What week of pregnancy you want to eat. Increased appetite during pregnancy. What if you are constantly hungry? Correct weight gain during pregnancy

The main reason for hunger during gestation is the restructuring of hormonal processes in the woman's body, the acceleration of metabolism. The phenomenon also has a psychological background: pregnancy is a period when everything is allowed. If earlier the lady strictly followed the figure and counted calories, now she lets herself go, follows her desires and emotions.

The feeling of hunger during pregnancy is caused by psychological and physiological reasons

  • First trimester

During this period, the child does not yet require an increase in the amount of food consumed, but constant hunger and overeating are associated with psychological state mother. This is self-hypnosis or an attempt to seize stress.

You need to fight this condition: the habit of eating a lot will lead to weight gain, endocrine problems and hypertension. Avoid seizing problems will help calm atmosphere in the family, walking on the street, hobbies.

In the first 3 months, you need to eat a little, but often, 5-6 times a day. Include in the diet foods rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits, do not forget to take vitamins. To avoid weight gain, monitor the calorie content and naturalness of food.

  • Second trimester

This is the most comfortable period for the expectant mother. The abdomen is still small, toxicosis no longer bothers, there is no discomfort. The constant feeling of hunger during pregnancy at this stage is explained active development fetus, the formation of its organs and systems.

Continue to eat small but frequent meals. Be sure to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Avoid fatty, spicy and salty foods, lean on fruit and vegetable dishes: they are good for both you and your baby.

During this period, night hunger appears. It is dangerous for a woman: overeating at night, you make your stomach work, which does not allow you to fully rest and worsens general state... In order not to run to the refrigerator, leave a carrot and an apple by the bed, a glass of milk or water. These foods can help you feel full while minimizing the stress on your stomach.

  • Third trimester

At this stage, the feeling of hunger becomes a constant companion of the pregnant woman. It is important to keep it under control, otherwise excess weight will appear in both the woman and the child, which will lead to complications during childbirth. It is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of consuming foods containing calcium.

Doctors consider it normal if a woman gains no more than 16 kg in nine months of pregnancy. This figure indicates that you did not become a victim of hunger and adhered to healthy diet... Weight will be lost in the first months after the baby is born.

The first days of pregnancy were different for each woman. But, interestingly, each in detail remembers how the early stage of her interesting situation.

When Mom Doesn't Know Yet ...

When we talk about the very first weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, we are talking about the time when the expectant mother still does not even suspect that what was born inside her new life... During this period, the body begins to give the very first signs, as hormonal changes begin. Although it also happens that the sensations that many experience, some do not manifest at all.

For example, a pregnant woman's temperature may suddenly rise sharply - after a couple of hours, it also unexpectedly normalizes for a woman. Or at some point, her lower back starts to ache or her stomach hurts - these are the first sensations that they cannot yet convey to the pregnant woman important news for her.

It is believed that in the first days of pregnancy, the body itself partly understands that it develops in the uterus fetal egg, but this information has not yet reached the brain. Therefore, he is lost in conjectures, not knowing how to react to the changes that are taking place. At the same time, most women admit that on early dates pregnancy, almost everyone suddenly comes up with the thought: "Am I pregnant?", although there seemed to be no reason for this. If you realized that you are expecting a baby, closer to 12 weeks, then you already had to experience a variety of sensations.

Avoid Overwork

So how on different dates is pregnancy manifested and what are the feelings of a woman? First of all, there is a familiar feeling of overwork. A pregnant woman (if she is not yet aware of what happened) thinks that she is getting sick, because her body aches like before the onset of a cold, she constantly wants to sleep. But no matter how much time a woman spends in a dream, she begins to "nod off" within a few hours after waking up, without having time to do important matters or work.

It turns out that by sending such sensations to a woman, a smart body accumulates strength for the upcoming changes and enables a woman to recover if she was exhausted mentally or physically. Almost every pregnant woman says that at such moments it was simply not possible to fight sleep - as if someone pressed an invisible button so that it would instantly turn off.

Doctors explain: this happens during pregnancy because the body turns on the energy-saving mode, when overloads are unacceptable. So every time a woman tries to do something tedious or "overwork", the body immediately stops her, as if teaching the fair sex to set priorities right now.

Don't eat clay

How else does the early stage of an interesting situation manifest itself? Of course, a pregnant woman in most cases does not want to eat, or, on the contrary, she is constantly overcome by hunger. It all depends on the state of the body, lifestyle and physique.

