Chinese pregnancy planning calendar. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child. How to calculate the age of an expectant mother

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If you are currently carrying a baby under your heart and really want to know his gender, then you are at help will come Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child. It will come in handy at any stage of pregnancy, which is very pleasing to expectant mothers, because with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the sex of the baby is determined, as a rule, not earlier than 20 weeks.

To calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you do not need a lot of knowledge and a lot of time. You will find out who is in your belly in a matter of minutes.

Chinese Gender Table and Calculator

Mother's age at time of conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of birth of the child:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of the unborn child and what is the essence of the calculation?

If you urgently need to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl, then with the help of a calculator you can do it without any problems. To calculate, you just need to enter your date of birth and the month of conception of your baby in the column. Be careful, because you need to know exactly the month in which the new life... This will allow you to determine the sex of the baby with almost one hundred percent accuracy. You don't have to do anything else. The calculator will immediately give the result and you will finally find out who lives inside you.

Agree, this method is very convenient, because you can use the calculator for determining the sex according to the Chinese table at any time and in any place where there is Internet. You do not need to do this with a computer, because you can use and mobile phone, the main thing is that it has Internet access.

How to find out who will be using a gender-based mother's age plate without an online calculator?

For self-calculation of the baby's gender, an ancient chinese table, but here you will also need to know the lunar age of the mother, that is, your age is not according to your passport, but according to the Moon. What does it mean? Now you will find out everything. For the Chinese, the lunar age exceeds the age according to the passport. They believe that when a person is born, then at that moment he is already one year old. They round off nine months of gestation to a year. That's not all. After the New Year begins, the Chinese add another year to the lunar age. Therefore, the date of birth in the lunar age essentially does not matter. It turns out that in New Year all Chinese have a kind of birthday and at that moment they all grow one year older.

When you find out your lunar age, you will also need to know for sure the month of your baby's conception. Here a doctor can come to the rescue, who, together with ultrasound equipment, will determine your exact date pregnancy and estimated date of conception. Or, if you have carefully planned your pregnancy, then you probably know yourself in what month you conceived your baby.

Now you just need to look closely at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child and find your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age) in it. This number is in the column to the left. The month of conception is located on the upper right. Next, just cross these two values ​​together and see what letter you got. If you see the letter "D", then you will have a girl. If the letter "M" appeared in front of your eyes, then this suggests that a little boy is growing up in your stomach.

Counting the lunar age: A few examples for clarity

Let's consider the first example. So, let's say that a girl named Nina was born on January 1st. It turns out that she was born before the Chinese New Year celebration. By the way, they celebrate it between January 21 and February 21. Exact date depends, again, on the moon. When does the second new moon occur after winter solstice then the Chinese celebrate the start of the new year.

Since Nina's date of birth fell on the period before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, then after the New Year she will not be a year old, but two. That is, according to the usual calendar, let's say, March 1 would be only 2 months old, and according to the Chinese - already 2 years. This is the arithmetic.

Let's look at another example. A girl named Tanya was born on February 23rd. At the time of her birth, like all Chinese, she turned one year old, and since her date of birth fell on the period after the New Year's celebration, they will not add one more year to her age and on March 1, she will not be 2 years old, like Nina, but one year.

How true is the Chinese table of determining the sex of the child by the date of conception and the age of the mother?

Believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone. For some, everything converges and the gender of the baby is the same, but for someone it turns out the opposite: the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child shows a boy, and a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many are planning the birth of children of certain genders. This tablet was invented in ancient times together with Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of the child using special equipment because it simply hasn't been invented yet.

The gender of the child, the Chinese tablet helped many to calculate, for this, after all, it was necessary to know only the lunar age of the mother and the month of conception of the child. Using this method, the planning of the baby's gender was also carried out. This plate also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined the gender with the help of it. They drew these plates to each other and sent them in letters by mail to future parents, since electronic boxes as now, it was not. Those who lived close to their girlfriends simply brought this tablet to a pregnant woman's work or home and, with her, over a cup of tea, carefully looked at the Chinese gender determination calendar and was impatiently trying to calculate the sex of the future baby.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl and at what age is it a boy?

A study was conducted in China based on the Chinese pregnancy calendar and gender determination. As a result, it was found that women at the age of 18 and 20 years (by lunar age) most often manage to conceive boys. In any of the months they can have a male child, with the exception of January and March - for 18 years old and January, March and October - for 20 years old.

