Recommendations for parents on the rules of the road. Consultation for parents "to parents about road safety"


for parents to teach children

the rules road traffic

  • Take your time, cross the road with measured steps. When leaving on the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road, you need to concentrate.
  • Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light, no matter how you rush. Cross the road only in places marked road sign"Crosswalk". Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the road.
  • Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road, show him the cars that are preparing to turn, traveling at high speed, etc.
  • Do not go out with your child from behind the bushes or a car without first examining the road - this is typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.
  • Do not allow children to play near the road or on the carriageway.

Dear Parents!

Did you know that out of every 100 drivers and passengers who die in car accidents, 57 would be alive if they were wearing seat belts. Statistics show that the number deaths and severe injuries are greatest for children not wearing seat belts. Any sitting in a car is equally dangerous in a traffic accident. Seat belts must be worn on all seats by both driver and passengers. A simple example: if a person is not wearing their seatbelt, a collision at a speed of only 50 km / h is equivalent to falling from the third floor. The seat belt reduces this speed to 7 km / h. The driver must insist that all passengers - both front and rear - wear seat belts. Because an unfastened rear passenger endangers not only himself, but everyone around him.

It must be lifted so that the belt protects not only in frontal collisions. But also with other types of accidents, for example, when rolling over. Staying in place in an accident is in many ways to stay alive. After all, 75% of those who are thrown out of the car die. In general, using a belt by 50%, that is, by half, reduces the risk of death or serious injury.

The belt, besides the fact that it must be fastened, must be fastened correctly. This is correct: the belt is located along the chest, as close to the neck as possible. This is important because the shoulder and chest portions of the torso take over the bulk of the impact force. The lower part of the strap supports the pelvis, not the abdomen, so the strap should wrap around the thighs. After fastening the belt, be sure to tighten it. The belt should be placed as close to the body as possible.

It sounds a little pathetic and trite. But the first step towards reducing road traffic injuries and deaths must be taken by ourselves. Buckle by yourself, seat in correctly installed Baby chair child. The use of seat belts several times reduces the severity of the consequences of an accident and saves from serious injuries.

In a collision at high speed, the driver who is not wearing a seat belt is first thrown with his chest on the steering wheel, and in the next fractions of a second - with his head in windshield... When hitting the steering wheel usual consequences- trauma chest, often with fractures of the ribs and sternum, not to mention extensive hematomas ... But this is not the worst thing. There is a considerable risk of lung injury worse than that- heart contusion, which is equated by doctors with myocardial infarction. It can be fatal not immediately, but several months after the accident. In addition, it is possible that a blow about lower part steering wheel, which fell on the solar plexus, will cause instant reflex cardiac arrest.

Drivers and passengers who are not wearing a seat belt, thrown by the force of inertia into the windshield, are equally badly injured. The characteristic "cobwebs" remain on the glass in the places of collision - approximately the same effect will be if you hit it with a hammer. You can imagine how much worse it is for the head! At least - a concussion and hematoma. But more often, such accidents turn into open or closed craniocerebral trauma, damage to the eyes and hearing organs, and severe cuts on the face. The consequences are even more serious when people sitting in a car in an accident are thrown out through the windshield onto the hood or under the wheels of the car.

But it is enough to buckle up - and in many cases you can avoid severe harm your health or death.

Rarely, but still it happens that a person becomes a prisoner of his own seat belt. For example, a victim in an accident is unconscious, and it is difficult to get to the castle. Any sharp instrument will not hurt here.

For example, in Finland, motorists, just in case, carry in the glove compartment a special cutter designed specifically for cutting seat belts. However, if necessary, you can cut the seat belt with an ordinary pocket knife, which has a serrated blade. By the way, a folding knife with minimal set tools (file, screwdriver, etc.) can be useful in many other unforeseen situations, so keep it in the car at all times.


Parental Responsibility Information

for violation of traffic rules by minors

During the first six months on the roads of the Minsk region, 6 children died and 39 were injured in 44 road accidents. Moreover, 80% of these accidents occurred due to the fault of adult road users. This is the carelessness of drivers, and neglect of the safety of small passengers, violation of the rules for the transportation of minors.