It is believed that skinny girls at this time, they begin to lean on buns, because they are drawn to them. Thus, the body is in a hurry to stock up on the fat it needs, which will also serve as protection for mom and baby. Women in the "body" can become selective in their diet, and after childbirth they often become much slimmer than they were.

In general, the relationship with food in pregnant women becomes difficult immediately - this is how pregnancy manifests itself in almost everyone. Someone, suffering from toxicosis, already in the early stages cannot see raw meat or nuts and eats only canned corn... There are also those who pretend to love pickles. Of course, there are lucky women who do not know what morning sickness, and they can eat absolutely any food without problems, but there are very few of them.

After the 12th week, the situation returns to normal, but keep in mind that the very course of pregnancy suggests odd eating behavior throughout the entire 9 months. For example, vomiting, which appeared in a woman from the moment of conception, can pursue her until the birth of a baby.

Such a manifestation of an interesting situation can and should be fought. To get rid of the discomfort that occurs in the morning, you need to eat a small piece of cookies, even before you get out of bed. Also, avoid stuffy and smoky rooms - otherwise, you are guaranteed to faint.

This stage of pregnancy is also characterized by the fact that you may be drawn to inedible "products" (chalk, earth, clay). It is believed that in such a non-standard way, the body tells you what elements are missing in your diet. Also, by the way, it comes in when it sends you a signal to eat a food item that you are not used to.

Consult your doctor - perhaps, after a series of tests, he will prescribe you a course of vitamins. Try not to eat what you really want - after all, these "products" can lead to poisoning or infection in the body, which is dangerous in your condition.

Body and Mood: Change Is Coming

The course of pregnancy is definitely on early stage It has whole line features. In addition to all of the above, a woman may also feel the desire to empty more often bladder... This is due to the fact that the uterus grows from the very first day of pregnancy - thus, even during this period, it can put a little pressure on its "neighbor" who is responsible for urination.

Due to the extensive hormonal changes emotions will replace one another with incredible speeds. Therefore, do not be surprised that you will be annoyed even by the little things or suddenly want to cry. Try not to shout at loved ones, as much as you would like it - remember that pregnancy manifests itself in this way, and in a couple of minutes you will be ashamed of your act. Over time, these emotional outbursts will be smoothed out, but be prepared for the fact that you will cry with emotion at the sight of babies (even in advertising) for all 9 months.

The early stage of an interesting situation can also manifest itself in physiological level... First of all, a woman's periods stop. At the very beginning of pregnancy appear discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands, because they are the first to prepare for childbirth. The breasts may swell and hurt, and the nipples may become sensitive to even the slightest touch. Sometimes even wearing a bra can cause discomfort.

After all, the expectant mother eats not only for herself, but also for her baby. Therefore, food should be tasty, healthy, varied, properly prepared and hypoallergenic. It is especially important to control nutrition in difficult period waiting for the baby, which is accompanied by "hungry attacks".

As you know, some women during pregnancy are faced with bouts of "wolf" hunger. At such moments, they are so hungry that they are ready to "sweep away" everything that is at hand. The severity of these seizures is, of course, highly individual. Someone just starts to eat a little more often, but there are also women who are afraid to step out of the house without a snack box. What if hunger overtakes them on a walk or in line at the antenatal clinic.
Hunger attacks are usually observed in the middle of pregnancy. Has died down already early toxicosis with constant nausea, and the body tries to compensate for the period of a forced hunger strike. And so the expectant mother eats and eats. But after all, it is so short and extra weight to gain that it is fraught not feeling well in the mother and oxygen deficiency in the baby. To prevent this from happening, consider healthy snacks - homemade and those that you can grab with you when you go on business. In this case, "the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe." That is, the weight is normal, and the mother is full and happy.

Healthy snacks

Among the snacks that can be hastily cook at home, a lot of delicious and healthy dishes... Their choice depends only on your taste preferences... Here are some options for hearty and healthy snacks that you can customize.

Raspberry jelly. It perfectly "interrupts" the appetite, allows you to indulge in sweets, but at the same time it is low in calories. In addition, gelatin is very beneficial for the bones of the unborn baby.

Berry yogurt. Berries give the child vitamins, and regular use yogurt allows you to normalize the intestinal flora and prevent constipation - very frequent occurrence in pregnant women.

Turkey sandwich. Lettuce leaves are a storehouse of vitamins, turkey is a low-fat and hypoallergenic source of protein, bran bread is the normalization of mom's digestion. What else do you need for a healthy snack?

