What can a child at 8 months old boy. General view of the development calendar. What toys are good for development

The dynamics of the development of healthy children of 8 months is very diverse depending on gender, as well as hereditary predisposition. Someone is just starting to crawl, while someone is already actively taking their first steps. If your baby still does not keep up with peers, you should not worry, because in general, when the baby is healthy, there is no reason to worry.

At this age, some children may surprise their parents with the pronunciation of new words or sounds, but basically this period is considered active in physical development. On the this stage the growth rate of the crumbs is somewhat reduced, unlike the previous months, so babies of 8 months gain only 400-500 g of weight. The height of the child is added by 1.5-2 cm. Total weight the baby is about 9 kg, and the height is 70 cm.

If the baby has not previously suffered from diseases associated with a deficiency of calcium in the body and vitamins (), then it is likely that he will already have 4 teeth. When the baby is 8 months old and he is developing normally, parents can see the following achievements in him:

  • the baby sits independently (without support);
  • rolls over from back to tummy and vice versa;
  • stands with support;
  • waving a pen, playing patty, holding toys;
  • is able to point with a finger at an object that adults show;
  • he takes off his socks well, throws toys out of the stroller and asks to pick them up.
Moms take note! Such skills are indicative of normal development children at 8 months, both boys and girls. In case of deviations from the norm, parents should evaluate emotional condition crumbs and, of course, consult a neurologist.

Girls and boys at 8 months: the difference in development

As a rule, girls develop much faster than boys, and by the age of 8 months, little princesses have mastered walking skills, and future men have just got acquainted with new objects and games.

Basically, girls have a height and weight at this age more than boys, therefore, by the age of 1.5, such development in them is somewhat suspended. At this time, the boys are actively catching up with their peers. Babies are already beginning to pronounce words and familiar sounds, at a time when the kids are gaining strength. In general, the difference in the development of 8-month-old children is not significant, so you should not panic in advance.

Watch a specially prepared video on the topic.

What to do with a baby at 8 months?

In order to distract the child from himself for a while (and this is sometimes considered an urgent need), you need to take into account his skills. Pediatricians recommend for general development buy for kids soft cubes, a large designer, various colored patchwork rugs (you can make them yourself). Invite the kid to build a tower, explain and show how you do it, and then give the child the opportunity to reproduce the same movement.

The kids are talking! Father swam far into the sea. The son, whom he left on the beach, also really wants for the buoys and shouts to him:
- Dad, do you need a companion there? ..

Soft rugs made of multi-colored matter perfectly develop memory and attention. It would be nice to sew buttons on such an item. Remember that they should be tightly fixed so that the baby does not accidentally tear off and swallow them.

Also offer the following games to the baby at 8 months:

  • pyramid folding;
  • games with big cars;
  • show your child new objects in the house and explain their meaning;
  • continue to introduce the baby to animals on the street and birds;
  • constantly talk to the child, even if you are busy with your own affairs, and he is busy with a toy;
  • offer the baby a hammer with a squeaker, let him tap it on the floor;
  • musical toys do not interfere, instead of them you can fill iron jars with cereals and let the child shake them;
  • do fine motor skills exercises.
Moms take note! In connection with active development baby, ensure complete safety in the house. It is important that there are no small objects on visible places, also remove sharp, breakable interior items from the lower shelves so that the baby does not accidentally get hurt.

Baby food at 8 months

During this period, it is important not to overfeed the baby. At 8 months, feeding should be no more than 5 times a day, not counting breast milk. See our article. It can be as much as you like, as it is quickly absorbed and does not affect excessive weight gain.

The baby's diet should include foods containing vitamins (fruits, vegetables), you can use them as juice or mashed potatoes. Offer your baby low-fat soups with boiled chicken meat, cook steamed fish, it is rich in phosphorus, which is indispensable for a child at this age.

The kids are talking! The son concentratedly blocks one door after another in the car. I:
- Why are you doing this?
Son, showing miracles of foresight:
- This is to I didn't run away!!!

Semolina porridge, although useful, is still unacceptable in in large numbers. You can give this product at 8 months as complementary foods once a week. Stewed vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, sweet Bulgarian berets) without oil will also be useful and diversify the food of the crumbs. This dish is best steamed.

