Cosmetics for combination skin care. Tasks of the cream for combination skin. Care at different ages

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How to choose the right face cream

A girl should use face cream from adolescence, and then change cosmetics throughout her life, depending on age-related changes and other factors. The skin has subtypes, the same care for everyone will be inappropriate. If you start using cosmetics that are suitable for your type as soon as possible, you can really keep young and blooming view without large investments until adulthood. To do this, it is important to choose a face cream that suits your skin optimally.

What are the types of skin

There are only 4 types of skin, determined by the amount of sebum secreted. The rest is individual characteristics... So, the skin happens:
1) dry
2) normal
3) combined
4) oily

The easiest way to determine your skin type is as follows: as soon as you wake up, dab your face with a regular paper napkin... If a continuous oily mark remains on it, the skin is oily. If the T-zone is clearly indicated, it will be slightly imprinted on the chin and forehead, the skin is combined. An absolutely dry napkin indicates dry skin, but if barely noticeable traces are visible, the skin is normal. If you want to get more exact result, then we recommend that you take a skin type test on our website from the American dermatologist Leslie Baumann.

Depending on the reaction to external influence the skin can be:

1) elastic
2) sensitive
3) apathetic (lethargic)
4) pigmented

According to the degree of pigment concentration, the skin is:

1) white
2) dark
3) black

Depending on the age characteristics the following skin problems occur:

1) comedones (black dots), closed and open
2) acne
3) acne (acne)
4) age spots
5) bleed through vascular network, rosacea
6) mimic wrinkles
7) " crow's feet"In the corners of the eyes
8) fine wrinkles
9) loss of turgor
10) dull color faces
11) peeling

Normal skin and care

Normal skin is extremely rare, only 6% of the world's population. Usually they say about its owner "blood and milk" due to the fact that the complexion is bright and even, pinkish or beige undertones are evenly distributed over the entire surface. The skin practically does not get greasy, it is always matte, but not dry. Up to 40 years of age, caring for her is simple and pleasant. It is enough to wash your face in the morning and in the evening, apply a moisturizer and occasionally pamper yourself with caring masks. Normal skin is not known for acne and comedones, dryness and tightness. She doesn't need foundation and matting lipstick. In winter and summer, the skin looks equally good, does not experience stress.

With age, after 35, some changes are possible: shine of the T-zone appears, peeling and dryness are noticeable on the cheeks. To avoid this, you should apply a moisturizer and do nourishing masks once a week. Great importance has protection against sun rays, because normal skin delicate and thin, and UV radiation can lead to trauma to the epidermis, the appearance of moles and age spots.

Owners of normal skin can be envied: they are not aware of the problems of most of the fair sex. They often neglect grooming because their skin is perfectly self-renewing. Refusal to care is fraught with the fact that with age, the skin will turn from normal to dry and flabby. That is why one should not forget about comprehensive care, which is better to start from 30-35 years of age.

Cleansing is best done not with gel or face wash, but with cosmetic milk. Soap or cleanser can be used 2-3 times a week. To stimulate blood circulation, it is enough to swipe massage lines a piece of ice. After that, the face is blotted with a towel. Not rubbing, but getting wet. During the day, the face is rubbed with a cotton pad moistened with an alcohol-free herbal tonic. Alcohol dries up the epidermis and leads to flaking.

Normal skin needs hydration and nutrition. In the hot season (spring-summer), humidification is carried out in the morning, in the cold - at night. In addition, nourishing creams should be added in winter, which are applied to the face before going outside. Its main property is to replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals, which are especially lacking in winter time... In addition to the prevention of vitamin deficiency, nutrients protect from wind and frost, heal wounds, improve complexion. For those with normal skin, we recommend choosing one of the following nourishing creams:

- Yves rocher Nutritive vegetable... Contains ash rich in vitamins. The cream has a light delicate texture, therefore it does not overload normal skin and does not create a mask effect on the face. It is quickly absorbed, protects from frost and blizzards.

- Pure Line Delicate nutritious cream with vitamin oil of sea buckthorn and rose hips... Suitable for normal to combination skin. Does not clog pores or cause acne.

- Bioplazma Night Cream Supreme. Israeli cream based on red algae is applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté. Renews the skin and removes pigmentation. The skin looks refreshed and rested.

- nourishing cream Credo Natur from Dzintars. It has a dense texture, absorbs slowly, but at the same time it nourishes and moisturizes well, creating a protective barrier at night. Prevents moisture loss in dry rooms.

