Wishes to the bride and groom: text, interesting options. Congratulations to the newlyweds during the feast from the parents of the bride. Wishes for the newlyweds during the wedding

This is a special day in the life of every girl, which consists entirely of exciting moments. First, a ransom, then a painting in the registry office, the first dance of the newlyweds, etc. The speech of the bride at the wedding is an important part of the holiday, which brings the banquet to an end. It is necessary to thank the guests who came to share the celebration, to present their gifts. It is also important to say thank you to your parents and your new husband. This is a very crucial moment, for which you need to carefully prepare in advance, so it is useful to know the basic requirements on this topic.

The bride-to-be should think over the speech in advance from beginning to end. You will need various options ready-made words that you can use as a backbone. However, this will not be enough and you will have to try, because there are certain rules necessary to make the speech both beautiful and concise. Below you will find the main recommendations that will effectively help in this difficult matter.

  • Divide your speech initially into parts: introduction, narrative, ending. All three of these sections must be smoothly connected to each other to get nice toast or wish.
  • Do not go into too much detail so as not to tire the viewer with your performance. Take literally three or four sentences for each part of the bride's speech.
  • If you want to make perfect toast, use beautiful turnovers. However, do not insert them in every sentence: one or two will be enough.
  • So that the speech does not come out too long, think over the main idea that you want to convey to all the invitees. Gradually lead the audience to the main words.

  • Be sure to thank all the guests, relatives for coming to share this wonderful moment of your life and making the holiday unforgettable, fun, beautiful.
  • Do not forget to remember the names of the groom's parents, addressing them with words of sincere joy to become part of this family.
  • This speech gently hints at the end of the evening, so say goodbye to the guests nicely and if you have a second wedding day planned, be sure to remind everyone that you are waiting for them tomorrow.
  • Your toast doesn't have to be all words. You may want to sing a song or show a photo slideshow about your relationship with your fiancé. This version of the speech will already look like a gift to your lover, so dedicate your words only to him, and at the end succinctly express gratitude to the others.
  • Decide what idea you want to reveal and to whom your words will be addressed.

Variants of the bride's wedding speech in verse and prose

Your speech depends entirely on the idea you want to convey and can be addressed to different people: parents, groom, guests, etc. Therefore, there are many variations of the words of the bride. Additionally, use poetry if ordinary prose seems boring and banal to you. It's great that you have the ability to rhyme beautifully for this purpose. If this is not possible, find finished poem, for example, on the Internet. Below you will find a variety of options for the bride's wedding speech that can inspire and give you the right idea.

Groom's parents

Mom and dad of the beloved are the most important people present at the wedding among the rest of the guests. On the day of marriage, they become your second family, which must be honored, loved and respected. Therefore, it will be great if in your speech you turn to the parents of the groom. Consider this the first significant contribution to warm relationship with father-in-law and mother-in-law.


Your accomplished husband is the most important person on this day and later life. Therefore, surround him with your attention by talking about your feelings in the presence of all those invited. Dedicate the main speech to the future father of your children wedding evening. These can be words written in prose by you personally, or poetry. You can try to compose them yourself or take already ready-made version. See an example below.

Thank you guests

Be sure to thank the dear guests who came to congratulate you. Without them, such a magnificent holiday would not have happened. The guests not only raised their glasses and shouted "Bitter!", these people carefully prepared for this event, gave you gifts. Express your gratitude and sincere love dedicating a speech to own wedding these wonderful people.

Witness and Witness

Buddy and buddy deserve special attention at the wedding - they worked all day to assist the main characters and entertain the guests. Witnesses provide invaluable help on such a day; many crucial moments of the holiday fall on them. These are the closest friends of the newlyweds, so you should not forget to dedicate your solemn speech and them.


"My dear friend! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this day. You turned out to be the person who officially witnessed the birth of my happy family. To support me at this moment means to make the most valuable contribution to the joint friendship. You are one of the closest people to our family and we are always glad to see you in our house.”


“Our dear, (name of the witness)! I got another one devoted person in life, who will always come to the rescue. You have proven your sincere friendship with my husband and I really see how strong she is. You are always there when you need your support and understanding. I would like it to continue like this, because from now on, you are (name of the witness) the most welcome guest in our house.

