Stories about childbirth - how I gave birth. Vaginal childbirth - "How the first and second births differ in pain."

On the eve of upcoming birth, I more and more often begin to remember my first birth. As one friend of mine jokes, the first time to give birth is scary, because you DO NOT know, and the second - scary, just because you KNOW.

No, I don't have particularly negative memories, because the joy that your baby is born can override everything. All bad things are forgotten in the first seconds, as soon as you see this Miracle. I remember, even at the birth table, sewing up the tears, the doctor asked me: "Well, do you still want a second one?" To which I answered quite sincerely: "Yes, even now!"

Well, I'll start in order. V maternity hospital, I got to the pathology department at the 38th week of pregnancy. The local gynecologist just decided to get rid of me in this way, making a diagnosis " late gestosis". Throughout my pregnancy, I never had a hint of edema, I was gaining weight exactly according to plan, and urine tests were just perfect. a period of emotional stress, served as an excellent occasion for the doctor. the best way, therefore, with great joy, having received a referral to the hospital, I finished this forced communication.

On the appointed day, with a large bag of things, I crossed the threshold of the emergency room. I was assigned to a four-bed ward. Moved in, met the girls. One of them, nineteen-year-old Lena, was pacing the contractions. The other two girls had an appointment for tomorrow planned childbirth... Soon a nurse came for me and called for an examination. The girls smiled knowingly: "Well, now you have to find out what it is."

I do not know if this is accepted in all maternity hospitals, or is it just us so lucky, but medical examinations very reminiscent of medieval torture. Doctors set themselves the goal of hurrying up the immature cervix and made incredible physical efforts for this. The handrails of the chair in the examination room were loosened by hands digging into them in pain, and the atmosphere of the office seemed to absorb the quiet moans of women in labor. Well, I don't want to scare anyone. There are enough horror stories in maternity hospital folklore.

After lying for two weeks, I already perceived all the stories with a laugh, but first ...

Every evening, as in a pioneer camp, one of the newcomers came to the ward and began: "But one girl ...", "And one more girl ..." Fortunately, soon for everything horror stories strong immunity appears.

During the examination, the gynecologist found that I was not going to give birth soon and prescribed sinestrol for the early ripening of the cervix. The girls from my ward gave birth safely, and I was left alone in the ward. The first days were boring, but I met girls from other wards and soon appreciated how good it was to spend the night alone. For almost two weeks no one was placed in my room, although the other rooms were packed. New girls came and went to give birth, and I patiently waited for my maturation. There were three of us, "long-term" in the entire department, and in three weeks we managed to make good friends. We, one might say, have developed our own traditions, every evening we had a dinner with kebabs, which were carefully bought by our husbands, made the salads themselves, sometimes we invited midwives to while away the shift, and even managed to celebrate my birthday.

In the third week of my stay, the gynecologist, after the examination, offered me stimulation with hormonal suppositories.
- Your child, judging by the ultrasound, is already more than four kilograms. How are you going to give birth to him?
- Yes, we ourselves are not small, in whom should he be small? (My height is 170cm, my husband's -182cm)

The gynecologist just grinned and offered to sign a piece of paper, which read something like this: I, such and such, agree to stimulate labor, with possible complications... Further, a list of complications was attached, among which were premature effusion amniotic fluid... I, accustomed to trusting competent persons, agreed after some deliberation.

The next day, after breakfast, they put a hormonal candle on me. After a couple of hours, I started having contractions, and judging by the CTG, they are quite strong. But by the evening everything ended well. The gynecologist, having established that the opening of the cervix did not happen, slipped me another piece of the same paper, and a day later the procedure was repeated. With the same success.

At night, I suddenly felt somehow wet and sticky. "The waters must have moved away," I thought. I got up and went to the toilet. “No, it’s like nothing is dripping,” I calmed down and went to bed again.

The weekend has come, smoothly flowing into the May holidays. Only midwives remained in the department, so no one was particularly attached to me. The doctor on duty formally made a round, and I went home. Nothing bothered me during the day, but at night I was still somehow too humid, or something. I did not betray this of particular importance, believing that if these were waters, they would either have flowed in a stream, or, in extreme cases, would have leaked during the day. That it might be a crack in amniotic fluid, from which, under a certain pressure (when I lie on the bed) liquid can seep out, it never crossed my mind.

