How to understand a man's intentions. Signs that a guy is serious about you. Signs of a serious relationship in men

The dream of every girl is to get married, start a family and be constantly loved. And for all this, the very small thing is not enough - to understand whether the man who is next to her has serious intentions. Everything is quite simple here, our mothers and grandmothers have already identified certain signs of a man's serious intentions.

10 ways to tell if a man has serious intentions

At all times, men have remained a mystery to women. We always try to understand them, so to speak, to see through, to feel what is there in their souls and hearts.

Natural secrecy makes them withdrawn and incomprehensible to the female sex. When it comes to relationships, especially romantic and love relationships, between a man and a woman, more and more incomprehensible moments begin to appear here.

In my head lovely ladies a number of questions arise, how can they understand that a man has serious intentions? Close friends, and even relatives, begin to join the battle, everyone wants to give advice, assuring that they know the answer for sure.

Thus, fear and confusion settle in the lady's soul, she is no longer sure of the sincerity of her feelings, does not understand how to continue her life, chaos and mistrust engulfs her vulnerable body.

Turn on your mind, not your heart, and look at your man's attitude towards you from the outside. Do not try to embellish, somewhere, the behavior of a man or to justify it. Do not pass off wishful thinking as the truth of the first instance.

Mindfulness will help to understand that a man has serious intentions. Pay attention to how he interacts with you and his relationship with other women. A man with serious intentions will not be interested in other women.

At least, she will not try to meet someone and flirt either in real life or virtually. And if he assures you that you need to build free relationship rather, it is about his freedom. Do not follow the lead of such a man, you will not decide how to understand serious intentions men and how to understand men in general.

If a man pays attention to other women, while telling you what inspires him in her, these are far from serious intentions, and he perceives you more as his girlfriend.

Pay attention to how he behaves when you are together in the presence of strangers, and how he introduces you to acquaintances and friends. If a man has serious plans for you, he will introduce you to his friends and will not delay acquaintance with your parents, as well as his own. But do not be upset if he introduces you as a girlfriend or girlfriend, without saying "bride" - perhaps your relationship with him is not yet at that stage.

Confidence. If he has initiated you into some personal secrets or told about his past, it means that he has entrusted you with the most secret. And this is already a sign of seriousness towards you.

If a man talks about his future life together, thinks about the plans and prospects of your relationship, you know, this makes it clear that the man has serious intentions. And talking about children in general can be regarded as a weighty argument.

A man who values ​​you will tend to spend a lot of time with you. He will try to get out somewhere with you on the weekend, or spend an evening together. A man in love will want to call you or communicate on the Internet more often. This does not mean that you will both chat on the phone for hours or chat online for a day.

The home for a man is a sacred stronghold, if the doors are thrown open to you, then you can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. He introduced you to the circle of his closest people. A man with serious intentions towards you will introduce you to his parents and friends and will want to get to know your loved ones.

Not every girl whom a guy introduces to his parents will immediately become his wife, but he is unlikely to introduce passions, relations with which a man does not value, to his family. Of course, life is different, and often such an acquaintance occurs a couple of months before the wedding, and sometimes even after.

Here is an acquaintance with friends - a controversial fact. Firstly, if a man is serious, he usually does not hide it in his environment. And, secondly, maybe until a certain time he does not want others to interfere in your relationship.

If acquaintance with your parents he transfers at ease and takes this event seriously. After all, they need to please and show themselves from the very better side... So it's time to think about the wedding.

If a man is interested in how you feel about children, this can be understood as a sign that the man has serious intentions. It is not necessary that he wants the birth of a child in the near future, but men want children from their beloved women. And with random girlfriends, there is no point in chatting about such serious things.

A man who is serious will not pull you into bed on a first date, and will probably communicate extremely platonically for the first few months. If this stage is too long - it is worth considering.

If a man tells you constantly about his past relationship, how he was abandoned, offended, or how bad his girlfriend was before you, this is also an unpleasant sign that your relationship is not so serious.

