What to write to an unfamiliar guy. How to remind a man of yourself: universal tips. What to write to a young man in SMS

I miss your passion, dear, like mercury in a thermometer for high temperature! So I want to get sick with you as soon as possible, indulging in the boundless, fiery heat of irrepressible feelings!

Beloved, longing for you, eats me up, like a worm sharpens ripe cherries. Come on, hurry up to taste your juicy berry before excessive anticipation spoils its taste!

Kitty, your affectionate kitty has already sharpened its claws, fluffed up a soft tail, polished a delicate fur, and is impatiently awaiting your male noble attention!

My dear, bonfires of passion flare up in different parts of my body, and it's scary to say where the brightest and hottest of them burns! Hurry to warm up by its blazing warmth!

My adored, I am a delicious grape of passion, in the bunch of your love! Rip me off as soon as possible, enjoy the fantastic taste of tenderness that has become perfect in anticipation of you!

I will turn into sweet forest blackberries to touch your lips, dear. And when I dissolve with a delicate and unique taste in your soul, you will understand how incredibly I miss you!

Dear, imagine a hedgehog without needles ... It would be an eccentric, but defenseless creature with sad eyes ... I feel like such a hedgehog in longing for your embrace when you are far away ...

Did you know, honey, that bees do not fall asleep in winter? They dream of rainbow spring meadows and delicious nectar. Hurry up to your bored flower, which is already at the limit of a passionate fragrance!

A kebab lover cannot replace his favorite delicacy vegetable salad... And I, my beloved, cannot replace your kisses with any exquisite dish known to me, and I endlessly miss you!

No matter how luxurious and unsinkable the liner of my destiny is, dear, but he needs an anchor! Hurry to me, stop my dreary everyday sailing at your exotic pier!

Darling, without you the moon is like a faceless gingerbread man. Without you, the stars are like annoying cockroaches. The sky is like a puddle of rain without you. This melancholy distorted everything, without you. Hurry to me, I want to go back to the fairy tale!

My beloved, I am like a highlight in endless sadness for you. No, of course, I did not turn black and did not wrinkle, I am just waiting to get into the lush cake of your sweet adoration!

I'm waiting for your affection, dear, as the cosmic galaxies await mergers! Let's quickly light up a unique starlight in the heavens, and illuminate the Universe with the brilliance of solar euphoria!

I am your radiant butterfly, beloved, be my wings! I am your rainbow caterpillar, be my paws! I am your velvety peach, be my core! I am your mouse, be my mousetrap! I miss!

Even an octopus needs all of its eight limbs to be complete. And I, my dear, without you, look like an octopus with one paw, I just can't fully function, I just miss you!

I ate a chocolate bar - I don't feel the taste ... I drank coffee, but it has no aroma ... I looked out the window - the flowers are black and white, and the sun is shining like a small match ... In short, without you, dear, everywhere is a disaster!

Get rid of the urge to smoke with ...

You, beloved, are not near, and I am like a lighter in which all the gas is burned out. I am scattering sparks around, but there is not enough fuel for the fire. Come so that I burst into a real fire of love!

I am like a homeless dragonfly rushing over the gray everyday surface, dear. Become a lotus flower in the midst of this grayness, in the petals of which I will drink the desired nectar of passion, chasing away my heart's boredom!

My knight, may your sword remain sharp, with which you will slay the fire-breathing dragons on the way to my silky tenderness! Just hurry up, otherwise the pernicious melancholy attracts more and more of these monsters!

I am waiting for you, dear, for aromatic tea, or for strong spicy coffee, or for a glass of amber wine ... Although I would like more intoxicating sensations from our date! I miss you incredibly!

I want you, the only one, to penetrate my honeyed tenderness, as fast as a supersonic plane penetrates through milky clouds! Hurry up soon, let color fantasies speed up your flight!

Kitty, become a trap for my predatory passion, become an oasis for the embodiment of my dreams, become an iridescent pearl in the casket of my adoration! Just become a beacon that drives away my longing!

Dumplings boiled in a saucepan, a kettle boiled on the table, hot passion seethed inside me! Darling, everything is ready for your appearance, and dinner, and dessert, and I am irresistibly tasty!

Darling, I look like a catfish fish on a fishing hook ... No, not so mustachioed and big-headed, but choking in longing for your attention! Hurry up and throw me into the depths of your bottomless male affection!

To dissolve my icy heart's sadness in your smile, dear, you will have to become a titanic torch that emits the Olympic flame of passion!

