Paintings for the surname Antipin. Beautiful murals: we are working on calligraphy. For the most creative

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In the Middle Ages, people were not particularly original and literate, and instead of a signature, they left crosses, checkmarks or other graphic signs. Now, the choice of signature is taken more seriously. In order to leave your signature on a document, you need to figure out how to make it original and beautiful. A person's autograph speaks of his responsibility and awareness.

Many have observed that famous people almost always nice autograph. And rightly so, because, in this way, people are trying to be remembered and stand out among others. In order to decide what your signature will be, imagine it in your mind. And we will show you how to do it in practice.

You will need:

The nature and information carried by the signature

Start with the nature of your signature, be it simple or more complex. It can be based on your first name, last name, or initials. When you decide on the meaning and letters, complete them with unusual ones. beautiful signs or symbols. Among women's signatures, various curls and roundness are observed, men most often use straight lines. But it may be otherwise.

longer and complex signature can be your specialty.

The more it will different elements, the higher the probability that no one can fake it.

Depending on your profession, determine how much time you can spend on your autograph each time.

For example, doctors do not spend much time on their signature, most often no one can parse it, and, accordingly, no one can repeat it either. People with a creative profession (journalists, writers, artists) should think about the beauty of their painting and spend more time on it.

Most cases indicate that signatures that are clear, beautiful and understandable are harder to fake, and illegible curls are repeated more often. The more details the better.

Analyze your signature today

Look at your signature and think about what you put into it. Analyze what you see in it pluses and minuses. Maybe not everything is so bad and you can add just a few elements.

Then write your three main letters on a piece of paper (the first letters of the last name, first name and patronymic). Try to connect them in a happy order and somehow emphasize, highlight.

Choose one letter, which will become the main component.

Signatures of famous personalities

Review the signatures of famous people. Many of them are famous for their unusual autographs. Salvador Dali, John Hancock, Picasso, A. Pushkin, Lady Gaga… If you like any element, don't be afraid to use it for your signature. Playing with letters and symbols won't hurt her.

Some celebrities used this technique: first they indicated the first letter of their name, then they put a period and completely spelled out the last name.

Such a signature is immediately remembered. You can complement the painting with an unusual curl, which will play a key role.

You can complicate the signature with different patterns. Men's strict painting with a lot of patterns will not look very representative. In this case, it is much easier for women, you can turn on your imagination to the fullest.

Some make their signature unique themes, which together with a tail above the “th” or above other letters, put a heart or an asterisk.

Highlight letters

  • If your signature is neat and legible, you can highlight the first letter by making it sloppy and weird. You can also do the opposite.
  • The next method involves underlining. After you sign, you can underline everything completely or underline only the first letter. Can be used different types underlining: curls or zigzags.
  • Use the Latin alphabet or letters from another beautiful language. You can combine them with Russians. Put the main letter, for example, French, and write the rest in Cyrillic. At the end, dilute with a distinctive element.


Autograph(from Greek "auto"

- myself and - "grafo" - I write) - in this case, a handwritten signature on documents, postcards, souvenirs, or a commemorative short text inscription on a book or photo that ends with a personal signature. Any handwritten author's text is also called an autograph.

Nowadays, when handwritten documents (except for letters, postcards and IOUs) are becoming rarer and rarer, the role of the autograph is transferred to the signature. And the attitude to such a noticeable element of the manifestation of personality is becoming more and more serious.

(video on YouTUBE)

A personal signature acts as a bright poster with a list psychological characteristics its author and demonstrates the degree of complexity of the forgery, which indicates the seriousness of its owner. An autograph allows you to tell a lot about yourself without saying a word. Putting a personal signature at the end of a letter or document, we do not even realize that in a split second we are creating a graphic self-portrait.

WATERMARK based on the original autograph, coat of arms or monogram can be made on your name writing paper. Congratulatory letters are written on such paper. Of more thick paper You can make business cards or postcards. White and colored paper with watermarks is produced by Paperman in Russia on special order.

EXLIBRIS for a home or personal library, a collection of electronic media: CDs, DVDs, tape or video recordings, as well as vinyl records, should also be developed on the basis of an expressive artistic autograph. Ex-libris can be made in the form of a print or printed on a color or black-and-white printer on self-adhesive paper, and then pasted onto a protected item.

Bookplate development
based on an autograph.

