Movements of the baby in the stomach. How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy? When does fetal movement begin during first pregnancy? How and why the expectant mother needs to control the movements of the baby

Pregnant women are waiting for fetal movements with particular impatience - after all, this is the first unconditional contact with a child, possible at any time of the day and without the mediation of doctors and equipment.

The fetus begins to move in the uterus quite early, already from 7– 8 weeks pregnant, and from 10 weeks is able to change the trajectory of its movement, bumping into the walls amniotic sac, and perform swallowing movements. However, it is still too small: it swims freely in amniotic fluid oh and rarely touches the walls of the uterus so that mom can feel it.

Appears at 16 weeks motor response to sounds, at 17 weeks the fetus knows how to squint, at 18 it goes over the umbilical cord with its hands, squeezes and unclenches its fingers, touches its face with its hands. The moment when a mother can feel for the first time fetal movements, depends on the duration of pregnancy, whether it is the first or repeated, on the time of day, lifestyle and body build of the woman.

It is believed that distinct fetal movements first felt between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. If first pregnancy- you can experience this joy at 18-20 weeks (on average at 20 weeks); at repeated pregnancies women feel fetal movements at about 16 - 18 weeks (on average at 18 weeks - 2 weeks earlier than at the first). This difference is mainly due to the fact that the mother has already become acquainted with this sensation during a previous pregnancy.

Many women say they have begun to notice fetal movements from 15 weeks - this is not excluded, since it all depends on individual sensitivity and susceptibility to stimuli.
Most often, mothers catch the first movements of the fetus before going to bed in the evenings.

And slim women, as a rule, feel them earlier than full, and pregnant women leading active image lives that work hard - later, because during the day they simply have no time to listen to their feelings.

If 22 weeks have already passed, and fetal movements no - you need to see a doctor, he can prescribe additional research, primarily ultrasound, on the basis of which he will draw conclusions regarding the condition and fetal development. If the baby is in order, the pregnancy is proceeding safely, then there is nothing to worry about. Moreover, very little time will pass and the sensations will become regular and understandable for the expectant mother, usually after 23-24 weeks they can no longer be confused with anything and all pregnant women feel them. Most often, by the 24th week, the tremors become so strong that they can be felt by relatives and friends, putting their hand on the belly of the expectant mother.

Each woman in her own way perceives and describes the first fetal movements. Some mothers compare them with intestinal motility - a kind of "gurgling" in the stomach. Others describe them as gentle stroking from the inside, fluttering butterflies or splashing fish in the water. For some, the movements of a child resemble tickling inside.

First fetal movements usually weak and inconspicuous for a woman, since the baby is not yet so big. Over time, they become stronger, more persistent, more and more reminiscent of pushes and kicks. Sometimes the baby “masters” some new movement, as if he “works out” it, repeating it many times at certain intervals. At the end of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can even “catch” the baby’s heel or “stroke” his back.

Day first stirrings is used to calculate the estimated due date (ED), however, the accuracy of this criterion is not at all significant. If the pregnancy is the first, then to calculate the EDD, 20 weeks must be added to the date of the first movement, and if it is repeated, 22 weeks.

Fetal movements: how often

The baby in the uterus is constantly moving. Scientists have calculated that at week 20 the fetus makes about 200 movements per day, and between 28 and 32 weeks their number reaches 600. A woman feels only a fraction of this energetic activity of the baby.

After 32 weeks activity unborn child gradually decreases, which is associated with a reduction in free space in the uterus due to rapid growth fetus.

So, usually after 28 weeks, mom feels 8-10 fetal movements per hour, with the exception of the baby's sleep periods (when he does not move for 3-4 hours in a row). In the third trimester, a pregnant woman may notice that the baby has certain sleep-wake cycles. Children are usually most active from 19:00 to 4:00 in the morning, and the period of "rest" occurs from 4 to 9:00 in the morning.

How to count movements

It is necessary to listen to the movements of the child. Fetal movements is the language in which future baby"talks" to mom. If the fetus began to toss and turn rather painfully and violently, it means that it is uncomfortable for him, the woman should change her position, perhaps she has been sitting in an uncomfortable position for the baby for a very long time or is too carried away by work.

Too rare, weak fetal movements may indicate fetal distress. Now methods based on the principle of "count to 10" are used. These tests involve recording the time during which the fetus makes 10 movements.

Pearson method. The movements of the fetus are recorded on a special sheet by the woman herself every day from 28 weeks of pregnancy until childbirth. Counting starts at 9.00 and ends at 21.00. The time of the first stirring is recorded in the “beginning” column, the time of the tenth is entered in the table in the “end” column or marked on the graph.

If the child has not made 10 movements before 21.00, you need to inform your doctor about this - it may be required additional examination: CTG recording (frequency estimate fetal heart rate and uterine tone) and dopplerometry (study of blood flow velocity in the vessels of the uterus, fetus and placenta).

