Chicco Next2me is the perfect cradle for co-sleeping and more. Portable baby cradle

Along with the usual stationary beds, you can find cozy and soft cradles for newborns in children's goods stores. It is believed that in such a cradle the baby will be more comfortable, because its shape resembles mother's favorite tummy. Also, thanks to the design of the cradle, it is easy to rock the baby, while there is no need to take him in the arms. Thinking about which cradle to choose? Read the tips in our article!

Which is better: a cradle or a crib?

Advantages of the cradle

  • Newborn in the cradle feels comfortable and secure, does not experience stress and sleeps sweetly, as in the womb.
  • rocking mechanism helps parents quickly lull crying toddler.
  • Unlike the classic oversized crib, the design of the cradle does not take up much space, suitable for small spaces and fits perfectly into any interior.
  • Modern models may be equipped with backlight, musical accompaniment, motion sensor and other interesting "gadgets". Models with wheels can be moved and placed next to the parent's bed.
  • The functionality of electronic mini-cots helps mom and dad get some rest.

Cons of the cradle

  • Limited use time.
  • The high cost of more "advanced" models.

Baby cradle: up to what age can it be used

This is used sleeping place maximum up to 5-6 months(sometimes up to a year), until the baby begins to sit. This is the main disadvantage for new parents, because family budget does not always allow you to buy a cradle and a regular crib.

Reference! Experts are sure that the cradle is not included in the list of mandatory purchases for a newborn, you can do without it. However, those who once purchased it are satisfied with the functionality and usefulness of this cozy children's bed.

Types of cradles

cradle bed

The most common model on the market. It is made mainly of wood, but wicker and forged children's furniture is also found. For ease of use, manufacturers often supplement the cradle with wheels, which, if desired, can be removed or fixed in one place. The sleeping place itself can be equipped with a pendulum rocking chair.

Psingle suspension

An interesting model that attached to the ceiling. For houses where this option is not possible, stationary supports were invented that keep the bed in suspension. Due to the unusual interior solution, an atmosphere of magic and lightness is created in the children's room. Most often, hanging cradles are made using the technique of weaving, from natural wood. You need to rock the baby yourself, slightly pushing the structure.


The most modern model, which is all will do for you: lulls, sings a song and responds to children's crying. More expensive cradles price segment can be controlled remotely with a remote control.

TOrocking cradle

Fixed wooden or plastic cot swings due to rounded skids. Sometimes additional wheels are included in the set: with their help, you can turn the rocking chair into a stable cradle.

Pflying cradle-basket

very practical and eco-friendly model portable cradle, which is perfect for relaxing the baby on the balcony or sleeping in different rooms. For the convenience of parents, these baskets are equipped with handles.

How to choose

strength andsafety

Should be given Special attention build quality of the cradle, check for lack of sharp corners, chips and removable parts. The frame of the bed must be strong and well support the spine of the newborn, as well as promote safe motion sickness.


Most models have standard length dimensions, but the width may vary, depending on the brand and the designer's idea. Parents it is better give preference to a wide cradle so that the movements of the baby are not constrained.


The materials from which the furniture is made must be hypoallergenic and safe. Only certified paints and varnishes, odorless and toxic fumes, must be used for the finishing coat of the baby cradle.


The cost of a cradle often depends not only on the quality and popularity of the brand, but also on additional features. So, an electronic cradle with lighting and remote control will cost more than a wicker cradle-basket.

HPresence of retainer

Floor cradles, for example, on skids or wheels, must be able to fix the cradle in a stationary state and blocking the movement of the pendulum. This is necessary for an already grown up baby, who can fall out of the cradle without parental supervision.

Best cradle: rating of cradles for newborns

Do not know, which cradle is better? Our rating will help you get to know popular brands and decide on the choice of a future children's bed.

Simplicity3014 lol

Modern and functional model for newborns. Compared to other competitors, it stands out by the possibility of transforming from a cradle with legs to a cradle-basket, a bedside bed for children, as well as a changing table. Of the characteristics worth noting remote control, the presence of a hanging, moving carousel with bright soft toys, as well as a built-in music system. The kit already includes a mattress, which significantly saves the budget of young parents.

Average price in Russia- 7300 rubles.


A very cute wicker cradle made from wicker. All textile parts are made from natural cotton. The set also includes a high-quality beech stand, which helps to transform the cradle into a full-fledged cradle bed. There is no rocking mechanism, but the wheels allow you to roll the bed around the room or slowly rock the baby from side to side. If desired, you can block the movement of the wheels and fix them in a stationary state. When buying, parents will get not only a beautiful wicker model, but also a set bedding: duvet, mattress, sheet, pillow and hood.

average cost- 15,000 rubles.


