Anesthetic Bikini Depilatory Gel. Anesthesia for hair removal and depilation on sensitive areas of the body. Disadvantages of using local anesthetics

Epilation is not a pleasant thing. Not many people can easily withstand the pain that the process of pulling hair out of the bulb causes. But all women want smooth legs. How can you force yourself to go through such a painful procedure? It's very simple: use lidocaine when epilating for pain relief.

Features of Lidocaine

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic that blocks pain in a specific area of ​​the body. It is produced in different forms and the method of application depends on it. The solution in ampoules is intended for injection, in the form of a spray and cream - for surface anesthesia. Lidocaine dilates blood vessels and is a cardiac depressant, that is, it is used for disorders heart rate... It is used for pain relief:

  • for dental and gynecological manipulations;
  • with injuries and bruises;
  • during painful medical and diagnostic procedures;
  • when suturing;
  • during childbirth;
  • during surgical interventions.

This anesthetic can cause severe allergic reactions... Therefore, before using it, a test for sensitivity to the drug is mandatory.

When the appearance local edema the use of lidocaine is prohibited.

Spray anesthetic

To anesthetize epilation, a 10% solution of lidocaine hydrochloride is used in the form of a spray. This concentration is also suitable for mucous membranes such as gums. Mucous membranes quickly absorb fluid and tissue numbness occurs after 3-5 minutes. The skin has a denser structure, so it takes much longer for the solution to penetrate.

It is necessary to apply the spray with extreme caution so that its solution does not get into the eyes and Airways. If anesthesia is performed on the face, be sure to cover your eyes, nose, and mouth. Respiratory penetration is dangerous to human health and life.

To anesthetize the surface of the skin, it must first be cleaned: take a shower with light scrub, freeing the epidermis from the dead layer of cells, dry well. After steaming, the pores open and the cells absorb the solution better.

Sprinkle generously with lidocaine spray on cleansed skin. Untreated areas will remain sensitive. Prevent the liquid from drying out and evaporating, immediately wrap the wetted area with cling film. Thus, the solution will penetrate deeper into the layers of the epidermis. The compress is kept for 40-60 minutes and only then the polyethylene is removed, the excess moisture is wiped off and the hair is removed. The procedure will not be painless at all, but you will not feel any strong discomfort.

Spray lidocaine is convenient for treating large surfaces, but the liquid spreads, so you need to act quickly so that the solution does not lose its analgesic properties.

Anesthetic cream

In addition to the spray, there are creams and gels for topical application containing lidocaine: Helicaine, Lidochlor, Emla, Lidocaine-gel. Most often with epilation and laser treatment Emla cream is used for the skin. It is most common among beauty salons, as it contains another analgesic prilocaine, which enhances the effect and result. At the expense of active ingredients such analgesics penetrate deeply into the skin and long time block pain.

Creams and gels are applied as follows: the composition is applied in a thick layer to the surface that you plan to epilate. The treated areas are covered with foil. It is not necessary to do this, since the cream does not dry out or evaporate, but the compress opens the pores and the product penetrates deeper and faster. Wait a while for the components to take effect. This will take 20 to 60 minutes, depending on individual characteristics.

To see if it's time to remove the bandage, try pinching your skin through it. If you feel cold numbness at the same time, you can get to work. After such "freezing" the effect lasts about one and a half to two hours, gradually dying down.

Creams and gels are good because they can be applied in intimate areas, which means bikini hair removal will cease to be an excruciatingly painful procedure and you can enjoy the feeling of smooth skin on any part of the body.

Pain relief injections

The most common form of lidocaine release is in injectable ampoules. With their help, local anesthesia is carried out during dental, gynecological procedures and other surgical interventions.

For some people, removing vegetation turns into torture and they agree to any method of pain relief. It all depends on the pain threshold, the treated area and the density of hair growth. Therefore, epilation is also possible with the introduction of an anesthetic solution under the skin.

Do not take risks and do not inject yourself at home. This is dangerous not only for your health, but also for life. The reaction of the body can be the most unpredictable, which can lead to respiratory and cardiac arrest... Such manipulations can only be performed by a specialist with medical education and only after an allergy test.

