A bottle with a pacifier in the form of a nipple. Choosing the best nipples and feeding bottles. How to choose a bottle: additional selection criteria

Even if the mother is going to feed the baby exclusively breast milk, just in case, it is worth having at least one baby bottle at home. And mothers of artificial babies need a whole arsenal of this necessary “utensils”. How to choose the best bottles for a newborn?

Criteria for choosing a good baby bottle

Size, volume, shape

Newborns do not need bottles for "growth", large volume and intricate shapes. Choose between 80ml and 140ml with straight or slightly concave sides for easier handling and easier cleaning. There are bottles with traditional (narrow) and wide necks: the latter are easier to clean and more convenient to use, but nipples from one model with a wide neck may not fit another.

Bottle material: glass or plastic?

Glass is the perfect material for the first bottle, hygienic and resistant to sterilization, but the disadvantage of glass models is that they are heavy and can break. Polypropylene plastic bottles are lightweight and durable. There are also disadvantages: plastic quickly scratches and loses its presentation, not all specimens can be boiled, and harmful impurities may be present in cheap models. There are also soft bottles: they are made of medical grade silicone.

Pacifier - material and shape

Latex nipples are soft, but short-lived, while silicone nipples are more durable, more hygienic, but tougher. The shape of the nipple can be round, orthodontic or mimic the shape of the breast. It is impossible to predict what the baby will like. It is important to choose a teat with the correct flow - for newborns it is 0+ (1 hole), and from 1 month - 1+ (2 holes).

Anti-colic system

Due to various devices, it provides a natural flow of air into the bottle, so that air does not get to the tip of the nipple, and therefore into the baby's tummy, reducing the possibility of colic and regurgitation.


Unfortunately, not all bottles can boast of the fidelity of the divisions applied to it. The deviation can be up to 10%! At home, checking the accuracy of the scale is very simple: pour 100 g pure water room temperature into a bottle. Its volume should correspond to 100 ml.

Baby bottle manufacturers: who is better?

When choosing a bottle, the name of the manufacturer should be one of the main criteria. Notable companies: Philips Avent, Medela, Dr. Brown, Nuk, Pigeon, Tommee Tippee and other European, Japanese and American brands spend a lot of time and money on research and careful control product quality. That is why their bottles are the safest, but also not cheap: average price- 600-800 rubles

When choosing from more affordable options, pay attention to Canpol Babies(according to the manufacturer, all materials are of European origin, and the design and set of options are almost as good as popular brands).

If the budget is limited, it is better to choose domestic products (“ Kurnosiki», « The world of childhood"). They can't brag modern design, anatomical shape and anti-colic system, but at least they are made of safe materials. Needless to say, little-known bottles of dubious quality should remain on store shelves, or better not to get there at all.

Rating of the best baby bottles - TOP-9

Bottles and nipples are used when breastfeeding different reasons becomes impossible. They are also useful for those babies who are on breastfeeding: first for drinking water, and later - for juices, liquid cereals and mashed potatoes.


small bottle- a container for the food needed by the baby.

Pacifier- attached to the bottle and provides feeding to the baby, and also replaces the mother's breast (sucking reflex). The nipple has one or more holes through which the food from the bottle enters the baby's mouth.

Important: be sure to use a cap that protects the pacifier from external influences between feedings. The nipple should be covered with a cap if you take the bottle with you, and also if it just sits for a long time.

Dummy- unlike the pacifier, it serves only to satisfy sucking reflex baby. The pacifier has no holes.

Holder pacifiers- prevents the pacifier from falling on the floor or the ground, and hence its contamination. Attaches to baby's clothing with a clip.

cup- a cup closed with a lid with a spout or a straw. Helps your baby move from a bottle with a pacifier to independent drinking from "adult" cups. The sippy cup compares favorably with a regular cup in that it does not allow liquid to spill onto the baby.

Spout (tube)- attaches to a sippy cup (bottle) and serves for comfortable drinking.