After the holidays, I got on the maternity scales and found that I had lost about a kilogram in weight. I told the gynecologist about this and shared my suspicions. During the holidays, the cervix has matured and even opened a little. It was decided to send me to a planned childbirth, through stimulation, to next morning... About which I have already signed the third piece of paper.

By the evening I started having serious contractions, there was only a doctor on duty in the department. As soon as she began to watch me on the chair, the remaining water flowed out. There was no other choice but to transfer me to the ORB.

I was given an autoclave-boiled robe and a short, translucent shirt. There was a shaving procedure (although there was already nothing to shave there) and an enema. The front desk nurse armed herself with an old blunt machine and hovered over my body, sprawled on the couch. The sensations, I must say, are unpleasant: on the one hand, a terrible feeling of awkwardness, on the other, a kind of childish vulnerability. I remember I said something like: "Shave with such a machine, and even dry it - there will be a terrible irritation of the skin." The nurse looked at me as if I was sick with an extreme degree of idiocy.

After a while, I ended up in prenatal. Opposite me, a gypsy woman was giving birth, swearing in the gypsy-Russian dialect. The young doctor tried to persuade her not to cover her crotch with her hands. Having contrived, the doctor was able to get to her neck. "You will break my fingers!" - she suddenly cried out - the gypsy firmly grabbed the doctor's hands and squeezed his legs. - "It’s not me who’s hurting you, it’s you have a fight!" Having freed herself, the doctor hastily retreated from the prenatal.

Well, I think I have a company. Soon, a gypsy woman in broken Russian began to wonder how many children I have. I said that I was giving birth for the first time. Then she asked how old I was? At that time I was 25.
"Such a beauty and no one married ..." - she finally made her conclusions.

This evening I was damn lucky to have gypsies. Half an hour later, they brought another one to the prenatal. It looks about 15 years old, as dirty as a stray cat in the rain. She had contractions in her twentieth week. She was hastily injected with something and laid under the CTG. The young gypsy suddenly burst into tears.
- What are you crying, honey? - asked her midwife Tanya. Midwives, by the way, turned out to be just golden girls. They rushed about with us as if we were relatives, without even making any ethnic distinctions.
- I want to smoke, - admitted the gypsy
- Do you want a child? You need to be patient ...

Time passed, and my contractions did not intensify - it affected premature leakage water They started to stimulate with oxytocin. The pain intensified and I began to pound and chill. The midwives covered me with additional blankets, and I continued to freeze and shake so that it was impossible even to measure my blood pressure. I started asking for an epidural.

An anesthesiologist came, a man (somehow he doesn’t dare call him a man) about 40 years old, a mustachioed man, with a solophon's humor.
- Epiduralka, you say? Do you have any money to pay me with?
I was lying on my side, crumpled in pain with a bare bottom and, I apologize for the details, a hospital rag-pad sticking out between my legs.
- Are you still going to kiss? he laughed
I was ready to kill him, but I could not move. He finally put a catheter in my back, and pleasant warmth spread over the entire lower torso.

I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept, but waking up from a man's voice, I saw that it was already dark outside, and the light was on in the prenatal room. The owner of the baritone was a doctor who took over the night shift. He put his hand in me and told the midwives to add oxytocin. I asked for a drink. Tanya brought me water. A minute later, I vomited just drunk. Then she forbade me to drink and began to periodically bring a glass so that I could wet my mouth.

I fell asleep again. I woke up because they tried to take blood from my finger. It turns out that my temperature jumped to 39 degrees, and the doctors began to fear childbirth fever.
- The integrity of the bubble was broken - the water was leaking. The infection has got ... - I heard over my head.
They brought a blood test, luckily it turned out to be good. The doctor checked the opening - there were seven fingers. Within ten minutes, the doctor opened the neck with his hand.
“Into the delivery room,” he suddenly commanded, and the fragile hands of the midwives grabbed me and led me to the delivery table.

And then everything happened very quickly. I listened to every word of the midwife, struggled with contractions that I hardly felt. The doctor very lucidly explained to me how to push correctly: "Do you have constipation? So, imagine that you need to go to the toilet in a big way."

The head came out. Then the hanger. And I realized that it was all over. Almost. The placenta, the stitches don't count. Most importantly, my son was born! Weighing 3 840, height 52 cm. A powerful charge of endorphins intoxicated me. The feeling of overwhelming happiness was what it was. I wouldn't want to give it up for anything in the world.

