The phrase at 40, life is just beginning. Success in business is very sexy! Examples from the life of famous people

Polls of women 40-50 years old show that famous phrase"Life is just beginning at 40" real situation cases does not correspond to almost 100%. Getting married at this age for Europeans is a huge problem.

At 40, life is just beginning - is it true?

Polls of women 40-50 years old show that the famous phrase "At 40 years old, life is just beginning" does not correspond to the real state of affairs almost 100%. Getting married at this age for Europeans is a huge problem.

This problem was very vividly described by a certain Englishwoman under the speaking nickname Plancton in her LiveJournal: “I'm 48, and I'm just some kind of unnoticed plankton in a sea of ​​sexual and love relationship... The hopes that I will find a man for Serious relationships and even more so to create a family, I do not have. The experience of dating in real life and on the Internet showed me - you can put an end to the search for love, I am no longer considered by men as “ suitable option". Because I'm not 20, because I have children, because I have an established character, and I want not only to give, but also to receive love and responsibility from a man. "

Opinion polls show that the author of the blog does not dramatize the situation, but rather realistically estimates his chances for a "second" love. " According to polls, 8 out of 10 European women at the age of 40 considers himself “invisible for men”. 7 out of 10 say they “have stopped following fashion, have lost their sexual identity and have come to terms with the label“ I’m just a mother ”.

WITHsociologists emphasize that women lose hope of building new relationships after persistent search for a partner and in real life, and on dating sites. By the way, today in Europe dating on websites has almost supplanted dating at a party, at work, etc.In polls, women admit: “As soon as you get a divorce, you become an unwanted guest at married girlfriends... Everyone wants to see only couples at their parties. "

Meanwhile, divorce peaks in Europe at 41 for women and 43 for men.... And if for divorced men life after a divorce is really "just beginning", then for divorced women with children there is only social role"Mothers and housewives". Therefore, having lost hope of meeting a life partner in real life, women go to dating sites. And there they will be hugely disappointed.

Men 40-50 years old are looking for firstly, acquaintances with 20-30-year-olds childless women and secondly, they are looking for mostly "quick and one-time dating", say sociologists, whose research leads The Guardian.

After searching for a man on dating sites, women in their 40s and 50s feel the dead end even more sharply.: “My personal life is over. I am not of any interest to male peers ”,“ I, in my 45, are only interested in men much older. I would like to start a family with a peer. But I simply do not exist for them. " Divorced women describe their situation as follows: “I am very lonely, I have completely lost touch with the world, I am useless and uninteresting.” At the same time, according to the forecasts of sociologists, the number of single mothers in Europe is growing rapidly: in England alone by 2020 there will be 2 million of them.

A woman under the name Plancton writes in her LiveJournal: “Physically, I can live up to ninety .... but as a woman I have already died. I feel in the desert ... I know that I can give love and support, but ... there is definitely no one. "

Sociologists say that today a new demographic group has emerged - the “invisible group,” as they called it, are women after divorce, with one or two children, aged 40-50, who have resigned themselves to the role of “only mother”, but it is extremely difficult experiencing their lack of demand "in the market for sexual and matrimonial relations." At the same time, it is noted that among young men there has been a tendency to seek acquaintance with a woman much - 15 years or more - older than themselves. However, this is still only a barely outlined trend.published by

In this article, we will talk about why it is so necessary to engage in self-development for people after 40 years. What is a midlife crisis, why is it coming and how to deal with it. People who have changed their lives after 40 years, acquire a second youth, begin to live with full breasts.

Many people over the age of 40 or older become depressed. The reason for this is social stereotypes that a person can be beautiful only in his youth. Many firms accept employees under 30-35 years old. The crisis at this age is aggravated by the fact that a person begins to try on old age, worry about how he will look. It is at this age that many of their parents leave their lives. It reminds me of old age and makes me think that I'm next.

