Energy centers of the planet. Places of power. Twelfth main center: Mount Fuji, Japan, the world center of immortality and beauty

Places of power are in knots
Crystalline Grid of the Earth ...

There are many mysterious places on Earth, full of mysteries and covered with a thick layer of “dust of history”. Who has not heard of Table Mountain (eng. Table mountain; african Tafelberg) in Africa (near Cape Town), about Mount Shasta ( Mount shasta; USA, California), Glastonbury ( Glastonbury) in England, about the place of Karnak ( Carnac) in France, about Mount Kailash (Tibet) or about the pyramids in Giza ... These famous places of power attract tens and hundreds of thousands of tourists a year, pilgrims, people walking the path of perfection, clairvoyants, contactees, healers, psychics, cosmoenergetics ...

Russia is the richest country in places of power, here are just a few of them:

Shardon archipelago in Karelia, Belukha mountain, Kulundinsky lakes in the Altai region, Shugo volcano in the Krasnodar region, Ai-Petri, the most famous Crimea mountain, the ancient settlement of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region, Shamanka rock or shaman-stone on Cape Burkhan, Olkhon island, Lake Baikal , Rocks Tyshlar (Crimea), Tekie Dervishes (Crimea), Dolmen on the Pshada river, North Caucasus, Valley of Geysers Kamchatka.

Moscow: Sparrow Hills, Donskoy Monastery, Academy of Sciences; Moscow region: Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Sergiev Posad).

St. Petersburg: Chapel of Xenia the Blessed at the Smolenskoye cemetery, Mon Repos park (Vyborg).

Nizhny Novgorod: Strelka (the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers); Nizhny Novgorod Region: Diveevo, Bolshoe Boldino, Lake Svetloyar.

Chardon archipelago in Karelia make up about 40 small unpopulated islets of volcanic origin. Rocky faults, a rugged coastline, skerries, trees are twisted in a spiral by streams of energy, tumbled down and scorched by lightning, flowers and deafening silence are all around.

Mount Belukha
This highest peak of Gorny Altai and Siberia is revered as a sacred place by the peoples of Altai, India, Tibet.

Belukha is located at an equal distance from all three oceans. An amazing variety of geomorphological processes and landforms can be observed on Belukha.
There is also a beautiful lake at the foot of Belukha. It is believed to bring people together and reconcile.

Well, as you know, one of the deeply feeling energies, great people of almost our time, Roerich considered Belukha very strong in terms of energy.

Volcano Shugo

One of the largest mud volcanoes in the Krasnodar Territory near the Taman Peninsula.
At one time, whole buses began to bring tourists to Shugo Volcano. But since the mouth of the volcano is not able to withstand such a huge crowd on itself, tourists were taken to a special pool of mud. So if you go to the Volcano on your own, you can enjoy trekking to it, without crowds of people, in meditative seclusion.

The temperature of the mud in the central pool of Shurgo volcano is always +17 degrees.
The mud in the volcano is oily and rich in useful minerals, fatty acids. Ideal for cosmetic purposes.

Altai Territory and its Kulundinsky Lakes

There is a place in Altai where several natural sources of various properties are gathered nearby. This is the Big bitter-salt Kulundinskoye lake; two fresh ponds in the village of Znamenka;
Three healing Geothermal Hydrogen Sulphide Springs; 11 underground water layers, from which a huge number of wells with medicinal drinking water, different in taste and composition, were obtained.

The composition of water in Lake Kulunda is close to that of ocean water. So, while swimming in this lake, you are performing the most real thalassotherapy - treatment by bathing in seawater, when the body itself, in a natural way, takes from the water the minerals and microelements it lacks, and even biologically active substances.

It is from Lake Kulundinskoye that many health resorts in Siberia take medicinal mud, which has a very beneficial effect on the body. Because of large sizes Even the climate in the vicinity of the Kulundinsky lake is close to the semi-marine one.

As in any Place of Power, thoughts near Lake Kulunda very quickly find their material embodiment. Therefore, you should only come to the lake with positive intentions.

What is also interesting for me is that Kulundinskoye Lake resembles an egg in its shape. And if you look at a satellite photo of the lake, you can see a silhouette that looks like a fetus in a woman's belly. Maybe this is the spirit of the lake?


Arkaim is an ancient settlement in the Chelyabinsk region, which was discovered by archaeologists in the 80s. Today Arkaim has been made a nature reserve, and pilgrims come here from all over the world.
Judging by the excavations and research, the city of Arkaim was inhabited by the ancient Aryans - the ancestors of the Slavs and Hindus.
Arkaim existed for about 300 years. The settlement was erected on a place of power that still retains powerful energy. There are hills not far from the ruins of Arkaim, each of which carries its own special charge of energy. There is even a special order for visiting these mountains:

Sublimation of Repentance - the name speaks for itself;
Shamaniha - giving health;
Sublimation of Love;
Mount Arkaim - a place of purification;
Sublimation of Mind - the energy of pacification and contemplation;
Mountain of the Seventh Seal - it is supposed that it is here that it is worth practicing the opening of the "third eye".

A visit to Arkaim is like a return to our origins, to our ancient Russian, Slavic, pre-Slavic culture and knowledge.

Valley of Geysers Kamchatka

The concept of geysers originates from the Icelandic "geysa", which means "to gush" - a rare and majestic natural phenomenon. The spectacle and sensation that a person receives at the sight of this phenomenon is truly fantastic. Clouds of steam, constant hum and rain, which sparkles and scatters to the sides in multi-colored splashes, are worth seeing with your own eyes. The most famous geysers in Kamchatka are located 160 kilometers north of the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There are about 200 thermal springs, which spread over an area of ​​4 square kilometers. There are also concentrated 20 large geysers with their characteristic character.

Place of Power Shaman Stone

Shamanka rock or shaman-stone at Cape Burkhan, Olkhon island, Lake Baikal. This place of power is one of the most mysterious and beautiful places on the ground. Many legends and inexplicable phenomena, as evidenced by many eyewitnesses, are associated with various parts of the sacred lake. But perhaps the most mysterious and powerful place is the Shamanka rock or Shaman - a stone.

Shaman - the stone is composed of white marble, granite and quartz. Inside this place of power on Lake Baikal, there is a cave, which is associated with the ancient Buryat legend about the leader of the Tengrians - the people of celestials - the khan (uta-Babai. According to the legend, Khan Guta-Babai went down to earth and married the most beautiful girl from the human tribe and settled with her in his palace, arranged in the cave of the Shamanka rock. From the union of the leader of the heavenly inhabitants and the earthly woman, a clan of Great shamans went, who spread the sacred knowledge of the Tengrians throughout the world.

According to the testimony of the inhabitants of the village of Khuzhir, located not far from Cape Burkhan, over the centuries the cave was visited by shamans of different tribes inhabiting ancient Siberia. The priests of pagan religions performed rituals in the cave related to the removal of curses and the purification of ancestral karma. Also, using the power of the Shamanka rock, falling into a trance, they got the opportunity to contemplate the pictures of the past and the future. Today, people engaged in spiritual development, practicing yoga, qigong and other developing systems come to the Shaman - stone. Seekers of truth and power use the additional energy of this place to advance in their development.

Park "Mon Repos"

Location: Leningrad region, the city of Vyborg.

Park "Mon Repos" is a huge territory, where the beautiful nature and magnificent architectural compositions of the park and the estate have been preserved.

There are three Places of Power in the park:
The Island of the Dead (Ludwigstein Island) is a rock, shaped like a pyramid, with a tomb in the form of a castle.
Love Island is the eastern part of the park.
Radon source "Oko" - useful for sight source located under the pavilion.

In this photo you can see an early 20th century Finnish fort in Mon Repos Park.

Mount Demerdzhi

A halo of mysticism and mystery, like fogs, has enveloped Demerdzhi for a long time. Some of the travelers who have been here told about mysterious visions of strange people and creatures. However, skeptics attribute this to bizarre mountain cliffs, which in the fog can take one form or another. And yet, many seriously believe that there is an intersection of energy flows on Demerdzhi, which is why especially impressionable people are able to see frightening hallucinations. There is also a legend among the Crimean esotericists that once you get into the fog on the slopes of Demerdzhi, you cannot come back.

White rock

A lonely rock in the vicinity of Belogorsk attracts the eye of a traveler from afar. Already in ancient times, these places were inhabited, as evidenced by the bones of ancient animals found in large quantities (here they even found the bones of a pre-fossil whale) and cavemen.


The most famous Crimean mountain has long been popular with esoteric tourists. Someone rises here to meet the sun and "recharge" its energy, someone prefers meditation under the sparkling stars. The mystical mountain atmosphere is perfectly complemented by frequent fogs - the number of days covered with a gray veil sometimes reaches 200 a year.

Bakla - cave city

The cave city of Bakla is located two kilometers from the village of Skalistoye, and its origins date back to the 3rd century AD. Like many places where life once boiled and then died out, Bakla attracts with its atmosphere of peace and desolation.


A secluded place where more than one place of power is believed to be. Among esotericists special attention Balaklava Bay is used - the local places are perfect for meditation and many hours of contemplation on high matters.

Tyshlar Rocks

Menhirs near Mount Ilyas-Kaya are located so that the first ray of the sun falls exactly on the stone located in the very center of the stone "structure". Therefore, many believe that these places are magical and filled with power. Visitors to the Tyshlar cliffs have a tradition to leave behind a variety of souvenirs. Apparently, as compensation for the energy spent on people.

