Haircut lunar calendar for November. Haircut lunar calendar for November

In the lunar calendar of manicure, beauty, coloring and you will find recommendations when to plan this or that body care procedure. According to, every day of the week in November 2016 is subject to a certain influence of the planets, and therefore, in order to make the right adjustments in your life, you need to know what phase the Moon is in. Astrologers have presented a lunar calendar of haircuts and auspicious days for November 2016.


original stylish haircut- a great remedy for autumn despondency and blues. It is known that it has a large general state organism. Therefore, in one or another lunar cycle impact on the state hair follicles will be different. We sincerely hope that you have helped our readers in planning their haircuts. And so that your hair is always healthy and strong, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time after a haircut, before planning a trip to the hairdresser in November 2016, do not be too lazy to look into the lunar calendar of hair cutting and favorable days for this.

If, alas, you want to grow your hair, then it is better to cut your hair during the growing moon - in November 2016, this is the period from November 1 to November 13. If the length of the hair is not the main thing for you, and you just want to update your haircut, go to the hairdresser during the days of the waning moon - from November 15 to 28 and November 30, 2016. Many could already be convinced that cutting hair during this period can affect the shape of the hair and their density.
Also the stars say that in November 2016 in the second half of the month. It is from November 16 to 29 that straight hair will be easy to turn into playful curls. Most auspicious days for November 2016: 1st, 7th, 8th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th.

Coloring in November 2016

Generally last month autumn 2016, November is favorable for experimenting with hair coloring. bright shades must challenge the gray days and attract men's eyes.

Please note that in the last autumn month it is favorable to restore hair. Homemade masks and the use of funds will be effective in this matter. professional cosmetics against loss, aimed at strengthening the roots. The most favorable days for hair coloring in November 2016: 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 25, 27.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting and manicure for november 2016

Since for the state nail plate the constellation Capricorn answers, it is better to do and in particular cut nails on those days when the Moon is in this sign of the Zodiac (November 5, 6). When the Moon in the constellation of Gemini is not the most auspicious time For nail procedures(November 16, 17), so it is better to postpone the procedures and pedicure for a more successful period. Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in November 2016: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 November.

Beauty lunar calendar for november 2016

The autumn skin beauty formula includes three stages - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. Choose intensive creams and masks, as the skin needs to be nourished during this period. increased amount moisture and enhanced fat nutrition. Not the last role in care is played by diet. The autumn diet should be rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins.

From salon procedures to autumn period biorevitalization is considered the most effective - many dermatologists call it the number one procedure for caring for dehydrated and photoaged skin. Auspicious days for face and body skin care in November 2016: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 30 November .

As for health, in November 2016 you should protect yourself from viral diseases, and take care of strengthening the immune system, which is not recommended. In the last autumn month, it is very favorable to visit a bathhouse, a sauna and take it with a decoction of herbs: linden, sage, mint, rosemary. It will help when insomnia worries, nerves fail, unreasonable longing overcomes. Also, a relaxing bath will relieve fatigue and muscle tension, allow you to escape from sad thoughts.

November is good for doing general strengthening organism, especially during the days of the growing moon from November 1 to 13, 2016. If you are planning operations, they are best done during the waning moon from November 15 to 28 and November 30, 2016. At this time, the risk of unwanted side effects and complications is lower.

Don't forget that the strongest man in certain days repeatedly proven by scientists. We hope that our lunar calendar for haircuts, coloring, manicures and beauty treatments for November 2016 will help you successfully plan your trip to the beauty salon and home beauty treatments.

haircut in certain time can become more successful and favorable. Pick up right time the lunar haircut calendar will always help you. November 2016 is no exception.

Those who plan to dye should be familiar with the hair dye lunar calendar for November 2016, which will tell you when you can do this without harm to your hair and for your own luck. Hair cutting is very important process, because a bad outcome can lead to big problems.

Nov. 1: Scorpio and the waxing Moon will join forces to make the first day of November one of the most favorable for haircuts. It will be good not only to correct the hairstyle, but also to radically change the image. If you decide to change the image, it is better to do it on November 1st.

November 2, 3: in these two days, it will be the adjustment that will be good, and not the full haircut. A good motivator can be work or some kind of an important event. If you need to put your hair in order, then Sagittarius will certainly help you with this.

November 4, 5, 6: Capricorn during the growth of the moon always has a good effect on the process of cutting hair, because after that they begin to grow much faster. In these three days, it is better not to do too flashy haircuts - give preference to something mundane, neat and not defiant.

November 7, 8: the time for experiments is coming, because on the 7th Aquarius begins its interaction with the Moon. But your readiness to visit the salon must be complete and unconditional, since even the slightest doubt about what you are doing can turn into big problems with good vibes and luck.