Dear, raging tsunami element is only a small grain of the passion that awaits you at the end of today. I want you with great mood waited for the evening!

The cockroaches in my head have a disagreement, love. Some say that you are an Ideal man, and others that you are Mr. Perfect. How can I reconcile them if they are all right?

In you, my adored one, there is a spring of caramel sweetness, the sources of which are mysteriously hidden. I plan on looking for him thoroughly today, after our romantic rendezvous!

Dear, I broke three cups and five plates, burned the kettle and bent the frying pan, turned off the tap and tore off the doorknob - everything is falling out of my hands today! Probably, it is you headlong in a hurry to me!

Let your degree of labor optimism, dear, be as hot as a lava avalanche bubbling in the bowels of a volcano! And of course, hurry to my place at the end of the day with your temperament uncooled!

To relieve your tension, honey, I will send a spark of intrigue in this message. Turn on your fantasy and draw in your imagination the most coveted plot of our date, which your fairy will certainly fulfill!

I do not doubt the boundless masculinity and super abilities of my beloved. Use all your resources to turn dreams into success, although not all, leave something for me!

My dear, you are the captain of my life's journey, you are the pilot of the plane of my happiness, you are the driver of the composition of my desires! I know it's hard, but keep the steering wheel mine fabulous days with a firm hand!

I'm like a tiny housewife mouse, dear. I'm impatiently waiting for my exemplary worker to bring a piece of delicious cheese into my hole, and something else very tasty ... Have a nice day you!

Dear, I want to get a tattoo and capture your portrait on my body, but I don’t know which one original place choose to implement this idea…. Just kidding, just kidding, you are already imprinted in my heart!

I want to share your work worries, honey, like a cup of morning coffee. I want to unite in a kiss, like a white cloud and heavenly azure. I want to maximize in you positive spirit, and a geyser of passion!

I have oversalted the whole cooking, dear. Dinner will probably have to be washed down with wine, you grab a bottle on the way home. But there is also good news- with the sweetness of the dessert, I definitely made the right decision!

I will distract you a little, my dear, and share the following reflections. If you make a list of the world's goodies and gourmet delicacies, then you, cat, will be the title of this list!

Honey, I heard today the theory that a frequent smile stabilizes the hormonal balance of everyone male organ... Now I understand why you are so harmonious and inimitably unique!

Then a moth of passion flew past the window, beloved, so I gave him a couple of hot kisses that will hint to you about a stunning surprise awaiting you this evening!

You need to give up tasty things, dear, I got 300 grams excess weight! Or maybe you will agree to spend for me individual sessions fitness? I think you are the perfect instructor!

My adored knight, I don’t know about yours, but today my thoughts are playing pranks in a special way. I wonder if our fantasies will coincide in the evening, although if not, we will certainly synchronize them!

When the artist of Destiny painted a panorama of my life, then the most bright colors he used for your portrait, darling! I am firmly convinced that you are a uniquely special person!

With an endless stream of tenderness, an uncontrollable river of passion, a stormy waterfall of love, an endless shower of happiness, I will excite you, dear, every moment of the day and every second of life!

My heart, dear, joined with your honey sincere love! I want droplets of my unctuous tenderness to penetrate from the lines of SMS on your day, making it sweet nectar for minutes!

I want to become a caterpillar eating the sweet leaves of your masculinity, dear. I want to become a bee enjoying the flower delicacy of your passion, my beloved. Have a good mood!

Darling, I was given some unnatural diagnosis today! Explain rather what this means: the patient has an extreme degree of cardiac euphoria, caused by an unlimited passion for her beloved!

Remember one thing - girl completely sets vector development of relations with a man and then it is she who controls him. When a guy does not call at the time at which he himself appointed or does not answer the SMS for a long time, after reading it, it means that he is trying to control both you and the relationship itself.

Modern guys are such that they do not want to pursue a girl. Instead, they want to be conquered, to be a prize in the eyes of a girl. It's great for guys when girls fight for him, it kind of elevates his status. In fact, it only consoles him low self-esteem.

And who is to blame? Only you girls. If a guy behaves in such an unworthy way: does not call back, does not look after, makes you worry, then this is only with your permission. Therefore, there are two ways, if the guy does not respond to messages: either live on your own interesting life, or wait, toil, hoping that he will still call.

The knight must be the first to climb the tower.

The girl is weak - she achieves strong guy... So where do you come across a normal responsible man if you run after everyone who likes you? Why spoil the balance and take matters into your own hands? If you want to do well - do it yourself? No, this is not about building relationships for sure. Let the man prove that he is interested in you.