Feeding set- includes necessary items for feeding a child. The set for babies includes several bottles and nipples, as well as caps and coasters; for older children - plates, cups, spoons, forks.

bib- a piece of clothing covering upper part baby's chest and protecting his clothes from contamination during meals.

Container- a container for storing baby food. There are also containers in which pacifiers can be carried to ensure they are clean.

Thermal bag- retains the original temperature of the contents in the bottles. Thus, the bottle will be cool in summer and warm in winter. Good for walking or traveling with a baby.

Breast pad- Absorbs leaking milk, keeping breasts dry between feedings.

Brush- Designed for washing bottles. It is made of materials that do not damage the nipple and do not scratch the surface of the bottle. With this brush, cleaning the container will become simple and convenient.

Important: The brush should be changed every 2-3 months.

Sterilizer- easily and quickly disinfects bottles and nipples. It can be electric steam and steam (for microwave).

Important: The bottle and teat must be sterilized after each feeding. If there is no sterilizer, then you can fill them completely with water and boil for 5 minutes.

small bottle


Standard- narrow elongated bottle. Universal option, which is equally well suited for both liquid mixtures and drinks. Often used for very young children.

Ergonomic- often has a notch in the middle (waist), which makes it more comfortable for the child. This bottle will be the best option for older children.

curly(including triangular, polyhedral) - more comfortable to hold, but suitable for children who can already hold independently various items. In addition, curly-shaped bottles are more difficult to wash.


Standard- occurs most often. Most nipples will fit this neck.

wide- facilitates cleaning the bottle and filling it with mixtures.


Glass- durable and easy to clean material that tolerates repeated sterilizations. However, the glass bottle is heavy for infants, which can drop it and break it, as a result of which they can cut themselves. Therefore, it makes sense to use such bottles for older children.

Important: it is better to opt for more expensive bottles made of heat-resistant glass. Cheap containers can simply burst during sterilization.

Plastic- combines light weight and high strength. The plastic bottle does not break when dropped, which makes it good choice for the little ones. In addition, plastic can be given any shape. However, with frequent sterilization, such a bottle fades and loses its transparency. There are disposable plastic containers that are sold already sterilized.

Important: when choosing a plastic bottle, pay attention to its safety for the health of the baby. The material must be free of phthalates, PVC and BPA.

Silicone- lightweight and durable material that can withstand high temperature. Due to the softness silicone bottles can be squeezed, which is useful when feeding the baby mashed potatoes and thick mixtures.

Volume of containers

The volume of the bottle can vary from 30 to 330 ml. It should be selected based on the age of the child. For two month old baby a bottle up to 120-125 ml is suitable, older children can purchase a capacity of 250-260 ml.

Important: Bottles should be of a size that fits easily into a refrigerator, drawer or sterilizer.


If the baby is fed breastfeeding, it is enough to have 1 small (100-150 ml) and 1 large (250-300 ml) bottles. The first is for water, the second is for expressed milk. If it is not possible to breastfeed the child, and he is on an artificial or mixed feeding, you will need 2 small (for water) and 6 large (for mixtures) bottles.



Plain (round)- repeats the shape of the mother's nipple. A good option for the smallest children who are breastfed or mixed.

Anatomical (orthodontic)- has different shapes (flattened, elongated). Such a nipple follows the shape of the baby's palate and helps the correct formation of the arch of the palate.


Silicone- it is odorless and does not cause allergies, it can last for several years, however, it is not cheap.

Latex- softer and cheaper than silicone, but short-lived - darkens and cracks, and also has a taste of rubber. The latex nipple should be changed every 2 weeks.

food flow

This indicator means the volume of food flow and its pressure. The flow of food depends on the size of the hole or the number of holes in the nipple. It is indicated on the packaging by numbers from 0 to 5.

"Mini"(0) - nipples are intended for babies up to 6 months to receive additional liquids (juice and tea). However, we must remember that they are needed only for those children who are fed mixtures. Breastfed babies do not need extra fluids.

Slow(1) - the best option for babies up to 6 months and premature babies. Good for juice and tea for older children.

Average(2) - used for children from 6 to 12 months. It is recommended for tea to a child who has already reached 12 months.

