Child development after vacuum extraction. Fetal vacuum extraction - “What is this?

Removing the fetus using a vacuum or vacuum extraction of the fetus is a delivery operation, with artificial extraction of the fetus using a vacuum extractor through the vaginal birth canal.

In this case, a negative pressure is created in the apparatus between the head of the fetus and inner surface cups.

The device includes a sealed buffer tank with a pressure gauge, a hand pump that creates negative pressure, and a set of applicators. In particular, in the Malstrem apparatus, it is a set of metal cups with sizes from fifteen to eighty millimeters, and in the apparatus of E.V. Chachava and P.D. Vashakidze, this is a rubber cap.

It should be noted that in our time, vacuum extraction of the fruit is used quite rarely, which is due to the relatively high probability adverse consequences for the fetus. It is allowed to use vacuum extraction only in the absence of conditions for the implementation of other delivery operations.

Indications for vacuum extraction of the fetus

Compared to the operation in which obstetric forceps are applied, vacuum extraction of the fetus requires Active participation women in labor with this procedure, in this regard, the number of indications for vacuum extraction of the fetus is limited.

These indications include the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy in which it is not possible to overcome weakness. generic activity and started.

Contraindications to vacuum extraction

There are also a number of significant contraindications for this operation. These include states:

  • decompensated heart defects,
  • severe forms of gestosis,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • , since during vacuum extraction of the fetus, the vigorous activity of the woman in labor in the form of efforts is necessary.

Other contraindications include:

  • prematurity of the fetus, when childbirth is taken for a period of less than thirty-six weeks,
  • discrepancy between the size of the pelvis of the mother and the head of the fetus,
  • as well as extensor presentation of the fetal head.

The physical action of the vacuum extractor has a number of features that do not allow the device to be used in the last two cases. Here is the placement of the cups in the area large fontanelle or on the head premature fetus can lead to very serious consequences.

Under what conditions is a vacuum extraction operation performed?

To carry out the operation, a number of conditions must be met. First, the fetus must be alive, while uterine pharynx must be completely open. There should be a match in the size of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis, fetal bladder should be absent. There should be an occipital protrusion, it is necessary that the fetal head is a large segment at the entrance to the small pelvis in the pelvic cavity.

Consequences of vacuum extraction

The most common complication of the operation is the calyx slipping off the fetal head, this is possible if there is a violation of the tightness in the apparatus. In addition, mullet hematomas and cerebral symptoms are often observed on the fetal head.

Even at the dawn of the use of vacuum fetal extraction, there were concerns that the bone would pop out or the child's skull would be torn.

In fact, there are many known cases when these prophecies of obstetricians of earlier times came true. The use of vacuum devices was justified by the fact that replacing steel forceps would help level the awkwardness of using forceps by some inexperienced obstetricians.

This explains the popularity of this method during a certain period time.

After that, the era of increased interest in vacuum extraction was replaced by an era of clearly negative attitude to this operation.

Studies have shown damage nervous system fetus in 60% of children born using the vacuum extraction method was determined in every fifth, and neurological signs damage spinal cord in the form of spastic tetraparesis, myatonic syndrome, obstetric paralysis, was detected in 23.4% of babies.

The vacuum can be used during childbirth and after, if the contractile function of the uterus is impaired in women. These are completely different manipulations.

Target vacuum extraction- extraction of a live fetus, when the caesarean section is performed on this stage impossible. The device for stimulation during childbirth consists of a buffer tank equipped with a pressure gauge, a hand pump and a set of applicators of various sizes.

Currently, there are several modifications of such devices: E.V. Chachava, Malstrem and P.D. Vashakidze. The bowls of the Malstrom apparatus are made of metal, the rest of the designers suggested rubber for the manufacture of bowls.

A postpartum vacuum apparatus consists of a syringe with a catheter attached to an apparatus or hand pump that creates negative pressure in the uterine cavity.

Vacuum delivery and vacuum cleaning after childbirth - these are completely different manipulations. In the first case, this is the extraction of the fetus, in the second, curettage.

Vacuum delivery

In contrast to the application of forceps, the vacuum effect during childbirth cannot be carried out without the participation of the woman in labor.

Indications for this procedure:

  • acute hypoxia in the fetus when it is already in the birth canal;
  • weak labor activity, which cannot be adjusted with the help of drugs;
  • the cessation of contractions and attempts during the movement of the fetus through the birth canal.

