The dog vomits bile what to do treatment. Treating yellow vomit in a dog. Life saving gag reflex

A dog can vomit at any time. Prior to the arrival of the veterinarian, a list of symptoms should be determined, as well as associated characteristics, allowing you to assign pet adequate measures treatment.

Animals may vomit as a result of physiological processes.

In most cases, vomiting is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at removing irritating or toxic substances from it. Regardless of breed, Shar Pei, Chihuahua and yorkshire terrier, French Bulldog And Pug, Pekingese And Shepherd Dog. All dogs are subject to this type of disorder: from a small dachshund to huge Great Danes.

Physiological causes of vomiting

Vomiting in an animal can occur both as a result of physiological processes and be caused by pathological conditions.

Vomiting wool

It is characteristic of all dogs, but is especially often manifested in long-haired breeds. During periods of molting, animals can actively lick themselves, while swallowing a significant amount of wool. Vomiting helps to free the stomach from excess accumulated hair, it prevents blockage of the intestines.

Vomiting from overeating

Many pets receive food strictly on time and at certain quantities. If dogs suddenly have the opportunity to eat some kind of treat in large quantities, she will certainly take advantage of this (for example, when breaking a bag of food or carelessly leaving food unattended). Owners can chronically overfeed some dogs, because of this, the puppy is sick, and their gag reflexes appear periodically. Often such urges are associated with diseases. digestive system in dogs.

Mother spitting up food for puppies

This phenomenon is quite common in dogs, when bitches regurgitate semi-digested food to small puppies.

Gag reflex to medication

Many components medications can be annoying taste buds pharynx and tongue, causing vomiting.

Mechanisms that cause vomiting

There are several groups of mechanisms that cause vomiting processes.

Toxic-hematogenous vomiting

It can be observed in diseases characterized by the formation in the body of metabolic products of a toxic type. For example, uremia, decompensated diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, liver failure, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal insufficiency.

Also, the gag reflex can cause poisons (chlorine, carbon monoxide, etc.), or drug intoxication (due to the use of cytostatics, digitalis or iron preparations, sulfonamides, as well as apomorphine and radiopaque substances). This group also includes vomiting in infectious diseases associated with exposure to various kinds pathogens (viruses, fungi and bacteria) or toxic metabolites.

Vomiting reflex can cause poisons or drug intoxication, as well as apomorphine and radiopaque substances.

Vomiting due to organic disorders or lesions of the central nervous system

They are provoked by: encephalitis, meningitis, tumors or abscesses in the brain. May cause vomiting and lesions in inner ear membranous labyrinth, as well as hypertension or glaucoma.

Reflex urge to vomit

Occur due to mechanical irritation of special zones in abdominal cavity and in the mouth. To such sensitive areas include: back wall in the pharynx, coronary (coronary) vessels, peritoneum, bile ducts, mesenteric vessels and areas of the cerebral cortex.

Vomiting "gastric type"

Associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: acute gastritis, tumors in the stomach, peptic ulcer manifestations of functional dyspepsia. The dog vomits after prolonged nausea and in the midst of the digestive process (half an hour after eating).

Intestinal type of vomiting

Occurs due to the return of its contents to the stomach from the intestines. The dog is sick and vomits due to intestinal obstruction, as well as in case of worms, or due to thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels. A feature of this type of vomiting is the excretion of bile along with food.

Frequent vomiting can cause dehydration in dogs, as well as hypovolemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, or hypochloremia. Such violations lead to impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver and can provoke convulsions and even paralysis.

Stages of the vomiting process

Gag reflexes in dogs can be acute or chronic. When manifested acute form the animal should receive symptomatic supportive treatment. Chronic manifestations require specific diagnosis and, based on its results, prescription special techniques therapy.

There are several stages of vomiting:

  • nausea, it is characterized by constant licking of the lips by the animal, as well as reflex swallowing, when the dog is sick, she has profuse salivation;
  • belching, the process of gas release with a characteristic sound is an attempt and precedes the onset of the vomiting process itself;
  • actually vomiting, when the contents of the stomach rise to a certain level in the esophagus, a special reflex center is triggered in the body, which provokes the excretion of vomit from the body.