Tekie dervishes

The haven of adherents of Sufism, a mystical trend in Islam, is located in Evpatoria. Sufis never chose places for their gatherings by chance - in everything they saw a secret sign or a divine message. In those "seekers of God," as the Sufis called themselves, they exchanged secret knowledge and meditated. Tekie was also often called the place of "search for spiritual perfection."

Place of power: Arrow is the confluence of the great rivers Volga and Oka. Nizhny Novgorod

Samara: Panskaya street area, Samarskaya Luka.

Places of power are located in the nodes of the so-called “Crystalline Grid of the Earth”. Since the Earth is constantly evolving, developing - the Crystalline Grid, connected with the Earth's Magnetic Field, is shifting, then the places of power do not “live forever” - either they move, or “fade out”, or new places of power appear. So, for example, Stonehenge ( Stonehenge) in England is no longer a place of power, whereas in ancient times the wounded and sick flocked there, thirsting for healing from their ailments. By the way, initially Stonehenge was generally a burial place and remained so until about the middle of the third millennium BC. Mount Shasta, by contrast, is a relatively new stronghold of power.

Places of power can be found both on the surface of the earth and underground, at the bottom of water bodies.

In places of power, you can often find various structures built at different times - energy concentrators. For example, mantra wheels, dolmens, stupas (Buddhist architecture), chapels, megalithic objects of the White Sea, etc.

Dolmen on the Pshada River, North Caucasus

Places of power can be classified by:

  • the force of impact on living organisms, energy;
  • the degree of influence on the state of living organisms;
  • the area of ​​the place of power;
  • significance in the energy-information exchange of the Earth;
  • the degree of passage of Information from Space (for example, Mount Shasta is an information "portal") ...

There are places of power that are strictly individual for each person.

A psychic can determine the place of power (including individually for a person). It is possible to find a place of power (energy disturbance) using dowsing (dowsing or dowsing; eng. dowsing).

The most famous places of power on Earth.

Mount Arunachala (India, Tiruvannamalai city). The sacred mountain Arunachala is considered the Pillar of Light, from which God Shiva appeared.

Shaitan-lake (Omsk region, Muromtsevsky district, Okunevo village). Observed: space-time curvatures, luminous balls (UFO) ... The water of the Shaitan Lake is considered curative.

The Chardon Archipelago (Karelia) is located in the Bolshoye Onego Bay. Amazing beautiful nature, rich fauna, powerful energy.

Kizhi Island on Lake Onega in Karelia. Famous for the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

There are many amazing places in Karelia, full of mysteries, hidden power: Pegrema (a Neolithic sanctuary), Anzer Island (a “sea pyramid” was found) ... In the Republic of Karelia, the search for “Karelian Hyperborea” is being actively pursued.

Mount Meru or Sumeru ("great Meru")- a sacred mountain in Buddhism and Hinduism, the center of all material and spiritual universes.

Image of Mount Meru and the Universe according to Buddhist cosmology.

Altai plateau Ukok

Ukok Plateau (Southern Altai) - a unique territory with a harsh climate; earlier Scythian tribes lived here. Discovered geoglyphs - drawings on the ground, similar to those in the Nazca desert.

Sviyazhsk (Tatars. Zeya) is an island in Tatarstan at the confluence of the Sviyaga River into the Volga. Since 1551, the wooden church of the Trinity-Sergievsky Monastery has been preserved in Sviyazhsk. On the island there is the Theotokos-Uspensky monastery.

Big Zayatsky Island, Solovki. There are the famous "northern labyrinths" built by an unknown people (presumably - the ancient Celts).

Balaam: a skete on the Forerunner Island, where the monks lived in deep asceticism (a type of spiritual practice, deliberate self-restraint).

Tibet. It is with these places that they associate the secret of the legendary Shambhala - the Center of the World. Who does not know the amazing in its depth picture of Nicholas Roerich “Song of Shambhala. Tang-la ”, 1943.

Tibet is famous for its mountains - “symbols of peace”, sacred places of power.

Mount Kailash (Kailasa, Kailash, Gandisyshan, Ganzhenboci, Yundrung Guceg, Gang Rimpoche ... there are a lot of names; in English. Kailash) - Precious snow mountain - is considered the Center of the World, the Axis of the Earth. The height of Mount Kailash is not exactly known, but the figure is most often called 6666 meters, the shape of Kailash resembles a pyramid. Kailash also

is called the Swastika Mountain. (swastika in Buddhism is a symbol of spiritual strength)

Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash is one of the most revered places for the followers of four religions: Buddhists, Hindus, Jains and representatives of the ancient Tibetan religion Bon. An important ritual of all these three religions is to perform a ritual walk around this place of power. But, it should be borne in mind that this unique place has a very obstinate character, and does not let everyone in: the mountain can give you a "test of strength" by rockfalls and torrential rains.

Snow Mountain Lachi (Lapchi) and Snow Mountain Tsari are the central places of pilgrimage in Tibet, sacred places.

The list of famous places of power on our planet can be continued ... Do not forget to mention Jerusalem - the center of three religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam; the city of Varanasi (India) - the city of Shiva.


Pyramids at Giza, Egypt

Probably, this is the most famous and powerful place of power of all existing, it is believed that its influence extends to the entire Planet. In addition to their location, the pyramids are unique in that they are oriented exactly to the cardinal points. Even scientists no longer try to dispute the healing power of the Egyptian pyramids.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is the legendary ancient city of the Incas, known as the "lost city". This mythical city is considered one of the most energetically strong places on our planet.In Machu Picchu, every stone of the ancient ruins has absorbed the centuries-old energy and ancient culture of the civilization of the indigenous peoples of America. To this day, the city carefully keeps many secrets and mysteries of history.

Shasta, USA

Mount Shasta is one of the powerful energy objects that has attracted seekers of truth and spiritual enlightenment from all over the world for a long time. A real commune has even formed at the foot of this place of power. The former volcano Shasta rises like a white gem. Among the pilgrims, there are legends about the mysterious inhabitants of the mountain, which the locals call Lemurians. They say that they are immune to all diseases, sacred knowledge about the secrets of the universe, and, of course, material and spiritual abundance. And all this is given to them by Mount Shasta.

Arunachala, India

ora Arunachala is a recognized place of power, where many travelers from all over the world make pilgrimages in order to feel the presence divine energy, and renewed spiritually and physically. Also, pilgrims are attracted here by the endless search for intimate knowledge about the world around them and about their own being. Locals believe that Mount Arunachala is the embodiment of the god Shiva, and that touching this sacred mountain, and even just being close to it, can give the suffering one endless nirvana - liberation from earthly suffering and an endless cycle of rebirth.

Stonehenge, UK

The name of the oldest mystery in the history of Stonehenge can be translated as "hanging" or "dancing stones". It is a stone megalithic structure located in the southwest of England. This place of power got its name thanks to the ancient legends of the Druids, who believed that the stones of Stonehenge sometimes dance at night and sometimes even go down to the river to drink. And the inhabitants of the surrounding villages assure that at night, over the monoliths of ancient stones, you can see mysterious wandering lights.

Place of Power: Table Mountain near Cape Town, Africa, South Africa

Place of Power Seydon Vortex ("Wortex")

A small town in Arizona, located on the southwestern part of the vast Colorado plateau, near the picturesque Oak Creek Canyon. Locals call Seidona "a place with a high concentration of energy."

There are 26 energy funnels or vortexes here. Difficult to explain sources of energy release from the earth, leading to various changes in sensations and the state of consciousness in general. Here is some of them:

Rock Cathedral (enhances feminine or yin energy)

Vortex Airport (enhances yang or masculine energy)

Rock Bell Rock (enhances both masculine and feminine energy, also leads to their balancing)

Boyton Canyon (also enhances both aspects of Yin and Yang), etc.

Around these mysterious places, old cypress trees with strongly twisted trunks grow. Twisted trees indicate an energy funnel that affects trees from the moment they are born and twists the trunk and branches clockwise. A few meters from the area of ​​strong radiation, the same tree species grow even. When measuring the energy level using a conventional pendulum, the amplitude of movement in the vortex zones increases by several orders of magnitude, in contrast to the usual state.

The practice of meditation in the vortex zones is especially easy.

Place of Power Ruins of Ollantaytambo

Located in the south of Peru in the Andes, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level. In the valley of the Urubamba river, near the most beautiful city Cuzco, which, according to legend, is called the "Center of the World" or "The Navel of the Earth". The word Ollantaytambo itself means in the local Quechua language "the storeroom of my God." The complex consists of temples, many terraces and other buildings of difficult to explain origin. The weight of perfectly stacked stones in these buildings reaches 180 tons. And this is provided that there are no quarries nearby.

There is a version that these mysterious ruins of a place of power in Peru belong to the late subraces of the Lemurians, who possessed siddhas - superpowers that are completely lost by modern people. Today it is difficult to say how much past civilizations were involved in the creation of this complex, but the place is truly extraordinary, as evidenced by dowsing data and the state of people visiting these ruins.

With the arrival of the Incas, the territory of the complex was subject to changes. New buildings appeared, the layout was partially changed, and irrigation facilities were erected. Later modifications are immediately striking due to their more primitive construction technology.

Today, Ollantaytambo is an important tourist destination and the starting point for the legendary hiking trail - the Inca Trail, leading to the "Lost City in the Clouds" or Machu Picchu. The summit is also a place of power and one of the most mysterious places on Earth.

Bodhi tree Buddha

There are also many other places of power.