When should you be concerned?

Not everyone begins to suspect about developmental problems in time. But at the age of eight months, the baby, parents should be alerted:

  • lack of activity of the child. He does not want to sit down, get up on his legs, crawl;
  • there is no attention, does not want to play games that adults offer him, does not take objects in his hands, is naughty;
  • does not make sounds, does not try to "babble";
  • the baby does not laugh, does not recognize adults well, is afraid of them.

This behavior of the baby indicates mental and physical retardation. This may be due to congenital pathologies nervous system who have not been noticed before or with a strong recent emotional upheaval.

All the time you must monitor your baby in order to notice violations in time and try to eliminate them with the help of medical techniques. Young parents need constant communication with the baby, attention and familiarity with the outside world from the first months of life.

For a conclusion, it is useful to watch the video below.

The kid continues to acquire new skills and improve his skills. For each child, this happens according to his individual scenario. Some have already erupted four teeth, while others do not have them yet. One kid constantly utters various sounds, and the other has already pleased his parents with the first word. Eight months is the time for a new stage in the development of the child.

Physical development

Height and weight are already increasing at a slower pace this month than they were in the first half of the year. By the end of the eighth month, the baby will become 1.5-2 centimeters taller, and 500-600 grams heavier. The average indicators of an eight-month-old child are 8-9 kilograms of weight and 68-72 centimeters of height.

At this age, the baby may have two upper and two lower central teeth, but parents should not be upset if the teeth have not yet appeared.

A child at 8 months can:

  • Lie down independently from a sitting position and sit down from a prone position.
  • Roll over on the side, back, tummy and back.
  • Get up, holding on to a support, move in small steps, holding the hand of an adult.
  • Show “okay” and “goodbye”, take objects with two fingers small size.
  • Crawl.
  • Point with a finger at an object that interests him or about which they say something.
  • While eating, eat from a spoon and drink from a cup.
  • Take off your socks.

  1. The speech of adults, some expressions and requests become clear to the child. At the request of the mother, he can take, give or put a toy.
  2. The reaction to the presence of strangers in the house is calm if the mother is nearby or if the stranger is talking to the baby in a friendly way. strong affection to mom complicates the process of parting with her when shopping or on other urgent matters.
  3. The baby may be frightened by the noise of a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner, as his reaction to any loud and unexpected sounds is aggravated.
  4. The development of tactility continues. The kid tries not only to take and touch objects, but also strokes and feels them with the help of palms and fingers.
  5. The child is interested in all the doors in the apartment - from the closet, refrigerator, table, he tries to open them. The baby is trying to explain to adults with gestures what object he is interested in.
  6. He is interested in his mirror image, "communicates" with him.
  7. Shows emotions to a strict voice or the word “no”, makes an offended look or cries.
  8. Memory and perception continue to develop. The kid recognizes familiar objects and understands how they can be used. For example, a string or elastic band can be pulled, a piece of paper can be torn, and a ball can be pushed away and it will roll. Visual memory allows you to recognize objects at any distance and in different positions.
  9. The child is able to play independently for ten minutes or more, study objects and engage in activities that interest him.
  10. In the process of playing or exploring the world around the baby can wait not only pleasant moments, but also small failures, to which he reacts with chagrin. Parents need to praise their baby more often for the smallest achievement and cheer for negative results.
  11. Tries to manipulate adults. It is necessary already at the first such manifestations to explain to the child what is possible and what is not.
  12. Shows interest and desire to touch another baby, smiles, reaches out with a pen and carefully examines it.