Perhaps for now you are just a life raft for him on his way to the ship of his dreams. Nobody says that a man should keep his past a secret. No! A man should tell briefly that he had this and that. Loving person will take care of his soul mate and will not want to disturb the heart and soul of the beloved with what it was, because it is already so far in the past.

Even more can be seen if there is an opportunity to live together. If a man Serious relationships does not want to be with you, it is unlikely that he will offer to move in. Otherwise, you will have the opportunity to get to know him better.

Signs that a man is not serious

Even if you have been dating for several years, this does not mean that the man has serious intentions towards you. And if this causes you anxiety (it was not by chance that you found this article?), Then there are reasons for doubt.

Read about the situations in which it is better for you to end the relationship if you want not just to have fun, but to start a family.

If they do not want to appear with you in public, if your meetings are hidden, beware, perhaps your man is already busy, or even married.

If a young man is rude to you, especially in the presence of others, this may indicate his bad manners, and this can also be understood as a sign that the man has no serious intentions. Moreover, in the future, this can generally lead to the fact that a person will raise a hand against you.

A man who often ignores you, does not answer calls and messages, breaks promises, calls only in situations convenient for him, is not worth your attention - he has no serious intentions towards you.

If your man compliments, jokes and communicates a lot with other representatives of the fair sex, then you are just a friend for him, he has no serious intentions.

If a man finds reasons not to call you, disappears for a long time, finds excuses not to meet with you, or postpones the meeting, then such a man has no serious intentions towards you. A serious-minded man will seek to meet you in every way, and not come up with reasons not to come or not to call.

If something bothers you in your relationship with a young man, talk to him openly and your heart will calm down. If a man is jittery, avoids answering, well, you will have to conduct some kind of test, experience his feelings, or observe him - perhaps he has someone else.

Your relationship has been going on for a long time. long period, but recognition and a hint of the seriousness of the relationship from the man never comes. You can put up with this for a while, but sooner or later you will start asking the question: what is the reason for this behavior, how to understand what?

And there is another situation: a man, at the first meeting, does not take his eyes off you, but does not dare to invite you on a date or get to know you. Girls rarely discard principles and get to know each other first, so the moment that can develop into a serious relationship is often missed.

It should be understood that a declaration of love for men is a serious step and, being afraid of refusal, they do not risk confessing their feelings. However, how to understand that a man is serious and is not interested in just a fleeting romance with you?

Signs of a serious man's relationship

Relationship psychology today identifies four of the most important signs who speak of the seriousness of a man's intentions towards his chosen one:

    The first thing to notice when a man experiences sincere sympathy to a woman, and maybe even love is the desire to spend as much time with her as possible. Your chosen one will find not only time, but also an excuse to stay with you as long as possible.

    Showing concern and affection, while not demanding anything in return, is the second sign of being serious about you.

    Your requests are not ignored, while the man takes the initiative and all appeals go unnoticed.

    When you heard from his friends that in the absence of you, the chosen one becomes more withdrawn, his mood drops rapidly.

When a man is truly in love, he will not necessarily talk about it every day. But there are cases when for the opposite sex, the words of love are an empty sound, therefore they are "sprayed" with them quite often, without investing much meaning. But silence is often a signal of sincere feelings. So how to understand true intentions men? Often, you just need to look at the sign language and try to analyze it.

At the sight of his chosen one, for whom a man has an insane passion, he will begin to draw in his stomach, straighten his shoulders, shake off non-existent specks of dust from his shoulder. You can see how a man's pupils dilate at the sight of you. Many psychologists argue that such a reaction occurs only in people in love. Pay attention to his body position. Your partner will try to be as close to you as possible, hold your hand, try to fence off from others. A man in love, as often as possible during a conversation, will try to look you in the eyes, catching your every move.

An important point in understanding a man's relationship to a woman is the emotions that he shows next to her. Communicating with the chosen one with whom the man is in love, you can see how the smile does not leave his face, while he will constantly look into her eyes.

A serious-minded man will constantly look for ways to please and pleasantly surprise you, without waiting for a special occasion.