Not in words, but in deeds. A man should call first and write, a man should invite on a date, a man should think over the course of the date, and not say “well, what, where are we going?».

Don't wait and don't make excuses for the guy why he doesn't call back or answer. If a guy does not respond to messages after reading them, he is either playing with you, or does not want to communicate with you. In any case, this is not your fault. Therefore, you should not wonder what to write to the guy? Whatever you write, if a person does not want, then why force him? This will only make you less attractive if you run after the guy, asking why he doesn't answer messages and ignores you?

The problem is that modern girls too spoiled guys. If a girl understands what exactly she wants from the relationship, if she imagines what kind of guy should be next to her, then why lower the bar for those guys who look after her?

If they cannot jump to the height that the girl has determined for herself, then jump over others... And already with such guys who could, you can try something in building relationships. Have you ever heard about princesses seeking knights, and they were already capriciously choosing from several options? No - a man climbs the tower to his beloved and not the lady comes down to him.

If you want a strong, caring, responsible man, then what do you expect from a guy who is trying to make you achieve him yourself, supposedly he is such an alpha male in great demand. Do you think you can fix it later? It won't work, don't waste time.

Why buy a defective item when you can wait and buy a new one?

Know your worth, then then there will be no questions why he does not call back, how to hint at gifts and so on. Can't be tolerated misbehavior guy.

What if a guy doesn't answer messages or calls back?

If he threw out something like this, for example, you made an appointment and he said that he would call in the morning to confirm your evening rendezvous, but in the end he waits and does not call, then do as follows:

  1. Schedule things in advance for the evening, such as going to the movies or riding a bike, that is, something that you really enjoy alone.
  2. If you agreed to call in the morning, and he is silent, then your date is automatically canceled, and you go about your business.
  3. If a guy calls in the late afternoon and says that he is waiting for your meeting, then you should not immediately change plans in his favor. If he wanted to, he would have called as soon as he woke up or sent an SMS. Don't set the bar down or make excuses for the guys.
  4. If a person values ​​you very much, he will find any way to contact you. If you take and immediately break off his pick-up habits, then in this case he will either understand that you are cool and know your worth, and after that, he will no longer commit such tricks, or he will simply disappear, because he will be afraid that he will not be able to control you.

Always be clear about the terms and don't change them. Have a fallback so you don't sit on pins and needles, waiting for him to call. The guy isn't responding to the message? Stop wondering,? No - no, you have your own life, your own plans and it is interesting for you to be alone with yourself. It is this kind of independence that attracts worthy men.
Stop being the simpleton who shakes at every opportunity to have a relationship. Better alone than getting unnecessary experience through unworthy men.

To boost your self-esteem and be worthy man Of your dreams, then you need to work on yourself too.

Start with this:

  1. Study psychology relations between a man and a woman, in order to be theoretically savvy and then apply knowledge in practice.
  2. Attend the places where the men you like go. It is important that these places are not their place of recreation and entertainment, but development. That is, museums, exhibitions maybe libraries, theaters and so on.
  3. Men are very attract well-groomed girls , with developed feeling style of clothing. Stop walking around in jeans, T-shirts and sneakers. Find something unique. Allow yourself to carry whatever you want, even if at first you are embarrassed about it. Be creative as it attracts men.
  4. Change your environment if it doesn't develop you. If after talking with your friends you feel empty, as if you wereted your time nowhere, then because of such a circle you are clearly degrading. Change. You don't owe anyone anything.
  5. Try to keep you interesting alone... Let it be anything: reading a book, dancing, walking, playing a musical instrument. Anything. Get used to such a relationship when you feel good, both alone with yourself and with your beloved man. Only in this case you will feel like a truly happy girl.

Start your changes with these five points and feel the changes in the coming days. Remember simple thing: Self-esteem attracts really cool guys into your life. If a guy wants to play, let him play with himself. You are not interested in a boy who wants everyone to like you, you need a man who will take care of you, who will do everything to make you happy.

However, in order for such a man to appear in your life, you need to work on yourself, so start today and make a plan for tomorrow so that nothing will stop you from enjoying the time with your beloved.

V modern world a significant share of communication with people of interest to us is occupied by correspondence in social networks or sms. We discuss the weather, our problems and worries, everyday affairs and unexpected events... In this regard, a girl who communicates with a guy she likes very often thinks about what and how to write young man, to once again please him and not spoil the relationship. For many couples, after regular correspondence, a real development of relations even begins, so this method of communication is also important and helps to get closer to a loved one. It will be easy enough to achieve pleasant and productive correspondence if you follow the below simple advice about what you can and cannot write in correspondence with the guy you like.