One of the reasons a mother-to-be can fix the amount fetal movements less than ten is her physical activity. Even light exercise leads to a decrease in fetal motor activity by 25?% due to a temporary decrease in uterine blood supply, which is not associated with a risk to the fetus.

Cardiff method. This method for determining motor fetal activity based on the principle of "count to 10" is somewhat different from the previous one. The time interval during which the fetus made 10 movements is recorded. The length of time is chosen arbitrarily, and the period during which the baby moved 10 times is recorded in the table. Normally, the number of shocks is 8-10 per hour, if the child is awake. If within 3 hours the expectant mother does not feel fetal movements, you should not worry, most likely, the baby is just sleeping. In this case, repeat the test after 3 hours. Absence fetal movements and this time - a reason to go to the doctor and find out the reason for the "calm".

Sadowski method. It is recommended that a pregnant woman daily after dinner from 19.00 to 23.00 in the supine position on her left side register the period of time during which the fetus made 10 movements. If a woman does not feel child's movements, she should touch her stomach with her palms so that the sensations become clearer. The start time must be recorded. At every baby's movement is marked on paper.

If within an hour the expectant mother has counted 10 movements, she can stop recording. If the child moved less than 8-10 times per hour, counting continues for another hour. Evening time in this method is not chosen by chance. The greatest motor activity in the fetus noted exactly in evening hours. An increase in the number of movements after dinner may be due to an increase in blood glucose levels.

The position of the pregnant woman on the left side was also not chosen by chance: so the fetus moves more active, because it is in this mother's position that the best blood supply to the uterus is observed (usually the uterus is slightly turned to the right).

Less than 10 movements in 2 hours on this test should be considered as a sign of a disorder. fetal condition. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and conduct additional studies.

Methods for self-assessment by a woman fetal movements are quite simple. Their use does not require any special equipment and medical intervention they can be used by all pregnant women.

If the test results are within the normal range, then the pregnant woman can be sure that everything is in order with her fetus.

The frequency of fetal movements depends on many factors. Women who carried several babies will definitely tell you that each of their children differed in “manner” and frequency of movements.

It is important to understand what kind of physical activity is typical for normal fetal condition, and which one is evidence of his unusual well-being. Focus on the "norm" this baby and one of the tests for counting movements helps. Much depends not only on the unborn child, but also on the lifestyle of his mother.

When a woman is resting fetal movements become more pronounced, at rest the pregnant woman listens to herself more and notices movements more often, but during active labor day she is distracted by a lot of things, and expectant mother it may seem that the baby did not move at all. In this case, she is advised to spend some time in a quiet place and listen to her inner feelings.

The opinion that certain foods can “wake up” a silent child is most likely erroneous - the activity of the fetus does not depend on the type of food consumed by the mother, but on the level of glucose in the blood. Already through a short time after eating, it rises in the blood of the mother and fetus, due to which the number of movements of the child increases.

Often the fetus begins to move violently and painfully if pregnant woman is in a stuffy, smoky room, feels nausea and dizziness. Such movements occur in response to a temporary violation of the flow of oxygen to the fetus - this is how he signals to his mother about his trouble.

If future mom located in an uncomfortable position for the child, he will also definitely let you know about it with violent, intense movements. So if pregnant woman lies on his back, then there is a mechanical compression of the inferior vena cava (a large venous vessel through which blood from the lower half of the body returns to the heart). Compression of this vessel leads to a decrease in venous outflow of blood, blood flow through the uterus worsens, the fetus begins to experience a slight lack of oxygen (hypoxia), to which it reacts with violent movements.
In addition, children react differently to loud sounds: some calm down, while others, on the contrary, are actively “outraged”.

As a rule, strong, long and painful movements indicate the discomfort of the child, while smooth and rhythmic - that the baby feels good.
Increased motor activity can be observed with a threat premature birth , polyhydramnios. When moving, the unborn baby increases arterial pressure, the heart rate increases, which means that blood flow accelerates, which leads to an increase in oxygen in the blood and nutrients. So, with your energy the child may ask the mother eat or go outside.

If simple methods(changing body position, eating, going out into fresh air) cannot cope with violent fetal movements within 1 hour, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

On recent weeks Pregnancy fetal activity is sharply reduced. However, with the help of ultrasound, it was found that the number of movements remains almost unchanged, but their character changes: the fetus makes turns and jerks less often, but moves the arms and legs with the same frequency. A woman feels them weakly or does not notice at all. It is with this fact that the erroneous idea is connected that supposedly “the fetus freezes” before childbirth.

Pain from fetal movements

Sometimes fetal movements hurt the mother-to-be. It can appear if a woman lies on her back or sits with a straight back, especially in a cross-legged position. IN this case increased motor fetal activity is not a pathology and, as a rule, is associated with the fact that in this mother's position, less oxygen is temporarily supplied to the baby due to a decrease in blood flow to the uterus.