During injections, lidocaine is injected under the skin no deeper than 2 mm using an insulin syringe. Injections are made at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. In this case, there is a sharp burning sensation, pain, tingling, and small bumps form, which dissolve over time.

Injections have some advantage over other anesthetic methods. The solution, injected under the skin, acts faster, and the effect lasts about an hour. In addition, such pain relief is much cheaper than using creams and sprays.

The use of lidocaine as an anesthetic in pregnant women is advisable only when the level of expected benefits is higher than the potential risk. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this drug unnecessarily while in position. Women during lactation should also refuse this form of anesthesia. Lidocaine has the ability to penetrate breast milk although its use in small therapeutic doses does not harm the infant.

Failure to follow instructions or improper use of products containing lidocaine may develop serious consequences and side effects:

  • the fall blood pressure;
  • dizziness, tinnitus;
  • weakness, disorientation, loss of consciousness;
  • paralysis and muscle cramps;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • allergy, anaphylactic shock;
  • cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest.

Among the contraindications for the use of lidocaine are allergies, various forms chronic diseases, age under 12 years old, problems with cardiovascular system, pregnancy, neuroses, instability of blood pressure, convulsions.

Before the procedure, carefully read the instructions for any anesthetic and remember that epilation is not as scary as it seems.

In any case, only the first 2-3 procedures are very painful. Further, the skin gets used, the pores, in which the follicles are located, expand and it becomes easier to remove hairs from them. The attitude to the process also matters: do not create unnecessary fears for yourself, relax and carry out the hair removal slowly but surely.

Epilation is the removal of hair from the root, which involves getting rid of them completely and no further growth. That is, forever. Depilation - temporary removal of unwanted vegetation. It is she who is carried out at home. It is a priori impossible to carry out epilation at home. This requires special equipment and trained staff.

Let's agree right away that we use the term "hair removal" for ease of perception, and not to state the fact of the procedure itself. That is: we say "epilation", but we mean "depilation".

Remove hair at home and achieve maximum long-lasting effect most different ways... Including those offered by the most fashionable beauty salons. And the pressing issue is anesthesia during hair removal at home. There are many methods - from purchased funds, taking anesthetics and even injections to the simplest available means.

How to make home hair removal painless

There are several ways to remove hair growing in unwanted areas. The most common one is shaving. But anesthesia is unlikely to be required for such a simple procedure.

But the use of an epilator, shugaring (depilation sugar paste), wax technique, trading, plucking - the procedures are quite painful. Especially for ladies with a low threshold pain sensitivity and closely spaced subcutaneous capillaries.

How can you anesthetize the skin before the hair removal procedure at home?

Choosing the time and day

The menstrual cycle affects sensitivity. Painful sensations three days before the onset of menstruation, during them and during ovulation, are the brightest and most pronounced.

But five or six days after critical days- it's high time to carry out depilation. If once a month is not enough, then you can also plan the procedure after ovulation also in five to six days.

The most painless time of day manipulation is between 4 and 6 pm.

But such a "routine" is not at all an axiom. Each organism has its own characteristics.


Perhaps the easiest way that does not require any special preparations and accessories. Hot shower or a bath before the procedure will prepare the skin, open the pores, make hairline soft, bring hair follicles as close to the surface as possible.

You can also steam with compresses using herbs. Of those that are always at hand:

  • garden or forest lily of the valley;
  • lilac flowers;
  • chamomile medicinal;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • nettle.

A decoction must be made from one or more herbs. Soak in a potion warm enough cotton fabric and apply to the depilation area. Remove as soon as it starts to cool. Repeat the procedure several times. These herbs are natural analgesics that can help relieve painful sensations.

Creams and sprays

It has a good local effect pharmacy drug Lidocaine spray. It is better to purchase a Hungarian-made product, since it is more effective. It is used in salons to eliminate discomfort when waxing, shugaring and hardware methods of hair removal.

Home depilation of underarms, bikini, arms and legs can be done with such anesthesia. But to remove facial hair, it is better to use a cream.

Emla cream is the most popular remedy, which contains the same lidocaine and prilocaine.

The pain will not be annoying if both products are applied some time before the procedure (about an hour). But it should be remembered that lidocaine is a drug that has its own contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a doctor or beautician.