Types of vomiting and causes that cause it

The characteristic appearance and composition of the vomit helps to determine the cause of this condition in a dog.

Distinguish the following types vomiting:

  • with blood, if the blood scarlet color, then such vomiting may be caused by damage to the pharynx or stomach of the animal sharp objects(bone, rolling pin, etc.), with dark red up to brown (or even black) color of the vomit, we can talk about damage to the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcers or infectious diseases);
  • with an odor, an ammonia odor may indicate kidney failure if an acetone ("sweet") smell appears, then this indicates diabetes mellitus, putrid smell confirms problems in the intestines or in the gums (teeth);
  • with diarrhea and fever, most often manifested in infectious diseases;
  • with refusal of food, occurs due to poisoning chemicals or spoiled products;
  • with foreign bodies, the same remains of objects (bones or chips) may remain inside the animal;
  • vomiting, 5 hours after eating, diseases of the digestive tract are very likely.

Treatment of vomiting

Depending on the etiological reasons, the type of treatment is prescribed. For dogs, symptomatic therapy can also be applied in the form of a restrictive diet, as well as the appointment of antiemetic drugs. At the same time, the complications that have arisen are also corrected.

Until the veterinarian arrives, you should not scold the dog, even if he has dirty the room, you do not need to put on a muzzle and remove the collar.

Until the cause of the vomiting in the dog is determined, treatment cannot be carried out. Many owners, who see that their beloved dog is vomiting, immediately begin to give some kind of medication. This cannot be done, you can only aggravate the situation, you should urgently show the animal to specialists.

Until the veterinarian arrives, you should not scold the dog, even if he has dirty the room, you do not need to put on a muzzle, remove the collar. It is also necessary to ensure that the dog has free access to water to prevent dehydration. If the animal has severe prolonged vomiting, you can try to pour water into its mouth with a syringe (without a needle).

Diagnosis of causes of vomiting

The identification of concomitant symptoms is very important for treatment.

To help the doctor, you need to determine:

  • the nature and frequency of vomiting;
  • at what time does it occur (after eating or on an empty stomach);
  • the composition of the vomit (watery or thick);
  • color, the presence of blood or undigested food particles, as well as the presence of worms, bones or any foreign objects;
  • possible side effects: general state(lethargy, apathy, activity), degree of appetite and thirst, whether there is bloating, cramps or cough, and constipation is also possible.
  • you need to remember everything that has happened in the last 3 days with your pet (changes in diet, eating foreign food, contacts with other animals).

Proper treatment can only be after clarifying all these issues.

The owner of the dog needs to remember that you cannot treat the animal on your own. Do not expect that when the dog is sick, the vomiting will go away on its own with time. A four-legged friend can only weaken, and his body is dehydrated. Even when nothing terrible has happened to the dog, an extra check at the veterinarian will never be superfluous.

The dog is sick, why does this happen and how to solve the problem? Let's try to understand this issue. After all, many owners face a similar symptom.

Nausea and vomiting are frightening, it is not known what to do with the dog and how to help him. Should I immediately run to the vet, or can I wait. You can read the answers to all these questions below.


A dog can feel sick for a variety of reasons. Some states are completely natural, do not pose any danger. These are the so-called physiological. These include:

  • Binge eating.
  • Vomiting hair.
  • Reflex to drugs.
  • Puppies regurgitation.

Excess food has a negative effect. Many dogs do not know how to independently regulate the volume, swallow everything they see on the plate. Then they burp back.

Owners should monitor the amount given to the dog. Vomiting wool is normal process bowel cleansing often occurs during the shedding period when the dog licks more hair.

Regurgitate food for puppies - ancient way feeding, characteristic of almost all predators. Here are a few causes of nausea and vomiting that are not particularly dangerous, but require monitoring and routine veterinary visits:

  • When driving in a car.
  • Single yellow.
  • When changing food.

If pumping in the car, try not to feed too much, ask your veterinarian what medications can be given before the trip.

Yellow vomit is most often caused by dry food and lack of water. You need to water the dog more, perhaps change the diet. If you gave your dog a different food and vomited, go back to the old one.

Introduce new food gradually. Contact your doctor immediately:

  • Repeated frothy vomiting.
  • The appearance of blood or bile.
  • Regular in the morning.
  • After injury.