In the morning after washing, owners of normal skin should apply a moisturizer to their face and neck. The skin, rested overnight, is sufficiently nourished, ready to moisturize and protect. Normal skin needs light textures of creams, and for this, the following products are suitable for it:

- NIVEA Aqua Effect. This is a moisturizing cream with a combination of glycerin and glucose, which allows you to retain moisture in cells without losing it when it comes into contact with air. Vitamin E protects against the effects of exhaust gases, and a UV filter prevents exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which is active even in winter.

- Librederm with chamomile juice not only saturates with moisture, but also soothes, relieves redness and irritation from cold and wind. The gel consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and does not provoke rosacea.

- Clean Line with aloe vera for normal skin is an excellent makeup base. Does not leave a greasy shine, is quickly absorbed and does not contain mineral oils.

Oily skin and care for it

Oily skin is found in 10% of the world's population. It has a lot of disadvantages: after washing, after an hour, it secretes sebum, the face must be wiped almost every hour. Matting agents practically do not help. In severe cases, large acne and comedones are formed, the face becomes covered with acne, and it shines unpleasantly. If the skin is thick, pores are clearly visible on it, which are easily forgotten by secreted fat and keratinized particles and become inflamed. This is why cleansing is as important as nutrition and hydration.

You should cleanse the oily skin of adolescents who are experiencing colossal hormonal storms, and the thin, oily skin of an adult woman. In both cases, skin care is performed differently, despite the same skin type.

Teenagers need to select creams designed for oily and problem skin... They contain salicylic acid, which removes the fatty film on the face. The most effective teenage creams are:

- Garnier for acne " Clear skin» eliminates not only pimples, but also traces of them. effectively helps together with other products in the series, affordable.

- cream Floresan dries up inflammation, reduces greasiness, prevents the growth of bacteria.

- Clearasil cream contains allantoin, which ensures the maintenance of an optimal level of hydration. Salicylic acid fights acne, kaolin eliminates greasy shine... It has a strong effect, not suitable for combination skin.

- Vichy Normaderm based on zinc and thermal water normalizes the fat balance and acidity of the epidermis.

- a three-stage series of Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions without fragrances and oils helps in the shortest possible time to restore the fat balance of the skin, eliminate acne and exfoliate keratinized particles.

Usually oily skin returns to normal after graduation puberty, and by the age of 22 it becomes combined or normal. If the fat content does not normalize, then you can reassure yourself that this type of skin ages late and is practically not covered with wrinkles. However, you do not need to let it go and wait for everything to work out by itself. If in adolescence start competent care, you can extend youth by 10-15 years.

Oily skin in adults is also not uncommon. However, use potent drugs with salicylic acid and zinc is not worth it, so as not to dry out the epidermis and cause premature wrinkles. Skin prone to oily content needs a make-up base, because powder or foundation, mixing with sebaceous secretions, loses its mattifying properties and “floats”. The matting cream contains components that eliminate oily sheen and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. Do not forget about moisturizing, without which the skin will begin to fade, and a network of wrinkles will appear.

The best matting agents for oily skin include the following:

- Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel. Clinique Gel completes a 3-step treatment with soap and an exfoliating toner. By applying all three products at the same time, you can get rid of the oily shine that is characteristic of spring and summer on the face. Neutral liquid soap will open pores, an exfoliating lotion will remove keratinized particles and fat from the sebaceous tubules, and the cream will replenish lost moisture, soften and maintain the optimal level of acidity of the epidermis.

- Yves Rocher Sebo Vegetal. The series consists of a complex of products based on birch tar and white clay. The cream is suitable for thin skin, prone to fat content. Does not violate the natural balance, slightly dries without shrinking, reduces pores. Suitable for humid climates.

- Faberlic Young. Matting cream, very inexpensive and effective. Perfectly mattifies, tightens pores, makes the complexion "highlighted". A great product, if only a few "buts": it contains silicones and generally does not have the most natural composition... It will definitely not suit allergy sufferers, but it will 100% cope with the stated task, matting.

- Crème Matifiante by Payot. Absolutely natural, therefore a rather expensive moisturizer with a mattifying effect. Green coffee extract removes toxins that cause blockage of the sebaceous tubules. Cornstarch absorbs sebum, eliminating mask formation on the face. The cream leaves a feeling of cleanliness and freshness for a long time.

Dry skin and care for it

Dry skin is the most problematic in the sense that it is the first to fade and wrinkle. In youth, up to 25 years old, dry skin looks luxurious: it is delicate, porcelain, its oily sheen is unknown, pimples and blackheads. But by the age of 28, such a girl, without proper care, has crow's feet in the corners of her eyes, the skin fades and loses its tone. The secretion of the sebaceous glands is poorly secreted, there is no natural protective lubricant, so nutrition and hydration become vital for owners of dry skin. Dryness is often accompanied by increased sensitivity... This is evidenced by redness on the cheeks, as well as the vessels protruding on the face. With age, when collagen ceases to be secreted in the required amount, the skin can be injured in frost and wind, and wounds and microcracks appear on it. To avoid turning the skin to parchment, pick up special care for dry skin.