Test for the development of a child at 8 months

  1. The baby is in the supine position. Show him at a short distance a bright favorite or new toy to get his attention and make him want to touch her. The child must, without the help of adults, move to a sitting position.
  2. Having moved to a sitting position, a diaper or a blanket with which he was covered will remain on the baby. The baby must take off this cape himself.
  3. The kid should be able to express his protest and resistance. Attract his attention with some object, give the child the opportunity to grab it, but do not let go, but try to pick it up. The baby should push the giver's hand away or pull the object strongly towards itself.
  4. The child laughs when they play hide-and-seek with him.
  5. Fluent in two hands at once: one takes a toy, and the second is already holding the other.
  6. He examines photographs with interest and recognizes people close to him on them, accompanying the process with the words “mother” or “ma”, etc.
  7. The child must independently take objects from a flat surface small size with fingers.
  8. The kid tries to repeat the actions of adults during the game. For example, rolls a ball on the floor or pushes a car.
  9. The child has already memorized some objects and knows their names. Try asking him "Where's the watch?" or “Where is the kitty?” and the baby should look for an object with a look, and then point to it with a finger.

Reason for consultation with pediatric specialists

  1. The baby does not know how to roll over, sit down and stand up on his own, and does not even try to crawl.
  2. Even with support or support from adults, the baby cannot stand.
  3. Missing grasping reflex- the baby does not take and does not hold the object in the pen.
  4. The babble is absent.
  5. The child does not express any emotions.

Complementary feeding rules

Babies at eight months eat five times a day. Morning and evening feeding should be in the form of breast milk. The interval between feedings should be at least four hours.

Complementary foods, which began to be introduced at six months of age, should replace three feedings with breast milk by the end of the eighth month.

As complementary foods, babies are recommended cereals from several components, mashed potatoes from several types of fruits or vegetables. For example, you can in mashed potatoes add zucchini (carrot, pumpkin) puree or cauliflower. AT small quantities(about five grams) wheat bread is introduced into the menu. One feeding per day should consist of fermented milk products- cottage cheese and kefir.

This month should be devoted to the assimilation of complex dishes and the introduction of new products - fruits, cereals, vegetables.

Help parents in the development of the child

Very important for normal psychological development continue to carry the baby in your arms.

Develop the child's memory, speech, attention, thinking with the help of children's books, songs, rhymes and jokes. Talk to your baby more often, address him by name, say sweet words to his address. It is believed that already at this age the baby is able to understand about a hundred words. Give your child tours of the apartment and on the street, tell him about a new subject, show him, if possible, let's touch.

It is not recommended to use distorted words or lisping when communicating with children. The kid must early age to hear the correct and competent speech, so that later it would not have to be retrained. Even if it is difficult for a child to repeat the whole word at once, it's okay - he will definitely do it a little later. The main thing is to continue to speak words of support and love to him.

Create a safe space for the baby in the house - put away all objects that can harm the baby. These include sharp objects, medications, detergents and hygiene products, chemicals, houseplants, glassware and tableware. It is necessary to do everything possible so that a child crawling or moving in another way is not injured on the corner of the cabinet or caught on the wire. All objects that the baby can approach and touch must be stable.

  • Small rubber balls. The baby will be happy to learn to take it in his hand and push it away with his legs.
  • Children's musical hammer. With it, the child will knock on any nearby objects and develop coordination of movements. At the same time, the strengthening of the muscles of the upper limbs continues.
  • The development of fine motor skills must be continued with the help of small fabric bags filled with small objects - buttons, beads, beans.
  • You can also develop fine motor skills with the help of children's musical toys or instruments with buttons or keys. They contribute to the development of thinking, attention, intelligence and memory.
  • Children's books with bright pages made of thick cardboard or textiles. By turning the pages on their own, the baby also develops fine motor skills, logical thinking.
  • Swimming games. The kid needs to be taught to collect and pour water with the help of molds, to clap on the water surface, to move toys through the water.

Activities and games with the baby at 8 months

  • "Home orchestra" - put several objects (pan, bowl, box, drum) within reach for the baby and show how they can be tapped with drumsticks or ordinary spoons.
  • “Repeat after me” - show the child the movement available to him and ask him to repeat - clapping his hands, hitting the ball, waving his hands, etc.
  • "Hit the target" - use the dice to build a small structure and knock it down with a ball or a small ball. Help the kid hit the target.
  • Do not deny your child the pleasure of getting acquainted with kitchen utensils that do not pose a danger to him. Let him touch these new items, knock them, put them in a box or kitchen drawer.
  • “Bathing and playing” - put (or put on the tummy) the baby in the bath when water has just begun to fill in it. Take care of his safety. Let the child raise himself on all fours as the water enters.
  • For the development of the vestibular apparatus, it is recommended to roll the baby on a swing or swing it in your arms in different sides, creating the illusion of a carousel.
  • To develop balance and strengthen the muscles of the child's legs, use a walker (no more than fifteen minutes at once and no more than sixty minutes a day).
  • For hardening and strengthening immunity every day you need: gymnastics, massage, air baths and a two-hour walk in the fresh air.