Video: words of gratitude to mothers from their daughter

compose beautiful words- very difficult task which is not for everyone. The necessary thought does not always come to mind: for this it is necessary a certain amount of time the right attitude and a clear idea. You will have to dig through mountains of material before perfect option will fall in line. To make it a little easier to write the bride's speech at the wedding, watch the video attached below. Here you will find beautiful words of gratitude to both mothers. Let this idea inspire you:

To you, the groom, I want to wish
Always love and respect your wife
Give flowers and take out the garbage.
And that's it stronger wife to love yours.

To be a "master", not a "master".
To be together, not you alone.
I also want to wish after
To give birth and raise a couple of kids!

Here is the joy! Finally,
You got married, darling!
And believe me, I did not blunder
When in the registry office "yes" said.

Though the parties are forgotten
erotic pictures,
Clubs, dancing on Saturdays
And a beer after work

you found yourself a wife
Unique one:
Cleans up when you mess up
And you won't wash the dishes

Prepare delicious meals
So that you are not too thin,
It will be boring, toastmaster
Become the youngest.

All you need is a little:
Thanks every night
And declarations of love -
Just do not filon, look.

Get ready for surprises
Pleasing, whims,
Go with the flow together...
It's fun to be married!

I congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to become the best and most beloved husband, the most reliable and faithful defender of your happy family. Let your spouse spoil you with pleasant surprises, let family life open up new horizons for your success.

Oh, the groom, what a handsome man,
Accept congratulations!
Be happy in this marriage
And don't look for another!

Let it be dearer to everyone in the world,
You will be sweet.
For you to live happily
In a fairy tale like a dream.

May the treasury of your finances
Don't run out of costs.
So that without any doubt there,
In choosing a wife, I was glad.

Happiness is when people are together
On a hot day and in a snowy blizzard,
A sea of ​​​​happiness - a young bride,
Happiness and health - to the groom!

Your marriage is now consecrated by law,
You are now one family.
Let your budget grow steadily
So that the cup is full!

To have children soon
Small is small, handsome as one!
To make mother proud of her daughter
To make dad happy with your son!

Ahead is a spacious road,
Joy - just put your hands up!
Everything will be fine, thank God
New home, grow and prosper!

Our dear groom,
Important, strict, not simple,
Congratulations on graduation
Boring single life.

You are young today
Get a wife
Traded my freedom
For a family homebuilder.

But don't be sad brother
And don't miss yours
If you get up, get down to business,
Marital duty to bear.

For the bride to appreciate
Gentle caresses gave.
And I waited, I waited, I waited
Never failed!

Dear groom, we congratulate you on such a huge, significant event in your life - your wedding. it big step for a man. What responsibility now lies with you! We wish you to be a worthy spouse, health, strength to save your family, money, understanding and love. Be happy!

You are married today, brother -
Remember the day forever.
After all, about the life of a bachelor
It does get ugly sometimes though.

A big responsibility
It fell on you, believe me:
Once I got a family
I have to feed everyone now.

Be punchy and lucky
So that you can achieve everything.
And to his beloved wife,
If anything, always helped.

Well, here's what you've been waiting for -
You were told "Yes!"
Now you will be happy
Today and always!

Now you are your family
Be worthy of the head
Build a house, raise children
With a beautiful wife!

And let the winds and thunderstorms
Your union will be bypassed
Sadness and tears will go away
Only joy will come!

Now you are not alone in this world,
Your beautiful wife is by your side.
And there is no more reason for sadness
She even warms her eyes.

Let there be harmony and peace between you.
For all ages, may happiness be with you.
Boldly forward in the hand of the hand
And let trouble pass you by, bad weather.

Let the dream come true today:
Never leave your sweet eyes!
For the groom today the toast is:
So that our hero has more kids,
He worked like an ox, but there is no money,
And he would carry two to his wife every day.
In everything, he always had his own opinion,
However, he hid it slightly from his wife.
When tired - so soft bed!

Worked with a bang, in a career to take off!
Good luck and great family affairs!

A wedding is always full of emotions and new experiences. On this day, it is customary to give gifts, as well as to say wishes to the bride and groom. However, in addition to the pleasant words that sound from the lips of the toastmaster, the newlyweds can hear a lot of interesting and instructive things from relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues. The most interesting and original congratulations we have prepared for you today.

