Poem about the new year for children 7. Development in finished form. Short New Year's poems for the little ones

New year for preschoolers. Holiday history, New Year's poems, riddles, stories, games

Antonova Tatiana Gennadievna
Material description: This material might be useful preschool educators, teachers primary school and additional education.
In this publication I bring to your attention the supplements to the project "New Year at the Gates". The material contains information for conducting thematic conversations with children about the history of the holiday, its traditions, etc .; themed riddles; thematic poems for children; entertaining New Year's games; consultation for parents "Why should children believe in Santa Claus?" The project passport and other information you are interested in on this project can be found in the section "New Year at the Gates" in my blog at: / blogs / tatjana-genadevna-antonova / cat-5185
Purpose of publication: Dissemination of experience teaching activities among the community of colleagues.

Appendices to the project "New Year at the Gates"

Appendix # 1
Information for conducting thematic conversations.
“Who was the first to think of celebrating the New Year? Nobody knows for sure! After all, this day has been celebrated by all peoples since ancient times. True, the New Year comes to every nation at its own time. In addition, there are many different traditions and customs.
For a long time, the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on March 1. They gave us the tradition of lighting lights on Christmas trees. Lighting the fire promised a good harvest.

And on September 1, they organized a harvest festival, asked the tsar for fair solutions to disputes, held mass festivities, feasts and competitions.

Tsar Peter I, who traveled extensively in Europe, saw how Europeans celebrate the New Year.

He liked that in Europe in winter, January 1, they decorate a Christmas tree and put gifts for their relatives under it. And since 1700 in Russia, people began to put a prickly spruce in their houses, and not covered with white-pink and delicate petals cherries as before.

The celebration of the New Year begins on the birthday of the sun, at the time winter solstice- December 25. Holy holidays, Holy evenings - this is how our grandmothers call these days, because according to legend, a miracle happened on these days - the baby Jesus was born, he smiled at the tree that came with all the animals and plants to his cave to greet him, and a star shone on the top of the spruce as a symbol of the Nativity of Christ.

These days in Russia it is not a sin to "smell": people dress up in wonderful costumes, dance, have fun and guess. In the old days, New Year's festivities were massive.

Now it is a family celebration, when in a frosty winter all relatives gather at a beautifully laid festive table, communicate and share events and stories from their lives for the whole last year... Children these days rest a lot, rejoice, go to holiday trees and chat with parents who are also on Christmas break. The opportunity to be together with the whole family helps to strengthen family bonds and find support from each other.

The main wizard of the New Year is Santa Claus.

Santa Claus is good grandfather an abalone that comes from a distant land. He carries with him huge bags of gifts for children, which he has been preparing for a whole year.

The prototype of Santa Claus was found in Russian fairy tales - Santa Claus Red nose, Grandfather Treskun, Morozko - the king of all winter months- a rustic old man dressed in a sheepskin coat with a red nose.
It was believed that Frost lives in an ice hut in the forest and gives gifts to those who look to see him for the light.
In the Middle Ages, in the villages, they even "fed" Frost to appease. The head of the family himself went out onto the porch with a spoonful of jelly.

Now Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug (Vologda region).

You can go to visit him or write a letter, here is the address: 162340, Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus.

Together with his grandfather, his granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, arrives.

She comes to all the holidays with Frost and also congratulates the kids. In Russian fairy tales, Snegurochka or Snegurushka is the name of a girl who was blinded from the snow by an old man and an old woman, and she melted in the spring by jumping over the fire.

Grandfather Frost comes to the children’s home and gives gifts. But since there are a lot of kids, unfortunately, he will not have time to come to all of them. If Santa Claus does not come during the day, then he will definitely come at night and put gifts under the tree.

In addition to the Snow Maiden, snowmen help grandfather.

They are involved in all the preparations for the holiday. Before the new year, parents will cover beautiful table, which will have a lot of food. You can choose something tasty for yourself. In every house for the new year there is a delicious mandarin fruit - a symbol of the New Year.

On December 31, at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, the chimes will strike - this is a large clock that is shown on TV every New Year. The ringing of this clock speaks of the coming of the New Year. At this time, you need to make a wish - it will definitely come true!
In Russia, they believed that as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend it. Therefore, on the New Year, you cannot do hard work. But you need to decorate your home, set an abundant table, wear all the newest and most beautiful and, of course, give gifts!

"Colleagues" of Santa Claus

In Russia - Santa Claus, and in the USA - Santa Claus, etc. Each country has its own character, its own New Year's wizard. Many people identify them without knowing the history of the images, and this is not entirely correct. These are “colleagues” who are not only outwardly different from each other, but also have completely different histories.

"Santa Claus" - USA.

Grey hair, a neat beard and mustache, a red jacket, pants and a cap-cap, glasses on the nose. Full tummy tight-fitting dark leather belt... Historically, this is an elf-lover. Rides in a reindeer sleigh and tosses presents in the shoes and stockings left by the fireplace. The name "Santa Claus" comes from the name of St. Nicholas.

Sinter Klaas-Netherlands, Holland.

Sails for the holiday on a steamer, accompanied by black servants. Gives gifts.

Saint Basil - Greece and Cyprus.

An infrequent name for a New Year character, but, nevertheless, children in Cyprus write to their patron: "Saint Basil, come, give happiness, fulfill all my desires."

Babbo Natale - Italy.

He leaves his sleigh on the roof and enters the house through the chimney, where a little milk and sweets are left for him "for reinforcement."

Saint Nicholas - Turkey.

One of the prototypes of many New Year's characters. A kind miracle worker and persecutor of evil, patron saint of abducted and lost children. According to legend, once Nikolai saved three daughters of a distressed family by throwing bundles of gold through the window of their house.

In France, Santa Claus - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes.

Whoever gets a bean baked into a New Year's cake gets the title of "bean king", and on a festive night everyone obeys his orders. Wooden or clay figurines - santons - are placed near the tree.

Saint Nicholas - Belgium, Poland and Western Ukraine.

As the legend says, he left golden apples in his family, tossed them into the shoes that stood by the fireplace. On Christmas night, he appears on horseback, accompanied by a faithful Moor servant nicknamed "Black Peter". It is in the hands of the servant that magic bag with gifts for children.

Corbobo - Uzbekistan.

On the eve of new year holiday he comes to his young friends on a donkey, accompanied by his granddaughter Korgyz. Instead of a fur coat, Corbobo is wearing a striped robe.

Mikulas - Czech Republic, Slovakia.

Arrives on the night of December 5-6, on the eve of St. Nicholas Day. Outwardly very similar to our Santa Claus: the same long fur coat, hat, staff with a spiral top. Only now he brings gifts not in a sack, but in a back box. And it is not the Snow Maiden who accompanies him, but an angel in snow-white clothes and a shaggy imp. Mikulas is always happy to present good and obedient children with an orange, an apple or some kind of sweetness, but the "Christmas boots" of hooligans or idlers may well be replenished with a potato or a lump of coal.

Hedgehogs (Hedgehogs) - Czech Republic, Slovakia.

The most humble New Year character in the world. Throwing gifts into children's homes, Ezhishek carefully monitors that no one sees him, which is why nothing is known about the appearance of this good-natured person. But, as soon as the Christmas bell tinkles on the tree, thousands of Czech and Slovak children rush to look at the gifts they have inherited.

In Colombia the main character New Year's carnival - Old Year - walks on high stilts and tells children funny stories.

Papa Pascual - Colombian Santa Claus - puts on fireworks.

Jul Tomten (Jul Temten, Yolotomten) - Sweden.

Lives in a protected forest surrounded by picturesque lakes and valleys. Snowman Dusty, mischievous mice, prince with princess, witches, King with Snow Queen and, of course, the ubiquitous elves. The latter, by the way, have a particularly hard time: in their small mine they constantly mine gold for Christmas tree decorations and gifts. Those who come to visit Tomten are warned: “Watch your step! Little trolls are constantly scurrying along the paths. Don't step on them! "

Celebrating the New Year in different countries
It is always interesting to know: How is the New Year celebrated in other countries? Are they very different New Year traditions other countries from our traditions. We invite you to read information about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries. This interesting information will be useful for both adults and children.

New Year is a holiday that everyone is waiting for, they pin their hopes on it, they prepare in advance for its meeting. It is for December 31 that one does not feel sorry for the money spent, the time killed in the kitchen and running around the shops. After all, everyone knows very well: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.

Today New Year is celebrated in most countries on the night of December 31 to January 1. But in some countries there are still traditions to celebrate this holiday according to old customs and legends. No holiday is able to demonstrate the character of the people, their traditions, way of life so vividly as celebrating the New Year. This custom dates back to our ancient ancestors who lived by agriculture.

According to old beliefs, the New Year began with a change in the position of the Sun in the sky.
For example, on Easter Island this holiday is celebrated in spring: from the moment the first swallow's egg is found.

In Iran, the countdown of a new segment of life also begins in the spring. In March, bonfires are lit, over which the mummers jump.

Jumping over the fire, people are cleansed of all the bad things that have accumulated over the whole year.

In Ethiopia, the beginning of the New Year is associated with the end of the rainy season. On the eve of the holiday, everyone must swim in the river to enter new life cleansed from all sins.

On the first day of the new year, each other is given green branches and flowers.

In Japan, New Years are celebrated for a week.