Therefore, when they ask me: "Is it scary to give birth? I answer:" Scary. Terribly nice. "

Larisa Balan

On July 5 of this year, my daughter, Vasilisa Andreevna, was born. The child is our first and very welcome. Despite my already free work schedule (child photographer), I abandoned everything with a clear conscience and went on maternity leave, being about a month old at the 6-7th pregnancy. I plan to start work again, but when, I haven't decided yet - the baby is in the first place now. But I think that in 2 years I can safely take her with me to the studio, both as a guest and as my favorite model. In the meantime, I'm at home and purposefully decided to comprehend new status- to be the perfect mom.

I was postponing my pregnancy, the baby was in no hurry to see the light, although I was tormented by the harbingers. Psychologically, it is very difficult - to wait for the beginning every second, but this second does not come and does not come ... In general, when my nerves were already at the limit, it was 41 weeks, and my cervix did not even think about preparing for childbirth. I surrendered to the maternity hospital for antenatal hospitalization, on the first day of its opening after sanitation.
The results of the examination confused me even more - swelling, narrow pelvis, a large fetus and an unprepared cervix ... I was in a panic. But the doctor, under whose supervision I came, turned out to be very pleasant and having a person and an excellent specialist. She gave me confidence right away, and I decided to obey her. I dripped papaverine for a couple of days, the neck began to come to life. In the evening, at 10 o'clock, contractions began, not that very strong, but very painful, with frequent intervals of 3 minutes, which was very strange. I sat for an hour, suffered, and then the girls drove me to the midwife on duty. She took to the doctor. The doctor looked at me and said that labor activity is there, but still very weak, and sent me to CTG. They did CTG, there really were contractions - they took me to the maternity ward.

In the maternity ward

The midwife of the maternity ward took me to a separate room filled with incomprehensible space equipment, fitballs, some strange bells and whistles and either a huge bed or a couch in the center. She made this "bed" for me and told me to try to take a nap as much as I could, because I needed to gain strength. Surprisingly enough, I really did it. The contractions stabilized and continued at first with an interval of 10, then 7, 5 and 3 minutes. During the breaks, I dozed, and during the fight I woke up, timed and breathed hard, as taught. But at 6 in the morning it became impossible to continue doing this. The contractions were strong, very pressing on the intestine (I was not given an enema). A couple of times I tried to run to the toilet, but to no avail, and the pain only increased. I went to surrender to my midwife. They put me on a chair and pierced the bubble, ordered one thing - not to sit down. And then it started!

I was ready for pain, but I didn't know what could happen like that. I put up with it, asked for a small bowl, as I felt sick (reaction to severe pain). It seemed to me that this hell would never end, the pain was constant and unbearable. I hugged my basin and reproached myself for it, since I needed to breathe correctly, but I could not.

Memories of childbirth

In the end, I started yelling, that's something, but this I did not expect from myself! After about an hour or two of my torment, my midwife came, looked to me and called for me. I crawled down the corridor behind her, entered the room, and there it was right in the center. Armchair! God, it shone like a divine altar! All my pain subsided, I flew into a chair like a bullet, more doctors came running, they put a catheter on me, and it raced on. In general, I am lying on the throne, giving birth. I don't remember any attempts, I only remember that I am trying, the doctor encourages me, jokes, and gives me marks. Still, I had to make a small incision, and things went faster. I remember the joy and sensations that I will never forget - the very relieving "squelch" with which the little body of my baby emerged after the head. And it was all over! Euphoria! I did it! Then the afterbirth, a couple of stitches, the baby on the chest ... I'm in paradise ...

Specialist comments: Elizaveta Novoselova, obstetrician-gynecologist, Moscow

Before giving birth to Ales, special measures were taken to prepare for childbirth. Special measures to prepare the cervix are taken only in case of biological immaturity of the birth canal. This term denotes the discrepancy between the state of the cervix and the walls of the vagina and the period of pregnancy. Normally, before childbirth, the cervix gradually shortens and begins to open slightly, the tissues of the vagina and cervix become soft and elastic. Changes in the birth canal usually occur between 37–39 weeks of gestation. If during a full-term pregnancy and ripe fruit(these data are confirmed by ultrasound) the cervix remains tight and long, as in the middle of pregnancy, and the cervical canal is closed, it is necessary to prescribe drug preparation of the birth canal. V in this case for our heroine, the doctor prescribed papaverine - a drug that relieves muscle spasm from the cervix and helps it become more elastic.