The dog becomes concentrated, almost does not move, licks his lips, swallows saliva. Then he burps, often with a foul odor.

In most cases, after nausea, the dog vomits. The released masses can be with white foam. It's a sign intestinal infection or poisoning. In parallel, the dog may have a fever, diarrhea appears.

It happens that in dogs vomiting occurs unexpectedly, without nausea. This is a sign of problems with the central nervous system. Special attention you need to pay attention to such a condition after an injury, with a cold or high temperature.

This may be a symptom of meningitis. Vomiting blood is a sign of intestinal bleeding. This dangerous state, you need to immediately go to the doctor, and even better call him at home.

Its cause may be a tumor, ulcer, trauma to the stomach with a foreign body. The next day appears dark stool. If she starts to feel sick and vomit bile, then the problem is in the intestines.

It can be enterocolitis, intestinal obstruction, worms, thrombosis of the mesenteric vein. The condition also requires immediate specialist help. Nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting with an ammonia smell, is a sign of liver failure.

She appears more often in the morning. At first, attacks are single, then they become more frequent. In acute poisoning with hepatotoxic poisons, it is immediately multiple.

If with the smell of acetone, the dog may have diabetes. Putrid is characteristic of chronic problems with the intestines or gums.

First aid

We need to determine the cause, we have already talked about this. The owner can not always do it on his own, he needs the help of a specialist.

If it is plentiful, foamy, you should drink and take to the doctor. When a dog vomits food, you need to reconsider his diet, the size of the portions. When you are sure that you are feeding your dog normally, go to the vet.

Such a symptom can be caused by a tumor of the stomach, pyloric stenosis. When vomiting blood, the dog is left alone and an ambulance is immediately called for veterinary care. If you suspect central vomiting, try to get your dog to the clinic as soon as possible.

With meningitis and injuries, the condition develops acutely. When vomiting occurs once every few weeks, then becomes more frequent, this may be a sign of a brain tumor.

Pathology requires serious intervention, in many cases the dog cannot be saved. When the dog is sick and vomits, the owner should carefully monitor him so as not to miss an illness that requires immediate treatment.

The owner, who notices that his dog is vomiting yellow foam, wonders: “How dangerous is this symptom?”. Indeed, vomiting is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of indigestion due to a viral, infectious disease, helminthic invasion and functional impairment work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is not worth treating vomiting, eliminating the symptoms does not cure the disease, but makes it difficult to diagnose. But is it worth taking your pet to the veterinary clinic right away?

Why does a dog vomit foam?

Foam during vomiting is not a dangerous sign

Foam is formed in the animal in the stomach, this is absolutely natural process. Normally, an empty stomach is surrounded by mucus to prevent self-digestion, in addition, there is almost always some gastric juice in the stomach. The proteins and mucopolysaccharides contained in the foam, interacting with the air swallowed by the dog, form a foam, the yellow color of which is given by the remnants of gastric juice. If you do not immediately remove the puddle of vomiting, then very soon the foam settles, and only slimy water remains on the floor. yellow color.

A hungry animal, or a dog that has an inedible object left in its stomach, often experiences nausea. Many dogs greedily eat grass, then vomit undigested grass. Thus, animals facilitate the process of cleaning the stomach, and most often eating grass speaks of stomach problems: heaviness or feeling of fullness, bloating.

What disease can cause vomiting?

Dogs eat grass to induce vomiting

Animals cannot report their ailments to the owner, although dogs, like people, often suffer from indigestion, they may have impaired liver or pancreas function. Most infectious diseases are accompanied by vomiting, poisoning and ingestion of inedible objects cause vomiting as a way to clear the stomach. Yellow foam or yellow mucus that is present in the vomit can be symptoms of both a dangerous disease and a functional digestive disorder.

Vomiting that does not require treatment:

  • The hungry state of the animal. If periodically (rarely enough) the dog vomits in the morning, before feeding, then the animal gets rid of excess gastric juice in the stomach. Prolonged hunger provokes nausea and vomiting, but if the animal feels good after that, and episodes of morning vomiting are repeated less than once a month, then there is no need to worry. Adjusting the diet will help get rid of the problem.
  • Foreign object in the stomach. A small stone, a piece of bone, or a toy, accidentally swallowed the day before, also causes morning vomiting. A foreign object is found in a small puddle of gastric juice.