In no case should you wash your face with soap or gel. They expand pores and dry out, destroying the already scarce moisture. Cleansing is done with milk or lotion without alcohol. Then a moisturizer for dry skin is applied. She especially suffers in winter, when the outside temperature is freezing, and the room is dry warm air. There are noticeable peeling, it is impossible to apply on the face tone cream... It will only accentuate fading and fine wrinkles.

- Belita-Vitex extra nutritional cream with Q10. A very oily and dense cream, which is better to use not as a cream, but as a mask at night. It is applied pointwise and only with patting movements. If the skin is very dry, no oily sheen remains on the face, even in summer time... May create a film effect on normal to combination skin.

- Capital Lumiere Nuit by Clarins. An excellent regenerating cream for those with dry, aging-prone skin. After salon peeling with fruit acids, the skin is injured and thinned. This cream has a healing effect, plumping the skin texture, eliminating fading.

- Vichy Nutrilogie 1 and 2 for dry to very dry skin. The components included in the cream provide nourishment and hydration to dry and very dry skin. Contains macadamia nut oil, known for its regenerating properties. Now neither the harsh winter, nor the wind are afraid of your face.

- Olay Complete Winter Care. Universal cream for all skin types for the winter. Protects from exposure low temperatures and weathering. The skin becomes smooth and velvety. Does not blush or peel off.

- Lumene Vitamin C +. A nourishing cream to maintain the comfort of dry skin. Contains Cloudberry Seed Oil and Shea Butter to maintain hydration throughout the year. Vitamin C makes the complexion bright and radiant.

- Mary kay for dry skin. Reflective particles transform the skin, leaving it smooth and satin. Vegetable oils eliminate dryness and flaking. Fine wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes soft and smooth.

Combination skin and skin care

Combined or mixed skin characterized by enlarged pores on the nose, chin and T-zone and normal skin on the cheeks. Caring for it is complicated by the fact that antiseptics will cause peeling and dryness of normal areas, and the use of oily creams on the cheeks will provoke rosacea of ​​the skin of the nose and chin. It is the most common skin type and occurs in 45% of people.

In summer, combination skin is treated as oily: they use peeling every other day, apply cleansing masks, use a moisturizing lotion instead of a cream, protect against UV radiation special means... In winter, the skin dries up and is nourished and moisturized just like normal skin. In autumn and spring, it turns fat, it must be matted and moisturized.

but cosmetic industry allows you to select special products for combination skin... These include:

- Essentiel from BIOSEA. Pink and lavender water maintain an optimal balance, leaving the surface matte for 8-10 hours. The skin is hydrated and smoothed. The cream is well absorbed, does not provoke allergies.

- Black Pearl BiO-program for combination skin. Universal remedy for any season. Moisturizes all day or all night. Does not have a matting effect. Smoothes fine wrinkles.

- Vichy Aquathermal. Provides hydration for 48 hours. Suitable for owners of combination skin aged 30-70 years. Paraben-free, helps with summer period maintain the hydrobalance of the epidermis.

- Pure Line with Echinacea and Licorice. Competent skin care helps to normalize the hydro balance, relieves acne and irritation. Suitable for ages 30-40.

Skin type changes with age, and if at the age of 15-20 the skin was oily, then it is likely that by the age of 35 it will become normal or combination. Competently selected products will prolong youth and keep the skin healthy for years to come.

To get a more detailed understanding of face creams, we suggest reading our article.

A cream for mixed skin should increase the elasticity and tone of the dermis, protect the face from sunlight, wind and frost. The tool should matte, have a sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effect. To really choose quality product, it is worth carefully studying its composition.

Cream for mixed skin: composition and properties

Combination skin is both oily and dry. Increased greasiness is characteristic of the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin. At the same time, the skin of the cheeks suffers from a lack of moisture, often flakes, it seems sluggish.

A cream for mixed skin should moisturize well without creating an oily film on the face.

What are the ingredients in combination skin creams:

  • Plant extracts: aloe, lily, pineapple, white tea, iris, chamomile.
  • Essential oils: rosemary, ginger, mint, tea tree, citrus fruits.
  • Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that serves as a humectant and softener.
  • Panthenol is a provitamin with soothing and healing properties.
  • Vitamin F, ascorbic acid, tocopherol.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids: glycolic, citric, lactic.

Creams for mixed skin are practically free of oily vegetable oils... Instead, as hydratants, or moisturizing components, use hyaluronic acid, urea, collagen. All these substances in natural state present in skin tissues, they are able to retain moisture without the formation of an oily film.