When pain occurs pregnant woman it is necessary to change the position of the body: lean forward, stand up, lie down on your side. You need to calm down, relax, take a few deep breaths, stroke your stomach, talk to your baby. Usually such simple tricks is enough to change the behavior of the fetus.

If baby movements respond with pain in the right hypochondrium - be sure to inform the doctor about this. Maternal gallbladder disease (eg, gallstones) should be ruled out. gallbladder).

Pain under the breastbone fetal movements may indicate the presence of a diaphragmatic hernia. If a pregnant woman has a scar on the uterus after a cesarean section and she feels pain in the area of ​​​​the scar when the baby moves, then this should also be reported obstetrician-gynecologist. Pain of such localization can be one of the signs of inferiority of the scar, which indicates the likelihood of divergence of the seam.

It can also be painful fetal pressure per area Bladder. Such pain is possible with inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). Helps to rule out this disease general analysis urine. If it's normal, don't worry.

Sometimes pregnant women feel a pulsation in the abdomen. It is the pulsing of blood in the umbilical cord. If this phenomenon is not permanent, then there is no reason to worry.

Normal fetal movements

Sometimes a pregnant woman catches herself thinking that she does not feel fetal movements few hours. This is normal: the child can just sleep up to 3-4 hours in a row. If it seems that this period of time has long passed, the expectant mother can apply stimulation methods fetal activity. To do this, you can do several physical or breathing exercises, pour on the stomach with a jet cold water. The easiest way is to hold your breath, and the child will begin to worry and move in response to oxygen deficiency.

If the breath hold test doesn't work, you can try the following: walk or go up and down the stairs, then eat something sweet, and then lie down quietly for 2 hours. As a rule, these activities help to activate the fetus due to the glucose and physical activity of the mother, and fetal movements will resume. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor within the next 2-3 hours (maximum after 6 hours of no movement).
Also, if the situation is repeated too often, when baby movements are not felt during the day, it is necessary to inform the doctor observing you about this.

Fetal movements and diagnosis of pathologies

Fetal movements- his the only way"complain" about suffering. Close attention should be paid to a sudden and inexplicable change in the nature of the movements of the baby.
Attention! Termination fetal movements more than 6 hours is a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor!

Most often, fetal suffering is caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation), which can be detected by cardiotocography (CTG) and Doppler ultrasound. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, one of the leading methods for assessing fetal condition a cardiotocogram is recorded. Modern appliances For CTG records automatically read the fetal heart rate, motor activity and uterine tone and record the data obtained on the graph in the form of a curve. The recording is made as follows: pregnant woman in the prone or sitting position, two sensors are attached to the stomach, one of which registers the tone of the uterus, and the other - the heart rate of the fetus.

The recording is carried out for 20-60 minutes, the mother should note during the study baby stirring pressing a special button.

Cardiac activity is the most accurate and objective indicator fetal condition. By studying the fluctuations of this indicator depending on baby movements or contractions of the uterus, the doctor may suspect oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) or other diseases, which will require additional examination.

To clarify the nature of the changes, dopplerometry is prescribed, with the help of which the doctor evaluates the speed of blood flow in the arteries of the uterus, vessels of the umbilical cord, cerebral arteries and fetal aorta. Changes are recorded in the form of curves of blood flow velocities (BSC). When evaluating the obtained indicators, the doctor can make a conclusion about their pathological nature or norm.

IN in large numbers cases, this data helps to choose the right tactics management of pregnancy, assign necessary treatment and develop a birth plan. In some cases, a biophysical test may be necessary.

With the help of ultrasound within 20-30 minutes, the presence of fetal movements, his heart rate, amount of amniotic fluid, muscle tone.

Normally, the arms and legs of the child are in a bent position, which indicates a normal muscle tone. Extended limbs indicate low muscle tone and are a sign of insufficient oxygen supply (hypoxia) and that the child is trying to make respiratory movements. This study similar to a regular ultrasound.

If the test results show severe fetal condition, then a decision on emergency delivery may be made.

If there are violations, but they are not so pronounced, then the doctor will conclude that hospitalization is necessary pregnant woman to the pathology department of the maternity hospital and prescribe treatment aimed at improving the function of the fetal-placental blood flow.

If, according to the survey, everything is fine, then the pregnant woman is allowed to go home, advising her to continue counting fetal movements.

CTG, ultrasound and dopplerometry during pregnancy are absolutely harmless and painless procedures for the woman and the fetus. There are many cases where, thanks to timely diagnosis managed to establish violations in the state of the fetus in time, choose the appropriate treatment or urgently carry out childbirth, thereby preventing trouble.

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For the most part, women imagine their pregnancy very vaguely, many dream and wait for it, many do not even think, but when it comes, almost everyone (both the first and second) experience a slight shock. However, after the state of shock passes and when a woman gets used to the idea that she is pregnant, she begins to be interested in very, very many questions that correspond to the situation.