Vacuum extraction is carried out according to the following algorithm.

  1. Conscious woman in labor bladder a catheter is inserted with anesthesia;
  2. At the same time, an examination of the birth canal is carried out;
  3. Further, a lot depends on the qualifications of the obstetrician. He must touch, opening the entrance to the birth canal, place the bowl of the device on the baby's head with one hand, while holding the entrance to the vagina with the other;
  4. At this time, the doctor creates negative pressure using a hand pump or a mechanical device - the latter is rarely used to avoid unnecessary injuries.

The woman in labor begins to push on command, helping to pull the fetus out with an extractor.

Contraindications for vacuum extraction of the fetus are:

  • late gestosis;
  • heart defects in the stage of decompensation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • high myopia;
  • extensor presentation of the fetal head;
  • childbirth up to 36 weeks;
  • discrepancy between the size of the fetal head and the mother's pelvis.

Incorrect placement of the bowl on the head of the fetus, which caused compression of the large fontanelle, can cause quite serious consequences.

Vacuum delivery - possible consequences for the baby

Currently, they try to resort to vacuum extraction only in extreme cases, prescribing a cesarean section, if the likelihood of complicated labor is allowed.

The consequences of childbirth with a vacuum are most often lesions of the nervous system - in 60% of cases, the appearance of a neurological syndrome - obstetric paralysis or tetraparesis - in 23.7% of newborns. In 1 out of 5 cases, a brain injury is diagnosed.

Hematomas remain on the child's head after the use of vacuum obstetric aid. If the tightness is broken, the cup may slide off the fetal head.

The invention of the vacuum apparatus was once announced as an obstetric breakthrough - it seemed that this method was the most gentle, compared to the application of forceps. It seemed that even inexperienced obstetricians would be able to do without injuries. As it turned out, this method is no better than the time-tested forceps, and no less traumatic.

How can you answer the question: "Which childbirth is better to carry out, cesarean or vacuum?" The method is chosen by the doctor, depending on the clinical picture. Vacuum extraction is not an operation, it is obstetric aid in an emergency. Manipulation helps keep the baby and mother alive if medications and other methods cannot be applied.

Vacuum aspiration

The state of health of the postpartum woman largely depends on how the 3rd stage of labor went - the separation of the placenta. The remnants of the fetal membrane are subsequently expelled with the help of natural uterine contractions.

If the contractions are not intense enough, then blood flow slows down, foreign tissue inclusions remaining in the uterus form a favorable breeding ground for active development pathogenic microorganisms that cause purulent-inflammatory processes.

Remnants of foreign tissue and accumulated clots prevent the uterus from contracting, which can provoke development serious illnesses- for example, endometritis.

On the 3-5th day after childbirth - nowadays it is more often done before discharge from the hospital - an ultrasound examination is performed for the woman in labor, in which the state of the uterine cavity is determined. Some 20-25 years ago, the examination was carried out on an armchair, but using ultrasound to describe clinical picture much more accurate.

In the presence of foreign tissues in the uterine cavity, cleaning is prescribed. What methods will be chosen for curettage - the doctor decides.

Vacuum cleaning - compared to manual cleaning - is considered the most gentle procedure. However, it is not performed if a woman has malformations of the uterus or neoplasms, gynecological infections, in the case when curettage was performed before pregnancy - regardless of the reasons for the surgery.

How does vacuum aspiration work?

The procedure can perform by hand or hardware. In the first case, the doctor creates negative pressure in the uterine cavity using a hand pump, in the second, a syringe with a catheter is connected to an electric pump.

Cleaning after childbirth is technically no different from the usual vacuum operation.

The woman is placed on a gynecological chair, the external genitals are treated with an antiseptic solution.

A gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina, and a preoperative examination is performed. At this stage, intravenous or intrauterine anesthesia is usually given, as the insertion of the forceps and the speculum is very painful.

Then the cervix and upper lips fixed with bullet forceps, a probe is inserted into the cavity to determine the internal dimensions of the uterus.