Which cream for combination skin should you choose?

Roskontrol, having examined foreign and domestic products for combination skin, noted high quality day cream "Nivea". The product does not contain bleaching or dyes, does not increase the greasiness of the skin. The moisturizing effect after application lasts a day.

Light texture, pleasant floral-fruity aroma and long-lasting action are the advantages of the cream “ Life-giving hydration"From" Garnier ". However, the tool also has a drawback - the presence of preservatives and dyes.

According to reviews, cream for mixed skin without dyes is less likely to cause allergies.

Also worthy of special attention following products for combination skin:

  • Wild Rose by Weleda;
  • L "Oreal" Trio Active. Moisturizing and freshness ";
  • Natura Siberica "Care and Moisturizing" with a matting effect and SPF-15;
  • Olay Essentials "Active moisturizing";
  • face cream with cucumber juice and cranberries "One Hundred Recipes for Beauty";
  • nutritious night cream with sea buckthorn and rosehip " Clean line»;
  • moisturizer from Clinique.

For women with combination skin, the forehead, nose and chin areas are usually oily. But the temples, cheeks, neck and, in particular, the area around the eyes are dry. That is why such skin needs special care: simultaneous moisturizing of dry areas and elimination of shine on oily areas. Our new ranking contains the best creams for combination skin.

Cream "Moisturizing Expert", L "Oreal Paris (264 rubles.)

Many women with mixed skin in winter and in the cold season often have peeling on the face. Protective functions the epidermis during this period is significantly weakened. To restore a fresh and radiant appearance to the skin, the experts of the L "Oreal Paris laboratory have created the" Moisturizing Expert "range. The cream for normal and combination skin is designed to work in three directions: intensively nourish, retain moisture and refresh the complexion. In the composition of the product vitamin B5, which stimulates metabolic processes in cells and ceramides, which are responsible for elasticity and hydration.

Matting cream sorbet "Vivifying moisturizing", Garnier (196 rubles)

Water is vital important element for the activity of our entire body. The skin, in particular, also needs to constantly maintain an optimal level of hydration. The matting sorbet cream from Garnier's Vivifying Moisture series is based on mannose, a plant component that acts on three layers of the skin (horny, epidermis and dermis) at once. In combination with glycerin, mannose promotes effective moisturizing skin. If you believe the promises of the creators of the cream, then after a month of regular use, a stable supply of moisture in the epidermis is restored. The remedy for combination to oily skin also includes green tea extract, known for its antioxidant properties. The cream perfectly mattifies and evens out the tone, so it can be safely used as a base for makeup.

Day cream-care Idealia, Vichy (1595 rubles)

The work on the creation of any beauty product begins with global research. Laboratory specialists French brand Vichy decided to find out what criteria, according to the girls, should be met perfect skin... It turned out that the majority of respondents identified three main parameters: microrelief, tone and wrinkles. Based on this data, the brand's scientists set themselves a difficult task - to find the most effective component that provides anti-aging action and significantly improves the overall condition of the skin. After 5 years of breeding plant components and 12 clinical tests, they discovered a unique component - kombucha. It is also a black tea extract, which is obtained through biotechnological fermentation. It contains a record amount of fruit acids, vitamins, probiotics and polyphenols - four components that are absolute leaders in cosmetology and dermatology. Probiotics increase protective properties skin, vitamins are involved in the decomposition of sugar and lipids, increase the energy potential of the cell and enhance tissue respiration, and polyphenols act as powerful antioxidants. And finally, the last ingredient - fruit acid (which is familiar to all lovers of peels) - dissolves intercellular bonds and promotes exfoliation of epidermal cells. With such a "shock" composition, your skin has every chance of becoming perfect.

Moisturizing cream Hydrance Optimale Legere, Avene (1400 rubles)

The main purpose of the Hydrance Optimale Legere cream from the Avene pharmacy is to fight excess shine in the T-zone and reliably matte the skin. This effect is achieved due to sebo-absorbent particles that absorb excess sebum (sebum). The cream will not cope with very dry skin and peeling, but it will prevent them due to the presence of moisturizing ingredients and Avene branded thermal water. It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Another obvious plus is the presence of photoprotective ingredients (SPF 20), they protect the skin from aggressive sun rays that cause premature aging... The product can be used as a base for make-up: it is quickly absorbed, does not leave a greasy film and is "friendly" with tonal means and powders.

Combined (also called "mixed") skin type is actually one of the most common: it occurs in adolescents (80% of them), young people under the age of 25 (40%), young people 25-35 years (15%). The reason in most cases is the excessive production of the hormone testosterone by the body, which with age. Therefore closer to mature age(by the age of 35), combination skin most often becomes normal.