Probably it will not be superfluous to emphasize that most places of power will be purely individual or personal for each person. For example, being in a certain place, the vibrations of the field of one person begin to resonate with the vibrational field of the place, giving him a surge of energy and improving his mood. At the same time, the same place of power may practically not act on another person, or even act negatively. But there is places of power, which are felt by almost everyone, without exception.

Places of Power, their brief classification.

Certain geographic locations on the planet have a variety of unusual properties. In addition, the properties of these places greatly affect all three spheres of a person: his energy, psyche and physiology. Some Places of Power are capable of producing deeper impacts.

Probably, the name of such geographical places: "Places of Power" - was taken from the books of Carlos Castaneda, and became traditional.

The classification has been used since antiquity to the Places of Power, connected with the lower, demonic worlds, the worlds of afterlife or with the upper worlds - the worlds of the light gods. Now we explain this phenomenon by different twisting (spin) of the fields: left torsion or right. In the tradition of shamanism, a sacred meaning was attached to both, but the zones in which the channels to the "Lower Worlds" were opened were tabooed in every possible way and tried to block. For this, in particular, various structures were used: mantra stones and flags, stupas, pagodas, spells were imposed. On the contrary, in places associated with the "Upper Worlds" various religious buildings were erected. Centuries passed, churches, pagodas, mosques were built on the site of temples - the essence and force of the influence of the Place of Power itself did not change from this in any way. Human nonsense and Power are in no way connected things.

The most important thing for the emergence of the Place of Power is the presence in this geographical location of one of the energy centers or channels of the Earth. Our planet is a living organism, like each of us, and it has a system of energy centers and channels, similar to the chakras and acupuncture channels of the human body. This is a complex network of energy channels, changing, developing, and changing its activity. As a rule, Places of Power appear at the places of passage / exit of these channels, often these are tiktanic faults of the Earth's rocks, or powerful underground waters. But sometimes the history of mankind also influences the emergence of the Places of Power.

Important historical events can form a new Place of Power or sharply activate an old one. These can be important milestones in the formation of a religion, battles, places of executions or torture, the birth and / or being of a saint. Such places can be completely new or overlap with the already known sacred geography. For example, the area of ​​Jerusalem, where the most important events of Christianity took place, was the most ancient sacred place. Next to this place, the teachings of Islam subsequently emerge, and before Christianity, these are the places of origin and development of Judaism ... although it is likely that it was this unusually active and “bright” Place of Power that “allowed” these events to take place (?).

Thus, a sacred place can be:

  • A special area of ​​the planet associated with the energy centers or channels of the Earth, moreover, often having a unique location, relief and landscape of the area.
  • A place where important religious or historical events took place.
  • Combining both.
  • A place of "information transfer" from space to Earth, and from Earth to space.

Places of power can be classified by:

The strength and direction of the impact on living organisms, according to their energy (right / left twisted torsion bar);
- the degree and strength of influence on the state of living organisms;
- significance in the energy-information exchange of the Earth;
- the degree of transmission of Information from space to Earth, and from Earth to space;

Significance for contactees / shamans in energy-information exchange.

The impact of a particular place is made up of the whole sum of its components, which adds up "Energy-informational" a picture of the place. Each of the so-called. places of power has its own special frequency spectrum and acts in a very specific way. The time of work at the Place of Power is also important, that is, knowledge of the cycle time of its activity.

"Positive" Places of Power.

Places of Power containing an excess of favorable energy, which they easily give to a person. It can be characterized by both "wide" and "narrow" range of impacts on a person. Often a narrow spectrum of energies dominates, differing in the way of influence on the physiology of the organism, the peculiarities of its course / manifestation. mental processes, or on his subtle bodies, meridians, chakras.

Places of Power that activate any energy structure of the body (chakras or a group of chakras, meridian) and create a positive activation of a specific energy - informational, mental or physiological function of the body.

Places of power that reveal the resource functions of consciousness / unconsciousness, and the energetics of a person itself, revealing or enhancing his creative and extrasensory abilities.

"Negative" or unfavorable Places of Power.

Places of Power, the characteristics of the radiation of which act destructively or depressingly on a person, on his thin and dense bodies. As a result, a serious disease may arise, or an existing one may intensify / manifest itself. In such Places of Power, a feeling of depression, fear, and fatigue arises. As a rule, pains occur (head, heart, stomach cramps), blood pressure changes.

Places of Power, being in which change the psyche and evaluative activity of a person, causing him to have a hypertrophied sense of his ego, a desire to rule, belittling the dignity of other people, or a desire to destroy other people for the sake of his own satisfaction. Possible "splashes" of negative emotions.

Places of Power, which are extremely dangerous. The energy of these places is strong and incompatible with human energy. A more or less prolonged stay in such Places of Power, as a rule, ends in death.

And, finally, it is important to know the time of maximum, "background" and minimum activity of this or that Place of Power. For example, the maximum activity of such a Place of Power as the cave in Jerusalem, in which, according to legend, the body of the crucified Christ was laid, falls annually on Easter, when the Fire Not Made by Hands lights up in the cave.

Work on the Places of Power.

It is useful to prepare in advance for each journey to a place of power. It is necessary to study all the information about it, including legends and traditions, reviews of those people who have already visited it. If you have a mentor, who is also a guide to the Places of Power, you should ask him for a blessing for the trip. He can give you specific recommendations preparing for the trip.

It is useful and even necessary to have a mentor or people who have worked in the Places of Power more than once in the group. You need to understand that "simple curiosity" or "experimentation" in the Place of Power is a very unhealthy undertaking.

Conventionally, the following levels of work in the Places of Power can be distinguished:

Introductory (tourist)

This level can be characterized by the phrase: “I want”, that is, you feel an unconscious craving / need to be in the Places of Power. Curiosity is also an “unconscious craving”. Restoration of vitality, relaxation of the soul - this is what a person can count on as much as possible at this level. But there are no “rules without exceptions”. It is possible that the effect will be much higher than you expected. And even "not quite the same." The Place of Power can give you what you REALLY NEED, and not what you consciously would like to receive.


At this level, a person consciously travels to the Place of Power to work on himself. In this case, both concrete tasks can be set: healing from an illness, the discovery of abilities, a change in fate ..., and "abstract": understanding of Oneself, true goals, acceptance of what Life / Universe gives ...

Staying in the place of power in this case must necessarily be accompanied by the presence of experienced mentors in the group, who closely monitor the processes taking place in people, and give appropriate recommendations, actively work with each member of the group.


At this level, travel to the place of power is carried out individually or in a narrow group to perform spiritual practices. This is the most effective way to interact with the Place of Power, but very few people are ready for it.

Interpersonal (global) level.

This level is possible for experienced psychics, cosmoenergetics - progressors, shamans, as a rule, working in a group. Here global tasks of changing the elements of the course of history for large groups of people, cleansing the Earth of negative energies, various ecological and cosmo-ecological issues are being solved.

The most simple and necessary method of working with the Place of Power at all levels.

During your stay, be sure to allow adequate time for individual communication with the Place of Power. Stay alone with him . Switch off your mind and listen to the silence . The answer always comes, and not necessarily instantly, it can happen much later. That is, when you are able and ready to receive it.

But no matter what level you go to the place of Power, the main condition for this is openness to the world and readiness to accept change.

The most difficult thing is the integration of the received states into everyday life. In this case, your mentor and Your belief that you are worthy of your desires!

Stay in a place of power

Being in a “good” (“good”) place of power (with positive energy) has a beneficial effect on the state of human health, gives strength. People who have infertility, a serious illness, specially visit such places in the hope of getting rid of their ailments.

“Negative” places of power can also have a beneficial effect on some people, “taking” negative energy from a person.

As we understood, places of power have a specific effect on the body and the energy-information field of a person. This impact strengthens the internal resources of a person.

Conventionally, with a positive or positive impact, the following factors can be distinguished:

Additional Vital energy or bioenergy, causing difficult to explain conditions under which the body begins to rapidly recover and heal.

Awakening of internal (clairsentience, clairvoyance, etc.) and / or external (physical strength, improving the functioning of the organs of perception, etc.) capabilities.

Activation of deep, not accessible in the usual state, layers of the psyche and a significant improvement in the work of the brain as a whole. In such a state, a person can get answers to questions that have been of interest to him for a long time.

Help in immersion in meditative and essential states, gaining access to new, previously unavailable levels of awareness of oneself and the world around.

A pleasant and comfortable state, quick stress relief (including chronic stress), both psychoemotional and physiological. Quick reboot, mood for new feats and achievements.

Therefore, in places of power, various developmental activities are often held: meditative practices, yoga tours, offsite yoga and qigong classes, wellness programs, etc. Also, each person has his own, especially comfortable place for him, giving a surge of energy, giving a state of inner comfort. Perhaps this place was discovered in childhood and now, introducing it, we have happy, good memories and a resourceful state. Such places can also be called “places of power”. It is a personal place of strength that can also be strong. positive impact on the body and mind of a person, helping in difficult situations... The most interesting thing is that a hall, a yoga center, a private room or other space where hatha yoga, meditation, qigong practices are regularly held, where light, striving for spiritual development people are also a place of power that helps and supports in difficult times.

And at the end of this article, I would like to note that despite the fact that there are many unusual places on our planet, places that can give additional strength and heal a person, the main place of power is inside us. In our minds. Therefore, awakening our inner strength and awareness, we have the opportunity to more deeply interact with the world around us, explore the inner space, shaping it as the main source of boundless power, and discover new places of power on our wonderful planet Earth.

There are places in the world where you can feel a connection with the divine - one of them is the Rila lakes, known for their strong energy field. Sensitive people see strange things when they spend the night in this place.

