Drawing. “Who lives in the autumn forest? Summary of classes on modeling "autumn tree"

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 78 combined type"


complex lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (sculpting)

"Who lives in autumn forest

Prepared by: educator of higher

qualification category


g.o. Saransk 2015

Target: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children in a new non-standard environment.


Educational:generalize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn. Strengthen children's ability to identify characteristics main periods of the season. Clarify and expand - children's knowledge of forest animals. To consolidate the ability to convey the characteristic features of animals, using different ways sculpting (from a whole piece and parts).

Developing: develop the ability to analyze, generalize and compare independently, draw conclusions, develop evidence-based speech, expand children's knowledge of the animal world, generalize and activate vocabulary on this topic.

Educational: cultivate curiosity about the natural world, ecological culture, to form the skills of cooperation.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction»; "Socialization", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture".

Material and equipment

The game "Who lives where", punched cards, red chips, of blue color, layout« Autumn in the forest”, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, 2 napkins for each child (dry, wet).

Methods and techniques

Creating a game environment, conversations, visual display, artistic word, guessing riddles, games, game exercises, Practical activities.

preliminary work

Reading stories, poemsanimals of the forest, guessing riddles about animals, observing autumn phenomena, changes innature, making a layout "Autumn in the forest".

Lesson progress

I Organizing time.

Educator - Children listen carefully to the poem.

Guess the season:


Colorful forest, beautiful,

Mowed fields get wet,

Clouds are walking in the sky

Birds fly south

Mushroom pickers are in a hurry from the forest,

Yellow leaves are flying

Hedgehog collects leaves

They warm their mink.

Educator - What season is the poem talking about?

(children's answers)

II main part.

Educator - And now what season do we have?

(children's answers)

Let's remember and name the autumn signs.

(Children answer)

What changes have taken place andlife of forest animals?

(children's answers)

Well done, you know how animals prepare for winter.

Educator - And now let's play the game "Who lives where."

I I will make riddles, you guess, find animals and settle where they live.

(The teacher makes riddles, the children guess and put the animal in the picture)

Educator - Well done, children, you know well who lives where.

Look, what an interesting clearing.

Go to the clearing.

(Children sit down and work with punched cards)

Educator - Designate with a red token an animal that is called the “Order of the Forest”.

With a green chip, designate the animal - "Sweet",

Educator - Well done. Completed this task. Now stand in a round dance and play the game "We are animals."

Physical education: "We are animals"

(The teacher calls the animal, the children imitate the movement of this animal)

  1. you bears (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a bear).
  2. Now you are wolves (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a wolf).
  3. You are hares (children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a hare).
  4. you turned into a fox(children walk in a circle imitating the movements of a fox).
  5. You, guys (children walk in a circle with a normal step).

Educator - Well done, guys, you have depicted animals well. I suggest you go to our workshop.

(Children sit at tables)

Educator - Let's sculpt the animals of the forest and settle in our

fairy forest which we made last night.

Think about what forest animal you would like


Educator - Nastya, what animal will you be sculpt? (Answer)

And you, Sasha? (Answer), etc.

Educator - But before sculpting, let's get our hands ready for

work. Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

"Counting fingers"

One two three four five

One two three four five.

Ten fingers, a pair of hands

Here is your wealth friend.

Educator - Here are our hands ready to go. start work.

You can sculpt in any way.

(Soothing music playing)

(Children work, the teacher walks and looks, if anyone needs

help, advice(show on your piece of plasticine)

III Final part.

Educator - Who are readyanimals, settle them in the "fairy forest".

(Children put their work on the layout "Autumn in the Forest").Educator - Children, come all to the layout.

Look, our fabulous forest has come to life.

How beautiful our autumn forest turned out to be. Educator - But what time of the year will come soon after the fall?

(Answers of children).

Educator - Children, it is very difficult for animals in winter. Why?

(Answers of children).

How can we humans help them?

