Husband's revenge for his wife's betrayal: ingenious ways to punish an unfaithful woman. Rules and methods of revenge for the betrayal of his wife

Not all husbands are faithful to their wives. It happens by different reasons. Many men consider it in the order of things to have mistresses. Revenge to the husband for change can be various. The choice of punishment depends on several factors. Often it is not necessary. After all, there are psychological methods allowing to settle similar situation so that a man feels shame and no longer cheats.

General principles in choosing punishment

After a woman finds out about her husband's infidelity, emotions such as resentment, anger, and a thirst for revenge come. In order not to cause irreparable harm to a man and herself, to try to save relationships and marriage, the following principles must be observed:

  1. 1. First you need to calm down, pull yourself together. Indeed, on an explosion of emotions, actions are often performed that change later life couples in the worst side. And this applies not only to marriage, but to each person individually. You need to understand the reason for the betrayal of the spouse. Only then should the punishment be chosen.
  2. 2. Decide on further relations with a traitor. Try to save the marriage or get divorced. Based on this, one should choose a method of revenge, if there is a need for it.
  3. 3. Do not apply physical strength. If non-violent methods do not work, it is allowed to use a slap in the face. It should cause not a physical, but a moral blow.
  4. 4. Act only within the law.
  5. 5. Make a decision and apply a measure of punishment in a sober state.
  6. 6. It is desirable to observe the limits of decency.
  7. 7. Get practical advice with a good psychologist.

When a wife takes revenge, undergoing a storm of emotions, it rarely works out good result. After all logical thinking decreases, and this usually leads to sad consequences. Remains Great chance the fact that a man will not stop cheating after nervous breakdown women.

How to get revenge on an ex

The best ways to get revenge

After finding out the reason for the betrayal, you need to choose the best method of punishment. It should be chosen based on logic and intuition. There are many options for revenge.

Cheated on her husband with a friend

The most humane ways

The most humane penalties include:

  • Show indifference, refuse sex and co-sleeping. For many, indifference is worse than anger. This method is good if common child and the desire to save the marriage.
  • Tell your husband that one of the main virtues is devotion. It will most likely embarrass him. This applies to men who have a conscience. Having changed her with a woman of any social status and even having feelings for her, he will stop doing this.
  • Directly tell him that you are aware of his love affairs. This will surprise him and hook his conscience.
  • If the plans included a joint trip or trip to an event, it is important to cancel it.
  • Termination of communication, long absence from home. This behavior is to be observed until a direct conversation occurs.

Cheating on her husband

Relatively harsh and extreme measures

If mild punishment options did not help, you will have to take revenge with tougher ones:

  • Change him back. Or pretend. But there is a possibility that this method will cause the opposite effect - it will continue to behave in the same way and consider infidelity in the order of things. Having changed him with any person, a woman will lose her conscience. Therefore, this option is only suitable as a last resort.
  • If there is an intention to divorce, spreading rumors about his behavior would be a good option. But this may also affect social status the woman herself.
  • Destroy the gifts that called him Nice memories about living together. This will translate the anger into things without hurting the traitor physically.
  • It is realistic to punish with the help of various gadgets, programs, viruses. For example, there is a program that allows you to automatically send messages to your phone often or make calls. With the help of a virus, you can overwrite the files stored on his computer.

Throwing out aggression on an object, a person saves himself from many potential problems. A man will understand how much pain he caused his chosen one. If he has a conscience, he will change his behavior and remain faithful.

forgive or divorce

If a man cheated on his wife once, he is unlikely to stop there without a serious conversation and punishment. The reason for betrayal may be his unwillingness to family relations, problems in any area within the family.

If the spouse is forgiven, there are greater chances for ideal relationship in the family and correcting the behavior of the traitor in better side. Men appreciate women's generosity.