When choosing a game and activity, be guided by the desires and preferences of the child, do not force him to do what he does not want to do in this moment. Choose the most appropriate mood for your baby.

Baby at 8 months - baby development (video)

Children in the eighth month of life are distinguished by curiosity and are very active in learning about the world around them. It is during this period that they learn to feel safe and anxious, begin to speak and prepare for the next step after sitting - walking. If the development of a child at 8 months is normal, then this further helps him to keep up with his peers.

However, the presence of any deviations should alert parents and lead to a visit to the consultations of the appropriate specialist. Why is the age of 8 months so remarkable, and what are the norms for the development of children during this period?

Your baby is actively growing, both in breadth and in height. According to the norms that are enshrined by WHO, the weight of boys can range from 6.9 kg to 10.7 kg, and the weight of girls - from 6.3 kg to 10.2 kg. As for height, for boys it can be from 66.8 cm to 73.1 cm, and for girls - from 66 cm to 72.5 cm. At the same time, the head circumference increases (approximately 5 cm), and also expands rib cage. After all internal organs children are also growing, and they already need a lot more space for comfortable and functional accommodation.

If for some reason your child does not reach the height or greatly exaggerates the indicated norms in size, you should not panic. To get started, talk to your pediatrician. Perhaps the reason is heredity (both or one of the parents short stature or, conversely, very high). More important here is the weight indicator. If it is less than normal, it means that the child is underfed, which can lead to stunting of all organs and slowing down development. When the weight exceeds the indicated norm, it means that you are overfeeding the child, which can also lead to a deterioration in his health.

At the 8th month, the baby is able to please parents with the presence of 4-6 teeth. Most often they are the central anterior and lower incisors. But if other teeth come out, then you should not be upset. The development of the child takes place individually, and deviations in the order of tooth growth are not a pathology. Missing teeth shouldn't be a problem for you either. At this age, they may still linger and not yet erupt.

A child can sleep up to 15 hours a day, and eat every 4 hours. From the middle of the 8th month, you can no longer grind the food for complementary foods so much, gradually accustoming the child to chewing. The opinion of pediatricians and dentists agrees that it is very useful because it helps to strengthen the gums and teeth. In addition, it will help prepare the baby for the transition to the adult table.

What should a child know?

  1. At the age of 8 months, the baby is already able to sit down on his own, as well as lie down back from a sitting position.
  2. Another important skill is the ability to roll over in any position. The child can do this, trying to get the object of interest to him.
  3. A child of this age already knows how to get up on his feet, holding on to something with his hands (bed railing, large toy). He tries to take steps, moving sideways.
  4. The kid is interested, and he can play the simplest games (“palmies”, “cuckoo”), waving goodbye.
  5. Many children are already actively crawling, exploring the surrounding space and trying to get to the most interesting, in his opinion, objects.
  6. The child has developed the ability to grasp objects with the “tweezers method”, that is, with the help of two fingers.
  7. With the help of one cube, the baby tries to move the other and observes its behavior. If the second cube has fallen, then he tries to pick it up and put it back in its place.
  8. The child is able to understand what subject or object is being discussed and, if necessary, easily points to it with a finger.
  9. He manages to use tableware (spoon, cup), he eats food in small pieces.
  10. The child is able to pull the sock off the leg.
  11. The babbling period begins when the child begins to speak individual syllables, trying to combine them into words (“ma-ma”, “la-la”).

mental development

At the age of 8 months, the child learns to better understand adult speech. At the same time, he already knows how to fulfill simple requests: take a toy, give a ball. It is also the period when the child begins to speak.

It is at this time that many parents note an increase in attachment to the mother. There is nothing wrong with this. In no case should you deny the child the protection and close proximity of the mother, arguing that he will grow up as a "mama's".