So actually one of the first women begin to ask the question of when will their belly begin to grow? Very soon, the tummy is rounded, and it will begin to protrude quite nicely in front of its mistress. However, on this stage a real (full) awareness that right now something is developing inside you new life, to the young woman still does not come. This sensation and awareness usually appears only with the first incomprehensible and weak (or rather, for someone else) movements of the baby.

And finally, the pregnant woman will receive the first signs of the independence of the baby, and, undoubtedly, she will feel like a real future mother! In fact, this is a truly incredibly exciting, and one might even say a sacred intimate moment associated with pregnancy and family. Happy woman urgently hurries to report his feelings to the father of the child. Then they both sit for a long time, not moving, so that the father of the crumbs can feel small, barely perceptible tremors ...

Unfortunately, no matter what the father of the future baby is, and no matter how, in reality, the man waits for the birth of the little one, he still cannot 100% survive, and so fully (like a woman) feel these mysterious feelings.

Without a doubt, in the age of the Internet, every woman, from a certain period of pregnancy, is already beginning to wait for the appearance of signals from the inside. Nevertheless, despite all the prescriptions and deadlines, the baby may well lie low for a while. ... Sometimes the baby can even scare the overly impressionable expectant mother, who due date, did not feel such important signals.

So how can you find out and understand that the first movements of your crumbs have already appeared? Is it possible to describe what they are, these movements and when exactly they appear. We will try to tell literally everything that all expectant mothers would need to know about the long-awaited and not always clear movements of the unborn child.

So, not all of the pregnant women know (or rather, not all believe in it) that the fetus can begin to move from about 7 or maximum from 8 weeks of pregnancy. More precisely, when his age is only 5 or 6 weeks. This is primarily due to the onset full development children's nervous system. Without a doubt, at this age, if I may say so, the baby makes absolutely uncontrolled, completely chaotic movements. After all, the little one is still so negligibly small that even future mommy simply not capable of thicker abdominal wall feel them.

Time goes by and we must pay tribute to the speed of development of the crumbs. As he grows, the baby constantly and incredibly quickly improves his body movements. We can say thank you to mother nature, because it is in this way (rather quickly) that the neurons of the child's brain establish their subsequent work. Gradually, coordination of all children's movements begins to occur, naturally, the limbs of the little one gradually grow stronger (at the same time, the hardening bones of the crumbs are overgrown with new muscle tissue). Further, the baby itself is actively increasing in size.

Comes certain time, and the little one is not only able to bend or unbend his limbs, now he can, according to his mood, kick his mother with his little leg, making it clear that he does not like something. Or the baby may push off slightly with a hand, wanting to swim in the amniotic fluid.

It turns out, and not many people know that in my mother's big tummy for the baby, a lot of extremely interesting and entertaining activities. As a rule, researchers assure that the baby can actively play with the umbilical cord, can clench its fists if desired. Sometimes babies in the womb can even do a kind of exercise by trying to reach their legs with their hands. It's hard to believe, but sometimes babies can even hide their little faces in their own palms, as if playing cuckoo. The baby can also hide his face if he is accidentally scared by something or simply does not like it.

Also, swimming in large, still, amniotic fluid, a very small tadpole can quite noticeably hit the head or ass against the walls of the uterus. Actually, such strong tremors from the point of view of the baby are usually the expectant mother and can begin to feel the very first.

As a rule, this begins to occur in the time period between the sixteenth and twenty-second weeks. Moreover, for each specific woman, the time period for the appearance of the first movements varies dramatically. And some women can generally perceive the first movements as some kind of seething of food in the stomach.

Some obstetricians say that a pregnant woman can really feel the very first movements even a little earlier. specified period. Especially if the woman is thin, emotional and attentive to her own feelings. Same for more early dates women who have more experience and not the first pregnancy can feel the first movements of the baby.

However, in practice, most primiparous women begin to fully feel the presence of their children in the stomach at the sixteenth week. In any case, women who have already crossed their twenty-two week mark, and have not felt real movements, should not be overly worried.

I must say that some women may simply not notice such movements, they are so invisible and unobtrusive, especially if the woman is active and constantly busy at work. Some women, as we have already said, may confuse baby movements with increased peristalsis, especially since some digestive disorders were observed in the first weeks of pregnancy.

So how do you manage and not miss such an exciting and unique initial acquaintance with your little one with your Katenka or Maximka?

The reality is that the vast majority of women who once experienced this exciting and unique life moment are completely sure that these feelings cannot be confused with anything. And, nevertheless, the very first movements of the crumbs are so light, gentle and almost imperceptible that you can not even pay due attention to them. Or, on the contrary, they are so incomprehensible that the movements of the little one can be taken, say, for excessive active work our intestines.

Modern mothers very affectionately call such primary, barely perceptible body movements - cute stirrers. Probably, a more accurate name cannot be chosen, because these movements actually are exactly those. Do not expect that you suddenly feel a sharp blow to the stomach. Or feel how the heel rests on your rib.

