Russian type of democracy. International Eurasian movement - interview with Dugin

Democracy in Greek is democracy. The people in one form or another have always participated in social development, but at present this does not at all mean merging it with the government, with the state, as it was, for example, in Ancient Athens, where officials were elected and laws were passed at a national meeting. In today's understanding, democracy is a certain state of society in which the power (state) exercises and guarantees the equality of all citizens, the rule of law, the endowment of all members of society with political and social rights and freedoms, the subordination of the minority to the majority. This is reflected not only in the election of the main bodies of the state and officials, but also their controllability and accountability to voters - not on paper, in fact. I bring these general provisions, since they should be characterized by Various types democracy, ranging from parliamentary, presidential, Soviet and ending with the constitutional monarchy. Should, but not always and not equally, these general democratic principles dominate in the life of society, including, to be honest, in our country. Why? To deduce the answer to this question from an objective reality - the national specifics of this or that type of democracy, this or that national culture, national mentality, it would be wrong and dangerous. So you can agree to the point that totalitarianism, autocracy, authoritarian form of government are also born from national characteristics. The best, I would even say, brilliant part of Surkov's lecture is the disclosure of the concept of Russian, Russian political culture, which, undoubtedly, is directly involved in the creation of our type of democracy. Outside of its own culture, Russia has no future - in this we are complete adherents with the author. However, it would be wrong to say that the Russian type of democracy is being created only on this foundation - its main distinctive features and proportions are determined by "fundamental categories and matrix structures of our history, national identity, culture", and all other factors are involved in construction, limited only by planning and finishing. Distinctive features? Yes. Main proportions? No, not only. The historical concept of "culture" consists of two parts - spiritual and material. Political culture refers to the spiritual part, but it is directly influenced by material culture - technology, consumer goods, clothing, everything that in aggregate largely determines the way of life. Meanwhile, the achievements of material culture are associated to a much greater extent not with its national characteristics, but with the achievements of technology, technology, organization of production, which do not develop within the national framework. Therefore, national cultures, mentality, national traditions cannot be considered statically, they change in connection with the development of society. Vladislav Surkov himself rightly raises the question of the need to “pragmatically follow ideological goals; to learn prudence and proportionality of actions ”, in other words, to improve in many ways the features of Russian or, more broadly, Russian political culture. The objective processes that bring cultures and civilizations closer together should not be underestimated either. Do not such global processes as interstate integration and transnationalization of entrepreneurial activity have a direct and increasing 93 influence on various types of democracy, including Russian democracy? The incentive for Vladislav Yuryevich to make such a strong emphasis on national element of the Russian "democratic house" under construction was, obviously, an underestimation of this, on the one hand, by those who are too keen on pro-Western sentiments, and, on the other hand, representatives of a dogmatic, purely class approach to the characterization of society. As Mao Zedong said, "to straighten, you need to bend." But the excesses themselves give rise Negative consequences... It is quite characteristic that in the controversy surrounding Vladislav Surkov's lecture a paradoxical conclusion arose that “the power of national culture, the power of ideologies, images and meanings transformed by the nation — this is what is replacing amorphous universal values” (Dmitry Orlov, “NG” from 07/13/07). The words "replaces" are highlighted by me. One could also accentuate the epithet "amorphous", referring to universal human values. Their humiliation and even their absence - we have already passed this when we viewed everything through the "class prism". And now it is proposed to replace it with a "national prism"?

<< The essence and characteristics of modern management Considering the development of management theory and practice, there are several >>

Management in one form or another has always existed where people worked in groups, usually in 3 areas human society: Political - the need to establish and maintain order in groups; economic - the need to find, produce and allocate resources; defensive - protection from enemies and wild animals.

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Management schools

"Evolution of management thought" - Evolution of management thought. Mary P. Follett. Administrative school in management. Process and situational approaches to management. School " human relations". The contribution of Russian scientists to the development of management thought. The origin of management thought. School of Science Management. Development simple forms streamlining and organizing.

"Schools of Management" - main idea schools. School of Human Relations (1930-1960). Systematic approach to management. The main scientific conclusion of the school. Key representatives. The classical, or administrative, school in management arose on the basis of the ideas of the school of scientific management. Interested in production processes generally.

"Schools of Management" - Diagnostics. (Issues of labor efficiency based on the analysis of work below the managerial level). Behavioral (behavioral) school. Management functions according to Fayol: Planning Organization Motivation Control Coordination. (Replacing verbal reasoning with models, symbols and meanings). Fixing the result.

"School of Science Management" - Gantt Chart. F. Taylor's innovations. Implementation of "mobile" elements. Lillian Gilbert. Efficiency improvement programs. Garrington Emerson. Henry Ford plant. The founders of the school. Line-conveyor production. Employee selection criteria. Frank Gilbert. 12 principles of productivity. Principles of rational organization.

"Schools of Management in Management" - The statement about the innate dislike of the average individual's work is erroneous. Authority and responsibility. Division of labor. Subordination personal interests general. Disadvantages of the classical administrative school. Unity of direction. Where authority is given, responsibility arises. Management continuum.