Indeed, at this time, the child already clearly understands where the mother is, “their own”, and where are the “strangers”, strangers. There may be fear of strangers. And in such situations, the child will seek protection from the mother or someone close. Do not deny this to the baby, because for a normal further knowledge of the world, he should first clearly feel the boundaries of the comfort zone, safety. And only after that he can fearlessly go to study the surrounding reality.

An eight-month-old baby actively reacts to loud sounds. Therefore, you may notice how he is afraid of a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner. You may also notice that your baby has learned not only to grab objects, touch and feel them, but also tries to stroke them with a finger or palm.

If some object is of interest to the baby, then he points to it and asks one of the parents to bring himself to him. Anything that opens - a refrigerator, a window, a bedside table can become such interesting objects.

When the baby is shown his reflection in the mirror, he smiles at him. At this age, the child already understands when something is forbidden to him and may show offense at a strict tone addressed to him.

With the help of the eyes, the child learns to recognize objects under different angles. Now he recognizes his favorite toy, both from above and from the side. He develops an understanding of the properties of different things, so he enjoys rolling a ball on the floor, tearing paper into pieces, or pulling a hanging rope.

Now your child is able to concentrate on any an interesting activity within 10 minutes. And even if you interrupt him for a while, he will remember the game and may want to return to it.

The child learns to achieve his goal and emotionally reacts to success or failure, may be upset about this. Therefore, do not forget to praise the baby more often, even for the smallest achievements.

The kid becomes a real manipulator, testing his parents for resilience. Here you need to learn to find " golden mean", so as not to suppress his interest in knowledge and at the same time maintain his authority.

Even the baby will strive to establish contact with others, which may manifest itself in his interest in other children, the desire to touch them or smile at them.

How to play and engage with a child?

The peculiarity of the development of children up to a year is that even a difference of one month is visible to the naked eye. And what can we say when you compare the development of a child at 2 months and at 8 months. Therefore, the way you communicate with the baby, play and contribute to his development should also be different. What should you pay attention to when dealing with a child at 8 months?

Active movements require considerable space. Therefore, organize a large playing field for the baby.

In an effort to improve his coordination, you can build an "obstacle course" for the child. Make a tunnel out of boxes, put on a mountain of pillows, make a slide down from the sofa, organize a labyrinth of big toys. Overcoming these obstacles will develop the baby's ability to feel his body in space and control it. He will also learn to correctly estimate the size of objects.

To strengthen the muscles in your arms, neck, and back, teach your child to play cart. Let it be an object that has hands instead of wheels. Even for a short movement on your hands and crawling forward, be sure to praise the child. Then you can master the movement back.

The next game that will interest the baby at 8 months is "Come on, destroy the tower." Use large, but light plastic or rag cubes for the game. First, build a structure out of them, which you then invite the baby to destroy. Usually children do this with great enthusiasm. After that, praise the baby, saying what a strong and invincible hero he is, capable of destroying the tower. Experiment with height. Build towers as tall as, taller than, or shorter than a child. Let him also learn the understanding of high-low.

Such children love toys with light and sound effects. Pressing a key or button, after which something happens, causes them delight and joy. When showing a new toy, first invite the child to independently guess what and how to do it. When he understands and does the necessary manipulations, be sure to praise the baby for his intelligence.

Also at this age, children are very fond of rhythmic music. Show them that they can make those sounds too. Offer the baby wooden spoon and put some objects in front of it with different surface. Turn on the music and show how you can drum with a spoon so that every time you get a new sound.

With such children it is necessary to develop speech apparatus. To do this, you need to talk with the child as much as possible, telling everything and about everything. Even the simplest things that are ordinary for you will be a real discovery for him. When the baby pays attention to any sound, be sure to explain to him where it comes from, or who makes it. Show him that the world consists of sounds, and he will certainly want to become a part of it.

On the street, invite the baby to look at the leaves, touch the grass, flowers and earth. Tactile sensations will make the world even more interesting and intriguing for him.