Spontaneous release of a foreign object is a reason to closely monitor the pet during the day, as the dog could swallow several pieces of a toy or bone, which can cause intestinal blockage.

Vomiting, signaling a disease:

  • Repeated episodes of vomiting with bile, accompanied by a general deterioration in the condition of the dog. The animal does not eat, his temperature rises, depression and pain in the abdomen are observed. The dog sits with its front paws wide apart. Such symptoms indicate viral or infectious hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, which requires immediate treatment.
  • Chronic gastritis is accompanied by constant bouts of yellow vomiting, usually in the morning, on an empty stomach. Unlike hungry vomiting, when the condition of the animal does not suffer, with gastritis, the dog loses its appetite, becomes lethargic, apathetic. Similar state can last for several weeks, the dog loses weight, the coat becomes dull, weakness increases.
  • A stomach ulcer or a neoplasm in the stomach cavity is the reason that a dog vomits bile, both on an empty stomach and after eating. The animal needs thorough examination at the veterinarian.
  • Piroplasmosis - most dangerous disease, from which the dog dies within a few days without treatment, may also be accompanied by vomiting. The insidiousness is that on the first day the animal has no obvious symptoms of the disease, and only a very attentive owner will see lethargy and poor appetite pet.
  • The reflux of bile into the stomach with cholecystitis causes an attack of nausea, since bile irritates the mucous membrane, the dog's body seeks to get rid of the caustic contents. This explains the repeated bouts of nausea in gallbladder disease.

First aid for a dog with vomiting of bile

A visit to the clinic can save your pet's life

If the dog is sick, and bile is found in the vomit, then the owner must determine why the dog is vomiting yellow foam? This is important, because if the dog suffers from a disease caused by a virus or bacteria, then delay is dangerous to his life. There is only one case to worry about: if, after a single episode of nausea, the dog is still cheerful, active, eating food with appetite.

If the pet does not behave as usual, does not want to play or loses its appetite, and vomiting is repeated, then you need to urgently go to the clinic.

Before the trip, the animal can be given "Smecta", you do not need to feed the dog. It is impossible to help a dog on its own in case of piroplasmosis or hepatitis, vomiting is not a disease, but only a symptom indicating it, so a visit to the clinic is necessary.

A single bout of vomiting that recurs every few weeks may signal the need for a change in diet or type of food. It has been observed that concentrated feeds lead to gastritis more often than natural food, A fractional nutrition avoids digestive problems. Change of feed and introduction to the diet fermented milk products help reduce the frequency of morning vomiting attacks.

A short video about possible reasons vomiting in dogs.

Unfortunately, just like humans, dogs can have health problems, very often these problems manifest themselves as vomiting. Vomiting in dogs it can be different, for example, your dog can vomit once, then you should not worry, most likely, in this way, your pet cleans his stomach. Many of you have noticed that sometimes dogs eat grass, and then they tear it with this grass to “cleanse the stomach”, as our grandmothers used to say.

In fact, dogs eat grass in order to alleviate their stomach sensations. They, like people, may have heaviness, may have heartburn, all these “pleasant” sensations are not alien to our four-legged friends. If the dog does not “graze” all the time, then there is nothing wrong with that, it’s just that your pet is doing stomach prophylaxis for itself. If the pet eats grass all the time and at the same time feels sick all the time, this may be a sign of a serious illness or infection of the pet with worms.

Very often in this kind of disease dog won't eat anything but vomits. This sure sign infection with worms, and in a neglected form. If the dog vomits, then you should worry and take action. The first step is to immediately stop feeding the dog. Try to remember what your pet ate before walking outside and if he ate anything while walking outside. Pay attention to the general condition of your pet, it may sound the alarm early, because you also have it when you vomit, but this does not mean that you are seriously ill.

Although, of course, in any case, vomiting in a dog cannot bode well, in best case this may promise you parting with a certain amount of money that you will give for examining a pet by a veterinarian, and at worst serious problems with the health of the dog. But, let's talk about everything in order, first let's look at the types of vomiting in dogs.