In correspondence with a loved one, be sure to use cute nicknames or sweet words, with the help of which you give individuality to your message and emphasize that you wrote it with tenderness. SMS should be such that the person always has something to answer. You do not need to write in monosyllables and in the same type, forcing the young man to guess what you wanted to say with this message. Guys have a hard time taking these kinds of hints, so it's better to communicate openly. But they perceive compliments in SMS very well, so you shouldn't skimp on petty praise. Today it is no longer fashionable for a girl to be a silly thing, so try not to make mistakes so that your SMS, instead of sinking into the heart of a gentleman, does not turn out to be the property humorous portals and forums. If we are to be “wrong”, then on a large scale! For example, you can send a message like this: “Musik, I'm kissing you! Thank you for taking such care of me. " Now we are waiting for the reaction. Even if it does not follow due to the fact that the young man is still in a stupor, after half an hour you need to “pour a bucket cold water"And write:" Sorry, I wanted to send an SMS to my mother, but you are in my notebook next, and I accidentally hooked on your contact. It’s really uncomfortable for me. ” All the same can be said with a voice, only for this you need to rehearse the confused intonation. If a guy expresses frustration, then you can add: "Actually, you can also be a real musik", or something like that. If you write serious SMS, then you need to wait for an answer before sending the next message.

If the message does not arrive for a long time, there may be several reasons:

    The young man is out of reach; He is at a lecture at the university or at work, where you can not be distracted by the phone; B this moment the guy is driving, and physically cannot write anything back.
Therefore, before taking offense, you need to soberly assess the situation. In the end, his phone may simply run out of power. When you have waited for an answer, then you need to evaluate the guy's reaction to your message. If it’s positive, then again, bide your time and make him nervous this time. Let him think that you are on the subway or in the evening classes in the pool if he is an optimist. And if not, then let him be jealous or worried, the greater shock (positive) for him will be your next message of an affectionate nature.

How to write to a guy in contact

Cannot be distinguished special rules, how and what you can write to a guy in VK. Your correspondence should not follow any standard pattern. You can start by discussing the events of the day and quietly move on to talking about the future of your relationship. It may be the other way around, when the whole evening you want to correspond only about something frivolous and funny. Therefore, there is only one rule - focus on the fact that the two of you are comfortable communicating on the chosen topic, and the conversation develops easily and naturally. Then he will give you two real pleasure. If you are going to write to a guy in contact, it is better to choose topics for communication according to your own mood. But at the same time, do not forget about the mood of the young man - if he has problems, then it is better to discuss them, and not try to joke a lot and fool around. Otherwise, the guy will think that you are indifferent to his condition and the correspondence will develop into a quarrel with all the ensuing consequences.

Thinking that it is pleasant to write to your loved one in the morning, you should first at least approximately find out his usual daily routine. So that it does not happen that you write an SMS to the guy during his working meeting, or vice versa, in the midst of morning sleep. Of course, he won't be offended, but it can knock him out of his work rut or cause problems with the boss, who will not approve of correspondence during the meeting. What exactly to write depends on the degree of your relationship. For initial stages when you're not too close to each other, cute text messages like “ Good morning most handsome boy"Or" I wish you the same sunny morning as your smile. " For a more intimate relationship, you can add nicknames that are already familiar to you and cute addresses, something more personal or intimate. You shouldn't get by with trivial messages - add creativity to them so that after your SMS the young man will surely smile. Good fit short poems, joking wishes good morning and even photos instead of text that express your thoughts without words. The main thing is that these are not copied typical wishes from the Internet - they are very "blurry" and your boyfriend will probably think that it was difficult for you to write at least a few words from yourself and you decided to copy SMS from the vastness of the worldwide network.

Whether to write SMS during the day if the guy (man) is busy with work

Some girls are confused by the question of whether to write nice sms day when the guy may have work or personal affairs. Sometimes such SMS, even in the midst of the working day, will come in handy, they help to distract for a minute, cheer up and cheer up. Therefore, if a girl does not write too often and actively when her man is busy with work, then there will be nothing wrong with such SMS. Pleasant encouraging words for a man will be very good, especially if his working day promises to be hard and eventful. You can write that you believe in him and wish an easy and productive day, or that you are looking forward to your meeting in the evening. Support is never superfluous, so do not hesitate to please him with your positive thoughts and faith in your beloved man. Unexpected pleasant SMS are good even when the guy is not working and the day is absolutely free. So you can entertain him a little and brighten up everyday boredom. In any case, you will delight him with your attention and remind him of yourself, reinforce your relationship with a note of positive.