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Fish sandwich. Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, broccoli) in this sandwich are rich in vitamins and microelements, and thanks to fiber they stimulate intestinal motility in the expectant mother. Salmon is rich in fatty acids necessary for normal development nervous system of the fetus.

Steam omelet. The dish gives a feeling of fullness, pacifies hunger and supplies protein - construction material all cells of the fetus.

Light salad... Any vegetables for a vitamin charge, and boiled chicken or tuna for satiety. And now a wonderful, but low-fat and low-calorie weapon against attacks of hunger is ready!

Syrniki. Oven-baked cheesecakes are a source of protein, moreover, they do not load gall bladder and liver like their fried cousins.

You can take with you for a walk

Berries, fruits and vegetables. Fruits and berries: wash and dry thoroughly. The berries can be folded whole in the tray, and the fruits can be cut into several pieces. In the tray, your snack will not be remembered and will help you out if an attack of hunger catches on a walk or in line at the antenatal clinic.

Vegetables... Raw seasonal vegetables are the best snack. The easiest way is to take with you those products that do not wrinkle, do not burst, and do not give a lot of juice. Ideal companions to fight hunger - fresh cucumbers and carrots. They are nutritious, healthy and contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. Isn't that what the baby expects most of all from his mother's meal?

Sandwiches... When going for a walk, bring a light sandwich with you. After all, it is more pleasant and healthier to eat at fresh air... Moreover, the appetite is sure to play out! Remember that such a dish can be stored in your purse for no more than an hour (unless you own a thermal package or a special refrigerator bag).

Yogurt... Drinking yoghurt can stay fresh for 2-3 hours outside the refrigerator. Wrap it in newspaper before you walk - this will slow down the process of heating it in your bag in the summer heat.

Flakes... If you want to satisfy your hunger on a walk, bring a handful of cornflakes with you - you can chew on them with juice. And tasty, and healthy, and not high in calories.

Dried fruits... You can rinse and dry dried fruits in advance and put them in a hiking tray. They are great at satisfying hunger. However, remember, they are very high in calories, so you should not overuse them.

Hearty snacks. If you want to have a good meal, take with you a hard-boiled egg or baked "jacket" potatoes.

Banned products

  • Coffee, strong tea and alcohol - they excite nervous system fetus and can lead to the formation of congenital anomalies.
  • Pickles - put stress on the kidneys and can provoke edema or intensify existing ones. Therefore, you should forget about pickles, especially in the second half of pregnancy.
  • Persons non grata also: smoked sausage and fish, hot spices, marinades and fatty sauces.
  • You can not snack on fast food, chips, chocolates and soda.
  • Be careful with strawberries, citrus fruits, nuts, seafood - they are severe allergens and can provoke negative reactions.

It's no secret that pregnancy is the most difficult and absolutely individual period in the life of any woman. It is full of all sorts of difficulties that cannot be predicted, but the expectant mother should be ready for them.

Correctly accepting them and learning how to cope with them are the main tasks of a woman that must be performed for her further comfortable life. Among them Special attention attracts a special appetite of women, which can really surprise outside observers.

Strange taste decisions are not the most a big problem... The real challenge can be constant feeling hunger that a pregnant woman may experience from the earliest possible date.

If some mothers complain about the headache and, then many others claim that they constantly want to eat during pregnancy. Oddly enough, but this is quite an ordinary problem for expectant mothers, which often causes great discomfort and interferes with a full life.

What if you cannot sleep at night because of hunger and run to the refrigerator every hour? But what if in the early stages of pregnancy you are still working, and the constant desire to eat prevents you from concentrating on your business?

Initially, this difficulty is associated with the fact that now a woman has to eat for two in the truest sense of this expression. During pregnancy, the speed of all metabolic processes increases, which means that the assimilation of the consumed food is faster. This is one of the reasons feeling hunger every two hours, and sometimes even more often.

It should also be noted that during the period of bearing a child, a woman needs everything possible. That is why often the expectant mother may want to eat rather strange combinations of foods that ordinary life hardly any of us will try.

When the body lacks certain substances, it immediately sends a signal to the brain that it is necessary to replenish their supply. Accordingly, there is an impulse-desire to eat this or that product, which will contain enough missing minerals or vitamins. Therefore, the desire to eat many different foods can be explained by the lack of certain nutrients, which are necessary for the normal development of the child and mother.