Dog vomiting yellow

If dog vomits yellow or yellow foam- this means that the dog vomits with bile. What does this mean and how can it be treated? There can be several reasons for this vomiting. We have already dealt with the first case, the dog eats grass and vomits bile along with it. Usually this procedure occurs in the morning on an empty stomach. After such vomiting, you should monitor the dog and its condition.

If dog after vomiting bile shows no signs of illness normal stool, the dog does not refuse food), then you should not worry, it means that the dog just cleans the stomach and nothing happens. But there may be another reason for such vomiting, for example, the dog may receive malnutrition and she has excess bile in her body. In this case, the dog should be kept on a diet.

It will be enough to interrupt the feeding of the dog for a period of a day and its condition should return to normal. If the dog vomits yellow and there are worms in the vomit, then this means that the dog has problems. Sometimes there may be blood in the vomit, in which case you need to drop everything and urgently deliver the dog to the clinic. Delay in such cases can cost your pet life.

What to do if the dog vomits bile? As we have already said, first of all, the dog should be kept on a diet and observed. If the dog's health has improved and vomiting of bile does not recur, then there is no reason for concern, but if the vomiting repeats again, then in this case the dog should be shown to the doctor and treatment should be started. Very often, a change in diet helps a dog vomit bile.

Dog vomiting white foam

If dog vomiting white foam, then there may be several reasons for such vomiting, in the first case this vomiting is absolutely safe. This happens if the dog ate, and a few hours after eating, all the contents of the stomach pushed into the intestines, and the stomach itself remained empty. In this case, mucus remains in the stomach, which envelops the stomach after eating. It is this mucus that comes out with foam, foam is formed due to air entering the dog's stomach.

In short, if dog threw up white foam once, then there is nothing wrong with that, and you should not worry. But, there is another side of the coin. The dog can vomit white foam all the time, the worst thing is when dog vomiting white foam on an empty stomach If this happens, then the dog must be shown to the doctor, and before the visit to the doctor, anti-worms should be given. Constant profuse vomiting of white foam can mean a severe infestation with worms.

Dog vomiting blood

If the dog vomits blood, then it's safe to say that your pet's business is bad. Such vomiting can be in a pet different reasons, but you should know that if your dog vomits blood then she has internal bleeding. The reasons for such bleeding can be very different, for example, your dog swallowed a nail or a sharp piece of bone and this object pierced her stomach wall.

A dog can also vomit blood as a result of poisoning with rat poison, this poison causes severe internal bleeding, which sometimes cannot be stopped and the dog dies. Another reason for vomiting blood in a dog may be due to the fact that he for a long time took antibiotics and other potent drugs. All in all, causes of vomiting blood in dogs may be very different.

What to do in such cases, of course, that if a dog vomits with blood, it must be shown to the doctor as soon as possible. But, there are situations when it is not possible to show the dog to the doctor, then you will have to act on your own. So what do you do if dog vomiting blood? The question is interesting and so is the answer. Let's figure it out, first of all, stop feeding your pet.

During this period, for about a day, the dog should not eat anything, she can only drink water, and then in a very small quantities. Be sure to give your dog two Kvamatel tablets. Just remember that the tablets should not be given immediately, but one at a time. One tablet in the morning, the second in the evening. Give your dog complete rest, let him lie where he wants and move less. If the cause of vomiting is foreign object, then the movement can cause amplification internal bleeding and, accordingly, recurrence of bouts of vomiting.

Sometimes it happens that along with dog vomiting other signs of the disease appear, fever, lethargy and general general bad feeling is a sure sign that the dog is developing viral disease or have serious liver problems. In any case, a visit to the doctor can not be avoided. If there is such an opportunity, it would be nice to invite a doctor home. Sometimes vomiting with blood in a dog can go away on its own.

The owner calms down, because the pet suddenly healed itself. In fact, it’s too early to rejoice, such a “relief” may indicate that your pet’s disease has become a chronic form and at any time you can get an exacerbation. Therefore, if this happened, then the pet still needs to be taken for a full examination.

Dog vomits food

This vomiting can also have several causes. IN normal condition the food that the dog has eaten must pass from the stomach further through the intestines, this usually happens 2 hours after eating. If your dog vomited almost undigested food after 3-4 hours, then this may indicate that he has problems with the intestines. Such problems can be caused by inflammation or swelling. If the dog is not young, then you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination for oncology.