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Many people believe that after 40 years it is too late to change something. Are embarrassed to go to courses, study new profession are afraid of condemnation. They come up with stereotypes for themselves, how a person should behave after 40, what should be achieved, how to look, etc. Many are afraid of retirement, do not understand how they will survive if they are left without work. Against the background of these experiences and worries, human health deteriorates.

The main questions of the midlife crisis are: “What have I achieved? What else can I do? Am I living right? Why did I come to this world? Why do I live? What will I leave behind? What's next for me? What needs and can be changed?

Olga Khukhlaeva

Is it possible to change life after 40 years and how to get out of the crisis of adulthood?

To get out of the crisis, it is necessary to analyze the past years and realize their value. The value is not of personal achievement, but the importance of everyone life situations and the circumstances through which it was destined to go. Thinking about his past, about the experience he has experienced, a person thinks about the meaning of life, about the values ​​and priorities that he set. This leads to a rethinking and reassessment of values, or vice versa, confirms that everything was done correctly.

The revaluation of values ​​pushes a person towards changes and changes in life. It is wonderful. The main thing is that a person does not have a fear of changing his life after 40 years. Not only the internal needs of a person, but also external circumstances can push to change. For example, during this period already adult children leave the family and grandchildren are born. A person should find positive in this. Care of children in adult life- this is not a reason to get depressed, but an opportunity to devote more time to yourself and your loved one. Go on a trip or change your field of activity. You can find yourself interesting hobby... Some people devote their lives to grandchildren and feel happy again to see a small copy of your child grow. In many countries, families give birth to their own children after 40 years. Why not. There is no need to be afraid of this, you will feel like young parents again.

At this age, you need to look positively at any changes. This is the age when there is enough strength, intelligence and experience to start any new business.

In addition to gratitude and acceptance of your past, you need to evaluate your present. If you find it difficult, you have a depressed mood and do not want anything, then write on a piece of paper everything that brings you joy. Write down everything you are proud and happy about. It will help you keep positive attitude.

At 40, everything is just beginning

People who have changed their lives radically after 40 years usually communicate a lot with young people. They share their experiences, ideas and attitude to life, and young people use their example to remind how to break away, enjoy life and not be afraid of change. This multi-age relationship is of immense benefit to both parties.

It is the midlife crisis that becomes a certain stage of a person's development, enriches him and is an impetus for self-development after 40. This is a period of maturity when a person has not just accumulated enough life experience, but also ripe enough to realize it and understand the meaning of its existence.

All people are going through this crisis. But it proceeds differently for everyone. Some pass it quite successfully and painlessly. This happens if a person understands how to live and where to move on.

People who have changed their lives after 40 years are open to changes, reveal all their hidden potential and resources. Indeed, in the first half of life, all the energy is spent on creating a family, studying and a career, and after 40 years there is time to think about yourself, about your true desires and needs.

During this period, a person should focus on his the inner world, engage in self-development. Self-development after 40 years will give you the opportunity to become wiser, show your creativity, and not fall into despair and depression.

How to discover new opportunities?

The soul of a person in the second half of his life changes profoundly, surprisingly. But, unfortunately, most of the smart and educated people live, unaware of the possibility of these changes. And therefore, they enter the second half of life unprepared

Failure to understand these possibilities leads to the fact that a person begins to resist his age, concentrates on shortcomings and breaks down on others. It is during this period that most often occur family conflicts, families fall apart, health deteriorates and professional productivity falls. But everything should be the other way around.

How can you help a person survive the crisis for 40 years? It is necessary to convey to the person what he has emotional problems, which are the cause of discord in the family and at work, conflicts with friends. These problems can be solved only through self-improvement and active work above oneself.

Since the crisis manifests itself in depression, lack of joy and fear of the future, it is necessary first of all to help a person see the sources of joy in his life and convey that happiness is a state of mind. It cannot be found somewhere outside, happiness is a person's attitude to life. It is not determined by success, money, satisfaction of all desires.

To understand this, a person needs to keep a gratitude journal. In it you need to write down every day everything for which he is grateful to today: wonderful weather, health, housing, food, beauty, peace, etc.