Epilator attachments

The household epilator has become almost indispensable and has taken pride of place in the bathroom next to men's shaving accessories. The epilator is very easy to use. The instructions can be read in any manual. And here's how to painlessly carry out the procedure using this " hell car"? Different attachments are used, and each lady chooses the right one for herself.

  1. Thinned epilating discs will make it easier to transfer the procedure due to the fact that the number of hairs pulled out at the same time is reduced.
  2. The cooling nozzles are a container filled with water. It is previously placed in the freezer so that the water turns into ice and gets very cold. This attachment not only has an analgesic effect, but also eliminates irritation after the procedure.
  3. Massage attachments are the principle of rubbing a bruised area. The pain becomes less severe due to the impairment of signal transmission to the brain.


With a low threshold of pain sensitivity, you can try to take pain relievers. These can be tablet preparations: Analgin, Spazmalgin, Tempalgin, Dolaren and others.

It is also allowed to inject lidocaine injections, which are carried out with an insulin syringe under the skin directly at the depilation site. This method is usually used by too "sensitive" beauties when performing hair removal in the bikini area. But it is predominantly salon method, since it is quite problematic to give yourself injections in certain places on your own.

And if a lady is too afraid of pain, then the injection is even more discomfort. In addition, hyperemic areas may form at the injection site, which eventually become inflamed, causing no less discomfort. But as an option, such a strong pain reliever has a right to exist.

But in this case, it must be taken into account that all drugs have contraindications and can cause side reactions.


Some ladies practice before depilation, especially in very sensitive places, to take cognac or vodka for courage.

The method is quite viable, as alcohol dulls the pain. But they should not get carried away - after all, " female alcoholism incurable. " But seriously, you can do a lot of harm to the body. regular use alcohol.

Folk ways

Many young ladies are wondering how to make pain relievers at home? The matter is quite real, especially since special costs does not require.

  1. Coffee scrub. For this drug, you will need natural ground coffee (preferably already brewed). The drink can be drunk, and the "gruel" can be mixed with a small amount essential oil tea tree and rosemary. The first is an antiseptic, the second is an anesthetic. Apply the composition to steamed skin, leave for a few seconds and massage. Then wash off warm water and you can start the procedure. The skin at the depilation site is prepared, cleansed of keratinized epithelium, the pores are open, the hairs are soft and “docile”.
  2. Propolis based ointment. To prepare it, you will need a base oil (coconut, almond, olive) and pure propolis. It should be frozen to make it easier to grind. Then grate or crush in a mortar into a fine powder. Mix with oil until smooth and let it brew for 5-6 days in a cool place. After that, you can massage before depilation using this ointment. The effect is not only pain relief, but also scrubbing, improving the condition of the skin, eliminating the risk of developing irritation after the procedure and ingrown hairs.
  3. Home anesthetics with vodka or alcohol. It can be an alcoholic infusion of propolis, water pepper, lilac or lily of the valley. It is necessary to rub the composition into the skin before manipulation. This will not only relieve severe pain, but also have an antiseptic effect.
  4. Ice. You can not only steam the skin to eliminate discomfort, but also cool it as much as possible. For this, either compresses from cold water(decoctions medicinal herbs), or ice of the same medicinal compositions.

The use of such simple methods from "improvised means" will give an undeniable advantage - choosing a remedy according to your mood and need, improving the condition of the skin, getting rid of problems that arise after the procedure (irritation, ingrown hairs, and others).

V modern world the presence of excess hair on the body is not permissible for a woman.

Representatives of the fair sex resort to different methods hair removal, in particular for depilation ( surface removal) and epilation (removal of hairs along with the bulbs).

Some procedures are quite painful, in connection with which it becomes necessary to use anesthetic (freezing and anesthetic) creams for depilation and epilation.

In this article we will understand the peculiarities of using such tools.

Anesthetic creams before hair removal are now a more convenient tool and, most importantly, more effective than analgesic pills... This is due to the fact that drugs affect the entire body, are absorbed into the bloodstream, and can also irritate the gastric mucosa. But the cream works at the place of application. Penetrating into the skin, it makes it weakly sensitive for a short period of time.

The essence of any cream for pain relief before epilation consists in reducing the conduction of nerve endings. This effect can be achieved using local anesthesia.

