How to lighten yellow hair. How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing - the best paints, products and recipes. What remedies help to remove yellowness on hair

The easiest way is not to remove yellowness from the hair, but initially to prevent it. Most often, a yellowish tint on the hair appears when choosing a low-quality paint or non-observance of the dyeing rules. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist before the procedure. Especially if you already have dyed hair - don't even try to lighten it at home. Without help good stylist to achieve beautiful color without yellow hair it will be impossible. Also remember that coloring in light color makes your hair weaker, so for a month before the procedure, do not do any perm and similar procedures.

If you have already achieved a beautiful light color, then it is important to properly care for your hair so that later you do not think about how to remove yellowness from your hair. My head is boiled water. Bleached hair has no external protection, therefore, the appearance of yellow hair can provoke rust and iron salts from running water.

In the event that an unnatural shade has appeared, and you are interested in how to remove yellowness from your hair, try washing your hair with tonic or special shampoo. As a rule, such shampoos have a rich purple or silver hue, they help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant yellowish tint.

Another way to remove yellowness from hair is to do illumination in the salon. It helps to make the color richer and richer, as well as restore and protect the hair. If it was not possible to get rid of the yellowness, just repaint in a different shade, more natural, without a cold white... And remember, with any coloring, the most important thing is to protect the health of your hair.

Salon Director John Frieda, Joel Gonsalves comments:

So you've decided to go blonde.

Option one: you are brunette and want cold hair light shade... To get the result, choose a good colorist first. He will warn you that the transition from a brunette to a "cold blonde" is quite long - 2-4 months. Need to wash out dark color hair and remove their natural pigment in several stages.

Hair bleaching chemical means brings enormous stress and loss of hair quality after the first rinse. The hair has an awful red color, looks dry, unkempt, does not comb. Do not be alarmed that the color did not come out right away. Be patient.

Make highlighting with a cold shade of paint and use for a month special means that will hide, neutralize yellowness, for example our John Freida line of care for colored blonde hair SHEER BLONDE COLOR RENEW. The shampoo and conditioner contains lavender extract (as you know, purple neutralizes yellow).

Blonde hair absorbs light, while dark hair reflects it.

After a month, wash off the color again. If the color is not what you expected, do the lightening again, only after a month. And so on until the hair becomes perfectly white.

Now, you just have to lighten the hair roots as they grow back. And don't forget to moisturize your hair every week.

Option two: you are a brunette and decided to make the shade "warm blond". In this case, the transition process will be easier, it may last in 2 stages. You don't have to completely wash off the yellow pigment. You will turn into a blonde with a honey, warm shade.

And to make dyed hair look luxurious, I offer a line for dyed blondes with a moisturizing formula and jojoba oil, honey and oat sprouts. The products gently remove impurities and dull hair color.

An article for those who are interested in a perfectly radiant blonde. Our task is proven and available ways receive white hair eye-catching and mesmerizing with their cold shine. So, we offer instructions for blondes, telling about how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing.

Traditional ways to remove yellow hair


First you need to figure out why an unattractive yellowish tint was formed. The paint may have been incorrectly selected or used incorrectly. To rectify the situation will help the right remedy... Its action should be aimed not only at discoloration, but also at coloring in a certain shade. Paints from famous brands... The best choice would be a product whose color is in platinum or ash tones. A striking example such a paint is the "Recital Preference". Its color at number 9.1 is called "Viking". Producer "L'Oreal". Suitable in every case different shade, therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of a means for dyeing hair good hairdresser, which will select the dye in accordance with the original and desired color, and also take into account the condition of the hair.


If you don't want to use paint, you can correct the color with shampoos or balms with a tinting effect. It is known that in many cases there is no trace of the hated yellowness. True, it is extremely important to use the chosen remedy correctly. If you overdo it with its concentration or keep the composition on your hair too long time, then the color may not turn out to be snow-white-ashy, but bright purple or any other. Please strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of toning shampoos and balms. Fortunately, modern market quality cosmetics offers whole line specially designed drugs. We will list the most popular types of shampoos and balms.