Quite expensive, but very functional model of the electronic cradle. It has several motion sickness modes of different amplitudes, a set of lulling melodies for sleeping crumbs with adjustable volume and their automatic shutdown. Easily transforms into a table for feeding and playing. Mattress is included.

Price varies within 55 thousand rubles.

Useful video

For those who need to compare the characteristics of different models, we recommend to look overview of two cradles

Baby in the cradle

Why did almost all nations raise a baby in a suspended rocking cradle?
Recent studies show that this is not just a tribute to tradition, but the most important element that, along with the mother's lullaby, makes the child healthy and harmonious...

Even before the “roll-up” of technical civilization, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Tatars, mountaineers, Komi, Chukchi, Khanty, Mansi, Nganasans, Dolgans and others - on far north, Khakasses and Mongols - in Central Asia, as well as the Egyptians, Moroccans, Ethiopians and other peoples in Africa, the Chinese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Cambodians and others - in Southeast Asia, and so all over the world raised a baby in a hanging swinging cradle. This means that the stay of a child in the infant period in such a cradle bears in itself a certain culture of humanization developed by us in accordance with the nature of the child, which we have not realized for thousands of years.

And, paradoxically, science not only did not study this method of culture, but, like many other things that were in folk educational pedagogy, it simply rejected it. But the truth here literally lies on the surface.

Known: 9 month period prenatal development a child's biological (genetic) time is much longer than the entire subsequent life. It is during these 9 months that a ready-made little man. And this entire stage of development takes place in a liquid medium. An environment that supports the child's development process in virtually zero gravity. Now imagine: from weightlessness, a child suddenly finds himself in an environment of enormous gravitational pressure, incl. "heavy" (in terms of pressure drops) gravitational rhythms.

That's why for the baby who came out of mother's womb, are characterized by generalized tension spread over the body, muscle stiffness and convulsive movements. And it will be removed only when the body rhythms are attuned, incl. arbitrary-volitional with earthly rhythms (gravitational). But such attunement requires a long period of time and man-made help.

The suspended cradle just translates the vector of static gravitational pressure into an oscillatory-wave gravitational rhythm. In the process of rocking, the baby in a rhythmic mode experiences peculiar moments of weightlessness (when the cradle reaches its maximum height and, as it were, “freezes” for a moment) and moments of exposure to the highest gravitational forces (when the cradle passes through the lowest point to the ground). Consequently, with the help of a suspended swinging cradle, the vector of a unidirectional gravitational press "unfolds" into a gravitational life-giving wave adaptive to earth conditions.

Moreover, it turned out that all human life is a hierarchy of mutually subordinate, mutually synchronized (by multiplicity) algorithms: from super high genetic rhythms to super low - meaningful volitional actions. The suspension cradle is a special technology that is absolutely necessary for the gradual effective non-traumatic entry and adaptation of the child to the gravitational environment of the earth, incl. to run the gravitational rhythms of life.

In the 80s of the twentieth century, the following experiment was carried out on the basis of the Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (N. F. Kazachkova). One group of mothers raised their babies in a hanging cradle, the other in a regular crib. At the same time, it was found that babies from the first group slept better, cried less, sucked their mother's breasts better. They began to relax the gravitational-muscular tension compressing the body faster, and muscle spasms decreased. Eye nystagmus was noticeably less pronounced. As a result, their eyes began to fix objects faster; they quickly began to appear a meaningful look.

On average, 2-3 months earlier they had cooing and the first articulate words. Less such children had stiffness and fear. 1.5 - 2 months earlier, the children began to stand on their feet and walk on the ground. With the development of purposeful manual actions, they showed less muscle stiffness (convulsiveness).

The formalization of the internal gravitational rhythm is the formalization not only of internal vegetative rhythms, but also of the spiritual stance, the formalization of their resistance to various adverse environmental factors.

The positive effect of the hanging cradle affected almost all subsequent stages of ontogeny. For example, later such children had less internal tension when writing. As a result, they leaned less over the notebook while writing. In addition, they had better handwriting, drawing, and even an ear for music! Their speech was freer and more meaningful. Less such children had fear. At a higher level, these children had neuropsychic resistance to stress.

Therefore, the disappearance of hanging cradles from the educational arsenal led to a deterioration in the development of bodily-coordinating abilities in children, various voluntary motor functions, incl. speech and manual. Led to a decrease in functionality basic systems life support (cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, highlights, etc.)

In a broad sense, this led to a decrease in the bodily-functional and spiritual-psychic potential at the level of the whole nation. All this made it possible to take a fresh look at the greatness of folk educational cultures, incl. on the special developing role of the Russian swing.


