May 8 Red hill. Fortune telling on buckwheat. Rite fertility

In 2004, the UN General Assembly proclaimed on May 8 and 9 memory days and reconciliationdevoted to the memory of the victims of World War II. At the same time, it is recognized that states may have their days of victory and liberation.

Also the date is known as World Red Cross Day and Red Crescent. It is established in honor of the Swiss businessman, a public figure and humanist Jean Henri Dunean, who was born in this May day.

In the middle of the XIX century, Dunan offered to create groups of volunteers who assisted wounded on the battlefields. And in 1863, a conference was convened on his initiative, which marked the beginning of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

In our country, May 8 marks Day of workers Federal Service According to military-technical cooperation between Russia. FSVTS functions - monitoring and supervision in the field of military-technical cooperation of the Russian Federation with foreign countries in accordance with the legislation. This service is subordinated to the Ministry of Defense.

Also celebrate today professional holiday Workers operational Units of the Criminal Executive System (UIS). It is the staff of these bodies provide personal security Prisoners and staff correctional institutions, are engaged in investigating and preventing crimes in places serving the sentence, as well as the wanish of criminals who have escaped or evading punishment.

In many european countries, USA, Canada, China and Japan marked Mother's Day. This holiday has been more than a hundred years. In Russia, the mother's day is celebrated annually in last Sunday November. In a number of other countries of the world, this holiday falls on different days of the year.

But in Norway today Night of women. The main requirements that the organizers of this promotion are equal to the salary for men and women (in modern Norway, women's salary below the salaries of men in similar positions are often 80%) and affordable kindergartens (families have to wait in the queue for several years). Under the influence of these factors, gender discrimination is only enhanced. Women have to sit at home with children, and go to work and hire a nanny unprofitable.

For the Orthodox coming Antipasha or red hill - The last day of the Easter week. In Russia, it was on this day that the most weddings were accomplished, fevering, walling. The date is popular among future newlyweds and now.

IN stories May 8 noted by several significant events. In 1910, Nikolai Gumilev and Anna Akhmatova married. In 1945, the final act on the unconditional surrender of Germany entered into force in Berlin, and on May 9, it was announced by Victory Day.

Four years later, in 1949, a monument to the warriors solemnly opened in Berlin Soviet armywho fell in battles with fascism, in 1965 in the USSR, it was approved the Regulations on honorary title "Hero City", and in 1967 the opening of the memorial architectural ensemble of the "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" took place.

May 8. born Russian enlightener, publisher and journalist Nikolay Novikov, 33rd US President Harry Truman, Russian director, Writer, TV presenter Yuri Mamin, french writer and film director Romain Gary, Russian producer, screenwriter and director Valery Todorovsky.

By folk calendar May 8 - Mark Klerk. According to an old belief, it is from this saint that the keys that he can reject the sky and release rains. Therefore, May 8 prayed to the brand that there was no drought.

Except Marca Name day On this day, Vasily and Sergey celebrate.

IN lunar calendar The third day of the cycle. In it time runs Bookmark the events of the month, so the stars advise to tune in to the positive and be active - the energy spent today will return with a hundredfold.

In the tradition of all Slavic peoples was the reverence of each season, be it summer, autumn, winter or spring. It was the coming of spring and the bloodyness of nature initially been devoted to such a holiday as a red hill. Subsequently, many pagan rituals and celebrations united with Christian and, in addition to the Spring holiday, the renewal of the memory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ began to celebrate on the same day.

Every year a red hill falls on different days, because it is celebrated on the first resurrection after Easter. And a lot of people are already interested in what number the celebration of Antipasha will fall (so otherwise it is called a red hill) in 2018.

Slavic roots of the Christian holiday

The red hill leads its beginning from long-time pagan times, when the deities were revered, corresponding to natural forces. One of them was the God of the Sun - Yarilo, responsible for the annual update of heavenly shining. And when the spring sun pulled the snow and exposed the first hillocks, people rejoiced the coming of spring and celebrated the holiday of Yaril, called the People Red (that is, beautiful) slide.