Natural childbirth for a woman is a process that takes a lot of energy, but as a result, a baby is born. For this, you can endure any pain and anguish. Childbirth does not always go smoothly, there are situations when you cannot do without surgical manipulations. Among them is vacuum extraction of the fetus. The process is quite complicated. The doctor must have great professionalism to carry out the manipulation without consequences for the mother and child. When can a vacuum be used? What are the consequences this method delivery? These questions are answered in the article.

Understanding the terminology

So what is fetal vacuum extraction? This is a delivery using a special device that captures the baby's head and thereby helps him pass through the birth canal. There are several types of them:

    Malstrom's apparatus. It consists of metal cups, with a diameter of 15 to 80 millimeters. It is used quite rarely, the device is dangerous for the baby. Damage to the scalp and skull bones often occurs.

    More modern apparatus - Chachaeva and Vashakidze. In this case, the vacuum is presented in the form of a rubber cap that grips the baby's head.

    Each maternity ward has similar devices. They are used extremely rarely, as there is Great chance harm the child. This can manifest itself in the form of neurological problems, damage to integrity skin and much more.

    A modern vacuum apparatus consists of a pear, which is made of silicone, it is no larger in size chicken eggs... Through the vagina, the doctor places it to the baby's head, after which a special hose is connected, connected to the pump. You only need to carry out the operation experienced doctor to minimize risks to the child. You can use the device only during contractions, and during the break it is better to remove the device so that bedsores do not appear on the baby's head. For this, a special valve is built into it, which freely disconnects the vacuum.

    If there are complications during childbirth, the doctor needs to act immediately to save the mother and the baby. If the baby does not move along the birth canal, the use of a vacuum apparatus is justified.

    Preparing for surgery

    Many women in labor are worried about complications and unforeseen situations. Even the best and most qualified obstetricians and gynecologists cannot promise that the process will take place smooth. Sometimes situations occur that are beyond the control of the woman or the doctors. If contractions or attempts suddenly stop, and the baby is already in the birth canal, specialists need to apply a vacuum. Such a delivery operation requires almost no special training for woman. Doctors and nurses will do everything for her.

    Firstly, a catheter will be placed, after which anesthesia will take place (novocaine injection or Secondly, the doctor will need to know the exact location of the fetus. It can be determined using an ultrasound machine or manually. After all the manipulations, when the device is attached to the baby's head, the woman in labor it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

    Indications for use

    Each maternity ward is equipped with everything necessary to help women in a difficult process. No exception and vacuum apparatus... V last years they are used quite rarely, but still there are situations when it is almost impossible to do without them:

    1. Abruptly ended contractions and attempts that are not caused by oxytocin.


    Obstetric forceps are not entirely safe. The doctor performing the operation must have tremendous professional skills and have experience in such manipulations.

    Which is safer: forceps or vacuum?

    On the forums, you can often see the question: "What do doctors most often use in case of complications in childbirth?" There is no definite answer to it. It all depends on the situation and the experience of the doctor. So, the use of a vacuum is less traumatic for a woman. Much less often, vaginal rupture occurs. As for anesthesia, you will need it anyway. As a rule, novocaine is used. unacceptable, since the woman must be conscious.

    Another advantage of the vacuum is that it is safer for the child. Forceps can damage the skin and cause significant harm to your baby. There are times when doctors use several methods for delivery. V in this case the scheme should be as follows: the imposition of forceps, and then vacuum. If that doesn't work, doctors need to do an emergency caesarean section.

    Vacuum extraction of the fetus is used only in extreme cases. Unfortunately, the statistics of the use of this device are not very encouraging. The risks of injuring a child are quite high.

At all times, midwives and obstetricians were puzzled by the question of how to help a child to be born into the world if childbirth is difficult, difficult and long. At first, the child was “squeezed out” by hand from the womb, then for many decades obstetric forceps were applied to the presenting part. Then, in order to reduce the birth trauma of the mother and especially the fetus, the so-called vacuum during childbirth began to be used.

The vacuum extraction method will be discussed in this article.

About the method

Since childbirth should be as safe as possible for the woman in labor and the baby, the issues of less trauma from the use of certain methods of childbirth today are considered one of the most important in obstetric practice... Vacuum extraction is the manipulation of removing the baby through the physiological natural birth canal by imposing a special device on his head - a vacuum extractor. By creating a zone reduced pressure, the fetus comes out faster and is born.