Nice words to the guy at night

Of course, it will not be superfluous nice messages at night, which will tell your boyfriend what you thought about him during the day or before bed. Nice words at night can be like a wish good dreams, and just a reminder of how dear your boyfriend is to you. Such sms will be especially useful if the young man had a hard day, or if your daytime communication did not work out very well and you need to smooth out unpleasant emotions and restore peaceful relations between you. banal sms from the Internet, which are already on everyone's lips. It is better to spend a couple of minutes and write something from your heart, pleasant and individual. Here are a few suitable options sms for a guy at night:
    “I have been thinking about you all day and I hope that in a dream you will finally look at me and warm you with your warmth and care”; “May your dreams be as bright as your shining eyes, and as strong as mine love for you! ";" Sleep tight, dear, because tomorrow you will have a difficult day! I am close, mentally and mentally, and will always support you, even in the most difficult moments! ";" My sunny boy, my beloved man! Goodnight you, and let your girl dream in your dream ”.

How you can't communicate with a guy on the Internet or by SMS

If you want to keep good relationship with a guy you like, it is important to adhere to some points, without which communication in correspondence can globally spoil your feelings. In SMS correspondence or on social networks, one cannot only talk about oneself beloved - it is important to show interest in your soul mate, to be interested in his daily affairs and hobbies. You should not get too carried away by ignoring messages from a young man - otherwise he will quickly lose interest in you, not feeling a feeling of reciprocity in communication. Do not burden him with your problems and be able to feel the mood of your interlocutor - sometimes it also happens that even being in poor condition, you need to support your young man, whose problems are more serious than yours. It is important to be able to find a balance of topics for communication so that the correspondence is comfortable and interesting for the two of you. important rule for correspondence with the guy you like - no need to impose too much on the young man. If you constantly write SMS to a guy with offers to chat or meet, you will pry where and with whom he is now, your relationship with a decent probability will end soon. A man should feel that the girl is confident in him and trusts him, while respecting him personal time and space. These simple rules will help make your correspondence pleasant and not spoil your relationship, but, on the contrary, develop and strengthen them.

The world of modern young people is mainly concentrated on social networks. Now it has become bad taste meet in real life... The Internet makes life easier for girls and guys. After all, this is really so, I liked the representative of the opposite sex, came home, found his page in VK, learned everything you need and do not need about your sweetheart, perhaps even added her as a friend, and then, as they say, a stupor sets in. This especially happens with the weaker sex, girls are more indecisive in matters of dating.

We were taught from childhood: a guy should be the first to take the initiative. Of course, you can continue to learn by heart the profile of a guy who has sunk into the soul, or you can muster up the courage and write to the person who will become your destiny, a few simple, but overnight well-chosen words. How to do this, we will figure it out below.

How to write to a guy so that he likes it?

Initially, you need to distinguish for yourself that the words addressed to the guy you see for the first time and then according to the profile in VK, and the man with whom you had a previous relationship, will be different.

We start a correspondence with a guy whom we did not know before:

  • The first word that you write to a young man will say everything about you and almost nothing. Quite simply and trite: over time, the guy will generally be erased in his memory, as you greeted him at the beginning. However, it will depend on this main word whether they will answer you. If you want to be answered exactly, write “hello” or “hello”, put a well-chosen smiley. Of course, you can be considered original and ask the guy right off the bat about any question regarding his photo on his avatar on the social network, any of his interests. Just don't forget about the words of greeting. Men favor clarity, logic and common sense more.
  • Write first, but don't be intrusive. Men love initiative young ladies. At first, there will be enough light secular chatter "about this, about this", the main thing is to often use positive formulations, embellished with healthy wit.
  • Remember, few people like whiners. You should not immediately write to a man you like about the tragic death of your beloved poodle and the impact of his death on your mood... Although, if you present this information with humor, then you can write. Just remember that as long as you are not connected with this guy, and he will not waste his time comforting your person.
  • During the conversation, cling to what specifically interests your sweetheart. If he is interested in football, you can criticize the game of some player or sincerely (!) Resent the game of his favorite team - this will cause the guy to be interested and want to have a discussion with you. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to alienate the young man from himself.
  • A categorical mistake is the use of the words "kitty", "zaya", "baby" in the first days of correspondence, because in this way you cross the intimate line of your interlocutor. These words appear in the correspondence of people in love with each other, in a natural way, and this happens, as a rule, mutually. You just have to wait for the guy you like to be yours. Then you can already swim in the sea of ​​tenderness.