There are many gels and ointments on the market that work effectively and relieve women from unpleasant pain during removal procedures. unwanted hair.

Usually, how an epilation pain relief cream works depends on how much of the active ingredient is absorbed into the skin. It is the active substance, not the cream in general.

You can enhance the effectiveness of the product by using an occlusive dressing, which will exclude contact of the skin area with external environment and will not allow moisture to evaporate. At home, such a bandage can be replaced with ordinary cling film or polyethylene.

Cream selection rules

Today, you can buy an anesthetic and cooling cream with lidocaine and anesthesia for hair removal at a completely inexpensive price in almost any pharmacy. There are a lot of funds, so later in the article we will take a closer look at the most popular of them to make it easier to choose the most suitable drug.

Freezing cream for hair removal

Freezing cream for hair removal can be purchased freely at the pharmacy. It will relieve pain remarkably skin covering thanks to its cooling functions. But it is worth noting that he is not able to completely remove the pain. This is due to the fact that such a remedy does not penetrate into subcutaneous layer deep enough to reach the hair follicles. It is used most often at home, less often in salons.

Lidocaine cream

Anesthetic cream for hair removal with lidocaine is used much more often.

Such a cream for pain during epilation is often used in beauty salons, but it can also be purchased at the pharmacy for home use.

To achieve a more noticeable effect, you need to apply it about 2 hours before the hair removal procedure, and be sure to wrap it with foil.

Creams for painless hair removal with lidocaine are suitable for the treatment of the bikini area, armpits, and also for the legs.

Important! You cannot apply a cream containing lidocaine to your face!

How to apply the cooling cream

It is not difficult to apply a local anesthetic cream while epilating, but there are still a few things to look out for.

Sensitivity testing

Before treating the skin with an anesthetic cream before depilation, you need to mandatory conduct a sensitivity test. For this applied to the elbow bend area a small amount of funds and the result is analyzed in 30-40 minutes.

In the absence of any irritation, rashes and redness, this product can be safely applied in the future.

Pain relief before the procedure

After the sensitivity test has been carried out, you can apply the product to the body in the required amount.

Important! The application of anesthetic agents is prohibited in case of any violation of the integrity of the skin.

  • It is recommended to steam the skin beforehand, so the hairs will be easier and less painful to remove.
  • The area to be treated must be thoroughly dried, and then apply a drug for pain relief. To achieve the maximum effect, the skin is additionally covered with cling film and kept for the amount of time indicated in the instructions.
  • The remains of the cream are removed with a napkin or paper towel.
  • You can start removing excess hair.

Folk remedies for pain relief before hair removal

In addition to purchased funds, there are many folk methods, which help to reduce the sensitivity of the skin during the depilation procedure.

  • Chilli... At first glance, this method will probably seem strange, because chili peppers are hot and very hot. But at the same time, the effect of removing painful sensations quite easily explained. This product is able to enlarge the pores on the skin, which helps to remove hairs easier and faster. Additionally, the effect will be obtained as a result of the action of capsaicin, which is part of the pepper. Capsaicin is what causes the stinging sensation. When interacting with it, the body will receive an appropriate signal and begin to produce hormones that reduce unpleasant pain sensations - endorphins. As a result, the sensations will be less noticeable, dull.
  • Similar to chili peppers, such spicy hot seasonings, like mustard, turmeric, cinnamon, curry, etc.
  • Mint... A few fresh leaves should be applied to the skin for 15 minutes. The plant will cool the skin without narrowing the pores or causing cramping.
  • Sea buckthorn oil... Having lubricated the skin with oil, you can additionally cover it with cling film for 45-60 minutes. The tool is effective, but it will need to be carefully removed from the skin before the waxing or sugaring procedure, otherwise hair removal will be ineffective.

Naturally, you should not expect a stunning effect from folk methods. But in the absence medications such options are perfectly acceptable.

It is interesting! V Arab countries for a long time, there was a tradition according to which absolutely all women who were awarded the status of a bride had their excess hair removed. For this purpose, a viscous consistency solution of sugar and resin was used. This is how the young girl was prepared for marriage. Today, a similar method of hair removal is called shugaring.

Popular ready-to-use creams

There are a significant number of ready-made creams on the market for pre-depilation pain relief. It is enough to choose suitable option for yourself and the hair removal procedure will no longer bring unpleasant sensations.