Combination skin care requires more effort than other skin types. Therefore, in order for the skin of the face to look healthy and well-groomed, for each type that is part of the mixed skin, you need to use separate cosmetics and care methods.

Combination skin is characterized by even color, relatively healthy appearance and large pores in oily areas.

Since with combination skin the cheeks, the skin around the eyes, neck and on the temples is either normal, and the skin on the nose, forehead and chin (in the so-called T-zone) is oily, then with improper care, cosmetic defects: Unpleasant blackheads may appear in the T-zone, and the skin on the cheeks may begin to peel off. For treatment acne on oily areas of mixed skin can be used antiseptics based on salicylic acid.

Combination skin care

When caring for mixed skin, a differentiated approach is needed, since washing is useful for oily skin, and this procedure dries out dry skin even more.

Combination Skin Care by Season


In the hot summer, care for a mixed skin of the face should be carried out as for oily: this includes cleansing with gels with anti-inflammatory substances, regular use of masks, cleansing with scrubs.

In winter

in winter, at sub-zero temperatures, behind the skin mixed type you need to take care of it like a dry one: apply the cream on the face 30 minutes before going out into the cold, clean it with scrubs no more than once a week.

Spring and autumn care

spring care for mixed skin: in spring Special attention should be given to the T-zone, which will be especially oily after winter: therefore, you will have to dab the skin with special napkins more often than usual and carry out a series of cosmetic procedures in order to make the skin less oily.

Key features of mixed skin care

When caring for mixed skin, you should avoid hot and cold water, as such water strengthens the sebaceous glands and increases the oiliness of the skin (use water for washing room temperature).

You should give up toilet soap

Do not use for washing toilet soap, it can dry out dry areas of combination skin and cause flaking.

Using tonics

There are two types of toner for mixed skin care: toner for oily skin - for the T-zone and toner for dry skin - for cheeks and neck.

When choosing cosmetics, remember that such substances are gummy: lanolin, isostearic and oleic alcohols, peach seed oil. In order not to harm your skin, avoid cosmetics with these substances.

After washing your mixed skin, it is best to pat dry with a tissue rather than dry off with a towel to avoid stimulating sebum production.

Masks for combination skin should be done at least 2 times a week. At the same time, it is recommended to apply a cleansing mask to the T-zone, and a moisturizing mask to the cheeks and cheekbones.

For combination skin, it is not recommended to use powder, as its mixture with sebum clogs the pores and provokes their inflammation. It is better to choose a foundation for water based They are usually labeled "oil-free" or "non-oil".

In the morning, combination skin can be cleansed by washing with a special combination skin gel.

Since the skin continues to secrete sebum during sleep, it accumulates and forms a film. Therefore, washing your face in the morning can be done with a special facial brush. Gel applied to the soft bristles of such a brush foams better and penetrates deeper into the pores, more effectively removes grease. Such daily routine helps to avoid clogged pores, blackheads and comedones.

If you have time, then in the morning after washing you can carry out another cleansing procedure: using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of kefir or serum to the skin of the face, rinse thoroughly after a couple of minutes with running water. After such a cleansing procedure, the feeling of oily skin will disappear, it will become smooth and silky.

In the evenings, on mixed skin you can apply cosmetic milk with help cotton ball, gently massage the skin for a few minutes with your fingertips, then rinse off the milk with cool running water.

After the skin is dry, you can rub it with combination skin lotion. The purpose of a lotion or tonic is to normalize the acidity of the skin, prevent inflammation and tighten pores in oily areas. For these purposes, lotions with panthenol, bisabolol and herbal extracts are suitable.

Also, for mixed skin it will be useful washing with herbal infusion... This procedure is best done in the evening before going to bed. To do this, about 1 hour before washing, you need to pour 2 pinches with one liter of boiling water linden blossom... After an hour, strain the infusion and wash the face and neck after the main cleansing. To prevent dehydration of the skin, you can add a little aloe juice to such an infusion for washing. The same procedure can be carried out with chamomile infusion.

After washing on previously dried skin, apply, respectively, day or night cream.

Careful skin care like this may seem tedious, but after a couple of days you will get used to performing these procedures, and as a result - within a week. regular care- you get healthy, fresh and less oily skin.

Application of scrubs for mixed skin types

Apply scrubs for this type of skin can be done no more than 3 times a week... A scrub for combination skin should not contain coarse abrasive substances, alkalis or alcohol, which stimulate the production of sebum and dry out the skin.

It's best to make your own scrub:

Pour the crumb of black bread with kefir, add 2 tsp. soda and stir. Then apply to face and massage gently for a few minutes, then rinse. This scrub will moisturize dry areas and cleanse oily areas.