If the choice is on divorce, and there is an irresistible desire for revenge, you can punish ex-spouse. In this case, it will be relevant to spread the rumor about treason by any means that fit within the framework of the law and morality. After a divorce, most often negative emotions become less. But the likelihood of committing rash, unnecessary actions is no less.

The male is not much different from the female. Punish ex-wife they prefer spreading rumors after a divorce. After all, it hurts women-traitors more.

It is not easy to answer the question - "what exactly to do in case of betrayal of a spouse." All situations are different, and the choice must be made by the woman, having received practical advice from a psychologist, close friends and relatives who can be trusted.

Not all wives behave with dignity. Therefore, some husbands have to take action if a woman has cheated. This applies to those couples in which roles and responsibilities are clear, and they are stable. If each member of the couple does not bear any obligations, no responsibility is assigned to them. It often happens that a man, for example, considers himself free in a couple, and a woman is married, so first you need to decide what format of relationship connects the couple. Or vice versa, and then the man considers himself entitled to take revenge on his partner, while the woman does not consider herself obliged to be faithful to one partner.

In our article, we are talking about those spouses who have committed themselves, including being faithful to each other. In such couples, having convicted the spouse of treason, the husbands begin to figure out how to punish her for treason. In some cases, such actions can become a point of restoration of relations. Thus the man shows the woman her true path, educates her so that she tries not to repeat her mistakes again. However, whether a man has the right to retribution is a purely individual matter.

How to punish a wife for treason simply and effectively? This can be done in both violent and non-violent ways.

The violent method of revenge is usually characteristic of the countries of the East. European countries similar methods no longer characteristic. And in the Muslim world, physical punishment for disobedience or treason is becoming an exception to the rule, not the norm. First of all, a man uses non-violent methods - for example, conversation, teaching, finding out the reasons. The husband may refuse to fulfill the partner marital debt.

Only if these methods are ineffective, the husband will allow himself to use physical measures - not in full force, more for a blow to pride, a slap in the face, for example. The blow should not cause pain, only hurt her state of mind.

Domostroy, along with Sharia, teaches men that the punishment for her is the very discontent of her husband. It must be spoken in private.

Modern civilized world such methods of punishment as infliction physical damage, brings under the articles of the criminal code. Therefore, one should think about traditional forms raising women who don't hurt.

It is worth remembering that when punishing, you need to choose such forms so that there are no additional problems for either side. When punishing, it is worth remembering a few important points affecting the accuracy and morality of revenge:

  • compliance with the criminal code;
  • understand what you want to achieve in the end - stay in a couple or leave completely after retribution;
  • revenge is better in a sober mind, letting off a couple of emotions. Perhaps after that, along with anger, the desire for revenge will also disappear;
  • it is better to remain within the framework of morality and not do anything irreversible, which you can later regret. Instead of physical impact, it is better to use psychological.

How to punish and take revenge

How to take revenge on your wife for betrayal and betrayal - we offer psychologist's advice for this case.

  • Revenge must be reasonable. Do not try to cause serious damage to your partner, both physical and moral. Do not break his life in excessive zeal, anger. Violence falls under the criminal article, which will boomerang on your life. Be aware of the harm this will do to the object of your anger. If vengeance is to remain invisible and its author in the shadows, the methods of punishment will become more limited. You are more free to choose if you want to act with an open source of trouble.
  • One of the insidious and not entirely clean ways to take revenge will be the disclosure of impartial information about a friend. Such rumors can rebound on your reputation - after all, this is still your choice. Dissolving gossip on the sly will not work - it is too risky if it is revealed, which can happen at any moment. If, nevertheless, this method, as a punishment for treason, attracted attention, do not post information on the site. But create a false account in social network- could be the way out. Select vkontakte, classmates, facebook. But be careful not to post nudity, spending time together for money, or a direct phone number.