This day was also considered the feast of the young, because spring was always associated with youth, badger, fun. This holiday began the wedding season, it was accepted for a red hill to announce the engagement, to conclude family unions and noisy celebrate weddings - it was believed that this is one of the most successful days a year for matrimonial rites.

The youth played a leading role in the celebration of the Red Gorka - during the day there were dances and games, dancing and draws. All of them were aimed at the "cursing" of spring having in slavic tradition women startTherefore, young girls and women became "hostesses" of the holiday. One of them was appointed "in the spring", decorated and drove in the village, while Spring sang special ritual songs.

The ritualness of the red slide is preserved in more late time - Almost everyone traditional songs And the dance of this holiday is devoted to fertility, sowing, the shoot of cereals.

Christian Beginning of the Red Gorka

For Christians, the holiday of a red slide, no matter how surprisingly, I did not change my destination. On this day, the Holy Foma was honored, which received a folk novel "unbelieving" for the fact that a week after the crucifixion and the resurrection of Christ wanted to make sure that the Savior really accomplished the wonder of the resurrection. And on this day, Jesus came to the apostle, so that he believed in his resurrection. Since then, the Fomin has been considered a festive, symbolizing resurrection and update. And for what he has to go on the seventh day after Easter, the antipasha also began to call him.

Bizarre connection ritual tradition And the Christian morality in our people made the holiday of the Red Gorki beautiful and truly light. After the rites of the commemoration of spring, mandatory on this day was a visit to the church service closing the Light Week. But after that began folk GulyanyaSimilar to Staroslavyansky - as well as in the customs was to drive dances and sing of the spring, as much as a considerable role in the holiday was assigned to women: their task was to give up all the painted eggs, the preparation of satisfying treats.

And back orthodox churches From this day they were allowed to hold the rite of weddings, until that moment, the banned due to the prohibition and Easter week. Moreover, for young people on this day, visiting the festivities was obligatory - it was believed that it was in antipash that it was possible to find his narrowed or narrowed, and the seat of the house was on this day bad admission: It was believed that those who did not celebrate the red hill remain beobly and old devices.

One more unusual tradition Red slide associated with Christianity - holding comic draws and contests "I believe, I do not believe." In this way, people commemorate the same "foma of non-believers", whose namemans are celebrated on this day.

Red hill today

Despite such a long history, the red hill is celebrated today. In 2018, this day falls on a warm and blooming time - April 15Therefore, the holiday will be truly spring. It should not be thought that it is noted only in the villages, where the adherence to traditions are very strong, in large cities they also do not miss the opportunity to glorify the spring, updating life and flourishing: Typically, fair measures are held on this day, theatrical representations of pagan and Christian themes, and also begins

The roots are the most deeply roots (beautiful) Gorka goes into paganism, when a very strong was the link of Slavs with nature. The arrival of spring was associated with the mercy of Yaril, ancient God The sun, thanked him for the gift warm, asked and continue to help in matters. The name of the holiday is associated with the Spring Update of Nature: when it started to melting snow from the hillock, they were covered with the first juicy herb and flowers, became beautiful (red).

In Christianity, the Red Gorka is still referred to as a fomient day and is associated with the very apostle that he received a penetration of Neborochier for the fact that after the crucifix of Christ could not believe in the resurrection of the Messiah, until he touched him to his wounds. It happened a week after Easter, since then the celebration of the Fomney of the Day (Red Gorka) is held after seven days, which is why one more name was entrenched - "Antipasha". Therefore, calculate what number will be a red hill in 2016Easy - the holiday will have to May 8th.

Red Gorka - ancient and modern

And in antiquity, and now this holiday is perceived as the celebration of youth and updates. That is why there were always many young men and girls on the festivities - they sang songs, calling for spring, drove away dances. Women presented satisfying treats, pies in the form of a circle, gifted by painted eggs. Traditionally, young people got acquainted to the Red Gorka - who remained at home, it was not destined to gain their pair in the near future.