  • Tinted shampoo from the manufacturer "Schwarzkopf" under the name "Bonacure". Color Freeze Silver Shampoo gives bleached hair beautiful silvery shade.
  • Shampoo "Bonacure" from the "Color Save" series, brand "Schwarzkopf". It is recommended to use the shampoo together with a conditioner from the same series. Such care protects dyed hair from tarnishing, gently cleansing and moisturizing them, the color does not wash out for a long time.
  • Balm "Irida" with a pearl shade.
  • Conditioner-clarifier "John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L" Oreal "marked" Professionnel ", the name" Serie Expert Silver ".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L" Oreal "marked" Professionnel ", the name" Expert Shine blonde ".
  • Means from the manufacturer "Shot" called "Love Hair", labeled "reset shampoo antigiallo".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", color - pearl-ash.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", Professional series, the name "Curex Color intense". The result is silver.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", designed for cold blonde shades. The name of the drug is "Otium Pearl".
  • Old good remedy"Tonic", the name of the shade - pearl-ash. Other purple colors are also worth considering.
  • Mask from the manufacturer "Lush" marked "Blondie Marilyn". The effect is to eliminate yellowness and get a clean blonde.
How to remove yellowness after staining and lightening: treat hair with a good tint shampoo and fix the result with a homemade mask

Traditional methods of removing yellow hair

Fans of traditional medicine also know how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, they offer alternative remedies. Methods listed below good topics that are completely safe and require scanty costs. But there is a peculiarity in the form of low efficiency and lack of versatility. That is, there is no guarantee excellent result home procedures, and in each case the color obtained may differ. But do not be afraid to use homemade methods - in the worst case, the hair simply won't change color, but it certainly won't be damaged. In addition, masks from natural ingredients perfectly restore and strengthen the hair structure, making it more elastic and healthy. So, let's highlight the most popular products for eliminating the yellow tint. blond hair.

Lightening hair with honey

For this mask you will need:

  • a small amount of natural honey,
  • a container for heating honey using a water bath method,
  • polyethylene insulation cap.

An overnight mask made of natural honey warmed up by the water bath method gives a light brightening effect and is good for the hair. You don't have to do anything supernatural - just soak all your hair with warm honey, put on a plastic hat and go on a night's rest. Wash your hair in the morning.

Elimination of yellowness with tea

We need:

  • good green tea without impurities,
  • liter container with clean water.

Rinse hair regularly with a liter of cleaned or boiled water where a medium cup of unflavored brewed green tea is added. Do not rinse hair with water after tea.

Onion mask

For cooking onion mask will be required:

  • several onions,
  • polyethylene hat and towel,
  • container for cooking onions with water.

Cook several peeled and chopped onions in a boil mode for 10 minutes. Keep the cooled broth on the hair, provided the head is insulated, then rinse. The exposure time is at least an hour, maximum one night. It is unknown if the hair will give off an onion scent after applying this mask, but some reviews claim there is no scent.

We looked at traditional and folk methods of giving hair a beautiful whiteness and a silver tint. Unfortunately, not everyone knows yet how to remove yellowness from hair after lightening, so we should more actively share our recipes with familiar blondes.


Have you ever encountered yellow pigment when coloring? Surely, you understand how important the task is to get the desired light hair color and at the same time remove yellowness from dyed hair.

The expert of our Academy, Lesya Gritsaenko, wrote an informative article for you on how to prevent the appearance of yellow pigment (or correct errors after they appear).

So, what are the reasons for these "side effects" when lightening, highlighting or coloring hair?



It is necessary to study the storage conditions of the paint and choose the place of purchase of the product. IN specialized stores cosmetics will be all right.

However, there are still places where paint is sold outdoors in summer and winter (kiosks, markets, stalls). Under these storage conditions, any paint can deteriorate and then have an undesirable effect.


Surely you met with the phrase or faced the situation: "I bought a high-quality paint like a friend / sister / work colleague ... Why do I have yellow hair, but she does not?" IN this case it all depends on the natural level of lightness of the hair.

The darker the hair, the more yellow pigment will remain after dyeing the hair. For example, a light blond girl, after discoloration, may have beautiful light wheat ebb, while dark-haired will definitely have a more pronounced yellow after staining.


If the staining was carried out unprofessionally, this is almost a guarantee that as a result you will receive yellow tint, sometimes also of varying intensity on the strands.