But girls are most often conceived by women whose lunar age corresponds to 21, 30, 31 and 32 years. For women 21 years old, conceiving a girl is most likely in any month, with the exception of January. For women in their 30s, conceiving a girl is most likely in any month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32 years old, you can try to conceive a girl in any month except January, March and December.

It's all about the pregnancy calendar and the gender of the child, judging by the reviews of many women, it is really true. Now you know how to calculate the sex of a child using a Chinese plate. But you should not blindly trust this method and tune yourself to the result she said. The main thing is not what gender the baby will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl - it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that he was born healthy! We wish you successful pregnancy planning and conception with the help of the Chinese pregnancy calendar and the sex of the unborn child! Let the pregnancy test finally show two stripes and you will be the happiest parents!

Chinese pregnancy calendar - the oldest method of calculating the sex of a child

The ability to find out the gender of the child future mother appears on a period of 12-13 weeks - at the planned first screening, which includes an ultrasound scan. However, research results can sometimes be incorrect. This happens when future baby does not allow himself to be seen.

There are several ways to find out the sex of the future baby: traditional - according to the lunar calendar of pregnancy and even by the date of conception. In all this variety, the most effective of them, of course, with the exception of ultrasound, is the method for calculating the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar.

Chinese calendar definitions of pregnancy were invented in ancient times. It has survived to this day thanks to an archaeological find - a Chinese pregnancy calendar was found in the grave of one of the wise men.

It is believed that the Chinese pregnancy calendar, which helps to calculate the sex of the child, was originally known only to members royal family... So they planned the birth of only boys - to continue the royal dynasty. The original of the unique archaeological find is now kept at the Beijing Institute of Science and Technology.

Modern medicine already has in practice laboratory methods, which can determine the sex of the child by the mother's blood. This became possible after scientists learned to isolate fetal chromosomes from the mother's blood, which in small quantities get to the mother from the baby through the placenta. It is possible to determine the sex of a crumb by the blood of a future mother with a reliability of 97-98% in almost any modern laboratory already from the 10th week of pregnancy.

Child gender calculation table

The Chinese pregnancy calendar is a chart that can be used to calculate the gender of a baby. How to do it: find the intersection of your age at the time of conception and the month of conception - in this cell the sex of the long-awaited crumbs will be indicated.

Content of the article:

The gender of the unborn child has always been and remains the subject of heated discussion in the circle of relatives and friends of a pregnant woman. Also, women who dream of becoming a mother are often worried about whether it is possible in advance, even before the process of conception, to be able to calculate gender child?

The Chinese conception calendar can help to calculate the sex of a child. But you should not completely rely only on this method of calculating the sex of the child, because even on the present stage In the development of medicine, there is not a single methodology that would make it possible to calculate with one hundred percent probability who will be born. But, nevertheless, the most reliable method is using the Chinese calendar.

The history of the origin of the Chinese calendar

The history of the origin of the Chinese calendar is rooted in the deep past. The Chinese calendar of conceiving a child has more than 7,000 years of existence. It was first discovered in a Chinese temple near Beijing. Even then, with the help of it, they tried to calculate the sex of the unborn child long before conception.

Today the analogue modern calendar kept in the Beijing Museum. Anyone who has shown interest in the conception calendar can familiarize themselves with it. There is an opinion that such a calendar can help to calculate the gender of a child with a probability exceeding 90%.

Scientists of ancient China remained confident that the sex of a baby can depend only on two components, which include the age of the mother and the month of conception. Previously, the Chinese calendar in the process of calculating the sex of a child was used only in imperial families, since the primary task of a woman was the birth of the heir to the Empire - the sex of the child was of national importance.

Is the calculation method popular now?

To date, the described method of calculating conception remains the same in demand as before.

China is a unique country with an amazing interweaving of ancient philosophies, religions and progressive scientific knowledge. Chinese scientists skillfully use in practice the experience of past generations, applying it in the therapy of various kinds of pathologies. That is why so wide application also has Chinese.

Reviews of some couples who planned to conceive precisely according to this calendar speak of the existing percentage of discrepancies. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the Chinese calendar has some error for Europeans. It is known that the calculation of age itself in China is a little different than in other countries. For many centuries, the Celestial Empire has been reckoning in accordance with the lunar calendar. This is the reason for the difference in the age of women. So, for example, using the information provided by the Chinese calendar, a woman in the east will be slightly older than a woman in the European part of the world.