Fast(3) - intended for children over 12 months old. It should be noted that such a nipple is not suitable for thick food.

For porridge(4) - for porridge and other thick foods.

Adjustable(5) - the best option for children from 3 months. Allows you to easily set slow, medium or fast food flow.

Important: The size of the hole in the nipple should not be too big or too small. In the first case, it will be very easy for the baby to suck, and he may refuse to breastfeed, in the second, he will quickly get tired and lose interest in such a nipple.

For liquid food, the number of holes in the nipple should be less, for thick food - more.


measuring scale- is situated on outer surface bottles and allows you to prepare the exact amount of the mixture, as well as monitor the amount of fluid drunk by the baby. It is better if its divisions are convex, and not drawn, as they can be erased. They must be multiples of 30 ml with marks in milliliters and grams.

Anti-colic system Equalizes the pressure inside the bottle, which prevents the baby from swallowing air while eating. Bottles with an anti-colic system are found in 2 types - reservoir (with a built-in system) and with a tubule in the nipple. It is better to stop at reservoir ones, which, although they are more expensive, are more reliable and efficient. But bottles with such a system are more difficult to wash.

Non-spill valve- built into the spout of the drinker. Provides comfortable drinking for baby without the risk of spilling liquid.

Thermal indicator- measures the temperature of the contents of the bottle. It is enough to stick it to the container to see how warm the food is for the baby.

For weakened children (for example, premature, with sucking problems) - there are such items:

  • additional feeding systems to increase or resume lactation;
  • bottles with a smaller capacity (10-25 g);
  • special drinking spoons (including for babies with lip defects).

Pens- provide the child with a comfortable grip of the bottle. They are worn on the neck or built into the bottle. Bottles with handles are suitable for babies over 8-10 months old.

  • It is better to opt for products well-known manufacturers- it is certified and passes tests confirming safety.
  • Buy bottles and nipples from the same manufacturer. Then you will not have problems with their compatibility and possible fluid leakage. The same applies to the brush needed to clean the bottle.
  • Inspect bottles and teats regularly. If damage, cracks, plaque are noticed, then replace such items.
  • Before each feeding, check to see if the hole has widened. To do this, turn the bottle upside down and determine how the milk flows out: freely or with pressure. The best option- milk comes in small drops.


When buying a pacifier or bottle for a baby, you must immediately discard Chinese and unknown brands, for example, Bead, Sun and Moon, ECO-PUPS. Such models can be generally dangerous for the health of the child, since there are few of them on sale and there are no reviews on them at all. Among inexpensive bottles you can choose some products Canpol babies, Baby Team, Baby-Nova, Lindo, Nuby. Before buying, be sure to read the compositions, look at the certificates of conformity sanitary standards. It is advisable to study specific models - there is a high probability of size deviation from the norm, which can lead to colic, complicating the baby's digestion.

Still, it is better to buy models of already proven and reliable brands Dr.Brown, Chicco, Medela, NUK, Philips, Tommee Tippee. These companies conduct thorough research to release their products, use the most environmentally friendly and safe materials, and often have an anti-colic system. It is worth remembering that it is categorically not recommended to save on such products, because the well-being and health of the child may depend on it!

If you are interested in the topic of choice, as well as the hygiene of bottles and nipples for feeding babies, then most likely your baby is receiving artificial or mixed nutrition.

Or perhaps your interest in children's dishes is due to the fact that the child has already grown up and began to receive complementary foods.

Choosing a bottle to feed your baby

Today there is a huge variety of bottles for feeding, it is not always clear how to choose the right bottle in this variety. To decide, you need to understand how the bottles differ from each other, which bottle can provide convenience and safety when feeding a child.

Bottles are glass and plastic. . Glass bottles are good because they can be safely sterilized many times, but, on the other hand, glass bottles break, they are quite heavy. Plastic bottles are lightweight, they do not break, so they are convenient to take on trips. Such bottles can be the most different shapes(in the form of a ring, with a narrowing in the middle), so they are very convenient at a time when the child is learning to drink from a bottle. They are recommended to be sterilized in a sterilizer or microwave, and not boiled.