What are the reasons?

Ignoring individual characteristics hair structure and their "native" pigment.
- Ignoring the existing color from the previous staining.
- Failure to comply with the holding time of the clarifier on the strands, due to which the most unexpected result.


The first lightening (especially if you need to even out the hair color) is recommended only in hairdressers and beauty salons with an excellent reputation.

Do not try to lighten your hair yourself, especially if your current shade is far from blonde or even light brown.

How does everything go with colorists? Let's take a look at 2 ways to decolorize.

# 1. PAINTS.


If the hair is dark, then powder bleaching agents are used. They are more aggressive than the first option.

In addition, discoloration in this way is considered only an intermediate stage in the staining process - then tinting must be performed.

# 1. PAINTS.

If the hair is medium in lightness, then dyes are used. Colorists mix several colors and add a secret ingredient - mikston. It is a pigment that is added to paint to obtain more deep colors or neutralizing these colors and shades.

The number and level of mixing paints, as well as the amount of mixton, depends on the type, quality, length, volume and even availability. gray hair.



If you are the owner of light hair and are sure that you can cope with the even application of the bleaching agent on your own, you can ask your colorist to teach you how to mix dyes at home, as well as to clarify how to apply them.

Please note! If your hair is long, do not bleach it at home. You should not paint yourself if you are not sure that you can correctly enter all the paints that must mix with each other to form a solid coloring mass.

No. 2. TONING.

If you have done a successful coloring, but over time the hair still acquired an unwanted yellow tint, toning is suitable for you.

The first option is to have toning done by a professional colorist.

The second option is to solve the problem at home. How can you remove yellowness from dyed hair at home? They will help get rid of it tint shampoos... To neutralize the yellow tint, choose toning hair conditioners that have purple pigment in the composition. Do not be alarmed, everything is correct, only it will help get rid of the warm yellow tint of the hair. Often these funds are called "Platinum" or "Platinum".


Be careful! Do not buy Light Brown under any circumstances. tint balm if you want to look more natural.

Since in this case you run the risk of getting green tint hair, since this balm is based on a bluish and greenish color... Therefore, it is necessary to correctly choose a tinting agent.


If you are not sure how the color will fall on your hair, try applying dye on one of the lower strands that will not be visible. You can use a shorter exposure time than indicated in the instructions.

Mostly blondes face the problem of yellow hair. The yellow highlight in the hair is not scary in itself. For girls who, during discoloration, want to achieve a warm shade - tobacco, golden, brown nuance, light yellowness will not hurt and will give a sunny glow.

Those blondes who initially dreamed of achieving a cold shade suffer from yellowness. They chose paints with purple, ash or pearlescent nuances, and instead, unwanted "rust" emerged.

Before telling how to remove yellowness from hair, it is worth finding out why it occurs. There are several reasons for the appearance of an undesirable shade:

  • Poor hair coloring... This should include cheap dyes, non-compliance or inaccurate adherence to dyeing technology, use shortly before lightening others chemical compositions... When choosing a paint, it should be remembered that bleaching agents only kill the natural pigment, and hair dyes also paint the hair in the desired color, neutralize the appearance of a yellow tint.
  • Lightening dark hair. The darker natural color hair, the more difficult it is on the first try to get the perfect cold blond... To dye your hair without yellowness, you will have to choose: either to dye several times, each time causing damage to your hair, or contact a highly professional master.
  • Using poor quality water to wash your hair. Bleached hair is deprived not only of natural pigment, but also of natural protection, therefore, rust, iron salts and other impurities contained in running water (in a pond) penetrate into the hair structure, giving them an ugly yellow tint.

Choosing products that remove yellowness from hair

You can remove yellowness from dyed hair using ready-made cosmetics- shampoos, tonics, balms. Experts advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ash, pearl or silver shades. It is better to use the shampoo in a diluted form, adding to one part of the tint agent 2-3 parts of the usual shampoo with which you wash your hair. It is worth using this mixture during every third or fourth wash. When dark shade natural hair- more often, although it is important not to overdo it here - you can get a completely unnatural hair color.