A lullaby is that spiritual force that pulls the baby out of the "tenacious" grip of instinctive fear and elevates his feelings into the space of a "sounding" protective maternal love. The word of a lullaby is the only spoken word that fully combines the spirit of the image and the soul of love. Studies have shown that among those children whose mothers did not sing lullabies, fear and aggression (in drawings) were 4 times more common than those who at least occasionally sang lullabies to the baby. But fear is one of the most powerful animal instincts, with which all other instincts are “linked” in an inseparable bundle.

It turned out that without the constant singing of lullabies by the mother (preferably in the rhythm of the rocking of the hanging cradle), the child will not be able to adequately incarnate into a spiritual, whole, free of fears and psycho-complexes personality.

Today, lullabies have been recorded on electronic media, albeit in a professional, but not a mother's voice. It is clear that such recordings are primarily intended for expectant and present mothers, but not for babies. Of course, they can be used in preschool institutions, including for orphans, as well as children who are being raised in various specialized institutions, etc.

A baby, like air, like mother's breast milk, needs a lullaby, voiced by the mother's heart.

Recall again: for 9 months intrauterine life the child deeply imprinted in the memory of feelings the only close and dear voice - the voice of the mother. And only he and no other voice can convey to the child a feeling of love, security and happiness. That is why only mother herself should sing lullabies. I often hear from young mothers: how am I going to sing if I don't know either the words or the melody of lullabies? And this is the consequences of the deep alienation of the mother from the children at the stage of their early childhood.

Therefore, some preschool institutions began to practice raising girls separately from boys. Tanks, guns, cars, machine guns are incompatible with puppets and lullabies. And it is recommended that girls, together with their mothers, grandmothers (if possible), with their teachers, make soft dolls with their own hands, compose lullabies themselves and sing them regularly.

As an example, below we give lullabies composed by children together with their mothers and grandmothers in the early 90s in kindergartens in the city of Voskresensk.

D \ S No. 57

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
I bang my girl
I love sweet
And pretty
I give a little
Spreading out.

Hare looks out the window
It's dark outside for a long time
Sleep my sweet, sleep
A long dream to yourself mani.
Bye, bye, bye, bye
Sleep soon.

(Sedneva T.N. - teacher)

Sleep, sleep my dove!
There is snow on the fields.
He covered all the grass
And the flower failed.
Soon the sun will rise
And everything will bloom again!
You will grow up over the winter
And go for a walk with your mother.

* * *
The night is coming.
You are tired, daughter.
Legs have been running since morning
It's time for the eyes to sleep.
The bed is waiting for you.
Sleep, daughter, sweet!
Sound sleep take you
May you see in a dream
Mom, dad and flowers!

(Budylkina N.F. - teacher)

Kindergarten №31

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
Bye, my baby.
Sleep, son, sleep
Quietly close your eyes.

I'll put you in the cradle
I'll put together a song.
I'll put together a song
I will invite Drema to visit.

Drama wandered through the house,
She approached the cradle.
Came up to the cradle
Quietly started a song.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word
Don't lie on the edge
And lie down in the middle
For downy feathers.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
I give my child
Sleep little eye, sleep another
Sleep, son, dear.

(Makeeva G., teacher)

Bye, bye, bye
Sleep, my boy, sleep.
Sleep soon, sleep my friend
The sun will come out on the meadow.

We will shine brightly
There will be bird nests.
Lots of light and warmth
Spring will bring in a dream.

* * *
Oh baby, yes baby
A deer is walking through the mountains.
On the horns he wears a dream
He brings it to every house.

In the cradle he puts a nap,
Quietly sings a song.

* * *
The nightingale sings in the forest
Ai lu, lu, she lu, lu.
Let all the leaves fall silent
Baiushki bye.

Sleep, son, my dove,
Grow big.
There is a dark moon in the sky
Shines golden.

Covers the ground with snow
Like silver.
You see: fairy tales have gathered
Behind your window

Here comes the long-distance train.
Toys sleep in it.
And mom's cheesecakes are baked
For my guys.

Sleep, my beautiful son,
Baiushki bye.
Let the dream come to you
Into your cradle

* * *
Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
I will sing a song to my son
How will my darling sleep
I will download it.

You, my dear, dear,
Close your eyes quickly.
And close, the dream will come,
Bring your own story.

The hare lives in it.
He's eating carrots.
And the fox loves to sing
And look at the tree.

It's night outside.
Sleeping dog in a kennel.
The birds and the top are sleeping.
Lie down more on the side.

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
I will sing a song to my son.
How my darling will sleep.
I will download it.

(Gavrish D. - teacher)

I\S #5

Bye-bye, bye-bye!
I rock our daughter.
Sleep, girl, sleep!
Bye-bye, bye-bye!

Sleeping toys and animals
And bugs and spiders.
Silence is all around
Come on baby, let's sleep!