(Answers of children).

I think, that you will not leave animals in trouble, you willhelp them and never offend them.

IV The final moment.

Educator - What did you like most about the lesson?

(children's answers)

Educator - I, too, our occupationliked. Because you were all active, attentive, all assignments were completed correctly. Made wonderful animals.Well done! Thank you. Our lesson is over.

Tidy up your workspaces and play.


  1. O.A. Voronkevich Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood press", 2004.
  2. L.S. Vygodsky Imagination and creativity in children's age. - M., 1987.
  3. S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, I.G. Toporkova We develop hands - to learn and write, and draw beautifully. - Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2007.
  4. O.F. Gorbatenko System environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Publishing house "Teacher", Volgograd, 2008.
  5. T.G. Kazakova Development of creativity in children. M., 1986.
  6. N.S. Karpinskaya art word in raising children. - M., 2010.
  7. IN AND. Kovalko ABC of physical education for preschoolers. – M.: VAKO, 2005.
  8. A.I. Maksakova, G.A. Tumanova Learn by playing. - M., 1983.
  9. The development of speech in pictures. Animals. - M., 2011.
  10. The development of speech in pictures. Live nature. - M., 2011.
  11. E.O. Smirnova Features of communication with preschoolers. – M.: Academy, 2000.
  12. E.I. Udaltsova Didactic games in the upbringing and education of preschoolers. - M., 2007.
  13. O.S. Ushakova Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development. - M., shopping center "Sphere", 2012.
  14. N.B. Holezova Lepka in kindergarten. - M., 1986.
  15. G.S. Shvaiko IZO in kindergarten ( senior group). - M., 2003.
  16. L.M. Shipitsyna, O.V. Zashchirinskaya, A.P. Voronova, T.A. Nilova ABC of communication. Childhood - Press, St. Petersburg

Target: learn how to sculpt mushrooms in a constructive way in two parts.



  • Continue to teach the techniques of rolling plasticine into a ball and flattening; learn to connect two parts together;
  • clarify and expand children's knowledge about the autumn season;
  • generalize children's ideas about edible and inedible mushrooms;
  • to activate the children's dictionary on the topic "Mushrooms" (fly agaric, boletus, boletus, white mushroom);
  • improve children's ability to listen carefully and answer questions.

Developing: develop cognitive interest children, attention and creativity.

Educational: educate preschoolers careful attitude to nature, the desire to help others in difficult situations.

Preliminary work: target walks into the forest, learning poems about autumn, reading works of fiction.

Equipment: musical toy hedgehog, models of fly agaric, boletus, boletus and chanterelles, dry leaves and blades of grass; modeling boards, stacks, plasticine different colors by the number of children.

Lesson progress

Children enter the studio visual activity, where everything is pre-decorated in the form of an autumn forest.

Guys, today I invite you to take a walk through the fabulous autumn forest. Have you ever walked in a real autumn forest? (Children's answers.)

What can you see in the forest in autumn? (Answers.)

And here is what is happening in our fabulous autumn forest. Repeat all movements after me:

The wind blows slowly children blow)

Quietly rustling leaves ( say the sound [w])

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf ( clap)

The Miracle Mushroom Appeared hands up)

Who found his friends? ( shrug)

Because of the stump, the teacher takes out a toy hedgehog and voices it:

Our hedgehog puffs: “fu-fu!

I love mushrooms, my friends

And this fungus

I'll put it in a container" (takes a fly agaric and puts it in a container)

Children notice that this mushroom cannot be eaten, and if they do not notice, then the teacher himself asks them what this mushroom is called, whether it can be eaten and why.

The hedgehog complains to the children that he found only a few mushrooms in the forest, and the hedgehog kids are waiting for him at home and hope that he will bring them a lot of mushrooms.