When Alesya had her first contractions, she was confused by the frequency and soreness of the sensations. The expectant mother drew attention to the fact that the contractions were not at all strong, as it should be at the beginning of labor, but at the same time they were already very painful, and the interval between them was only 3 minutes. Usually, this is how the first contractions are felt when the uterus bends posteriorly - a special form of the structure of the uterus, in which the cervix is ​​located not in the center of the lower segment of the uterus, but as if at an angle. This structure is not a pathology, and most often the shape of the uterus flattens out during pregnancy or after the first birth. However, sometimes posterior bending of the cervix becomes the cause of difficulties in the process of opening the cervix at the beginning of the first stage of labor. Unpleasant sensations, described by Alesya, are associated with the fact that when the neck is bent, the head of the fetus presses not on the internal pharynx (the place of exit from the uterus), forcing it to open (as it should normally), but on lower part the front wall of the uterus. In this case, even training contractions become quite painful, and the preparation and dilation of the cervix takes much longer and more difficult. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened in the case of our heroine - the first contractions for Alesya turned out to be very frequent and unpleasant in sensations, whereas normally they should be practically painless.

Alesya mentions in the story that before giving birth, she was not given a cleansing enema - a procedure that is usually performed before being transferred to the maternity ward. The need to cleanse the intestines before childbirth is due to several reasons. First, the intestinal loops are located in the immediate vicinity of the uterus. The intestine of an adult is about 18 m long and is filled with contents along its entire length. Swollen bowel loops take up most of the space abdominal cavity and can interfere with the contractions of the uterus during labor, delaying the process of opening its cervix. Secondly, overcrowded bowel loops located in the lower part of the uterus often obstruct correct location baby's head. As a result, she cannot well, tightly press against the cervix and exert pressure on it during a contraction (it is this pressure that helps the cervix to open). This can lead to premature rupture of amniotic fluid, loss of the umbilical cord loop, weakness of labor forces, and even infection of the uterine cavity. The third reason for bowel cleansing during labor is the fact that the excretory section of the intestine is located directly behind the vagina. Filled feces the rectum is a mechanical obstacle to the progress of the baby through the birth canal and can complicate the most important point childbirth - the period of expulsion of the fetus. Why didn't they give our heroine an enema? There may be several answers. Firstly, judging by the story, Alesya's childbirth developed quite quickly. In this case, an enema is not done so as not to provoke an even greater acceleration of the process - the rapid flow of labor, which is dangerous with ruptures, bleeding and birth trauma... Other possible reason- spontaneous bowel cleansing against the background of precursor contractions: sometimes before childbirth, a woman experiences an active "loosening" of the stool, and an enema is no longer needed in this case. Another reason why doctors may refuse to cleanse the intestines of a woman in labor before childbirth is high blood pressure(above 130 mm Hg) or large dilatation of the cervix (8 cm or more) at the time of transfer to the maternity ward.

When the contractions became regular and intensified, Alesya felt a feeling of pressure on his intestines. The expectant mother attributed this feeling to the fact that she was not given a cleansing enema before giving birth, but attempts to go to the toilet were unsuccessful. In fact, the new sensations of the woman in labor were associated with the pressure of the fetal head on the upper rectum. Towards the end of the first stage of labor, when the opening becomes large enough (more than 5 cm), the crown of the baby protrudes into the birth canal and begins to put pressure on back wall the vagina, behind which the rectum is located. During this period, each contraction may be accompanied by a false urge to defecate (the desire to free the intestines), however, this desire cannot be realized, regardless of whether an enema was done - the head of the crumbs mechanically squeezes the intestines. From this moment on, the most important thing for future mother- avoid premature pushing attempts: early attempts often lead to an increase intracranial pressure fetus, and for the woman in labor, they are fraught with ruptures of the tissues of the birth canal. In order to relax and not push ahead of time, you need to breathe like a dog during a fight. This is frequent shallow mouth breathing. This breathing method has the maximum analgesic and relaxing effect.

When Alesya complained of a feeling of pressure on the intestines, she was examined on a chair and a bladder was punctured. Fine fetal bladder"Bursts" itself as the contractions increase, by about the middle of the first stage of labor. In the case of Alesya, amnitomy was necessary - for a safe advance large fruit through the narrowed birth canal, very intense contractions are needed, besides, the woman in labor was already practically full disclosure, and a whole fetal bladder inhibits the onset of attempts.