Such places can give you answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time; there you can feel concentrated energy at a higher spiritual level.

1. Rila - Bulgaria

Some people may be surprised, but this mountain range is one of the most powerful energy centers in the world.

It is no coincidence that one of the greatest spiritual masters of the twentieth century, Beinsa Duno, chose this place to convey his wisdom.

The area around the Rila lakes actually has a very strong energy and sensitive people have strange dreams when they are in this area.

2. Machu Picchu in Peru

The lost city of the Incas is one of the places associated with energy centers in the world. The Incas built Machu Picchu at a specific location, high in the Andes.

This place directs energy and allows people to experience something that simply does not belong to our world.

3. Socotra

Socotra is an archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean in the Horn of Africa region. The largest is 95 percent of the area.

Its specific landscape and wilderness is like a sci-fi movie, and you can easily imagine that you are on another planet or in prehistoric times.

As a result of isolation, many rare species are born on Socotra that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Spiritual energy here connects the human soul directly with the Universe.

4. Uluru Plateau in Australia

Uluru is the spiritual center of Australia and is located in the center of the continent. Legends say that the plateau itself is hollow and is a source of energy, which are called Tiukurpa.

The ancient tribes that surround the plateau have left many painted stories in some of the caves in the area.

The tribes maintain the belief that when people surround the plateau, they receive spiritual vision.

5. Easter Island

It is one of the most isolated places in the world, known for its breathtaking rock giants - the moai that rise all along the rocky coastline. Scientists have absolutely no answer to the question: "Who made them and how?"

The entire island is the summit of a large volcano that rises from the ocean floor. Therefore, the ancients called him the Navel of the World - in the local language known as "Te Pito O Te Henua", while the name Rapa Nui is now widely used. Another root name for the island is "Mata" ("Eyes that look to the sky").

The Navel of the World is believed to collect the most important spiritual energy of the Earth.

6. Belintash plateau

The Belintash Plateau is one of three points (Belintash - Cross Forest - Karadiy Kamen) that create one of the most powerful energy zones in Europe.

In the vicinity of Belintash and on it there is strong energy and hundreds of people have witnessed frequent paranormal activities.

7. Berat

Berat is the pride of Albanian architecture. The old town is under the protection of UNESCO. Berat is an excellent blend of Eastern and Western cultures, traditions and customs. The city is a treasure trove of Albanian history and evidence of the harmony between faith and culture.

In Berat, people have a very strong spiritual healing energy. Today, people still live outside the city walls who do not believe in disease, which makes this place unique and authentic.

8. Stonehenge

Stonehenge is the most famous megalithic monument in the world, probably dedicated to the sun, about 5000 years old. Located in the heart of Salisbury in Wiltshire, UK.

It is known for its huge stone blocks arranged in a circle. It cannot be said with certainty what was the purpose of Stonehenge, but many scholars believe that the monument was used as a ceremonial or religious center.

According to one theory, Stonehenge is an ancient cemetery.

9. Bosnian pyramids

The Bosnian pyramids are located near the city of Visoko, according to the latest research, they date from the biblical past. The largest pyramid, the Pyramid of the Sun, is the first of its kind in Europe, while the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Bosnian Dragon are significantly smaller.

Three underground rooms and a small blue lake were found under the pyramids. A reservoir containing clean, sterile water, free of bacteria, algae, fungi, microorganisms, animals, moss and dirt. It is called living water because it cleanses the body.

This means that these objects are actually “healing sites”. The human body regenerates faster and the disease disappears.

10. Mount Kailash in Tibet

Mount Kailash is the sacred site of four religions that originate from that part of Asia, they are Tibetan Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and the old pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet - Bongo.

All these religions have their own legends about the place, but they are united in the fact that the top of the mountain is the home of the gods and one of the energy centers of the world, where they receive spiritual bliss.

If the number 2016 is represented as the sum 2 + 0 + 1 + 6, the result will be the number 9. The sacred number "nine" denotes a person's ability to learn, receive and perceive information, acquire spiritual knowledge, and receive higher energy from outside.

The previous 2015, which in total gives the "eight", was the final date of the transformation period of our Planet, which lasted three years, starting in 2012. During this time, changes took place at the subtle level of being not only with our Planet, but with all living things creatures inhabiting it, including plants, animals and humans. How is it shown? The people of Planet Earth began to change: to seek and choose their spiritual path, to think about their way of life and give preference to a healthier way of life. In the process of transformation, the Earth made a transition from the level of coarser energies to the level of more subtle ones. As a result of this, human consciousness has also changed. If a person resists and does not change anything in his consciousness, in his life, he receives lessons and events so that new energies and opportunities come into his life !! It is not always pleasant and harmonious! Why? Because the Planet Earth, like us, is a living organism, and all of humanity is connected with it by energy threads, therefore, when a person does not abandon his old principles, the Earth rejects him.

If a person does not lead a healthy lifestyle, continues to consume foods that are heavy types of energy, such as fish, meat, yeast products, his chakras are not able to pass energy through themselves, they are clogged. In this case, a person does not have the ability to synchronously vibrate at a subtle level of energies with his Planet Earth. The mother-child connection is broken.

In 2016, it is very important to lay down the Program for self-realization in society and in all spheres of life! On August 8, 2015, the "Lion's Gate" was opened on Planet Earth, through which generous energy went to the Earth unconditional love... At this time, after the end of the "period of transformation", people, Planets, Earth laid down the Program! To the transition to a more subtle level of vibrations of a person with the Planet and to move forward! The energy of unconditional love played a catalytic role for this transition. All humanity that lives on Earth today wanted to live at this particular time and in advance their "Higher Self" made such a choice to participate in these processes and change themselves for a higher spiritual goal, for a more positive and successful life in all spheres of life! ! And get the strongest experience of transformation !!

What is the point of passing a given route?

Above we talked about the relationship between the Planet and man. Since the Earth is alive, the work of its chakras can be compared with the human chakras, and you can feel the vibration of the Earth chakra, being near it, just as you feel the surge of energy to one or another chakra on your body. Emotionally, physically, figuratively, intellectually and energetically! Each person has his own feeling of energy and its influence! There are people kinesthetes, audials, visuals, so everyone perceives the world and its manifestations based on their individuality!

Each chakra of the earth performs two functions:

  1. Maintains the overall health of the entire Planet.
  2. Receives and transmits knowledge carrying encrypted information in the form of a code carried by energy. It kind of serves as a portal to other civilizations.

Chakras of the Earth

At the center of each chakra is a major energy space that defines the purpose of this planetary organ. From this center, the chakra expands outward in a circle, having a huge radius. An entire city can be located within this radius.

All chakras are living organs that expand and contract depending on difficult conditions that influence them. These conditions can be war, bad ecology, any actions of people that cause destructive damage to the Earth. From such conditions, the earth chakra can get sick.

The general shape of each chakra is spherical, it resembles a flying saucer, the maximum circumference of which is located on the surface of the Earth; chakra has vertical expansion into the atmosphere and underground, connecting with the deepest structures of the planet.

The transmission of energy by the chakras also takes the form of a sphere or a flying saucer; these energies penetrate through the soil, air and water space.

Chakra is a dynamic funnel of subtle energies. In some situations, these energies can rotate and twist in a spiral, but also counterclockwise. Sometimes the power of the Earth chakra can be directed in a straight line. The connecting paths on this line are similar to those of the nervous, circulatory system. human body.

Main destinations

The first chakra of the Earth Muladhara - Mount Shasta

This is the root chakra of the planet, its "base" energy system... Located in the USA. It generates a stream of vital energy that does not yet have a form or structure. This flow of vital energy takes a certain form only after it is transformed inside the second chakra of the Earth - Lake Titicaca.

On the human body, the Muladhara chakra is located at the base of the spinal column: in men - at the base of the perineum, in women - between the ovaries.

On the physical body, it corresponds to the lumbar point, which is connected with the nerve plexuses of the tailbone. The first chakra creates support for the entire human energy frame, just as the spine is the main frame of the physical body.

Muladhara chakra transfers vital energy along the trunk of the spine and further along energy channels to other chakras.


  • For strength;
  • For longevity;
  • For the entry of the energy of the Earth into the material and energy body of a person, as well as for the removal of energy "slags" from the general energy system of a person.
  • For the connection of the human energy shell with the geomagnetic grid of the Earth.

Muladhara chakra is associated with the instinct for survival and self-preservation of the physical body.

Determines the character of the personality, temperament, the degree of balance of the psyche.

Displacement of the first chakra "minus" indicates illness.

If the Muladhara chakra is "clogged" and does not allow vital energy to pass through, a person's vital forces are running out. When it is healed, a person reveals the enormous potential of his capabilities in the physical body. Health, longevity, agility, flexibility, endurance.

The second chakra of the Land of Svadhisthana - Lake Titicaca

The second chakra of the Earth is the world center for the creation of new species and evolutionary development. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the sex-creative chakra in the human body. Located in Peru. On the Island of the Sun, in Lake Titicaca, there is a stone, which is the geometric center of the Svadhisthana of the Earth chakra.

On the human body, the second Svadhisthana chakra is located above the pubic region below the navel. It is also called the sex chakra.

She answers:

  • For the sexual energy of a person, for the search for pleasure, sensual and sexual activity;
  • For contact with the opposite sex, sex appeal, personal magnetism, energy, sociability and positive attitude, as well as for sex and money.
  • For all relationships in the world.

The Svadhisthana chakra gives energy to the entire physical body, here the main vital energy of a person arises, which further along the distributed energy network feeds all organs and systems of a person.