Exchange of SMS, letters, VK messages and other social networks containing various pleasant words, can turn into an interesting addictive game. You will once again begin to wait for the next message from your loved one, and he - from you.

Why do men need beautiful words?

Some girls are convinced that men should show more initiative in relationships, constantly look after their lovers and give them gifts, so they do not particularly pamper their chosen ones with special signs of attention. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion, because stronger sex it is very important to feel like the one whom his beloved admires, to be surrounded by her care and warmth, and also to constantly increase your self-esteem due to the pleasant words spoken to her.

As selfish as it sounds, but beautiful words benefit both partners. A man always needs an incentive, he will not try for that woman who does not appreciate him. Praise will make him feel confident and he will have a desire to achieve new heights, because there is someone for whom. Should I say nice words to your beloved guy? Undoubtedly yes!

We write pleasant words to the guy in VKontakte (vk, vk)

What is pleasant and how you can write unfamiliar guy in contact, we discussed above. Now let's think about what words should be chosen for the man you know in real life using the social network. Indeed, it is during a long correspondence that people are now fully revealed, revealing sometimes the most secret nooks of their souls.

What is pleasant to write in VK to your beloved guy whom you know for a long period? Here you are already long period you correspond with a guy on VK, you are entering a period of mutual exchange of tenderness and amenities, and you do not want to lose this good communication... This period is really one of the most important, because it will completely affect your future relationship with your beloved boyfriend.

How can I avoid this?

  1. Write about everything, the main thing is not to get bored, that is, avoid messages like "Honey, I'm bored", "I'm sitting here without you and miss you", "Honey, I'm lonely."
  2. It is on the social network that you should write to the young man directly about your feelings. You will never go wrong with the wording like "How glad I am that you appeared in my life" and so on, "Thank you for understanding me."
  3. Become patient and do not start a conversation with phrases like “Where are you?” If a person is online and simply wants to take a break from communication even with you.

We write pleasant words to a man in the morning

Finally, you started dating a guy and you want his morning to start with your sms - message, if you live apart for now, or so that your sms - pigeon will find its addressee at work if you already live together.

What should I write in the morning?

  • “Good morning, my dear. I slept so sweetly with you, and I did not notice how you left "," Good morning, darling. How did you sleep without me? " etc. Transfer his attention to yourself. It's bad if he woke up without you, but if it's good, then veiled thank you that you woke up together.
  • Choose clue words, if you meet with your loved one for a long period, do not be afraid to write to him tender words: “Darling, my pillow smells like you. Come back home as soon as possible. "
  • Psychologists say that poems of your own writing are a good clue. The main thing is to use this technique if you really have a talent for rhyming. If not, use cool ready-made rhymes from the Internet. Poems are more original than prose letters.

Pleasant nightly messages

Bedtime emails depend on the degree of your relationship. When you had only a few meetings with a man, it would be wrong to write "I would now be next to you", "I will not sleep without you." Why? Guys do not find any romantic halo in such a phrase, they perceive it as a signal for intimacy.

When you and your boyfriend are in long strong relationship and for whatever reason you are sleeping separately, do not forget to write: "I want to sleep on your shoulder." Men are very susceptible to such gentle and overnight touching formulations.

If you don't know the guy much, you can laugh it off and write: “ Goodnight and let you dream about me. " Here, again, the main thing is to transfer the attention of the guy who you like to your beloved person. It is also a good idea to have some kind of unobtrusive rhyme sent to the guy in time before he goes to bed.

Nice SMS for a loved one is a whole art

SMS is short message, which can attract a guy's attention even more than correspondence in social networks. Write a message good sms to interest a person is a whole art. What pleasant SMS can you send?

  1. Very very very funny joke... Such that not only the young man could laugh, but also his mother. Everyone knows that God is hidden in a sense of humor. Be lively and witty. A spontaneous joke will boost the mood of the young man you like for the rest of the day.
  2. Again, the poems of my own writing. Your boyfriend will know what is next to him creative girl, able to write not only messages in prose. A beautiful rhyme your sweetheart can boast to family, colleagues and close friends, which will certainly increase his mood and self-esteem. After all, for his sake they even go to write poetry! Only a very callous and down-to-earth person will not like this approach. Here, too, do not overdo it and send a rhyme every six months.
  3. Words of praise. Your boyfriend will only be glad if you often remind him how good, sweet, handsome, kind, the best in the world he is.
  4. Ask your guy for advice more often. How do you find this or that store? Where better to refuel in your area and more. This approach is especially good if you know the guy quite recently.
  5. Send him an invitation to any event. Everybody loves unexpected surprises... Be Santa's grandpa for the guy. More often please with any unexpected invitations somewhere.