The task of parents

Your baby has reached the age when he needs to overcome the fear of the world around him in order to know it. Parents play a big role in this process. You are the support and protection of the child during this period, so never push or scold the baby if something scared him. Is the child afraid? Hug him, caress him, tell him good word to make him feel safe. After that, he will again return to the knowledge of the world and everything that exists in it.

Do not, under any circumstances, leave such a child with strangers. It is now that he manifests a fear of the "stranger" and the "unknown".

During this period, the child can part with his mother with particular difficulty, constantly demanding her presence. You should not ignore this, but you just need to wait out this time. As he gets older, he will regain his self-confidence and will explore the world with even greater enthusiasm.

During this period, you can try to potty train your child. However, don't push too hard. If the child categorically protests, then postpone this acquaintance for several weeks and then return to him again.

  1. The most important thing is that a child at 8 months should already be sitting. Perhaps a little uncertainly and only a few minutes, but this skill is required.
  2. He sits down himself. The baby can do this from a supine position, rolling sideways and a little help with the handle. Sometimes the child sits down from a prone position. In this case, he will push off, rise on the handles, moving the body until he sits down.
  3. Some babies stand on their feet, leaning, for example, on the sofa or the back of the crib.
  4. Actively learn to crawl or already know how to do it well.
  5. Particularly mobile babies can take several steps holding on to their mother's or father's hand.
  6. With toys, a child of 8 months already plays on his own for about 10 minutes. Children of all ages, and eight-month-olds and even more so, really like various kinds of boxes, bags that are full of all sorts of little things. Kids love to get all these items.
  7. Given that the baby sits and crawls at eight months, the main field of his activity moves to the floor.

Parents need to secure the entire area around the child. Shouldn't be on the floor small items, which the baby can take into his mouth, swallow or choke on them. All lockers with contents unsafe for the baby must be tightly closed with special devices. all sockets, available to the child, should be closed with plugs, and the protruding corners of the furniture should be covered with bedspreads or “softened” in some other way.

The child will be very interested in rolling, rearranging various items and toys sitting on the floor. It is also important that he will open a more spacious training ground for action and study.

Behavioral features

No need to limit the baby outside the arena. Do not lock him up, referring to your busyness and the inability to constantly look after because of your adult affairs. And on the floor you can arrange a "safety island". Knowing the space around him in its entirety, it will subsequently be easier for the child to navigate in the world around him and control his body.

  • in their games with objects, children imitate adults. So, seeing how dad rolls the ball, the baby will strive to do the same. If you show the baby how to knock on the floor with an inflatable hammer, he will repeat this action with pleasure;
  • recognizing the space around and the objects inhabiting it, to the question "where?" the baby will easily point to familiar objects with an easy turn of the head or a finger. Moreover, he will recognize them from completely different angles, which indicates the development of spatial thinking;
  • the development of a child at 8 months already allows him to carry out the simplest commands of his parents. The kid, at the request, gives his hand, demonstrates the game of “patties”, shows how the magpie cooks porridge;
  • a "pinch grip" is formed. Children love to pick up the smallest crumbs from the floor, their table or other horizontal surfaces with their thumb and forefinger. Anything they get this way is very hard to take back. The kid will win back what he has found with unprecedented zeal;
  • some babies recognize their name and, when called, turn around or turn their heads in search of the caller;
  • in speech development there are also regular changes. Babies pronounce the entire set of sounds, repeat many syllables and try to put together the first words. It's all loud and clear;
  • the first self-service skills appear. Children are happy to eat cookies or a crust of bread, holding it tightly in their hands. The cup still needs to be held;
  • seeing themselves in the mirror, babies sincerely rejoice. They touch their reflection with their fingers, kiss;
  • bonding with mother is strengthened. It is very important for a child of 8 months to be near her. The baby may begin to be afraid to be alone or stop walking into the arms of previously familiar people, for example, to an uncle or aunt.

This is explained by the fact that at this time “fears of the eighth month” appear. Children are afraid of new people, new places and are constantly looking for protection from their mother. Parents need to know about this in order not to scold the child, but to understand his behavior and provide attention and protection.

This concept includes the body weight and height of the baby, as well as the volume of his head, chest and other parts of the body.

Let's dwell on the main indicators.