Often the parents' failure to fulfill their child-rearing responsibilities leads to tragedy. Adults do not pay enough attention to teaching kids the elementary rules of behavior on the street and in transport, which leads to tragedies.

In this regard, since August 2013, the State Traffic Inspectorate, together with local police inspectors, employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate and teachers, has been organizing raids that reveal traffic violations by minors.

In the event of such facts, adults will be held administratively liable under Article 9.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus for “failure by parents or persons substituting them to fulfill their responsibilities for raising minor children, which entailed the commission of an act by minors under the age of sixteen that contains signs of an administrative offense, or crimes, administrative or criminal liability for which occurs after reaching this age ”.

For the first violation, a warning or a fine of up to 10 base units is provided, for a second violation - a fine of 10 to 20 BV.

How to properly organize the transportation of children on excursions

May the road be joyful ...

In connection with the beginning of the mass transportation of children on excursions, theater performances, circus performances, as well as to places of rest and recreation, the State Traffic Inspectorate has strengthened control over the organized transportation of groups of children by buses.

In accordance with Chapter 11 of the Rules for the carriage of passengers by road, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2008 No. 972, a number of requirements are imposed on the carriage of organized groups of children by buses. Everything must be arranged and agreed in advance!

To begin with, an organized group is considered to be a total of 8 or more people under the age of 16. In this case, children accompanied by their parents are not counted. Everyone on the bus must mandatory sit. Neither children nor adults can ride while standing.

Director, or other head (of a school, music school, sports section), must instruct those who will accompany the children. Each bus must have one accompanying person, and if more than 20 children travel, then two. If there is a lot of transport, then a senior escort is also appointed who travels in the lead bus.

In addition, the carrier or the customer must send an official notification to the traffic police department at the place of departure at least 3 days in advance, which must indicate: the date of travel, the route, the brand and registration plate of the bus, the names of the drivers. A copy of the list of children and accompanying persons with the seal of the school and the signature of the director is attached to the document. After that, the traffic police officers will instruct the drivers. If there are more than 3 buses in the convoy, a company car will be allocated for escort, and when there are more than ten buses, 2 cars will be required. They accompany the convoy from the place of formation to the final destination within the Republic of Belarus.

Buses on which the organized transportation of children is planned must undergo a technical inspection no later than 7 days before the day of transportation either on the basis of their fleet (if there is appropriate equipment), or at a diagnostic station. The driver must have a technical inspection certificate or a diagnostic card with a conclusion on the admission of the bus to the carriage of groups of children.

The drivers themselves are also subject to fairly strict requirements. To transport groups of children by buses, only those who have continuous experience driving for at least three years in category "D" and over the past two years has not been brought to administrative responsibility for traffic violations, about which a written confirmation must be submitted to the relevant traffic police department, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization that provided the driver for transporting children. Moreover, if children have to travel more than 450 kilometers, then each bus must have 2 drivers. Naturally, they should rest for at least 12 hours between shifts.

You can carry young passengers at a speed of no more than 70 km / h, even outside the city. In this case, the bus must be equipped with an identification mark “Carriage of children”, and the dipped headlights or daytime running lights (dimensions) must be switched on. Transport from 23.00 to 5.00 organized group children are prohibited, except for cases when passengers need to be driven to a train station or airport, and from them to the nearest accommodation. Also, the Rules do not recommend transporting children in conditions of insufficient visibility: in conditions of heavy rain, fog, snowfall, etc. If normal traffic the bus with children is hindered by any malfunction or violations of the Rules are detected, the farthest journey is prohibited until the violations and circumstances that impede safe movement are eliminated. The traffic police recommends that everyone who organizes the transportation of groups of children by buses to study Ch. 11 Rules for the carriage of passengers by car and be sure to comply with all requirements. Then any trip for you and your children will be a joy.


"For parents of preschoolers

From 3-4 years old:

From 6 years old:

From 7 years old:


"For parents of preschoolers

on the rules of the road "

After analyzing road traffic accidents in which children were injured, it was found that 80% of accidents occurred within a radius of one kilometer from their home, that is, in those places where the children should know well the traffic conditions, pedestrian crossings, installation of traffic lights, known dangerous areas.