Very often, when bottle-feeding, the child swallows too much air with food, so he has. To avoid this, it is advisable to choose bottles with anti-colic protection.

Olga Tretyakova, pediatrician, doctor medical sciences, Professor: « A specially designed ventilation system or valve system prevents air bubbles from entering the baby's stomach, providing protection against colic. Air enters the bottle and gradually replaces the waning liquid without mixing with it.”

So, if you're thinking about buying a baby bottle, think about your baby's needs and make your choice:

  • it will be easier for the child to suck from, as it is easier, especially if we are talking about a child older than 6 months, and he is already starting to learn to drink milk on his own;
  • small babies, up to 6 months, do not need handles on the bottle, handles are needed for children from 6 months;
  • bottles original form although it is easier for a child to hold, it is very difficult for a mother to wash them; a poorly washed bottle is a direct threat to the health of the child, so it is better to choose bottles more or less traditional form;
  • As for the choice of bottle neck width, it is recommended to give preference to wide-necked bottles, since sucking from such bottles is as close as possible to breast sucking in terms of grip and sucking method.

For newborns, bottles with a volume of 100 - 125 ml are suitable, for older children - 250 - 260 ml. It is more convenient to use a bottle on which there is a scale, both in milliliters and in grams.

How to choose the right pacifier?

Nipples are latex and silicone. It is recommended to choose silicone nipples, as they are strong, durable enough, and easy to care for.

Based on the size of the hole in the nipple, distinguish six different types nipple :

  • mini stream - nipples with a small hole, designed for juices and tea, they are recommended for use for children under 6 months;
  • slow flow - nipples intended for infant formula feeding up to 6 months, they can also be used for drinks for children over 6 months old;
  • average flow - pacifiers for children after 6 months, they can also be used for drinks for children older than a year if they cannot drink from a cup;
  • fast flow - nipples for children over one year old who like to drink milk from a bottle;
  • nipples for porridge - nipples for thick complementary foods, cereals, purees that can be used;
  • variable flow - nipples for children older than 3 months, these nipples are interesting for three, that when you turn to certain marks, you can set the desired flow rate: slow, medium or fast.

The choice of a pacifier for this parameter depends on what kind of food it will be used for, and what age the child will be fed.

Olga Tretyakova, pediatrician, doctor of medical sciences, professor: " It is worth paying attention to the shape of the nipple. Several types of nipples have been developed in shape: anatomical, which repeats the shape of the baby's palate, contributes to the correct formation of the arch of the palate; round or simple elongated neck with roundness at the end, a nipple for bottles with a wide neck, they usually resemble in shape female breast, to some extent imitating some moments of breast sucking. Teats fitted with anti-vacuum "skirts" are preferred to prevent air being sucked in during feeding."

Today, experts most often recommend choosing anatomically shaped nipples or nipples for wide-necked bottles. Of course, choosing the shape of the pacifier, you need to focus on the convenience of the child. By his behavior during feeding, you can assess how comfortable the child is. If it is easy for the baby to grasp the nipple, if it is convenient for him to suck, then the shape of the nipple is chosen correctly.

Mother Lydia says: “Until six months, my baby didn’t have any bottles at all. And then, of course, they became necessary. I first bought two bottles that I liked the look of, and a few nipples. But it turned out that these nipples were not suitable for complementary foods. I then used them for tea and compote. I had to buy extra nipples and larger bottles. It took me a few months to understand what my child really needs.”

Other tips for choosing bottles and nipples:

  • give preference to bottles and nipples famous brands, they usually meet quality standards, they are durable and safe;
  • always test the pacifier for strength before giving it to the child;
  • before using a new bottle and nipple, boil them for 2-3 minutes or pour boiling water over them and let stand for a few minutes;
  • Wash and sterilize bottles and teats regularly after feeding.

How to choose a bottle for a newborn? The question inevitably arises before mothers who are faced with the need for artificial feeding.