If you still doubt the sincerity of your chosen one, and are thinking how to understand the intentions of the guy, then try to find out what kind of relationship he had before you. You should not continue the relationship, and even more so wait for a declaration of love from or married man... Being married, a man is unlikely to want to destroy it for you, but for a womanizer, you will be the next beautiful girl in his "collection".

When you know that a man is not fond of short novels and does not support them, and is also lonely, then the chances of his sincerity to you increase significantly. Do not hesitate to observe your partner, his emotions and ask his friends about former relationship... Indeed, the continuation of your communication depends on such information.

The seriousness of the intentions of the chosen one: how to recognize?

You have been with your man for quite a long time. Candy-bouquet period left behind and you are tormented by the question of the seriousness of the intentions of your chosen one. A woman is especially worried when she has not been with a man for the first year, but she still does not receive offers of a hand and heart. At such a moment, doubts and worries are quite natural.

So, how to understand about the seriousness of a man towards you, about his desire to connect fate with you? First of all, take a closer look at his behavior, as well as the topics of conversation. A serious-minded man, at least occasionally, will hint to you about living together and even marriage. He will want to meet your parents, as well as introduce you to his own. Do not forget that for such a chosen one you will always be a priority and he will prove it in every possible way. Such a man will not disappear for a week after the next date, but will try to call or see each other as often as possible.

Another important point is proximity. The chosen one in love will not rush you, and at the moment of intimacy he will not limit himself to his own pleasure, forgetting about his companion. Other women will become taboo for him, he will not allow himself familiar communication with him and even more light flirting.

Still from the film "Diary of Memory", 2004 c.

How to find out if the chosen one loves you and understand that a man is serious about it? Of course, the most accurate answer can only be obtained from your chosen one, but what to do when you don't have the strength to wait and you want to understand how he feels about you.

At the first stage, you can try to ask his friends. He has probably discussed more than once your relationship and feelings for you. However, there is a risk that your friends will not want to give you such personal information or that you will not like the answer. Do not be discouraged in this case, because the words of strangers do not always contain the truth. As already described above, the only the right way to understand a man's intention is to observe his behavior. Another sign of a serious attitude towards you will be jealousy on his part. He will not allow opposite sex show you undue attention, if necessary, delicately explain that you are not alone.

It would be nice to joke about living together and see the man's reaction. If he joked that he was not yet ready, then this is hardly a question of a serious attitude towards you. When a man decides to be together, he himself proposes to move in and as quickly as possible. This way, your boyfriend will show that he is in a serious relationship.

Still from the movie "Dear John", 2010 c.

It is important to understand that not all men true love will prove with every minute attention and expensive gifts. In many cases, your chosen one will begin to take care of their career more diligently, perhaps looking for a new job. Most likely, he sees in you a future wife, so he will try to do everything to living together was as comfortable as possible.

Unfortunately, men do not always show their love the way we (women) would like to see or are used to watching in romantic films... Do not forget about psychological characteristics men. Often, sincere feelings your chosen one can show not a bouquet of dozens of roses, but banal care, in the form warm scarf and hot tea when you are sick.

relationship , sex ,

Men- strange people. They themselves persuade a woman to have sex almost on the first date, and then shed, having received theirs. If a woman calls him and asks: "Everything was fine, where did you disappear?" Why, then, do men themselves rush to have sex?

When a guy just meets attractive girl , he has a natural mechanism immediately triggered: to seize her as quickly as possible, "drag her into bed." At the same time, he sincerely thinks that physical intimacy is needed not only for him, but also for the girl in order to get to know each other better. But as soon as a guy satisfies his sexual desire, he immediately has doubts: "Oh, she gave herself up somehow quickly" and he is disappointed. Because, no matter how much they talk about what is in modern society sex is a common thing, the hunter's instinct has not been canceled.

Many men are familiar with the so-called " morning syndrome"when he caressed all night, confessed his love and was engaged with unfamiliar girl, and waking up in the morning, felt a certain awkwardness. In such cases, the man wants to get dressed as soon as possible and wash off, since there is no emotional closeness he does not feel for a partner yet.