The very first stirring will definitely be almost airy and, quite possibly, even to some extent phantom. And only in this way are ready to describe this feeling a variety of pregnant women. Women themselves usually use the following phrases to explain the felt movements:

  • It looks like a fish splashing its tail on the water.
  • Perhaps like a butterfly flapping its wings.
  • It looks like how light air the ball rolls on the ground.
  • Reminds me of an air bubble moving in water.

Remember, have you ever felt something like this? Know, most likely, these were the very unique stirrers.

The need to control baby movements

You need to know that at the very beginning of pregnancy, your baby's movements will be extremely gentle and relatively infrequent. Or rather, you will understand that the baby is moving, sleeping.

However, it is important not to be frightened and to know that a woman at this stage is not able to feel all the existing movements of the crumbs. However, already from the twenty-eighth week, as most doctors believe, the fetus can grow quite enough for any woman to fully feel it and even learn to clearly understand it.

It is extremely important for expectant mothers to know that the regular, preferably calm movements of their unborn child are actually extremely important point and even a sign of life. Doctors are convinced that by the nature and also by the number of such movements it is possible to assume how comfortable the future baby feels while in mother's womb. Moreover, by such movements it is quite possible to judge the development of the little one.

This is probably why many of the gynecologists advise all their pregnant wards to periodically monitor such children's movements, per day. Recall that it makes sense to control movements only starting from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy and not earlier than that.

And for such control, it is necessary to learn how to fix literally every group or every series of children's movements. It is considered to be an excellent indicator if you can count on average about ten such series or "visits" of children's activity during one day.

If we are not talking about a series of perturbations, but simply about their total number of perturbations, then at least ten of them should be felt for every three hours. However, today there are many other ways to maintain full control over the perceived movements of children.

For example, the so-called Dr. Pearson test is very popular today. This method is also called "Count to ten." So that's the point this test is to write down literally every tenth baby movement in a strictly special tablet. Moreover, the movements should be counted in the time interval between nine o'clock in the morning and nine o'clock in the evening. So for the whole day a pregnant woman should fix about ten such movements.

In cases where a woman at a certain point has ceased to feel any movements and it seems to her that they have disappeared completely, she can try to do another important test:

  1. To begin with, you should have a bite of something tasty or even a hearty meal, of course, if you are already hungry. Doctors are convinced that babies in the womb can react especially vividly to sweets received by their mother's body. After that, your baby should be activated. And in the next two or three hours, normally, you will need to count about five or ten new movements.
  2. In the event that nothing has changed after eating, try to gently be active on your own. Let's say, do something very easy, but be sure physical labor. You can just walk or do special gymnastics for pregnant. However, then try to lie down (it will be better if you choose the left side for this) and listen again. It is important to remember that the most alarming sign in this case will be complete absence any movements of the baby for the next three hours.

Note that for more later dates pregnancy, you can even just shine a flashlight directly on your stomach or turn on the music you like louder. As a rule, children respond well to abrupt change lighting and, of course, various pleasant sounds for the expectant mother.

The real reason to be wary is considered to be excessively increased (painful) or reduced (up to the absence) activity of the baby in the womb of the expectant mother. It is believed that in the case excessive activity in the womb, the baby may be significantly lacking incoming oxygen. In such cases, the baby begins to actively massage and pull the placenta in order to somehow get the necessary oxygen. In case of excessive calmness, there is a very dangerous possibility that the baby is lagging behind in development or there are significant violations in it.

It is also important to understand that it is far from always and not under all circumstances that one should take complete silence or the riot that happens inside literally. Agree in given period time for a baby, this is, in general, the only way to be able to convey to his mother his own “point of view” or “your mood”. That, in general, is why doctors recommend, from the very first movements, to try to learn how to fully communicate with your own baby and at the same time understand all the signs of each other.

By the way, children's intrauterine activity can often increase in a state of complete rest of the expectant mother. Perhaps the baby is also worried about why his mom is not active.

And speaking seriously, then, firstly, this is justified by the fact that during the movements of your body that occur throughout the day, a pleasant soothing lulling of the crumbs is carried out. And, secondly, the woman herself becomes a little more sensitive and more focused at the moment when she lies down and completely relaxes. So, as a rule, by the night a pregnant woman can always expect another session of stirring or even tapping mommy.

I must say that daily learning the language of the movements made by the baby is an extremely important, useful and rather entertaining activity. So in a simple way a pregnant woman significantly strengthens her invisible connection with a descendant that has not yet been born and has not seen the light of day. In fact, it is very important to try to attach to this not simple process and future dad.

It is also very valuable to learn how to soothe your baby already at this stage. After all, right now the baby will often enough need support and reassurance. An attentive mommy can learn perfectly, to distinguish between a variety of "moving" signs and signs, which really can often be quite specific requests or even real demands from your unborn child.

Well, probably the very first and most important thing that baby movements can talk about is the specific physiological needs of a tiny belly-maker. Perhaps the baby is hungry, anxious about something, perhaps a little scared, or perhaps upset or trite - you Dear mommy took a position that was not very comfortable for the baby. Perhaps the baby “shaker” in this way wants to ask mommy to change this position.