Usually, bankers have the most complex and stable signatures due to the specifics of the profession (examples below):

We are not aware of studies that accurately report how many lucrative deals or contracts in which a certain person acts as a guarantor have changed to a less favorable side or did not take place at all, but that such cases take place in banking or in hiring,

- we know for sure. In particular, Supreme Court In 1978, the US legalized the use of graphology in hiring.

One of contemporary problems recruitment is that more and more people pass their final exams at school and enter universities, which means that it is becoming increasingly difficult for firms to select suitable candidates for vacancies from a growing number of graduates. Peter Gerard, manager of one of the divisions of the recruitment company Michael Page, claims that the number of job candidates in the United Kingdom in last years rose sharply. In some areas, competition is especially high, and the problem is getting worse. a large number people coming from abroad. One of the main reasons for this state of affairs, according to Gerard,

- the Internet. "It's easier for people to find out about emerging vacancies",- he said in an interview with the BBC and added that thanks to online questionnaires, one person can now easily apply for a dozen places at once. However, Calum Forrest, head of Goldman Sachs' European job center, says, "If you hire the wrong people, you're doomed from the start."

As a result of correspondence, sooner or later you will have to put your signature. It is necessary to prepare for this in advance, not hoping that your resume will not get to a graphology specialist.

Remember your feelings from looking at various autographs that you had to meet in your life. Sometimes it is a pleasant roundness, which calms and disposes to oneself, sometimes overflowing energy, which demonstrates activity and business pressure. It is easy to recognize modesty and eccentricity, authoritarianism and narcissism, and it happens that schoolboy clumsiness raises doubts at least in some positive qualities its owner.

Below are autographs of prominent historical figures:

Autograph of Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise (French Queen)

Autograph of Bogdan Khmelnitsky (Hetman of Ukraine)

Autograph of Taras Shevchenko (Poet, artist)

Autograph of Salvador Dali (Artist)

Autograph of Mikhail Bulgakov (Writer)

Autograph of Alexander Pushkin (Poet)

Autograph of Leo Tolstoy (Writer)

Autograph of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)

Graphologists(handwriting) on ​​the basis of many years of observations, comparisons and conclusions, they argue that the signature, like handwriting, reflects the internal state of a person. Moreover, as the signature changes, so does the owner (and vice versa). These two factors are inseparable. No matter what at bad mood take it and smile ... The mood will immediately noticeably improve.

Here are just a few of the main, most characteristic parameters of an autograph by which their owner can be judged.

Rising up the signature or its ending characterizes its owner as an energetic, temperamental, optimistic person.

Horizontal informs about balance and constancy.

limply descending signature or endsymbolizes pessimism, uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life and work performed.

Large and sprawling signature- author - egotist. He does not put up well with the ordinary average conditions of life. Wants to achieve much more.

Signature initial letter corresponds first letter of last name expresses modesty, simplicity, satisfaction of requests with its real capabilities.

Signature initial letter- name who wrote, and after it a signature was made from the surname - efficiency, responsibility for one's actions, thoughtfulness. The dot speaks of discipline and the completion of one's intentions.

Initial letter intricate(it is possible to combine different initials in the form of a monogram)- secrecy, secrecy. Such people are selective in friendship, distrustful.

Presence in the signature repeatedly repeated monotonous strokes increased energy, the activity of the author, the ability to see the perspective in diversity.

Additional elements(strokes, loops, curls, semantic elements) contained in the signature of a tense (cursive letter) indicate that the author has imagination and resourcefulness.

Excessively and unjustifiably decorated various curls and strokes, the initial letter and the entire autograph as a whole reflect excessive ambition, egocentrism, narcissism, possibly to the detriment of the results of the case.

Signature without a stroke - culture, upbringing.

Straight jerky stroke at the end of the autograph, as if falling down, - energy, determination, courage, rigidity in relationships with subordinates.

Returning from the bottom to the beginning of the signature flourish- selfishness, distrust.

In life there are different periods. There are ups and downs, victories and defeats. These factors are often reflected in the mood and autograph of its owner.

In Morgenstern's book Psychographology, published in 1903, Napoleon's autographs are reproduced under orders for the army after decisive battles.

Variants of Napoleon Bonaparte's signature at different periods of life path reflect changes in career, status and mood. Below are the autographs left by Napoleon on various documents.