What are the best containers for milk and water? How to sterilize glass and plastic bottles? How to give children food? For you - the answers to these and many other questions.

The benefits of bottle feeding

Artificial feeding has not only negative sides. Don't despair if you are various reasons cannot breastfeed. When choosing good baby formulas, high-quality bottles, knowing the intricacies of sterilization and nutritional rules, the risks for an “artificial” baby will be minimal.

Pros of bottle feeding:

  • mom has more time to rest: the baby does not need to be fed on demand. It is important to observe the intervals: infant formula should not be given every hour - another;
  • dad can also feed the newborn. There is a closer contact of both parents with the baby;
  • other relatives can help with feeding, unloading a tired mom;
  • high-quality milk formulas are produced taking into account the needs of the baby, in sterile conditions. Subject to the rules of sterilization, careful care of plastic and glass utensils, the risk intestinal infections minimal;
  • a woman does not need to limit herself in nutrition, any food is allowed.

Required amount

The number of bottles for mixtures depends on the type of food that the newborn receives:

  • with natural feeding, two pieces are enough;
  • at artificial feeding 4-5 pieces will be needed per day.

Important! As your baby grows, purchase larger containers. Up to six months, dishes are enough, in which 80-140 ml of baby food is placed.


Manufacturers of goods for children offer bottles for feeding newborns from different materials, different sizes and volumes. When buying, it is very important to take into account the weight of the dishes, quality, brand, material of manufacture. Cheap dishes quickly become unusable, scratches and cracks appear on the walls. Choose children's tableware from well-known companies.



  • light, comfortable;
  • do not break when falling;
  • quality products do not crack;
  • simple care;
  • an older baby can easily hold a container of milk or juice without the help of a mother.


  • with low quality, they are quickly scratched, the appearance deteriorates;
  • cheap products sometimes contain harmful component– Bisphenol A;
  • not all processing methods are suitable for sterilizing inexpensive models.

Bottles made of modern material - tritan - appeared on sale. A special type of plastic is safe, non-toxic, well tolerated by operation. It is enough to boil the container before the first use, then you can rinse it, rinse well, then pour boiling water over it. Look for the word Tritan on the label. On the Russian market The well-known company Canpol Babies was the first to present products from a new generation of material.



  • easy care;
  • any type of sterilization is allowed;
  • high hygienic characteristics;
  • durable high quality glass rarely breaks.


  • heavy;
  • they fight, especially after buying containers of inexpensive brands.


Well-known companies producing quality bottles:

  • Dr. brown.
  • Tomme Tippee.
  • Canpol Babies.
  • Philips Avent.
  • Born Free.
  • World of childhood and others.

Important! Refuse to buy cheap plastic children's tableware made by little-known companies. Often, products contain a harmful component - Bisphenol A. When heated, toxic substances are released. At frequent use the baby's health suffers.

Pay attention to important features:

  • shape, volume, size. Newborns need lightweight traditional-shaped bottles with a volume of no more than 140 ml. For ease of processing, choose models with slightly concave or even walls. Narrow-mouth containers are versatile, but harder to clean. The wide mouth makes it easy to care for children's dishes, but for different models often requires its own nipple;
  • material and shape of the nipple. The little ones will need latex nipples. They are less durable (they last no more than 4-5 weeks), but softer. Silicone nipples are stronger, more reliable, last longer, but they are too tight for a newborn. Choose a pacifier that mimics the shape of a breast or an orthodontic look. Be sure to take into account the diameter of the hole that regulates the flow of the mixture: from birth - category 0+ (there is 1 hole), after 1 month a nipple of category 1+ (with two holes) is recommended;
  • material. Check out the advantages of glass and plastic bottles, buy one or two containers of each type, see which variety is more suitable for you and your baby. High-quality plastic is in many ways not inferior to glass, modern material tritan combines the advantages of both varieties. Required conditionhigh quality children's dishes, refusal to buy cheap containers of dubious origin;
  • the presence of a scale, the accuracy of the readings. Buy 1 bottle, check that the volume of 100 ml of boiled water matches the mark on the container. Sometimes mothers note a difference of 5-10%. With a volume of milk mixture of 100-140 ml, this indicator affects the degree of saturation of the baby;
  • anticolic system. Previously, mothers did not know how to reduce the amount of air that often enters the tiny ventricle during bottle feeding. Manufacturers partially solved the problem by creating containers with special system reducing the risk of swallowing air. An anti-colic baby bottle is more expensive, but the reduction in frequency, severity of colic, and regurgitation is well worth the money spent.