But in any case, the language of children's movements or movements is not limited to this. Very many mothers have the opportunity in this way to consult with the baby in the matter of choice bed linen or curtains for a future children's room. So a pregnant woman will be able to consult with a toddler when buying a stroller for him, and moreover, some of the women claim that they can 100% accurately decipher children's desires and answers to questions.

As a result, we also advised all of you to master such a mysterious language, and understandable only to a pregnant woman with her baby. In addition, I would like to warn you: try not to get hung up on movements, the main thing is that they be.

Agree, because it is quite possible that your baby will turn out to be just a phlegmatic person, or even simpler - he wants to sleep peacefully a little longer than usual. Believe me, not always the reduced activity of the little one can mean that something is wrong.

However, one should be wary of abrupt and drastic changes. For example, if specifically your baby in a normal situation behaves quite cheerfully, but only in the last few days it has become almost inaudible and the situation does not change over time, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. This is most likely necessary for reinsurance, but perhaps you will prevent an extremely dangerous situation.

Also, the reason for such a medical check should be the complete absence of even the smallest movements of your child for at least six hours in a row. Especially when it happens towards the end of the third trimester of pregnancy.

It is important to bear in mind that after the thirtieth or even thirty-second week of the current pregnancy, the baby will no longer behave so actively, although the intensity of its movements must necessarily remain at the same level or even increase slightly.

Fetal movements are the most touching and most emotional moment of the entire pregnancy. This is especially true for the first movements. Any mother with trepidation awaits the hour when the baby first makes itself felt. As a rule, this happens by the time when behind, the woman has got used to her new position and is waiting to meet the baby. The mystery and solemnity of the moment also lies in the fact that no one else in the world has been awarded such an honor, except for mothers: to feel their baby for the first time.

Incredibly, the fetus begins to move from the 8-9th week. However, it is still too small, when “swimming” it rarely touches the walls of the uterus, and the mother does not feel these movements. The opinion that some products are able to "wake up" the baby is most likely erroneous - the activity of the baby does not depend on the food consumed by the mother. It is believed that the distinct movements of the child can be heard for the first time on average - he stretches his arms with legs, while touching the walls of the uterus. But everything is very individual, and the timing can vary significantly. Thin women usually feel the first movements before plump ones. It also depends on what kind of pregnancy you are carrying: most multiparous women feel the first movements of the crumbs as early as 18 weeks and even earlier. In general, women feel fetal movement during repeated pregnancies about 2-4 weeks earlier than during the first. This happens mainly because the woman is already familiar with this sensation, and also the muscles of the uterus are already prepared for this. And primiparas may not feel the baby even at 24 weeks. If the doctor assures you that the pregnancy is proceeding normally, you and the baby are in perfect order, then you should not worry about the lack of movement. Very soon they will become regular and distinct, and you will definitely recognize them. Until then, you can try this. Drink a glass of milk in the evening, lie on your back and lie down for a while. It is believed that this position is very uncomfortable for the child, and it is quite possible that he will let you know about it with his jerks.

Usually, your relatives and friends can experience the joy of stirring. The jolts become strong enough to be felt by other people. But will the baby want to communicate with "strangers"? If only I got used to their voice and frequent touches of the hand.

With an increase in the duration of the movement, the crumbs should increase the intensity and strength. At week 20, the fetus makes an average of 200 movements per day, and between 28 and 32 weeks their number reaches its maximum: 600 movements. Before childbirth, the child has already grown enough, there is already very little space in the tummy, so the number of movements gradually decreases, although their strength remains the same or even increases.

Studies show that by the end of the term, the activity of the child increases from 8 pm to 8 am - during the day the baby sleeps, lulled by the movement of the mother.

What is the child doing in the mother's womb?

What are the movements of a baby in the womb like? Women who look forward to this moment are afraid to miss it, so they want to have a very accurate idea of ​​what is coming. But for each of them, the first movements of the child evoke different associations: for some, they look like the fluttering of a butterfly or the splashing of a fish, while for others they resemble stroking, tickling, or the most ordinary pushes. Often they are compared with intestinal motility.

So far, the child has only one task: to grow. But this is a complex process that prepares a small organism for independent living. And for this, the baby needs to learn a lot. You can often see him sucking his thumb. But a child can do so much more! Already from the ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process. He smacks his lips, stretches, moves his limbs. At 17 weeks, the fetus begins to squint. At 18 weeks, he sorts through the umbilical cord with his hands, squeezes and unclenches his fingers, touches his face and even covers his face with sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds.

Movement language - how to understand the baby?

Movement is not just a sign of life inside the mother. It is a way of communication between her and her child. The language of movement has great mystery, because it is understood only by these two. By the nature and intensity of movements, the mother is able to understand whether the little one is happy, playing or indignant. Already from 16 weeks, the baby is able to respond with movement to sounds (primarily to his mother's voice).