Every guy dreams meet a girl that would be interesting in communication and good in bed. This means that every man has in his head perfect image the woman with whom he wants to start a family. It is a mistake to think that this ideal is a beautiful, kind and caring wife and mother, the keeper of the hearth. Whatever a woman is a good housewife and mother, a man quickly becomes bored next to her. Because, ideal woman for a man, it is also a priestess of love, devoid of complexes and willing to satisfy any of his sexual pleasures.

Knowing these contradictory men's desires, after meeting a guy, two important rules: the first is not to settle for intimacy too quickly, the second is not to overexpose the man. Because if you feel that a man really loves you, you cannot ruin the relationship with excessive distrust. Because sex is not a prize for prolonged abstinence, but only one of the ways of interaction between a man and a woman.

So what to do girl if she doubts the seriousness of the guy's intentions, and he says to her at every date: "I like you, I want you, come to me." After all, it is very difficult to refuse a guy with whom you have already gone to a restaurant that you gave beautiful bouquet or even an expensive gift. You have to pay him something, otherwise such a gallant and generous boyfriend can go to another. In fact, this is complete nonsense.

Agree for sex out of fear of losing a fan or to thank him is definitely not worth it. Men invest a woman in order to conquer him and achieve sex, and she decides whether to agree with him for an intimate relationship or not. And feeling uncomfortable for the fact that a man spent his money on you is stupid. You need to have sex with a man only when you most want it.

Can't take the offer boyfriend have sex literally. He simply believes that if he invited a girl out on a date, then like any male, he must demonstrate that he wants intimacy with her. At the same time, the guy does not at all think that the girl should immediately agree. He suggests, just in case, that she has no doubts about his sexual abilities. Therefore refuse unfamiliar guy in sex - this is normal.

Love is not born instantly, but men do not fall in love at first sight. It's strange to hope for a serious relationship after several meetings and go straight to bed. No self-respecting girl will allow physical intimacy on the first and second dates, even at the peak of arousal.

Going to date with a guy you don't really know yet, immediately limit yourself in time. It is advisable to say something pleasant for male ears... For example, I have classes today for gym or I need to come home early today, no one to sit with my little brother.

If the guy is invited " visit him for a minute", answer with a smile:" I like you, but I need time to get to know you better. Therefore, I'm sorry, this time it will not work, next time we will definitely drink tea with you. "If a guy has serious intentions about you, then he will not insist and will not end the relationship after your refusal.

Surely the best thing to understand is the seriousness of the man's intentions by the way he behaves. It is a mistake to recognize for a serious relationship if a guy only speaks beautifully, but does nothing. A guy with serious intentions may not even say that he loves, but he will confirm this with many actions. He is always ready to listen, help and protect. A man in love can come at 2 a.m. just to look into his beloved eyes and say that he missed him a lot and go home, not counting on the fact that the girl will leave him and give him a passionate night.

It's a shame that even when you feel good together, for men this is not always a reason to think about a joint future. “To avoid disappointment, we will use the good old principle of 'forewarned is forearmed!'

1. "The man is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends." It is clear that this is not about the period that does not allow you to simply break away from each other. But then a man who is proud of his choice cannot wait to show off in a close circle. Maybe you are not really his dream?

2. "Doesn't introduce parents." This is alarming, but knowing the reason is important. The family is not always ready to support the choice of even a beloved son, not to mention those cases when the situation is tense there. “This is not always a manifestation of a man’s frivolity,” explains the author.

3. "During joint exits he moves away into the light and rarely looks at you. " You may think that he is embarrassed by your presence or distracted by other women. The author comments on it this way: "Most likely, he is just bored with you."

4. "Drinks alcohol at every meeting." This behavior may indicate self-doubt, but other explanations do not sound comforting. “There is a high degree of probability that there is a holiday man next to you. He wants to have fun and is only ready for a non-binding relationship. "

5. “Rare meetings and calls”. Do not be naive, busyness and business will never interfere with the desire to always know where the beloved is and what is wrong with her. “Most likely, he is married and has many female names in notebook and he's playing harem with you.