November 9, 10: two "fish" days will be incredibly favorable for a haircut. The growing moon will share its energy with those who want to bring novelty into their lives.

November 11, 12: despite the fact that the moon will still grow, Aries will not let your plans come true completely. Dedicate these two days comprehensive care behind the hair - no dyeing and no haircut.

November 13, 14: it is the turn of Taurus to make adjustments in our lives. Of these two days, only the first will be suitable for a haircut. November 14 - Full Moon, so beware of making important decisions in everything, even more so in cutting your hair.

November 15, 16: on these two days, Gemini will help you plan a trip to the hairdresser and come up with an idea for a future look. The waning moon will help you with this. As for haircuts these days, it is better to postpone them completely, because they will not bring you anything good.

November 17, 18: when the Moon is in Cancer, it is best not to do anything that you may regret. This applies primarily to haircuts. If you need an adjustment, then, in principle, in these two days it will be acceptable.

November 19, 20, 21: while the Moon interacts with Leo, it is better to do hair strengthening. Astrologers recommend cutting your hair only as a last resort.

November 22, 23: Virgo and the waning moon will help keep you from making bad haircut decisions. These two days will be favorable for the correction of hairstyles, and for changing it.

November 24, 25: Libra will bring a little chaos into our lives, so don't make big hair decisions.

November 26, 27, 28: are returning lunar day Scorpio, but now he will not be as kind as at the beginning of November. The New Moon is approaching, so take care of the health of your hair and their safety.

November 29, 30: Sagittarius falls on the New Moon on November 29 and on the first day of growth on the 30th. These two days will be one of the most favorable in terms of cutting hair.

If you do not have the opportunity to check our lunar calendar of favorable days for cutting hair, then always remember that during the growth of the moon you always have a better chance of success than when it wanes.

To maintain beauty and high energy use feminine affirmations that will help you find luck where other people cannot. Be happy, beautiful and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.10.2016 03:20

Change lunar phases has a great impact on the human body. Astrologers say that a person's connection with ...

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For a haircut to your liking, cut your hair when the Moon is in favorable signs (Earth signs, Leo and Libra) and in contact with good planets. It is undesirable to cut your hair when the Moon is in the signs of Water and in the sign of Aries, in the phase of the New Moon and the Full Moon, and in contact with malefic planets. Thus, November 3, 4, 13, 15 and 19-25 will be successful for a haircut. Refuse to visit the hairdresser on November 1, 2, 5, 6, 8-12, 14, 17, 18, 27-30. A haircut can be both successful and not very, depending on what time you will have your haircut, November 5, 6, 18 and 26.

Use ours, and your hair will delight you with its beauty, health and attract the views of others. Listen to the advice of the Moon: she will tell you how to care for your hair in November.

Hair cutting lunar calendar for November 2016 by day of the week

The period of the waning moon and the new moon in November 2016

November 1 0:00 - 16:43 - the growing Moon in Scorpio. The haircut will fail and harm the hair. But on not good haircut you will react very violently, so the haircut will also affect the mood Negative influence. From the point of view of magic, a haircut can bring drastic and not necessarily good changes to life.

November 1 16:43 - November 4 5:05 - the growing Moon in Sagittarius. Which beautiful haircut no matter how it looks right after the salon, it will soon lose its shape, and the hair will begin to shaggy and it will be difficult to style. If you - successful man, a haircut can negatively affect your social success. But losers should cut their hair and put up with a not very attractive aesthetic appearance, because in return a haircut will bring social success. The unfavorable moment for a haircut is the evening of November 2, starting at 18:00. And the most favorable is November 3 from 3:30 to 9:30.

November 4 5:05 - November 6 15:55 - the growing Moon in Capricorn is perfect for a haircut. Haircut will be neat and comfortable. These days are good for other hairdressing procedures, as well as for strengthening hair. Good manicure. It is useful to strengthen nails. Two unfavorable moments for visiting a hairdresser are November 5 at 7:30-13:30 and November 6 at 8:00-14:00.

November 6 15:55 - November 8 23:45 - the growing Moon in Aquarius will give an unpredictable haircut result. Experimental hairdressing technologies give a good effect. You can cut your hair if you want to bring change into your life.

Waxing Moon and Full Moon November 2016

November 8 23:45 - November 11 3:44 - the growing Moon in Pisces is not suitable for cutting, hair treatment and shampooing.

November 11 3:44 - November 13 4:23 - the growing Moon in Aries is fraught with injuries, burns and, in best case, sloppy haircut due to the negligence and haste of the hairdresser. Haircut can reduce the overall immunity of the body.

November 13 4:23 - November 15 3:22 - The Moon in Taurus is great for haircuts and all other hairdressing services. Will give excellent results wellness procedures. You need to get your hair cut on November 13, as November 14 will be the Full Moon, and this is a controversial time for a haircut.