As a rule, children move most actively in a state of mother's calmness. As soon as a woman lies down or sits quietly for herself, the baby immediately begins to frolic. But during physical activity mothers and children usually sleep.

It's already starting to show little character. For example, children react differently to loud sounds: some calm down, others, on the contrary, “rage”. Almost everyone is outraged when a mother takes an uncomfortable position (lying on her back, sitting cross-legged) or working a lot. There is an opinion that too violent movements of the baby are a sign (oxygen deficiency of the fetus). But cause for concern and mandatory consultation with the doctor, rather, there should be too sluggish and weak movements. To assess the condition of the baby, a special test of fetal movements is used.

On a note

  • With stones in the gallbladder, the movement of the child on long term may cause discomfort to the mother.
  • If a pregnant woman has a scar on the uterus after cesarean and she feels pain in the area of ​​the scar when the baby moves, then the obstetrician-gynecologist should pay attention to this.
  • The expectant mother may sometimes feel a pulsation in the abdomen. This is the pulsing of blood in the umbilical cord or vessels of a woman. If this phenomenon is not permanent, then you should not worry.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Of course, for the entire period of pregnancy, the most expected and most desired is the feeling when the first movements of the fetus begin to be felt under the heart. This feeling is awaited not only by future mothers, but also by future dads, with trepidation and impatience.

For a gynecologist who leads a pregnancy, it is also important to know when a woman will feel the first movement of her unborn child. According to this date, the doctor will navigate himself, and orient the pregnant woman to the date of birth. It will be compared with ultrasound data.

At the first birth and pregnancy, the first movement is usually felt at the twentieth week. That is, exactly twenty weeks after the first stirring, childbirth should occur. And if the pregnancy is the second or third, then the first sensation of stirring appears a couple of weeks earlier, therefore, the birth will have to occur a couple of weeks later, in twenty-two weeks.

In fact, the fetus in the mother's womb begins its own as early as the eighth week of pregnancy, but they are so weak, because the fetus is still very small, that the woman cannot yet feel them. And only over time, when the baby is gaining strength, his gymnastic exercises begin to manifest themselves stronger and stronger.

How to know that this is a stir?

The first sensation of fetal movement can be very easy to recognize, but it can be very difficult to recognize. Expectant mothers usually with great difficulty choose words to describe. Some describe it in an extremely romantic and lofty way: “It’s like a butterfly crouching in the palm of its hand flaps its wings.” Others are extremely prosaic and mundane: "a feeling of gurgling in the stomach."

In any case, no matter what a young mother feels at the first stirring of her unborn baby, it will remain in her memory forever, as the most pleasant and most tender feeling that can be in her position at all. And some future mothers, it is after this event that they begin to feel like real mothers.

It happens that the baby in the womb behaves so actively that the mother begins to look forward to when these movements end, since they begin to bring not only discomfort, but also unbearable pain.

What determines the mobility of the child in the womb?

Since, according to numerous studies of scientists, it is already known that the character of a child is formed already in the womb, this is also the answer to the question posed. The nature of the movements and mobility of the baby directly depends on his character. True, this does not always correspond to each other. Sometimes the mobility inside the womb of a child depends on his well-being, development and health.

From here arises a new responsibility for the expectant mother, to learn to understand her child now, to know why he moves this way and not otherwise, to analyze all his movements. And it is important to fix any deviations from the norm during this period.

The rate of movement during pregnancy

The motor activity of the baby may depend on many various factors:

  • from the time of day (very often, babies in the womb are very active at night or in the evening);
  • from the state of the psyche of a pregnant woman (under stress or when a woman is in a state of fear, the child may lie low or, on the contrary, begin vigorous activity);
  • from physical activity mother (the child is usually activated when the woman is at rest);
  • from the nutrition of a woman during pregnancy (when the mother feels hungry, the fetus is activated, the baby can also be active immediately after eating, especially after sweets);
  • from surrounding sounds (strong sounds can intensify the child's movements, or vice versa - the child can hide at annoying loud sounds);
  • from the mother's position (if future mother located for a long time V uncomfortable posture, the baby's movements may increase and become painful).

As such, the norm of movements per day does not exist. On average, a woman can feel 10 to 15 pushes per hour when she is awake. But, the complete absence of movements for three to four hours in a row is also considered the norm. Most likely, during these hours the child sleeps.

What do fetal movements indicate?

Inside the womb of the future mother, a new life develops, and it manifests itself in a completely natural way, through movement. bad or good mood your child, a comfortable position for him or not - about all this developing baby tells his parents with pushes.

Often. For him, there is no inconvenience or danger in this. But the expectant mother will feel his hiccups through rhythmic shocks inside her. And such sensations can appear periodically several times a day.

From the twenty-first week of pregnancy, as a rule, the baby begins to demand the attention of the mother. At this age, he already distinguishes and recognizes the voices of mom and dad, reacts to loud sounds, pleasant melodies, light, mom's mood.