Extractors are used in different ways - with a metal bowl on the head (Maelstrom extractor), with a plastic bowl, which is safer for the fetus, and devices with soft bowls. Consists of any of the listed devices from a bowl and a flexible hose connecting the bowl to the extractor pump.

The frequency of using a vacuum during childbirth today is small - no more than 3-5% of all births.

And this is due to the fact that the diagnosis has become more perfect and that there may be problems with the birth of the baby's head, doctors often know in advance. In addition, the indications for a caesarean section have been expanded and sometimes it is much safer for a child to carry out a surgical delivery.

In comparison with forceps, which were used to grasp the head earlier, the frequency of skull and spine injuries in babies during vacuum extraction was reduced. But until the end safe procedure is not considered, and therefore is mainly used only as an emergency aid.

Indications for use

All issues related to the use of vacuum extraction during labor are indicated letter of recommendation Ministry of Health of Russia No. 15-4 / 10 / 2-748 dated 07.19.12.

The document calls the following conditions as direct indications for the use of vacuum:

  • fetal hypoxia and other signs of extreme unhappiness of the child in childbirth, negative symptoms are increasing;
  • the state of acute hypoxia of the baby at the moment when his head is already at the exit from the small pelvis;
  • the laboring period of labor lasts too long (2 hours for those giving birth for the first time and an hour for those giving birth again);
  • pre-planned shortening of the second stage of labor, if the woman is contraindicated in attempts to refuse a cesarean section;
  • assistance in removing the head from the incision when caesarean section.

The procedure is performed only by doctors who have a similar experience in obstetrics. A woman must give her written agreement to such manipulation.

Mandatory conditions for vacuum extraction, autopsy is performed fetal membranes, departure amniotic fluid and the head must be inserted into the pelvis. At natural childbirth the cervix should be as dilated as possible and the bladder should be empty.

The Ministry of Health fully permits delivery using a vacuum without anesthesia, but the use of epidural anesthesia is quite often allowed.

When is it not applied?

Childbirth with the use of a vacuum ("kiwi" - by the name of the system of extractive obstetrics) can be dangerous, and therefore the list of contraindications to manipulation is also indicated by the document of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Do not apply vacuum if:

  • labor has begun ahead of time, up to 36 weeks of pregnancy;
  • if the estimated weight of the fetus is less than 2.5 kilograms;
  • the skin of the baby's head is damaged in the place where the extractor bowl is to be applied;
  • there is reason to believe that the child has impaired osteogenesis;
  • the child may have genetic blood clotting pathologies (predicted by geneticists);
  • the fetal head is too high, and acute hypoxia has already begun - it is better to have a cesarean section;
  • in a woman clinically narrow pelvis, there is a clear discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the size of the pelvis;
  • the child is in the facial or breech presentation;
  • severe gestosis;
  • previous unsuccessful attempts to apply obstetric forceps.

The extractor is not used if the child has already died, if the cervix has not fully opened.

How is it done?

The woman is asked to take a semi-sitting position on the delivery table. She should bend her knees, put her feet on the stops, spread her hips. The disposable extractor bowl is checked for leaks, defects and defects. The doctor specifies the position of the fetal head. Then a decision is made on the need for an episiotomy - dissection of the perineum to expand it, so that the extractor bowl can pass into the genital tract.

In this case, dissection is not at all considered mandatory, but they try to carry it out in all cases if the extractor needs to be inserted quickly, that is, in emergency cases.

The doctor inserts the cup into the vagina with the side that she has to adhere to the baby's head. Then it is installed on the head so that the arrow-shaped seam divides it exactly in half.

In this case, the doctor's task is to prevent the edge of the bowl from being closer than three centimeters from the large fontanel. The kiwi system creates a vacuum. One hand of the doctor is located at the exit of the small pelvis and helps to "push", the other controls the translational movements.

All traction performed by a doctor using a vacuum must be completely natural, corresponding to the biomechanism of childbirth. It is considered that the procedure was successful if the head began to move forward after the first or second traction, if the baby's movements are progressive and even, if he made all the necessary turns and extension of the head, as if he was born on his own, without help.

It is considered that the manipulation is successful if the number of tractions was from 2 to 6, the cup did not slide off the fetal head more than two times, the procedure was completed in 15-20 minutes.