Dry orange peels grind into flour. At 1 st. l. the resulting flour to take 1 tbsp. l. homemade unsweetened yogurt. Apply the resulting mass to the face and rub it into the skin for 2-3 minutes in a circular motion, then rinse with water (warm).

Masks for combination (combination) skin

Skin masks are available for cleansing, regenerating and nourishing.

Cleansing Masks

Grind 1 tbsp into flour in a coffee grinder. l. oatmeal, add a little milk and mix well, then apply to the skin and rinse off after a quarter of an hour. Milk can be replaced with chamomile broth.

3 tsp Mix white clay with the juice of lemon wedges and apply the resulting gruel only to the T-zone. Rinse off such a mask after complete drying with warm water.

Revitalizing masks

Peel and grate 1 cucumber, add raw protein 1 egg and a little olive oil... Apply the resulting mixture with cotton pad on cleansed skin, rinse off after 20 minutes. Cucumber mask removes puffiness under the eyes and swelling on the face, refreshes the skin.

Peel and boil 50 g of pumpkin, then grate it, add 1 tbsp to the resulting puree. l. potato starch and a little olive oil, mix in a blender. Pumpkin mask has regenerating properties, moisturizes the skin. It should be applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes, then gently rinse.

Nourishing masks

Mix a small amount of cottage cheese (preferably 0% fat) with the required amount milk until a thick gruel is formed. This mixture should be applied to the skin of the face, except for the skin around the eyes, and washed off after about a quarter of an hour.

Melon and kefir mask

For 2 tsp. take the same amount of yeast sour cream, mix thoroughly in a glass and dip it into a container of hot water. The mask is ready as soon as the mixture begins to ferment. It should be applied on the face skin, which has been previously cleaned with gel and lubricated with a light cream. Wash off with water after 10-15 minutes. This mask enriches the skin with vitamins and tightens the pores.

Caring cosmetics for mixed skin

To care for your mixed skin, you will need:

  • daily cream for face;
  • night face cream;
  • cosmetic milk;
  • toner for oily skin and toner for dry skin;
  • mint or thermal water;
  • cleansing, nourishing and regenerating masks (marked "for combination skin");
  • soft scrub;
  • matting napkins.

Cream for combination skin, should have special properties... It is desirable that it contains anti-inflammatory ingredients such as extracts of chamomile, calendula, plantain or sage. A cream for the care of mixed skin should not be greasy: for combination skin, choose creams with natural oils shea or macadamia. In winter, when negative temperature air, you can use a denser night cream as a day for additional protection skin.

To maximize the effect of mixed skin care, oily skin should be treated with a toner specially developed for such skin, thanks to which the skin on the cheeks, forehead and nose will not shine. At the same time, dry skin of the cheeks and neck does not need to be subjected to additional drying, so it is better to wipe these areas with a light toner for dry skin.

Best for cleansing mixed skin cosmetic milk, it removes oily sheen and gently cleanses dry skin. Mint and thermal water will be good for oily skin and won't harm dry skin.

Masks for mixed skin, like a scrub, you can prepare it yourself: this way you can save money and be sure that no unnatural substances will harm your skin.

Particularly oily areas of combination skin can get wet throughout the day matting wipes, which effectively absorbs excess oil from the face when there is no way to refresh the skin with a toner or thoroughly cleanse.


Prevention of premature age-related changes

In order for the skin to remain young, elastic and taut, it needs to be looked after daily (morning and evening) with the help of cosmetics and procedures. In addition, you need not to abuse alcohol, give up smoking, limit the intake of salted food (to avoid water retention in the body) and sweets ( overuse sweet provokes the appearance of acne), drink at least two liters of water a day (to avoid dehydration).

After the age of 35, creams marked "anti-age" and "anti-rides" can be added to the main care products, which slow down the formation of wrinkles and tighten the skin. For mature skin cleansing, it is best to start with exfoliators containing alpha hydroxy acids - fruit acids, which are by far the most effective anti-aging agents.

Combined or mixed skin combines two types - it can be oily skin (most often in the T-zone: forehead, nose, chin) and dry or normal skin in the cheeks. This skin type can be called the most common: about 80% of adolescents, 40% of people under 22 and 10-15% of people over 25 have it.

The combination skin has a healthy appearance, even structure and oily areas with large pores in the T-zone. Oily and dry areas on the skin can alternate in any sequence, but problems with the T-zone are usually still relevant to the owners of such skin. There is an opinion that combination skin can change and become normal by mature age. It does happen.