On the Fomin day orthodox calendar After the post and Easter was allowed wedding. Weddings played on this day promised a young strong union on long years. Although holiday red hill in 2016 It comes from May, because it is believed to marry (marry) in May - the age of token is expected a large number of The marriages of the marriage: a happy day will neglect the troubles that mentioned. By the way, weddings in folk style They are becoming increasingly popular - they turn into theatrical ideas and are remembered for life. But if such a celebration does not turn out to be done, since not only young, but guests are dressing in national costumesAnd during the feast it is supposed to adhere to older customs, and in the treats on an ancient manner, including, you can use in decoration of tables, arches and arbors of red and white colors.

Signs and rites of the holiday

One of vintage customs - plowing before the festivities of the grooves around the village, so that everyone who lives in it passed the adversity and illness in it, and Earth Odarila generous harvest. It was only women who were injected into a plow. The deeper the furrows, the better everything will be for the year. In the old manner not only in distant villages, but even in cities with a slide, let go down painted eggs. He will be happy and rich, whose egg will ride smoothly and will not break. The brighter and festive outfit more girl Attracts attention.

One of which will take a coin to the well on happiness. It is imperative to pray on the red hill, and both for living and for those who have left of life - ahead of Radonitsa, and the deceased bless this day from the heavens of their loved ones. In order for health and wealth in the house, wash the icons (preferably water from the well) and wash it out before them for seniority: one who is in the house older than all, wash the younger in age, but not the opposite. Most importantly, despite the fact that the number will be a red hill in 2016 and what the weather is expected on this day, to hold it, rejoicing around the surrounding and everyone around him, giving positive and hoping for the best. With this set, any troubles will seem small, and obstacles are overcome.

Folk wisdom reads: "Who marries on the day of the Red Gorka - it is not divorced forever!" There was a tradition to get acquainted in this holiday. Guys and girls who wanted to create a family dressed the most beautiful clothesThey walked into the braids of the tape, after which they went to get acquainted with the future second half. That's how the couples were created. Thousands of future newlyweds seek to get married in this spring holiday. Weddings passing in the spring are very beautiful and touching events. After all, Spring is the time of love and romance.

The first resurrection after Easter comes a red hill holiday. In 2015, he falls on April 19. This is the last day of the Easter week, which is taken to celebrate joyfully and fun. In the people, this holiday was one of the most beloved for youth. On this day, it was customary to wonder, meet the spring and spend loud and joyful walks.

Why a red hill and how this holiday appeared

How do we see the name of this holiday is incomprehensible, because how can it be tied with Easter and Christianity? The red slide is also called Fomino Resurrection. Hence the first legend about the origin of the holiday. This day in Orthodoxy is considered the day when they remember one of the students of Christ the foma, which is known for everyone as "unbelieving."

Another legend of the origin of the holiday is rooted in paganism. The red hill is a day when they honor the main deity of the Slavs - the sun is Yarilo, as well as the spring is red. And the name of historians often associate with ancient fun when it was customary to roll red eggs from the mountain. A real spring comes to the red hill.

It is worth noting that this day has several names. So the people are called and the Antipasha, and the Lelnik, and the Red Gorka, and Fomino Resurrection.

Wedding customs on a red hill

Since ancient times it was believed that the Red Hill is a day when it is born true love. Therefore, our ancestors tried to marry and wonder on this day. It turned out that it was on Fomino, the resurrection had accounted for wedding season. After all, it also told belief that if this day conclude a marriage, then family life It will be joyful and happy.

As we have already mentioned, this holiday especially loved young people. After all, this is the day when you could find my love. For this, the festivities were arranged, where all unmarried guys and unmarried girls should have come to come. At the same time it was believed that if this day did not appear on playing, then young people will not find their wife or husband, and if they are pleased, the spouse or spouse will be rummies, ugly and unborn.

Also, the newlyweds had to have to appear on this holiday, otherwise they came up with the punishment. funny nicknames. One of the most common and beloved fun in young people is to go to the houses of newlyweds and shout: "Young, young, serving the Bureau (young), and do not serve the Bureau, you will be anemone." All this lasted until the bride comes and does not give the crowd with hotels (painted eggs, cakes and sweets).

As with all holidays, this and this was customary to walk on this day to visit each other. The girls invited their girlfriends, guys - friends. And the young usually before the Red Gorki are in the mother-in-law and the testing, and on Fomino, Sunday, the spouses invited parents to visit their holidays on a festive meal.