During the contractions, Alesya suffered from bouts of nausea. This symptom, of course, unpleasant for the woman in labor, is nevertheless a favorable sign, indicating to the doctor that normal flow generic process: nausea appears with an increase in the dilatation of the cervix (this is due to the general innervation of the cervix and upper sphincter of the stomach). This phenomenon occurs quite often - not less than 35% of women in labor. It is this symptom that is the most common reason why doctors do not recommend drinking and eating between contractions - with a full stomach, mild nausea threatens to turn into profuse debilitating vomiting, repeated every contraction.

When the contractions became very frequent and strong, Alesya began to scream from fatigue and pain. Regardless of the reason prompting the woman in labor to cry, this should not be done. First, screaming does not have pain relief.
effect, that is, in the literal sense of the cry does not become easier. Secondly, and this is the main thing, a cry during childbirth can harm both the woman in labor and the baby, as well as, in general, negatively affect the course of the birth process. If a woman screams during contractions, most of the inhaled air is consumed with screaming, and the baby, already experiencing hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during the contraction, will not receive a sufficient dose of oxygen. A woman who screams during contractions loses strength and gets tired much faster. Generic activity Is a big physical and psychological work, requiring a huge supply of energy. And when the strength of a woman in labor is depleted, it is difficult to expect normal development childbirth: contractions weaken. If during the pushing, instead of holding her breath and tightening the press, the woman in labor begins to scream, then all the forces go into a cry. Neither prolonged nor really strong attempts will work in this case. In addition, screaming scares other women in labor and interferes with the work of the maternity ward staff. Expectant mothers who are positive about childbirth may get scared and also fall into a state panic fear... Therefore, if you decide to give free rein to emotions - be prepared for the fact that your voice can be raised. And this, you see, is completely unpleasant!

Alesya writes that just before the birth of the baby, she was given a catheter. Most likely, our heroine is referring to a disposable sterile medical catheter for removing urine from Bladder... In the second stage of labor, when the head of the fetus is already low in the birth canal, it squeezes urethra, and the woman in labor cannot go to the toilet on her own. In this case, the filled bladder slows down the further progress of the baby, and prolonged pressure glans can lead to urinary retention in postpartum period... Therefore, before starting attempts on a chair, doctors always check the filling of the bladder and, if necessary, remove the contents with a catheter, after which it is removed.

The saga began as soon as I found out about pregnancy. The word "childbirth" enveloped me in a mysterious halo of tenderness and beauty. Image perfect childbirth was inspired by read positive stories from books. And that's what I tried to materialize ...

Dreams Dreams...

Maternity hospital, good fairies-midwives accompany me to the maternity ward, for joy they forgot about the enema. What happiness! I'm giving birth. They pat me on the head, I take those positions that I like and, behold, a small fish swims out into the light of day. Kind hands grab her, and they put a little baby on my stomach. Fairy midwives are happy, pleasant music is playing ...

Start of contractions

It was winter, outside the window the breeze played with the first snowflakes, it was warm and cozy at home, the most dear people gathered together under one roof.

"Oh, how nice my husband is massaging my legs and somehow strangely twisting his stomach all day, so that it could be?" And then strange thoughts began to creep into my head: “What if I give birth? How well everything is going well, it's already night, which means that there will be no traffic jams on the road, great. I'll go and sleep. " And at 3 am my husband and I went to bed.

And again I thought: “So, if I give birth, and I read that semen is very useful for smoothing the cervix. So, you have to wake up your husband. " The poor husband, not understanding anything, satisfied my demand and fell asleep again. And then began, they, sore contractions.

Having chosen the panther style, I hobbled into the bathroom, got some warm water and lay down. A slight relaxation ran through my body, making it clear that everything was going right.

An hour later, I made my way into my mother-in-law's room and woke her up with the words: "I think I am giving birth." Looking at me, and then at the alarm clock, the mother-in-law decided that it was too early for me to give birth and offered to sleep, it would suddenly resolve. And I believed, what if? With feeling, with tact, with an arrangement, I had to admit that it did not dissolve, and on women's council they decided to take me to the hospital.

Maternity hospital

Beloved husband with bulging eyes called a taxi, and then steadfastly played the role of a hanger-skirmisher. In the maternity hospital, my husband and mother-in-law with a heroic look quickly turned me over and also quickly left to see sweet dreams. And I was left alone to be torn apart to strangers.

Materialization ended on such a negative note, everything did not go the way I wanted. In the waiting room, an unkind aunt checked me in. The same aunt introduced me to the toilet, our love with him did not last long, but she was passionate. Dear toilet, you will always remain in my memory. I gave you everything that I had. And delicious cutlets, and ..., oh, I won't talk about sad things.