According to scientists, people choose their soul mate precisely by their body odor. It is believed that it is the sense of smell that allows you to select a partner with the most appropriate set of genes. After all, a person is able to secrete pheromones: substances that are of interest to the opposite sex. However, there are situations when a particular smell emanating from the body should be perceived as a distress signal. After all, he can talk about having enough serious illness... Doctors say that some diseases have their own "flavor". How exactly diseases smell and what you should pay attention to when a new smell appears - in the material.

Smell test

Doctors have long begun to use an unpleasant odor emanating from the human body as an option for primary diagnosis. various diseases... After all, repulsive amber is a clear signal that metabolic processes have been disturbed. This often occurs against the background of the development of certain pathologies.

The bacteria that colonize the skin survive the previous colonies that were "healthy", and the waste products of the new ones start to smell differently.

Does it smell like acetone?

If sweat takes on the smell of acetone, it is worth checking for pathologies such as:

  • Various endocrine pathologies associated with diabetes
  • Digestive system problems
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys
  • Human infection with microbes, bacteria and viruses

All this can lead to an imbalance in the body, due to which general dysfunction is noted. It should be understood that diabetes It is the most common reason the appearance of acetone odor from the body. This is attributed to the fact that a person develops insulin deficiency. Glucose begins to break down worse, and an excess of it becomes the cause of a change in the composition of the blood and a deterioration in metabolism: from this, the amount in the body begins to increase ketone bodies... The body actively removes excess, including along with sweat: hence the appearance of a sharp acetone amber. It should be understood that this condition is fraught with serious health problems and often indicates the approach of a diabetic coma.

Also, the smell of acetone can be observed if the kidneys are affected. In this case, in addition to the characteristic "aroma", the person will show symptoms such as edema, problems with urination, pain in the lumbar region, increased pressure, and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

If the acetone odor from the skin is accompanied by a sharp loss of kilograms with persisting appetite, irritability and insomnia, it is said that the problem may be caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Smell of a cat

There are situations when the smell of cat feces begins to come from a person. In this case, the body also signals possible malfunctions. So, for example, the smell of urea appears when:

  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system and VSD
  • Tuberculosis
  • Obesity
  • Disorders in the digestive system

Kidney problems are among the common causes of this odor. After all, if their work does not work properly, the whole body as a whole reacts painfully to this. Moreover, it should be understood that the smell of urea in this case will be strong, and it will be impossible to cope with it with improvised means: they do not take such deodorants.

A problem develops due to the fact that protein breakdown products are excreted through sebaceous glands... Doctors in this case talk about uricidosis, which can result from chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis and uremia.

Vinegar smell

A person's sweat can sometimes smell like vinegar. It is important to understand that the appearance of such a symptom is accompanied by increased sweating. Among the reasons due to which such a problem may develop:

  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Lack of vitamins D and B
  • Infectious and inflammatory lung diseases
  • Mastopathy

If we are talking about failures in endocrine system, there may be a lack of iodine in the body. This immediately leads to the appearance unpleasant odor... It is quite possible to recognize tuberculosis by the vinegar smell from the body, because in this case, symptoms such as severe cough, fatigue, weakness and elevated temperature... Women are not advised to leave such a smell unattended: it may indicate serious problems with breasts.

Other options

As soon as the body odor has changed, turning into something intolerable, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible. After all, a different smell can indicate various pathologies, some of which are rather difficult to treat.

Theme. 15. Representations


1.general characteristics representations.

2. Types of performances.


1. Atkinson R. Human memory and the learning process. - M., 1980.

2. Nemov R.S. Psychology. Book. 1. General foundations of psychology. - M., 1994.

3. General psychology... - M., 1986.

4. Cognitive processes and learning ability. M., 1990.

General characteristics of representations.

One of the main manifestations of memory is the reproduction of images. Images of objects and phenomena that we are in this moment we do not perceive, they are called representations. Representations arise as a result of the revitalization of previously formed temporary connections; they can be called up with the help of words, descriptions.

To imagine is to mentally see or mentally hear something, and not just know. Representations are a higher stage of sensory cognition than perceptions, they are the stage of transition from sensations to thoughts, this is a visual and at the same time generalized image reflecting characteristic signs subject. Representations are formed in the process of human activity, which leaves its mark on their character.

In everyday life, the word "representation" is used in different meanings... It can mean understanding , expressed, for example, by the question: "Do you imagine what you have done?" knowledge about something, for example, in the statement “I don’t imagine [I don’t know] what it is,” denote memory about something, for example: "Imagine the lake that we saw yesterday", and may mean the image of a certain object, phenomenon or event that does not exist in reality as a result of the activity of the imagination , which can be expressed, for example, by the phrase “Imagine (imagine) the house that we will build. He will be ... [so and so]. "

V scientific psychology the content of the concept of "representation" is a sensory image of an object, situation or event, which is the result of memory or productive creative imagination.

Representation is a mental process of reflecting objects and phenomena that are not perceived at the moment, but are recreated based on our previous experience.