Let's look at some examples of stories real people who changed their lives after 40.

How did they do it and what exactly did they do?

Julia Child is the woman who first tasted French cuisine at the age of 36. She was so impressed with her that she took a chef course and studied French food until she was 51. She became world famous when she wrote the book "Mastering the Art of French Cuisine". The amazing film "Julie and Julia: Preparing Happiness by Prescription" was made about her.

Heidemarie Schwermer is known all over the world. She decided to put an experiment on whether it is possible to live life without money whole year... She distributed her property and in exchange for food washed the windows for people, did the cleaning, and walked the dogs. She felt such freedom that she continued her experiment. She lived like this for 17 years, now she conducts consultations and lectures on life without material values, since she is a psychotherapist by profession.

Richelle Jones lived her son all her life, but when he grew up and moved to another city, she began to look for some meaning in life. Eventually, she enrolled in photography and web design courses and began posting photos of her pastries on the site. Now she has opened her own pastry shop.

Sania Sagitova from Ufa, after retiring at 55, decided that she wanted to travel. At 69, she has already hitchhiked 40 countries. She herself received a driver's license to help drivers on the road.

Mark Manson is an American blogging writer. He asked his subscribers to share their experience of how they changed their lives after 40. In the course of such an experiment, he collected advice from all people. It turned out to be a kind of sample of collective wisdom.

  1. Start taking care of your health, go to proper nutrition, exercise. As the famous nutritionist Larisa Butkova said:
    “Unfortunately, most people live in full accordance with folk wisdom: a person remembers health when he falls ill, and begins to value it when he loses it. Therefore, there can be only one advice here: do not put off the "right habits" until tomorrow and do not look for excuses for yourself. It depends only on you whether your old age will be active or decrepit, and whether it will come at all ”.
  2. Get rid of exhausting relationships. Don't waste your life with people who treat you badly.
  3. Spend as much time as possible with your family and have children. It gives joy and prolongs youth.
  4. Do not be afraid to start all over again, go to study and change the field of activity. To get rid of the prejudice that it is too late to study at 40 years old. It's never too late to learn. It is better to do something and regret than to regret for the rest of your life that you did not dare to do something.
  5. Engage in self-development. A person who is closed to everything new begins to degrade and becomes uninteresting either to himself or to those around him. You need to know yourself, reveal your inner potential, be determined with true goals and desires.
  6. Loving yourself means taking care of yourself, doing something nice for yourself every day. Loving yourself means accepting yourself as you are, not getting hung up on the opinions of others and living your own full life... Listen to your to the inner voice and fulfill your wildest desires and dreams.

When I was 20, I thought that the phrase “ at forty, life has just begun"Was invented to comfort the decrepit half of humanity, to sweeten the bitter pill of aging and somehow brighten up the boring expectation of the end.

But now I am forty-one years old, and I still do not understand that the fifth decade is here, with me and now. You can't hide gray hair in a selfie, but in my heart I'm still the same, twenty years old, and I know for sure that life does not end at 40.

I did a lot of things, did not have time even more, more often in the morning I feel that the liver exists, I have become rough in my soul, but I cannot get rid of the feeling that I was at the crossroads of a thousand roads, and my head is spinning from the opportunity to choose any of them.

This is comparable to the excitement that you experience just before the start, when the school is already behind, and the future does not exist yet. Then you go to college, master a profession, earn prestige and money, experience the first bitter disappointments, but remain the same.

As a rule, until the age of forty, you walk in someone's fairway. Without even realizing it, you follow the flagship on the horizon. But now you're forty, and the horizon is clear. This is the very moment - life is just beginning.

Life after 40 years

Life is just beginning at 40, and in no case should it be allowed not to start. In no case should you make the mistake that almost everyone does. You can't just keep on living.

At twenty you are ready for achievements, but you are afraid of many things, and at 40 you have experience and opportunities. We'll show you how to accept your age and take advantage of it on the path to your new life.