Complications and possible consequences

Having a baby using a vacuum can be dangerous for him and for the woman in labor if the doctor makes mistakes during traction, as well as during cup placement. Most often, the baby has a solid hematoma and abrasions on soft tissues heads. We can talk not only about a banal bruise, but also about a cephalohematoma, as well as a subgaponeurotic hematoma.

With cephalohematoma, blood accumulation is observed between the cranial bone and the periosteum that has detached from it.

If it is small, up to 3 centimeters, then it can dissolve on its own in the first weeks of a child's life. In severe cephalohematoma, if it is more than eight centimeters, its opening and pumping of blood from the cavity is shown. The forecasts are usually quite favorable, such a hematoma does not affect the development of the child, the functions of his body as a whole.

The causes of complications are most often medical errors, the same "human factor" - inaccurate or initially incorrect placement of the bowl on the baby's head, incorrect fetal excretion, violation of natural traction, too strong traction, swaying movements during the child's removal.

The birth of a child naturally without complications and interventions is ideal scenario for every woman and doctor. But during childbirth, situations sometimes arise in which a qualified emergency help medical staff. Such manipulations are called obstetric delivery operations. According to various sources, vacuum extraction of the fetus is not more often than 0.10-0.20% in the CIS countries and 3-10% in Europe and the USA.

Vacuum delivery is a rare manipulation, despite the simplicity of the technique. It is performed in a situation where drug stimulation is ineffective, it is too late to perform an emergency caesarean section, and it is too early to use forceps. V recent times there is a tendency towards a decrease in the number of deliveries with the help of a vacuum. This is due to the significant expansion of the list of indications for cesarean section.

Manipulation should not be confused with breech presentation. Despite the consonance, extraction of the fetus by the stem or extraction of the fetus at the pelvic end and vacuum different concepts... The first two are carried out strictly according to indications with extremely grave condition mother and the inability to continue childbirth with her participation. The woman is given anesthesia, and the doctor removes the baby from the birth canal, mimicking the natural advancement.

What is a birth vacuum? The term means the use of a special apparatus for artificially pulling the baby out of the womb. The principle itself, the vacuum method is sometimes used for caesarean section and fruit-destroying operations. But, medical encyclopedia defines vacuum fetal extraction as a procedure for removing a living baby from a woman's birth canal.

What does the vacuum look like during childbirth:

  1. at one end there is an aspiration cup (suction cup), which is attached to the fetus's head, holding it, the doctor actually pulls the baby out with a vacuum;
  2. the end of the cup is connected to a flexible tube leading to the apparatus where the pressure gauge and compressor are located, which creates the required negative pressure;
  3. cups are usually replaceable or disposable, come in different diameters and types, depending on the position and size of the head, made of metal, plastic or silicone;
  4. universal models are often equipped with a surgical vacuum aspirator for abortion, cleaning the uterus after childbirth;
  5. modern models are equipped with a touch control panel and / or a foot pedal;
  6. the appliance itself is often located on a cart and connected to the mains.

In addition to the stationary one, in many clinics, a manual kiwi machine is increasingly used during childbirth. The KIWI system is vacuum aspirator which allows the doctor to work independently, without the help of an assistant. The device is disposable and ready to use. This minimizes the risk of infection and ease of use, without special pre-assembly.

Indications and contraindications

Situations in which a baby is allowed to be delivered with a vacuum are similar to those for caesarean section or forceps. So, if the fetus is experiencing intrauterine suffering, it has acute or dynamically developing hypoxia, and the head is located at the exit of the small pelvis, then the help of obstetricians is needed.

With a simultaneous weak labor activity, which does not lend itself to correction with medications, or a prolonged period of attempts (more than 2 hours), it is advisable to pull out the child with a vacuum during childbirth. The procedure is often resorted to if, according to the plan, it is necessary to shorten the second period, when there is extragenital pathologies and violent, prolonged pushing can harm the mother's health.

If the fetal head is above the wide part of the pelvic cavity, and acute hypoxia is diagnosed, it is more expedient to resort to a cesarean section. Despite the fact that the list of indications for fetal vacuum extraction is general, the choice of the method of delivery should be approached individually, taking into account all possible contraindications.

The use of a vacuum during childbirth is permissible, provided that the gynecologist has sufficient experience in applying an extractor. In addition to restrictions on the part of the medical staff, there are also contraindications for surgery on the side of the fetus and mother.