(Teterkina S.A. - teacher)

Sleeping toys in the corner
They sleep on the shelf of fairy tales.
And my daughter is sleeping
Close your eyes!

You've been playing all day.
You are very tired.
Fall asleep quickly
And good night!

Tomorrow will be a new day,
Again, as a reward!
Bye, bye, bye, bye,
Sleep my joy!

* * *
Bye, bye, bye
Bunnies jumped up.
The song was sung
Vanya was rocked.

Bye, bye, bye
Sleep our little one.
Grow up a little
You jump along the path.

(Skokova V.I. - head of office No. 5)

Experience convinces: the constant gentle communication of girls with hand-made soft dolls, singing lullabies to them is a basic step in instilling maternal feelings at the so-called extrasensory stage, i.e. at the stage of transformation and spiritualization of primary feelings.

Mothers who prematurely wean their children from their love, from their breasts, from lullabies and loving “phrasings” will pay dearly. And the sooner we learn to sing lullabies for 4-6 year old girls today, the more kind, loving motherhood we will get tomorrow.

Bazarny V.F. Human child. Psychophysiology of development and regression, fragment

My family and I had to think about this topic not in theory, and now the question of transporting the still future Lyalka in a car is the sharpest edge. Even if we are not going to drive around the city and beyond every day with a newborn baby, we will definitely have to take him in the car at least once - you can’t go by bus from the maternity hospital, right? And these monthly (or even more often) trips to the doctors ... So the question is relevant even for couch potatoes.

Of course, a lot has been said about child safety. And yet there are a million questions. Why can’t you carry a baby in your arms, what are these special chairs for newborns and children up to a year old, what are they, how do they differ and which, in the end, is better to choose? We understand the topic together with experts and the traffic police.

NOT a car seat

Everyone knows that children need to be transported only in a special restraint, but only babies are carried not in a chair, but in a special infant carrier. From a car seat for older children, it differs in weight category.

The name of the cradle speaks for itself - in it the baby lies or reclines. This is important, because babies do not sit up to six months, and planting it on purpose is very harmful for the child - the skeleton is still being formed, he is learning to hold his head for several months ... In general, it is impossible.

It should be taken into account that not all children sit down as ordered at six months, some even later. So the option “I’ll ride for half a year on the handles, and then put me in a chair” will not work. Again, because all car seats "work" depending on the weight of the small passenger.

There are two types of cradles: "0" and "0+". The first allows you to transport children weighing up to 10 kg, the second - up to 13. It would seem, why such a division? The experts explained to us.

Category "0" is suitable for children from birth. All cradles of type "0" without exception are equipped with an insert for newborns and they are used up to about a year. Cradles of category "0+" do not always have an insert, and you can carry babies in them from about 4 months to 1.5 years. The liner is often removed for the winter, because the child is already in warm overalls. It is also removed as the child grows, so the bed becomes a little deeper.

According to the rules

It will not be superfluous to recall what they say about the transportation of children Rules traffic:

Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and on the front seat passenger car– only with the use of special child restraints.

clause 22.9 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation

Yes, many parents naively believe that the baby is safe in the arms of mom or dad. However, it is enough to have a common sense and a little imagination to imagine what would happen if a car with a child “fastened” so unreliably gets into even a minor accident.

The fundamental need to fix the child in the car in a special child restraint, and not in the hands of the parent, is due to the fact that during sudden braking (impact) at a speed of 50 km / h, the weight of the passenger increases by more than 30 times. That is why carrying a child in your arms is considered the most dangerous: if the weight of the child is 10 kg, then at the moment of impact it will already weigh more than 300 kg, and it is almost impossible to hold it in order to protect it from a sharp blow to the front seat.

Another note for those parents who believe that careful driving will save them from getting into an accident and, therefore, free them from the need to transport the child in a cradle. According to the traffic police, the majority of accidents (76%) in which children were injured are car collisions. But at the same time, in 95% of cases, accidents occurred on asphalt roads, in 79% of accidents occurred in dry weather, 82% - during daylight hours, 77% - in clear weather. And most importantly, the average speed during the accident was 51 km / h. That is, the vast majority of accidents with children occurred under ideal traffic conditions. That is, in simple words, even if you drive carefully, nothing will insure you from an accident.

Unfortunately, the neglect of elementary security measures by parents, not only for themselves, but also for the child, can end very tragically. Especially if the child is on the arms while driving. In this case, it is a mistake to believe that, holding it in our arms, we protect it. In a collision or sudden braking, the weight of the passenger increases several times, and it is almost impossible to keep the child from a sharp blow. If at the same time the adult himself is not fastened with a seat belt, then this is certain death for the baby. It has been proven that nothing better than special restraints for transporting children protects them in the moment of a collision.