Napoleon with the rank of artillery captain (1793)

Napoleon - emperor (1804)

Napoleon's signature on a proclamation after the victory at Austerlitz (1805)

Napoleon's autograph after the battle near Moscow (1812)

Napoleon's signature on his speech from Russia (1812)

Napoleon's signature after the lost battle of Leipzig which led to the loss of conquests in Europe (1813)

Often a person invents his own signature according to their tastes, ingenuity, social status or profession.But as ambitions and business or creative activity grow, there is a need and desire for some kind of originality, aesthetics and special meaning! By yourself, without calligraphy lessons, it’s not so easy to do it, no matter how hard you try, but who to turn to- unknown...

Nami was developed a special algorithm for such an unusual creative process, and we did the first few jobs. The experience turned out to be successful. One of the customers said this about the result: I had an understanding that it was necessary to somehow improve the autograph, but I did not imagine that such a result could be achieved. It's like walking around in an old, greasy, crumpled tie - it seems to be a shame, but there is no other.And now in such a fashionable and elegant I feel more confident than ever!

How is it performed autograph correction or renewal to display the new status of its owner, technological necessity, stable repeatability, etc.?

Such development of a personal signature consists of handwriting motility analysis. Then, on its basis, all possible options signature styles, in accordance with the specified parameters. Then the owner trains to write the proposed options in his performance. Through further adjustments over several sessions, the search continues best result. (video on Youtube)

The cost of such development depends on the complexity of the work, the specifics of the task and the number of adjustment sessions.

Below are four typical examples of searching for options according to the semantic and graphic priorities set by the owners of the signatures, as well as taking into account the specifics of calligraphy and the motor skills of the owners' letters. At the request of all autograph holders, we do not present their final results.

Example #1.

Initial signature (prior to development)

A selection of the proposed options based on a dynamic star, a hint of which was in the analogue, and several alternative styles.

After several sessions of writing training, the customer decided to move away from the options that improved his counterpart, and practiced alternative options. Below are captions made by the owner at the stage of stable writing motor skills training.

Example #2.

The autograph used by the customer was too simple for him new position and it was easy to fake it. After independent attempts to create a new signature, the customer decided to order us to develop an autograph of a higher degree of complexity, but without frills.

We have proposed about 50 styles of varying degrees of complexity. Some of them are shown below. After the first stage, three different options were selected, followed by another refinement and training of the final version.

Example #3.

The owner's performance of his own autograph based on the surname has gradually deteriorated over the past 10 years due to a large number daily signatures on documents. Having moved to a new career level, he decided to develop an autograph anew- more complex and dynamic, based on the first name or its initial letter and last name.

A total of 45 different weights were proposed, based on the previous (upper) version and the original ones. After training several alternatives final was chosen. Facsimiles were commissioned for current documents. And on especially important documents and greeting or invitation cards, the owner puts an autograph with his own hand.

Example number 4.

The former teacher took up her own business. At the time of our acquaintance, the constantly growing enterprise required updating many parameters. After the development of a new trademark and other graphic constants, she felt that her new status and, especially, her emotional upsurge, absolutely did not correspond to the "teacher's" signature (left version), which had served her faithfully for a long time. After several attempts to improve the situation on her own by adding her first name to the surname, the business lady asked us to look into this problem.

We began the search for options with an attempt to untie the tangle of initials. Added more flourishes with baroque plastic. After a workout, we settled on them. Surprisingly, the final version of such a difficult autograph in her performance turned out to be quite stable.. Often on election posters, after a quote from a politician, they put his autograph. If it is legible and expressive, then the impact of the poster is much stronger. So the voter behind the autograph intuitively sees the character and principles of the politician. Considering that trust in politicians is not very high, (3:14 min video on YOU TUBE)

A beautiful stroke in the document is needed if you have to change your last name or get a passport for the first time. Those who get married and change their surname come up with spectacular murals. The need to create or replace an "autograph" takes you by surprise. The art of "documentary calligraphy" is easy to learn. Show your individuality, make the autograph original, memorable. Painting - business card author. Try to create your signature online according to the suggested free tips.

What is a signature for?

Without painting it is difficult to fully live in society. Any adult has to deal with papers. With the help of the "author's stroke" the content of the documents, the consent or denial of information is confirmed. The first official is the signature in the passport. At the time of receipt of the document, it is important to decide on the option and stick to it in the future. Learn how to make a funny stroke instead of a quick squiggle, creative with swirls, additional elements quickly, with a little effort and effort.