It is also interesting that the years of life in China are usually counted not from the moment a child was born, but from the time of his conception. That is, the age of any person in China will differ by nine months.

How to correctly calculate the gender of a child

In order to correctly calculate the sex, it is initially necessary to determine the age of the mother herself, since, as already mentioned above, there is significant difference between the calculation of age in China and the rest of the world. Most Europeans, when calculating the sex of the baby, make this very mistake, as a result of which they get the wrong results.

So how do you determine the age of a mother? To do this, you need to European age mothers add "Chinese" 9 months. As a result, the desired figure is obtained.

In the column of the table, located to the left of all the others, you need to select the age of the mother. In the line where the months are indicated, you can define the month presumptive conception child. It is important to do this as accurately as possible. At the point of intersection of the lines corresponding to both indicators, the sex of the unborn child will be indicated. The letter "D" denotes the birth of a girl, respectively "M" = boy.

So, for example, if the age of the expectant mother at the time of calculation is 23 years and 8 months, then according to the rules of the Chinese calendar, you need to add another 9 months to this number, it turns out 24 years and 5 months. Full age- 24 years. It is from this figure that you need to build on in the course of calculations. If a woman does not take into account all these nuances in the calculations, then there is a high probability of serious errors, and this, in turn, is reflected in the results of working with the calendar.

It is equally important to take into account the fact that gender planning should be carried out based on calculations for the middle of the month, since when conception falls at its beginning or end, this only increases the likelihood of errors.

Using the Chinese gender planning calendar allows you to guess the time for the most successful conception. For this, only correct definition the age of the expectant mother and its relationship with the time frame of conception. So, for example, a woman who is 30 full years, for the birth of a girl you need to pay Special attention conception between February and October.

Surprisingly, but according to the calculation method, which uses the Chinese calendar, age, and the rest of the information about the child's dad is not used at all when calculating the sex, despite the fact that the fact of participation is already proven male Y chromosome in the formation of the sex of the unborn child. Against this background, ignoring the father's data looks at least strange.


The method for determining the sex of a baby using the Chinese calendar is undoubtedly a unique invention of scientists in the Middle Kingdom. After all, even in those distant times they knew the factors influencing the functioning of a woman's body. But nevertheless, you should not unconditionally trust this method, especially since at present there are many all kinds of scientifically grounded, and, moreover, safe methods for determining and planning the required gender.

The Chinese are very thorough in planning any business they undertake. From the Great Wall of China to planning the sex of a baby, long before birth. It was not only the Chinese who were involved in drawing up calendars that would help determine the sex of a child before conception, but it was their calendar of conceiving a child by the dates of birth of parents that became the most popular today.

According to research, for the first time, the Chinese calendar, which helps to plan the conception of a child of a certain gender, is in documents written to the court of the emperor of the Celestial Empire 4000 years ago. Many methods of conceiving children according to the calendar, to one degree or another, are based on the Chinese system.

Its peculiarity is considered not so much to predict the sex of the unborn child, but to determine the most / least favorable days for conceiving a child of one sex or another. In China, as in many countries of the world, there are family planning centers, in which the basis for conclusions is precisely the Chinese updated calendar. The centers themselves, as well as reviews happy parents claim that their performance is 98%. That is, their forecasts come true almost always.

Modern systems for calculating fertile days are based not only on dates of birth or ovulation, the calculations are much more complicated and include many mechanisms hidden from the uninitiated person.

The accuracy of the calculations plays important role in building a calendar of days favorable for conceiving a child. There are some mandatory variables that a woman needs to know before going to the billing system:

  • The exact time of ovulation. Within the cycle, it occurs at the same time. If you have this period - evening time, then relying on moon calendar, the calculation is carried out from the next sunrise;
  • Date of birth of the expectant mother. The calculation is made only for full years, without any rounding, even if up to next day birth only a month or less left. The Chinese calendar has its own peculiarity - calculations are made according to the Chinese calendar year. The Chinese calendar of conception for 2018, like the year itself according to their calendar, began on February 16, so all calculations are based on this period.

Chinese Conception Calendar 2018

For a more complete understanding of the process of planning the sex of the unborn child, we will analyze a full-fledged example.