Approximately five hundred different movements are performed by a child in the womb in one day. Of course, all of them will not be heard and understood, since the level of sensitivity also depends on many factors. For example, on the amount of amniotic fluid, the thickness of the abdominal wall, the position of the child himself, and so on.

From about the thirty-second week of pregnancy, shocks can determine the position of the child. At breech presentation shocks will be felt in the lower abdomen. With the head - above the navel.

With the approach of childbirth, the baby is also preparing for the birth, his tremors become less frequent. But, it is important to know if all movements subside and do not appear for more than twelve hours - this is serious occasion referral to a specialist.

Also, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary with active and painful tremors, or vice versa, with an extremely lethargic behavior of the child.

Such movements are direct evidence feeling unwell child. This condition can be caused (oxygen starvation). Causes of hypoxia can be diabetes mothers, cardiovascular diseases, anemia, pathologies of fetal development, and others. The diagnosis can only be confirmed or refuted by a doctor with the help of cardiotocography, as well as listening to heart tones.

Cardiotocography is a research method that during pregnancy is considered the most informative in assessing the condition of the fetus. The baby's heartbeat is recorded for an hour. The normal heart rate is considered to be between 120 and 160 beats/min. This is a variable frequency, but not monotonic. If severe hypoxia occurs, the baby's heart will beat at ninety beats per minute. And in this case, immediate C-section if the gestational age is more than thirty weeks.

Many gynecologists who manage pregnancy recommend that a woman do home testing of fetal movements starting from the twenty-eighth week. The test is carried out from nine in the morning to nine in the evening, by counting the movements. On special map the time of the tenth perturbation daily is recorded. And if the immobility of the child is found, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The doctor's recommendations for this reason may be as follows: a change in the position of the mother's body to calm the baby, or the use of something sweet, in the case when the child needs to be stirred up. Dessert, or rather, a portion of carbohydrates makes the baby activate his movements.

But, main task mother was and remains to maintain her good mood.

The child is actively moving in the stomach - is it good or bad? Should this be considered a feature of the baby's temperament or a sign of some kind of pathology? Let's discuss.

Pregnancy is the most exciting time in any woman's life. But along with pleasant emotions often there are many fears and questions. Expectant mothers are concerned about how the baby feels in the womb, and too active turns and pushes can be a cause for great concern.

How actively should the child move on different terms pregnancy? On average, a woman begins to feel the movements of the fetus, starting from the 20th week of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, the movements become stronger, and by the end of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases.

Can be called the following reasons why does the baby move actively in the mother's tummy.

1. Reaction to external factors. With active movements, the baby can show his dissatisfaction with his mother's posture, loud noises and music, a bright light directed at the stomach. Try to change the position of the body, dim too bright lights or turn down the music, and the baby will calm down.

2. Mom's mood. Your baby's restless movements may be a reaction to your anxiety, worry, or fear. Try to be less nervous so that the baby does not worry with you.

3. Certain term pregnancy. From 24 to 32 weeks, the child's activity is periodic. This is due to its rapid growth, development and desire to learn the world, which is limited so far by the walls of the uterus.

4. Daily routine. Sometimes the baby pushes hard in the mother's stomach. After all, he lives according to his own particular regime. Active shocks are noted during wakefulness, and a lull during sleep, which lasts about 3 hours in a row.

5. Hiccups. Sometimes the frequent movements of the baby can be confused with hiccups, which occurs during pregnancy due to swallowing by the baby. amniotic fluid. Hiccups are an absolutely normal, periodically occurring phenomenon. It should not be a cause for concern about the health of the crumbs.
After 24 weeks of pregnancy, the norm is 10-15 movements per hour (excluding sleep time).

Sometimes it pays to be extra vigilant. For example, if the nature of the child's movements has changed, they have become stronger and more intense, the baby is actively moving without a break for sleep. This may be a sign of a lack of oxygen, that is, hypoxia. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe cardiotocography (a method for calculating the heart rate and fetal movements per hour) or dopplerography, which is performed using a special ultrasound machine. Upon receipt of indirect evidence of fetal hypoxia, the doctor will most likely advise hospitalization and prescribe treatment to improve the condition and health of the crumbs. But it is more dangerous if the child does not actively move, this almost always indicates oxygen deficiency and intrauterine retention fetal development.

Before contractions, the baby usually calms down inside, the movements become rare and less intense. Therefore, they say that childbirth is approaching if the child stops moving a lot. When at 40 weeks the baby is actively moving, this is rather an exception to the rule, since there is very little space in the uterus for the baby. The kid will rather roll over, straighten his legs and arms, but, for example, he will not be able to roll over.

Active fetal movement before childbirth can sometimes indicate oxygen starvation about some discomfort. Try to walk on fresh air and then listen to the behavior of the crumbs. If active movements have not stopped, then it would be advisable to visit a doctor just in case, since hypoxia is dangerous at any time.