They prepare very carefully for this event: they decorate the streets of cities, trees, temples, houses. At midnight on December 31, the bells of all the temples beat off 108 times, heralding the beginning of a new period in the life of the Japanese. Why 108? According to an old belief, a person has 6 vices: stupidity, greed, anger, frivolity, greed and indecision. These vices are many-sided: each has 18 differences. The Japanese are very sensitive to this holiday. Festivities and theatrical performances take place on the streets throughout the week. Everyone can take part in various games, fly a kite, dance at a masquerade.

In England, besides the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with sprigs of mistletoe.

There are even bouquets of mistletoe on lamps and chandeliers, and, according to custom, you can kiss the person standing in the middle of the room under a bouquet of mistletoe.

In Italy, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to get rid of old things, and Christmas is marked by the burning of Christmas logs.

In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose the Queen of the World, Lucia.

She is dressed in a white dress, a crown with lighted candles is put on her head. Lucia brings gifts to children and treats to pets: a cat - cream, a dog - a sugar bone, a donkey - a carrot.

Happy New Year in Bulgaria. When people gather at the festive table, the lights are turned off in all houses for three minutes. These minutes are called "minutes of New Year's kisses", the secret of which is kept by the darkness. On New Year's Eve, after a feast, young people make sticks from dogwood (survachka).

Survachka is decorated with a red thread, heads of garlic, nuts, coins, prunes and dried fruits. With survachki they go to the guests. They go into the house and "knock" them on the back of the owners. Such "beatings" promise good luck, health and well-being to the house.

In Cuba, before the New Year, all the jugs, buckets, basins and bowls are filled with water and at midnight water is poured out of the windows.

So they wish the outgoing year a path as bright as water. While the clock strikes 12 times, it is necessary to eat 12 grapes, and then goodness, harmony, prosperity and peace will accompany a person throughout the year.

In Mexico, the New Year is celebrated with the fire of festive fireworks, firing from rocket launchers, and the ringing of special New Year's bells.

And children are handed delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight.

In Myanmar, the New Year begins at the hottest time of the year, so its arrival is celebrated with the so-called "water festival", when people pour water on each other when they meet.

The tradition of dousing with water is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.

Interesting New Year's stories.

Traveling with Santa Claus
Misha was walking through a snowy forest and suddenly saw fresh footprints... They interested him extremely: someone just recently walked here in huge, enormous boots.
- Who could it be? Is Santa Claus!
And indeed, soon the boy saw Santa Claus in the distance.
“Are you surprised, kid, that I’m here?” - asked Santa Claus who ran up to Misha. - But I have a magical fast cloud, which in an instant transfers to any place. Do you want to fly it with me?
Blimey!!! Who would refuse such a tempting offer ?! Santa Claus sat the boy next to him on a cloud, and they flew in the blue of the night over the snow-capped mountains and valleys. The cloud then soared up, to bright stars then descended, touching the tops fluffy trees... What an extraordinary journey it was!
Soon the lights of the big city began to sparkle below. All the children had already dressed up the Christmas trees for a long time and now sat at home and waited for gifts from Santa Claus. Unfortunately, all the chimneys were closed. “How can you get into houses to leave gifts? Will the kids never wait for them? " - Misha got nervous.
- Do not worry, you better watch how I will do everything cleverly, - said Santa Claus, as if having read the boy's thoughts, and scattered from the cloud many small multi-colored parachutes with gifts. A piece of paper with the name of a girl or boy was attached to each of them. Parachutes slowly descended on the city ...
“Don't worry,” Santa Claus reassured Misha, “downstairs, all the parachutes will meet the brownies and deliver gifts to the children.
Misha really wanted to continue this wonderful journey with Santa Claus ... but then he suddenly ... woke up and realized that, unfortunately, all this was just a dream.
- And where is my present? Did the brownie manage to bring it? - Misha cried, remembering his unforgettable dream.
Jumping out of the crib, the baby ran to the tree: what happiness! The gift wrapped in shiny paper was already in its place.
“But who knows,” thought contented Misha, “maybe what I saw at night was not a dream at all ?!”
Father Frost
One winter day, little Pavlik and his girlfriend Katya were skiing in the forest. It was already getting dark, and they hurried home, when suddenly among the pine trees the kids noticed a large and beautiful house lit up. "What if Santa Claus himself lives here?" - clicked on Katya's unexpected thought, and the girl immediately shared it with Pavlik.
“Let's check, it won't take long,” the boy continued, and the children immediately moved towards the big house.
Pavlik did not know if Santa Claus was at home, so he decided to first look through the window.
- Let's go and see! - he suggested to Katya.
The children crept quietly to the window and saw: an old man was sitting in the room, all in red and with a thick white beard, and packing gifts. Real Santa Claus! Pavlik wiped the frosty glass better, and his friends saw as many toys as they had never seen in any store.
The children quietly moved away from the window, so as not to interfere with Santa Claus, and hurried home to write letters to him: after all, you need to help the old grandfather, otherwise he does not know who wants to receive what gift for the New Year. On New Year's morning, Pavlik first ran to the fireplace. And he froze in surprise: in front of the fireplace there was a small carpenter's table, and on it lay a set of carpentry tools! Blimey! That's a gift! And it doesn't matter that there were no toys, because now Pavlik will be able to make them himself, which is much more interesting! He has made so many toys that it is enough not only for him, but for all his friends!

Safe New Year.

New Year's Eve chores and the festive week for adults and children turns into a pleasant carousel vivid impressions... This is almost always the case. Almost - because on New Year's week, hospitals are overwhelmed with injured adults and children, and the number of ambulance calls increases by at least a third.
There are rules in the world
All children should know them.
You always remember the rules
So that trouble does not suddenly happen,
And the trouble didn't come
And somewhere suddenly I found you.
And you need not only know them,
And constantly carry out.
What dangers lie in wait for us?
For children, food poisoning and acute allergic reactions, hypothermia and burns are in the first place.
So, in the first place in the "problem rating" - festive table and its post-holiday remains. Allergic reactions can be obtained from new exotic foods, even in tiny concentrations like salad. Children are more likely to suffer from the first time tasted seafood and caviar, spices, new fruits and different "soda".
Safety rules: no food experiments, only fresh and tested food.
Alas, the New Year holidays are also not complete without fires. main reason household fires - a home tree and low-quality (or unattended) heating appliances.
The safety rules here are simple and understandable, but why few people follow them?
1. The tree needs to be decorated only with electric garlands industrial production.
2. Do not use cotton wool and candles in the decoration of Christmas tree branches.
3. Leaving home, remove the plug Christmas tree garlands from the socket and do not leave the Christmas tree with the lights on "EVEN FOR A MINUTE" unattended.
4. It is not allowed to light in the room. sparklers, apply crackers and wax candles. Remember, open fire is always dangerous!
Safety rules: do not be frivolous in handling fire in any form!
Caution: street!
1. In places where massive New Year's festivities are held, try to stay away from the crowd to avoid injury.
2. If you went to the New Year's performance with your parents, do not stray too far from them. at large cluster people get lost easily.
3. Obey the legal warnings and demands of the administration, police and other persons responsible for maintaining order, fire safety.
4. Behave respectfully towards participants in public events, service personnel, officials responsible for maintaining public order and safety.
5. Avoid actions that could endanger others and lead to the creation extreme situation.
6. Carry out an organized exit from the premises and structures at the end of the events.
7. When receiving information about the evacuation, act in accordance with the employees responsible for ensuring order, keeping calm and not creating panic.
8. Another reason for New Year's problems is related to pyrotechnics.
Look here and there
Fireworks are splashing in the sky ...
Great, of course
If everything is successful.
But danger is on the way
Keeps you - you can't get around!
If something goes wrong
If there is a marriage in the fireworks,
Or did not run away,
Or who got into the window,
In general, there are so many questions here!
Don't let fireworks go without asking!

Do you want to arrange a fireworks?
Okay, let's not argue
Just so as not to get hurt
Need to call adults to help!
Fireworks, the most incredible and beautiful sight. When two verses - fire and air - come together. Progress has made this "little miracle" available to everyone. But the main thing is not to forget that jokes with fire are bad, and always follow safety rules.
Do not carry pyrotechnic items in your pockets.
You cannot bring and use pyrotechnic products during school New Year's events.
Pyrotechnic products must not be disassembled and exposed to mechanical stress.
Place pyrotechnics away from heating devices and at the same time, remember that pyrotechnic products are afraid of dampness, and this may affect their operation.
Pyrotechnics can only be used in the presence of parents.
Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!
To live this year for you
Without sadness and worries.
So that you work successfully,
And on a holiday - have fun
And good luck in your business,
And smiles on our lips.

Appendix # 2

Riddles about winter natural phenomena, about the New Year's holiday

Running along the path
Donkey and legs.

She ran - made noise
She fell asleep and brightened.
What is it?
(River in summer and winter)

No hands, no eyes
And he knows how to draw.

White carrot grows in winter

White bees
They sat down on the ground
Fire came -
They were gone.

In a new wall
And the round window
The glass is broken during the day
Inserted at night.
(Ice hole)

The forest has grown
All white,
You can't enter it on foot,
Do not enter on horseback.
(Frosty pattern on the window)
There was a guest
Paved the bridge
No ax and no stake.

Walks in the field, but not a horse,
It flies free, but not a bird.
(Wind, blizzard)

Warms in winter
The solid smolders,
Dies in the summer
Comes alive in autumn

In winter and summer
One color.
(Fur tree, pine tree)

He walks, but there are no legs;
Lies, but there is no bed;
Lightweight, and the roofs ache.

Flies - is silent
Lies - is silent,
When he dies
Then it will roar.

In the yard - a mountain,
And in the hut - with water.