And although in preschool institutions teachers conduct classes with children on the rules of the road, with the involvement of traffic police officers, special programs are broadcast on radio and television, brochures, posters, leaflets promoting traffic rules are being prepared in publishing houses, but the situation is not changing for the better. Moreover, from year to year childhood injuries is growing, children are killed and injured are still mostly in the immediate vicinity of the house.

Most parents who are concerned about their children resort to abuse, wordy warnings, and even punishment. This method does not give an effect, because a child of 3-5 years old (and often even older) cannot understand the dangers. He does not represent the car as a danger that can cause injury or kill, on the contrary, he is associated with the car pleasant experience... Nothing attracts a kid like a toy car or a real car. The child can be taught to comply with all safety requirements without resorting to intimidation. The child needs to be taught that the roadway is intended exclusively for vehicles, and not for games. You can teach children even before they go to school, the ability to navigate in the transport environment, predict different situations, correctly determine the place where you can cross the road, and before crossing, be patient enough and always look around before leaving the sidewalk.

Patience and perseverance are effective means ensuring the success of the business. Patience and perseverance are what we lack in Everyday life... Patience and perseverance, which we need to stock up on at least for the sake of saving the life and health of our own children.

Children themselves are most often the cause of road traffic accidents. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the road. Left to their own devices, children especially younger age, little reckon with real dangers on the road. This is explained by the fact that they still do not know how to properly control their behavior. They are unable to correctly determine the distance to the approaching car and its speed, and overestimate their own capabilities, consider themselves fast and agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of a hazard in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to enter the carriageway at children's bike or start a fun game here.

These dangers can only be avoided by appropriate upbringing and education of the child.

It is important to know what children themselves can do:

From 3-4 years old:

The child can distinguish a moving car from a stationary one. He has no idea about the braking distance, he is sure that the car can stop instantly

From 6 years old:

The child still has a rather limited angle of vision: with peripheral vision, he sees about two-thirds of what adults see;

Most children will not be able to determine which is moving faster: a bicycle or a sports car;

They still do not know how to correctly distribute attention and separate the essential from the insignificant - a ball rolling along the road can take all of their attention.

From 7 years old:

Children can more confidently distinguish the right side of the road from the left.

It is important that parents are an example for children in observing traffic rules:

Take your time, cross the road with measured steps.

When leaving on the carriageway, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when crossing the road, you need to concentrate.

Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

Cross the road only at the places marked with the "Pedestrian crossing" road sign.

Get off the bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run onto the carriageway.

Involve your child in your observations of the situation on the road: show him the cars that are preparing to turn, driving at high speed, etc.

Do not go out with your child because of the car, bushes, without first examining the roads - this is a typical mistake, and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not allow children to play near roads and on the street.

The rule must also be observed in the car:

Here you have a vast field of activity, since about every third child who became a victim of a traffic accident was in a car as a passenger. This proves how important it is to observe following rules:

Absolutely everyone needs to wear seat belts! Including in someone else's car, and when driving short distances... If this rule is automatically fulfilled by adults, then it will easily become a permanent habit in the child.

If possible, children should take the most safe places in the car: middle or right side rear seat, as from it you can safely go straight onto the sidewalk.

As a driver or passenger, you are also a constant role model. Do not be aggressive towards other road users, do not heap a stream of curses on them. Instead, explain specifically what their mistake is. Use different situations to explain the rules of the road, calmly admit your own mistakes.

Stop often on long trips. Children need to move. Therefore, they will try to free themselves from the straps or wear out all your nerves.

Resort to alternative ways movement: bus, Railway, bike or walking.

Memo for parents

You are always an authority and example for the child in observing Praforks of road traffic. Therefore, the child behaves on the road in the same way,like you. In order to prevent possible road accidents, you are offered several useful tips.

* While on the street, do not rush, cross the roadway in a measured step.

* When entering the carriageway, stop talking - the child mustget used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

* Do not cross the road at a red or yellow traffic light.

* Cross the road only at the green traffic light and at the places marked with the "Pedestrian crossing" road sign.

* When disembarking from a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi, get off first.Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the road. roads.