The following products received excellent reviews:

Shampoo L "Oreal Serie Expert Silver

Estel Professional Curex Color intense shampoo (silver)

Air conditioner sheer BLONDE


Line BC Color Freeze 100% Color & Shine

In the same time, ideal remedy that suits everyone without exception does not exist. Everyone has it different hair, so you need to try, seek advice from experienced hairdressers who will help you choose the right remedy taking into account the structure of your hair. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from. Cosmetic products There are a lot of ways to get white hair without yellowness.

Before you buy ready-made product you can try to get rid of yellow hair folk methods... Among the cleaning products side effects for hair discoloration, honey, chamomile broth, lemon, green tea, kefir can be distinguished.

Honey mask.

Honey will not only remove yellowness, but also have a caring effect. To do this, you need to slightly warm the honey in a water bath, apply it to the hair along the entire length, wrap your head with a film and terry towel, soak for at least 3 hours, then rinse.

Lemon mask

Dilute lemon juice with vodka in equal proportions 1: 1, apply to hair, trying not to get on the scalp. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. Wash off with water without adding shampoo. Apply any moisturizing balm.

Tea rinsing

Brew a cup of green tea, dilute in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Rinse hair after washing. The hair takes on a noble cold shade.

A proven way to paint over yellow hair after lightening

In cases where a quick and guaranteed result is needed, it is better to use not some separate means(shampoo, conditioner, tonic), and the whole arsenal at once.

First, you need paint that removes yellowness. It can be any lightening paint. It is important that it is not a brightening COMPOSITION, but PAINT. The difference is that the brightening composition only kills the natural pigment, and the paint gives the desired shade... We recommend choosing a platinum or ash paint.

Immediately after staining, we use any tint agent (balm, shampoo, tonic) of the same range as the anti-yellow paint. We apply the product in a diluted form: shampoo + tint in a 1: 1 ratio. Leave on hair for 2-3 minutes. It is not recommended to use an undiluted preparation. The hair will turn blue, purple or gray.

Paint without yellowness works wonders, because according to the laws of color, violet shades "kill" yellow ones.

How to tint emerging yellow hair after highlighting?

It happens that yellow hair appears on highlighted hair, despite the fact that this type of coloring is considered more gentle. You can remove yellowness from highlighted hair at home without resorting to salon procedures... To do this, you should buy one of the following products: Tonic in a violet shade, LOreal Professionnel Silver Shampoo or Estelle Silver Shampoo. Use according to the instructions.

You can use folk remedies... Rub freshly squeezed cabbage juice into your hair or wash your hair with shampoo to which the juice of light grape varieties is added (2: 1). It will not be possible to get rid of yellowness immediately, but the curls will become noticeably more well-groomed and healthier.

Incorrect lightening - frequent problem, so many women care about how to get rid of yellow hair after lightening?

Yellowness on the hair does not appear after every lightening: blondes are most susceptible to it, who wanted to turn a warm shade into a cold one.

To do this, many choose paints that have ash, purple or pearlescent shade, but on light "warm" hair, they mix with natural color and give the so-called yellowness.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of yellowness, for example, improper staining or a poor-quality product.

If the dye was chosen cheap, then there is a high probability that there are elements unwanted for the hair in its composition that affect the final shade of the hair.

Very often, the hair turns yellow if a similar procedure has already been carried out before lightening, for example, hair coloring.

Violation of the clarification technology can also give yellowness. If the bleaching agent does not include dyes, then it will only affect the hair pigment itself - after it is neutralized, the hair turns yellow.

Therefore, it is better to use brightening agents, which also give a coloring effect and neutralize the yellowness that appears.

Very often, yellowness occurs on dark hair that has been lightened.

This is due to the fact that it is much more difficult to neutralize a natural dark color than a light one from nature, especially from the first time.

Therefore, many dark-haired ladies have to repeat the lightening procedure several times in order to get rid of the yellow tint and get the desired cool blonde.

Lightening dark hair is best done in a salon. repeated home procedures can greatly damage their health, while the desired shade may not be achieved.

In some cases, yellowness does not appear immediately, but some time after the clarification procedure.

In this case, the reason may lie in the effect of poor-quality water on the hair.

Since during the procedure not only the hair pigment is "killed", but also weaken them protective functions, external substances "eat" into the strands much more actively.