Svadhisthana chakra is most susceptible to damage, evil eyes. Psychological problems in the family are strongly reflected in the activities of this center.

In accordance with the described natural energy distribution, a woman in relationships, as a rule, is a source of "energy nourishment" for a man, receiving from him in return another resource - stability.

Long-term displacement of the characteristics of the sex chakra to the negative area causes obstruction of the fallopian tubes, uterine tumors, infertility, impotence, frigidity.

As a result of connecting your Svadhisthana chakra to the Svadhisthana chakra of the Earth, connecting with it and exchanging energy, your negative life Programs will be reformatted, harmony and renewal and healing of the body will come. It helps to start a family and have children for those who have lost hope for it. You have the potential to create a new Program that will work for your benefit and success.

The third chakra of the Earth of Manipura - the monolith of Uluru and the rock of Kata Tjuta

These twin sites are located in the Northern Territory of Australia. They make up the solar plexus chakra of the planet. The huge monolith of Uluru is red in color. Kata Tjuta is a rocky formation composed of a large number of massive red stones.

The function of the Manipur Earth chakra is to support the vital forces of the Earth and all its species.

On the human body, the third chakra, Manipura, is located at the level of the solar plexus and is an energy balancer and stabilizer of the entire energy shell of a person. She answers:

  • For the assimilation, accumulation, transformation and distribution of energy throughout the human body as a whole;
  • For the manifestation (embodiment) of a person's will on the energy level, his life choice;
  • For "bodily" intuition. An open, developed third chakra gives a person the opportunity to feel and evaluate the correctness / incorrectness, efficiency / inefficiency of any choices or decisions - with the body, not the mind, which can often make mistakes in predicting the future.

Displacement of the manipura chakra "minus" indicates debts, loans, aggression, low living standards. In this case, coldness is felt in the solar plexus region. This can lead to low acidity, impaired peristalsis, gastritis, stomach cancer, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and cholelithiasis.

As a result of connecting your Manipura chakra to the Manipura chakra of the Earth, connecting with it and exchanging energy, there will be a huge mobilization of your vitality. Goes serious development and the growth of social status, financial well-being, achievement of goals, health!

The fourth chakra of Anahata Earth - Glastonbury and Shaftesbury settlements

The settlements of Glastonbury and Shaftesbury are located in England. Every Englishman wants to live in these peaceful places.

On the human body, the Anahata heart chakra is located in the chest at the level of the human heart. It is the chakra of love, tenderness, the "emotional balancer" of the human body, the center of Faith and Spiritual stability.

Responsible for:

  • For the formation of the emotional shell of a person: emotionality, sensitivity, responsiveness, openness.

The level of development of the heart chakra can be judged on the emotional maturity of a person.

Displacement to the "minus" area in the region of the fourth chakra speaks of resentment, negative emotions, guilt, denial, the state of the victim, rejection of oneself. A strong shift in the amplitude-frequency characteristic in the region of the heart Anahata chakra can be the result of the collapse of the cause of life, displeasure with life, and programs of denial of life are growing.

Fifth Chakra of Vishuddha Land - Great Pyramid of Hiops

One of the few artificially created chakras of the Earth. Located in Egypt. The world "throat" chakra, the outlet of the voice of the Earth, is unique in comparison with other planetary sacral centers.

Function of the fifth earth chakra: activates the ability of direct communication with the spirit of the earth in order to comprehend its Will and align with its purpose. Dialogue between the Earth and all creatures that inhabit it.

On the human body, the fifth Vishuddha chakra is located at the base of the throat. A person expresses his thoughts and will through the speech apparatus in words.

The fifth chakra Vishuddha is responsible for:

  • Strong-willed interaction of a person with the outside world;
  • The will to defend their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, images, points of view, vision;
  • Reproduction and perception of the "inner voice" of a person - the voice of his Spirit;
  • For the birth of one's own "I", its separation from the opinions of others;
  • Human creative expression;
  • For energy-informational impact on other people. With the help of a forceful influence through this chakra, you can "break" the will of another person, make him accept someone else's point of view, convince him of some ideas, both positive and negative.
  • Joy, delight, inspiration, memory, creativity.

The will manifested through the Vishuddha chakra of a person can be characterized as "informational", in contrast to the third chakra, through which the "materialized" will manifests itself - that is, the informational will embodied in action in the physical world.

The displacement of the fifth chakra "in the minus" means that someone seriously suppresses (or suppressed in the past) the will of a person, does not allow him to relax, to express his opinion on a particular occasion. As well as dependence on other people, guilt, doubts, suicidal programs. A low level of development of the Vishuddha chakra can manifest itself in an inability to express oneself. Such people tend to keep their mouth shut, believing that their ideas are not interesting. Such a position in life and beliefs develops in a person strong feeling loneliness, Hausa and an exile becomes a person in life.

Sixth Chakra of the Earth Ajna - Paris

Ajna chakra of the Planet moves to different points Earth. This is due to the era and karma of the Planet on this stage... Now the Sixth Chakra is in Paris.

Ajna chakra on the human body is located in the central part of the forehead and is responsible for:

  • Consciousness;
  • Intuition;
  • Superpowers;
  • Karma;
  • Will;

The seventh chakra of the Sahasrara Land - Mount Kailash

Located in Tibet. A lot has been written about her in various sources.

Kailash is the most sacred mountain of the Himalayas, the center of the world crown chakra. She broadcasts the purpose of the Earth or her true will.

From the top of Mount Kailash, year after year, "blueprints" are sent to the world, on the basis of which the planet as an architect creates an immortal global vibrational structure.

On the human body, the 7th chakra Sahasrara is located in the region of the crown of the head and is responsible for:

  • Connection with Cosmic Energy.
  • Silent knowledge.
  • Divine individuality.
  • Purpose.

Blockage at the Seventh Chakra: bad memory, absent-mindedness, drowsiness, life denial programs, violence and aggression, inadequacy.

The Seventh Chakra Ritual gives: a surge of strength, a change in the life program, an awareness of one's purpose, an expansion of living space, a change in the map of the world, liberation from obstacles on the path of life. Finding inner integrity and unity.

The eighth chakra of the Brahma-Randhra Earth is Japan. Fujiyama volcano

On the human body, this chakra is located above the seventh chakra in the aura above the crown of the Sahasrara head.

Brahma-Randhra is responsible for:

  • For subtle philosophy in your mind;
  • For interacting with people in society.
  • Managing your reality.
  • Superpowers.
  • Higher I.
  • Consciousness.

Energy block in the Eighth chakra - suicidal programs, negative habits and identifications, negative addictions, destructive lifestyle.

The ninth chakra of the Earth-Akasha - Moscow, Russia

It is located in the aura above the head, a few centimeters above the Eighth Chakra.

Responsible for:

  • Higher knowledge.
  • Connection with the subtle worlds.
  • Communication with other civilizations.
  • Spiritual strength.

Energy block at the Ninth Chakra: connection with low energies, negative entities, blockage of all vital centers, low standard of living.

Chakras of the Earth. Places of Power.

Earth is the only planet Solar system which has a matrix of life.

The earth is a living being possessing its own creative evolutionary will and its own methods of realizing this goal. If we take a look at nature, we find design and innovation in it - this is how an architect and an inventor work. What is the purpose of all these efforts? Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has a life matrix. What is the maximum potential for life? It is in the true will of the Earth to find the answers to this question and bring the results to other laboratories of life throughout the Universe.

Do we believe that the Earth is alive? If so, is that okay? Lions, tigers and bears ... do we really want new species to emerge? Humans have chosen the path of dominating and controlling all other species ... What if the Earth does not want to be controlled and does not favor the human race over other species? For some, this instills fear. Others are afraid of life itself. What if Earth's experiments in the laboratory of life have not yet been completed?

Truth is the basis and / or condition for communication. Does the Earth have reason to trust you? If so, then you can learn the art of listening to the Earth. The Earth has no fears or secrets. And yet the mystery of life remains ... Listen to the world of the Earth and reveal the secrets of life. Trust the Earth. Harmonize your individual purpose with the will of the Earth. When trust is mutual, your communication is revealed in its entirety - the Pathfinder removes all obstacles between the existing situation and the Holy Grail. Find the Grail and you will understand the purpose of the Earth.

How does the Earth communicate its information to other species? When we study the living structure of the world as an organism, we understand what and when to listen to. Energy is required to transmit information. Highest concentration energy, encoded by information, radiates from the great chakras of the Earth.

What are the earth chakras?

Geography studies the continents, oceans, mountains and rivers of the world. Geology studies the deposits of various rocks that make up the skeleton of the Earth. These sciences study the most material aspects of the planetary body. Studying the Earth's chakras is more like acupuncture - we explore the most subtle energy structures planets.

The chakras of the Earth are the organs of the body that are necessary to maintain the health of the world; they are significant for all living things that depend on their environment. Each chakra performs two functions: 1. Maintain global health and 2. Transmit and receive energy carrying encoded information.

There is one great earth chakra on every continent except Antarctica. (Antarctica also has its own subtle-energy important organs). At the center of each chakra is a major sacred space. From this center, the chakra expands outward in a circle, having a radius of hundreds of miles. If the planet's chakra is in optimal health, this radius is in most cases about 777 miles. All chakras are living organs that expand and contract depending on the difficult conditions that affect them.

Each chakra also has depth and height. The general shape of each chakra is spherical, it resembles a flying saucer, the maximum circumference of which is located on the surface of the Earth; chakra has vertical expansion into the atmosphere and underground, connecting with the deepest structures of the planet. The transmission of energy by the chakras also takes the form of a sphere or a flying saucer; these energies penetrate through the soil, air and water space.