In a situation where you constantly want to eat during pregnancy, an important role is played and psychological factor mom. If in their ordinary life, many women monitor their diet, competently make up their diet, do not allow themselves to eat excess harmful products then during pregnancy they forget about everything and become "machines" for the consumption of whatever food they may want. Often this becomes the reason that the expectant mother listens to the urges of her body and does not eat the most healthy foods in unlimited quantities. There are also situations when women lose control of themselves, which leads them to certain time in hospital.


One of important milestones pregnancy is a compilation that will help expectant mother control yourself and your playing out appetite.

First of all, it is important to consume neutral foods that will not be too sour or sweet (can cause a jump in the amount of certain substances, which can be reflected in developing child). Jams, buns, preserves, cakes - all of them will not be able to help you to calm down the feeling of hunger properly, but they will remain in your body in the form of additional fat deposits or a jump in blood sugar levels.

It will be much healthier and more correct to eat a piece of meat or poultry, vegetable salad or fruit that will give you extra nutrients and create a feeling of satiety.

Moreover, simple carbohydrates from flour and sweet foods are digested much faster than carbohydrates from plant products, therefore, when using the second, you will feel hunger again much later.

If you are constantly hungry during pregnancy, then you should try to increase the consumption, both of animal and plant origin:

All these products are absolutely irreplaceable, as they play the role of "builders" in developing organism baby, because soft tissue the child (muscles, tendons, ligaments) are formed and developed with the participation of protein. In addition to the above products, the expectant mother needs to eat meat dishes.

Regularity of food intake

Also, for the diet, it is important not only its internal content, but also the regularity of food consumption. If you accustom yourself to constantly go to the refrigerator and have a snack, albeit a little, then the body easily gets used to the constant intake of food and begins to demand it itself. It would be much more correct to make a rule for yourself, according to which a meal is taken no earlier than two or three hours after the previous one. This will allow you not to over-overeat, but at the same time to satisfy. This schedule can be daunting at first, but your body will soon adapt to its conditions.

In addition to such drastic measures as following the diet, you can also use little tricks, which sometimes help to significantly simplify the solution to the problem that has arisen when you constantly want to eat during pregnancy. For example, to avoid getting hungry at night, you should drink or eat before bed. a small amount of something nutritious. If you really want to eat a bun, then you should replace it with whole grain bread. It is rich in fiber, which is slowly absorbed and will keep you feeling full for a long time.

In this video you will learn more about proper nutrition during pregnancy:

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While expecting a baby, many women experience changes in their bodies and, in particular, in a change in appetite. Appetite in early pregnancy either disappears altogether, or comes with some oddities inherent only in pregnant women. These can be addictions to certain foods or to combinations of foods that are striking in their originality. So, first you want fresh strawberries in the middle of winter and certainly at night, at other times you want vanilla ice cream with pickled cucumber.
It is not uncommon for a strong aversion to any specific product... Most often it is a fish, meat products, cottage cheese. Moreover, you used to enjoy this type of food, but now you cannot even look at it. This is a normal situation in the early stages, and you just need to endure " unpleasant moments"Which usually disappear after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
However, despite the rejection of food in some women in position, in others the appetite flares up so that you want to eat all new food throughout the day. Doctors usually explain this manifestation of an enviable appetite by the growth and development of the fetus. Increased appetite in the early stages of pregnancy - not a whim at all, but a natural reaction of your body to hormonal disbalance, on which the increase in consumed food and its variety depends. Women expecting a baby seem to intuitively feel what kind of food they need, in what quantity and how often. However, this is not always the case. the right food and one should keep special diet for pregnant women, excluding fast food, some semi-finished products and foods stuffed with chemical additives. If you have an increased appetite and prefer unusual combinations products, then you can try to compose your individual diet, taking into account personal taste preferences.
It is important that a woman's desire to eat a product is a signal of a lack of vital important elements... If, for example, you have a calcium deficiency, then you try to compensate for it by consuming an excessive amount of milk and fermented milk products, and if there is not enough sodium, then your main food will be foods such as cheese, celery, carrots, seaweed... Lack of iron in the body will be expressed in the consumption of apples, pomegranates, chalk. I would also like to note that most of all pregnant women suffer from anemia, which is precisely what is characterized by poor performance iron (hemoglobin). If you have anemia, it is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, in addition to iron-containing products, to take special medications prescribed by your gynecologist, and it is better to start taking medications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Eating too much sweets while waiting for a baby can significantly improve mood, but you should know that this can gradually lead to a drop or rise in blood sugar levels and, in the future, development diabetes mellitus and obesity. Therefore, you need to reasonably approach food consumption, take into account nutritional properties of each ingredient and do not forget about additional vitamins.