A distinctive feature of combination skin is the increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone, in other areas of the skin sebaceous glands are less active and practically do not cause problems. Combination skin requires careful care of each area of ​​the skin separately. Typically in people with combined type skin due to increased sebum secretion in the T-zone, comedones (black dots) appear, and dryness and peeling are observed in other areas of the face. To cope with these problems will help combined care behind the skin of the face.

V different time combination skin requires different attitude and care. In summer, combination skin should be treated as oily: be sure to use cleansing gels, scrubs once a week, light (non-greasy) creams or gels with anti-inflammatory components. In winter, treat it as dry: clean it carefully with milk, use scrubs no more than once every two weeks, protective creams(thick, fatty, based on animal fats, waxes or thick vegetable oils) at least 20-30 minutes before going outside. If necessary, if your skin remains dry in the evening, apply a moisturizer at night. Often improper care behind the skin of the face leads to its overdrying in the cheek area or to its clogging in the T-zone. The first step towards healthy skin there must be her cleansing.

Skin cleansing

Cleansing combination skin should be delicate, since it is necessary not only to remove excess sebum, but also not to dry it out. Cleanse combination skin in the morning and in the evening with special products for this type of skin. It can be gels, foams, milk. The product is applied thin layer, after which the skin is massaged with fingertips for 2-3 minutes, and then washed off with cool water using sponges or cotton balls - this method is the most delicate and hygienic. It is desirable that cosmetic products indicate that they are non-comedogenic, if special instructions no, it should be borne in mind that the following ingredients are gummy: almond oil, peach seed oil, Coconut oil, oleic alcohol, isostearic alcohol, isopropyl myristate, acetylated lanolin, isopropyl isostearate, butyl stearate. Remember that with combination skin, it is undesirable to wash your face with soap and hot water, as this can provoke an increase in the work of the sebaceous glands.


After cleansing, the skin is wiped with an alcohol-free toner or lotion for combination skin. Its task is to normalize the acidity of the skin and the function of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores and prevent inflammation. When choosing a tonic cosmetic product pay attention to its composition: it should include anti-inflammatory and moisturizing ingredients. As a rule, these are panthenol, bisabolol and various herbal extracts. Salicylic acid toners are also great.

Cream application

A prerequisite: cream for combination skin should not be oily! It should contain anti-inflammatory substances (chamomile, sage, plantain and others): this prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Try to buy creams only with natural oils, such as macadamea oil, meadow kernel oil, shea butter, sesame oil, as mineral oils lead to clogged pores and clogged skin.

A day cream for combination skin should have an anti-inflammatory, mattifying - eliminating oily skin shine - and moisturizing effect. A night cream for the care of combination skin should be slightly fatter than a day cream. The fat content of the cream is determined by its consistency, in addition, on the jar with the cream there is an indication: "day" or "night". It is also recommended to use it as a daytime in the cold season. The main functions of the night cream are to restore the skin, nourish it and moisturize it. But, as a rule, the need for its use arises in women after 30 years.

Deep cleansing for combination skin

The cleansing mask is carried out once a week. For these purposes, scrubs / peels with solid particles are used (of course, if there are no inflammatory processes). The composition of scrubs should include polymers or polished (crushed) bones (unpolished bones injure the skin). Masks for the care of combination skin must be creamy (they must not dry out on the skin) and not contain fruit acids, otherwise overdrying will occur on areas with dry skin type. Film masks (when they dry, a film forms on the skin) can be applied to the oily areas of the skin. In addition, once a week can be applied nourishing mask, but only on areas with dry skin!

Determine your skin type
You can determine the type of skin yourself: to do this, you need to wash your face with soap, and after 2-3 hours, blot your face with a paper towel alternately in each area. If a greasy mark remains on the napkin, it means that there is oily skin in this area.

Combination skin masks

Purifying mask. 1 tbsp. spoon oat flour mix with milk until a gruel is obtained. In the absence of milk, it can be replaced with kefir or a decoction of chamomile and plantain herbs. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Revitalizing mask. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with milk until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Whitening mask. Its essence lies in the layer-by-layer application of kefir for 25 minutes. Kefir should be applied in a thin layer on the face, avoiding the eye area. As soon as the kefir dries, you need to apply the next layer, and so - for the entire recommended time.

Nourishing mask. Mashed potatoes mix with milk. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The masks must be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature using a sponge. The procedure ends with the application of a cream to the skin of the face. Please note: masks self-made at home they are applied only to healthy skin!

"Black spots". Often, women try to squeeze out the formed comedones. This should not be done, since mechanical removal provokes the appearance of new "black dots". In addition, on insufficiently cleansed skin, squeezing can provoke inflammatory skin lesions.