By tradition on this day, everyone gathered on the mountain and drove dance in honor of the pagan gods. Also burned fires in honor of Dazhbog, with solemn burning stuffed. One of the main customs on this day was the climbing of Yaril, the God of the Sun. For this, all young people gathered on a mountain in a circle and the whole crowd uttered a spell. Then the chants and feast began.

And women on a red slide carried out a rite of expulsion of evil spirits. For this, the women were waiting for the village with a soy. It all started with the fact that all women and girls went for the Occolic, where they were waiting for 6 women - half with the icon of the Mother of God, and half with the hijah. Then the women filmed the shawls, and the girls dismissed braids. Before the start of the procession, the women were installed on the hustle of several boards to sit on them, the rest are taken from different sides and bypass the whole village. Our ancestors believed that it is in this way that you can save the village from evil spirits and anything of unclean.

As already mentioned, on this day it was customary to roll eggs from the mountain. According to reference, who will ride further, he will hold joyfully and carelessly. And women on the red slide prepared a rich table, while many dishes had round shape. Thus, they showed their respect for the Sun God.

Folk traditions and fun on the red hill

Gathering together, the youth tried to spend time as happy and more fun, because this is a spring holiday.

The most common game in Russia was "burners". Everyone was broken by couples - a guy and a girl. Appointed "Torchik" - a guy who remained alone. Couples scattered in different sidesAnd "Torchworker" had to catch up with one of them and disconnect. And the one who remained without a pair and should catch up the following.

By tradition, the girls often uttered spells to be wary of the narrowed, and guys to boast before the girls their strength and dexterity satisfied the demonstration battles.

One of the customs on this day was to hide my lady of the heart with water, then call the matchmakers. If the guy poured the girl to the girl, but he could not marry, he disgraced the girl on the whole village. Often relatives for this beat a young man with baotogs on the back.

Signs on a red slide

In order for the whole year a person accompanied good luck, it was necessary to throw a coin into the well.

Bad sign served what young man Or the girl could not participate in the festivities. According to believe in this case, the whole year will pass Extremely unsuccessful.

Marry this day to a happy family life.

If you come to the guys on this day with a man, then in a short time, the girl will find a narrowed. It is desirable that the man was unfamiliar.

Also for those who dream of finding their love would be well wearing a whole day with you wedding ribbons From the dress of the bride.

The girls tried to dress something red for the holiday, because according to reference, thus you can attract the attention of the Sun, thereby multiplying success and good luck for the whole year.

And so that the family is strong and no birth visit the house, on this day the owner of the house must necessarily trembled to Koulich. Moreover, it should not be a single crumb. Therefore, all the remnants were fed by birds, and they watched all the crumbs to boke, otherwise the trouble would happen soon.

If you pour into the red hill with someone, then to the trinity to make it not to succeed with him.

Divan on a red hill

Since this holiday is rather pagan than the Orthodox, then it was customary to guess in Russia. And because of the reason that this is a holiday, when it was customary to wing and marry, then often fortune-telling were connected with the search for the beloved. So, we present to your attention a selection of such fortunes.

Fortune telling on eggs

To do this, it was necessary to take a stand, which most often served a chair, stool. Then the board was installed on it, a long-term meter and a width of 25 cm. Then two painted eggs were taken, on which it is necessary to write their initials and their beloved. After that, two eggs needed to start the board at the same time:

If the eggs rolled and together at the end stopped nearby - then all your life you will spend with this person and you will have a strong and happy family;

If the eggs diverged along different directions, then wait for separation;

In the case when one egg with your initials rolled to the side, and the other got to the end, then you will soon throw this person. If, on the contrary, he will throw you.

Fortune telling buckwheat

At the holiday during the meal, you jump up, without looking, one spoon of buckwheat porridge and place it in the bag, then leave it under the bed. In the morning after the Red Gorka, take it and carefully consider. If the porridge remained still crumbly without black grains, then the wedding is waiting for you soon. In case the porridge without black enclosures, but merged into one com, then soon you have a relationship that will be heavy and full of uncertainties. When porridge is still crumbling, but with black grains, then this year there will be no romane and everything will remain as always.