One man,
Rides on two horses at once

From above it is bare
Shaggy bottom,
It is rich in warmth, What is your hut.
(Sheepskin coat, fur coat)

The tablecloth is white
She put on the whole field.

Old man at the gate
The heat is dragged away.
Itself does not run
And he does not order to stand.

What grows upside down

Upside down - full,
Downside down - empty.
(A cap).

I'm sitting on horseback
I don’t know who.
Meeting acquaintance -
I'll jump off, I'll bring you.
(A cap)

In spring bloom,
I bear fruit in the summer,
I don't fade in autumn
I don’t die in winter.
(Pine, spruce)

Flies without wings
Falls without legs
The cook roasts it without fire,
And the lady without a mouth eats it.

Pure, clear as a diamond
But there are no roads
Born of a mother
And he gives birth to it.

Doesn't burn in the fire,
Doesn't sink in water.

Come on, guys, who will guess:
Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers.

Three, three arrived,
The horses in those three are white
And the queen is sitting in the sleigh
Belokosa, white-faced,
How she waved her sleeve -
She covered everything with silver.
(Winter months)

A strange star fell into the sky
Instantly lay on the palm - and disappeared

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
I painted all the windows without asking.
But who is this?
Here is the question!
All this does ...

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm you
Their name is ...

We are glad to overtake each other.
Look, my friend, do not fall!
Good then, easy
Fast ...

I rush like a bullet, I go ahead
Only ice creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me?

Feeling no legs for joy,
I am flying down the snowy hill.
Sport has become dearer and closer to me
Who helped me with this?

Two birch horses "
They carry me through the snow.
These horses are red,
And their names are ...

I took two oak bars,
Two iron skids.
I stuffed the bars onto the bars.
Give it snow!

He comes to winter evening,
Light candles on the tree.
He starts a round dance -
This is a holiday...
(New Year.)

He lives very little
And now he is waiting at the door.
Well, of course...
(New Year.)

It's snowing in the yard
Holiday soon ...
(New Year.)

A hat of snow on the mountain
All the trees are in silver
Ice sparkles on the pond
Coming ...
(New Year.)

Christmas trees in the room are growing
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,
Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy
Silver, gold,
It shines with all its urine,
Doesn't wet anyone.
It's always the other way around
Only on holiday ...
(New Year.)

The whole tree to the top
Decorated toys!
Get up in the chorus!
Meet ...!
(New Year.)

Whatever you want -
Everything always comes true
Everything will always happen
Everyone believes under ...
(New Year.)

First grader, high school student -
Everyone loves this holiday.
Loves to decorate the tree
Decorating class and school.
And in a masquerade costume
Wait for Grandfather Frost.
(New Year.)

Though small, but remote,
Knows no rest over a year old- can not be.
(New Year.)

What a holiday in the yard
Coming in December?
At this time, everyone is suddenly happy
Kids are waiting for gifts
For a few minutes
The family is going:
Mothers, grandmothers, relatives.
And holding glasses in my hands,
After counting the blows,
Everyone squeals with joy,
They joke, jump, play pranks.
Away from nightmares and bad weather,
Only happiness is expected this night
It's a hassle-free holiday
This is a holiday - ... !
(New Year.)

The chimes struck, ringing.
And now at the gate
Climbs off a fast horse
Friends! Let's open the door wider -
Honor to such friends!
We will go with you now,
(New year.)

How many times will the clock strike
If the mustache is shifted.

They say in the old years
In January in the burrow damp
Mary's wonderful son
Born at night.
Since then there is a glorious holiday
And a big celebration:
New year orthodox
Holy holiday...

It stands, prickly like a hedgehog,
In the winter in a summer dress.
And he will come to us on New Year's Eve
- The guys will be happy.
The mouth of the merry is full of trouble:
Prepare her outfits.
(Christmas tree.)

Not a birch, not an aspen
And as beautiful as a picture.
In our room stands -
Above, the star is burning.
(Christmas tree.)

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights
Smart, funny,
On New Year's Eve, I am in charge.
(Christmas tree.)

I am such a fashionista that everyone is surprised!
I love beads, sequins - any jewelry.
But on my, believe me, great trouble
They only wear my outfit once a year.
(Christmas tree.)

We bought a hanger
With a star on top.
Hung on a hanger
Not hats, but toys!
(Christmas tree.)

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And they call that guest ...
(Christmas tree.)

Who is dressed up once a year?
(Christmas tree.)
All the pins and needles
Yes, not a hedgehog
There are paws
But there are no legs
Beads all
Yes, not a girl:
On New Years she -
(Christmas tree.)
In winter, during the hours of fun,
I am hanging on bright spruce
There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
By the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top
Multi-colored ...

Look through the door slit -
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches up to the ceiling.
From stand to crown
Hanging on the branches ...

What a toy
Shoots like a cannon?

Shooting like a cannon
My name is…

The wheel is simple
Became a twisted ribbon.

In January,
On an important holiday,
It's raining
Colored, paper.

Painted chains
Glued from paper

In January,
On an important holiday,
It's raining
Colored, paper.

The balls were collected on a string
And they tied it into a piece of jewelry.
Now they shine on the tree
Through emerald needles

The branches rustle faintly
The beads are bright ...

And decorating the top,
It shines there as always
Very bright, large
Five-winged ...

A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it is in front of you.
We decorated the top with a ruby ​​...
(A star.)

The garland has a neighbor.
It sparkles in the coniferous greenery
AND New Year's Eve light
Glass side reflects.
(Christmas ball.)

Lily of the valley blooms in May,
Aster blooms in autumn.
And in winter I bloom
I am at the tree every year.
Whole year lay on the shelf,
Everyone forgot about me.
And now I'm hanging on the tree
Slowly ringing.
(Christmas ball.)

He tells everyone to dance, make them sing songs,
He amuses everyone in a row, does not know tired.
All the centuries we have lived, a friendly dance ...
(Round dance.)

The guys gathered in a circle
And together they joined hands.
So near the tree on New Year's
All children drive ...
(Round dance.)

I'm at this school ball
I took an excellent suit with me.
Nobody could recognize me.
But what can you call a ball like that?
(Masquerade, carnival.)

There was a holiday at school, a carnival,
Everyone gathered for a noisy ball!
Goldilocks danced with me
Her face was hidden ...

I love to dress up for the holiday
To turn into magic beasts.
I can wear any suit -
Here I am a kitten, a lion, a bear.
What will I wear on my face
So that you don't recognize me?

Appendix No. 3

New Year in verse.

Ivan Surikov

White snow, fluffy
Is spinning in the air
And to the ground quietly
Falls, lies down.

And under the morning snow
The field has turned white
Like a shroud
Everything clothed him.

Dark forest that is heaped
Covered himself with a weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, soundless ...

God's days are short
The sun shines a little, -
Here came the frosts -
And winter has come.

Peasant laborer
Pulled out the sleigh
Snow mountains
Children are building.

For a long time a peasant
I waited for winter and cold
And the hut with straw
He sheltered outside.

So that the wind in the hut
Did not penetrate through the cracks
Snow would not be blown
Blizzards and blizzards.

He's at peace now -
Everything is covered around,
And he is not afraid
Angry frost, angry.

Father Frost.
Zinaida Alexandrova

Santa Claus walked through the forest
Past the maples and birches
Past the glades, past the stumps,
I walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -
I dressed up the trees in beads.
This New Year's Eve
He will take them down to the guys.

There is silence in the meadows
The yellow moon is shining.
All the trees are in silver
Hares dance on the mountain
Ice glistens on the pond
New Year is coming!

New Years is soon
Z. Orlova
Soon, soon the New Year!
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on the door to us:
Children, hello, I'm here!
We celebrate the holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree
We hang toys
Balls, crackers ...
Soon Santa Claus will come
Will bring us gifts -
Apples, sweets ...
Santa Claus, where are you ?!

Tokmakova Irina
It happens in the world
That only once a year
Light on the tree
A lovely star.
The star burns, does not melt
Beautiful ice glistens.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

On New Year's Eve
V. Shumilin
On New Year's Eve, as in a fairy tale,
Full of miracles.
A tree is hurrying to the train
Leaving winter forest.
And the stars are shining brightly
And they lead a round dance.
The wind is whistling
The blizzard sings
Giggles like snowflakes
All night long they fly, they fly.
And songs are everywhere
They sound merry.
On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve,
On New, New Year's Eve!

New Year's carnival
Yuri Kushak
Put on your mask soon!
Run into a fairy tale soon!
In our fairy tale, in our fairy tale
In the middle of a fun dance
Painted, magic snow
Drops down on everyone!
A hedgehog is dancing near the tree,
All needles are in the serpentine.
- Oh yes hedgehog, oh yes hedgehog:
Who do you look like?
"To whom" yes "to whom", -
On yourself on yourself!
- What is there to ask
To no avail: I am a dancing Christmas tree!

I celebrate the New Year
Tatiana Bokova
Dad decorates the tree.
He said that to all children
Allows this night
Do not go to bed at all.
Once a year this is possible
Only once, on New Year's Eve.
But imagine, as on purpose,
As luck would have it, the mouth yawns.
Watching my apartment.
I am waiting for an answer to the question:
"Like gifts in this world
Does Santa Claus bring us?
How will he get to the Christmas tree?
Where is his magical path? "
I will fight with myself
To wait, not to fall asleep!

The Christmas tree came to the children
A. Barto

The Christmas tree came to the children
Brought snow on the branches.
You need to warm the Christmas tree
Put on a new dress.
Stars shine brightly
The lights are burning bright
Different beads are hanging -
Wonderful outfit!
Musicians, hurry up
Play more fun!
Let's become together in a round dance,
Hello, hello, New Year!