The teacher poses a problematic question to the children: how to help the hedgehog? Children themselves offer options for helping (look for mushrooms together, make them out of plasticine, etc.). All options for solving the problem must be tried to put into practice. To do this, the teacher asks the hedgehog to show all the mushrooms he has collected. Then all together carefully examine them and name whether they determine whether they are edible or not. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that all the mushrooms collected by the hedgehog consist of two parts: legs and caps.

Children are looking for mushrooms and, not finding anything suitable, decide to make them themselves from plasticine. Then, together with the hedgehog, they go to the tables and, after the teacher has shown the necessary techniques for working with plasticine, they independently choose suitable color plasticine and get to work. To make the mushrooms look like they were just picked, children are invited to decorate them with dry leaves, pine needles and herbs.

Under a huge pine tree

In the clearing in the forest

Where is the pile of leaves

With a kuzavochkoy hedgehog stands.

We'll go to the hedgehog

And we'll bring mushrooms.

The hedgehog carefully examines all the mushrooms, wonders if there are any poisonous ones among them, asks everyone what kind of fungus he did, notes what different and beautiful mushrooms everyone got. Then the children put all their crafts into the box for the hedgehog, and he thanks them, says goodbye and leaves.

The teacher once again recalls with the children what they learned today in class, notes positive points in the work of each child and thanks everyone for their efforts.

Synopsis of organized educational activities in the II junior group

Theme: "Journey to the autumn forest"

Priority educational area
« cognitive development»
Integration of educational areas
"Social and communicative development"
"Speech Development"
"Artistic and aesthetic development"
Target: To consolidate ideas about autumn, about the signs and signs of autumn.
1. Teach carefully, listen to the speech of the teacher, expand and activate the vocabulary of pupils (“autumn”, “season”, “rustles”);
2. Improve grammatical structure speech;
3. Formation of elementary environmental perceptions in children.
1. Develop interest in the world around you during the game-travel;
2. Expand elementary representations about changes in nature
autumn, wild animals, their lives.
1. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, love and respect for nature.
Tasks by educational areas in integration
Educational activities"Cognitive development":
1. Enrich the sensory experience of children, develop figurative representations, affordable consolidating children's knowledge of seasonal change (autumn).
2. Expand ideas about wild animals living in the forest, learn to reflect the impressions received in speech and productive activity.
3. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, educate respectful attitude children to nature and animals.
Educational activity "Speech development":
1. To develop the initiative, choral speech of children, to enrich and clarify children's ideas about the seasonal change in autumn.
2. Expand and activate children's vocabulary
3. Form the need to share your impressions with other people.
Educational area"Artistic and aesthetic development":
1. Improve the technique of drawing with a piece of paper to depict autumn leaves.
2. To cultivate interest in reflecting one's impressions and ideas about nature, through the ability to create an artistic image.
3. Cultivate accuracy and independence
Educational area "Social and communicative development":

1. Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner.
Types of children's activities
Cognitive, communicative, playful.
Methodological techniques
1. Organizational moment: The appearance of the fabulous Gnome.
2. Children's answers to the teacher's questions.
3. Choral reading of a poem with children.
4. Watch the video.
5. Conversation with children after watching the video.
6. Musical-rhythmic composition "Leaf, leaf-leaf fall".
7. Didactic game: "Pick by color."
8. Productive activity "Golden Leaves"
9. Analysis of the activities of children, summing up.
Planned results
Shows a strong interest in various types children's activities: game-journey, listening and discussion, artistic creativity. Emotionally responds to main character-Gnome. Elementary oriented in the space of the group. Actively participates in productive activities.
Knows the sequence of movements of the musical and dance composition "Leaf, leaf - leaf fall".
Materials and equipment
multimedia projector, screen
computer presentation
tree layout
multicolored autumn leaves from paper
pieces of paper
hypoallergenic wet wipes for babies
basket with goodies for children (nuts)

The course of organized educational activities

Educator: Children, listen, who is rustling there? You hear?