Fortune telling

To do this, you need to take a big spoonful of porridge, and attribute it to the courtyard where it is cursing and nobody goes. They left the Kushany and left for an hour. Upon returning the girl looked and already judged about the future:

  • if porridge was eaten completely, then be a fast wedding;

  • if part is eaten, and the part remained, then this year you will definitely not marry, but the novel will still be;

  • if the porridge is not touched, then no changes in personal life Not foreseen.

Red Hill / Fomino Sunday - the first Sunday after Easter, in rare cases with a red slide was the whole Fomina week; Also under this name in some places youth festivities and dance of the fomine Sunday

Red hill - a very unusual holiday, bright and cheerful. It includes both the Old Slavic and Christian traditions.

According to the Valnes Slavic custom, it was believed that on this day the good forces are patronized - this holiday is figuratively can be represented as a holiday of light and heat.

They celebrate it on the second Sunday after the Easter holiday or on the 8th day after the bright Christ of Sunday.

Traditions in Russia

Red hill or "Click Sunday" in ancient Russia symbolized the Update of the Sun-Yarilo - The main deity of the Slavs and the victory of spring over in winter, life over death.

The dominant role in it was assigned women's half Communities: In the morning, women and girls were going to, went to the highest slide, where they met the sun's sun, then walked to bow the ancestors, and then returned to the same slide where the entire community was gathered and the universal walking and fun fell.

The people have fun with might and main, according to legend: the more fun, the more success and the richer harvest. By evening, the time of the walking of young people, dating time guys and girls, wedding collusion.

In many places, a red slide was considered not one day, but a whole week. So, conspicuous on a red hill, it was also possible to get married!

History of red slide

History - in many ways, the bizarre interlacing of accidents and ancient customs imposed on the actions of people, often independent of their will.

It so happened that the calendar tradition of Magi and Perklia (the Christian set of rules for determining the date of Easter) was very close to each other. The East Slavic Red Gorka coincides with the Orthodox Fomin Day.

On this day, the memory of the Resurrection of Christ is updated, so the next week is called the "update week."

This week in the church recall the apostle foma, Who wished to personally make sure the Sassession of the Savior, without believing the disciples, who had his wonderful news.

By christian tradition On this day, for the first time after a long break, associated with the Great Post, it was possible to carry out weddings.

In many distant localities, the clergy to go around the whole coming and hold all the rites of the wedding barely enough and the week. Even in this, again, the coincidence is a red hill and the time of the beginning of the weddings and weddings can continue for a whole week!

But why is it so important for many to make marriage at this time?

The fact is that there is ancient belief-sign expressed popular saying: "Who's a slide on the red ride - he will not be broken into a century!"

IN orthodox tradition Fomino Sunday is dedicated to the memory of Christ's phenomena Apostle Fome on the eighth day after the resurrection. When Christ appeared to the Apostles, the Apostle Foma was not among them, so he heard joyful newsHe did not believe in her truth.

A week later he met with the risen the Savior, but again doubted, then Christ showed him his wounds and suggested feeling them. Only after that, Thomas believed on Sunday and recognized in Christ, a crucified teacher.

On this, eighth, the day end the bright week: The last time the liturgy on the festive Easter rank is served, the royal gates are closed. Sunday after Easter is called Antipasha - "Instead of Easter."

In Russian people's life, the Red Gorka was more connected not with Christian, but from ancient pagan tradition celebration of early spring. IN Ancient Russia On this day, the hills lit fires in honor of Dazhbog. Next to these lights made up Molibes and sacrifices, and the court also seen - the "Fel".

In the XIX century The red slide was noted widely and festively: in many places, the beginning of the girls dance or the end of the first spring, which began with Easter, the bride fairs, was timed to it. festive treats Girls and women, ceremonies of the Spring meeting, as well as around the courtyards with congratulations - "Owing" of the newlyweds.

A common element of the celebration of the Red Gorka was the custom of painting eggs and play them. From this Sunday, the wedding period begins, as Fomino Sunday is the first day after the Great Post, when wedding is allowed in the church.