New Year
A. Rumyantsev
Ice sparkles on the river
The snow is spinning gently.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's snowy!

Santa Claus will wave his hand -
We will sing loudly.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because it's loud!

There is a huge cake on the table
Gingerbread, chocolate.
Nice holiday New Year,
Because sweet!

Round dance around the tree
Lights on the branches ...
Nice holiday New Year!
It’s a pity, it’s rare.

Winter is in a hurry, it is busy
O. Vysotskaya
Winter is in a hurry, bustling,
Wrapped in snow
All the bumps and stumps
Benches and stacks.

Mittens turn white
On the branches of birches
So that they do not catch a cold,
To withstand the frost.

Winter told the oak
Throw on fluffy fur
I put a fur coat on the spruce,
The warmth covered everyone.

Long and reliable
In the river, she held ice together.
You can walk along the river -
Come to us, New Year!

Yu. Kushak
Everything is new today:
Garden bench,
New cat,
New janitor at the gate.
White moss on a Christmas tree -
Brand new, brand new!
The bullfinch sat on a twig -
Well, quite a beginner!
Isn't it a novelty -
Is there a path across the yard?
I'll run along it to the gate,
I'll give the news to people.
- Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
With new happiness! - I say.

New Year's
E. Nemenko
The arrows are ticking softly
Are in no hurry to go forward
And that's why it took so long
New Year is not coming.

I'm in a musketeer suit
Near the tree, as in a dream ...
I was told - very soon
Santa Claus will come to me.

I ask adults to answer
One simple question -
Will come to visit us today
Real Santa Claus?

Real! - dad jokes,
Real! - the grandfather jokes.
Should I laugh or cry
Or believe in their answer ...

The bell rang in the hallway -
Here he is - Santa Claus!
Soft, warm palm
He grabbed my nose ...

How can you trust these adults?
I didn't understand at all -
Will there be frost
Warm palms?
It's snowing outside the window
So the New Year is coming soon.
Santa Claus is on the way
Long to go to us
Through the snowy fields
Through the snowdrifts, through the forests.
He will bring a Christmas tree
In silver needles.
Happy New Year will congratulate us
And he will leave gifts for us.

K. Beskrovny
Snowflakes falling
On New Year's holiday.
Full basket
I'll collect it today.

I will cover the Christmas tree
With a soft snow blanket
Will sleep in winter
Wait for the summer.

Santa Claus is tired
Apparently did not notice.
There are a lot of things to do in winter
In his world.

About the tree
T. Marshalova

Like our Christmas tree
The needles are green
Decorations - balls
Stars, flashlights.

Near the tree livened up
Snowflake stars
Whirled in white packs
Ksyusha and Marinka.

Hares are jumping one after another,
Long ears
In hats with a little white edge
Dimka and Andryushka.

Christmas tree
O. Vysotskaya
How good the Christmas tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Green dress on the tree
Bright beads shine on the chest.
Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening, it will all sparkle
With the sparkle of lights and snowflakes and stars
Like a peacock's tail opened!
Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid many different sweets
And she held out thick branches to us,
As if the hostess meets the guests.
You can't find a tree better anywhere!
With a good Christmas tree and a good holiday!

New Year! Cheers cheers!
What a wonderful time!
Joy, songs, kids
It has been worn in the morning.
Everyone is getting ready to meet
The holiday is bright to celebrate.
Happiness, joy! And so
New Year is coming!

The ball glows on the tree
And the globe keeps turning ...
May everyone this New Year
Will meet new happiness.
May all good come true
What is prophesied by the stars
All desires will come true
And everything will be as you want!
Happy New Year!

Like our Christmas tree
Spiky needles.
Well, completely prickly,
In general, I was tortured:
I hung up the lanterns
Tinsel and balls.
Cotton wool and toys
Confetti, crackers.
I got worn out, got worn out,
In the silver rain
But now more beautiful than a Christmas tree,
We will definitely not find it in the world.

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And the name of that guest is ... a tree.
There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
By the window on the floor.
And on the tree to the top
Multi-colored ... toys.
Grandfather will bring gifts
Tangerines and sweets
Sasha, Masha and Marina
They love very much ... tangerines
He lives very little
And now he is waiting at the door.
Who will enter us at twelve?
Of course ... New Year!

Good Christmas tree
V. Nesterenko
Everyone knows that the tree has
Very sharp needles.
But on New Year's Eve they
As a surprise for the guys, -
Softer, more affectionate, kind.
And on the branches for the children
There are toys and balls.
And under the tree are gifts.

You need to get up near the tree
L. Slutskaya
You need to get up near the tree
And the desire to make.
The day will come, the hour will come
Everything will fulfill the New Year.

New Year's
T. Shatskikh
On cheerful children's trees
Miracles glisten in needles
And under the tree on New Year's
Everyone will find something
You just need to advance
Make a wish!

How hard it is to wait for the New Year
Pyotr Sinyavsky
I'm tired of walking
Back and forth.
How hard it is to wait
New Year.
Comes to us with gifts
Father Frost,
Just what he will bring -
Here's the question.

I do not eavesdrop
I do not spy
But under the tree for me at least once,
Just a little bit
I really want to now
Look in.

Santa Claus is almost
At the door.
What is hidden
Under my tree?
That would be the walkers
Speed ​​up the pace! ..
How hard it is to wait
New Year.

Appendix No. 4

Entertaining New Year games.

There are Christmas trees ...
The presenter says: "There are Christmas trees ... big, tall, wide, thick ...". And the children should show this, and the presenter makes other movements to confuse everyone.
In bags around the tree
2 children compete. They get bagged and kicked. The top of the bags is held by hand. At the signal, children run around the tree in different directions. The one who comes running faster wins. The next pair continues the game.
Bring the snowball in the spoon
2 players are involved. They are given a spoon with a cotton ball in their mouths. At the signal, the children scatter in different directions around the tree. The winner is the one who comes running first and does not drop a snowball from a spoon.
All the children are standing in a circle. Santa Claus loses his mitten.
The host of the holiday finds her and, turning to Santa Claus, asks: "Santa Claus, is this not your mitten?" Santa Claus answers: "The mitten is mine, I will catch up with it, friends." Children pass a mitten to each other, and Santa Claus tries to take it from the children.
New Year's auction
The players take turns listing everything that happens on the New Year: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, gifts, Christmas decorations, needles on the floor, snow, lanterns, etc.
Anyone who runs out of ideas drops out of the game. The smartest wins.
The most dexterous
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden (or other characters according to the script) are holding a hoop entwined with Christmas tree tinsel. Cotton balls ("snowballs") are poured onto the floor. Children, at the command of the heroes, throw lumps into the hoops, then the number of hits in the hoop of Santa Claus and in the hoop of the Snow Maiden is counted.
Dress up the Christmas tree
In front of the main tree are two small Christmas trees and two boxes with unbreakable Christmas toys... Three people are called for each tree. At the command of Santa Claus, the children dress them up. Whoever decorates the Christmas tree faster and more accurately with all the toys from the box wins.
It is good to play the game with cheerful rhythmic music. Children stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the host of the holiday begins the game by shifting his hat from his head to his head next to standing child, he, in turn, shifts the hat from his head to the head of his neighbor, and so on in a circle. At the command of Santa Claus (clap, whistle, blow with a staff), the movement stops, and the one on whom the hat was left at that moment must dance, sing or tell a winter poem, proverb, and make a riddle.
Portrait of Moroz
1st option (individual).
Children are given pencils or felt-tip pens. A sheet of Whatman paper is hung on an easel with magnets. You need to draw by holding a pencil or felt-tip pen with your teeth (with closed eyes or left hand).
2nd option (collective).
All players are blindfolded with handkerchiefs. On a large Whatman paper, children take turns drawing some part of the figure of Santa Claus. At the same time, the players are not told to what place Santa Claus has already been drawn. So, it may turn out that he will have two beards or a whole pyramid of bags of gifts.
Snowfall vice versa
Each child is given a "snowball" (a small cotton ball). At the signal of Winter or the leader, children loosen their lumps, launch them into the air (throwing them up) and begin to blow on them from below, so that they stay in the air for as long as possible and do not fall to the floor. The most agile wins.
Who is bigger?
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or Snowman arranges a "snowfall" - throws up a whole bunch of paper snowflakes... Children are given baskets in their hands. At the signal, players begin to collect snowflakes in a basket. The one who has more snowflakes wins.
Choose what you want
Children by touch choose gifts from Santa Claus's bag, describing in detail what it is and what it is. Or you can hide gifts in boxes of different sizes so that children can dream up what can lie in the box (it will be even more interesting if in the very big box will be the most little present).
Bag of surprises
Two children compete (in turns). The first one is blindfolded and given a small bag containing various toys (cubes, balls, nesting dolls, cars, etc.). Task: get objects out of the bag and identify them by touch. The player must answer what kind of thing he got. Then the toys are changed and the game is repeated with the second participant. The winner of the two is the one who guessed correctly greatest number toys.
New Year's concert
Cards with New Year's illustrations are folded into a beautiful casket: a Christmas tree, a round dance, a snowflake, an icicle, skis, sledges, etc. Children take turns taking out a card and, having looked at an image on it, should read a poem about it or sing an excerpt from a song.
Music carousel
The chairs are placed in a circle (there are 1 fewer of them than the players). Among the playing are Santa Claus or Snowman. Music sounds, all the participants in the game start running around the chairs. As soon as the music stops, all the children quickly try to take their places. The adult hero plays half-heartedly (succumbing), pretending that he does not have time to sit down on a chair all the time. Since all the seats are occupied by children, he will have to dance for everyone or give out gifts.
Collect the snowman
Snowman parts are cut out of whatman paper (two copies): three circles of different sizes. From colored paper: eyes, mouth, nose-carrot, bucket, scarf, whisk. The summoned children, on command on the floor near the Christmas tree, quickly assemble snowmen from the proposed parts. The winner is the one who more accurately, faster and more correctly assembles the snowman, using all the prepared parts.
Collect the snowflake
Large snowflakes are cut into triangles. Are laid out around the tree. Task: while cheerful moving music sounds, put all the details together. The winner is the one who fit into the music and neatly put everything together.
Merry rattle
Santa Claus competes with children in running in sacks or jumping on one leg around the Christmas tree. One condition is mandatory: after running around or jumping to the agreed place, you need to take a rattle - maracas on a chair in front of the tree and ring it.
Catch up with boots
Children stand in a circle, a felt boot is given to them. Children pass the felt boots in a circle to cheerful music, and Santa Claus is trying to catch up with him. Children need to pass the felt boots very quickly so that Santa Claus cannot take it away.
Christmas tree
The game involves 2 teams of 2 people. At the end of the hall there are 2 boxes for each team: in one there is a disassembled Christmas tree, in the other - toys. The first participant must assemble the Christmas tree, the second must decorate it with toys. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.
Who will pick up more snowballs
Two children play. Cotton balls are scattered on the floor. Children are blindfolded and given a basket. At the signal, they start collecting snowballs. The winner is the one with the most snowballs.
Give a nose to the Snowman
2 stands are placed in front of the tree, they are attached large sheets with the image of snowmen. Two or more children participate. They are blindfolded. At the signal, the children should go to the snowmen and put their nose (this can be a carrot). Other children help with words: to the left, to the right, lower, higher ...
Carry it in the sack
A bag is placed in front of the tree (it is partitioned into 2 parts, one of them has no bottom). Santa Claus summons children who want to ride in a sack. He puts the child in a bag and carries him around the tree. He puts another child in the part of the bag where there is no bottom. Santa Claus walks around the tree, and the child remains in place. Santa Claus returns and is “surprised”. The game repeats itself.
Catch the snowball
Several couples are involved. Children stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately 4 meters. One child has an empty bucket, the other has a bag with a certain number of "snowballs" (tennis or rubber balls). At the signal, the child throws snowballs, and the partner tries to catch them with a bucket. The pair that finishes the game first and scores the most snowballs wins

