby: bathes, feeds, massages, changes diapers.

First year small child- one of the most important periods in life. The first smile, the first steps, the first words... The ability to speak greatly simplifies the process of communicating with a small child. It becomes clear to parents what caused the discontent of the baby and what he really wants. That is why all newly-made parents are concerned about the question of what time the child begins to speak, when the first words should appear and what to do if the child long time makes no attempt to talk to others. It is very important for every parent to know the answers to the questions posed. Every mom and dad should clearly know what time the child should start talking, so that if there are any deviations, contact a specialist in a timely manner to solve problems.

Features of the development of speech of the baby

Speaking about the development of the speech of a small child, it is necessary to mention the emergence of the process of communication as such. Immediately after birth and after a few days, babies react extremely poorly to auditory stimuli. Young mothers, still within the walls of the maternity hospital, are trying to establish contact with the baby through lullabies and affectionate words.

It has been scientifically proven that already being in the womb, the child is able to recognize the emotional coloring of sounds, to distinguish the voices of his parents. By the way, this is why many doctors strongly recommend listening to calm music during pregnancy, which will favorably affect the central nervous system baby.

A newborn child who has just been born perfectly hears and recognizes the sounds of the world around him, but he cannot produce a response.

So what time do kids start speaking words and connected sentences? At normal development The baby's development of speech occurs gradually. By the age of four, the child has developed, emotionally rich speech, which is dominated by complex sentences and long phrases.

At what age does the baby start talking? Achievements of the baby up to 6 months

The very first reaction of the baby to the surrounding stimuli is a cry. The crying stage lasts from the moment a baby is born until 6-8 weeks of a newborn's life. At a month and a half, the child begins to pronounce his first sounds, cooing and walking. The baby pronounces soft, melodious sounds and syllables. The most common are gu, agu, wa. The cooing stage is considered the most important stage, as it is the beginning of the formation of communication.

At the age of 5-6 months, a phenomenon such as baby talk. The baby's "vocabulary" is replenished with new syllables ba, pa, ma, dya, etc. The baby unconsciously begins to combine them into words. As a rule, at this time, the baby's babbling is accompanied by certain intonations. In addition, the baby, during a kind of conversation with others, can smile, laugh and express other emotions through facial expressions.

Speech development in the period from 6 to 12 months

In the period from 6 months to one year, the speech of the baby undergoes significant changes. From 6 to 10 months, the child begins to repeat the syllables quite clearly several times. New sounds are added to the baby's stock: k, i, e. The articulatory apparatus becomes more perfect.

One and a half to two months before the long-awaited "anniversary", the baby begins to consciously pronounce the simplest words: mom, dad, woman, na, give, etc. By the end of the first year of life, the baby has about twenty words. All of them consist of identical syllables. During this period, the baby begins to correlate babble complexes with actual words.

A small child understands the words addressed to him. He maintains emotional contact with adults through subject-effective means. During this period, there is an active replenishment of the baby's passive vocabulary. It is worth noting that if parents actively communicate with the child, by the end of the first year of life, the baby acquires the skill of pronouncing the simplest phrases: "Mom, give", "Dad, give", "Baba, on", etc.

Speech development from one to two years

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of at what age children begin to speak. Everything is individual. But there are averages. In the period from one to two years, there is an active replenishment of the baby's vocabulary. On this stage it is very important to give the infant enough time to promote better development communication skills crumbs.

Teachers and specialists in the field early development it is strongly recommended at this time to conduct various games with the child to develop intonation, read books with large bright pictures, pronounce aloud the name of those objects and phenomena that are depicted. Children's books not only help to significantly expand the child's vocabulary, but also enrich emotional perception baby.

It is very important, while reading literature intended for young children, to change intonations depending on the plot situations, depict animals that take part in the development of a fairy tale, and also try to change voices.

Between one and one and a half years, the child begins to pronounce simple sentences, which include a noun, verb, or adjective. The baby begins to use various prepositions. From one and a half to two years old, the baby learns to ask questions himself and independently formulate answers to the questions asked of him.

How does the speech of the baby develop after two years

After two years, the task of parents is to regularly conduct developmental activities with the baby, which will help enrich the vocabulary of a small child. By this age, the baby's vocabulary includes about 200-300 words.

The period from two to three years is extremely important for any baby, because it is at this age that children begin to visit kindergarten. The ability to talk greatly simplifies the process of communication between the child and other babies, helps to establish contact in the shortest possible time.

Games for the development of baby speech

Newly minted mom and dad are concerned not only at what age children begin to speak, but also how to promote development speech abilities small child. The process of speech development will be more efficient if it proceeds in game form. Experts also recommend using children's songs, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes. It is very important to involve in the process of exercises for the development of fine motor skills.

The development of children's speech is positively influenced by the imitation of animal voices, which makes classes with the baby interesting and exciting, and also has a beneficial effect on the improvement of the articulation apparatus of a small child.

How to help a child

The main task young parents is to create a favorable emotional background for the development of the baby's speech. In addition, mom and dad, as well as other relatives, should regularly communicate with a small child, familiarize themselves with the surrounding phenomena through stories, songs, and poems.

Developmental activities will contribute to the best development of the crumbs' speech. However, it should be borne in mind that they should be regular.