The increase in the second half of the year is no longer as impressive as in the first. For the eighth month, children on average add a little more than 500 grams and grow by one to one and a half centimeters. The body weight of a child at 8 months is 7.5 - 9 kilograms. A more accurate figure depends on the source data. Growth averages 66 - 74 centimeters. Naturally, the boy will be larger than the girl.

Not to mention the teeth. For many parents of eight-month-old babies, this will be a burning topic. It is during this period that children actively acquire teeth. As usual, the central incisors are cut first from below.

Behind them are shown incisors from above. The entire stage of eruption is often accompanied by temperature rises and loosening of the stool. Give your child plenty of water, do not introduce new foods, do not have any vaccinations at this time.

Against the background of reduced local immunity and the fact that the child pulls everything into the mouth, sores or white spots often appear on its mucous membrane and on the tongue. This is stomatitis. Its origin can be either viral (aphthous stomatitis) or fungal (thrush). You don't need to self-medicate. Contact your pediatrician.

The baby eats 5 times a day. Complementary food from pedagogical becomes energy, because the child moves a lot and burns more calories.

Breakfast and lunch are already quite mature. In the morning the baby eats porridge with butter, for lunch he gets crushed vegetable puree with meat.

The second breakfast can be fruit or fruit puree. Homemade compotes, fruit drinks, weak teas are suitable as drinks. Juices, especially purchased ones, should not be abused.

This causes significant damage to the enamel of only erupted teeth. Both cereals and mashed potatoes can already be multicomponent, including previously tried.

The eighth month is suitable for starting the introduction of cottage cheese and baby yogurt into the diet.

Parents of allergic children need to be careful in this matter. If the child is allergic to protein cow's milk or lactose intolerance, consult a doctor before introducing dairy products.

Both the baby and the baby on the mixture in the remaining meals will eat mother's milk or its substitutes. An afternoon snack can be varied with special children's cookies. It just melts in your mouth, completely dissolves in milk. The kid won't choke on them. But know the measure. An excess of simple carbohydrates is fraught with metabolic disorders and obesity.

The baby sleeps most of the day. On the night sleep account for 10 - 11 hours. The remaining time is divided between two daytime.

Games with a child at 8 months

Educational toys in the last decade have simply flooded the minds of parents and the market for children's stores. The question is, are these toys useful or just another marketing ploy. What toys does a baby need for his development? For a child of 8 months, those objects and games that stimulate his imagination, develop motor skills, and hearing are important.

Various musical instruments are required - maracas, drums, pipes, psaltery. For outdoor activities, balls of various sizes and colors are simply necessary. It is not necessary to conduct classes with a child of 8 months in specialized centers development.

It is enough to be with the child, talk to him, explain, show the surrounding phenomena and objects, read fairy tales, sing songs, let the baby participate in the daily activities of the family and sit at common table. The development of the baby is complex and constant. And the most the best tutorspersonal example parents and environment.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months:

  • Step over with legs if it is supported by the handles;
  • Sitting or trying to sit;
  • crawl or try to crawl;
  • Crawl to the support and stand upright;
  • Roll over in different directions;
  • Stand and swing on all fours;
  • Lie down on your back from a sitting position;
  • Chewing soft food (if you have teeth);
  • Make "patties";
  • Recognize yourself in the mirror and smile;
  • About 10 minutes or more to play on their own.

Physical development

The baby recovered by 500 grams, grew by 0.5-1.5 centimeters, the volume of the chest and head increased by 0.5 centimeters. On average, the parameters look like this: weight - 7-9 kilograms, height 67-71 centimeters. Minor deviations are not terrible.

We crawl correctly

If the child crawls a lot, do not worry and do not limit him in this, it will be easier for him to walk later. He actively develops his muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs. A good crawling baby is good developing child. Support the baby by the handles, he will diligently try to take his first steps.

With proper crawling, the baby brings forward the right arm and left leg, after left hand and right leg.