In many foreign films and TV shows, you can see a kind of pre-holiday festivities of the bride before the wedding, called a bachelorette party. Like the wedding itself, this event needs preliminary preparation and specific scenario. For example, bachelorette party participants can gather in a more relaxed and non-standard setting, such as a bowling club, a cafe or a disco. But the main condition for such sincere gatherings is the obligatory congratulatory words and wishes. At the same time, the bride should not invite men to the bachelorette party. True, some ladies prefer to break these rules by hiring a stripper for the hero of the occasion.

This day is very symbolic, as it is considered last moment in the free and unmarried life of a girl. Therefore, during the bachelorette party, various pranks are allowed on the part of the invited friends and the bride herself.

For example, a future married lady can arrange theme party in pajamas. During it, the closest and dearest friends to the bride gather in one place (most often in an apartment or house). At this time, they tell various stories from life, they say parting words and wishes for a bachelorette party to the bride.

Example 1: "Our beloved, Irina! We are glad that that one and only and beloved man appeared on your horizon, whom many are forced to wait for long years. We wish you happiness with this knight who stole your heart!

Example 2: "Svetlana! This is your last day when you are allowed to do whatever you want. Tomorrow you will utter the cherished words of consent and become serious married lady. Enjoy every moment spent with your future spouse. Appreciate his opinion, help and consult with him in everything!

Example 3 (joking): "Finally, the day has come, Irina Petrovna, when we all breathed a sigh of relief. You finally met your" prince ". And let him not have a white horse, but he has honor and conscience. Live with him in peace and harmony, but do not forget about old friends who will always help good advice. And most importantly, you will always be covered in right moment. You can count on us."

Example 4 (in verse):

So girlhood is gone

He is replaced by marriage and a husband.

All of a sudden it happened

We did not expect, Katyusha.

And let the past not return

And your choice is family and life.

We want you to risk everything

Your husband is your shield.

We wish you joy, goodness,

Lots of kids and love.

Luck, happiness, two buckets.

Fulfill your dreams

May peace and grace reign

AT family life and life.

Learn to please your spouse

Appreciate love and kindness!

By analogy, there is a bachelor party organized by the groom and his friends. That's only if only women are present at the bachelorette party, on behalf of whom the wishes of the bride are heard, then during the bachelor party only men are in the center of events. Consequently, pleasant words distributed only to the groom.

Wishes for the newlyweds during the wedding

The most rich in wishes is the process of marriage itself. At this time, the future newlyweds find themselves on the path of the future life together. On the threshold of the registry office, they decide how correct their decision was, weigh everything and go through the cherished doors. Interestingly, this is the first place where young people enter hand in hand, and after visiting it, they leave as a full-fledged family contract.

During such a crucial moment for the couple, they are accompanied and supported by honorary witnesses, parents, as well as the closest and most Dear people. It is they who pronounce wishes to the bride and groom, giving smiles and flowers.

Congratulations example 1: "Alexander and Natalia! We are very glad that on this wonderful day you have sealed yourself in marriage. In front of all those present, she was born new family. Hope and a cell of society. We wish you not to forget this moment and carry it so beautiful smiles Through me. Be happy!"

Congratulations example 2: "Dear Marina and Igor! We have gathered here for a reason. In this bright and holiday you became loving spouses. As you can see, your family and friends came to support you. Let in your future family there is always peace and an atmosphere of happiness. Bitter!". These wishes to the bride and her newly-made spouse can be pronounced both by the representatives of the registry office themselves and by invited guests.

in front of the ballroom

After the newlyweds have sealed their vows with marriage, they go for a short walk, and then they are waiting for festive table and the main part solemn event. And, of course, the first to meet them are their parents. They offer wedding loaf and give pleasant words to the young.

Example 1: "Hello, young spouses! Now you have taken place as a family and are ready to step over completely new level in your relationships. Congratulations on this. Keep your love like the apple of your eye. Honor each other as we respect the older generation. Appreciate your union. Live happily ever after!"

Example 2 (wishes to the bride from parents with the participation of father and mother): "Our dear children! We are pleased to congratulate you on your very first family holiday! From now on, you will do everything together. Let the spouse support family hearth and prepares the rear, and the spouse honors her work and provides the most necessary, including material wealth. Happiness to you, patience and good luck!".