November 15 3:22 - November 17 2:56 - waning Moon in Gemini. Haircut will worsen the general condition of the hair. The effect of such hairdressing services as perming, coloring, etc. will be short-lived. magical influence haircuts will also be unfavorable - after a haircut, something may leave your life.

November 17 2:56 - November 19 5:14 - the waning Moon in Cancer is not suitable for almost all hair manipulations. Exception - for the impact on problematic hair: coloring gray hair, cardinal lightening, etc. You will achieve your goal; however, for this you have to sacrifice the health of the hair.

November 19 5:14 - November 21 11:33 - waning Moon in Leo. You will get a good haircut. However, there is a minus - the hair after the haircut will grow back very slowly. Although this is a minus only for those who cut the ends of their hair in the hope that they will grow faster. The rest, on the contrary, will be pleased that the haircut will retain its shape for a long time. It is undesirable to get a haircut on November 21 from 6:30 to 12:30 - a haircut will take strength.

November 21 11:33 - November 23 21:41 - the waning Moon in Virgo. The haircut will come out neat, every detail will be carefully worked out. Minus - the hairdresser will lack inspiration and the haircut will turn out without imagination. If you treat your hair these days, the waning moon will take ailments with it.

November 23 21:41 - November 26 10:01 - the waning Moon in Libra will give you a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated haircut that will definitely suit you. Residents of time zones other than Moscow are especially lucky, because the best time for a haircut these days is November 25 from 1:20 to 7:20 Moscow time.

November 26 10:01 - November 28 22:45 - the waning Moon in Scorpio is not suitable for a haircut - a haircut will drain your energy and ruin your mood. These days it is undesirable even to wash your hair, so as not to worsen the condition of the hair.

November 28 22:45 - November 30 24:00 - The Moon in Sagittarius usually has its pros for a haircut. But not at this time. After all, on the 28th you are unlikely to have time to cut your hair, the 29th carries the energy of the New Moon unsuitable for cutting, and on the 30th the Moon interacts with the malefic planet Saturn.

The site reports that the most favorable time for hair removal is 1-3, 6-11, 15-17, November 26, 2016.

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In November, our curls need not only external care, but also in vitamin and mineral nutrition from the inside, as well as in positive emotions! The fact is that depressive states, characteristic of given period, negatively affect the health of the hair, they lose their shine, become more brittle, the roots weaken.

In order to avoid this, hairdressers recommend drinking vitamins, eating foods rich in calcium and potassium more often, including fatty fish and rosehip infusion in your diet, regularly indulging yourself with everything that gives real pleasure, and at least once a week do nourishing masks with various oils.

Well, of course, before you go to the salon and carry out any hairdressing preventive and therapeutic procedures at home, you should look into our haircut lunar calendar for November 2016. The moon will tell you the most lucky days for certain manipulations with the hair, which in turn will facilitate the care of the hair and make it as effective as possible.

By tradition, we will explain how to use our calendar. The first thing you should pay attention to is the time until which the lunar day lasts (it is indicated in brackets). If it ends, for example, at two or three in the morning, then immediately see the recommendations for the next date. That is, the number remains the same, but the astrological influence changes.

It also happens that the first half of the day is categorically not suitable for any kind of hair manipulation, and a haircut is generally fraught with trouble, but then you can experiment for your own pleasure, get a haircut, paint, try innovative procedures, and all this will bring great benefits.

For clarity, let's take a look at November 8, 2016: before 14:16 (Moscow time), it is strongly not recommended to get a haircut, so as not to incur problems and not harm your hair. But a haircut made after 14:16 will renew energy, get rid of negativity, give inspiration.

Please note that this month the Moon sometimes moves into another zodiac sign after the start of the next lunar day, in the evening or shortly before midnight, respectively, recommendations are made taking into account this factor.

As an addition to our haircut lunar calendar, we offer you a small bonus:

Best days for manicure and pedicure: 6 (after 16:54), 7 (before 13:47), 8 (after 14:16), 21 (after 12:23), 23 (before 22:41).

Best days for hair removal: 13 (before 16:23), 14 (after 16:56), 17 (before 19:22), 18 (after 20:28).

First decade of November

November 1, Tuesday, 2nd lunar day (until 8:54, later focus on the 3rd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is not the right day to visit the salon. But it is quite favorable in order to get acquainted with new products and achievements. hairdressing, choose your favorite haircut, think about what procedures should be done this month, choose the right time for you and according to the lunar calendar to visit the hairdresser, call and make an appointment with the master.

November 2, Wednesday, 3rd lunar day (until 9:55, later focus on the 4th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

This day is great to visit hairdressing salon. Bold experiments are welcome, creative haircuts, fantasy coloring. You can completely change your hairstyle and hair color, do lamination or shielding, and carry out a cauterization procedure. A good effect will be given by homemade masks based on olive oil and honey.