Appendix No. 5

Consultation for parents.

Why should children believe in Santa Claus?

With the first snow, blizzards and blizzards, more and more often we hear stories and dreams about the upcoming holiday, loved by both kids and adults - New Year. Well, what is the New Year without Santa Claus? Indeed, for a child on the New Year's holiday, the most important thing is the kind Santa Claus! The kids "write" letters to their grandfather, and we ... and we try to fulfill them cherished dreams.
And why does a child need a fairy tale about Santa Claus? I bring to your attention several good reasons in favor of this.
The first reason: belief in a miracle!
The tale of Grandfather Frost is a belief in miracles, where good always triumphs over evil. After all, Santa Claus brings gifts to everyone, despite their whims and disobedience. The fact that the child "writes a letter" to Santa Claus, and then finds his cherished gift under the Christmas tree, teaches the baby to believe in a miracle. Over the years, this belief goes deep into the subconscious.
And even having realized at a certain age that Santa Claus does not exist, the mechanism of belief in a miracle has already been formed. Why is it needed, you ask? And then, that everyone in life has events when a person himself cannot hope for himself, but can only hope for a miracle (for example, unrequited love or a serious illness, when medicine is already powerless to help). And if this very belief in a miracle that is laid in us in early age, is not formed, then it is not so easy to survive such an event in life, the psyche may simply not cope.
Reason two: in educational purposes.
Of course, you can come up with a few tricks so that faith in Santa Claus is also educational in nature. For example, before you call Santa Claus, you can write a letter to a crumb from a kind grandfather from the North: "You are great, this year you learned this and that .... Therefore, receive such gifts ... BUT I also saw that you are not doing very well yet ... (note: in no case criticize the child, do not write that he is doing something bad, some bad deeds, otherwise the child may simply withdraw). I really hope that next year you will learn to do it better than anyone else (good / excellent ...) ".
This is how, with a little imagination, you can tell the children what is "Good" and what is "Bad".
However, many parents “speculate” with gifts from Santa Claus for educational purposes. When a child plays a lot of pranks, does not obey, is capricious, they say: "So how? Then Grandfather Frost will not bring you anything! Good children will receive gifts, but you will not!" Child psychologists do not recommend talking like that. Santa Claus is a generous fairy-tale character, kind even to his fairy-tale enemies. By such efforts, the kind grandfather turns for the child into a New Year's scarecrow, the arrival of which the child no longer looks forward to, but is simply afraid. Cope with the child's behavior in other ways so as not to spoil the child's anticipation of the holiday or the holiday itself.
Reason three: it's simple and fun!
New Year's surroundings, the expectation of a holiday and belief in a miracle, a pre-holiday mood - it is always fun, fervent and very exciting. If a child writes a letter to Santa Claus, then the dream of a cherished gift will keep him warm until New Year's Eve. In addition, writing a letter to Santa Claus for a preschooler is a great job.
And the long-awaited arrival of Santa Claus? In Kindergarten, children learn poetry for a kind grandfather, prepare songs and dances for him. And with the arrival, they share with him their innermost thoughts and dreams .... In any case, this event remains for a long time in our memory. Moreover, we currently have access to services such as calling Santa Claus at home.
And with what a sinking heart, on the morning of January 1, children run to the New Year tree to finally get what they have been waiting for so long and once again make sure that the kind grandfather again fulfilled their cherished dreams ... good grandfather Morosa instills in them sincerity in communication, develops their imagination and symbolic perception of the world.
Reason four: health!
Have you ever noticed that before the New Year holidays and during the holidays, your children get sick less often? But everything is very simple: preparation for the holiday, pre-holiday mood, expectation of a miracle, the joy of communication create a good emotional atmosphere in the house. In turn, doctors, psychologists and teachers have repeatedly noticed that a good emotional and harmonious background has a beneficial effect not only on mental, but also on physical health. The feeling of happiness, joy and celebration improves the emotional background of a person and has a beneficial effect on the immunity and health of the child.

Who called us for a holiday
To the New Year's carnival?
Who did the miracle -
I dressed up a Christmas tree in beads,
I decorated everything with lights
Colorful balloons?
Who brought us gifts?
Of course, Santa Claus!

All the trees are in white fur coats
Soft snow falls
Lights sparkle in the windows -
New Year is coming!

Even a Christmas tree, my mother and I
Dress up in your outfit.
May the beauty of the forest
Dazzles every look!

Let's sing and have fun
Lead a friendly round dance.
The most wonderful and magical
There will be this New Year!

Green herringbone pleases the guys -
The lights on the Christmas tree are burning merrily.
Santa Claus dropped by for a holiday,
And he brought a bag of gifts for the kids.

There is snow everywhere, and ice on the river.
We have been waiting for you, grandpa, for a whole year.
Festive put on, grandfather, outfit,
Receiving gifts lined up.

We will tell poems, we will dance from the heart,
Moms will even tell how good we are:
We do not contradict the elders, we know a lot of numbers.
We are from morning to evening - just great.

What a miracle? What a miracle?
Oh, how beautiful the Christmas tree is!
She's like a queen
If you are wearing such an outfit!

Here is the gray-haired grandfather
With a snow-white beard ...
And a pouch on the back!
Know, will give me a gift.

I'm really looking forward to the New Year,
After all, the wizard will come to us,
He will give me a dream
The gift I'm looking forward to.

Maybe I'll read a verse to him,
Or even I will dance
I've been waiting for you for a whole year
I ate a lot, slept peacefully,

I listened to my elders, I wasn’t naughty.
So the holiday has come.
I behaved well
Santa Claus came to me!

New Year! New Year!
Frost everywhere, ice everywhere,
But no one is freezing here:
It's warm in our room
In our house and not only
A wonderful tree has blossomed
The lights are on on her!
We are tired of waiting for the New Year!

Snow flashes outside the window
It's spinning in the air
And under our feet a carpet
Exactly he lies down.

Santa Claus is in a hurry to the children,
Afraid of being late
The snow creaks under the felt boot,
But not angry at all.

New Year is coming
Joyful and bright
And the guys are really looking forward
Gifts for the holiday!

The tree is dressed
In a festive outfit
Cones and needles
Have fun shine!

So the outfit fits
Forest fashionista,
Because she leads
New Year with you!

Outside the window, frost and cold.
We all really need a holiday!
Together we will light the tree
Let's call Santa Claus,
Let's have fun together
For a miracle to happen here,
Let's dance a round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year holiday.

I love to celebrate the New Year,
Receive a lot of gifts,
It's fun to play with friends
And rest from the lessons,

To ride on a sled with the whole crowd,
It is joyful to throw snowballs.
It's so good that New Year
Will bring us a vacation!

So the New Year is rushing to us,
He knocks on all houses,
He calls the people soon
In your merry round dance,
To laugh and dance
So that gifts are handed out!

Adults and children believe
That New Year is in the world
The best, the most glorious
Good holiday, the main holiday!