It is important to first decide on the form, and then train the accuracy of its transmission in documents. Painting matters - it indicates the character of a person. An experienced graphologist can easily determine the gender of the author, hidden character traits, psychological and physical state

How to come up with a signature for a passport

When creating a painting, you need to decide what it will be: simple or complex, short or long. How to come up with a painting based on convenience: too complicated and cumbersome. A simple one will become an “easy password” that anyone can easily repeat. The right option will become a simple touch with its own distinctive feature. See photos and select best option.

Surname Signature Examples

Whether you're going to be a teacher, principal, accountant, or worker, you'll have to learn the art of handing over an autograph accurately time after time. - a key hint on how to come up with a signature. A successful stroke is created like this:

  1. Take a piece of paper, write your name.
  2. Separate the first three letters - this is the best option, how to come up with signatures in several versions.
  3. It is good if the surname begins with a consonant letter, with rounded, clear, graphic characters.
  4. Add the first letter of the name.
  5. Put your initials in front.

If it is undesirable to fix the surname, put the first letter of the name and patronymic. Next, use the elements for decoration. It is interesting to combine Cyrillic and Latin. Try to play with the letters by rearranging them. Many create funny captions using vintage calligraphy and extra flourishes. A male autograph should be discreet, the decor looks ugly. Girls are allowed to add curls and squiggles, small drawings.

Surname Signature Examples

Creating murals is not as difficult as it might seem. It's exciting and creative occupation. Interesting is the creation of ways to connect letters. Here are some beautiful captions as an example:

Celebrity autographs

Famous people I use autographs as a kind of business card. Autographs become a separate industry modern collecting. John Hancock has a creative painting. In the signature, he uses an old Latin font, which looks impressive.

Another interesting option is the autograph of Kurt Vonnegut.

He depicts his own profile, inside which the surname is “hidden”. Jay Leno features funny proofreading and last name caption.

Which one to think of

Shouldn't be drawn complex options. Use your own initials, surname as a base. Samples can be found in the photo. An interesting option will turn out on the basis of ready-made ones. Create a powerful swirl or a modest décor element in your signature. Do you think? Use the Latin alphabet or the Old Russian alphabet - this will add uniqueness to the strokes. Try to choose rare items. Combine initials, surname, abbreviations of the Latin or Russian version.

Video: how to sign beautifully

If you are not a connoisseur of graphology, take the advice of connoisseurs and connoisseurs. Handwriting and "family strokes" people have been studying for a long time. Learn how to come up with an autograph in a simple and clear video. Hints will provide you with invaluable help in choosing good option for documents and passports.

A bright and attractive signature is one of the sides of expressing our personality. A signature can tell a lot about you to an experienced graphologist, according to our signature, others form their opinion about us, painting is able to emphasize certain traits of a person’s character. If you do not yet have your own painting, or its current quality does not suit you, then I recommend using online signature generators, which will not only help you create an attractive monogram, but also make it possible to download the latter as a graphic file to your PC. AT this material I'll tell you what online generator signatures will help us with this, and how to work with it.

All the services for creating a signature online, which I will describe below, are free in nature and have a fairly simple interface. In most cases, after switching to such a generator, you must enter the words that will be used for painting (usually a classic first and last name), then the resource will create various options signatures, and will prompt the user to choose the one he likes from the created list.

The generators that I will describe below are free in nature and have a fairly simple interface. In most cases, after switching to such a constructor, it is necessary to enter the words that will be used for painting (usually these are the classic first and last names), then the resource will create various options for signatures in the passport, and prompt the user to choose the one they like from the created list.

After choosing the signature you like, the resource will offer to save it to your computer (usually in graphic formats "png" or "gif"). After saving, you can use this painting in various forums, in electronic correspondence, and other possible areas of application.

How to come up with a beautiful signature

TOP 5 Online Signature Generators

Let's move on to the description of services that allow you to generate a painting online.

Constructor is the most popular service for generating a signature in Runet online. Ease of use, free nature, the ability to save the result as an animated gif-movie make this resource a fairly convenient tool for creating mural.