November 3, Thursday, 4th lunar day (until 10:53, later focus on the 5th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Today is another auspicious day for a visit to the master. However, it is better to refrain from experiments, as well as from intensive lightening, perm, and from salon procedures that you have not tested before. At home, you can make a nourishing mask based on sour cream or kefir.

November 4, Friday, 5th lunar day (until 11:46, later focus on the 6th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Not a good day for a haircut, but quite favorable for secondary staining. At home, it is recommended to do a head massage and auricles, and also rinse your hair with a decoction or infusion of mountain herbs; good effect will give and firming masks based on black bread.

November 5, Saturday, 6th lunar day (until 12:33, later focus on the 7th lunar day), Moon in Capricorn.

Another day when it is better to refrain from cutting, and pay attention to nourishing and strengthening hair. If you are going to do coloring, then give preference natural dyes and natural shades.

November 6, Sunday, 7th lunar day (until 13:12, later focus on the 8th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

And again, an unsuitable for a haircut, but a day favorable for coloring. However, you should avoid multi-color coloring with unnatural shades. At home, you can make a mask based on white clay, a light head massage, warm wrap with a decoction of sage.

November 7, Monday, 8th lunar day (until 13:47, later focus on the 9th lunar day), 1st quarter, Moon in Aquarius.

This day is unfavorable for haircuts and coloring, it is also advisable to refrain from home and salon procedures. However, it is recommended to conduct a session of long, but gentle combing. massage brush, lifting and airing the strands - this will improve blood circulation and saturate the hair with oxygen.

November 8, Tuesday, 9th lunar day (until 14:16, later focus on the 10th lunar day), Moon in Aquarius.

A completely inappropriate day for any hair manipulation, and a haircut is fraught with problems in interpersonal communication, obstacles in the implementation of plans, deterioration in relations with friends. In addition, it is not recommended to appear on the street without a hat.

November 9, Wednesday, 10th lunar day (until 14:42, later focus on the 11th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

If you are going to get a haircut on the 10th lunar day, which falls on November 8 (after 14:16), then do it boldly. The haircut will be very successful, it will give inspiration and a positive charge, renew energy and relieve accumulated fatigue. But specifically on the 9th, it is recommended to refrain from cutting, as well as from coloring, perm and the use of self-made masks.

November 10, Thursday, 11th lunar day (until 15:07, later focus on the 12th lunar day), Moon in Pisces.

An unfavorable day for a visit to the salon and for home strengthening, nourishing, regenerating masks. But the treatment procedures for the scalp will be very effective, as well as any methods of moisturizing the hair.

Second decade of November

November 11, Friday, 12th lunar day (until 15:31, later focus on the 13th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

And again, the wrong day for a haircut, coloring and any home treatments. In addition, it is recommended to refrain from using a hair dryer, styler and alcohol-containing styling products. In addition, you should not allow hypothermia of the head - this is fraught with headaches and deterioration of the hair structure.

November 12, Saturday, 13th lunar day (until 15:56, later focus on the 14th lunar day), Moon in Aries.

Another day when it is better to refrain from visiting the salon. Home procedures will not bring benefits either, and the use of rigid fixation styling products and devices for hot styling negatively affect the condition of the hair.

November 13, Sunday, 14th lunar day (until 16:23, later focus on the 15th lunar day), Moon in Taurus.

It is quite an auspicious day for a visit to the hairdresser. A haircut will be very successful, and on a metaphysical level it will positively affect your well-being, attract additional income to you, and help you establish or improve relations with relatives. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is worth giving preference to natural or gentle dyes and natural shades. Any home procedures will give a good effect.

November 14, Monday, 15th lunar day (until 16:56, later focus on the 16th lunar day), Full Moon, Moon in Taurus.

A completely inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with brittle hair, the occurrence of dandruff, the appearance of material problems and conflicts with superiors. It is also advisable to refrain from staining and home procedures.

November 15, Tuesday, 16th lunar day (until 17:35, later focus on the 17th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you a feeling of lightness, remove the accumulated negativity, improve your mood. You can experiment with the shape and color, make a short-term perm, go through the salon ionization procedure. But homemade masks and rinses will not bring any benefit.

November 16, Wednesday, 17th lunar day (until 18:24, later focus on the 18th lunar day), Moon in Gemini.

Another great day for a haircut - it will give you a feeling of being in love with the whole world and life itself, attract pleasant acquaintances to you, make you happier. Coloring is not forbidden, but it is recommended to avoid black. It is better to postpone home procedures for another time.

November 17, Thursday, 18th lunar day (until 19:22, later focus on the 19th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Today it is worth getting a haircut only if you decide to get rid of long hair and make it drastically short haircut. But the day is favorable for secondary and primary staining, as well as for salon and home treatments using algae and other seafood.

