Is it possible to dance in the early stages of pregnancy. Girls, is it possible to dance during pregnancy?! Oriental dances during pregnancy

- a wonderful time and it is also remarkable in that there are more opportunities and desire for self-expression, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. But the expectant mother, as a rule, feels her energy supply overflowing. You shouldn't hold it back, it's much better ... to dance!

Dancing and pregnancy: for the body or for the soul?

Movement is life and health! It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this statement. The point is that during motor activity ventilation of the lungs increases, the lack of oxygen in muscles and other tissues decreases, the metabolic process improves, and the work of the intestines is stimulated. The whole organism works better and more easily copes with the load, which increases with the course of pregnancy. Gymnastics also strengthens the pelvic muscles, develops joints and helps to increase the elasticity of the ligaments, as a result, the likelihood of injuries and ruptures in childbirth is reduced.

Dancing is the same gymnastics. They give the same effect as others. It doesn’t matter if you go to a group, do aqua aerobics, get carried away with salsa or flamenco, be sure that it is the muscles that are trained that will have the greatest load during childbirth. So in addition to training flexibility, plasticity, the ability to concentrate on own body, the expectant mother will also receive spiritual pleasure and pleasure from dancing.


Being pregnant, it is worth remembering that dancing is still a serious physical activity. If you before sports were not engaged, then until the 20th week of pregnancy, the load should be very sparing. Avoid sudden movements, jerks and jumps.

Basic rules for dancing during pregnancy:

  • You need to do dancing regularly, 3 times a week, but not for long - 20-30 minutes.
  • Choose the load and movements according to your physical training and well-being.
  • Increase the load gradually. Your skills and ability to control your body will also increase from training to training. You will learn to maintain balance and coordinate your movements, and your muscles will get stronger and gain elasticity.
  • If you feel dizzy, heart palpitations, fatigue, the session should be interrupted and take a break or reschedule for another day.

What dances to choose during pregnancy?

The ideal option is to sign up for a special dance group for pregnant women: it could be belly dance, salsa, rumba or flamenco. European dance will wait until you have your baby. During pregnancy in dance fashion - East! Such dances completely exclude excessive tension of the abdominal muscles and at the same time gently train it and prepare the mother's body for childbirth.

  1. Belly dance- very plastic and helps to increase the flexibility of the spine. The emphasis of dance movements is transferred to the arms, shoulders and back, but a variety of shakes and energetic eights with the hips do not need to be practiced yet.
  2. Rumba- a beautiful slow dance with a fairly simple basic movement. Rumba cannot be danced neutrally and unemotionally, it will capture and conquer you completely. Express yourself, but again, without sudden movements.
  3. salsa- a simple, exotic, cozy and kind dance. You can easily cope with simple movements, the main thing is to take an average pace. The hips are actively moving, perhaps at a slightly slower pace than usual.
  4. Indian dance- a real song, the words of which are movements. It's tempting to learn new language during pregnancy, especially as beautiful and intriguing as Indian dance. Take advantage of this opportunity.
  5. Flamenco is a Spanish dance that will give you back a sense of attractiveness and femininity. Flamenco perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back and has healing effect on the body.

Leisurely oriental or Spanish music greatly improves mood and brings a positive charge of energy to the body. Endorphins (happiness hormones) enter the bloodstream, which will be very useful to you in a few months, because they have a positive effect on the birth process. Endorphins help to relax, relieve tension and thereby reduce pain. Well, the baby does not lag behind his mother, he dances with her, experiences his mother's emotions and also listens to beautiful music. What is not intrauterine aesthetic education child?
So dancing pregnancy is not a hindrance! Dance with pleasure!

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Prohibitions during pregnancy sometimes become absurd - you can not cut your hair, raise your hands above your head. In modern expectant mothers, such taboos, as a rule, cause only a condescending smile. However, there are contraindications that really make you think. For example, is it possible to harm the unborn baby if you dance during pregnancy. The question is especially relevant for active women who are not accustomed to sitting in one place. Let's find out whether it is worth giving up dancing during pregnancy or is it another relic of the past.

When is dancing during pregnancy dangerous?

If you feel fine and moderate physical exercise you are not contraindicated, feel free to go to the dance studio and enjoy the movements to the music. But when there are complications or you are in the first weeks of pregnancy, it is better to wait a little with dancing.

not worth the risk and once again load the body even if you have found:

  • severe hyper- or hypotension;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • threat of abortion;
  • elevated;
  • preeclampsia of pregnancy;
  • discharge with an admixture of blood;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute muscle or joint pain;
  • a serious underweight or, conversely, its bust.

In addition, you should be extremely careful for those women whose pregnancy is multiple.