Congratulations to the newlyweds during the feast from the parents of the bride

After the young people have broken their first bread and salt, they enter the hall of celebrations. Here a rich table awaits them, as well as many others. pleasant surprises. They are traditionally seated at the head of the table, and honorary witnesses take their places next to them. Next, parents and relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and friends sit down as they are related.

When the time comes for the first toast, the right to vote is usually given to the parents. So, it can be relatives on the spouse's side. Here is an approximate wish for the bride from her mother: “My daughter! My little blood! Finally, I lived up to the moment when you got married. It’s hard to say how many emotions are overwhelming me now. You are like a dove living on my shoulder. But I am sure that your spouse will become for you the hope and support that you have always been for me. Happiness to you and future children! ".

Wishes for the young from the father of the bride

If the bride has a full family, then in addition to the mother, wishes can also be expressed father girls. An example of his parting words: “My dear, daughter! Mom and I are happy for you and your spouse! We see that you are happy and shine like the sun. We hope that this sparkle in your eyes and the smile on your lips will last for long period. We let you go on a free voyage, like a boat tied to a pier for a long time. Now you have your own captain who will lead you on a long and pleasant voyage through endless waves. life path. Happiness to you, and to us - many grandchildren!

Another example of a wish for a bride: "Dear and beloved daughter! Now you are a husband and wife. You have a lot in common with our son. We hope that after the wedding you will not only have old, but also new interests. Love you!".

And finally, one more option: "Our beloved daughter! We are glad that you became part of our family. It was you who positively influenced our son, and he finally found his family happiness. May there be comfort in your home, and love always reigns!

Wedding wishes for the bride from the mother of the groom

After the parting words from the bride's parents, the word goes to the groom's relatives. For example, his mother may say the following: "Dear daughter-in-law! We are glad that you were the chosen one of our son. As if blind, he for a long time wandered in the dark, not noticing anyone around. But you became the one who lit up his path and gave him sight. We want you to continue to give him your warmth and support in Hard time. Be happy!".

Pleasant words to the young from the father of the groom

Connecting to the mother’s words, the groom’s father can say the following: “Daughter-in-law! From this day on, we will call you daughter. You are our new family member, whom we owe to our son. only child in family. Now there are two of you. Children! We are glad that you are together now. You became complete family. Love each other and don't forget your parents."

Reciprocal gratitude from young parents

After congratulatory speeches relatives, in order to pay tribute to them, the newlyweds say their response to the parents of the bride and groom. One of the examples of such a toast from my wife: "My dear mom and dad! I am glad that at this wonderful and important moment for me you are there. Thank you for everything! I hope that in the future you will support and help me!" .

Congratulations from the groom: "Dear parents! Today you have acquired a son in me. I promise to take care and love your daughter. Thank you for raising her and raising her. Special thanks to my mother, because it was she who taught my beloved how to cook borscht and favorite cutlets. She may not be able to make some other dishes yet, but we are working on it. You are the best!".

Continuation of the banquet: further congratulations from the guests

After such congratulations, the guests traditionally speak. They express words of respect and wishes to the bride, thank their parents for raising such a wonderful couple and give gifts or any other valuable things. For example: "Happened! Finally, the moment has come for which we have been waiting for so long. Our friend and colleague got married. We heartily congratulate his young wife on such a profitable and promising acquisition. Bitter!".

And of course the fun continues.

As is usually the case at a wedding, the newlyweds are worried, the parents too. There is no time to compose speeches and invent words that must be pronounced in front of all honest people. And a long "mooing" and an attempt to construct a speech by improvisation, as a rule, does not lead to good results if there is no experience in such matters. It’s easier to find it on the Internet or compose a speech in advance yourself, it all depends on your desire. It is especially touching, to tears, if the bride says words in verse, our goal is to help find such words, we present new verses with the words of the bride on different stages weddings.

Bride's speech to parents in verse

Example: the speech of the bride at the wedding in verse, dedicated to mothers. Operator: Grigory Petrov

Poems of the mother-in-law: (from the video)

That mother whose son dearer than the world,
More expensive than the sun means yourself.
The mother who kept
His dreams, caring and loving.