The red hill was considered a girlish holiday. Early in the morning after breakfast, teenage girls gathered in the garden, on the banks of the river and the scrambled eggs made eggs from brought with themselves eggs, milk and butter.
The scrambled eggs fry in a pan, which was raised between two bricks; Having gathered around the fire, the girls ate the egg brought from the house with spoons.

Perhaps, a joint meal not only started the period of youth festivities, which had time saturated by the Great and Women's Random, but also had to outline the borders and consolidate the unity of the Great Socio-Aging Group.

During the dance, a symbolic transition came to the recently married girls in a circle of married women. After leaving the cemetery, the girls and the grinds were changed in festive outfits And they gathered in the evening for the first spring festival.

Divided into two groups, they became opposite each other in two rows, and began horovoic game "And we were singing ...", during which each of the lines that sang another verse, was approaching another, and when it was rejected into his place. In the song, which accompanied the dance, was sang about the fact that some millet were planted, and others threatened him to threaten their hors, they were offered various gifts so that they do not do it, but they agreed to retreat only when they promised to give a girl as a repurchase; At the end of the game, the girls sang.

In many places, in Fomino Sunday, brides were already lost: Walking of the quanese girls on the street in the best outfits in front of the alleged grooms; Often at the same time a wedding conspiracy occurred and her hand.
Girls and guys gathered on the street and played "And we were singing", divided into two parties. At the same time, the above words of the game had a slightly different color: a girl as a bride demanded guys.

Games and dances on the red hill youth tried not to skip somewhere even considered bad admissionIf the guy or the girl sat all holiday at home. They said that because of this, the guy marries a row, a lotumn or remains idle, and the girl will be released for a non-accustomed groom or will remain an old Virgin. If they manage to marry, both will certainly die shortly after the wedding.

In South Russian provinces on the red hill there were a meeting of spring. Spring's clock began early in the morning and usually occurred from the top of the hill, which is why it is possible and the name of the holiday "Red Hill" occurred.
Girls, gathering at the nearest hill, became a dance, the dancer - "Horovodnitsa" came to the center and, blessing, began conspose:

"Hello, Red Sun! Celebrate, clear bucket! Due to the mountains of the mountain, they rejoice on the world, on the grass-ant, on crisp on Lazorovo, Snowdrops with rays, sacrifices, Serta Maidish, Heating, good-member in the soul of a look, spirit from the soul, to the key of living water Zakin. From this key, the keys in the hands of the Red Maiden, the dawn dawn. Zorenka-Yasynka walked, the keys lost. I, the girl (name-river name), went through the track, went, found gold. Who wants to, I love who I myself know - I'm closhable to that and soul. I clically, by them, the golden key, good well done (name-river) for many years, for long spring, the everlasts spend the secret unreasonable. Amen!"

All those present repeated the words by inserting their name and names of the loved guys. Then the girl, putting a red egg and bread on the ground in the midst of a circle, dragged the spring: "Spring-red! What came ... ". The whole dance picked up, then sang other songs, and completed the celebration of a cheerful feast.

In many places, women and girls jammed the spring, gathering in the usual places of youth walking, including in the square in front of the church. So, in the Penza lips. Girls and young women sang the shafts on a rustic square in the evening festive day

To be pregnant from misfortunes on the whole the coming year, Women and girls on the first Sunday after Easter frightened the village. At midnight, all rustic women and girls went out of the sidelines with songs.
Three young women were waiting for the villages with a honest and three old with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. The girls broke the braids, the women filmed the scarves, then several women sat on the boards, put on top of the soils, which he held the back of the girl, the rest were taken for a rope tied to dry and dragged her around the village, stopping at all intersections to draw the crosses.

Ahead of the procession was praying old women with an icon. Walking around the village and returned to its original place, women treated and celebrated, while they were joined by guys. The porushka lasted for up to three hours, and then everyone was diverged at home, as it was considered a sin to walk after third roosters. The peasant women believed that after making a rite, all disasters and misfortunes should remain behind the furrows and will not have the strength to cross it.

So celebrate beautifully.