* Involve your child in observing the traffic situation: by show him those cars that are preparing to turn, drive with a large speed, etc.

* Do not go out with your child on the road because of any obstacles: one hundredboxes of cars, bushes, without first examining the road. This is typicalparent's mistake. Children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Causes of child road traffic injuries

* Crossing the road in an unspecifiedplace in front of nearby traffic

* Roadside Games

* Lack of attention to control signals movement

* Exit to the carriageway from behind a hundredboxes of machines, structures, greenplantings and other obstacles

* Wrong choice of place of transitionyes roads when disembarking from route foot transport

* Ignorance of the transition rules cross

* Walking on the carriageway whenpresence of sidewalk

* Cycling on the roadparts when not 14 years old

* Riding on rollers and scooters for pro driving part

Psychological reasons: Fleeing from danger in the stream of moving trafficinability to observe children;inattention; undeveloped sense of danger, insufficient supervision of adults over the behavior of children.

safe behavior on the streets and roads

* When leaving home, if there is traffic at the entrance of the house, draw the attention of the child to this.Together with him, see if the transport is approaching. If there is a trance at the entrancetailor tools or trees grow, stop, teach your child to look aroundparties and determine whether there is a danger of approaching transport.

* When driving on the sidewalkkeep to the side away from the carriageway.An adult must be on the side of the carriageway.

* Being on the street with a preschooler and junior schoolboy, parents should be strong hold his hand.

* Teach your child, walking on the sidewalk, to carefully observe the departure of cars from the yard.

* Preparing to cross the road,stop, inspect the roadway from all sides.

* Show the child the following actions: turn the head to the left, to the right for osmotra roads; dividing line, where you can stop for the passage of cars, holding his hand.

* Teach your child to peer into the distance, skip approaching cars.

Memo for parents - drivers and passengers

* Absolutely everyone must wear seat belts! Thereinincluding in someone else's car, and when driving short distances. If it's rightthe fork is automatically performed by adults, then it will easily fit into the child's constant habit,

* Children must sit in a special baby device or occupy the mostsafe places in the car: middle or right side of the rear seat.

* As a driver or passenger, you are a role model. Don't be aggressivein relation to other road users. If you don't like something,Explain specifically what is the fault of other drivers or pedestrians.

* On long journeys, stop often. Children need to moveto gamble. Therefore, they will try to free themselves from their seat belts and
be capricious.


* Toddlers preschool and juniorschool age is not perceivedthe dangers of transport. They are not yetknow what pain and death are. Toyki and the ball are much more important to them than lifenor health. Hence the rule: ifa ball rolled onto the road, be surea child will appear. Know this in advance slow down.

* If a child is looking at a car, this does not mean that he sees it. Carried awayby his thoughts, he is often not replacedan approaching car is coming.

* An adult hit by a car gets"Bumper fracture" - a fracture of theneither. Children are hit in the stomach,chest and head. As a result the child dies or gets severesmall injuries of the skull, ruptures of the internalorgans and fractures.



Teach children to be observant on the streets and roads!

1. Leave the house well in advance so that there is a reserve of time. Childmust get used to walking down the road slowly.

2. It is not recommended to accelerate a step or run with a child to a stop of the required route transport. Teach your child that it is dangerous, it is better to waitgive the next bus (trolleybus), etc.

3. When crossing the carriageway, stop talking with the child, he mustget used to the fact that during the transition you need not to talk, but to observeexpensive, traffic.

4. Make sure that you do not cross the carriageway obliquely, but directly, strictlyperpendicular. The child should understand that this is done for the bestkeeping track of traffic,

5. At bus stops, hold your child tightly by the hand. It is not uncommon for a child to break free and run out onto the roadway.

6. Cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings.

7. When observing approaching vehicles, pay attention to the child's craze for what big cars(bus, trolleybus) there may be danger: rides a car at a higher speed or a motorcycle. Therefore, it is better to wait if you are not sure that hidden danger No,

8. Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light. Explaina child that it is impossible to cross the road to a green flashing signal. He burnsjust three seconds, you can get into an accident.

Remember that the child learns to move on the street first of all on your example, gaining their own experience.

Consultation on the Rules of the road "Parents, be more careful!"