6. "Scolds his ex and treats other women rudely in your presence." Quarrelsomeness and pettiness are a quality of character, but for a loved one you want to be the best. If he does not consider it necessary to keep it to himself, it is unlikely that he cares what you think of him. “Soon it will pop up in petty quarrel", - adds the author.

7. "Constantly says that you need to change something in your appearance and criticizes your figure." This interest is called sexual desire but not love. "When we love, we completely accept a person, without trying to remake him."

8. "Asks for a certain amount of money in debt." By nature, a man is a leader, his woman can be patronized and weak, but in no way a tractor and an assistant in solving problems. "You don't need a gigolo, right?"

9. "A man is in no hurry to share his future with you." This is ambiguous. His dreams and plans may not be overshadowed by you at all, but by other factors - past experience, fear of circumstances and a pessimistic attitude. "It is worth learning more about the events of his past life."

10. "A man is in no hurry to help you and meet you, only you call him." It would seem that there is nothing to think about. But in fact, we are ready to replace reality with any explanations - he is timid, not used to being the first, does not know how to express feelings. "The maturity of a young man is manifested in a willingness to take responsibility for your life together."

The psychologist Alisa Metelina herself mentions that this is an optional set in her book. "I pointed out, first of all, those signs that a priori will be for you."

Finally, on the way, I met a man ideal in all plans, the one whom you dreamed of all your life ... But now another problem arises: how to understand that your relationship is serious and for a long time, and not just another game. Our tips will help make sure that you are not the next on his list of conquered girls and tomorrow you will not cry over the irretrievably gone guy. We have collected the most eloquent signs the fact that the guy is determined at the dawn of the relationship and at the peak of their development.

On first dates, a man, if he is serious, will not bother and hint at intimacy. He should be more interested in you, and not chat about himself. In this case, we are not talking about superficial interest (what is the size of the chest and hips, the shape of the nose, etc.), but about something deeper. If a candidate's gaze slides over his figure as a boyfriend, he may be desperate to be in bed with you. But this is not a reason to immediately stop communicating, because such a desire is quite natural.

It's great if a young man listens with enthusiasm about your childhood, work, hobbies, family. It means that he is trying to get to know and understand you. Pay attention to whether the MCH listens to what you say to him or ignores it. If he does not care about the essence of what has been said, then this is a hopeless copy.

If you want to drag the girl into bed, the conversation will be reduced to the topic of sex and everything connected with it. He can talk about how macho he is, what is popular with girls.

The look of a young man deserves special attention. If he turns to the eyes of the interlocutor, then everything is in order. In the case of taking him aside, "running" around the hall, one can assume that the person is simply bored in your company. When the eyes of the MCH are lowered to the floor, this may indicate his shyness and embarrassment ( good sign).

Meeting family and friends

If after six months the chosen one did not consider it necessary to introduce his companion to his family and loved ones, you can worry and feel annoyed. This may indicate that he simply does not plan to stay with you for a long time, but simply decided:

  • distract from everyday life;
  • relax;
  • forget the ex;
  • to make his acquaintances get rid of him with the question: do you have a girlfriend;
  • assert myself (I was able to interest and pick up such a girl!);
  • gain experience before building serious relationships with other ladies.

There is no need to make hasty conclusions when a young man is in no hurry to introduce you to his social circle. Perhaps he has no friends at all, and he has a tense relationship with his family. In this case, you can say, for example: "Your mother has a wonderful son, when I meet her, I will definitely note it!"

If a man categorically does not want to get to know your relatives and ignores conversations about them, run away from him! He's clearly trying to use you. Serious young man it will be interesting who raised such a beauty and clever girl with whom he fell in love.

What about gifts

At the beginning of a relationship (this is about the first six months), a normal young man who is looking for a life partner, and not a "doll", will not present expensive presents: items household appliances and even more so an apartment, a car, tours abroad. All that is allowed during the candy-flower period is the donation of flowers, perfumes, sweets, and various inexpensive jewelry. More expensive gifts normal girl should humiliate and alert.