  • You can teach your spouse a lesson using gadgets: for example, overload the phone with frequent calls, long frequent SMS, which can be done using certain programs that can be downloaded on the Internet. This method will irritate your spouse enough to give you the satisfaction of being punished. The same can be done with electronic mailbox, hammering his volume with his long letters. That way she won't be able to receive emails from anyone else until she cleans her inbox. You can also impede the work of ICQ or run a virus on your computer - it will deprive it of saved files, erase images, change the content of text documents, and much more, no less unpleasant. The severity of such punishment will depend on how important the work of these devices is for your girlfriend.
  • Another way of punishment is to cheat with her friend. The method is quite pleasant, but unpredictable in response.
  • Damage or destroy things important to a friend. Or objects that you associate with her, containing shared memories. This method will help you get rid of anger without harming your partner.
  • As an option, play on feelings and morality, on her guilt, for example. You can show cooling in fulfilling your marital duty - she will think that you have found someone on the side, which will make her torment herself not only with remorse, but also with suspicion.
  • An effective way is to deprive of funding or cut it. This will deprive her of many pleasures to which she is already accustomed, and opportunities.
  • If for a long time planned to visit a interesting event, then refusing to go to him or forbidding her to go will be a tangible act of revenge.
  • Cessation of contacts for some time, absence spending time together, life. The husband is often not at home, and being in the apartment, he does not talk to his partner. Such a method as cold silence and ignoring punishes her sometimes more than other methods.

The choice of punishment for a girlfriend depends on many factors, but if you love your spouse, you will try to resolve the issue less painfully and, if possible, forgive her.


Cheating is a deception, it's a lie, it's a betrayal of love and relationships. According to statistics, most people have cheated on their loved ones at least once in their lives. At the same time, there are a lot of excuses for betrayal: this is a natural desire for polygamy, this is a desire to cover the lack of attention, tenderness and care, this is a desire to get new emotions and sensations, this is ... revenge for treason.

When the truth is revealed and it becomes known about the betrayal of the second half, a lot of questions - thoughts swarm in the head: how could he / she / could? For what? Why? So what's now? Very often, the first reaction to information about treason is a burning desire to take revenge, to hurt as well, and maybe even more painfully, because they did this to you.

As they say, revenge is a hot dish best served cold. After the storm inside subsides, the ocean of thoughts calms down and the sea of ​​consciousness becomes transparent again, think over everything again, analyze, try to find and understand the motive for such behavior. Each phenomenon has its own reason, the ancient philosopher Democritus said about this about two thousand years ago. Understand the motives, identify the reason, maybe there is a share of your guilt in this act?

Pain is a signal that there is a problem, a disorder, not health. Heartache is also a signal that you need to change something, maybe change your partner for a more faithful one, maybe draw conclusions about your behavior. Each situation is purely individual and requires separate consideration. In any case, do not smack the fever, do not rush to take revenge, do not make mistakes that can be avoided.

If the desire to take revenge has not left you yet, then the next question that will puzzle you: how to avenge treason?

Everyone finds the answer to it himself, someone applies the principle of "knock out with a wedge" and also goes "to the side", believing that betrayal in response will be the best revenge. Someone resorts to other methods: breaking up relationships, physical violence, moral pressure, humiliation, and even suicide, sometimes becomes a form of revenge for treason.

The desire to take revenge is natural and understandable, when there is such a wound in the heart, when pain pierces the soul, one wants to answer, not to “swallow” this insult. Aggression, which arises in response to betrayal, sometimes turns against the very victim of betrayal. Very often people do rash acts, which they later regret.

Cheating as a way to avenge treason is one of the most common and unconscious. Throwing yourself into the arms of another because you have been betrayed is an even greater betrayal, and not of love and relationships, but a betrayal of yourself, your personal dignity, this is self-humiliation.

Of course, emotions and negativity are looking for a way out, and it must be found, but not in someone else's bed, and more often than not, betrayal in response does not bring significant relief.

How to avenge betrayal so that he understands how painful, insulting and bitter is in your soul? Find a way to combine revenge and the release of negative emotions.