Then, so cheerful and calm, they took me to the rodblock. The whole army of read books, articles stood before my eyes. Beautiful images helped me that I was not here, I was there ... on a green lawn, I was sitting meditating for myself, butterflies were flying around ...

The lawn disappeared, butterflies scattered at the moment when the CTG was installed. This monster was able to read the intensity of contractions and their interval. He tortured me with belts and bed rest, while they left me alone, as the unkind aunt told the midwives that I was problem-free.


The butterflies returned from the moment the pushing began. What a thrill it is! I was in seventh heaven. A push, a loss of consciousness, a fight, and I am THERE again, flying with the butterflies.

In childbirth, the main thing is to relax your mouth, and then the whole body. In some mysterious way, the mouth is connected to the cervix. And opening depends on its relaxation. And I relaxed my mouth as best I could, and then the whole body.

During my attempts, a lot of people gathered around me, and they all wanted something from me. And they kept repeating in chorus “Push, push. Okay, breathe, breathe. " My head became clear, like God's day, and I worked with all my might, but the butterflies were still there. By some effort at 8.45 in the morning, our girl was born. I asked not to wash off the grease. She refused vaccinations.

Acquaintance with my daughter

An hour later, my daughter was put to her chest, before that she was sunbathing under a light bulb. While she was lying, I told my sleepy husband that he had become a dad. Sobbing was heard in the receiver, and an articulate speech rushed, what it meant, history is silent, it was clear that from happiness the husband had lost the gift of correctly expressing his feelings in words.

An hour later, my daughter and I were teleported to the ward on a wheelchair. I put it down next to me and began to examine. God, how could she, so beautiful fit in my tummy. These legs and arms pushed me. How lovely!

My materialization was almost successful. Our joy was born with a weight of 3130 grams, as we agreed with her. Daughter accepted kind hands midwives, doctors came forward when I asked for something. True, my fears that they would not understand me correctly did not allow the whole plan to be realized. Although this is no longer the main thing ...

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My pregnancy was planned and very desirable, as, for sure, many. Before this important decision, my husband and I had already been married for 2 years, and we had known each other for 8 years, well, in general, I pulled out the spiral and began to wait, a month later I was drawn to salty, but my period came. I was upset, but the next time they were not there, for the sake of faithfulness I waited for about two weeks, I did a test - HURA! It turned out to be positive, a couple of weeks later I went to the doctor, and it started. (I am writing all this for a reason, running ahead, I will say that I will remember all this at the end of my story).
I will not bore you with a story about my pregnancy, everything was going well without any complications, the only "complication" was that I was given PDR on August 28, which meant that I was walking around like a pot-bellied whole our hot Almaty summer, and, of course, Do you understand that once again Don't drink some water, let alone eat a watermelon.

But that way, at 30-32 weeks, they stunned me with the news of what they would do to me cesarean section, for me it was a bolt from the blue, no, of course, I knew from childhood that in one eye I had high degree myopia, but during the whole pregnancy no one even hinted at a cesarean and I, after reading a bunch of magazines, learning to breathe during childbirth, was shocked + But still I was lucky to be born in a family where there is a doctor, especially since this doctor is my mom , she is a doctor for children (which, as it turned out, is now very good, as a pediatrician, I trust only her), but one of her fellow students turned out to be the deputy chief doctor of one of the maternity hospitals in Almaty (by the way, this maternity hospital, one might say , suburban, because it is very far from the center and serves the female population of suburban villages, but I myself was born in this hospital, because before it was only adapted for premature babies, and my mommy managed to give birth to me at 30 weeks.). In general, this sweet wonderful woman she looked at me and said that there was absolutely no need to do a cesarean at the age of 19 (I was actually 24, but nice + even more, even though we corrected her, she was confident that I was 19 years old until my discharge from the hospital ). My doctor referred me to another good woman, an ophthalmologist, very famous in our city, comprehensive examination eyes and especially the retina and + lo and behold !!! They said that I myself can give birth without problems, the only thing is to push correctly, as they explained to me, you need to push down, not up. After passing all these tests, I calmed down and again tuned in to physiological labor, but then it turned out that due to the fact that once I was cauterized by the erosion of the cervix, I could not be taken in childbirth, i.e. you need to go to the hospital in advance, we agreed (we had an oral agreement) that I’ll come to bed at 38 weeks.