Special attention to the person of the girl

A man looking for a serious relationship will not deliberately disappear from sight for a month or more. He will definitely find time to call, wish good morning, invite out on a date. It will be normal for him to compliment and praise his new passion. In this case, the emphasis should be on internal qualities:

  • kindness;
  • scrupulousness;
  • purposefulness;
  • originality;
  • a responsibility;
  • devotion.

Here are some questions a young man might ask:

  • you are not cold (when it comes to winter);
  • how do you feel;
  • how are you;
  • what marks she got at the university;
  • very tired at work;
  • everything is all right at home, etc.

All these questions show that the guy cares about you, he worries and worries about his girlfriend. This is the main sign of the seriousness of feelings and intentions.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps, how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

The video course is free. To view, go to this page, leave your e-mail and a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to the video.

What a man shouldn't say

It's strange if a guy is constantly unclear for what:

  • recalls a former passion;
  • asks for advice on behavior with other girls;
  • asks what he needs to change in appearance to please the ladies;
  • says that he is not going to bind himself in a serious relationship in the near future;
  • asks how you will react to the fact that you will not succeed;
  • confesses his love, hardly knowing you.

This behavior is highly suspicious and requires careful attention from the woman.

If you are tormented by guesses whether he loves you, here. Here we tried to make out: how the lover behaves, what his facial expressions and gestures will be, how not to be mistaken.

This article will also help. Collected here effective ways check it out and one good test that will reveal feelings.

And here read about. We have prepared the main signs, shared how to determine it by correspondence and in real life, by behavior, gestures, speech.

The site has a separate article that will help you figure out. It is written here about the features of his behavior, look, facial expressions, gestures.

The young man does not talk about his feelings and you are lost in conjecture? Stop harassing yourself - here are the main ones. You can also find tips on how to deal with this difficult situation.

How to understand that a guy is ready to make a marriage proposal

A man who plans to get married soon will spend a lot of time with you and much less time with his friends. It is very likely that an offer will follow to start living together, then constant conversations about children, joint rest. Then he can talk for a long time about how great it would be to be a family.

It says a lot that a guy entrusts his money to a girl. Allows her to dispose of them at her discretion. This means that he is ready for common life and responsibilities.

An important sign - in the conversations of a couple, you can more and more often hear "we" instead of "me". He makes plans for the future: how to develop a business together, for example. At the same time, he respects the opinion of his half, listens to her, asks her for advice. Intimacy also takes place, but it seems no longer paramount, the man wants more family warmth and comfort. The family comes to the fore.

Pay Special attention, on what your chosen one spends money. If less and less of them are spent on entertainment and recreation and more and more on investing in their own business or improving the family nest, you can prepare for an offer to get married.

Gifts can also give out plans to the MCH. If during the courtship period he managed with flowers, perfumes and sweets, now he presents different things for the house:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • electric kettle;
  • iron;
  • dishes, etc.

If you do not live together, then in this way he may hint that he will soon move to you or invite you to him.

An important aspect is trust. A guy with serious intentions will calmly devote his soul mate to secrets. He can talk about his past (childhood, adolescence, school and student years). This is very valuable!

And the last point is the absence of other women in his life. If during the period of studying you he could easily flirt with different girls in real life or online, now it seems unacceptable to him. And he expects his companion to be just as respectful of the relationship.

How he introduces a woman to others

MCH, tuned up thoroughly, can say that you are his future wife or a bride. When you live together, he presents his chosen one not as a concubine, but as a full-fledged wife. He says to his relatives that he made his choice and “settled down”, found that one and only one. As a result, friends no longer try to introduce him to a pretty girl or invite him to a striptease.

Pay special attention to how his mother calls you in front of others. If a daughter-in-law is a good sign, it means that she takes seriously the chosen one of her son.

In this video, the emphasis is on listening to how a man calls you and imagines how he behaves in public:

In fact, there will be few signs to figure out a clever deceiver! Therefore, we advise, among other things, to rely on your sixth sense and not turn off the brain under the enthusiastic "love".