Break a couple of plates, tear up some of your photos together, hang his photo on the wall and throw darts at him. Do not be shy about your emotions, splash them out, they can be the most inexplicable, you will cry, and laugh, and sob. Of course, all these procedures are best done alone, so that no one sees you. Then we can say that the family portrait was torn, burned and the ashes scattered.

summon strong feeling guilt, make you really regret your deed - isn't that best revenge for treason? Don't lose your human face, do not become like animals, rushing to other males or causing anger in him with your “yelping”. Remain calm and neutral, make his brain convulsively squirm in search of best solution. May your revenge be noble and not destroy you.

Try not to dedicate details and details of what happened to acquaintances, friends and girlfriends. Time will pass, passions subside, maybe you will still be together, and you will always be reminded of betrayal and savor the details of this situation. And sometimes you will be reproached and blamed for the fact that it was you who caused such behavior, if the husband went “to the left”, it means that you didn’t please him with something, you did something wrong. You will also have to listen to advice that is unlikely to help anything. If you feel a strong need to speak out, visit a specialist - a psychologist, tell him about everything, this will definitely have a constructive way out.

When I married Aristarchus, everyone told me: “Not yours!”, “Come on, you won’t have time to look back, as he will guide you!” I, with my usual stubbornness, brushed aside everyone and firmly believed that for me he would change.

Five years passed and I managed to come home early. And here he is, my Aristarchus, hugging his colleague Innochka on my pine table (I was looking for such whole year, by the way!).

Then everyone flew out of the apartment: Innochka, and her husband, and the table. We broke up with him (my husband, not a table, of course) two months ago, but the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btaking revenge on him for treason does not leave to this day.

How to get revenge on your husband for cheating? How to make him understand: I am the best thing that happened in his life?

Also interesting? Come on, let's figure it out together.

First, you should clearly define why you need to take revenge on your husband. Yes, cheating is bad. It hurts, it's dirty and low. This is a betrayal, and after that you will never be the same again.

But revenge in its classical sense is low. Moreover, it takes a lot of your energy and strength that could be channeled into a creative direction.

By classical revenge, I mean such actions that are aimed at the deliberate destruction of the life, health and well-being of another person / people.

Therefore, if you want to take revenge on your husband, so that he:

  • lost his job
  • lost the favor of the children,
  • undermined health,
  • went bankrupt
  • lost a woman (if suddenly he managed to build other relationships),

... and much more, you should understand - this process will take your strength. The result will be a deterioration in quality. your life.

And even if the husband still loses his job thanks to your efforts - is this a comparable payment for your bad conscience, exhaustion energy reserve and wasting precious energy that you could use to build something big and clean?

But there is another method of how to take revenge on her husband for treason, while remaining clean and spotless. This method is simple - you need to become happy. It is this way to take revenge on her husband for treason that we will sort out with you on the shelves.

Advice 2. How to take revenge on your husband for treason with the help of forgiveness?

Yes, you understood everything correctly. To take revenge on your husband for treason, you need to forgive this "goat" (and other unflattering epithets). For what? To feel comfortable, of course.

After all, when we carry in our souls a burden of resentment and a desire for revenge, we slowly poison ourselves from the inside. Our emotions become uncontrollable, consciousness changes imperceptibly. This poison spreads to every area of ​​our lives, and we are no longer able to maintain the quality of life at the same level. Not to mention improving it!

But it is worth realizing one simple truth You are doing this for yourself, for your peace of mind. The less you know the better you sleep.

Stop calling him at work, demanding a report.

Calling three times on the way home to find out when he'll be in for dinner? Stop doing that.

All the time that you have freed from reading his correspondence and intrusive calls, direct it to yourself.

It's better if it's outside the home. Training, cutting and sewing courses, wumbling and hundreds interesting activities for every taste.