But at 37 weeks, I realized that my strength was running out, after a couple of days at the next appointment at the LCD it turned out that the uterus had gone down and the doctor said that if I didn't go to the hospital right away, she would call an ambulance for me. My mother and I went to the hospital. No, I have a husband, but I divide men in relation to childbirth into two categories: those who can survive the childbirth of their wife calmly and after that they will respect and love even more, and those who, after being present at childbirth, will treat their wife as a woman They won't be able to watch, I really love my husband, he is kind and sensitive and adores me, but he belongs to the second category. And I have such a stubborn character that if my mother were not a doctor, I would have left to give birth on the sly without telling anyone at all (in general, it almost happened).

So on August 10, by lunchtime, I ended up in the hospital, naturally I was scared to the limit, but calmed myself strangely: I told myself that childbirth is not a visit to the dentist and at least do something, they cannot be postponed.
The maternity hospital turned out to be very small and cozy, clean, with simple repairs, the only thing that struck me was that there were different wards in the prenatal department: ordinary and self-supporting, I lay in one of the self-supporting ones, there were good wooden beds, two or three people in the ward , TV and refrigerator, but in ordinary wards, women lay 7-8 people and, horror !!! - on mesh beds (as in the pioneer camps of my childhood), with their huge bellies, these nets sagged to the floor + But otherwise everything was fine, the attitude of the medical staff towards pregnant women was wonderful, almost everyone was kind and polite, and it doesn't matter, whether you are paid or free. Why practically? Because, after all, there were incidents, so, for example, I received the first shock in the emergency room, when it turned out that I (I apologize for such intimate details, but those who gave birth know this anyway, a situation similar to mine) will shave the crotch area. To my shame, I notice that then 4 years ago, at 24, I did not know that I had to come to the hospital already shaved, it so happened that there was no one in my environment who would give birth before me, they didn’t tell me anything in the LCD and my mother was sure that I knew. In general, they shaved me with a terrible razor, no, it was new, but some kind of antediluvian, add to this the shame that I experienced from the procedure itself and from the nurse who sighed and gasped about the fact that I did not know about it, I think she also did not enjoy this procedure.

Then, they immediately put me on a drip with some vitamins, this was also the first time with me, before that I had never been given a drip in my life, but here it was immediately for 4 hours. But I passed this test too!
Since it was Friday, my doctor left for the weekend and said that I still shouldn't give birth until Monday, and if I suddenly feel the urge, they would immediately call her. She calmed me down, and all weekend I talked with people like me, and at night, dying of fear, I listened to the women on the floor above screaming, because there was a kind of hall directly above our chamber. But in the morning, we collectively discussed how unfair it is that women give birth all night long, they suffer, and in the morning they come drunk and happy husbands in the company of the same drunk and happy relatives and friends, and joyfully welcome the newly worn out mommy. No, of course, children were born in the morning, during the day, and in the evening, but we, who were waiting for this event and were afraid of it, felt it especially acutely at night.

On Monday, my beloved doctor, looking at me, said that tomorrow - the day after tomorrow I will have a face, but I can even today. It was, by the way, the 13th, Monday, I was going to endure at least until 14 at all costs. I am very superstitious when it comes to such things.
On the night from 13 to 14, I started to have a real panic, my baby fought and pushed, did not let me sleep, I walked around the ward myself and did not let anyone sleep, the midwife on duty was still interested in my condition, and pumped me with corvalol. And I had a real panic, I don't even know what to compare with, there is a similar state before the exam or some other important event+ Then the back began to pull, it didn’t hurt, but it’s unpleasant and scary + And the girls in the ward didn’t sleep and were overwhelmed by me, but they were funny because a woman was on the same bed before me, so her back began to pull , pulled all night, and in the morning she gave birth almost in the ward without any contractions, gave birth 20 minutes later as she was taken away. And, I must say, their stories had their effect - I became even more scared! At dawn, either tired from a sleepless night, or pumped up with Corvalol, I dozed off, and at 8.30 in the morning, through my sleep, I heard the doctors doing their morning rounds.

The following dialogue attracted attention:
My doctor: Well, how are we doing?

Midwife on duty: Such and such gave birth at night, such and such was taken away an hour ago, but Natalya from ward 6 was nervous all night, her back was pulled, the child kicked violently.

My doctor: Natalia an enema and upstairs.

After that I broke into a cold sweat, and the whole dream disappeared instantly.