Submission is secondary sensual an image that either directly, thanks to memory, is reproduced in the consciousness of the subject, or is the result of mental manipulations with various sensory images, i.e. activity of the imagination, in which there are elements of thinking. Therefore, they distinguish two types of views:

1. representations of memory, arose on the basis of perception in the past;

2. representations of the imagination, arose on the basis of information received in the past and its creative processing.

View functions:

1.Essence signaling function representations consists in reflecting in each specific case not only the image of an object that previously influenced our senses, but also a variety of information about it, which subsequently, under the influence of specific influences, turned into a system of signals that control our behavior.

2.Regulatory function representations consists in the selection of the necessary information about an object or phenomenon that previously affected our senses, taking into account real conditions upcoming activities. Thanks to the regulating function, precisely those aspects are actualized, for example, motor representations, on the basis of which greatest success the task is being solved.

3.Setting function representations is manifested in the orientation of the human body to certain parameters of the reflection of the influences of the surrounding world.

Thus, presentation is also a cognitive mental process associated with reconstruction of existing or with creating new images of objects - representations based on traces of perception images stored in memory. Representations and their properties clearly indicate that sensory images, being phenomena related to mental sphere and possessing their own qualities, different from nervous processes, are stored in memory in the form of sensory images. This is confirmed, in particular, by Penfield's experiments on the open brain, in which electrical stimulation of the associative zones of the cerebral cortex led to the fact that the subject, who was at that moment in the waking state, visually appeared brightly colored, detailed living scenes from his past life.

Physiological basis views make up "traces" in the cerebral cortex, remaining after real excitations of the central nervous system upon perception. These "traces" are preserved due to the known plasticity of the central nervous system.

The surviving traces of excitement, which took place with a certain activity of our sensations and perceptions, create the necessary conditions to build the desired view. The very idea with its specific structure arises as a result of the formation of conditional temporary connections in the cerebral cortex due to the function of the first signaling system.

Representation play a huge adaptive role in human life, first of all, as images of the final results of activity. It is the idea of ​​the end result of activity as its goal that distinguishes human activity from animal behavior. Without presenting a concrete image of a final object, productive, consistent objective human activity is impossible. Of course, in the process of activity, this image can change in accordance with new conditions and circumstances, but in one form or another it must always be, otherwise the activity will proceed according to the principle of trial and error as is often seen in animals.

Therefore, in order to increase the productivity of activity, before starting to perform some business, a person must imagine an image of that object or situation that he wants to create or achieve.

Representations help a person as well create a holistic picture of the available space: despite the fact that at any given moment a person sees only part of the space, thanks to representations he knows what exactly and where is outside his field of vision, i.e. "Perceives" the surrounding space as integral and continuous. Thus, the performance is a kind of bridge, a transitional cognitive mental process between the process of direct sensory perception and the process of mediated conceptual thinking.

Representation, like perception, has own characteristics... These characteristics are determined both by the fact that these images appear in consciousness in the absence of external stimuli at the time of their appearance and existence, and by those laws that determine the storage of any material in memory. For most people, views have the following characteristics.

Spatio-temporal characteristics of representations:

a) panorama, which consists in the fact that objects or scenes reproduced in the representation in their scope can exceed the volume of the field of perception, for example, we can imagine a room with objects as a whole, although we always perceive only a part of it; panorama is also manifested in the fact that we can imagine the whole object, while at any given moment we perceive only a part of it;

b) the separation of the figure from the background: in the view, the figure can exist separately from the background and vice versa;

c) inaccuracy in reproducing the size of the object, the number of its elements, as well as its schematization;

d) distortion of the duration of time intervals: the more the real time interval was filled with events, the longer it seems.

Modality of views. It is the modality of representations that makes it possible to classify them as sensory images, albeit secondary ones. The predominance of one or another modality in the views of a specific person can be determined using the Betts test. To do this, a person needs to be asked to imagine the images listed below and evaluate the degree of their liveliness on a 5-point scale:

Colour home;

The sound of a boiling kettle;

"Feeling" of sand when lying on it;

Bodily sensation when walking up stairs;

Orange flavor;

The smell of the forest (sea);

Sore throat feeling.

Intensity of views. The overwhelming majority of people have much less vivid ideas than images that arise from direct perception of objects and situations. There are, however, people with very vivid, rich ideas, for example, people with an eidetic memory.

Fragmentation. This characteristic suggests that in the represented image of the object, as a rule, some of its sides, parts or features are absent.

Instability. The image of an object in the presentation has a kind of fluidity, it seems to flicker, constantly slightly changing its shape and color.

Generalization. Generalization of the presentation is one of its most important characteristics. Already at the level of representation, when creating a secondary image of an object, the process of generalization is carried out, which, when forming concepts, comes to the fore. In the performance, we may well recreate the image of a "rose in general" - to cause a specific image of a rose, in which, at the same time, highly individualized features will be absent and the most characteristics of this object. It is the process of generalization that underlies the formation of concepts - the basic elements of human thinking.