November 18, Friday, 19th lunar day (until 20:28, later focus on the 20th lunar day), Moon in Cancer.

Absolutely inappropriate day for a haircut - it is fraught with depressive states, splash negative emotions, tantrums. From coloring and from any other hairdressing procedures, it is also recommended to refrain. Also, don't let anyone touch your hair or you'll get caught in someone else's hair. bad influence and get headaches.

November 19, Saturday, 20th lunar day (until 21:39, later focus on the 21st lunar day), Moon in Leo.

A great day for a haircut - it will give you not only additional attractiveness, but also long-term inspiration, excellent creative ideas, confidence in its irresistibility. If you are going to do the primary staining, then give preference to wheaten, reddish, golden hues. Of the home treatments, the most effective will be nutritional and medical masks based on honey and germinated wheat grains.

November 20, Sunday, 21st lunar day (until 22:51, later focus on the 22nd lunar day), Moon in Leo.

Another very auspicious day for a haircut - it will make you more determined, and your curls - beautiful and shiny. Coloring will also be successful, as well as carving. At home, rinse your hair with a decoction of oats.

Third decade of November

Today is not a good day for cutting and coloring. But an excellent effect will give procedures to restore the tips of the hair. You can also make a light, nourishing pumpkin-based root mask.

Great day for a visit to the salon. However, it is worthwhile to clearly decide in advance what exactly you want to see on your head, and what salon procedures you need, and do not deviate from the original plan. Moreover, experimentation is not recommended. abrupt change image - it is likely that you will be uncomfortable with new haircut significantly different from the one you are already used to.

November 25, Friday, 25th lunar day (until 3:28, later focus on the 26th lunar day), the Moon is in Libra.

It is quite an auspicious day for a visit to the hairdresser. However, it should be avoided asymmetrical haircuts and sharp color contrasts. Home procedures will be useless, and ionization can be done in the salon.

November 26, Saturday, 26th lunar day (until 4:34, later focus on the 27th lunar day), Moon in Scorpio.

An aggravation of the problem. Coloring is not forbidden, but if you are doing this for the first time or decide to change the color, avoid black and other gloomy shades. Home treatments will not bring benefits.

November 28, Monday, 28th lunar day (until 6:45, later focus on the 29th lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

November 29, Tuesday, 29th lunar day until 7:49, 30th lunar day (until 15:19, later focus on the 1st lunar day), New Moon, Moon in Sagittarius.

A completely unfavorable day for any hairdressing manipulations. Cutting and coloring will weaken the roots and turn your hair into a crow's nest. The only thing worth doing today is to pamper your hair with a mask of liquid honey with the addition of egg yolks from 7:49 to 15:19.

November 30, Wednesday, 1st lunar day (until 8:49, later focus on the 2nd lunar day), Moon in Sagittarius.

Again, not a good day for cutting and coloring. But a great effect will give nourishing masks with the addition essential oils or prepared on the basis of dairy products - sour cream, whey, kefir or cream.

Helpful Hints

November 2016 promises to be a pretty welcoming month and is perfect for heading to beauty salons and hairdressers for a new haircut or new look. In the first half of the month you will most likely be push for experiments besides the favorable aspects of Venus will contribute to excellent results.

In the first half of the month ( from 1 to 12 November 2016) - good time for a haircut if you want grow long hair . It is also good to cut the ends of the hair at the very end of the month - November 30, 2016 if you would like to speed up hair growth.

From 13 to 27 November 2016 you can cut your hair, but only if you would like to keep the shape of the hairstyle. During this period, the most successful days for a haircut fall - the days of the Moon in Leo and in Virgo, however, due to the fact that the Moon is waning, it is better to have a haircut for those who does not grow hair length. It is also better to dye your hair in the first half of the month, when the moon will grow.

November 12, 2016 Venus will move into strict and serious Capricorn sign so everyone who wants to do strict classic haircuts and who does not want to grow long hair, can sign up for a haircut after the 12th.

Exclude bad days month, especially when the Moon is in the signs of Cancer and Pisces: November 9, 10, 17 and 18, 2016. These days it is better not to visit the hairdresser and not to carry out any manipulations with the hair.


NOVEMBER 1, Tuesday, 3rd lunar day.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 17:44

Moon off course until 17:43

good day for dandruff if you want to continue the procedures started in the past. Since the moon is almost all day without a course, there is big risk that any procedures started on this day may not bring desired result. After 18:00 you can dye your hair different masks, especially with the use of imported cosmetics.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, but the structure of the hair does not change.

: strengthen protective functions body, will help strengthen intuition.