Mother's date of birth is September 7, 1988. On this moment full years she is 28. Choose the number 28 in the table.

The second point is the determination of the date of conception of the baby (do not confuse the sexual act itself with conception, since a period of 10 days can pass from the moment of the first to the second). In the table, it is enough to determine the month in which conception took place.

At the intersection of the lines, the month of the baby's appearance will be recorded, as well as its estimated gender.

If you are just planning to conceive a child, the Chinese calendar will help determine auspicious days for conceiving a boy / girl, as well as navigate the date of the upcoming birth.

Feature of the Chinese calendar

Despite the amazing accuracy of the results that the calendar gives out, it has a feature that goes against modern science... Although many doctors, in order to raise professionalism in the eyes of their patients, resort to calculations based on it, in reality they deny everything. So what's the special thing?

According to medical research the decision about the gender of the unborn child carries the sperm. Some of them carry the Y chromosome (female), part of the X chromosome (male). In this case, the female egg has only YY chromosomes and the sex of the child depends on which pair will merge during fertilization.

It turns out that in reality the father is responsible for the sex of the child, but the calendar, which gives an amazingly accurate result, does not take this fact into account at all and continues to work for more than 4000 years.

Instead of using data about biological father the Chinese take into account the lunar calendar and the horoscope. Their understanding of the process of determining sex and favorable days for conception comes down to the fact that the planet is in the phase of the zodiacal sign, the phase of the lunar calendar, as well as the actual zodiac sign future mother, respectively eastern calendar directly affect the gender and date of birth of the child. In addition, most likely already empirically, more or less favorable days for conception were determined over several centuries.

Conception according to the lunar calendar in 2018

China is not limited to one solution and always offers several. For those who use astrology and the phases of the lunar calendar in Everyday life you will like the system for determining the sex of the child and the date of his birth, based on the lunar phases.

The definition is based on the exact own biological age... In this case, the report is kept from the date of the onset of the Chinese lunar year... For example, if your date of birth is October 22, you need to add 1 year to your age. Also, you need to make a reservation at the point that the Chinese consider age not from the moment of birth, but from the moment of conception. That is, to the date of birth on October 22, you need to add at least another 9 months, and it is even better to calculate a more or less accurate day when conception occurred.

Natural factors affecting conception

China has always taken into account natural laws and skillfully used them for military and peaceful purposes. In matters of calculating the sex of the unborn child and the date of his birth, such indisputable factors as menstrual cycle women. This factor cannot be changed, as well as the phases of the moon, but can be used for more precise definition favorable days for conception and predict the gender of the child.

In difficult times for China, when wars mowed down the ranks of men, the emperor issued decrees according to which all conceptions were to take place only on days favorable for the birth of boys. Perhaps this is how such accuracy manifested itself in determining who wants to anger the Emperor.

So, China's family planning institutions recommend conceiving a child during the ovulation phase (recall that an ovulated egg is available for fertilization only 24 hours). It is this period that should be taken into account for the most accurate calculation.

Due to the fact that for some women the cycle can be from 21 to 36 days, an accurate calculation is made by drawing up a schedule and working with it. General recommendations apply to women whose cycle is 28 days. The ovulation phase occurs on the 14-16th day of the cycle. The fact of ovulation can be determined by measuring basal temperature... It is also important to lead womens calendar and control the moment of ovulation in order to create your own schedule of dangerous and safe days for conception.

This practice will make it possible in the future to determine the sex of the unborn child with a simpler imposition of your schedule on the lunar calendar and best date his conception.


Planning for conception according to the lunar calendar or according to the Chinese should be carried out with the maximum observance of the requirements for the accuracy of determining the date, or even the time of birth, since the lunar calendar operates with accurate data.

There are many comments on the network that the calculations were unsuccessful and all attempts are a simple 50 to 50 guess.On the other hand, the same, if not more, number of mothers fully appreciated the lunar calendar when planning the gender and date of birth of a child that they indicated the most accurate data, and did not dismiss the task.

Of course, in modern world there are no prejudices about the gender of the child being born, so parents in any case will be very happy about the birth of a new member of their family. But at the same time, it has just now become very fashionable to plan the sex of the future baby, and many are approaching the declared moment with all seriousness. It is worth noting that the matter does not always concern an ordinary whim - sometimes hereditary diseases can be transmitted to a couple, which manifest themselves depending on the future gender of the little man.