Oh, yes, this is a gnome, a forest man. Let's say hello to the gnome.
Gnome: Hello guys.
Educator: What gnome? (small). What do you think the gnome's mood is like? (good) Of course, good, the gnome smiles at us, let's smile at him too.
Educator: Look, the gnome brought us something, what is it? (leaves)
What leaves? (beautiful, colorful, red, yellow, green). Colored leaves at what time of the year are there? (in autumn) So what kind of leaves? (autumn) That's right, kids, it's autumn leaves. All of them are multi-colored, golden, so they say about autumn: “ gold autumn».
Educator: And let's guys tell the Gnome a poem about autumn:
“Golden autumn walks along the paths.
She has yellow boots on her feet.
She has colored leaves on her dress,
And in her basket there are forest mushrooms!
Gnome: Thanks guys, I liked your poem. I love it very much too beautiful time of the year. Do you want to visit the autumn forest?
Educator: To get into the fairy forest, you need to close your eyes and say magic words:
“Slam, stomp, turn around.
And I will immediately find myself in the forest.
Children, open your eyes, look how beautiful it is.
(Autumn forest on the screen).
Educator: Let's quietly sit down and see what happens in the fall. (video film screening)

Educator: Guys, what did you see? What are the trees like in autumn? (colorful, beautiful). What do you think of the animals that live in the forest? (list) In a word, how can they be called, what animals? (wild). Clever, why are they called wild? (because wild animals get their own food, a person does not help them) Guys, what do animals do in autumn? (getting ready for winter). What do you think should be done in the forest? (quietly, do not make noise, do not shout, so as not to scare the animals).
Let's take a walk in the forest.
“Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly, multi-colored rustle under the feet of the guys.” (sound - the rustle of leaves).
Educator: Oh guys, look, the breeze blew and scattered all our leaves, let's try to collect them by color.
D / I "By color"
The children are doing the task.

Well done guys collected all the leaves. Beautiful, carved, and let's dance with them. (Dance with leaves - Leaf, leaf fall).

Educator: It became good in the forest, quiet, calm. But soon all the leaves will fall from the trees, and we will not see the trees so beautiful for a long time. Let's decorate this tree in memory of autumn and give it to our gnome. We have an already drawn tree on our tables, let's arrange a fall of leaves, draw leaves. But today we will draw not with brushes, not with pencils, but with crumpled paper. To do this, take a sheet of paper, crush it so that you get a paper ball (the teacher accompanies his words with actions),

then dip in paint yellow color paper ball. We draw leaves by sticking paper.

Well done boys. The fall leaves are very beautiful.

Gnome: For your great job, beautiful leaf fall, I want to give you a basket of gifts.
Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end. Guys, did you like being in the forest? Whom did we meet? What did we see in the forest?
Educator: Children, let's say "Thank you" to our gnome wizard for the hotels and such a wonderful trip! But it's time for us to say goodbye and return to Kindergarten.
Gnome: Goodbye, guys!
Educator: Turn around yourself - find yourself in the garden again. This is where our journey ended...
“Thank you all for your attention, we say - goodbye!”

Abstract of a modeling lesson on the topic: "Autumn Tree"