Press release traffic police

According to law enforcement, the restraint reduces the likelihood of cervical sprains in children under the age of two years by 90%. In addition, according to studies, children under four years old and weighing up to 18 kg in 70% of cases are more protected than older children, which means that transportation in a chair or in a cradle is more relevant for them. According to World Organization health care, the use of child restraints can reduce mortality among infants by 71%, and among older children by 54%.

Finally, we recall that for parents who are too risky, a fine of 3,000 rubles is provided. In this case, a fine is imposed not only if the device is missing, but also if it is used incorrectly.

How and where is it better to put the cradle

According to statistics, the majority of car parents (46.1%) install child car seats right behind the driver. This choice is explained by the fact that extreme situation, which is any accident, the driver instinctively tries to take the blow away from himself, respectively, and the place behind him is the safest. Less than half (38.1%) decide to put a seat behind the front passenger, another 7.9% choose golden mean rear sofa in the cabin, and, finally, the remaining 7.9% even put the car seat on front seat. So how is it right?

Most safe place for installation child seat in the car - the middle seat in the back seat. The most unsafe is the front passenger seat. The car seat is placed there as a last resort, with the airbag necessarily turned off. Also be sure to check the tension of the belts - they should not sag.

traffic police brochure "Car seat for children!"

As for the direction in which the cradle should “look”, law enforcement officers give recommendations on this matter.

For at least one year, children must ride in the car with their backs in the direction of travel. This is due to the fact that a small child has a relatively heavy and large head with weak cervical vertebrae. If the car brakes hard, a child in a forward facing position can be injured cervical spine.

Press release of the traffic police of Bryansk

How to choose the safest carrycot

Speaking about the safety of use, you need to pay attention to the mount. On this issue, the opinions of our experts differed. In one store, we were told that all infant carriers are fastened only with car seat belts. According to another consultant, there are still models that are attached using the Isofix system. If you find one, don't forget to check if it's possible in your car.

Isofix is ​​a rigid attachment to the car body. According to the traffic police, this method is more reliable and "this is confirmed by numerous independent crash tests." In addition, the Isofix system significantly reduces the chances of incorrect installation of the child seat.

The presence of such an option as side impact protection is also important. It is not available in all models, but it can also be found in budget ones. So it is better to look for a cradle with it.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the presence of protection against side impacts. It is a soft bumper inside the cradle that fixes the baby's head. In the event of a blow to the side of the car, the baby will be protected from neck and head injuries.

Evgenia, consultant of the Auto baby store

And, finally, like all products for children, the infant carrier must have a quality certificate.

Every car seat must have a conformity mark. European Standard Safety - ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04. In addition, car seats are subject to mandatory certification in Russia.

traffic police brochure "Car seat for children!"

What else to look for when choosing

In addition to safety, the issue of convenience and comfort is equally important. And if the design of the cradle is indifferent to the baby, then you should seriously think about convenience. After all, if the child is uncomfortable, he will not endure, but simply arrange a concert for you.

Look at the shape of the bed - it should be gentle, not very deep. It will also be better if the cradle has a special soft pillow-liner for newborns, it should not be flat.

Appreciate the convenience of the handle. Many people use the infant carrier just as a carrier - why disturb the child and pull him out of the bassinet when you can just take it with you? Another point follows from this - the cradle should not be very heavy. According to the consultant "Auto baby", buyers usually try to choose models weighing up to 3 kilograms. Just imagine how much weight you will carry when the baby weighs 8-10 kilograms. Then the difference in the weight of the device and 1-2 kg will become significant.

Cradles from different price categories vary in fabric quality. Although they are all synthetic, some manufacturers offer so-called "breathable" upholstery, which will appeal to the child in hot weather. According to our experts, models with such a fabric are offered, for example, by Recaro or Chicco.

Car moms will also appreciate such an opportunity as removing the upholstery from the cradle. It will come in handy if the device gets dirty and needs to be washed. According to experts, this option is also not available in all models, but it is not the prerogative of the most expensive ones either.

Manufacturer and price

Experts named Leader Kids (China), Inglesina (Italy), Brevi (Italy), Recaro (Germany) and Chicco (Italy) as the most widespread and popular brands.

Chikko and Recaro, in our opinion, are the highest quality, and their price, although not the lowest, is quite acceptable - about 10-15 thousand rubles. It turns out good value prices and quality.

Evgenia, consultant of the Auto baby store

Basically, buyers do not look at the manufacturer, but choose according to the price - up to 3 thousand rubles. Companies such as Leader Kids (China), Inglesina (Italy) and Brevi (Italy) are popular. If we take into account the value for money, then Inglesina is probably better. And the choice of models (both in terms of price and quality) is larger in Leader Kids.

shop assistant "Daughters and sons"

If we talk about the cost and how you can save money, then you can consider buying "hands on". After all, this is not a stroller, which is sometimes used for up to four years, the cradle is used for a year at most. During this time, she does not have time to wear out, get dirty at most. But this is not a problem if the upholstery is removable and washable.