The main thing to remember in this case is that the desire to have a boy or a girl alone will not be enough to achieve the stated goal. To solve the problem, there are just a lot of different methods, among which it is worth highlighting the calculations. This is a table of conception of the sex of a child in 2017, of which there are several in our time. All of them are effective, so if you really want not to rely on Mother Nature, but to take the process of conception in own hands, choose one of the most common tables.

Chinese Toddler Gender Planning Chart

This method was invented by Chinese sages, who are convinced that the sex of the unborn child depends exclusively from the mother. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the woman's age at the time of conception and the month when it is possible to "make" a boy or a girl. For example, you have long dreamed of becoming the mother of a little princess and at the moment you are 23 years old. Judging by the data shown in the table, it is easiest to do this in the spring, while in winter months it is easy to create a future boy. If the mother is 22 years old, the situation is completely opposite.

It is worth noting that for 2017, planning a child's gender according to the Chinese calendar is the easiest method to use. The age of the expectant mother is shown horizontally on the hover table, while vertically the month when you are planning the pregnancy itself. At the intersection of these values, the sex of the unborn child is located.

It is worth noting that the claimed method was invented back in Ancient China, nevertheless, its relevance has not diminished until now. So far, scientists have not been able to decipher exactly how this table was compiled, so it is possible that there is no pattern in it. Moreover, in 90% of cases, the data in the table converge with real facts... In this case, you yourself can check the declared table by comparing your own date of conception with the age of your mother.

Japanese gender planning table

Regarding the theory of the birth of a baby, only the Japanese can compete with the Chinese. Like their neighbors, representatives of the Country rising sun have their own method for 2017, according to which it is possible with very likely predict the sex of the unborn baby regarding the time of his conception. In this case, it is important to know in advance the month of birth of both parents and the time planned pregnancy... For example, if both parents were born in November, but they succeed in conceiving a girl in July, while it is better for a boy to wait until November.

For the Japanese method, the sex of the child by the date of conception can be found using the table and graph. Initially, using the drawn table, you need to find the number at the intersection of the month of birth of both parents. Further, the declared figure must be found on the graph - it will show you the right time for conception. According to official information, the accuracy of determining the sex of the unborn child using this method is from 55 to 80%.

British table of determining the sex of the child

According to a study by British scientists, a very interesting pattern should be taken into account when planning pregnancy in 2017. It turns out that a man can count on the birth of a son if many men were born in his family before. To confirm this theory, scientists had to analyze family tree 900 families whose ancestors lived back in 1600. As a result, after analyzing the entire genealogy of the family, it was possible to find out that the more males among the ancestors of the future pope, the higher the likelihood of having a son.

It turns out that the sperm of such men contains more Y-chromosomes, which are responsible for the birth of a boy. But the scientists failed to find out the plausible reason for the revealed pattern.

American theory

Not so long ago, American scientists discovered a rather sensational pattern: it turns out that the sex of the unborn child does not depend on the man at all. According to researchers, female body has truly unique property it is up to you to decide what gender will be about the unborn child. For example, more girls are born during food shortages, while more boys are born during and immediately after war.

Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the birth rate of 300 thousand women in China in the period from 1929 to 1982. During the famine of 1958-1961, the most a small amount of boys. This trend can be explained by the fact that it is the female body that can survive in any conditions, while boys simply cannot do it. Smart nature tries to extreme conditions save human race saving the life of its main "incubator".

But in this case, it turns out that the gender of your future baby depends solely on external factors, and it is simply impossible to influence this on our part. Believe it or not - everyone's business, but according to the words of our grandmothers, in the war and post-war period, boys were really born much more often.

Moon phase method

Chances are very high to plan the gender of your child in 2017 using the phases of the moon. To do this, you just need to remember one simple rule: every 2-3 days the Moon passes definite sign zodiac. When the moon will pass female signs zodiac, the ability to give birth to a girl is great, while in the opposite case, a boy is born. In this case, you should not plan to conceive on a new moon, full moon or day. Lunar eclipse... Of course, the stated time must coincide with the female cycle.

All that parents-to-be should understand from all of the above is that if you really want children, you will have to try hard at it. And if you really want to "make" a child of a certain gender, then it is better to do this business in the time allotted according to the tables described. Good luck!