The use of a vacuum during childbirth is not practiced:

  • if the term of gestation is less than 36 weeks and / or the weight of the child does not reach 2500 g;
  • confirmed or predicted violations in the development of bone tissue or hemostasis of the fetus;
  • serious damage to the soft tissues of the child's head is determined after diagnostic vaginal procedures;
  • with a clinically narrow pelvis;
  • extensor (facial, frontal, forehead) or breech presentation were confirmed;
  • in case of an unsatisfactory state of health of the mother, excluding attempts - severe gestosis, nephropathy, violation cerebral circulation and others.


The use of a vacuum during childbirth requires the active participation of the woman. Therefore, additional pain relief is usually not required. Carrying out actions are called tractions and repeat the movements of the fetal head during natural childbirth. The doctor helps to remove the child in those moments when the woman is pushing. His manipulations do not compensate for the attempts, but complement them. If there are no attempts at all, then it is allowed to apply only obstetric forceps.

Prerequisites for using a vacuum during childbirth:

  1. live child;
  2. localization of the head in the pelvic cavity, allowing the operation of vacuum extraction of the fetus;
  3. full dilatation of the cervix;
  4. lack of discrepancy between the size of the woman's pelvis and the head of the fetus;
  5. an empty bladder;
  6. opened fetal bladder;
  7. written consent of the mother.

Preparation for surgery includes a vaginal examination to determine the nature and height of the head, its presentation, the completeness of the opening of the pathways. Before starting the manipulations, the woman is placed in a reclining position on her back with outstretched legs, bent at the knees.

How to give birth with a vacuum:

  1. before using the extractor, the cup is examined for damage, applied to the doctor's palm;
  2. the need for an episiotomy is assessed;
  3. the hands of the surgeon and the woman's crotch are treated with an antiseptic solution;
  4. the doctor opens the entrance to the vagina, inserts the cup of the vacuum extractor into the birth canal;
  5. it is important to place the cup as accurately as possible - the posterior edge at a distance of 1-3 cm from the small fontanel, the arrow-shaped seam visually divides the nozzle in half;
  6. then negative pressure is created, the specialist begins to perform traction;
  7. after the eruption of the head, the extractor is removed, and the body is born in the usual way.

The clinical protocol for vacuum extraction of the fetus provides for the obligatory performance of artificial traction at the moment of pushing, observing the natural direction of movement. According to him, the operation is not carried out longer than 20 minutes, the number of tractions does not exceed 3-6. The document describes in detail the sequence of actions of the doctor, depending on a particular location of the head.

Possible complications

Vacuum extraction is one of two options for operative vaginal delivery with a living fetus. The second kind medical intervention is the imposition of obstetric forceps. Unified opinion which one is safe for both mother and child does not exist.

The advantages of using a vacuum are less danger to women, faster and easier performing the operation itself. But the frequency birth trauma below when applying obstetric forceps. In this case, the child after vacuum delivery less often it is born with damage to the skull and face. In many ways, the success of a particular operation depends on the skill of the doctor.

Serious complications of fetal vacuum extraction are uncommon. Basically, this is a slipping of the cup, lack of proper passage of the head, minor damage to the soft tissues of the mother. If the procedure is ineffective or after two unsuccessful attempts to impose a cup, the issue of changing the tactics of managing labor is considered.

What is the danger of a vacuum during childbirth for a child:

  • abrasions of the scalp;
  • self-absorbable cephalohematoma;
  • subgaleal hematoma (traumatic brain injury);
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • shoulder dystocia;
  • damage to the central nervous system of varying severity.

The most common consequences of the use of a vacuum during childbirth for the fetus are retinal hemorrhages, almost half of all cases, cephalohematoma, about 10%. The rest of the listed pathologies are diagnosed in no more than 0.5% of each manipulation. Experts agree that lesions of the central nervous system are to a certain extent associated with intrauterine hypoxia or fetal suffering rather than obstetric intervention.

The consequences of vacuum birth in children of the first year of life are found only in 1/3 of all cases. They appear as a minor hypertensive syndrome, muscular dystonia delayed psychomotor development of easy degree. In most cases, the conditions go away on their own or with minor medical correction.

Despite the fact that the vacuum during childbirth provokes unwanted consequences for the child, the operation itself saves his life. The efficiency of manipulation, according to averaged data, ranges from 83-94%.