Dog vomits water

When dog drinks water and vomits, this may be the result of an infectious disease or bowel disorder. This is one of the most dangerous species vomiting, because during vomiting the pet's body is severely dehydrated, and if dog vomiting water, it turns out that it cannot replenish fluid reserves in the body. If your pet has such problems, then you should immediately consult a doctor, if this is not done, then your pet may simply die in a few days, usually death occurs in two days.

We have considered specific cases, but there are others. causes of vomiting in dogs. For example, vomiting may be the first sign and symptom of distemper or rabies, these diseases may be accompanied by profuse vomiting and diarrhea, but the symptoms can be similar to ordinary poisoning, so you should definitely study the symptoms of diseases such as distemper or rabies.

This can save the life of not only your pet, but also you, for example, distemper is not transmitted to humans, but rabies is easy. If your pet is ill with rabies, then it will not be possible to cure it, but if it bites you, it may happen that your life is also in danger.

How to induce vomiting in a dog?

Sometimes there are situations when dog vomiting you need to call it artificially, for example, your pet ate some foreign object and until it got into the intestines and clogged it, this object must be pulled out of the dog's intestines. Another cause of vomiting in a dog is artificially caused if the pet has swallowed something from household chemicals or rat poison.

In such cases, you can’t hesitate, because such poisons are absorbed into the walls of the stomach very quickly, and from there they have a direct road to the blood, after which it will be much more difficult, if not impossible, to save the pet. If time is missed, then surgical intervention is indispensable. It is in such cases that it is necessary to artificially induce vomiting in dogs. summon dog vomiting You can use hydrogen peroxide.

If your pet ate something that he would not need to eat, then hydrogen peroxide should be poured into his mouth. If, after the procedure, your dog did not feel better, but the condition worsens, for example, there is a rapid hard breath, cramps, chills is a clear sign that your dog has severely damaged internal organs digestion, such a condition may also indicate a burn of the mucous organs of the digestive system.

In this case, the dog must be urgently taken to the veterinarian and after the procedures carried out, the dog should be kept on a diet. For several days it is better not to give her anything, but to provide only plenty of drink.

The main causes of vomiting in dogs

So, from the above, we can deduce the main reasons why dogs can vomit. First of all, a dog can vomit due to improper or poor-quality nutrition. Very often this happens if you feed your dog low-quality dry food. Vomiting may also appear due to spoiled food, there is an opinion among the people that dogs can easily digest anything, in fact this is far from the case.

Further, another cause of vomiting may be a foreign body in the dog's esophagus or stomach. In this case, if this body does not come out with the help of vomiting, then only an operation can save your pet. Also, the cause of vomiting can be viral diseases of dogs, chemicals that a dog can eat while walking or by mistake at home, cancer, stomach ulcers, hepatitis.

Also, the dog can get sick in the car, which can also lead to vomiting, and the dog can also vomit due to strong excitement, stress, and so on. Often vomiting appears in a pet due to diseases of the stomach or intestines. The dog may vomit after eating or while eating. This can manifest itself if there is a foreign body in the dog's stomach, we have already talked about this. Sometimes a puppy may vomit due to overeating.

The puppy ate, ate a lot and densely, the undigested food comes out back. There is nothing wrong with that, it’s just that the puppy spits up excess food, that’s all, if this happens, then you should not immediately run to the veterinarian. If the situation repeats several times in a row, then of course it is worth considering.

In the end, I would like to say that vomiting in a dog is not always a sign of illness or something dangerous. If your pet feels great and suddenly vomited, you should not immediately worry. It may well be that in this way his stomach was cleansed. If vomiting is repeated at intervals of once every few days, this is a signal for action. You urgently need to go to the doctor. Remember that a timely visit to a doctor can save not only the health and life of your pet, but sometimes you and your family members.

06/19/2017 by Eugene

Every loving owner is very attentive to the health of his own dog. Any signs of illness cause him anxiety and anxiety. There is nothing abnormal in this, because our pets are prone to various ailments to no lesser extent than people.