Undoubtedly, caring for combination skin is very important. But in the fight for a healthy, matte and beautiful skin lifestyle and compliance with the rules are equally important rational nutrition aimed at stabilizing microflora and intestinal functions. In other words, it takes a long time to take care of combination skin, but with proper care it won't age for long.

Arthur Utegenov
Cosmetologist-esthetician, Tver


Thank you very much for the article, everything is very clear!

03/28/2014 1:27:03 PM, Anna_N

I'm over 35. I started to pay attention that creams, masks do not help the skin very much! My friend Imedeen advised me! I have been drinking it for half a year, after 3 months I began to notice good changes in my skin. The elasticity has increased, the color has changed! I read about these pills that they are made to take care of the skin from the inside out! I really liked this concern! :)

08/07/2007 14:20:48, Svetlana

very useful information for me, thanks

But natural face masks are listed. It is very important for me. Thanks a lot!

It is a pity that the pharmacy brands of creams are not listed, with the help of which you can take care of this type of skin at home.

07/02/2007 11:18:52, Vera

Comment on the article "Combination skin"

For 30+ skin, the very thing, there is no chemistry in the composition, only natural ingredients. I really like Rose cream, I have never seen that the cream would work so well, it not only moisturizes, but also tightens. In a couple of months, the skin began to look more nourished and ...


Try Ausganika cosmetics, I recently switched to it, I really like it. For 30+ skin, the very thing, there is no chemistry in the composition, only natural ingredients. I really like Rose cream, I have never seen that the cream would work so well, it not only moisturizes, but also tightens. In a couple of months, the skin began to look more nourished and radiant.

I always liked to go to the salons, there are special professional cosmetics, for example, they have Kristina, I recently just found out that Kristina can be used for home care buy. The site found them

09/22/2016 4:37:50 PM, Perletta

Recommend a nourishing cream from Ayherba. - get-togethers. Foreign online shopping. Buying goods in overseas online stores Girls, I have dry skin, advise a nourishing cream (night), but you can also daytime :), and also praise hygienic lipstick from there.

I can’t find a face cream for myself, because I don’t really understand myself, and the specialists from Létoile and Ile de baute spoke so uncertainly, as if I wanted something that didn’t exist. Girls-beauties, advise which creams to pay attention to, so that I even go to a cosmetics store ...


in my opinion, you need two creams)). A sanblock is a sanblock. And the care cream has nothing to do with it. Anti-wrinkle cream is a myth)). There is no such thing. It is necessary to choose a care cream that would take care of the skin so that the appearance of wrinkles is not rapid.
Your problems are:
- the skin is most likely dehydrated,
- T-zone is shiny and has black dots,
- the skin is prone to the formation of age spots.
To solve problems you need:
- a moisturizing, well-absorbed day cream, preferably with a matting effect (look at the pharmacy bioderma and clinics, there are series for your skin)
- good cleansing, including deep (look at nitrozine, there is daily remedies and funds for deep cleansing, as well as bioderm water is good)
- protection in sunny time, and the factor is not lower than 30 (I recommend esti lauder, these are the funds that are inexpensive), but keep in mind that all these products give the skin shine or a whitish film, otherwise, in my opinion, it does not happen, so you also need:
- additional matting (these are matting wipes throughout the day and matting powder, in your case it is more of a barrier agent, not tonal)))
This is the very, very minimum ... I have a different type of skin, I cannot tell you about the brands in more detail, I have brought you only the mid-price ones (nitrozhina is generally cheap, but effective).
and it is best to visit a beautician. I just outlined it very schematically, and besides, I can be mistaken in understanding your problems.

cream for dry skin. I can't find the cream. By the winter, the skin on the face dries unbearably. From the last tried uvyazh suppleans - seemingly nourishing, and for dry, but no Recommend a cream for very dry skin for the oval of the face, please. I'm older than you and skin ...

Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but not bad either. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet. Light peeling + mask + cream = smoothened mimic wrinkles on the forehead.


thanks to all.

This happens to me when I start using a new cream. No redness and swelling, just slight tingling and burning. It passes through several applications.
As for moisturizers. Any moisturizer (even medical ointments) burns very much when applied to damaged skin. If the skin is very dry, it is by definition damaged. When it cools, the burning sensation goes away. How unpleasant it is to reanimate the skin on the nose after a cold :)))
By the way, the best moisturizer I've ever used is a night cream for dry skin (I have a combined one with dry areas in winter) "Pure Line" with aloe and wheat germ, it seems. Used both day and evening. The result is noticeable. More expensive creams, right up to the suites, they did not give such an effect. Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but not bad either. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet. Light peeling + mask + cream = mimic wrinkles on the forehead are smoothed. Try it! The issue price is 30 rubles.