In any case, the decision to take dance classes for pregnant women should only be made in consultation with your gynecologist. Self-activity is strictly contraindicated.

What are the benefits of dancing for pregnant women?

We found out that there are specific objective conditions under which it is dangerous for expectant mothers not only to dance, but to engage in any physical activity in general. If you are not at risk, then the following information will be useful to you. Let's talk about what good things dance classes for pregnant women will bring to future mothers.

Let's start with the fact that any kind of activity, especially accompanied by music, has a positive effect on nervous system women, improves mood, charges with positive and energy for a long period.

Attention: from 5-6 months of pregnancy, the fetus is able to perceive external sounds, which means that by dancing to good, pleasant music, you simultaneously form the musical taste of your crumbs.

In addition, dancing for expectant mothers is also useful because:

  • help strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, pelvis and, as a result, recover faster after childbirth;
  • train respiratory system, but exactly correct breathing is one of the main factors for successful childbirth;
  • Dancing during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of developing late toxicosis And varicose veins veins;
  • dancing stimulates blood circulation, helps to stabilize blood pressure;
  • the moderate physical activity that a woman experiences during pregnancy gently and gradually develops the muscle groups involved in the process of childbirth, which means that the risk of injury to both the fetus and the mother is reduced.

Important: if you danced before pregnancy and feel the strength to continue classes on early dates, anyway, consult with your doctor if you can still dance in the same mode.

How to dance while pregnant?

Going to the dance hall, it is important to remember your special position and strictly adhere to the following recommendations:

  • choose only those types of dances that do not involve a load on abdominal muscles abdomen, because, otherwise, there is a high probability of uterine tone;
  • dance exclusively in groups for pregnant women under the strict supervision of a professional instructor;
  • stop exercising as soon as you feel any discomfort(palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath): dancing should bring only positive emotions and feelings;
  • do not overwork, the optimal dance lesson should last from 20 to 30 minutes;
  • exercise no more than three times a week, but be regular;
  • in the process of dancing, do not forget to drink water in small sips;
  • never make sudden jumps, jerks, jerks during the dance, being in an “interesting” position;
  • always warm up before dancing to avoid sprains and injuries;
  • after the lesson, it is useful to lie down a bit with your legs up in order to improve the venous outflow of blood from lower extremities and reduce the manifestations of their swelling.

Subject to compliance with all listed rules And wellness, the question of whether it is possible to dance during pregnancy will not arise.

Particular attention during pregnancy should be given to the choice of the type of dance.

Important: pay attention to dances that do not require increased activity, sudden movements and a strong load on the abdominal muscles.

Let's try to figure out how certain types of dance affect the body future mother and directly on the development of the fetus:

  • oriental dances - involve a minimum load on the abdominal muscles of the abdomen; they are distinguished by smooth movements, softness, but such an element as shaking should be abandoned;
  • rumba - perfect for pregnant women, especially if the husband becomes the woman's partner;
  • salsa - also not contraindicated for pregnant women, but the pace and amplitude of hip movements should be reduced;
  • Flamenco is a rather charismatic type of dance, but it is quite suitable for expectant mothers. Take a medium tempo and enjoy the mesmerizing Spanish melodies.

Attention: do not choose European, modern dances as physical activity during pregnancy. Make time for them after the baby is born.

If you don’t know where to stop, watch a video on the Internet showing dance classes specifically for pregnant women. Perhaps this will make it easier for you to decide on the style.

A little about belly dancing

Often it is oriental dances that are recommended to women in position. No wonder, because this type of dance is aimed directly at the awakening of femininity, the disclosure of sexual energy. It also has a positive effect on general state women's health.

The movements performed during oriental dances during pregnancy are the best way to contribute to:

  • relaxation of deep muscles;
  • training and increasing muscle elasticity pelvic floor, perineum;
  • maintaining correct posture;
  • strengthening muscle corset back.

We advise you to learn about the features during pregnancy.

Find out if it's safe for pregnant women.

Read: in expectant mothers and what drugs are safe to use for this.

Oriental dance lessons ad hoc groups definitely helpful for pregnant women. Do not give in to stupid prejudices and remain active even in such excellent condition like pregnancy. Remember that the whole spectrum positive emotions that you experience during pregnancy will certainly be passed on to your baby. Smile more, laugh more and fill your life with positive!

Today we talked about whether pregnant women can dance. If you are full of strength and energy, do not limit your activity. Walk, dance, gymnastics, swim! After all, it has long been proven that playing sports during pregnancy in most cases is exclusively beneficial for both the future young mother and the developing fetus.