  1. Start to change everything - now is the time
    Those who have reached their fortieth birthday often say the phrase: “ It's too late, nothing can be changed". But is it true? If you analyze the activities of tens of thousands of people, you will find that until the age of forty, few of them have achieved impressive success.

    A great many examples serve as confirmation of these words. Henry Ford, for example, at the age of 40, invented the Ford Motor Company, which still operates today. And he designed the Ford Model T at 45.

    Jean Reno got his starring role in the film "Leon" at only 46 years old, and Christian Dior was able to achieve success only at 42 years old.

  2. Stop trying to live up to expectations
    Stop even trying to live up to anyone's expectations. One of the greatest freedoms is not to worry about what everyone else thinks of you.

    Be yourself, accept all your “want”, “can” and “know”, learn to filter any information received by you, and your life will definitely sparkle with other, brighter colors.

    Judy Garland once said: "Always be the original version of yourself, not a copy of someone else."... Live by this advice.

  3. Accept yourself as you are
    Learn the magic formula for happiness: either they love you as you are, or they will never love you, under any circumstances. Life time is too short to wait for the awakening of the indifferent.

  4. Have a hundred friends
    The situation with friends after 40 changes quite a lot. Many friendships that seemed eternal in youth fall apart. But new friendships arise, based on the commonality of beliefs, interests and experience of past years. They have much less emotion than in their youth, but this is precisely what makes them stronger.

  5. Don't chase youth - you won't catch up
    Do not try to "young" and deny your age. Agree, 35-year-old Veronica Castro in the once popular TV series " Wild Rose"Looks monstrous in the role of a young girl. Age is not a vice. You shouldn't be ashamed of being over 40.

    Stop comparing yourself to the younger ones and being jealous of them. Do not contrast youth and maturity. Think about what you can do now, not about what you haven't done.

  6. Get rid of negativity and those who create it
    Don't go away from negative people run from them! At 40, there is already too little time to spend it on people who suck the happiness out of you.
  7. Analyze relationships with children
    What do you know about a child's life? Does he (she) trust you with all his secrets and fears? Or, in pursuit of a career, you broke the thread connecting you with a loved one? At 40, it's not too late to become a good parent.

  8. Maintain a positive attitude and smile often.
    Then no one will care about your age. Many actresses admit that one of the secrets of their beauty is not plastic surgery rather self-love and positive emotions.
  9. Say yes to your years
    Kim Cattrall once said: “My 40s flew by quickly and painlessly. Because I accepted them and told them: “Come in!” ”.

    And this good example to follow. Just say yes to your years and start living full life, because nobody can take away the youth of your soul. No one, except yourself, can make you stop thinking, wondering, opening up to new things, loving and being happy.

Change the fifth dozen- not a problem. The problem is your thoughts and ideas about age. Aging should be taken as an inevitable reality and not try to evaluate this fact.

I am 41, I do not know what the future holds, but I am inspired by the prospect of solving new problems. Especially now, when I can already do a lot and am not afraid of much.

The fortieth anniversary is traditionally considered difficult age, crisis border. It seems that by celebrating this sad anniversary, you will instantly turn from a girl or young man into a woman and a man. Ahead is only old age and decay, lack of prospects and an impending retirement.

A couple of centuries ago, this age was really considered old. But who today would call Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp, who celebrated their 54th birthday, old people? And 43-year-old Angelina Jolie an old woman?

Even World organization health care has made adjustments to the age classification.

Young people are now considered to be between 18 and 44 years old. And 45-59 years is the average age.

This means only one thing: 40 years - beautiful time, very suitable for starting a new life, implementing bold projects, changing jobs and other actions that are out of the ordinary life patterns. All you need is desire.

Experience all the benefits

Those over 40 have several important advantages... Behind them, as a rule, they already have education (sometimes more than one), accumulated experience and good connections... They know what they want and know what it takes to be successful. They do not expect manna from heaven to fall on them. Although such a possibility is not excluded, because in life anything can happen.