In the secondary market, a car seat can be bought even for 500 rubles and, as they say, indefinitely. In any case, the private ad market makes it possible to purchase a more expensive and cooler model, but at an order of magnitude lower price. True, the choice of used goods will have to be taken more carefully. First, find the model you like in a regular store, study all the pros and cons. Then inspect the goods already in place, meticulously checking the completeness and integrity of all parts.

Another important point: you need to be sure that the chair has not been in an accident, so inspect it carefully for any damage. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that it will again be able to protect the child from damage, because it has already been deformed.

Obviously, the process of preserving and modernizing traditions and customs, which characterizes modern cultures North Caucasus, is relevant at the present time both for the carriers of culture themselves, and for all Russian society. We are faced with two opposite phenomena: on the one hand, this is the erosion of traditional institutions under the influence of globalization processes, on the other hand, this is the desire of society to preserve many sociocultural practices unchanged, since they ensure the stability and survival of the ethnos as such.

Enculturation, starting from the very birth of a child, is a process of mastering the worldview inherent in a culture and the skills of sociotypical behavior in the course of getting to know its language, values ​​and norms. Let us try to consider what culturally specific information one of the most interesting customs North Caucasus, which has come down to our days, is a custom tight swaddling children in a bassinet or cradle.

The custom of tight swaddling of babies has repeatedly been the focus of attention of specialists in various sciences: pediatricians, psychologists, ethnographers, and cultural anthropologists. While pediatricians are arguing about the dangers and benefits of tight swaddling for the formation of the child's skeleton and his movements, psychologists and psychoanalysts are looking for a connection between the process of swaddling a child in the cradle and the formation of his psyche and personality traits. So, according to the outstanding psychoanalyst E. Erickson, “... swaddling falls under the heading of those issues of raising a child that should have essential relation to the image of the world of a holistic culture”. And the founder of the theory "Culture and Personality" A. Kardiner believed that there is a connection between the methods of caring for babies and the characteristics of the psychological make-up of the people, the so-called basic personality structure (this theory of criticism, not without irony, was called "diaper determinism").

I was able to get acquainted with the custom of tight swaddling in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, where I came to visit my former students. The wife is a Moscow Kabardian, the husband is from Nalchik. They spent the first time of their family life in Moscow, and as soon as their daughter was born, they moved to Kabardino-Balkaria. The mother-in-law insisted on this: “It is not right to raise a child in Moscow.”

I found myself in a modern apartment, in a young family, but with amazement I saw seven month old baby lying tightly swaddled in the cradle. After a while, another cradle came to my attention - this time in St. Petersburg. familiar Chechen family asked me to take with me to Moscow an old cradle for a newborn nephew.

Since then, the desire of many representatives of the North Caucasian ethnic groups to preserve this custom unchanged has been in the center of my attention. I met baby cradles (cradles) in all the republics of the North Caucasus, where in the language of each ethnic group there are words denoting a cradle:

Avar - "kini";

Darginsky - "siri", "guard";

Mountain Jewish - "gufore";

Laksky - "k1anu";

Lezginsky - "kpel kyep1ina tun";

Tabasaransky - "kyab, shint";

Nogai - "besik";

Kumyk, Karachay, Circassian - "beshik";

Chechen, Ingush - "yeah";

Adyghe, Kabardian - “kush”, “thick”.

Let us first consider the design of the baby cradle of the peoples of the North Caucasus. It is connected with the life and activities of the people and has long facilitated the mother's process of caring for a baby. The North Caucasian cradles provided the child with the opportunity to stay clean and dry as long as possible, which in turn made it possible for the mother to do housework during the day and sleep at night.

The design of the baby cradle is a wooden crib with backs on arched skids, on which it can be rocked. In the old days, a dense mattress made of straw or sheep wool, and there was always a hole in which it was strengthened tubular bone to drain urine into a vessel. The child's body was tied with two wide belts or ribbons, on the ends of which ribbons were attached, which were carried under the cradle and tightly tied on the crossbar of the cradle. This method of swaddling was used before and is still used by the peoples of the North-Eastern Caucasus: Chechens, Ingush and the peoples of Dagestan. The peoples inhabiting the North-Western Caucasus used slightly different designs, the meaning of which was the same: to ensure tight swaddling of the child, compliance with his hygiene (dryness and cleanliness), immovable fixation of the child in the cradle, which protected from injuries. The cradle could easily be moved from place to place; it was small and fit in cramped rooms. Cradles of this type are common in many world cultures characterized by a stable sedentary type of management, for example, in Central Asia.