Yellowness can appear after several shampooing procedures, after which rust, iron salts and other substances settle on the hair.

At the same time, it will not be possible to wash them with high-quality water, since they are very deeply eaten into the curls.

Therefore, after clarification, you should immediately think about how to switch to washing your hair with bottled, or at least boiled water, where the content harmful substances minimal.

Folk ways against yellow strands

Of course, yellowness is easier to prevent than to get rid of, so hair lightening is recommended in the salon.

But, if the negative effect has already been obtained, there are several effective folk inexpensive funds to help you deal with the problem.

With a straw shade, reddishness or pronounced yellowness, a mask of honey can help remove it.

You just need to apply honey to your hair, carefully smearing each strand.

For the mask to work, you need to keep it on your head for at least 4 hours, so it is better to do it at night, and for greater effect, cover your head with a special cap.

If you do this procedure constantly, then after the first few times you will see color improvements.

Many people know that lemon juice is used to lighten strands, it can also help if you need to remove yellowness.

To prepare a mask, lemon juice must be mixed with vodka in equal amounts, then apply the mixture to the hair and leave for 30 minutes.

The mask is washed off plain water, but after the procedure, it is better to use an air conditioner.

If the yellow color is not too pronounced, then you can try to get rid of it with the help of onion peel.

You need to prepare a decoction from it: to do this, just fill the husk with water, boil and leave for a while, so that the decoction is well infused.

The product needs to be applied to all hair for several hours, so do it better evening, and in the morning the mask can be washed off.

At night, you need to wrap your hair in cellophane and a thin towel to create a sauna effect.

You can use green tea to give the strands the desired cool shade and to quickly get rid of yellowness.

You will need one cup of the drink, which must be diluted in a liter of boiled water. While rinsing, the broth should be slightly warm.

Use the product every time after washing, and you will see how the hair takes on the desired shade.

A mask based on kefir and other effective ingredients will help to lighten the hair and remove the yellow tint.

You will need half a glass of this drink, in which you need to add pre-whipped yolk, two tablespoons of vodka, one spoonful of shampoo and about 50 ml of lemon juice.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then applied to the strands. Using such a mask at least a couple of times a week will significantly bring your hair closer to the desired shade and remove yellowness.

You can also prepare a rhubarb mask to help get rid of yellowness - for this you need one spoonful of dried plant root, which you need to pour 500 ml of dry wine.

The mixture needs to be boiled and allowed to boil a little so that only half remains. A warm mixture should be applied to the strands and kept for at least an hour.

Professional methods

If the yellowness is too obvious, then folk recipes may not be enough.

There are a number of tools with which you can quickly deal with yellow strands, or, in some cases, they just have to be painted, but you need to understand that after clarification, not any paint will do.

If you decide to use professional tools, in order to remove the yellowness that appears after lightening, it is better not to save money, but to buy those that have received the highest reviews not only from consumers, but also from cosmetologists.

To remove yellowness, you can also use conditioners after washing, for example, Sheer Blonde or masks (Marlin and similar).

After lightening, a procedure such as toning helps a lot - with its help, you can neutralize the effect of the brightening agent and get the shade you need.

In addition, toning does not harm the hair as much as coloring, so you can even repeat this procedure a couple of times a month (but not more often).

It is better to choose a drug to tint your hair together with a specialist, because it is important to choose desired color, otherwise it will not work to remove the yellowness, or you can get another unwanted shade.

Today they also release special shampoos, which are able to remove yellowness from hair. But they have a significant drawback - they are very dry hair.

In this case, it does not matter at all whether you will use expensive remedy, or the cheapest - everyone causes dry hair.

And you need to understand that shampoo can only cope with the most insignificant yellowness, therefore, it is used, as a rule, only after the toning procedure, as a means of maintaining the effect.

You need to use shampoo, strictly following the instructions, because if you overexpose it on your head, you can get instead of yellowness purple tint that won't look much more attractive.

Pearl or purple, ash or silver shades are best removed, but you can try others, depending on the final hair color you want.

Use a tinting agent in pure form not worth it: you can add it to your regular shampoo in this ratio of 1: 3 (product: shampoo).

You need to keep such a shampoo with an enhanced effect on the head for 3 minutes longer than usual, and use every third time you wash your hair.