Pain reliever today depilatory cream "Emla" is the most popular anesthetic among the fair sex.

The Emla depilation cream contains elements that are used for local anesthesia: prilocaine and lidocaine.

Penetrating into the skin, they act as an anesthetic, and the degree of their action directly depends on the dose of the drug used and on the duration of its presence on the skin area.

Instructions for use

How to use Emla cream before epilation is described in detail in the instructions that are in each package of the drug. If you use the cream according to such instructions for use for epilation, the result will be the most effective and tangible.

First of all, you need to cleanse the skin area. After that, the cream is applied in a thick layer and covered with adhesive tape, which is also attached to the package.

Such manipulations are needed so that the anesthetic penetrates deeper into the skin, and the active elements of the drug do not evaporate. If depilation will be carried out on large skin areas, then instead of a special tape, you can apply the usual cling film.

The layer under the film can be renewed from time to time. Speaking about Emla cream and its use for epilation, it is worth noting that it is very convenient to use it to prepare for the hair removal procedure in advance, before going to the salon, for example, since the effect is quite long.

Advice! When applying Emla cream before epilation, you need to remember that the composition will not begin to act instantly, but only after 25-30 minutes. The most noticeable effect of such an anesthetic can be achieved in an hour. The effect will last up to 4-5 hours.

According to the instructions for use for depilation, you need to follow a number of precautions:

  • It is forbidden to apply the product to the skin around the eyes.
  • If there are scratches, inflammations on the skin, open wounds etc., you cannot use the drug.
  • In no case should the cream get into the ear.
  • If any side effects occur, the product must be removed from the skin immediately.

Watch the video about the application of Emla cream before epilation.

Analogs of Emla cream

There are also a number of analogs of Emla cream on the market, which can also be quite successfully used for pain relief during epilation. In comparison, analogs can be significantly cheaper, and in terms of effectiveness for relieving pain during depilation, they are not much inferior.

The active element of this drug is anestoderm. Its effectiveness is slightly lower compared to prilocaine and lidocaine, but the advantage of such a drug is its hypoallergenicity.

Light Dep is combined remedy, which mainly affects the epidermis.

He is able to block nerve endings while maintaining adequate sensitivity to temperature extremes. This is very important in cases where it is used, for example, hot wax... In this way, burns can be avoided.

This agent usually does not cause irritation. It also does not enter the bloodstream.

It should be applied with a cotton pad in several layers. The layers themselves should be fairly thick. The skin is additionally covered with cling film. If Light Dep is used on the face, no heating pad is needed.

It is necessary to keep the cream on the skin from 15 to 60 minutes. Then the remnants of the product are removed and you can start removing hair.

Cream "Doctor Namb" contains benzyl alcohol and lidocaine. It is able to block nerve impulses that come from the skin.

Before using it, the skin must be washed with soap, you can additionally treat it with alcohol.

You need to apply quite thick layer means, it is allowed to cover with a film or bandage to enhance the effect. The cream is kept on the skin for about 30 minutes.

The effect is noticeably persistent - from 3 to 5 hours. People who suffer from heart disease and who are allergic to lidocaine use Dr. Numb "is not allowed.

It happens that it can cause irritation on the skin or a rash, so it is imperative that you first conduct a skin susceptibility test.

Do not use aspirin before epilation. It can thin the blood, resulting in bleeding during the depilation process.

Prevention agent pain Deep Numb is made in water based... It is non-greasy and is good at eliminating the discomfort during depilation.

Before applying it to the skin, the area must be disinfected. The effect lasts about 40-60 minutes

"Deep Numb" temporarily blocks pain signals traveling along the nerves. It is recommended to apply it approximately 40 minutes before the start of the hair removal procedure.

First, wash the desired area with soap and wipe dry. Then you can apply the cream.

As for the bikini area, the product can be applied on pubic area and labia. The buttocks and thighs should not be covered with this cream. During exposure, a slight burning sensation may be felt, this is normal and usually disappears after a few minutes. It is allowed to lay the plastic film on top.

"Depilflax" is a gel that contains menthol, essential vegetable oils and chamomile extract. Most often it is used before waxing.