In Chechens, a pillow was placed on the mattress at the head, and two more small pillows under the buttocks and legs of the child, which protected the back from blowing. It was customary for the Nogais to put a pillow on the child's knees, which were then pulled together with bandages made of very thin felt. From above, the cradle was covered with a thin coverlet to protect against insects, and in winter - woolen - to protect from the cold.

Other types of cradles were also found among the peoples of the Caucasus: for example, among the Chechens and Nogais, in addition to the cradle described above, there was a suspended trough-shaped structure, simpler in design: it was an ordinary bag hanging at four corners from the ceiling of a house or yurt (like the Nogais, who until late XIX centuries led a nomadic lifestyle). If a child could stay in a floor cradle for up to 2-3 years, then in a hanging cradle - up to 5 months, since the child could already move and fall from a height. Such cradles were typical for the poorest segments of the population; hanging the cradle from the ceiling kept the baby warm, as the warmest air accumulated near the ceiling. The highland peoples of Western Dagestan had smaller cradles that could be worn on the back, as well as cradles woven from twigs.

So, the cradle is the first house of the child, created for him by an adult. It is possible to appreciate not only the domestic, but also the sacred meaning of the cradle in the life of the peoples of the North Caucasus, by studying in detail how many beliefs, rituals, customs and rituals are associated with the cradle. They can trace the ancient pagan roots, and, gradually coming to replace them and displacing them, Islamic elements.

In the recent past, the process of placing a child in a cradle was associated with magical rites and rituals. Each nation had its own customs, guaranteeing, in terms of popular beliefs, healthy and happy childhood. In these customs, everything was important: what kind of wood is better to make a cradle, who puts the baby in it and at what time, where the cradle should be, from which side you can approach it, and much more.

The cradles were made from special types of wood. Chechen cradles were made of oak, walnut, pear, hawthorn. The wood from which they were going to make a cradle could not be carried across the river, cross roads with it. The Circassians believed that children raised in an elderberry cradle were distinguished by their temper and unbalanced character, so the cradle was made of oak or plane trees. Like the Balkars, they believed that the happiest children grew out of a cradle, in which four posts were made of hawthorn. Hawthorn had great vitality, strength and kindness. People made sticks and staves from it old age, shepherds; made amulets and talismans.

To protect the child from evil spirits, Kabardians and Balkars placed a dagger or a piece of iron under the child's mattress. Chechens put something sharp under the pillow (scissors, for example) or coal, and sets of different plants and beads were attached to the cradle. Often a Chechen woman, putting a child to bed, lit a match over him and circled it around the sleeping child three times with spells, and then put the box of matches under the pillow. The peoples of Dagestan put a knife, scissors, a chain mail ring and the Koran under the pillow. A metal object was kept in a cradle with a boy for 20 days, with a girl for 40 days, since girls were considered less strong and more vulnerable to evil spirits. Prayers sewn into fabric were tied to the cradle itself. The Avars, in order for the child to sleep soundly and not be afraid of anything, put a thorny plant under the pillow, while the Dargins for restful sleep rose hips were placed under the child's mattress.

Before the first swaddling, the mother of the child baked five pies stuffed with meat and cheese. Two of them were placed at the head of the cradle, one in the middle, two at the feet. After that, the mother and the woman who cut the umbilical cord of the child, silently (so that the child would not be whiny), ate those pies that lay at the head and in the middle of the cradle, and those lying at the feet were thrown into a secluded place in order to remove from the cradle everything unkind that may have a negative effect on the child. The tying of a child was entrusted to an experienced, large and good woman. Before tying up, a cat was laid in a prepared bed, pretending that it was being tied up. It was believed that this would contribute to a good, long-term and good sleep(among the peoples of Dagestan it was customary to put a cat in a cradle, as well as a broom, iron tongs for fire, a stone and swing them a short time and then remove). The Avars, rocking the cradle with the cat, said:

Oh, kitty, kitty, tell me a story, kitty.

Protect the cradle, kitty!

It was customary for Karachays to put a cat or a puppy in a cradle, and hang various amulets at the head: wolf claws, lynx hair, a hawthorn stump, a bundle with a dried umbilical cord, cookies with an image human hand, and a book, a knife (for a boy) or scissors (for a girl) were placed under the head.

Among the Kabardians, an elderly woman from among relatives on the paternal side laid the baby in the cradle - experienced, lucky and happy. The holiday of putting the baby in the cradle took place after 2-3 weeks after the birth of the child and was a purely feminine celebration, which was attended by women, relatives and neighbors. All of them appeared with gifts for the child, most often shirts or shirt fabric. Among the Avars and Dargins, the mother-in-law could put the child in the cradle if she believed that her life was a success.