To work with the Podpis-online resource, do the following:

  1. Go to the resource;
  2. In the appropriate fields, enter your first name, last name and patronymic (the last one if desired), or other words that you want to use in your signature;
  3. Click on the "Pick up signature" button to generate a signature;
  4. You will receive a variety different variants signatures. By clicking on the “Settings” button on the right, you can select the signature animation settings, determine its background and line color;
  5. When any of the signatures suits you, click on the "Save animation" button (a new page will open where your signature will be shown);
  6. To save the caption, move the mouse cursor over it, and click on the "Save image as" button.

Another Russian-language service for creating signatures that I want to talk about is the service. Working with it is simpler than with the site I have already mentioned, and will consist of the following:

The third Russian-language service with similar functionality to the ones already described is the generator. Working with it is similar to services of such a plan:

The utility will allow you to create a beautiful signature online in Latin. The site has an English-language interface, and the signature creation algorithm itself consists of a dozen consecutive steps.

To create a mural using the Mylivesignature service, do the following:

And the last service for drawing an autograph online that I want to talk about is the generator. The site also has an English interface, allows you to select a number of settings for your signature (including adding graphic objects to the signature), create a signature online, and then save it to your PC.

To work with the Coolonlinetools site, do the following:


In this article, I have considered various generators that allow you to select a signature online, and also described the algorithm for working with them. It is quite easy to come up with a painting with their help, and the result can be easily downloaded to your PC in a PNG or GIF format file. Try the possibilities of these services - the result will definitely not disappoint you.

Sometimes you want to start life with clean slate... Or maybe start with the simplest - for example, try to solve an elementary problem: how to come up with a signature. Did you know that handwriting can say a lot about a person, just like a signature can significantly affect his fate. Sometimes it is enough to change the painting, and life will immediately begin to change for the better. Or maybe you don’t have your own signature yet, the one that you would like to sweep in your passport or imprint in someone’s notebook if (or when) you become famous? Then read this article. We will teach you how to sign and tell you how to become the owner of the most stylish and original signature.

In order to learn how to sign beautifully, you need to carefully prepare. It will not take much time, but the result will surely please you.

  1. Analyze your previous signature (if you had one). See what you don’t like, perhaps you have changed your handwriting and writing style, you have some kind of “trick” of your own, or you simply changed your last name. In this case, think about which elements of your previous painting you would like to keep, and which ones you would like to improve and decorate.

  2. A signature is not just a cute squiggle. This is information about you, your calling card. Therefore, you need to consider what information would you like to put in it. Name? Surname? Or maybe all together, and even a patronymic? Highlight the first letters of the name and patronymic (initials), practice writing them together with the surname. Try different options: write the first letters of the name beautifully, sweepingly, apply various kinds of curls.

  3. When you have already decided which part of the first and last name you will use in the signature, select the characters that will serve to connect the letters. Remember the first class: hooks, sticks, curls - all this will come in handy. Also, calligraphy. This marvelous art not only relaxes and relieves stress, but also helps to bring your own painting closer to the ideal.

  4. In order to expand your horizons and stock up on inspiration, study examples of signatures of famous writers, artists, artists and artists. This will help you make your personal signature even brighter and better.

How to come up with a nickname?

In addition to the real signature, there is also a virtual signature. We all live in the times of the Internet, in which there is an incredible amount of Vasya, Kol and Sing. And I want to emphasize my identity, so that even in social network you are not confused with anyone. It remains only to dream a little - how to come up with a nickname, and you will definitely have some original idea.

  • Of course, if you have a rare and memorable surname, then you don’t need to come up with anything. For example, if your surname is Shchiborsch or Eybogin, then you will hardly meet your double on the network.
  • You can use the name or surname of your favorite literary character, actor or singer instead of a nickname. However, this is not very reliable way.
  • Remember what nickname you came up with at school your classmates. Perhaps this is not an offensive teaser at all, but your unique nickname. Here you were at school Pancake or Cupcake - it's so great! People with such nicknames in the network, oh, how they are needed!
  • Just read your last name backwards - you can meet unusual combination sounds, which will become your personal business card.
  • Come up with a nickname that reflects your hobby or your character traits - Positive, Dancing in the Sky, Brave, Predator.
  • Come up with some absurd application word for your name. For example, Pelmen Boris, Lyudmila Good evening, Tolya Zhelezyaka. Of course, you can show off your knowledge of foreign languages ​​​​and write something in Latin or Hindi after the name. The main thing is not to get into trouble.

If you have already figured out what letters you will use to create a signature, then you can work out possible options for the design of your future autograph.