This preparation cools the skin well and also disinfects it.

Apply the cream with weak massage movements, should be kept for literally a few minutes.

Depilflax moisturizes the hair and makes it easier to remove.

It works very well against ingrown hairs. You should pay attention to the presence of allergies to the components that make up the cream "Depilflax".

Lidocaine is considered to be the most effective pain reliever. Works very well for removing unwanted hair in deep bikini area.

Available in two versions: spray and injection.

Spray it will anesthetize the skin well, but will not relieve you of all the unpleasant sensations, since the active substance cannot penetrate to the subcutaneous layer, where the hair follicles are located.

As for injections, they can completely remove the sensitivity of the desired zone.

When choosing the second option for pain relief, it is important to take a responsible attitude to the choice of a beauty salon where the hair removal procedure will take place. After all, you need to adhere to the level of hygiene as much as possible, as well as correctly put the injection.

Due to the fact that lidocaine is medicine, it also has a contraindication. First of all, it is intolerance. active substances available in the composition of the drug. It does not have to be an overt allergy, so a sensitivity test must be done first.

"Super Numb" is a drug that comes in the form of a cream. It is made on a water basis, therefore it is able to penetrate the skin relatively easily and quickly.

This remedy will relieve you of unpleasant painful sensations during the epilation procedure, and the effect will last for 4 hours. The country of origin is the United States.

Before applying the drug, the skin should be washed with soap and water, and then wiped dry. The product is applied thin layer and covered with cling film to activate the active ingredients.

It should be kept on the skin for 30-60 minutes, after which hair removal can be carried out. Do not use Super Numb on damaged skin areas.

Sustaine is a product that is able not only to reduce sensitivity, but also to reduce bleeding, remove swelling and bruising. The effect is achieved through a combination of active ingredients: lidocaine, tetracaine and adrenaline. The product should be used directly during the procedure in order to continue the pain relief effect.

reference! If Sustaine is applied to intact skin, it will have no effect.

The gel is odorless and does not cause a burning sensation, as is often the case with similar products.

It should be applied in a thin layer at the site of the procedure, using cotton pad, tampon or other applicator.

The effect occurs literally 2-5 minutes after applying the product to the skin. The excess product must be wiped off, after which the hair removal procedure can be continued.

When applying the product, each time you need to, and after use, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

Do not allow Sustaine Gel to get into oral cavity or eyes. It is also imperative to test for allergic reactions.

There are quite a few drugs that help relieve pain during the procedure for removing unwanted hair from the skin. After reviewing the description of each of them, you can choose the one that is best suited and will become a reliable assistant in a comfortable depilation procedure.

Most women consider the hairs on their bodies an atavism and fight hard with them. For this, various chemical and mechanical methods... It should be noted that today the procedure for removing unwanted hair is available in many beauty salons, but epilation can be successfully done at home. V modern cosmetology new ways and methods of hair removal are constantly emerging, which are highly effective.

Epilation Is a way to get rid of unwanted hair by removing it along with the root. In this case, the follicles are damaged and their growth is suspended. After several epilation procedures, unwanted vegetation can be removed permanently.

Depilation Is a method of removing hair only from the surface of the skin. Depilation can be carried out mechanically - shaving, and chemically - applied to the skin special creams... Under their chemical influence, the surface parts of the hair dissolve. Depilation is enough in a simple way getting rid of unwanted hair, but the effect of such a procedure does not last long.

Negative side using depilatory creams - very sensitive skin can get chemical burn... If this does happen, then apply a moisturizer to the damaged skin.

Features of hair removal in the intimate area

TO intimate hair removal must be approached very responsibly. Smooth skin is the dream of all women, but first of all, you need to take care of your health and the painlessness of the epilation procedure.

There are several ways to remove unwanted hair at a beauty salon. But if you have limited budget, then the most economical solution would be to remove hair in the deep bikini area at home.

Epilation in intimate area is divided into two types: classic and deep bikini... A classic bikini is easier to do. This method removes only the hair that extends outside the panties. But a deep bikini is much more difficult and painful to do. During epilation, hair is removed from the pubis, labia and between the buttocks.

How to reduce pain?

Waxing (waxing) and sugaring (sugar) procedures are now the most popular. Ready mixes for these procedures can be purchased from specialized stores.