The sacred space at the center of the chakra will determine the purpose of this planetary organ. The myths, legends and archetypal symbols traditional for this particular place highlight the function of each chakra on the planet. Chakra is a dynamic funnel of subtle energies. In some situations, these energies can rotate and twist in a spiral clockwise and counterclockwise. Sometimes the power of the Earth chakra can be directed in a straight line along the so-called dragon paths, ley lines, or sound lines. These connecting pathways are analogous to the nervous, circulatory, or acupuncture meridian system. All chakras of the Earth are connected by great ley arteries.

The earth cannot be understood apart from the solar system. In particular, the lunar and solar rhythms, as well as the various movements of the Earth itself, play an important role here. All of these effects have a significant impact on the earth's chakras. Therefore, you need to interact with the chakras at certain periods of time. The chakras of the planet are also affected by the forces of the four primary elements - fire, air, water and earth. All these chakras have their own horizontal dimensions, connected to the surface of the Earth, and here they are in direct contact with the Sun, Moon and water. It must be remembered that the intercontinental interaction of the chakras is the basis for improving the quality of life on the planet.

Each chakra is based on a seven chakra pattern, and each chakra has its own geometric center. There are other energy structures associated with the chakras.

First Chakra: Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta is located at the southern tip of the Cascade Mountains, which stretch like a dragon from northern California through Oregon and Washington to the Canadian border. If Mount Shasta is the dragon's tail, then Mount Rainer is the dragon's mouth or head. The impulses emitted by Mount Shasta and directed towards Mount Rainer led to the appearance of the UFO phenomenon in 1947 - as a reaction to the use of atomic weapons by humans at the end of World War II.

Mount Shasta is the main chakra of the planet, the "foundation" of its energy system. From here, the still unformed precursors of biological life are released, which become part of the global circulation and development. The energy of Mount Shasta as the first chakra resembles a geyser - the strongest surge of vital energy or prana, which does not yet have a form or structure. The life stream of Mount Shasta takes some form only after it is transformed within one of the other great chakras of the Earth: the second chakra or one of the seven chakras.

Second Chakra: Lake Titicaca

On the Island of the Sun in Lake Titicaca, the Titicaca stone is located, which is the geometric center of the second chakra of the Earth. It is a world center for the creation of new species and significant intraspecific evolutionary development. Lake Titicaca corresponds to the sex-creative chakra in the human body. The second chakra of the Earth governs all species, focusing on positive mutations and evolutionary changes.

Lake Titicaca gives birth to the truly New. For eons of time, new births have always pointed towards the goal of life - there is an eternally continuing life. The wisdom of the Earth in the Andes region is constantly looking for an answer to the question - how to combine life force and structure to overcome entropy - constantly clarifying it for itself.

The unformed life forces of Mount Shasta are transferred to Lake Titicaca through the great ley artery - the Feathered Serpent. This life-giving tellurgical stream travels around the entire planet, heading to its home El Tule in Mexico. The Rainbow Serpent intersects with the Feathered Serpent on the Isle of the Sun. These two giant ley arteries also intersect in Bali, Indonesia.

The circumference of the second chakra on the Earth map includes many sacred places of the mountainous Andes, including Machu Picchu and Guzko.

Third Chakra: Uluru Monolith and Kata Tjuta Rock

These twin sites are located in the Northern Territory of Australia. They make up the solar plexus chakra of the planet. The Uluru Monolith, formerly called Ayers Rock, is best known. This huge red monolith is the symbol of Australia along with the Opera building. Kata Tjuta (Mount Olga) also makes an indelible impression. This rocky formation is composed of a large number of massive red stones.

The global function of this chakra is to maintain the vitality, vitality of the Earth and all its types. In the future, if the art of immortal health is created, the wisdom of its creation will be received from the third chakra located in central Australia. This wisdom spreads into the world through the ley artery of the Rainbow Serpent.

Rainbow snake goes way life, starting in the depths of the planet and emerging to the surface precisely in Uluru. This energy is then transmitted to Kata Tjuta through special sound lines emanating from Uluru on the west side of the Mal Puta hare kangaroo cave. While in the natural temple of Kata Tjuta, the universal life energy is formed in different schemes corresponding to numerous types of life on Earth. After "packing" the energies of the "solar plexus" in the Valley of the Winds, the Rainbow Serpent leaves the region through a huge heart-shaped stone Ngungarra (fuchsia) and travels to Bali.

The energies of the second chakra from Lake Titicaca are directed to the third chakra - Uulu and Kata Tjuta - through the world ley artery, the Rainbow Serpent, which crosses the South Pacific Ocean, goes under New Zealand and goes to the Australian continent in the place of the Wilsons Promontory Peninsula.

Fourth chakra: Glastonbury and Shaftesbury

Glastonbury, Somerset and Shaftesbury, Dorset define the center of the planetary heart chakra. The Grail of Immortality must be saturated with true Will in order to direct the power of life in the maximum possible way. Glastonbury is the home of the Grail, and Shaftesbury is the seat of the sacred Spear of Purpose. When the energies of the Earth at Glastonbury combine with the energies of Shaftesbury, the ley artery of the Rainbow Serpent is able to deliver the immortal frequencies of the Grail to all beings on the planet.

The Rainbow Serpent travels its great circle from Uluru to Bali, to Mount Kailash and Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk, Moscow), through Denmark, and then reaches England. Crossing England, she passes through many sacred places that contribute to the world's heart chakra. Among them - the stone circle of Avebury and Thor in Glastonbury - the most significant acupuncture points of the heart ... The Grail, directed by the will of the Spirit of the Earth, has a power that dissolves all boundaries between nations. If the heart of the Earth expands and takes its full circle, then all over the world the pain, suffering and physical death of terrestrial species will be erased from memory and experience.

The most famous legend associated with Glastonbury tells of Joseph of Arithme, who, after the Ascension of Christ, moved the archetype of Eternal Life - the Grail - from Jerusalem to Glastonbury. This ritual created the basis for the permanent transition of the mobile planetary sixth chakra from the activation circle in the Age of Pisces, 2000 years ago, to the region of the Age of Aquarius, which is located in western Europe. This sixth chakra is currently associated with the planetary heart chakra.

To move the energies of the planetary solar plexus into the fourth chakra, the main direction operates from Uulu-Kata Tula to Bali and Mount Kailash (sixth chakra), then to Sergiev / Posad and Glastonbury-Shaftesbury. When the Rainbow Serpent moves around the world, it accumulates and releases information in various places. Specifically, Shaftesbury acts as a decoder for the information brought by the Rainbow Serpent from Mount Kailash in Tibet.

It is also possible to move life force from the third chakra to the fourth chakra in a different direction - from Uluru to Lake Titicaca, through the Azores to Cornwell, and then to Glastonbury-Shaftesbury. A simultaneous dual impulse in both directions completes the great planetary circle, in which the Earth chakras - the second, third, fourth, sixth and seventh - participate.

Fifth Chakra: Great Pyramid, Mount Sinai and Mount of Olives

The world "throat" chakra, the outlet of the voice of the Earth, is unique in comparison with other planetary sacral centers. This chakra is the only one that is not on the ley lines of the Rainbow Serpent (feminine energy) or the Feathered Serpent (masculine energy). Rotating, this chakra helps to propel energy along the path of the Rainbow Serpent, but from a great distance. The sphere of energies of the fifth chakra is located in the Middle East and is part of another major structure of the Earth - the Four Energy Vortexes or Rotating Wheels, which regulate the qualities related to the four primary elements - fire, air, water and earth.

A person should master the art of listening to the will of the Earth and respecting the voice of her Spirit. Without this, he is unlikely to harmonize himself with the purpose of life. This task is especially relevant in the Middle East, where the planetary throat chakra is located. Imagine the Middle East, home to Jerusalem and Mecca, custodians of a world heritage open to all cultures - as a global vanguard, respecting all beings - in human and other forms - and stimulating an abundance of life. Imagine that from Egypt to Iran, the Middle East represents a cultural unity and brings the art of everlasting life to the rest of the world!

The center of this chakra is defined by three sacred places. Mount Sinai, on which Moses, carrying the knowledge of Kabbalah from Egypt, received a revelation. The Great Pyramid is one of the few artificially created chakras on Earth. Unite your truth with the highest purpose of the Earth and channel this united power as a living word from the Queen's Room in the Great Pyramid or from highest point Pyramids to the world. The Mount of Olives, which overlooks the mystical Golden Gate, is the center of three religions. The archetypal word of the Age of Aquarius is directed to all cultures from this very mountain, opening the Golden Gates so that all beings can enter the fullness of life within the planetary New Jerusalem, which is the eternal home of all kinds, cultures and beliefs.

Sixth Chakra: Mobile Age Activation Center

This planetary chakra, like all others, has a geometric center and a perfect expanded circle. The difference is that this "third eye" moves 1/12 of its world path to the west, at the dawn of each new era. The change of great eras is determined by the shift of the earth's axis. Each era has its own name, which is given according to the signs of the zodiac. Now we are entering the era of Aquarius, and after 4000 the earth's axis will shift again, and the earth will enter the era of Capricorn ...

V the right time The Spirit of the Earth sends a signal to all forces to gather in the central geographic region for the inauguration of a new century. These forces begin to interact with each other and the planetary sixth chakra begins to act and expand. It remains in one place for 150-200 years, long enough for the archetypes of a new era to be established, and then disappears. After about two thousand years, the planet again signals the need for a shift, and this chakra moves 1/12 to the west.