He brings good luck to the house,
And the bad takes away
It blushes and invigorates
Children are amused!

I'm really looking forward to the New Year.
Why? Do not know.
Soon Santa Claus will come
So I'm waiting.

They say that he is gray-haired
And with a bag of gifts.
Wears a staff of ice,
Boots and a hat.

I really want to see
I'm on a miracle
That I can easily give
All your candy.

Well done I am, not a prankster,
I'm waiting for Grandfather Frost.
He promised on the last holiday:
"Wait for me, and I will come!"

I do not make noise in vain
I don't knock on the window,
Get a cool gift
I want it very much!

Nadezhda Pecherova
Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6-7 years old

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 6-7 years old

Children enter the hall to the music


Happy New Year!

Both hosts and guests,

Happiness to everyone, I wish you well

And fine, clear days.

And there is still congratulations -

In his kindergarten

Healthier and rounder

Become every day!

SONG-CHOIRMAN "It's good that every year"

May the new year be with new happiness

Under the fairy tale of a dream, your house will enter

And along with the scent of spruce

Will bring success and joy!

I see smiles on faces

The soul rejoices and sings!

Let's have fun today

To celebrate the New Year under the tree.


What is New Year?

It's all the other way around:

Christmas trees in the room are growing

Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf

At the elegant Christmas tree.

The rain is also not easy -

On New Year's Day it is golden.

What a New Year without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Guys. Let's call them all together!

They shout several times, no

Really the holiday will have to be canceled? (Thinks) I know I need to turn to class teacher, she is the head of everything. Let him solve all the problems.

Takes steps towards her:

Olga Anatolyevna! Tell me how we can be!

Moose hands:

Wait, wait, this should not be so that in the new year children are left without holiday!

I suggest you arrange a competition for the best Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Where will we get the participants? We will not be in time! The holiday is on its way!

Musical director:

How can we not make it in time? Let's connect our magic mail, now is the 21st century, everything is very fast! (calls) Ale, fairy forest? Dear forty, we are announcing a competition for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Send your ad all over the forest! We are waiting urgently! Our address School number 2

We are on holiday we give our announcement

We are announcing the competition with you and we wish you all victories!

Until then, get up quickly

Sing the song together!

SONG "The Christmas tree is burning brightly in our garden"

(children sit in their seats)

I hear that the first participants of the competition are already on the doorstep. We meet! Lisa Alice and Basilio the cat enter the music.

Did you look for Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden? Here we are! Meet Santa Claus Basilio and Snow Maiden Alice!

I'm so handsome, important!


And I am the most graceful and graceful!


Okay, now we'll see. You can Dance?

Dance? Yes, easily! Alice and I are masters of ballroom dancing!

They dance, nothing happens. They are getting each other's feet, they are fighting. Macarena


Oh, fox Aliza and Basilio, we know that there are wonderful dancers in the fairy tale you came from! Let them show you. How to dance!


Close your eyes soon,

Imagine that you are in a fairy tale!

They put several dolls under the tree.

Two snowflakes with a white cloth run out to the music, stretch the cloth in front of the tree, the lights turn off, children dressed in dolls sit at the cloth. The fabric is lowered, the light comes on and there are real living dolls in front of the tree.

Dance of the DOLL

The dolls are standing still. Don't leave.


Well, convincingly, convincingly. You sit down, rest, are you probably tired?


What are you, what are you, do not make me laugh!

We haven't played yet!

Become quickly people

To us in a merry round dance.

And you help the dolls,

Dance with us!

THE GAME "And it's frosty outside"

Leading: Well, stay, stay, take a look at the other participants!

Baba Yaga comes out to music

Baba Yaga:

I heard that you have a competition here! I AM! I am a real Snow Maiden!


Something I doubt it. Guys, is this Sneguroshka?

Children: No!


Check it out now! Tell us what do you like to do in the evening?

Duck it. Play cards with robbers!

Anyway, we dive through the forest and guard the order!

See how!

DANCE of the robbers


Do not know. You don't look very much like the Snow Maiden. Can you solve riddles?

Yes, easily!

Who is he, with a white beard,

Himself ruddy and gray,

He is the best and kinder!

Have you guessed? - ... Barmaley?

Here she is, beauty,

Everything shimmers!

They brought her from the frost,

This tree is… birch?

Who is Santa Claus's assistant?

Who's with a carrot for a nose?

Who is all white, clean, fresh?

Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin?

Forget about whims

Sweets for everyone, surprises for everyone!

No need to cry on New Years

There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?

Spun on New Years

Silent round dance.

Like light fluffs

Curly white ...


Leading: Everything is clear with you. Sit down, look grandma at the other contestants!

What a grandmother I am to you, I am a little yagurochka! (sits down)


Well guys. Whom will we take on our holiday Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

It turns out real grandfather Freezing.

Father Frost:

Something I do not understand what is happening here, some noise, some din, not order, the tree is not burning.


Hello, have you also come to participate in the competition? Are you for the role of Santa Claus?

Father Frost:

Contest? What a competition, I’m looking at the mess you have here, the tree still does not sparkle, the children are not happy

Father Frost:

Become quickly people

To our Christmas tree in a round dance!

A friendly and cheerful song

We will meet with you the new year.



Santa Claus, let's play a game with our guys called bell ringers? Join the general circle, guys. We will blindfold grandfather and he will try to catch "Bell ringers".

Elderly gnomes live under the mountain by the river,

They have a bell hanging and ringing silver.

Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong, there is a wonderful ringing

Father Frost:

It was fun to play, it's time to light the tree!

Hands up, hands down. Come on, Christmas tree, light up!


Nothing works, the lights don't come on!

Father Frost:

Apparently someone kept silent, did not say with us -

Hands up, hands down, come on, herringbone, light up!

(does not ignite)

I don’t understand what it is. Let's make the same garland as on the Christmas tree! Raised all the pens up and blinked with pens and eyes! (Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost:

Finally, it worked! Our tree lit up!

Father Frost:

What are the good, funny guys on your holiday! Aren't your parents bored yet? Somehow they are somehow gloomy sitting. Maybe they got sick? Let's check it out now! Oh, they have a temperature!

GAME with parents "Temperature measurement"(2 teams pass the thermometer to each other for speed. First, under the armpit, then complicate the task, pass the thermometer, which is between the knees)

Veda: Grandpa, maybe you can dance?

Father Frost:

I'm ready to start dancing right now! Although there is not enough space here, give me a pat, guys!


Father Frost:

Wow, and I have already become old,

I played enough that I was tired.


Santa Claus, you sit

And get some rest

To the music, Emelya enters on the stove with Princess Nesmeyanoy, she sobs loudly.


The guests seem to be all in place,

Have fun with us.

Only Princess Nesmeyana

Well, not at all without a flaw.

All day long roars, roars.

Doesn't give rest to everyone!


Nesmeyyanushka, don't cry! Do you want some ice cream?


I do not want! (roars)


And the cake?


I do not want! (Roars)


Tell me, what do you want?


I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to eat,

All day I will whine, not listen to anyone!

I want to be a Snow Maiden

Only then I will not whine! (roars: A-A-A)


Hello dear guests. Do you want to try yourself for the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?

Nesmeyana and Emelya: YES!


To stay with us on holiday first, you need to stop crying Nesmeyan, and I even know who can cheer you up! Hush, hush, hear. How does the snow creak? Someone seems to be running.

Parsley runs out:

Who is there to make laugh?

We are always happy to serve

(Addressing the princess)

Was it you who were crying here?

It's boring for her to sit around!

Put the broom in her hands,

So that she does not know boredom,

And you will see that to her,

It will immediately become more fun!

Hey friends, hurry up to me

And make the princess laugh!

Parsley Run Out


The princess begins to smile towards the end of the dance


Parsley, don't run away, play with us!


Come on, friends! I want to have fun!

The game is played Rattle game


Oh guys. Something we have so many participants, it's very hard for me to choose.

Musical director:

A real Santa Claus gives children miracles and gifts!


Then the last most difficult test for our competitors. You must donate new year gifts for children!

Fox with a cat:

Gifts, gifts. Do you have gifts? Yeah, here are 5 gold, now we will give them!

Divide. Nothing works, they fight.


Yes, the former did not succeed. And you are Grandma Yaga, can you give gifts to children?

Oh, straight gifts. There is a miracle stove, right now we'll fry and bake pies, I'm a jack of all trades!

Now, one minute! (Climbs into the stove where Emelya arrived)

Music of transformation

The beauty gets out

Everyone is in wonder


Who is this,

Hto-hto, me!

BJ (looks in the mirror):

Oh, I have become handsome! You just can't take your eyes off! And why do I need your contest, now I can win any beauty contest! Chao, watch me on local TV now in stellar news! (waves his hand and leaves)


These are the miracles that happen on our holiday!

Emelya and Nesmeyana, can you give gifts to children?

Nesmeyana begins to roar Emelya:

Don't cry! I forgot that I have a magic pike!

According to the pike's command, according to my desire,

Make a pike so that everyone children received gifts at this holiday!

Come out pike with a calculator:

Tax. Gifts, gifts (counts) no, not included in the estimate, no. Only if on next year!


Well, that's all, in my opinion there is no place to expect more gifts. Have to end the holiday.

Father Frost:

Wait. Wait! This is not good for the new year children leave without gifts!

Haha, where do you get them!

Father Frost:

You forgot, there is a magic stove here! Now I'm blowing into the stove. And I will conjure gifts (says magic words)

Fox and cat:

AHA! Come on, come on! That stove has already helped one!

Father Frost:

Come on the stove, help

Give gifts to everyone!