NOVEMBER 2, Wednesday, 4th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

This day is not particularly suitable for complex procedures, as the Moon is approaching the negative aspect with Saturn. Try to stay away from any chemicals. Today it is useful to make any masks to strengthen the hair. You can rinse your hair with herbal infusions.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut

NOVEMBER 3, Thursday, 5th lunar day.SAGITTARIUS

Moon off course from 13:35

Today it is quite possible to go for a new haircut, and you may be drawn to something completely new for yourself. you can a little experiment with color. However, if you have problematic hair, it’s better not to cut your hair today: a haircut will not have an effect on the hair structure, despite the fact that the hair will grow quickly.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, hair structure does not change.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will bring to life a lot of new and interesting information.

NOVEMBER 4, Friday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:45.CAPRICORN

With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Capricorn, a haircut can bring hair benefits. Now the moon is growing, which means that hair after a haircut will grow quite quickly. When choosing hairdressing salons, give preference to trusted establishments and those familiar to you or one of your friends. experienced craftsmen who have performed well. We do not recommend getting a haircut by young professionals today. You can dye your hair in classic shades.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut

NOVEMBER 5, Saturday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:32.CAPRICORN

Do you want to make a classic strict haircut without asymmetry or any other ultra modern details? Then you should sign up for a hairdresser on that day. Will benefit today any masks to strengthen hair and enhance growth. You can make a scalp scrub based on sea salt.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, improve the structure and strengthen the hair.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help you become more confident in yourself and your abilities, will give success in the profession.

NOVEMBER 6, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 13:12.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 16:56

Moon without a course from 12:56 to 16:56

Good luck signing up today salons and hairdressers in the first half of the day. But if possible, do not use too hot styling tools. If you're doing your hair at home, don't use hair dryers, or use them on the lowest setting. Use hot appliances to avoid damaging your hair famous brands and better professional.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, improvement of the structure and strengthening of hair (until 17:00). After 17:00 - rapid growth, but the structure of the hair does not change.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help you become more confident in yourself and your abilities, will give success in the profession (until 17:00).

Favorable haircut days according to the lunar calendar

NOVEMBER 7, Monday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 13:46.AQUARIUS

The second phase of the moon from 22:52

This day is unfortunate for various complex hair manipulations. You can do hair at home: you can make masks that strengthen and improve hair growth. But if possible, it is generally better not to cut your hair, do not dye your hair, do not perm, etc. You risk ruining your hair or getting unexpected results.

The effect of haircuts on hair : no special effect.

The psychological impact of a haircut : Can lead to problems with friends and colleagues.

NOVEMBER 8, Tuesday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 14:16.AQUARIUS

Moon off course from 16:54

Not a bad day to go to the hairdresser, as the moon will be in good aspect with Venus until 17:00. Use this time if you want to try something radically new and unusual. However, if you are still dissatisfied with the result, remember that the hair will quickly grow back. You can dye your hair in unexpected colors or use crayons for dyeing hair, which are quickly washed off when normal wash heads. It is good to make various masks to increase the volume of hair, wind hair on curlers.

The effect of haircuts on hair : fast growth, the structure does not change, but the hair can become more lush.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help strengthen friendships.

Today is an unfavorable day for haircuts and various hair treatments. Better don't wash your hair at all. You can do depilation at home in the area armpits, arms or bikini area. But the hair will grow back quickly. Hair curling can give adverse side effects, ruin your hair, etc. Avoid going to the hairdresser today.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can bring self-doubt, cause a feeling of loneliness.

Still not good time for doing hair. Be patient and wait at least until tomorrow. Besides today Venus and Moon will be in a negative aspect, which may not give quite the effect that you expect.

The effect of haircuts on hair : hair can become dull and brittle, quickly begin to split.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will attract negative thoughts.

NOVEMBER 11, Friday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 15:30.ARIES

Today are allowed haircuts and hair coloring, although this day is not the most auspicious day of the month. There is a risk that you may take a very fast decision, which you will regret, so go to the hairdresser with a clear plan.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help you become more confident.

NOVEMBER 12, Saturday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 16:56.ARIES

Moon off course from 15:45

can afford hair coloring, especially in more light shades, highlighting, blonding, hair bleaching. Haircuts are acceptable, but if you have very problematic hair, it is better to postpone the haircut for a better time. You will not change the structure of the hair with a haircut, nor will you increase the growth rate. neutral day, therefore, especially do not pay attention to it if you want to improve the condition of your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : will not particularly affect the condition of the hair, medium height.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will increase the speed of reaction and decision making.

NOVEMBER 13, Sunday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 16:23.CALF

Good time to get your hair done. Today get a good haircut, but the rate of hair growth will hardly change, as the moon approaches the full moon and will soon begin to wane. Today it is good to treat hair, do rinses herbal infusions.

The effect of haircuts on hair : hair growth will not improve, but the hair will become stronger and fall out less.