Baldina Daria Sergeevna, educator, Kindergarten No. 1, Shigony village, Samara region.
Description: this material will be useful for parents of preschoolers, teachers additional education, parents of first graders, primary school teachers.
formation of skills of safe behavior of children on the roads.
Create conditions for children to consciously study the Rules of the Road;
Developing foresight in children possible danger in a specifically changing situation and the construction of adequately safe behavior.
Develop in preschoolers the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;
To bring up literate pedestrians in children.

How often I see when parents, holding their child's hand, hurry, run across the road, violating the traffic rules. They did not bother to explain to the child how to behave on the street, forgetting about responsibility for every wrong step. copying the behavior of their moms and dads, they find themselves in dangerous situations.
Parents should remember that they are the main example of correct and safe behavior on the street for their child. It is necessary to promptly teach children to navigate the road situation, to educate the child to be disciplined and attentive, careful and prudent.

Remember! By breaking the traffic rules, you kind of secretly allow your children to break them!

Teach your child not to rush when crossing the street, cross the carriageway only when no one and nothing interferes with the view, before crossing, wait for the transport to leave the stop. Once next to a parked bus, invite your child to stop, look around carefully to see if a car is approaching.

V childhood there is no skill of safe behavior on the streets and roads, the ability to observe: inspect your path, notice a car, evaluate its speed, direction of movement, the possibility of a sudden appearance of a car from behind a standing vehicle, because of bushes, kiosks, fences.

The road from home to kindergarten and back is ideal for giving the child knowledge, forming his skills of safe behavior on the street. In a child, a whole range of habits are formed from the very early childhood... That is why, starting from 1, 5-2 years, it is necessary to form a set of "transport" habits in him.

When accompanying a child, parents must comply with the following requirements:

Leave the house well in advance so that the child gets used to walking slowly.
Before crossing the carriageway, be sure to stop. Cross the road with measured steps.
Teach children to cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings.
Never go out onto the roadway because of standing vehicles or other objects blocking your view.
Seeing a tram, trolley bus, bus standing on opposite side do not rush, do not run.
When leaving on the road, stop extraneous conversations with the child, he must get used to the need to focus on the road.
Cross the street strictly at right angles.
Cross the carriageway only at the green traffic light, be sure to first make sure that the crossing is safe.
When crossing and at stops public transport Hold your child's hand tightly.
Get out of the transport in front of the child so that the child does not fall.
Get your child involved in road traffic monitoring.
Show safe way to kindergarten, school, shop.
Never violate traffic rules in the presence of a child.

By the time the child enters school, he must learn and observe the following rules of behavior on the street and in transport:

Play only off the road.
Cross the street where the crossing signs are marked at intersections along the sidewalk line.
Only cross the street, don't run.
Watch the traffic light when you cross the street.
Look at the crossing of the street first to the left, then to the right.
Do not cross the path of oncoming traffic
Always go around the trams in front.
Enter and exit any form of transport only when it is stationary.
Do not lean out of the window of a moving vehicle.
Get out of the car only with right side when she pulled up to the sidewalk or side of the road.
Do not ride your bike into the roadway.
If you are lost on the street, don't cry. Ask an adult passer-by or police officer for help.

Dear Parents!

You are a role model for children. You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the carriageway with your baby.

So that the child does not get into trouble, educate him to respect the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

The child should only play in the yard under your supervision. He must know: you cannot go out on the road.

Do not intimidate the child, but observe with him and use the situation on the road, yard, street; Explain what is happening with transport, pedestrians.

Develop in your child visual memory, Attention. To do this, create game situations at home.
Let your little one lead you to and from kindergarten kindergarten home.

Your child should know:

You cannot go out on the road;
- the road can only be crossed with adults, holding the hand of an adult;
- it is necessary to cross the road along the crossing with a calm step;
- pedestrians are people walking down the street;
- in order to maintain order on the road, so that there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, you have to obey the traffic lights: red light - no movement, yellow light - attention, and green says: "Pass the path open";
- there are different cars (trucks, cars); it is transport. The cars are driven by drivers. A highway (road) is intended for transport. When we travel in transport, we are called passengers. While driving in transport, you must not lean out of the window.