When a dog vomits some time (or immediately) after eating almost undigested food, owners usually begin to look for the causes of such a violent reaction in the foods fed. Is it dangerous this symptom? We will talk about this in this article.

What causes vomiting

It is worth noting that vomiting is only an uncontrolled reflex and is generally caused by the rejection of food consumed by the stomach. There are a great many reasons for this (both physiological and pathological).

If an otherwise healthy animal vomits, then there is nothing wrong with that, provided that the condition is maintained stable. However, any signs of deterioration in well-being may indicate the pathological nature of the symptom and indicate the onset of the disease.

Whatever it was, but do not pay attention to what your dog vomited, in any case, it is impossible, so it is better to consult a doctor without delay.


It is worth noting that most often vomiting is not dangerous and is nothing more than the result of the process of self-purification of the stomach provoked by:

  • eaten grass;
  • too big portion.

In the latter case, the contents are usually erupted immediately, especially if the dog ate hastily. In addition, it is not uncommon for lactating bitches to regurgitate some partially digested food just to feed their babies.

Do not worry too much if vomiting appears against the background of:

  • pregnancy;
  • strong emotional stress;
  • motion sickness in the car;
  • heat;
  • diet changes.

It is not considered as a problem in a situation where:

  • the general well-being of the pet does not worsen;
  • he remains active, alert and energetic.

Quite often, the eruption of food does not occur immediately, but, for example, after an hour, during active game or under the influence of other harmless external factors.

Vomiting indicates a serious problem if seizures occur after a short time repeatedly. It's worth suspecting:

  • poisoning with spoiled food or chemicals;
  • infection with any infection;
  • the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature;
  • worms.

Vomiting is also caused by ingestion foreign bodies or neoplasms.

A number of fairly unambiguous signs indicate the presence of diseases:

  • heat;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent paroxysmal vomiting;
  • problems with digestion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy.

All of these symptoms are indicative of pathological processes in the pet's body. As a rule, they are related to the disorder of the digestive functions. Among the most common diseases found in dogs are the following:

  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer.

What to do

First of all, you should call the doctor. While he is driving, it is necessary to continue observing the animal and evaluate:

  • call frequency;
  • the presence of other symptoms;
  • appetite;
  • the nature of the erupted masses.

The doctor will need to talk about the dog's diet, its habits (primarily, the tendency to pick up garbage), contacts with other animals.

Since vomiting in any case leads to dehydration, it is necessary to provide the pet with the opportunity to replace the loss of fluid. If he does not want to drink, water is poured into the mouth forcibly - with a syringe. Never scold your dog for making a mess in the house.

Before the doctor arrives, it is better for the pet to starve - eating food in this situation often leads to an aggravation of the condition.

Treatment should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis has been made, in a situation where this is not possible for any reason, it is necessary to start symptomatic therapy.

How to help

If the animal is nauseated by motion sickness, or you suspect that such a nuisance may happen, give the dog before leaving the house special remedy- Serenia. This drug sold in veterinary pharmacies.

All drugs commonly prescribed this case, are divided into two categories according to the mode of action.

The first includes agents that stimulate peristalsis. Thus, the consumed food is actively moving through the intestines, and cannot return in the form of vomiting. Such drugs are ideal for dogs prone to nausea, but are contraindicated in case of poisoning with poor-quality food or chemicals. The most effective in this group is Metoclopramide.

Another group of drugs acts directly on the brain center responsible for the gag reflex. They suppress its activity, and thus the urge is neutralized. The previously mentioned Serenia and Ondansetron also belong to this category.

If the vomit contains bile, it is necessary to start complex therapy aimed at stabilizing the biliary system. It should be understood that such an animal must necessarily undergo a diagnosis, without which it is impossible to accurately indicate the cause.

In any case, when signs pathological condition the dog is left without food for a day. Then, for a speedy recovery, a strict diet is prescribed.

In general, inexperienced dog breeders should know that in most cases it is possible to avoid vomiting if you do not treat your pet with the following harmful foods:

  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried.

Such dishes primarily irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. In fact, bones are also harmful to dogs, especially boiled ones. The last zero content nutrients, and at the same time, not every dog ​​is able to digest them. In addition, they often provoke constipation.

Dogs are also contraindicated in very cold dishes, and too hot.