The psychological impact of a haircut

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

NOVEMBER 14, Monday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 17:03.CALF

Moon off course from 16:53

FULL MOON at 16:52

good day for hair cutting, but it is better to postpone more complex procedures, since this is the day of the full moon. The tense psychological atmosphere of this day can negatively affect the condition of your hair, nails and skin, so if possible, relax today as much as possible, do not start the week with stressful tasks. Today, it is ideal to make various masks and rinses for hair to strengthen and shine it.

The effect of haircuts on hair : hair growth will not increase, but the hair will be strengthened and fall out less.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help attract the opposite sex (after 10:00).


NOVEMBER 15, Tuesday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 17:35.TWINS

Don't plan for this day complicated procedures. Haircuts are acceptable, but hair coloring, especially with caustic ammonia dyes, can lead to problems. Today you can do easy air haircuts and styling, it is good to wind hair on curlers.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : can cause an unrealistic picture of the world around (until 19:00), will help expand the circle of communication.

NOVEMBER 16, Wednesday, 17th lunar day.TWINS

Moon off course from 13:57

If you have thin and fragile hair, today is the time to make masks for them. strengthening and for volume. You can use ready-made shop masks or make them yourself from the food in your fridge. Hair after a haircut can slow down growth, so you can cut your bangs. It is also good to cut men's hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, the structure of the hair does not change, fluffiness increases.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help to expand the circle of communication.

NOVEMBER 17, Thursday, 18th lunar day.CANCER

The unfavorable influence of the energy of the water sign Cancer can lead to hair problems if you go today for a haircut. We especially do not recommend signing up for complex and costly procedures: you will waste your money, and the result can greatly disappoint you. today you can not touch your hair at all, especially in the morning, when the Moon and Venus will approach the negative aspect. After 14:00 you can sign up for epilation of the leg area or other areas.

The effect of haircuts on hair : negative: hair can quickly start to split and fall out more.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can make you more moody, impatient, touchy and lazy.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and coloring

NOVEMBER 18, Friday, 19th lunar day.CANCER

Today it is dangerous to get a haircut: going to the hairdresser can ruin your hair, in no case do not dye your hair and do not experiment. In general, refuse any manipulation of the hair. You don't even have to wash your hair. And here's to remove unwanted hair this day will do. Especially good for depilation or epilation after 15:00.

The effect of haircuts on hair : negative: hair can quickly start to split and fall out more, there will be difficulties in styling.

The psychological impact of a haircut : can increase emotionality and susceptibility to other people's influences.

November 19, Saturday, 20th lunar day.A LION

Not a bad day for a haircut if your goal is not to grow long hair. Today you can cut your hair, but it is better to postpone the coloring until the days of the growing moon. If you still take a chance and dye your hair that day, the paint will wash off faster, the color will lose saturation, you will have to dye it again faster.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut

NOVEMBER 20, Sunday, 21st lunar day.A LION

Today is also a good day for hair cutting, you can grow hair and do very fine perms. After a haircut today, you have a chance to look more attractive to the opposite sex. However, if you want to grow long hair, it is better to postpone the haircut for the first half of December, when the moon will rise again.

The effect of haircuts on hair : favorable: the hair will be strengthened, the hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, a healthy shine will appear.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help to become more self-confident, will attract the attention of others.

NOVEMBER 21, Monday, 22nd lunar day.A LION , VIRGO from 12:35

Moon without a course from 11:33 to 12:34

The fourth phase of the moon from 11:34

An unfavorable day for any complex procedures, as the moon is changing phase today. If, nevertheless, you cannot wait and want to rush to the hairdresser for a new hairstyle, plan ahead. for the afternoon when the Moon moves into the sign of Virgo, then there are more chances that the result will please you. Also after 12:30 you can make an appointment with a trichologist in case of any hair problems.

The effect of haircuts on hair : will help strengthen hair, improve its structure (after 12:30), slow growth.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effect.

NOVEMBER 22, Tuesday, 23rd lunar day. VIRGO

Moon off course from 20:21

This day is not particularly suitable for complex procedures, although the Moon will be favorable for hair work. the sign of Virgo. However, the negative influence of Saturn can be a disservice and you can be dissatisfied with the results. For example, it is advisable not to do a perm on this day, dyeing your hair is also unfavorable. You can go for your usual hairstyle to a well-known master. Before 11:30 You can make an appointment for hair straightening.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut

NOVEMBER 23, Wednesday, 24th lunar day. VIRGO

Moon without a course until 22:42

Since the Moon will be without a course all day, no new procedures are recommended. It is quite possible continue what you started, but it is best to do hair at home. The day is suitable for haircuts, styling, you can cut bangs. Classic feminine haircuts will be best. Experiments today are highly undesirable. It is not recommended to dye your hair.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, the hairstyle will keep its shape for a long time, improving the structure of the hair. Hair will be less split.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help attract the opposite sex (before 11:30).