Program content:
1. Teach children to tear off small pieces of plasticine, roll them between the palms, and flatten them with a finger from above, attaching them to a sheet of paper.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the color, size of autumn leaves.
3. Fix the concept of "leaf fall", learn to move around the site, following the instructions given in game form; accompany the words of the poem with the appropriate movements.
4. To cultivate independence, accuracy.
Material: red, brown, white and yellow plasticine, sheets of paper.
Preliminary work: looking at autumn trees, talking about autumn.
Vocabulary work: autumn, leaf fall, forest, autumn.
Lesson progress:
Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)
-Why do you think so? (it got cold, people put on warm clothes, etc.)
What color are the leaves on the trees? (yellow, red)
-Yes, in autumn the leaves on the trees first turn yellow or red, and then begin to fall off, that is, fall to the ground.
What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?
This phenomenon is called leaf fall. Leaves, falling to the ground, spin merrily in the air.
- Let's turn into yellow leaves.
The game "Leaf fall" is held.
Game progress:
All children are given leaves from the autumn bouquet.
- Guys! All of you will be leaves, choose a leaf that you like: some are yellow, some are red, some are big, some are small.
Each child shows and names which leaflet he chose by color and size.
- The leaves are light, they slowly fly through the air. (Children run and wave their hands.)
Falling leaves! Falling leaves!
The yellow leaves are flying!
As if umbrellas are circling!
- Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)
- Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)
- They circled and sat on the ground. (Children sit down.)
- Sat down! They sat down and froze. (Children do not move.)
- The wind blew: one-two-three,
Were off the ground, (an adult blows, followed by children.)
- And soared high
But the sky is far away.
-Leaves rose, scattered into different sides. (Children run around the playground.)
- Spinning, spinning, spinning! (children spin)
- Falling leaves! Falling leaves!
- Leaves fly in the wind (children run, circle with leaves in their hands).
- They circled again.
They fell to the ground to sleep.
- The breeze has died down, and the leaves slowly fall to the ground ”(children squat slowly).
The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Then the children sit down at the tables.
- Guys, look at the sheets of paper on the table?

What does a tree have? (trunk)

Let's make a barrel, tear off a piece of plasticine and roll it between the palms, put it on a sheet of paper, press it on top with your fingers.

What else is missing? (branches)

We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it between the palms, then apply it to the trunk and press it on top with a finger.
- What else does our tree lack? (leaves)
- Let's make plasticine leaves for our tree.
- And what color will we take plasticine so that the tree is autumn? (yellow, red, orange)
- Look how we will sculpt the leaves.
- We tear off a small piece of plasticine, roll it between the palms, then apply it to the branches, press it on top with a finger.
- Pieces need to be attached to tree branches
I show the children how to tear off small pieces from plasticine, roll them between the palms and, pressing on the balls, attach them to the branches of a tree.
- The tree became autumn, because we blinded yellow leaves for it.
How many trees can be called in one word? (forest)
Let's all say "forest" together.
- Yes, we have an autumn forest.
- Look, on some trees the leaves are attached to branches, and on other works - the leaves are spinning in the air, falling to the ground.
What is the name of the phenomenon when leaves fall to the ground? (leaf fall)
- Let's all together say "fox-to-pad."
- The yellow leaves are dancing,
From the branches they fall, they fly,
This fairy tale is golden
They call it "falling leaves".
- All the children worked very hard. Here is what a beautiful autumn forest we got.
- And now let's take our works to the exhibition of creativity, please our mothers, fathers, grandparents.

Tasks. To acquaint children with changes in the natural environment, the inhabitants of the forest. Paint fallen leaves, gray clouds in the sky, rain, traces of animals on the ground.

Material. Sheets of paper painted in light gray tones, with applicative silhouettes of trees; brushes; paints - dark gray, brown, yellow; water banks; napkins.

Preliminary work. Observation on walks for changes in nature. Examining illustrations with an image late autumn(trees without leaves; gray clouds; it's raining), depicting the inhabitants of the autumn forest (bunny, fox, wolf, hedgehog, bear). Reading poems, nursery rhymes, singing songs.

Lesson content. The teacher reminds the children about changes in nature: “It is raining more and more often, there are very few leaves on the trees, they lie on the ground. In the autumn forest, animals are preparing for winter: squirrels, hedgehogs stock mushrooms, apples. Let's paint with paints how a bunny jumps, and a bear walks through the forest. The teacher shows the traces of a bunny with the end of the brush, and then draws large strokes with the whole bristle of the brush. “The bunny ran and hid behind the tree from the gray wolf,” the teacher says and places the strokes near the tree. And this wolf ran through the forest, - the teacher continues and draws larger footprints: - I didn’t catch the Bunny. There is a gray cloud in the sky, it started to rain. Gloomy, rainy autumn has come. Draws stripes of rain.