The purpose of such chakra functioning is to sort the collected wisdom of life on Earth for many centuries, and then use these fruits of wisdom to open new directions of planetary evolution. Each new era puts forward its own values. So, for example, compassion was the key word of the previous era of Pisces, and the key word of the coming era of Aquarius is physical immortality ...

Currently (from 1904 to 2084) the sixth chakra is geographically associated with the planetary heart chakra located in western Europe. The vibrational frequency of Aquarius was most strongly manifested in April-May 2008. The world cultural forces, whose development is accelerating at such moments, will reach their peak in 2065.

In many regions of the Earth, legends about immortal creatures and their sacred cities are kept, for example, in Bali they talk about Pulaks, in Mongolia there is the abode of the immortals - Shambhala, in England - this is the mystical Avalon ... These legends interpret the revolutionary truth that immortality existed on Earth for a long time. Immortals often went their own individual path, alone, hiding from the rest of the world. When the Spirit of the Earth gathers all the forces for the birth of a new eon of time, many of these immortals introduce new themes into the developing era, creating a temporary coalition of forces, which, after the activation of this eon, disintegrates, and the participants again follow their individual directions for the next 2000 years.

Each new era has its own geometric center: so, in the era of Gemini, such a center was Mount Taishan (China), in the era of Taurus - Mount Belukha (Siberia), in the era of Aries - Kun-E-Malek-Shia (Iran), in the era of Pisces - The Mount of Olives and the Great Pyramid, in the era of Aquarius - such a center becomes Glastonbury-Shaftesbury, in the era of Capricorn - a place near Recife (Brazil) (Brazil will play an important role in the next two eons, which will come after 4000 and 6000 years).

Seventh Chakra: Mount Kailash

Kailash is the most sacred mountain of the Himalayas, the center of the world crown chakra. She broadcasts the purpose of the Earth or her true will. From the top of Mount Kailash, year after year, “blueprints” are sent to the world, on the basis of which the planet as an architect creates an immortal global vibrational structure. Kailash is the center of the annual full moon in Scorpio, which occurs in April or May, heralding the start of a new year in terms of global evolution. Kailash also releases information regarding longer cycles of time. For example, the creative activity of the mobile sixth chakra is controlled from Mount Kailash in accordance with four great cycles of 19 years, which are associated with the onset of a special full moon in Scorpio (sometimes these cycles are called the Great Vesak Cycles). There is another, 12-year cycle, which is also used by immortal beings to build the future. This cycle is called the Melchizedek Cycle; it is initiated by the entry of Jupiter into the constellation Aries. Melchizedek Cycles, for example, began in 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, and 1999.

There is a legend about the lost chord of Creation, which is reminiscent of the legend of the Holy Grail. If you find the three strings of Creation and connect them so that they sound synchronously, the world will reveal its eternal nature, and all mortal will disappear. If you hear the sound of praise from Mount Kailash (the seventh chakra), the sound of love from the heart planetary center, and the sound of joyful thanksgiving to the third chakra, use your creativity and wisdom to combine these notes into a single chord and you will revive the planet.

Four elements, four primary elements: Great Spinning Wheels or energy funnels

There are four great energy funnels on the Earth's body: two of them with Yang energy north of the equator, regulating the masculine energy of the elements of Fire and Air, and two with Yin energy, in the southern female hemisphere, which control the elements of Water and Earth. These energy wheels can rotate in any direction, depending on the circumstances. The tendency towards powerful rotation forms in these four circles with a maximum rotation radius of up to 1746 miles, which is much larger than the radius of the planetary chakras on the two paths of the great Dragons / Serpents. These four spaces are equal in status to the seven chakras of the Earth and have the following centers:

Earth Element: Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa

Table Mountain overlooks two oceans - the Indian and the Atlantic. It forms the energy vortex of the earth element and governs the use of light as the force that develops life forms. Light can be destructive or creative. This mountain governs the creative power of light and manifests greatest strength creativity and fluidity in relation to all things that this primary element symbolizes from an alchemical point of view. Think of the apex of this mountain as a planetary Round Table where there is no hierarchy and all traditions, races and cultures are respected. While Mesa's earth-light forces can rotate in any direction, according to specific needs, their natural rotation is clockwise. This mountain, together with the energy vortex at the site of Haleakal, influences the flow of Quetzalcoatl throughout the world.

Water Element: Rotopounamu, North Island in New Zealand

The energy vortex of the second element, Water, is located in the southern hemisphere at Rotopounamu, the small sacred lake Taupo in New Zealand. The natural flow of this spinning wheel is counterclockwise. The path around the lake takes about 90 minutes. In this area, Rotopounamu Lake - the second chakra of the "female" mountain, Piyengi, accompanies the "male" mountain Tongariro. The fruit of this union of the energies of the two mountains rises from Lake Rotopounamu and begins its movement around the world.

Maori say. That Rotopounamu is the lake of the second emerald stone. Green symbolizes the heart. The first emerald stone is the archetype in the Glastonbury Thor, and the second defines the center of the planetary funnel of water energy. These two sacred centers are antipodes. If the Holy Grail is associated with one of the poles, then the Grail Net - all activated global ley lines - originates in Lake Rotopounamu.

The stem mountain gives birth to the quality of light, and the funnel of water gives rise to love. If you multiply the speed of light by the speed of light, you get the speed of love. Best use light throughout the world is the development of love and compassion. The best use of love is to expand the presence of eternal life throughout the world.

Each earthly chakra and energy funnel of each element has its own mystical time, which occurs approximately once every six months. At this time, the sacred space is in its most powerful phase, in terms of the development of the planetary goal. For Rotopounamu, this is the time of finding full moon in Pisces in August or September (and during the new moon also in Pisces in February or March every year).

Air Element: Great Pyramid, Mount Sinai, and Mount of Olives

The planetary funnel of Air is identical to the fifth chakra (throat). It is located in the same place. Its natural clockwise rotation stimulates energy flow The Rainbow Serpent that flows from England to Russia. In 1984, the world began to move in this direction. vitality starting a global process of openness and restructuring.

In this eternal life funnel of immortal Air, energies sometimes rotate clockwise and counterclockwise (twin spiral archetype), as if pronouncing the first and the last word space - eternal life.

Multiply the speed of love by the speed of love and you get the speed of eternity. When the heart of the earth is as open as possible, then the Rainbow Serpent raises its vibrations of immortality. In the 21st century, opposition to the union of love and will loses its strength, thereby affirming the victory of life.

Between the planetary funnels of earth and Air there is special bond, the symbol of which is the Sword and the Kamega. The Stone is the Table Mountain and the Sword is the Olive (or Mount Sinai and the Great Pyramid). When the Sword is hidden in the Stone, it absorbs the understanding of freedom, as it is understood within matter. Do not strive for freedom from matter, look for freedom of matter itself. Matter does not seek to escape or leave its limits, it just seeks ways to express its highest goal.

By lunar calendar Virgo is associated with the funnel of the Earth, and Libra is associated with Air. During the autumnal equinox, the Sword of energy funnel air is immersed in the heart of matter, and at the same time is removed from the Stone - Table Mountain. In the northern hemisphere, the sword enters the stone during the autumnal equinox, and is removed from the stone during the spring equinox in the southern hemisphere.

Fire Release: Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii

The spinning wheel of the Fire element is located in the Haleakala crater on Hawaiian Islands... Fire rules freedom. Freedom is achieved by following the "straight and narrow" path of the True Will. It is only after justice and freedom are united in an invivudal and collective order that eternal life dawns. Haleakala deepens the world's understanding of freedom in this context.

Kabbalah offers a path that only mystics are able to go: this path runs over an abyss and is symbolized by the card of the High Priestess in the Tarot. The image of a camel crossing the desert is associated with this path ... The mystic safely walks this path over the abyss, since the love for the divine, which exists everywhere, creates an ineradicable desire to merge with the Divine Will. Haleakala is able to enhance wisdom through the union of love and will.

An ancient legend has it that the Polynesian god Maui stole the sun while it was at its zenith above the Haleakala crater. Maui told the sun that it can only gain freedom when it promises to give the Earth a special blessing through Haleakala, every day at its zenith. The sun agreed and has kept its word ever since.

The planetary funnels of Fire and Water are connected together in order to create an alchemical formula - the combination of the Scepter and the Grail. The fiery center of Haleakala is ruled by Aries, and the water center is ruled by Pisces. During the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere, the Scepter of Will fills the Grail with the fire of freedom. At the same time, in New Zealand, during the autumn equinox, the love radiating from the Grail feeds the Will of the Spirit of the Earth.

Twelve Sacred Regions - the Foundations of the World

There are twelve sacred places in the body of the living earth. When all of them are viable, the will of the planet is able to take the quality of life of all its inhabitants to the next level. If there are wars, famines or serious conflicts in these sacred places, then the overall quality of life on Earth is limited. That is why it is so necessary to constantly work with the energies of love, light, life and freedom in these twelve regions, which constitute the sacred foundations of the planet.

We have previously listed the location of the world chakra system and the elemental force system. These two systems contain 9 of the 12 foundations of the planet. The other three foundations exist in the following places:
Tenth Major Center: Bali, World Cleansing Center

Eleventh main center: Southern Mexico, El Tule tree (Tula tree is the largest tree in the world) and Palenque, center of androgynous balance

After all 12 of these main centers have passed their development, the thirteenth world center (Sergiev Posad, near Moscow) begins to synthesize the forces radiating from these 12 centers. When the 12 world gates are open, the Red Rose blooms.