They have time-tested friends, relatives and loved ones nearby. Children, most likely, have already grown out of diapers, are studying at school or university. Communication with them gives 40-year-olds an amazing opportunity to understand how two generations live at once, and draw conclusions from this.

Of course, a lot depends on the kind of baggage and attitude with which a person approached this milestone. After all, it also happens that you have spent two decades in the office as an assistant or junior manager.

Remember: it's not too late to change something.

The most common phobias associated with the upcoming 40th anniversary relate to the thesis "it's too late to change something": new job, nothing will work in personal life, I will not understand new technologies, I will not fit into the team ... But is it really so?

By analyzing the activities of more than twenty-five thousand people, I found that rarely did anyone achieve outstanding success under the age of forty. Most often they were already in their fifties when they picked up the necessary speed.

Napoleon Hill, American writer

These words are supported by many examples:

1. It was at the age of 40 that the American Henry Ford founded the famous Ford Motor Company, which has been successfully operating to this day. By the way, he designed his revolutionary car Ford T at the age of 45.

2. American engineer, one of the inventors of the integrated circuit, Robert Noyce, founded Intel with a colleague at the age of 41.

3. Harland David Sanders, known as Colonel Sanders, was considered a failure: all his businesses were failures. At the age of 40, he came up with secret recipe fried chicken who made him famous and the fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken ("Kentucky fried chicken", KFC).

4. Sam Walton, founder of the famous chain of stores Wal-Mart, laid the foundation stone for his empire at the age of 44. When he was 67 years old, Forbes magazine named Walton the richest man in America.

5. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's, sold until 52 paper cups, suffered from diabetes and arthritis. But, as he wrote in his memoirs, he "believed in the future."

6. The star of Pulp Fiction and The Avengers, actor Samuel L. Jackson became famous at 43 after the release of the film Tropical Fever, where he played, by the way, not the main role.

7. Kim Cattrall, super hot Samantha from Sex in big city”, From the age of 15 she was engaged in acting. But fame came to her when she was 41 years old and she reincarnated as one of Carrie Bradshaw's girlfriends.

8. The most charming hitman from the movie "Leon" Jean Reno woke up famous at the age of 46 (thanks to Luc Besson, who took him to the main role).

9. Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, the author of "Alchemist", became famous after 40 years, when his books began to be published in multi-million copies.

10. Julia Child wrote her first hit cookbook at age 50. And then she became a chef.

11. Christian Dior had to achieve fame long years... He opened his own fashion house at 42.

12. American Carol Gardner divorced her husband at 52 and was left without financial support. She got a bulldog and started Zelda Wisdom, which produces Greeting Cards... Today her business is valued at $ 50 million.

13. Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz co-founded Red Bull at the age of 40. Now, 30 years later, his fortune is estimated at almost 15 billion dollars.

14. Vera Wong was a figure skater and journalist until the age of 40, but then she decided to dramatically change her life and became famous designer in the fashion industry.

15. American academician, mathematician James Harris Simons at the age of 44 left the universities where he taught and founded the private investment firm Renaissance Technologies Corporation. It is still considered the most successful hedge fund in the world.

All these people are united not by millions behind them, but by self-confidence, perseverance and healthy adventurism.

How to start a new life

  • First of all, evaluate your weaknesses and strengths... What are you proud of, and what you can and should learn from. The Web now has a lot of useful, both paid and free webinars and books that help to master new directions and.
  • Determine exactly what you want. Do not sweep aside the most adventurous options, allow yourself the desired forbidden fruit. Look at the examples above: if you want, you can achieve anything. Let your motto be “I can afford it”.
  • Don't think about how others will appreciate you. This is your life.
  • Forget the phrase " last chance". It can spur in you the desire to change your life as quickly as possible, because of which you will get a lot of bumps. it wonderful age for any start, be it new business or yoga classes.
  • Use your accumulated experience. After all, you have probably already mastered a valuable skill: you learned first to think and then to do.