Pulls gifts out of the stove, distribution of gifts!

Father Frost:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Adults and kids!

I wish you all happiness and health, from the bottom of my heart!

New Year 2017 is a bright and warm holiday that both adults and children are waiting for. On this wonderful holiday, children prepare poems to tell Santa Claus and receive their long-awaited gift.

On this page you will find short poems for the New Year 2017 for children 6-7 years old.

Snowman, carrot nose,

I went out into the cold in the morning.

I took a shovel, remove the snow,

Took a broom to sweep

I took a sledge to go to the forest

And bring some firewood.

And then bake a gingerbread

Invite a bunny to visit,

Teddy bear, squirrel and hedgehog,

Sparrow and bullfinch.

Come forest people!

The snowman is waiting for you

I am Frost, Red nose,

With a white beard.

I will pinch - so to tears!

Don't joke with me.

For what, why

Should I be angry?

I came to you friends

To have fun!

New Year, New Year

I meet with you,

Happy new year to all of you

I congratulate you.

Smells like fresh tar again

We gathered at the tree

Our Christmas tree was dressed up,

Lights lit up on it.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

Here and there masks flicker ...

You are a bear and I am a fox.

What miracles!

Together we will stand in a round dance

Hello hello new year

Lily of the valley blooms in May,

Aster blooms in autumn

And in winter I bloom

I am at the tree every year.

I lay on the shelf all day.

Everyone forgot about me.

And now I'm hanging on the tree

Slowly ringing.

The whole tree to the top

Decorated toys!

Get up in the round dance!

Meet the New Year!

What is New Year?

It's all the other way around.

The bumps in the room are growing.

Squirrels do not gnaw cones.

Even Santa Claus

Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

Soon, soon will come to us

Good holiday New Year!

Santa Claus will come to visit us

And he will bring gifts!

The green herringbone makes the guys happy,
The lights on the tree are burning merrily
Grandfather Frost looked at the holiday,
And he brought a bag of gifts for the kids.
Snow lies everywhere and ice on the river,
We have been waiting for you, grandpa, for a whole year,
Festive put on, grandfather, outfit,
Receiving gifts lined up.
We will tell poems, we will dance from the heart,
Moms will even tell how good we are:
They did not contradict the elders, we know a lot of numbers,
And from morning to evening, just great.

Snow covered the forest.
Fields, houses, roads,
New Year is coming to us,
Favorite holiday of many.
Prepare gifts
Friends and dad and mom,
And there will be a new year
The best in the world!

Candles burn and toys sparkle
A star shines at the top of the tree
We held hands in a round dance,
The new year has come - miracles have begun!
We will all make wishes now,
Into your house fairy tale let in
The holiday is in full swing, the fun is on
New Year brings happiness and joy!

We are happy to celebrate the New Year,
We decorate the Christmas tree with balls and a garland.
On this holiday miracles happen
All our wishes come true!
Only Grandpa Frost needs
Write to us in time,
And a long-awaited gift
Pick up under the Christmas tree in the new year!

In the New Year, in the middle of winter,
Flowers are blooming.
The fruit is growing
Snowflakes are blooming
And the toys are ringing -
Where is it? - At the tree!

Quiet, quiet, barely audible
Under the pillow New Year
Climbs to the kids
Gives the sweetest dream.
And suddenly, almost instantly,
Without opening your eyes yet
Feels immensely
That it is time to be a holiday!
Everything in the neighborhood became bright
Friends are smiling.
They are pleased to wait for gifts
Santa Claus is already at the yard!

Give me for the New Year
A lot of sweets
But a kitten or a puppy
It would be more joyful!
I will count sweets:
One, two, three, four, five.
Mom - once, and dad - once.
I'll eat the rest now!

We celebrate a wonderful holiday
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
Frost bites everything on the cheeks -
It happens so often on New Years,
But the main thing is it's time for fun
And good mood
All games, fun and round dances,
And shouts: "The holiday is coming to us!"
We wish you all health, happiness,
And not to be sad, but to smile,
Listen to parents, try
Then everything will work out!

New Year comes to us
And knocks right on the door.
He's cold and he's hungry -
Feed him soon!
We will set a huge table,
Let's call relatives and friends.
And then we'll dance
So warmer and more fun.

The holiday is fabulous, wonderful
There will be a knock on the door soon.
Santa Claus is already on the sled
To hurry up to us, in a hurry.
We will celebrate everything in the place
The hall is bright and large.
We will dance from the heart,
Sing a lively song.

As always, on New Year's Eve,
Santa Claus will come to visit us
In a red coat, with a beard, like in pictures,
Only, for some reason, in daddy's shoes!

Carefully with a furry tree
New Year has arrived.
Much joy to the guys
He will, of course, bring.
Lanterns, balls, firecrackers
They decorate everything around.
And toys under the tree
All the kids are very much welcome.
Let the fun be bright
And smiles won't go away!
The guys have a holiday today,
Everyone is dancing and singing!

Outside the window, crackling frost,
Snow is a big carpet,
Santa Claus is our best
He is already in a hurry to visit us,
Dressed up the Christmas tree brightly
Into colorful balloons
And there are gifts under it
For fun kids!

Santa Claus is knocking on the door
We believe in him, of course.
He brings us gifts to everyone,
And he asks for a rhyme in return.
We will decorate our Christmas tree,
Let's paint with bright colors.
And there will be a round dance with the song,
New Year is coming to us!

White pond and white house
Everything is covered in silver
White flies fly
The whole garden is already filled up.
This means that winter
She came to visit us herself.
We will meet her,
Call Santa Claus to himself,
You come soon
Bring us gifts.

New Year is already on the doorstep
The whole country is waiting
Santa Claus carries gifts
I am really, really looking forward to it.
Maybe he will give me a bear
Or will he bring me a robot,
Maybe he will give his mother a fur coat,
Dad will find the tie again.
In general, the holiday will be bright,
I'll be with toys, confetti,
I congratulate you all today,
I wish everyone happiness to find!

Winter is spinning outside the window
Let's have fun together
New Year has come to our house
Santa Claus brought him.
It will be hot with fun
And sweets and gifts
The New Year will warm everyone
He will bring good luck.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Do not freeze the kids' nose!
Get out your bag
Together we will become in a circle.
Get presents:
Balls, skipping ropes.
We will spin the round dance:
Come to us, New Year!
We've all been waiting for you
Decorated the Christmas tree!

New year is coming
He will bring joy to everyone,
The Christmas tree will light up brightly
Santa Claus will give gifts
A fairy tale will knock on the door
A winter miracle will happen
All dreams come true
And you will become happy!

All the boys and girls
Like bunnies and squirrels
In smart suits,
Beautiful, masquerade
We got into a round dance
Celebrate the New Year.

New Year's time
Finally she came to us!
Let's get together in a round dance -
Hello Christmas tree, New Year!

We'll have fun
Laugh heartily -
After all, the New Year has happened
Gifts are good!

Christmas tree, jokes and candies,
Gifts, delicious cake ...
So the time has come -
We celebrate the New Year!

New Year is coming to us
Everyone is waiting for this holiday!
Good old Santa Claus
Brought presents to everyone!
An elegant herringbone stands
And all lights are on fire,
Read a poem to us aloud,
Hurry up the presents!

Happy New Year
We are you, dear baby,
Here comes midnight
Well, you are still awake,
You are waiting for gifts very much
On this holiday New Year,
Soon Santa Claus from a fairy tale
He will bring them under the tree!

We are on New Year's party
We gathered to go today,
By preparing the costumes
Very carried away!
Santa Claus with Snow Maiden
They will come to congratulate us,
For a rhyme or for a song
They will give everyone a gift!

Magic time for gifts
Fun, great joy,
Let the holiday pass brightly
May he give you sweets
Toys, happiness - Santa Claus,
Will delight you with surprises
To make it fun
Let the snowflakes fall
Blizzards are buzzing outside the window
Bring prosperity -
To be performed every day
Cherished desires!

Guys, Happy New Year everyone!
May goodness and laughter be with you,
Joy and good friends
Every family will be happy!
Respect people and love life,
Appreciate a good attitude,
Dream and gain knowledge,
Make your best wishes come true!

We are all waiting for Santa Claus,
He brings us gifts.
For him, we are near the Christmas tree
We dance together in a round dance.
It will be very fun for everyone
Dances, songs will sound.
The warm welcome is very
Our grandfather will be glad.

Six or seven year olds make up the bulk of the senior kindergarten group or first grade at school. These are already half-formed individuals with their own needs and demands. They begin to understand many of the nuances of the adult world, so they always have a lot of questions.

How to choose the right New Year scenario for children 6-7 years old, so that the holiday is interesting to them, so that they take an active part in it and keep the most pleasant memories... Searches can greatly facilitate knowledge of developmental psychology.

This is enough a difficult age with its own mental and physiological characteristics that need to be borne in mind by those who are looking for a scenario for children of 7 years old for the New Year: parents, educators and teachers. Wherever the holiday takes place (at home, in kindergarten or school), one cannot do without knowledge of psychology. What should be a successful New Year's performance?

  • Carefully thought out, well prepared, pre-planned

You need to start looking for a script a month before the presentation. To rehearse - approximately at the same time, because children of 6-7 years old who will be involved in the holiday will require a lot of strength and patience.

  • Simple, easy to understand

Too naive rhymes that are suitable for are not needed. However, some scientific experiments and New Year's laboratories also do not need to be arranged. Let the children relax emotionally, without straining their intellectual abilities, this evening.