If your communication is just beginning to develop, it is better to choose a neutral tone of messages, you do not need to overwhelm an unsuspecting guy with confessions and frank words. Better to let him first show more initiative - this is generally useful for the development of your relationship.

Why shouldn't you write or typical mistakes of girls?

  • Don't write with mistakes. When the guy you like isn't flawlessly literate, don't stoop to the same. Be for him initially an authority at least in matters of spelling and knowledge of the native language.
  • Never ask for yourself right off the bat increased attention... The guy doesn't answer you for a long period? So he is either busy or has lost interest in you. And with questions like “Where have you disappeared?”, “Answer me, I’m waiting,” you will not return attention to yourself, but rather push the person away from you. Interested Guys will always take the time to write. Wait and be patient, it will pay off later.
  • If your loved one does not want to write to you, do not try to blackmail him with SMS messages like “If you don’t answer, I’ll throw myself out of the window” and other similar formulations. You won't bring the guy back like that, but this way you will only leave bad memories.
  • Do not humiliate the guy in the correspondence. You can pin him up in moderation, make fun of him, but you always need to remember that all people are egoists, and since you greatly hurt the feelings of an unfamiliar young man, you will hardly return those pleasant experience that he originally drew up about you.

We write pleasant words to the conscript

One of the most pressing is the question of the correspondence of a girl with a young man who carries military service... Write him sparse letters, about how you expect him and how you miss him. The main thing is not to be overly sentimental, because your boyfriend is also having a hard time being away from you. Describe vividly and interestingly everything that happens in your city, on your street with your families and mutual acquaintances. The immutable truth is that loving heart will always find suitable words, no matter how difficult it is to pick them up and write to your beloved guy. Be more decisive. Go for it!

Pleasant words to my husband

Sometimes you need to leave aside all your household chores, caring for children and pay attention to the man with whom fate brought you together. Tell him that he is dear to you. Below are a few phrases to express your feelings.

  • Since you burst into my life, peace has appeared in my soul, and happiness in my heart;
  • You are the most best husband, to be your wife is a great happiness!;
  • I still remember the day when we, two parts of each other, united. I pray that we will never be apart;
  • I AM happy woman... You ask why? Because I got the best husband !;
  • You are my dear kitten (bunny). I need your love so much;
  • For so many years, you and I have been united by marriage, and you still drive me mad.

Text your husband when he is at work, at home, or on a business trip. You will see that he will come home in an excellent mood.

Psychologists advise girls to be open, friendly, nice when communicating with a guy in correspondence and remember that you should never dwell on any person, because this leads to personality breakdown. After some attempts to interest the man in yourself, stop it and turn your attention to someone else.

Often, girls also ask other questions related to correspondence with young people. They ask, for example, how to regain the trust of a man with whom you broke up through correspondence. There is a way out here too. Try to start with your former conversation the level that you had at the dawn of your initial acquaintance. Greet him and write about mutual acquaintances, common interests and what once united you. The main thing is not to be annoying.

Social media and mobile provide many opportunities to get started romantic relationship... And if traditionally women's initiative in a relationship is not welcome, then it is quite acceptable to write to the nice guy who likes it first - this way you signal him about your sympathy, but leave the choice.

When starting a chat with a Nice Guy, especially if you haven't spoken in person before, it's important to remember:

  1. Even a simple "hello" will raise his self-esteem to heaven. But what about nice girl she herself is seeking his attention and dared to write first! So it is not necessary to pretend to be the queen of the epistolary genre by inventing elaborate phrases for each letter.
  1. Mysteriousness is your main weapon. If he does not even remember your face, and you write interesting details about him that he does not publish on his VKontakte page, the boy will be interested in the source of information. You shouldn't write that you admire Sherlock Holmes since childhood and practice deduction skills or accidentally chat with his drunk friend in a bar. Let him write himself in an attempt to find out this little secret and make an appointment with you.
  1. The most interesting person in the life of any person is himself. Your chosen one is hardly an exception to this rule, so the correspondence should be at least 50% about him and for him. Take an interest in his hobbies, ask if he was at a concert of the groups that are in his audio recordings. Use his profile for analysis - it contains almost everything you need: what he loves, what he is proud of, what he shows off to friends. Example: if the wall is crammed with videos, photos and articles with information on caring for exotic animals - check it out, note a few facts for yourself and write about it. A guy who loves travel will surely post a lot of photos of his beloved against the background of the mountains with all the tourist ammunition. You just have to act according to the circumstances - sign up for the next trip with him, go to his sports club.
  1. “What a wonderful car in the photo - is it yours? How much do you earn? Maybe you will give me the same one? " - you don't want to sound too materialistic, do you? Young ladies who first of all pay attention to the material condition of their partner do not command respect. But as a smart girl, you could determine his status without further questioning and not write about it.
  1. “Who is this girl in the photo? Are you sleeping with her? And with her friend? And that brunette in a leather miniskirt with which you left the bowling club yesterday, is that your sister? " - manic jealous girls look unattractive in the eyes of normal guys. Of course, if a guy demonstratively emphasizes that girls are not indifferent to him and you, even if you really like, are not the only one, then this is the role that he likes. But to write in this spirit and build a relationship with ladies man- doom yourself to the fate of an evil jealous bitch who will drive away annoying fans from him with a fly swatter.
  1. “Wow, what a slender handsome man in the photo next to you! Maybe you will write me his number or introduce us somehow by chance? Do you have more beautiful friends? " Is perhaps the most unattractive conversation option. Men are very jealous, and you are also asking for acquaintance with strangers. This will hurt the guy's self-esteem very much, and he will take out his anger on you during further communication. However, if you are really interested in one of his friends, go for it. But provoke male jealousy in order to attract attention is very risky.
  1. “What position do you prefer in sex? Are you not gay? How about stopping by my place tomorrow with a bottle of wine? I bought myself some new underwear, do you want to check it out? " - of course, mothers and grandmothers inspire us that men only need sex. And the offer intimate contact will undoubtedly attract the attention of the opposite sex, but it is not worth writing like that. But the price of such an offer is too high - you risk being known accessible girl... And such men appreciate, but only at the moment of satisfaction of passion. You cannot build a long-term and reliable relationship in this way. By the way, the same goes for intimate photos, which are undesirable to send to guys, even if you have been dating for a long time. Once you have a fight, your ex can send these photos. mutual friends, post them online or use them as a means of blackmail.

Well, the SMS has been sent, but there is still no answer. What to do? Throwing angry messages at a guy in the hope that at least annoying signals about incoming SMS will make him think about you for a second? Of course, this is not an option, although resentment and pride often push girls to such actions. The same applies to messages in the spirit of "?", "How are you, are you still here?"
Ideally, a girl should not send more than one message in a row and have a pause of 15-20 minutes between replies.

There is no need to come up with excuses for him - he was tired, he was busy, the money on the account ran out, the phone was dead, communication problems, the crocodile is not caught, the coconut does not grow. The guy you like is probably an adult and independent person, able to independently replenish the account and decide to whom, what and when to answer. So, most likely, the lack of an answer means a lack of interest in the question or in a conversation with you at all.

But it happens that the reason for the silence is really valid (more details here -). Then all the more, leave him alone - if a man trusts you, he will certainly tell you himself.

Men like self-sufficient girls with many interesting hobbies whose social life does not focus on one person. And in the correspondence, you can tell him as much as you like about what you are doing in-depth study Japanese or writing a scientific dissertation, but all this does not negate the fact that the answer to his messages comes at the same minute, at any time of the day or night. Hardly so busy girl every second is waiting for his precious SMS. Be unavailable. Make him wait for an answer, end the conversation yourself, do not answer after twelve at night - busy people sleep at this time.

Final goal virtual communication- bring the object of your love to live contact.

Delve into similar relationship and lose touch with reality - bad option... Intrigue, tease, lure - but don't let the guy evade real dates through Internet communication. After all, if you wanted a fictional character, you don't have to try so hard.

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's do a thought experiment.

Imagine that you have the super ability to "read" men. Like Sherlock Holmes: she looked at a man - and immediately you know everything about him and understand what is on his mind. You could get any man and have perfect relationship and I would hardly be reading this article in search of a solution to my problem.

And who said that this is impossible? Of course, you will not read other people's thoughts, but otherwise there is no magic here - only psychology.

We advise you to pay attention to the master class from Nadezhda Mayer. She is a PhD in Psychology, and her methodology has helped many girls to have perfect relationships and feel loved.

If you're interested, you can sign up for a free webinar. We asked Nadezhda to reserve 100 places specifically for visitors to our site.