I will not bore you with stories about such an unpleasant procedure as an enema, especially since all women in labor go through this, and I have already written quite a lot.
After the enema, I was perched on an examination chair, where they looked and pierced the bladder, after all the water had poured into the basin, they took me to the prenatal ward, changed into some kind of strange nightie (I must say, a terrible looking, but sterile clean) ... I was only in this dress and with a watch on my wrist, tk. I waited and looked at the clock all the time.

The contractions began, all the time they continued, I expected that it would be more painful, it would hurt more, but it still did not hurt as much as I expected, the pain was stronger than during menstruation, but bearable, very even bearable, especially since with with each contraction I tried to breathe as I learned. Nearby, another sufferer was tormented, but she was tormented already in the evening and she screamed that this made me worse and I endlessly asked the doctors and midwives who scurried back and forth, how long would I have, they laughed and said: you will have time, from this you can't go anywhere; then my doctor took mercy on me and after another examination of the cervix (which opened rapidly) said that in two hours I would definitely have my face. They put me on a drip and, once they gave me an injection, something like a drug, apparently, because when I asked what it was, they told me: oh, you will feel so good now, and you will reveal all your secrets to us. It was true before similar state I've never had.

Then my neck began to open just furiously, and they took me to the family hall. They put shoe covers on me and hoisted me on a generic chair, creepy in appearance, but comfortable in essence. Attempts began, I was strictly forbidden to scream, so as not to waste energy, as the attempts became unbearable, I became more and more afraid, but now I was allowed to push, about 10 people gathered around: doctors, the head physician, midwives, but I didn't care anymore , I growled with my teeth clenched like a wounded lion, it was growling, I was praised and encouraged, but after three such growls I realized that I suddenly felt very easy and free, and someone shouted, they showed me this someone, it was my son, they promised me my son on an ultrasound scan, and we all wanted a boy, and it was him, the one we were waiting for, who kicked and shoved in my stomach + I cried with joy, for the first time in my life I cried with joy , they put him on my chest, and he, like a blind kitten, with his eyes closed, began to poke his nose and look for a boob, found it, sucked and began to smack with pleasure. He was bluish in color, I asked why, they told me that he had an umbilical cord twisted once, but right before our eyes, he began to turn pink, I hugged him very carefully, they covered us terry towel while everything that was necessary came out for me, then something warm and wet ran over me, I was scared, but it turned out that my baby had scribbled me. But then the most terrible thing in my childbirth began - they cut me off when the head passed, and they began to sew me up, how I screamed, my bunny did not care, he peacefully sucked his breast, because he did not hear anything, but I screamed like a flock of wounded buffaloes, that sufferer who suffered from the evening gave birth next to me, I got carried away and for a while forgot about the pain. But the pain was so terrible, especially when this thread was pulled + I told the doctors: "You know, I would give birth 20 more times, but sew up" And then I said that childbirth is garbage, I would give birth exactly 20 more times if a pregnant woman was 9 months old do not walk + And also that I will not give birth anymore in the summer. Although when I gave birth, it was raining. This event took place on August 14, 2001 at 12.20, in Almaty, in maternity hospital 4, my son was born at 38 weeks, 3.500 - weight, 54cm. - height.

In general, this is my whole story, although I have already written a lot, apparently.
I can only say that the woman giving birth next to her abandoned her healthy and pretty baby, but this is another story that shocked me.
As I already wrote above, I did not say anything to any of my relatives when I went to give birth, calmly gave birth in three and a half hours. And then the roommates called my husband on their mobile when I was already in the postpartum room. The happiness of a husband and relatives is also another story. And to this story I can only add that now I am pregnant again, I have 28 weeks, they say a boy again, at first I was upset, but then I calmed down and decided that it means that there will be a girl later. So that bluish lump born on 08/14/2001 is waiting for a brother. I give birth again in the summer, (no matter how I promised), this baby is completely unplanned, but very desirable, and God gave it to us despite the fact that I had a spiral again. Here I report and again I will go to the same maternity hospital, to the same lovely woman. But they scare me again with cesarean, I am slowly adjusting, after all, there was already childbirth and 4 years have passed, wait and see. I just want to say that, by a strange pattern, we can give birth to children in critical years. family life: at 3 years old, now at 7 years old, we will see the third in 8 years to give birth, at 15 years of family life, but time will tell.

It only remains to add that everyone is as lucky as me with the maternity hospital and childbirth, and with doctors and medical staff + I hope I did not tire you with my long stories.