Overview and characteristics of popular brands

Overview popular brands and varieties - for mothers who do not know which bottles to buy for a newborn. Foreign and Russian brands are represented.


Characteristics of Avent bottles:

  • popular type of children's tableware Philips Avent Natural;
  • optimal ratio "price - quality";
  • material - durable plastic;
  • ergonomic shape, wide neck;
  • good anti-colic system;
  • bright markings, correspondence of divisions to the actual volume of the mixture;
  • safe, non-toxic material, there are certificates, dozens of tests have been carried out;
  • easy to find in children's store and pharmacy;
  • easy care;
  • the container is well combined with other products of the Avent brand: drinking bowl, breast pump, sterilizer;
  • reasonable price - from 350 rubles.

Note! Many mothers purchase sets of Avent bottles. Standard equipment: 2 bottles of quality plastic, nipples "slow" and "fast" flow. Tanks have different volume, serve up to six months.

Dr. Brown

Characteristics of Dr. Brown bottles:

  • a popular brand, many mothers consider Dr. Braun bottles to be the best among similar products;
  • US production;
  • excellent anti-colic system, patented ventilation system;
  • high quality products;
  • models made of glass and plastic are presented;
  • the shape of the nipple is similar to the mother's breast;
  • wide neck;
  • the kit comes with a special brush, without which it is difficult to thoroughly wash the ventilation system;
  • original design, pleasant colors: blue, pink;
  • the average price is 360 rubles.

Availability additional elements requires more care. It is more difficult to replace the elements of the anti-colic system.

Korovkin stories


  • popular product from a Russian manufacturer;
  • good quality;
  • acceptable cost;
  • material - non-toxic plastic;
  • narrow neck;
  • comfortable, tight cover;
  • no anti-colic system;
  • silicone nipple, has anti-vacuum inserts;
  • the product can be sterilized, including in a microwave oven;
  • pediatricians recommend using a container for supplementing with boiled water;
  • Estimated cost - 150 rubles.

Canpol Babies


  • material - tempered glass;
  • silicone nipple of the "slow flow" system;
  • inexpensive, high-quality goods;
  • volume - 120 ml;
  • pictures on the surface are not erased for a long time;
  • no anti-colic function;
  • not all mothers like a narrow neck;
  • can be sterilized, wash in the dishwasher;
  • Estimated price - 150 rubles.

find out effective methods treatment at home.

Read about how salmonellosis is transmitted and how to treat it.

Why and how to sterilize

The remains of the mixture are an ideal environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Gastrointestinal tract the newborn is sensitive to the action of any microbes. Only careful hygiene of children's dishes will save the baby from frequent intestinal infections.

Sterilization is the process of treating containers to destroy harmful microorganisms. There are several ways to sterilize baby bottles to keep baby dishes perfectly clean.

How to sterilize baby bottles? Try each method: you will quickly understand which option to stop at:

  • microwave. The method is suitable for processing all elements, including plastic containers and nipples;
  • double boiler. Suitable for sterilizing glass containers. It is strictly forbidden to place plastic in a double boiler;
  • sterilizer for bottles. The device has several varieties: steam, electric, microwave. Simple, convenient design, absolute sterility after processing children's dishes;
  • multicooker. Many more expensive models have this feature. There are two modes of sterilization: steam - for nipples, small items, water regime - for the tank;
  • antiseptic tablets. The pharmacy sells special tablets for the preparation of a disinfectant solution. A good way out in field conditions when it is impossible to use a microwave or a double boiler. A certain amount of Dissolve tablets in cold or warm water, soak baby dishes. After 40 minutes, thoroughly wash the containers with boiled water.