At the first stage of the waxing procedure, you need a ready-made mass for epilation thoroughly in a water bath or in a special heater. It should be comfortable for the body. The next step is to apply a layer of the heated mass to the skin in the bikini area. The sticky layer is torn off by one sharp movement against hair growth. It is often very painful to do this, but you will get a lasting effect.

If you properly prepare the skin before epilating the delicate area, you can significantly reduce discomfort.

Shortly before epilation, you need to steam the skin by taking a bath or hot shower. After this procedure, the pores on the skin will expand, thereby pulling out hair will not be so painful. This will help ease the procedure when removing hair with an epilator. Wax and sugar in the bikini area is applied to small areas. First, the sensations will be less painful. Secondly, this way you will not leave bruises and bruises on the skin. To make the procedure less painful, before ripping off sticky layer, stretch the skin. Pull not vertically upwards, but parallel to the area to be epilated.

You can also use medications to numb the skin. To do this, purchase a local anesthetic and apply it to the desired area following the directions for use.

Some women make common mistakes when removing hair in the bikini area. Do not take aspirin to relieve discomfort before the procedure. It thins the blood, which can lead to bleeding during epilation. To calm down a little, you can drink green tea with lemon balm. This is a very tasty and healthy drink that has a mild sedative effect.

With the opening beach season the relevance of such a procedure as hair removal is growing steadily. Every woman wants to look great in a swimsuit or beautiful dress, and for this it is necessary to have smooth skin without excess vegetation... Bare smooth legs and ideal zone bikini is everyone's dream. To make the image perfect, you cannot do without epilation.

Some women are panicky afraid to carry out such a procedure. They are afraid of pain. There are ways that hair removal will be almost painless. The main methods and secrets of pain relief:

  1. Find the best day for you. His choice depends solely on the individual characteristics of a woman. In the second half of the cycle, pain is felt much more than in the first. That is why it is better to prescribe the epilation procedure either in the middle of the cycle, or to implement it immediately after the end of menstruation.
  2. Don't be nervous before the procedure, because when the body is in stressful situation, observed elevated level cortisol in the body. This is what can affect the fact that a person will feel enough. severe pain and burning. If you do get overwhelmed by certain experiences, you can take a sedative or calm yourself down by any other means, such as candy.
  3. A sense of proportion is very important... If you have a reduced pain threshold, then better procedure break epilation into several stages. No, all epilation zones should be treated in one procedure.
  4. You can use a special scrub in the areas where the hair is to be removed. Thus, you will get rid of the layer of dead cells, thereby in to a large extent make hair removal easier.
  5. If you are afraid of epilation, use more delicate hair removal techniques. or apply on problem areas a special anesthetic ointment or gel. Anesthesia can be an option if you have a low pain threshold.
  6. How in gym, and during epilation, you should breathe correctly. So the pain is perceived less acutely.
  7. Cough. Oddly enough it sounds, but if you feel too much pain, you can just cough. In this way, you can distract attention from the pain.
  8. Don't tense your muscles. Try to relax, because when you are tense, all sensations are perceived more sharply. If you consciously relax your muscles, then the procedure will take place less painful.

Pain relievers can be taken to relieve pain. Use the same as for headaches. Among the tablets are:

  • Tempalgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

Follow-up care

Naturally, during epilation, not only the hair is injured, but also the skin. Various irritations and ingrown hairs can occur. To avoid all these troubles, it is necessary to carefully and regularly care for the skin that is being epilated.

Owners are not too sensitive skin just apply an aftershave cream or lotion to your skin. Most women need additional care, and most importantly, hydration. There is never too much moisture, so every morning and evening, apply to the skin of the legs, bikini area and armpits moisturizer or special spray.

They successfully relieve the fair sex of the need to endure pain during the procedure. How do they work and how to use them correctly? Which ones are really safe and effective? People who have left feedback on various anesthetic drugs on the network will help answer these questions.

The benefits of pain relievers

Many women carry out the depilation procedure at home. It is no secret that these manipulations cause more than just discomfort, sometimes you have to endure severe physical pain. Of course, a lot depends on a person's individual pain threshold. But the discomfort that occurs when the hairs are removed along with the bulbs can be softened with a special cream.