What are we eating?

child eats different dishes, five times a day, approximately every 3-4 hours. He reaches for a spoon himself and if it gets into his hand, he tries to eat on his own. Of course, this does not work out very well, most of the food remains on the clothes and bib, but sometimes do not deny him this pleasure. Help to hold the spoon correctly and direct it to the mouth, as the crumb itself can get into the nose and cheek. Drink from a cup, he will soon do it himself. Brew children's tea, make compotes, try to give children's juice without sugar (it is possible with fructose) and dilute it in a bottle with 50% boiled water.

At 8 months they develop taste buds, and enzyme system strengthened enough. The child is already eating porridge with butter and vegetable puree with vegetable or olive oil. Children, on artificial feeding eating fruit puree. Thus two breastfeeding and three formula feedings have been replaced by new products, but in the morning and before bedtime, treat your child to milk or formula without fail.

  • Teaching kids how to use a spoon

It's time to introduce the meat. On the first day, we give half or one spoon, then increase the portion to 20-30 grams per day. It is recommended to introduce the rabbit first, since its meat is not considered an allergen. Then try turkey, beef, it is rich in iron, veal. Many kids enjoy eating horsemeat. The meat needs to be boiled, chopped in a blender to a homogeneous consistency, you can buy cooked in industrial production. Mix meat with vegetable broth or puree, dairy-free cereals(buckwheat or rice).

Other products. We begin to give children's cottage cheese (recommended daily dose of 30 grams), potatoes, beets and wheat bread (5 grams). Don't add salt or sugar to your food. Introducing New Product, consult with your pediatrician, because young children are very vulnerable, it is easy to harm them.


At 8 months, one child can find 4 teeth (two lower and two upper central incisors) in the mouth, the other has not one. Think toothbrush and paste. It is easier for a child to get used to something from an earlier age. You can brush your teeth together, it’s even more fun, because kids love to repeat everything after adults.

  • When to start brushing children's teeth

Lay the baby on his stomach - he should quickly get on all fours. At this age, it is not typical for children to lie down for a long time.

Spend a few simple exercises to determine the development of the child, at 8 months the child should:

  1. In a sitting position, take off the diaper with which you covered him.
  2. Express your emotions and dissatisfaction if something interesting to him was taken from him.
  3. Play hide and seek with the baby, every time you appear, he should express joy and laughter.
  4. Give a toy in one hand, in the second spoon, the child should be able to hold different objects in both hands.
  5. Put a small ball in front of the baby, he must take it with two fingers.
  6. Name objects familiar to the child, he will point to them with a pen.
  7. Show some action, for example, roll a small car or a ball on the floor. The child will try to repeat your action.

emotional development

Every month, the baby understands your words better and even fulfills requests. If you ask for a well-known cube that lies to the side of him, he will reach out, take it in his hand and give it to you. Keep playing tug of war with him. You and the baby hold a thin scarf with your hands, pull it towards you first, then easily release it. Teach him to wave his hand when someone leaves.

beware loud sounds, do not turn on the vacuum cleaner or other loud equipment abruptly, the child can be very frightened.

You can start learning to draw. Give the kid a pencil and paper - he will either draw a couple of squiggles, or just start tearing the paper, but his motor skills and thinking will develop.


The child sleeps at least 10 hours a day. Once at night, lasting 7-10 hours and twice during the day from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Night feeding is individual, many children have refused it, some like to eat at night.

Talk to your child more, without distorting words, read books with different intonations. The more he hears, the more he remembers. Show musical toys and books by pressing the buttons, fine motor skills and quick wits develop faster. Build turrets from cubes and collect pyramids, a child of eight months will not repeat this, but will destroy and scatter. This is a sign that he is trying to imitate you. Sitting on a bed or in a stroller, he can throw toys out of it, pick them up and put them back, the child does not harm, he wants to play like that.

Be careful with lockers, little explorers learn to open them. Either block them so they can't be opened, or put them away chemicals, drugs, sharp and small objects.

What are the deviations

Talk to specialized doctor, if:

  1. They laid the child on his stomach, and he lies on it for a long time, without getting up on all fours.
  2. When crawling, the baby first moves the arms, and then pulls the legs.
  3. Moves while crawling right hand and leg, and then left arm and leg.
  4. Shows no emotion.
  5. Doesn't babble.
  6. Doesn't try to sit, crawl, stand up.
  7. Support is not worth it.