As a rule, for most young children, mother becomes the first word. That is why many young mothers are interested in what time the children begin to say mother. The baby makes the first attempts to name the dearest person at about 7 months. However, this happens unconsciously. This word is an onomatopoeia. If the baby begins to pronounce the words mom and dad in context, this means that the baby has mastered conscious speech.

To baby started faster call mom consciously, you need to play various situations. For example, hide your face behind your palms and ask the crumbs: "Where is mom?" Then you need to open your face and say: "Here's mom!"

You need to pronounce your actions:

  • "Mom is cooking."
  • "Mom makes soup."
  • "Mom dresses her daughter (son)."
  • "Mom cleans her nose."
  • "Mom strokes the tummy, etc."

Thus, you can teach to pronounce the word mother, and then other names of objects and phenomena.

Causes of delayed speech development

There are times when Small child By the second year of life, he does not master speech at a sufficient level or is completely silent. The reasons for the delay in the speech development of a baby can be of a biological and social nature. Medical problems may include abnormalities prenatal development. In addition, the causes of RRR can be birth trauma, genetic abnormalities, as well as problems with the auditory analyzer and articulatory apparatus.

Reasons may also psychological aspect. A delay in speech development may be the result of bilingualism or a lack of fresh impressions and communication and emotional contact with adults, especially parents.

It should be borne in mind that the development of speech and the speed of the appearance of new words can be affected by individual characteristics the character of the baby, as well as his temperament. It is known that phlegmatic children begin to talk a little later than children of the same age who are choleric or sanguine. In this case, you should carefully observe the behavior of the baby.

If the child is silent

If the child has reached two years of age, and his vocabulary is much less than two hundred words, or the baby does not talk to others at all, you need to contact specialists, a neurologist and a pediatrician. They will conduct a thorough examination and appoint additional research to identify the cause of delayed speech development. You can start sounding the alarm earlier if the child did not start cooing, babbling in a timely manner, or he did not start babbling, and then the first syllables and words. It should be borne in mind that the development of each baby is purely individual and a deviation up or down from the average indicators is not a pathology and does not require medical intervention(in the absence of diseases).

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what time children begin to speak their first words. The development of the baby's speech is milestone in the life of a baby. The ability to speak greatly simplifies the process of communication between an adult and a baby, helps parents better understand the needs of their child. That is why the newly minted mother and father are very concerned about the question of what time the children begin to speak the first words and how speech develops in a small child.

Experts say that every child is individual. That is why it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of what time the child begins to speak. The kid will utter the first word only when the development of his brain reaches a sufficient level. According to experts, this happens at the 10-12th month of a baby's life. It is worth noting that parents need not only to actively communicate with their child, but also to create a favorable emotional background for baby development. Studying by parents about the development of the baby's speech and understanding what time the child should start talking is extremely important.

The answer to the question of when a child begins to talk is individual, as well as the assumptions about when he crawls, sits down or takes the first step. The development of speech - especially individual process and it depends on many factors. If parents foresee the slightest desire of the baby, do not let go of him for a moment, then most likely such a miracle will speak quite late.

When do the first sounds appear?

Some parents worry about their child's late start to talk. In fact, any baby wants to communicate from birth. First, through a cry, with which the baby reports that he has woken up or wants to eat. Any attentive mother will quickly understand what exactly her son or daughter is saying. The first sounds similar to speech appear by the age of two months. It is at this moment that it is important to talk to the child, and by the age of three months he will answer you in his "gibberish" language. In such a “conversation”, the baby develops facial muscles and trains the respiratory organs. Talk to your baby more. Do this during feeding, before going to bed, while awake. Try to make sure that the child sees your face, because he subconsciously remembers your facial expressions, emotions when pronouncing certain words. The more you communicate with the baby in the first year of life, the faster he will start talking. Communication with dad also has great importance. Gradually, the child develops confidence in the world around him, and hence the desire to know it as quickly as possible.

When do the first words appear?

The question of how old children begin to speak, as a rule, comes down to the answer when the baby first said an intelligible word. By around four months, many babies begin to babble and adults hear the first syllables spoken. To the delight of grandma or dad, distinct “ba-ba” or “pa-pa” begin to sound. These sounds are the easiest to pronounce, so the child begins his experiments with the Russian language with them. The syllables "ma-ma" the baby will say after these sounds, so do not be upset. However, having appeared in speech at the age of five or six months, they are not yet literally words. The baby can look at mom and say "woman." And it's not because he misses his grandmother. Real words, with meaning, appear no earlier than eight months, for most children only at ten to twelve months. By the end of the year, five to ten words can be counted in the children's vocabulary. Many parents simply do not notice when a child begins to speak, because these first words are usually mangled beyond recognition. Continue to constantly talk to the child, looking into the eyes. During this period, funny situations arise when the baby tries to get his hands into your mouth. Thus, he wants to quickly figure out why you are able to speak better than him.

When do the first offers appear?

By the age of one and a half years, several hundred words appear in the active vocabulary of the baby, and children begin to put them into sentences. When a child begins to speak, many words are still mispronounced, and some are completely cut down to one syllable. Nevertheless, experts call it words. Therefore, do not be alarmed when you think that the baby should already say a hundred words, and you barely have a couple of dozen. During this period, when the child begins to speak, it is important not to correct the mistakes of the baby, but to show him the correct speech, communicate and play with him. And then very soon the days will come when you will dream that he would be silent for at least a minute.