Most pediatricians recommend sterilizing bottles before 7-8 months, better, up to a year. By 12 months the immune system will get stronger, it will be possible to replace sterilization only by washing and rinsing with boiling water. Be patient, do not refuse sterilization ahead of time, and the baby will be less likely to suffer from intestinal infections.

How to bottle feed properly

  • sterilize glass or plastic containers;
  • pour the right amount of dry mixture, add warm boiled water(volume - according to the instructions), shake thoroughly until complete removal lumps;
  • put on the pacifier, check the temperature of the mixture by dropping a little liquid on the wrist;
  • put the baby on your knees. Make sure that the head and spine form one line;
  • make sure that the baby does not turn or throw back his head;
  • press the nipple to the tiny lips - the newborn will open his mouth. Check: the nipple is above the tongue, the lips are tightly closed near the base;
  • after the first sucking movements, bubbles appear in the container, the milk slowly “gurgles”, which means that the mixture is flowing normally;
  • look the baby in the eyes, approve the feeding with a smile, affectionate words. Let the baby feel your love, protection;
  • if the hole in the nipple is chosen correctly, the milk will flow out slowly, the baby will not swallow air;
  • did the baby suck too eagerly, drank half the liquid too quickly? Stop feeding, hold the baby in a column: air should come out of the tummy. Then again offer a container of food;
  • did the baby drink all the milk? Set the bottle aside. It is advisable to immediately soak the container in warm water so that the milk does not dry out. Carry the newborn in a column for 15-20 minutes. When the excess air comes out, the baby will burp, continue communication with the baby;
  • as soon as the child is asleep, thoroughly wash and dry the container.

You must opt ​​for bottle nipple models, as accurately as possible imitating the female breast. In addition, the product must meet all modern requirements safety of the child's health, be convenient in terms of repeated use and processing. In order to choose a nipple that provides a physiologically correct grip and sucking technique for an infant, it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics.

Bottle nipples: types and characteristics

By shape bottle nipple should mimic the female breast as accurately as possible. The optimal nipple is wide and soft. In the process of sucking, the baby takes it with a "wide grip, while easily turning it outward lower lip. It is very important that during the entire period of use of the pacifier its shape remains original. The use of deformed nipples, as well as those that tend to stick together during feeding, is unacceptable, since this inevitably violates correct technique sucking.

Resistance to deformation is ensured by the presence of special stiffening ribs, which can be seen if you look at the nipple from the inside. In order to prevent sticking due to the vacuum that occurs during the sucking process, the developers of modern nipples have provided for the presence of a special valve apparatus - an “anti-vacuum skirt”, which allows sucking a small amount of air into the bottle as it empties. Having a "vacuum skirt" is very important as it helps reduce the chances of your baby swallowing air, spitting up and colic.

According to the intensity of the liquid flow good nipple for a bottle should allow sucking with the same intensity as when breastfeeding. This aspect is very important, because if the liquid flows out of the bottle at high speed, the stomach fills up too quickly, its walls stretch, which causes pain and anxiety of the crumbs, regurgitation. And if the baby is breastfed, the ease of sucking from a bottle can lead to rejection of the breast.

At the same time, a nipple that is too tight is also not suitable, since the child will be too tired during feeding and will not be able to assimilate the amount of food he is supposed to. Similar situation especially undesirable for children weakened due to prematurity, low weight at birth, hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during childbirth, diseases of the heart, lungs, etc. Especially in order to regulate the rate of fluid outflow, nipples with clear parameters (diameter of holes and their number) are produced, taking into account the age of the child.

For the formation of holes, high-precision equipment is currently used, including a laser. But it is not recommended to pierce holes on your own and expand them in the nipple. First, the diameter of the hole made by improvised means, as a rule, is too wide in order to ensure the physiological nature of the sucking process. Secondly, the edges and walls of such a puncture may have microscopic irregularities in which food particles will settle and bacteria will multiply.