Dancing is the same gymnastics. They give the same effect as other methods of preparing for childbirth. It does not matter whether you go to a yoga group for pregnant women, whether you do aqua aerobics, whether you are fond of salsa, flamenco, be sure that at this moment the very muscles that will have the greatest load during childbirth are training. In addition to training flexibility, plasticity, the ability to concentrate on your own body, you will also enjoy dancing.

Expectant mothers should remember that dancing is still a serious physical activity. If you have not been involved in sports before, then until the 20th week of pregnancy, the load should be very gentle. Avoid sudden movements, jerks and jumps.

Under the guidance of a trainer, you will perform exercises to develop body plasticity. At first, they can be done at the barre (if you remember, this is how dancers warm up), and starting from the middle of pregnancy, sitting or lying down so as not to overload the veins and spine. The main thing is to keep your back right.

Attention! Be careful not to overstretch the muscles so as not to dislocate one of the joints, which are now softened by the action of the hormone relaxin.

Rules for dancing during pregnancy:

- You need to do it regularly, 3 times a week, but not for long - 20-30 minutes.

- Choose the load and movements according to your well-being and level of physical fitness.

- Increase the load gradually. Your ability to control your body will increase from workout to workout. You will learn to maintain balance and coordinate your movements, and your muscles will get stronger and gain elasticity.

- If you feel dizzy, palpitations, fatigue, the lesson should be interrupted, or rescheduled for another day.

What dances to choose during pregnancy?

The ideal option is to join a group for pregnant women and practice belly dancing, salsa, rumba, flamenco. Let the European dance wait for now.

During pregnancy in dance fashion - East! Such movements completely exclude excessive tension of the abdominal muscles and at the same time gently train it and prepare the woman's body for childbirth.

Belly dance very plastic, and increases the flexibility of the spine. The emphasis of dance movements is transferred to the arms, shoulders and back, but a variety of shakes and energetic eights with the hips do not need to be practiced yet.

Rumba- a beautiful slow dance with a fairly simple basic movement. Rumba can't be danced in a relaxed way: express yourself, but without sudden movements.

salsa- a simple, exotic, cozy dance. You can easily cope with simple movements, the main thing is to take an average pace. The hips are actively moving, perhaps at a slightly slower pace than usual.

Indian dance- a real song, the words of which are movements. It is tempting to learn a new language during pregnancy, especially one so beautiful and intriguing. Take advantage of this opportunity.

Flamenco is a Spanish dance that will give you back a sense of attractiveness and femininity. It perfectly strengthens the back muscles and has a healing effect on the body.

Leisurely oriental or Spanish music greatly improves mood and brings a positive charge of energy to the body. Endorphins (hormones of happiness) enter the bloodstream, which will be very useful to you in a few months, since they have a positive effect on the birth process. Endorphins help to relax, relieve tension, thereby reducing pain.

The kid does not lag behind his mother, he dances with her, rejoices and listens to beautiful music. Dance with pleasure!

Victoria Adzhigirey, yoga instructor for expectant mothers and babies, blog author.

Dancing is safe and great way stay in shape during pregnancy. If you want to continue dancing while already in a position, then you must definitely choose a quiet dance option that does not require jumping and is not too stressful. But first of all, you should talk with your gynecologist about your hobby.

How does dancing help you stay fit?

Dancing helps:

Stay mobile;
strengthen muscles;
improve the condition of the heart and lungs.

And, of course, it's fun and provocative. Try to dance three or four times a week for no more than 30 minutes. Try to combine dancing with other sports such as swimming or yoga. In this case, you will not strain your muscles unilaterally.

What types of dances are best for pregnant women?

A pregnant woman must understand that her goal is to stay in shape, not to build a new one. physical form so doing aerobics and sports dances not worth it.

Attention! Always tell your trainers that you are pregnant.

Control exercises in which you keep one foot on the floor and the other on weight. This puts a lot of strain on the joints. Hormonal changes during pregnancy make you more susceptible to injury, and if you overexert or overdo it, it can end badly.

Jazz dance, samba, standard dancing (no lifting), and salsa are good for keeping fit, especially in early pregnancy. But you may find it difficult to perform these dances for longer later dates pregnancy. So, as soon as you feel uncomfortable, stop dancing and return to them after the baby is born.

Belly dance that makes slow and controlled movements, a great way to train all the necessary muscles. In the future, they will help to safely give birth to a baby. Belly dancing uses the muscles of the abdomen and torso while keeping the back flexible. When you dance, you can feel the work of the pelvic muscles. These muscles are very important, and for a pregnant woman, their importance is several times greater than during a normal period of time.