Who praised and scolded,
She taught me to be kind, to be brave.
Which, not knowing, helped
To love him once.

And I want so sincerely, so subtly
Say what they don't talk about.
What are the lights on about the eyes of a child,
What else one's eyes are burning about ...

Thank you for being forgiving.
For comforting in difficult times.
For not promising anything
Empty. And for loving you.

For the fact that he himself, sometimes not knowing
Just say a word - and peace in the soul.
Because he understands me.
And he accepts me the way I am.

And if together we are one way
Go. Laugh and be sad together.
I swear to you that I will not be strict,
That I can always forgive him.

That I will try to be, like you, reliable,
And gentle and kind and direct.
And in this life, joyful and difficult
To love him, as it is given to me alone.

And maybe later. I will believe.
Just like me, afraid of everything.
Quietly he will say: “I will not forget you.
Thank you for my husband."

Beloved Mom! (from video)

Svetlana Zhachuk

July wind caresses your curls,
Beautiful strands of gray hair are cast in light.
Your tender heart does not know rest,
Only one angel reads your thoughts.

You, as before, are strong and beautiful,
And bright as a spring stream.
Mother!!! Sweet Mom!!! Thanks!!!
You will always be mine!

I won't stop repeating to you
About my endless love.
I will kneel before you,
To lift up your wisdom.

Mother!!! Sweet Mom!!!
You shine like a starry eternity!
Many mothers on a huge planet,
You gave me this life!

Godmother: (from video)

Two mothers, isn't it strange
But I thank fate
One blood dear,
Another stood at the altar.

No wonder you became godmother,
I am very close and dear,
Caring and gentle most.
It's good to have you with me!

Your attention is so important to me
Your good smile.
'Cause you're always by my side,
When I need it!

Let everything you want come true
Love and happiness give light.
I will share with you forever
After all, there is no better godmother in the world!

A word of gratitude in verse to parents from the bride before the arrival of the groom.

Thank you, parents
For always being there for you.
During the years of my childhood, my golden ones,
For the fact that antics were sometimes forgiven.
For that I say "thank you" to you,
That got me a star
What were in difficult moments nearby,
That soothed with a gentle look.
During the nights are often difficult, disturbing,
For your various teachings,
For the power of the infinite parental love,
For helping me get through everything in my life.
I'm leaving my home today
To enter into another with a faithful wife,
But remember, most of all,
I leave a piece of my heart here.

Short vows to the groom in the registry office (often the time of marriage is limited, so small four or six lines will become relevant)

My sweet, gentle, dear,
I'm glad to be your wife.
I am love, all my loyalty
I will give you forever.

Today I am my destiny
I trust you forever
After all, I love you crazy
I dream to make you happy.

I thought a lot about what to say
How to convey the state of mind today ...
But there's only one thing I want to say:
"You, my beloved, I love!"

You are a gift of fate to me
Like a sip clean water,
You are my sun and my dawn
There is no one better than you in the world.
You entered my heart forever
Let these two rings bind us forever.

I will make an unbreakable vow to you
That I will protect from misfortunes and troubles,
I am our strong and friendly family,
What will I save for you forever
I am tenderness and my love,
And I will make your life happy.

I've been looking for you all my life
The tenderness of the heart strictly cherished,
How happy I am that I got to know you
Your soul is full of goodness.
All of myself today in your hands
Selflessly, fully give,
If only voices could hear sounds forever
Dear. I love you so much.

Thank you to the groom's parents

Mom, dad, dear,
I will call you tenderly
I am grateful to you, golden
How could they raise such a son?
You put your heart and soul into it,
They taught loyalty, kindness,
They gave me a husband today
To be happy with him.
You have done a lot for me
I'll try to answer now
So that your path is easy,
You nursed your grandchildren until you were a hundred years old.
I bow to you, thanks from me,
I'm glad to be your family.

A word to the guests from the bride (as a rule, at the end of the wedding feast)

Dear, dear, dear,
I want to say "thank you" to you.
For love and honor, that the guests are golden,
You were able to help my husband and me.
What moments of joy and happiness
With our young family
You shared with us today
Our holiday was decorated.
Our house will be open for all of you,
Every day and even at a late hour,
After all, they became witnesses of our wedding,
We thank all of you for everything.