  • Not drawn out, ended on time

Time your rehearsals. If you keep within 45-50 minutes, then you managed to find the same ideal scenario New Year. However, keep in mind that you will still need to reset the time for contests and round dances. If you drag out the performance (even the most interesting one) for an hour or more, children of 6-7 years old will simply get tired, and this feeling of physical discomfort will overlap all other positive emotions they received earlier.

  • Diverse

If you are looking for a script that only consists of a fairytale performance, that is, scenes with various characters in the lead roles, the holiday will not work. 45 minutes of the action alone, even the most mysterious and intriguing, will make the kids sit on the chairs, and this does not suit them at this age. 10 minutes of presentation - 5 minutes outdoor games- again a scene - and again competitions with round dances. Otherwise, your kids will get bored and the holiday will be ruined.

  • Role-playing

The script for the New Year will definitely need to include a few kids who are not afraid to speak in public and have artistic talent. They can cope with the light roles of a snowflake, a bunny or a bear cub, tell a theme rhyme, sing a song in chorus. Usually 6-7 year olds like these scenarios very much. Believe me, next year you will have a lot of young stars willing to take part in your performance.

  • Fabulously magical, wonderful

Yes, some children of 6-7 years old no longer believe in good Grandfather Frost, having listened to their classmates at school. However, the bulk is still in doubt. Therefore, it will be better if you invite the main characters of the script for the New Year (Snow Maiden and Santa Claus) from the side. In this case, they will not be familiar to the children and will be able to make them believe that Christmas story exists. And isn't that the whole charm of this wonderful holiday?

  • Incendiary, cheerful

The holiday should be really fun and incendiary. When choosing a script, pay attention to the fact that it contains a lot of music, songs, jokes, funny performances with the participation of fairy-tale characters. Involve as many children as possible in the performance. None of them should be left out. At the same time, there is no need to drag the child into the round dance by force: perhaps he is by nature shy or does not feel well.

  • Pleasant

The main "trick" of the New Year for children at 6 and 7 years old is this. Undoubtedly, they expect them from Santa Claus, who came to them on a holiday. Of course, the bulk will be received by those who actively participate in the performance: read poetry, dance, sing songs. But the script should be thought out in such a way that in the end, absolutely all children leave the New Year with gifts.

Approximately this should be the ideal New Year scenario for children 6-7 years old, so that it will be remembered and interesting to them. If you bear in mind these nuances concerning age characteristics development of the child, you can arrange such a holiday, which then both adults and children will talk about for a long time. Create something good New Year spirit with whom they will spend their holidays. And they will help you with this approximate schemes representations.

How old is Santa Claus? You can include this question in your New Year's scenario. To a pagan creature like this fairytale character, for over 2,000 years. But in the form we are accustomed to, he appeared only in 1935. So consider for yourself how old our Grandfather is.

What might interest children of this age?

As soon as you start looking for a New Year's scenario for a child of 6-7 years old, your eyes run up with diversity. Moreover, many of the proposed options will meet the above requirements and are quite suitable for a given age. As you look through them, try to capture the main storyline of the presentation. It must be clearly visible. Psychologists suggest choosing the following scenario models.

  1. The plot of a famous fairy tale or cartoon

Children 6-7 years old will be happy to celebrate the New Year surrounded by familiar fairy-tale characters: Kolobok, Ivan Tsarevich and even the Smurfs.

  1. Search

If the script invites children to look for a stolen Snow Maiden or missing gifts, be sure to take it into service. This completely captures the children of this age. The intrigue will keep them in suspense all evening and will give a lot of unforgettable emotions and unrestrained joy that they have fulfilled such an important mission - they found the loss.

  1. Travel

One of the most difficult scenarios for the New Year, however, all the efforts spent on it will be fully justified. If the whole performance changes, and the children in the most miraculous way will be in different parts light or in fairy tales, their gratitude will never end.

  1. The fight between good and evil

A lot of scenarios for the New Year involves a confrontation between good and evil fairy-tale heroes. Some want to give gifts to children and good mood, while others dream of stealing it all from them. it great option performance, which will be not only entertaining, but also developing in nature. Indeed, at the age of 6-7 years, a child must be taught to distinguish good from evil.

New Year's scenarios offering similar stories for children 6-7 years old are always winning. This is exactly what will interest children due to their age characteristics. By choosing such a development and preparing it properly, you can give them a great mood and a lot positive emotions... And the games that are suitable for this will help you in this difficult, but very important and responsible business.

Where does Santa Claus live? You can also include this interesting moment... Initially, in Ancient Rus, Santa Claus lived exclusively in the forest. Nicholas the Wonderworker, his heir, lived in Patara (a city in Asia Minor). IN USSR fairytale hero settled in Arkhangelsk. And just recently, his residence was moved to Veliky Ustyug, which is located in the Vologda region.

What games to include in the show?

Children of 6-7 years old are distinguished by irrepressible energy, which they must definitely throw out somewhere. It is difficult for them to sit still for a long time. Fun games included in the script for the New Year will help solve this problem and not get bored. Moreover, they can be not only mobile: intellectual quizzes for this age are also perfect.

  • Christmas tree

Form 2 teams within the scenario, each of which must assemble a collapsible Christmas tree and dress it up with toys as soon as possible.

  • Sculpt a Snowman

Prepare two surfaces: it can be magnetic boards, a frame with a stretched cloth, large sheets of paper. Give the teams the pieces of the Snowman drawn and cut out of paper: three lumps, a carrot nose, a bucket hat, a broom, eyes, and hands. The guys must assemble their character as quickly as possible.

  • Snow fight

A couple of children stand at a distance of about 3-4 meters from each other. One has an empty bucket in his hands, the other has a certain amount of snowballs made of paper. The second tries to throw as many lumps as possible into the basket. Several couples take part in the competition. According to the scenario, the one with more snowballs in the bucket wins.

  • catch me

Surely you will have such characters as Baba Yaga or Koschey the Immortal in your script for the New Year. Any typical fairy tale villain will do. Play the situation so that his task was to catch the kids, who, in turn, should run away from him. Children 6-7 years old are very fond of this kind of "catch-up".

And, of course, the script must have a round dance around the beautiful Christmas tree with traditional songs and games. Without it, the New Year will be incomplete. Introduce uncomplicated comic riddles about winter and this amazing holiday. You can compose a script on your own, or you can use a ready-made version.

About pets of Santa Claus... Tell the children, within the framework of the chosen scenario, that in the estate of Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug you can see not only the very three horses on which he usually travels to visit the children, but also home and the very real reindeer... And his name is Lyoshka.

Development in finished form

Not all people have a talent for writing. Coming up with an interesting, fiery, funny scenario for children 6-7 years old for the New Year is a very difficult task. Therefore, it is quite understandable why parents, educators and teachers go in search of him on the worldwide network. We offer you a good version of the action, which is just suitable for children of this age.

Fairy (presenter): Guys, hello! Grandfather Frost sent me to you so that I could help him and his granddaughter Snegurochka arrange a real New Year for you! I was in such a hurry because I thought they were already here! Are they not yet?

Children: No!

Fairy: I'll go call them, find out why they are so late!

Baba Yaga 1: Honey, did you hear that?

Baba Yaga 2: Of course I heard! Did you just hear that? Specify!

Baba Yaga 1: Can you imagine? Santa Claus will come here now to sing and dance, give gifts. The holiday is coming!

Baba Yaga 2: Wow! Holiday? I love gifts!

Baba Yaga 1: Ha ha! Love, only you will not get them!

Baba Yaga 2 (begins to roar): Ah-ah-ah! Why?

Baba Yaga 1: Because no one in the whole world loves us, we are never invited to a holiday.

Baba Yaga 2: I still want gifts!

Baba Yaga 1: We must take them away from Santa Claus. Let's call Kikimora for this! She is smart - she will think of something.

Kikimora gets out (according to the script, she can hide under the tree).

Kikimora: Who dared to wake me up here?

Baba Yaga 1: Our dear Kikimora, don't be angry, help annoy the guys ...

Kikimora: It's clear! Let's do it now! (He takes out salt, sprinkles it everywhere.)

Baba Yaga 1: What are you doing, cursed ?!

Kikimora (satisfied): Solu, as you asked!

Baba Yaga 2: This is not what we need! Take note of all the roads so that Santa Claus doesn't get to the guys and we all get gifts!

Kikimora: No question! (conjures). Ready!

Baba Yaga 1: And you also need to confuse the guys and send them a fake Snow Maiden.

The evil spirits flee, the Leading Fairy returns

Fairy: Santa Claus lost his way on New Year's in such a blizzard. Guys, he asked us to have fun louder so that he could hear us and come to our voice!

The fairy holds a few mobile ones, fun games, according to the script. 2 Baba Yagi and Kikimora appear, disguised as Snow Maidens.

Fairy: Oh, how many Snow Maidens immediately showed up. Which one is ours?

The fairy makes the "Snow Maidens" sing and dance, so it turns out that they are impostors. They confess, regret and ask the guys to take them with them to the holiday. They are included in a round dance and sing a song loudly so that the holiday could be heard by Santa Claus, who got lost in a blizzard. After that, according to the script, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear. They hold several games and contests, give out gifts, and participate in a round dance.

There are a lot of scenarios for the New Year among children 6-7 years old. Choose the one that seems to you the most fun and incendiary. Try to imagine yourself at this age: would you be interested in participating in such a performance? Check with someone with a teacher education and follow our advice. Only in this case can you arrange for your children an unforgettable new Year's Eve, which they will remember with delight for a very long time!