Hip-hop, city and street dances are not recommended to dance during pregnancy, because too abrupt movements can lead to undesirable consequences. If you do ballet, you should be aware that stretching can put a lot of pressure on the pelvic joint, and standing on one leg can cause pain and muscle contractions in the abdomen.

Avoid too energetic and temperamental dances, listen to your body, if you are tired, out of breath or sweaty, sit down and rest, do not overload. When you feel tired and can no longer dance, you get a little dizzy. These can all be signs that you and your baby are getting less oxygen. While dancing, watch your well-being.

Avoid all kinds of dances where you have to jump up, suddenly and abruptly change direction, as you may lose your balance and fall. Always look in the same direction while dancing. Circling, strong hip flexion and sudden movement hip joint can put you at risk of straining your back and hips.

What else to pay attention to while dancing?

In the first trimester, you can dance as usual, but observe the following measures security.

Warm up to prepare your joints and muscles. Without warming up, your joints and ligaments will be tense and the risk of injury increases. At the same time, carefully monitor your heart rate. During the dance, it will rise and slowly fall at the end of the dance.

Always bring a bottle of water with you. Drink before, during and after dancing to keep you hydrated. Before starting a workout, you can eat a light snack.

Do pelvic floor exercises regularly to avoid embarrassing cases of urinary incontinence while dancing.

As the pregnancy increases and the fetus grows, it may be necessary to make the dance lessons shorter and less intense.

All dance moves that require a long stay on one leg or intense stretching should be modified. It will also make it harder for you to keep your balance. Rest more often if necessary, and if some exercises are difficult for you to do, skip them.

When is it strictly forbidden for a pregnant woman to dance?

If you have chronic disease or pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes It is very important to consult with your doctor or midwife.

if you have back or pelvic problems such as pain in the pelvic girdle, dancing can only overload your joints. You need to choose more soft look sports.

Having seen enough of the beautiful oriental dancers, listening to the enthusiastic speeches of my friends, I also decided to sign up for a belly dance. Pleasant music, good mood, a pleasant pastime were guaranteed to me. I ran to classes with joy, because I immediately felt that this was mine. Three months later I found out good news- I am pregnant! And the question immediately arose: “Is it possible to practice oriental dancing during pregnancy?”

It turned out that it is not only possible, but also desirable. During the dance, all muscle groups are trained. future mother. In order for the effect to be positive, you need to try to practice regularly, but at the same time take into account the peculiarity of the situation.

There is an interesting version about the origin of belly dance. It is said to have originated in ancient times. In the beginning, these were ritual movements that helped a woman during pregnancy and during childbirth. They perfectly trained the pelvic muscles, helped the pregnant woman feel her body and learn how to control it.

About the benefits of belly dancing for pregnant women

The movements of the belly dance in the complex represent the optimal program exercise during pregnancy. It harmoniously combines the load on the necessary muscle groups without the use of strength exercises. As a result of regular dancing, the joints become flexible, the back muscles are strengthened, and the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.

And some more facts:

  • During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are under a lot of stress, and as a result, stretch marks and scars on the skin can appear. With the help of belly dancing, muscles are strengthened and, of course, recover faster after childbirth.
  • During the dance, the muscles tense and relax in turn, and this contributes to rapid development placenta and excludes the common pathology during pregnancy - placental insufficiency.
  • Belly dancing promotes training of the abs and pelvic muscles, develops the ability to relax deep muscles. These skills will help during childbirth to significantly reduce pain.
  • In belly dancers, the muscles of the perineum become elastic and are less likely to tear during childbirth.
  • Oriental dance classes improve bowel function and such unpleasant phenomena, like heartburn, bloating, constipation, often haunting pregnant women, almost do not bother.
  • Every day the baby is gaining weight, and the load on the mother's spine increases. Belly dancing trains the muscles of the back, which facilitates the process of bearing.
  • Many expectant mothers tend to quick change moods. When dancing, the “hormones of joy” are released, and this leads to an improvement in mood. Yes, and communication with like-minded people charges with positive emotions.

Contraindications for dancing

If you want to do oriental dancing, be sure to consult a doctor who is leading the pregnancy. Perhaps such physical activity is contraindicated for you. Dancing is not allowed for the following reasons:

  • if pregnant or preeclampsia;
  • asthma;
  • there is a risk of premature birth;
  • if there are disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • pathologies of the placenta are observed;
  • heart diseases;
  • multiple pregnancy.

If there are no contraindications for practicing belly dancing, and the doctor gave the go-ahead, then dance to your health, but keep in mind that the expectant mother’s well-being serves as a guideline for the duration and intensity of classes. So, dear mothers dance to your health. The main thing to remember is that in everything you need to observe the measure.