Tenth Major Center: Bali, Indonesia, World Cleansing Center

The female and male ley arteries of the Great Dragons intersect in two places on Earth: on Lake Titicaca (the second chakra of the planet) and on the island of Bali. The sacred center in Bali purifies the blood of the Earth. All forces passing through the world's ley arteries pass through this filter.

There are six areas in Bali that are dedicated to purifying the planet. Four of them work as turning funnels, transforming the intersection of the energies of the two Dragons into a swastika. The fifth center expands from the center of this swastika, this most sacred source in Bali. The sixth center is located in the western part of Bali and functions from a higher invisible plane.

When the Rainbow Serpent enters Bali from Australia, it is purified in Ulu Vata of all impurities that are contained within the light. Ulu Watu, the site of the immortal Nirarta, is a world temple dedicated to the purification of the Earth element and the quality of light. From here the Rainbow Serpent goes northeast to the second center - Batur, which purifies the Fire element and the quality of freedom.

The Quetzalcoatl stream is cleaned in two other swivel funnels. This stream comes from Lake Titicaca and purifies the Water element and the quality of love in Batakau. This stream then reaches the highest mountain in Bali, Aganga, where the element of Air and the quality of life itself are purified.

The fifth world center, Tirta Empul, also participates in purification - her waters are bathed by the female and male ley lines of two Dragons in the amrita of immortality.

The sixth center is called Pulaki. It exists on the inner plane of Mount Merbuk, in the western part of Bali. From here the immortal "mountain creatures" of Bali function. If they want to mingle with mortals, they can turn into a white tiger. Pulaks also participate in the purification of the world energy. During the new moon and full moon (in Sagittarius), certain interactions occur between the immortals and other world centers located in Bali.

Eleventh main center: Southern Mexico, tree in the settlement of El Tule and Palenque, center of androgynous balance

There are many sacred centers in this region. El Tule is located directly on the path of the Feathered Serpent. Palenque is also a very important center, but it is quite far from the world ley artery. This large region serves to balance the feminine and masculine energies, Yin and Yang, of all life on the planet. It is from here that the macrocosmic balance of the world is controlled. The northern hemisphere carries masculine energies, while the southern hemisphere carries feminine energies. The masculine elements of Fire and Air have their own Spinning Wheels in the Yang hemisphere, while female elements Waters and Earths are located in the Yin Hemisphere. These and other structures have their own emerging matrices in southern Mexico.

Is the Earth itself female energies? Despite the fact that the Earth is called the Goddess, the answer is no. All beings on the path of spiritual evolution eventually come to the point where they gain integrity. And what could previously be considered a masculine or feminine quality begins to manifest itself as neutral. All true qualities are eternal, they have no gender, and they are acquired by those who strive for Greater life... Palenque and El Tule sometimes give us a difficult lesson.

El Tule served as the world focal point for the activation of the ley artery of the feathered Serpent at dawn on August 17, 1987. Prior to that, on April 22, 1984, the female energy, the Rainbow Serpent, was activated. When the power of the Earth of the liberated spirit of Quetzalcoatl rose from the roots of El Tule - a living tree of life (dating back from 2000 to 5000 years), all the chakras of the planet and the rotating wheels of elemental forces began to function as a single system

Palenque is the most famous temple city of ancient Mexican culture. According to numerous legends, several people acquired physical immortality in this place several hundred years ago. Palenque is a mystical city from which the entire population suddenly disappeared (for some unknown reason). Like the legendary city of Enoch, the people of Palenque may have acquired immortality and left with the Eagle People.

If we consider the extended circle, which starts from this region with the center of El Tule, this circle reaches the northeastern point on the Yucatan island. All sacred places within this circle serve as a balancing act for the eleventh major center of the planet.

Twelfth main center: Mount Fuji, Japan, the world center of immortality and beauty

This main center is located on Mount Fuji in Japan. Each center is an "anchor" for one of the 12 zodiacal forces, and these energies are manifested during the periods of the new moon and full moon. Mount Fuji is the world's sacred site for the new moon and full moon in Aquarius.

Once every 19 years, the climax of the full moon in Fuji falls on August 6th. This day is known as the day of Hiroshima or the Day of Transfiguration (on the day of the transformation, Jesus became immortal). The name of the mountain - Fuji - means "immortal". This name comes from the ancient aboriginal world. Many myths and legends about this mountain emphasize its physical immortality. The wisdom of the immortality of the planet is emanated by Mount Fuji - this is the Truth of mighty Beauty.

Thirteenth main center: Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk), Russian Federation - Center for World Synthesis

When the 12 fundamental sacred foundations are established, the expansion of the thirteenth center begins. The geometric center of this worldwide synthesis is Sergiev Posad, located northeast of Moscow. This is the center of the Russian Orthodox Church. Saint Sergius, the spiritual founder of Russia, created this community in the 14th century. Likewise important role this synthesis is played by the Danilovsky Monastery in Moscow.

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People have always believed that certain places on our planet have certain mystical properties, are filled with spirituality and special properties. Our ancestors marked such places and often returned to them later, naming them places of power... In such places of power, it was customary to bring gifts to the gods, later temples, cathedrals, altars and churches were built there. And gradually whole settlements settled around them. Today, many places of power have been abandoned as if on purpose. You need to have certain knowledge or communicate with spiritual teachers in order to find out where these places of power are.

Ancient civilizations studied the starry sky and, focusing on certain stars or planets, they determined special places. Research by modern scientists has proven that in such areas the magnetic field is changed, respectively, places of power differ in different levels of vibration... Also, scientists noted how being in places of power affects a person. Since the magnetic field is associated with our mental activity, when a person arrives at a place of power, his consciousness changes. People who visited the place of power at least once noticed such changes for a long time, and over time, myths and legends about these places began to take shape.

The most famous places of power on Earth: Glastonbury, Bali, Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, Andes, Mount Shasta in the USA, Machu Picchu in Peru, Mount Kailash, Table Mountain in South Africa ...

So, places of power- these are certain areas of our planet, natural monuments, landscape (mountains, caves, lakes, etc.), places where the strongest energy is collected. It affects a person who is in such a place, both physically and emotionally, positively or negatively. It often happens that places of power are geographically associated with certain anomalies of nature such as tectonic ruptures.

There is a theory that some places of power increase their energy over time. Others lose it. Also, new places of power may appear on the surface of our planet, and the proof of this is Stonehenge, which was previously considered a powerful place of power, but due to some changes in the structure of our planet now does not carry the strong energy that it used to be.

The mystical influence of places of power on a person was noticed even in ancient times and then they began to actively use it. According to one of the theories, the structures of ancient civilizations known to us (labyrinths, pyramids, altars, temples) are located in places of power in order to maintain a connection between the subtle and material worlds and to balance the energy of the Earth. But over the centuries, most of such structures were destroyed, which leads to negative consequences for humanity: the ecology is deteriorating, the material surpasses the spiritual, etc.

Places of power are formed not only due to the peculiarities of the structure of our planet. The energy of the Earth is also influenced by important historical and religious events. Such places are fraught with a special energy. In addition, the factors of the emergence of places of power (natural and anthropogenic) are often combined. For example, Jerusalem, known for events sacred to Christians, has long been sacred place.

Places of power have long been revered by people who lived in the area, regardless of what culture or religion they belonged to. In places of power, they built cathedrals, altars, temples and just churches. Often, shrines of new times are replaced by ancient sacred buildings. For example, Orthodox churches are located in places that used to serve Slavic pagan temples.

In the old days, structures of various geometric shapes were often built in places of power in order to enhance their energy. For example, the pyramids, which are known for their anomalous properties.

Besides, the energy of the place of power is influenced by the people themselves, which they are visited, or rather their energy, state, emotions, thoughts. That is why pilgrimage to places of power is so widespread: here people remain alone for some time in order to cleanse themselves and come closer to enlightenment.

Long ago sacred and spiritual practices were carried out in places of power, which have a strong influence on a person and push him to a new stage of spiritual growth.
But before you get poisoned to the places of power, you need to take into account some features:

  • There are places of power with positive and negative energies (where there is an exit to the upper and lower worlds). The first people always tried to support, and the second - to block.
  • Places of power act differently on each person, depending on his energy, emotional state, faith. For example, if a person is overwhelmed with negativity, it is gentle for him to be careful with places of power with positive energy, because this can cause him a strong emotional and physical reaction. This speaks of cleansing, and you need to be ready for this.
  • Careful preparation for visiting places of power will not hurt. It is better if you are accompanied by an experienced guide. Realize that this is not just a journey, but serious spiritual work involving contact with strong energies.
  1. A place of power can change your mind forever, therefore, carefully and with open heart choose a place for pilgrimage.
  2. Find out in advance everything about the chosen place of power and tune in to it even before the trip - imagine that you are already there. remember, that the place of power will begin to influence you long before you find yourself there.
  3. Strong points require more careful preparation: you can fast or additionally meditate before heading to the place of power.
  4. Having already arrived at the place of power, try to connect to it energetically. To make it easier, you can imagine that you are a device that is connected to the network.
  5. Trust your feelings. Let your feelings tell you what to do and how to do it. You are allowed to do anything as long as you maintain reverence and respect.
  6. Allow the place of power to contact you. Exchange energy with the earth and remember that the transfer of energy in places of power occurs both from the earth to a person, and vice versa, and, becoming a pilgrim, you give the earth a part of yourself.

One may or may not believe in the existence of places of power, but this does not change their energy, about which myths have been formed for many centuries. But a person who lives in doubt and mistrust will definitely lose his power.