After a story and a demonstration of drawing techniques for “traces of animals on the ground”, the teacher invites the children to independently draw “their own” forest, in which “a bunny jumps, a fox runs, a wolf walks, a bear walks”. Children complete the composition started by the teacher (finish trees, bushes, leaves, traces of animals). At the end of the lesson, the drawings completed by the children with the applique image of trees form the general composition of the autumn forest. Wake up

The tatel asks the children to find traces of a bunny, a fox, a bear, a wolf. “This is the kind of autumn forest the children drew, and animals live in it,” the teacher finishes examining the overall composition. He encourages the desire of children not only to return to the process of looking again, finding their drawings with the traces of animals, but also to the story that everyone has drawn. The stories of children can also be monosyllabic, such as: “Here is a bunny jump-jump”, “My wolf”, etc.

Actions with objects. "Find the same"

Tasks. Learn to find identical objects, develop visual memory, imagination. Improve the ability to not be distracted when performing a task.

Materials. Toys (cars, dolls, pyramids, balls, balls, cubes, rings, ribbons, mushrooms, etc.).

Lesson content. The teacher selects pairs of absolutely identical toys (objects) - "twins". Toys are divided in half. One half is put on the children's table, the other is removed in " wonderful bag"(bright, beautiful case, size - 40x40 cm). Before putting some of the toys in the bag, the teacher and children examine each item, name it, note its features. Then the children begin to alternately lower the handles into the bag, taking out the objects they have come across, and name them. The teacher offers each child to choose from all the toys lying on the table exactly the same. While the baby picks up an identical toy, the adult hides his object, prompting him to act according to visual memory.

If the child finds it difficult, the teacher shows the toy from a distance, calls it, thereby prompting action. When a child brings a toy, an adult says: “Look, is this a toy you brought?” Items are nearby. In the same way, pairs of all other toys are alternately selected. The teacher teaches them to compare by bright features (color, shape). At the end of the lesson, children can play with the objects they like according to their own design. (In the future, an adult may offer the child a more complicated choice, depending on his individual development. For example, you can choose objects that are not identical, but similar, but of different sizes and colors, etc.).

Speech. "I am a goat Me-ke-ke"

Tasks. Engage children in communication. Enrich the vocabulary of the names of body parts. Match words and expressive movements. Cultivate interest in folk rhymes. Develop speech hearing, articulation apparatus of children.

Materials. Goat toy.

Who came to us? Horned goat, butted goat. Don't boo
dem afraid of goats. We say: “Hello, goat! We are glad to see you!

(Initiative statements of children.)

The goat brought milk. Substitute circles. Drink mo
lochko (conditional actions that the teacher himself does).

Who wants to pet a goat. Thank her for the delicious

Where are the goat's eyes? Where are the goat's ears? - Educator
allows children to independently show the horns.

I am a goat Me-ke-ke I walk in the meadow, Sharp horns, Thin legs At the very top - Velvet ears.

(A. Prokofiev) 1

What is it with a goat? - Shows horns, ears, eyes, nose.
The goat gives a voice: “mee, mee” (together with the children).

Now I'm like your mother is a goat, and you are little goats
ki. Show me what kind of horns do goats have? (Conditional actions.) Ko
the little girls walk along the meadow, pinch the grass, give a voice: mee, mee.
(Repeat 2-3 times.)

The teacher addresses the children with the words: “Legs, legs goat - top-top. Eyes, eyes goat - clap-clap! These words are accompanied by expressive movements and onomatopoeia and are repeated 2-3 times.

Reader for little and older / Comp. L.N. Eliseeva. - M.: Knowledge, 1996. S. 13.

The mother goat brought milk to the children. Submit, goats
ki, mugs. Drink milk! (Conditional actions.)

The goat kids ate, drank and went for a walk.