A man to whom you want to avenge betrayal will definitely feel something was wrong - she stopped controlling, began to take care of herself, did she really decide to leave or someone appeared?

A little distanced from the spouse.

Then he will begin to conquer you if his feelings jump. He will begin to be jealous and, what to hide, to think about whether you are cheating on him.

How to take revenge on a man for treason?

How to distinguish wise revenge from stupid? Permissible
revenge methods.

But this advice is already from the category of extreme, but bed relationships are really what can happen between you and the husband you want to take revenge on.

Revenge in bed is great option for those women who have the courage and a clear understanding of how they want to develop their relationship with their spouse in the future. It will also help you regain your top position and at the same time help start a new page in your relationship.

After all, the husband will look at you with new eyes, and he will not want to let go of such a woman. And why would he “go to the left” when such a tigress wound up at home?

To do this, you will need all your emancipation, bitchiness and passion, which was lost with the birth of the third child / time:

    Stop rejecting your spouse.

    To avenge betrayal by constantly refusing her husband is very, you hear, very bad idea. This will only aggravate your precarious situation and provoke your husband's betrayal again.

    Of course, I do not urge you to lie and endure. IN free time work on yourself. Let go of resentment, try to relax, remember what it is like to enjoy such “activity”. Cultivate the desire for your husband!

    Show initiative.

    Or, as fashion bloggers like to say, “make love like a man.” If you use intimacy as revenge on your husband, then you should behave accordingly. Maximum initiative on your part, minimizing the initiative of the spouse.

    Of course he won't mind. But the feeling of "what's going on?" settle in his head and be sure to draw attention to your person.

    Use new devices. Bondage, blindfolds, candles - let your imagination run wild.

    You can take revenge on your spouse by hurting him in bed. Torment him, enjoy and get yours. Just don't forget about security and stop words, of course.

    This will help not only to take good revenge on your husband for treason, but also strengthen your relationship by throwing firewood on the fire.

When we are blinded by resentment, we tend to do wrong. To hurt others and, above all, yourself.

How to get revenge on your husband for cheating? Is it necessary?

If for you the answer to this question is in the affirmative and is not subject to discussion, use my humane ways to sweep.

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The female sex, like the male, is replete with a variety of multifaceted characters, behavior, and morality. There are women who are reliable and loyal. There are those who are able to betray, out of stupidity, out of weakness, out of curiosity. Having learned about the betrayal, the man turns on the insult, thinks out how to punish the girl for treason. Seeks to cause reciprocal pain, similar to or stronger than the one from which he suffers.

Many factors influence how seriously you need to take female betrayal. This behavior is typical for a girl or an absurd accident. Do you want to save the relationship or were waiting for an excuse to leave. There will be punishment for this casual slap in the face in a fit of anger. Or the vengeful destruction of her entire life. As you ponder these questions, the need for vindictive punishment may disappear - when emotions calm down, reason comes to the fore.

In an effort to avenge betrayal, remember that it is impossible to do so and remain a real gentleman. Revenge on a girl is a negatively colored act that can successfully develop for someone who is obviously predisposed to meanness and unseemly deeds.

Indulging in such a "luxury" - revenge for treason, the image Ideal Man do not create, but ruin your reputation significantly.

You can only go down to revenge, it is possible to rise with more positive feelings. To take revenge on a loved one is cruel, vile. To take revenge on the unloved is pointless. In addition, you might spoil the life of the former, but not one hundred percent, but you will definitely get a spot of a petty squabbler on your reputation. IN perfect image vindictiveness doesn't fit well. A real man- generous. Strong - lets go free. Confident - knows his own worth. Such a picture is more attractive than the image of a weakling running after a woman, throwing clods of dirt into a woman's fragile back.