Haircut lunar calendar 2016

NOVEMBER 24, Thursday, 25th lunar day.SCALES

This day is suitable for a haircut, but we do not recommend doing complex procedures, especially new ones: Venus and the Moon on this day will approach the negative aspect, which can ruin positive impressions from the result. If you still want to make an appointment for a haircut, it is better to do it in the morning. You should not dye your hair: you will be dissatisfied with the results.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut

NOVEMBER 25, Friday, 26th lunar day.SCALES

Moon off course from 16:52

Today you can go for a new light and airy hairstyle, but if you have problematic hair, we do not recommend today. go to the hairdressers, since the structure of the hair after the haircut will not change. If your hair fell out or had any other problems, they will remain. You can make masks for volume.

The effect of haircuts on hair : slow growth, no health effect, fluffiness will increase.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will help to attract the opposite sex, as well as build relationships with existing partners if there are any problems.

November 26, Saturday, 27th lunar day.SCALES , SCORPION from 11:03

Moon off course until 11:02

Today in the morning it is better not to apply for complex procedures. Enroll in salons and hairdressers better after 11:00 when the moon moves into scorpio sign . But you can choose these days for a haircut only on last resort. useful today various procedures to get rid of dandruff after 11:00). You can do cleansing hair masks and procedures to get rid of dandruff.

The effect of haircuts on hair

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

NOVEMBER 27, Sunday, 28th lunar day. SCORPION

A good day to go to hairdressers and salons, as Venus and the Moon are approaching positive aspect . You can use this day to strengthen your hair various methods, for giving hair shine, for peeling the scalp. We do not recommend perming or dyeing your hair. Any mask against dandruff will be very effective.

The effect of haircuts on hair : neutral: no special effects, hair growth will not change.

The psychological impact of a haircut : Helps attract the opposite sex.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

NOVEMBER 28, Monday, 29th lunar day. SCORPION

Moon without course until 23:46

Unlucky day, today, if possible, give up complex procedures, for example, it is highly undesirable to dye, hair extensions, perms, etc. today in general bad day for any endeavor. Haircut will not have any effect on the hair. This day is better to use for routine and habitual affairs, you can complete what you started. Homemade anti-dandruff masks are acceptable.

The effect of haircuts on hair : no special effects.

The psychological impact of a haircut : no special effects.

NOVEMBER 29, Tuesday, 30th lunar day from 07:48, 1st lunar day from 15:19.SAGITTARIUS

NEW MOON at 15:19

This day is good to use for cutting hair, but better after 15:30, when the moon begins to rise. It is also good to treat and strengthen hair with various masks and cosmetics. But it is better not to use chemicals.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth (after 15:30), no effect on the hair structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut


NOVEMBER 30, Wednesday, 2nd lunar day from 8:56.SAGITTARIUS

Nice day for a haircut if you want accelerate hair growth, however, it is desirable to plan all complex procedures after 10:30 when the Moon has time to get away from the negative aspect with Saturn. You can dye your hair, use new cosmetical tools for hair. Men's haircuts will also work well.

The effect of haircuts on hair : rapid growth, no effect on hair structure.

The psychological impact of a haircut : will allow you to find goals and strive for them.

Lunar hair calendar for November 2016 (table)

Haircuts for accelerated growth hair: 1-8, 29, 30
Haircuts to strengthen hair: 13-16, 19-27
Thermal haircuts: 4-8, 13-16, 22-27, 29, 30
Male haircuts: 13-16, 19-27
Cutting the ends of the hair: 1-8, 29, 30
Haircut bangs: 13-16, 19-27
Laying: 1-3, 13, 14, 19-26, 29, 30
Curler: 6-8, 15, 16, 24, 25
Head massage: 11, 12, 15, 16, 24-26
Coloring: 1-8, 29, 30
Highlighting, blonding, toning, coloring: 2-8, 30
Depilation, epilation: 9, 10, 17, 18
Perm: 4-6, 13
Hair straightening: 22
Lamination, hair shielding: 3-5, 13, 30
Braid weaving: 4-6, 21-23
Hair extension: 19, 20
Glazing, nourishing masks: 1-8, 11-14, 30
Volume masks: 6-8, 15, 16, 24-26
Purifying masks: 15, 16, 19-27
Scalp peeling: 4, 5, 26-28
Getting rid of dandruff: 1, 26-28
Hair treatment: 2, 3, 13, 30
Herbal rinses: 2, 3, 13, 14, 29, 30
Trichologist's consultation: 21, 22
Computer selection of hairstyles: 6-8
Purchases: 1, 3, 13-16, 19, 20, 24
The most favorable days for working with hair: 4, 13, 19, 20
Unfavorable days for complex procedures: 2, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 28-30