Choosing a pacifier based on the age of the child

For newborns in the first 3 months of life, use single hole nipples. This will help bring the stress expended by the baby as close as possible to that arising from breastfeeding, and protect the child from too quick entry fluids into the stomach and swallowing air.

At the age of 2-3 months. the baby can be offered a nipple with two, and after 3 months - with three holes. For babies from 3-4 months it is convenient to use a nipple with the ability to change the flow rate, which is ensured by the special shape of the hole. By turning the nipple in relation to the baby's nose, they are guided by specially applied risks (I, II, III). In this case, the flow rate of the liquid will change from slow to faster. Such a model is suitable, if necessary, to give the baby a thicker liquid than a mixture - for example, porridge or juice with pulp.

To be effective, starting from 6 months, you can switch to nipples with four holes. The material from which the nipple is made must ensure the functionality of the nipple, and in addition, be durable, easy to handle and safe for the crumbs. These requirements are fully met by silicone, which is currently most often used for the production of nipples.

Another material traditionally used to make nipples is latex. Its advantage is high elasticity and softness. However, latex is short-lived, cracks often form on it over time, latex nipples quickly "break in" and lose their shape. Also, although rare, latex can cause allergic reactions.

Choosing a baby bottle

The material used for the manufacture of bottles must be inert to the action of detergents, heat-resistant, and safe for the child. The choice is to be made between glass and polycarbonate plastic. In general, glass is a material that is more inert to chemical and thermal influences. Therefore, in the recent past, the use of plastic was limited due to the impossibility of sterilizing it at high temperature.

However, at present plastic bottles for feeding are easily sterilized at 120 degrees, they are safe when used in a microwave oven. Since glass is a fairly fragile material, and also heavier than plastic, it is used less and less. There are also bottles made entirely of pharmaceutical grade silicone.

Such pharmaceutical grade silicone bottles are called "anatomical", which emphasizes their maximum compliance with the needs of the child. According to the manufacturers, silicone allows you to reproduce not only certain form, imitating the chest, but also tactile sensations, close to those during breastfeeding, as well as protection from swallowing air and the development of the articular and chewing apparatus of the infant.

Feeding bottle shape

Bottle shape designed to provide, above all, the comfort of their use. The advantage is the presence of a wide neck, into which it is easy to pour the liquid and through which the bottle can be thoroughly rinsed. It is necessary to pay attention that the model is stable when filled, in addition, it should be comfortable to hold in your hand. To do this, many manufacturers produce bottles with a narrowed middle part.

There are also curved baby bottles, which is typical for anti-colic models. Thanks to the curvature of the nipple, the nipple is always filled with liquid, which prevents the baby from swallowing air. In addition, such a bottle must be equipped with an anti-colic nipple or have a membrane with a valve for sucking air into the bottle. The size of the product should not be less than a single amount of food crumbs.

Containers up to 200 ml. used in the first months after birth. It may seem appropriate for some to immediately purchase large bottles (200 ml or more). The marking must be legible and made with abrasion and temperature resistant paint. The possibility of using it as a set with a breast pump and as a container for storing milk makes the bottle a multifunctional item that saves time for a young mother and space in cabinets.

Sterilization of teats and bottles

For security reasons children's bottles and nipples should be subjected to timely processing and sterilization. They should be washed immediately after eating with warm running water, special detergents and "buff". Thorough rinsing prevents detergent crumbs from getting into the food.

Sterilization is conveniently carried out in special sterilizers. Naturally, the device must be compatible with the type of bottles used (this must be taken into account when purchasing it). This procedure can also be carried out by boiling for 10 minutes. There are special teat and buta sterilizers trays for use in microwave ovens. They are a container into which water is poured to a certain level-mark and sterilized at maximum power for 3-5 minutes.

To avoid microbial contamination of bottles and nipples, it is recommended to sterilize them before one year old. It is convenient to dry and store clean children's dishes on trays or in compact dryers specially designed for this purpose. When using glass bottles, it is advisable to purchase a special protective sleeve that protects the glass from mechanical damage and breaking. When chips, scratches and cracks appear baby bottles and nipples must be replaced with new ones.

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