You will look reliable, stable, balanced - your behavior will make her regret the perfect act. The image of an insecure person who only makes attacks towards the weaker sex is not an attractive sight; no one will regret the loss of such a partner. Moreover, it is unlikely that at least one man will be able to punish a girl better than herself. Women's imagination is huge. In addition, every woman is suspicious by nature, needs to be fed from the outside. If you hit her self-esteem instead of support, it will be difficult for her to recover.

The betrayal of a woman can also carry constructive moments for you, even if the thought sounds paradoxical. For example, if you made serious plans for life together, then it is better to learn about her inconstancy, unreliability now than after the years lived together.

What are the methods of revenge?

Choose the path of revenge for yourself - remember: such an act can convince a woman that her step is the right one, because your behavior is petty and unworthy if you are able to take revenge.

To figure out how to punish for treason, it is important to know what you want to achieve in the end? The solution will help you choose a method.

Determine for yourself whether you want to leave after punishment or punish for treason and be together. Regardless of whether you decide to continue the relationship or are thinking of revenge and break up, cool down and reflect. Intend to be with her - emotions will damage the relationship. If you want revenge, it’s also better to do it with a cold head.

How to take revenge on a girl for cheating is most effective - to be happy without her, even better - in a new relationship immediately after your connection. If you forget her faster than the young lady forgets you, she will become the most the best way to sweep. The chosen one will be discouraged. It will be questionable whether it was attractive to you before, if you were able to forget it so quickly, while maintaining a calm heart. Self-love will punish her more than they might want. Your own image at the same time it will look less vengeful than in the options below.

Still - how to avenge treason, if you are determined. Ideas will go from the least insidious on the rise.

  • Punish with indifference. You report: you know everything, but the fact of betrayal leaves you indifferent. Face express the depth of what was said - indifferent, relaxed. You can say that you had a good time together and even avoided Serious relationships. What even used to be a woman did not attract you enough to think about serious deep relationships, about switching to new level. All the words that were said, a tribute to courtesy and the desire to do something nice, just. The situation can be aggravated by the words: your lady was the only one who agreed to the relationship, while several previous ones refused you. You were too lazy to spend so much time on courtship, with her, this can be avoided. In response, expect a violent outburst of negative emotions or another reaction dictated by the character of the lady.
  • More painful way: inform her - you forgive betrayal, the nature of the relationship remains the same. You continue life as if everything remains as it was before. After a while defiantly trying to seduce her best friend. Important: the attempt is open and visible from afar. Such behavior will be a double whammy for her. This will remain in the memory for a long time, it is unlikely to be forgiven. After she will have to look for two new close people, the punishment is heavy.
  • A method that exposes the former lady of the heart in an unsightly light in front of others, and therefore the most tangible. Tell the girl how you recently visited a venereologist who gave you disappointing news - you are sick with an unpleasant and complex illness. Considering that you have only one girl in a close circle and exemplary behavior in a couple, you suggest that she also get checked - everyone is now at risk. Moreover, the doctor believes that the source of the disease is in her - exemplary guys do not bring the infection. The lie will not last long, but it will allow you to rejoice at your ingenuity, watching how the unfortunate woman suffers from the curious glances of acquaintances, their sympathetic questions. It will be especially painful to wait for the results of the tests. Similar way does not imply the continuation of relations - your image in this case far from attractive. Do you need a beauty who wants to continue living with you after everything?

For some, the ways to punish go beyond moral punishment, things can go as far as fists. Men think that the most important thing in the process of revenge is to come up with effective method how to punish for treason. However, think deeply: the woman showed her little attractive appearance. By punishing her, will you get your appearance better? How will you be different, sinking to the level of a person with similar moral principles? Or admit to yourself: her campaign to the left is more a blow to male self-confidence, self-esteem than really a subject of revenge. Forgetting it, you will be much healthier mentally than taking revenge and remembering it. Let the lady bite her elbows, but otherwise you will have to regret your temper. The ricochet can be significant. Summing up, revenge is a delicate matter, everyone treats it individually, guided by character and preferences.