Which today in a large number produced by the cosmetic industry, are a safer and more convenient tool in the fight against vegetation on the body than analgesic pills or similar injections. Medications affect the entire body, being absorbed into the bloodstream and irritating the gastric mucosa. While the cream has only a local effect, penetrating the skin and making it less sensitive for a while.

Cream application rules

Painkillers will give the maximum result and will not harm if you follow the recommendations for use due to the characteristics of the drugs:

  • if the product is used for the first time, it is necessary to conduct a test on a small area of ​​the skin, since even a harmless and harmless, in the opinion of other people, the composition can cause an allergic reaction;
  • steam the place on the skin with unwanted vegetation before depilation;
  • the treated area must be thoroughly dried;
  • before the procedure, it is recommended to remove the remainder of the cream with a dry napkin;
  • sensitive skin of the genitals requires very careful and careful use of drugs;
  • any cosmetic product for external use can not be used if the integrity of the skin is violated.

Strengthening the anesthetic effect

It will take time for the anesthetic cream to work. An occlusive dressing will help keep a thin layer of the product from drying out for an hour. In order to build it yourself, you must use a material that does not allow air to pass through, for example, cling film. The use of an occlusive dressing maximizes the analgesic effect, which is so important for comfortable depilation. Ready-made samples can be purchased in pharmacies. Using both homemade and ready-made version dressings, it is important to remember:

  • it cannot be kept on the skin for more than 2 hours;
  • one hour with an occlusive dressing applied, as a rule, is enough to completely anesthetize the dermis at a depth of 2 mm, the period of time required for complete "freezing" largely depends on the individual sensitivity of the person;
  • if the ointment under the bandage is absorbed too quickly, it is necessary to reapply it with a thin layer on the skin, but do not rub.

Anesthetic cream "Emla" AstraZeneca

The product belongs to combined preparations, since its action is based on two active ingredients that guarantee an analgesic result are lidocaine and prilocaine. Users mention this tool more often than others on the Internet. This is primarily due to advertising and the ability to purchase it at any pharmacy. However, it is worth noting that the product is highly regarded by women. Most reviews refer to him as safe drug with a light and pleasant texture. Elma is a cream that relieves the skin quickly enough. His maximum effect can be felt within an hour, provided that it is used

Among these shortcomings, the most common complaints are high price the product and the small volume of the tube, which was enough for most women for only one use. Much less often, customers complain that, using the product, they still experienced pain during the procedures.

Light frost cream-gel

The composition of this cream, the analgesic properties of which are confirmed by domestic cosmetology specialists, contains a complex of active ingredients: lidocaine, prilocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine, which is responsible for vasoconstriction during depilation and others. cosmetic procedures... A drug Russian production has a dense consistency, due to which it does not spread during use. It additionally has a moisturizing and soothing effect. The cream begins to show an anesthetic effect within half an hour after application, and after an hour it reaches the peak of its effect, keeping it for 2 hours.

The advantages of the product that are noted by users on the network are a pleasant consistency, no smell, effective pain relief... On sale you can find packages of 400 ml and 30 ml. For many women, this gel after the first use became irreplaceable assistant... They believe that its main drawback is its high price.

Dr. Numb (red)

In the cream, benzocaine, prilocaine and lidocaine, as well as epinephrine, perform analgesic functions to prevent bleeding. Provided that all the recommended preparations and application are followed, the drug quickly relieves the skin. The anesthetic effect lasts for a long time, so the process of removing unwanted hair is quite comfortable.

The pain relieving cream is highly appreciated by many women. However, there are several comments that allergic reactions have occurred as a result of its use. Therefore, despite the good freezing, the product should be used with caution and a test should be made on a small area of ​​the skin.

Speed ​​Numb Cream

Action of this drug based on the content of lidocaine. Like the above-described anesthetic depilatory creams, a decrease in pain sensitivity during its application occurs about an hour after application to the treated area, if there is a subcutaneous fat layer under it. Judging by the reviews, the product is cheaper than the others and has convenient packaging. As for the anesthetic properties for which the cream was purchased, the opinions of women were divided. Most of them argue that the ointment does not work well for pain relief. In addition, the mild effect wears off quickly. The drug may irritate the skin.