In the Ingush, the process of laying in the cradle took place 3-4 days after birth. The cradle was brought by relatives of the mother of the newborn.

The Chechens put the cradle with the child's head to the east and south, and if the child accidentally turned out to be head in the other two directions, he was immediately corrected. The Balkars set the cradle with the head to the south-west.

Among the peoples of Dagestan, a newborn was placed in a cradle on the 7th day, and if the child was born weak and premature, no later than 3 months. Later it was no longer possible to accustom the child to the cradle. The first laying was done on Friday closer to noon: here the influence of Islam on the rite is obvious, since Friday is a holy, festive day for Muslims. The Chechens were put in a cradle on "prosperous" days - Tuesday and Thursday. Among the Laks, loaves of bread were previously placed in the cradle in the form human figures, and each of the children of relatives and neighbors who were present during the ceremony took a loaf for himself with the words: “Your loaf is for me, my dream is for you.” Among the Nogais, laying in the cradle, the older woman deliberately laid the baby twice incorrectly (with her feet to the pillow). Among the Rutulians, before putting the child in the cradle, they cut it, and smeared the head with egg yolk so that it would not have dandruff, and the child's birth hair was placed in the pillow. Hare droppings were placed under the baby's head so that the child slept for a long time, since it was believed that the hare sleeps for a long time; sometimes they put mutton pellets as a talisman. Among the Tabasarans and Rutuls, an elderly woman who put a child in a cradle uttered a Muslim good wish: she wished health, a happy, prosperous life, she wished the boys to become the head of a large family. The child was carried around the cradle three times with a prayer and laid down. Before this, the child had to be bathed, lubricated with fat, and a cloth soaked in fat was put on the fontanel so that the nose would not be blocked. Kabardians and Balkars, to protect against the evil eye, near the fontanel (as at the most vulnerable spot) attached a little bee glue (propolis), and smeared soot on the forehead, chin and nose so that the child would not like the beholder, especially the outsider. Used to be rich Kabardian families when organizing the ceremony of tying a child into a cradle, horse races were arranged.

Many rituals and beliefs were associated with the cradle itself. The Chechens and almost all the peoples of Dagestan have never been allowed to swing an empty cradle, tie ribbons when the child was not in the cradle, and also carry the child over the crossbar of the cradle. It was necessary to bypass and transfer the child. It was believed that the child would not have healthy offspring. Among the peoples of Dagestan, it was impossible to leave a prepared cradle without a cover - evil spirits could get into it. It was necessary to cover it halfway, otherwise the dream would go away. Rocking an empty cradle for the Avars was dangerous because the child would have a stomach ache, the Dargins and Laks in this case believed that no more children would be born in the house.

It was customary among the Chechens before, and there is still a custom to put dishes with water at the head of the bed, which protected the mother and child from the evil eye. On the contrary, among the peoples of Southern Dagestan, it was in no case possible to leave any container with water in a room with a child: it was believed that a “genie of water” would come and strangle the child. And to protect against evil spirits in the room where the cradle stood, keys were hung in a conspicuous place.

Thus, it was believed that the life and health of the child depends entirely on the cradle, so if the child grew up sickly and weak, parents rented a cradle from relatives or neighbors whose child grew up healthy and strong.

The content of the well-wishes that accompanied the first laying of the child in the cradle was approximately the same for all peoples: they wished the child a healthy childhood, a happy life: “Let the cradle become sweet, grow up quickly, become a strong master” (Avar), “Let the straps of your cradle be strong ! May you become the elder brother of five brothers! Yes, be respectful of your parents! May you be dear to people!” (Kumyk).

The women of the Caucasus were heavily burdened homework, so the baby spent most of the time in the cradle, and the cradle was always next to the mother. The cradle was carried out on the field or in the garden. By the way, among the Vainakhs (Chechens and Ingush), a woman starting to harvest said: “Let the harvest ripen in front of me, let it ripen behind me, let my father’s barn be filled, let my mother’s cradle be filled.”

The child was taken out of the cradle infrequently. Dagestanis did this 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes, at night the child also slept in the cradle. They also took out the child in the case when he relieved himself of great need. Most often, the child was fed directly in the cradle, sitting down to him from the left side. Nevertheless, they always tried to keep the child dry and clean: he was bathed daily so that he would grow well and sleep well. Among other North Caucasian peoples, the child was taken out of the cradle at night and slept with his mother.

The rigid fixation of the child in the cradle made it possible to leave him unattended, being sure that the child would not fall out of the cradle. The mother could do housework, limited only to rocking the cradle with her foot. The cradle could be easily transported on a riding horse or cart, which was convenient, especially in military conditions.

Historical evidence suggests that not only life, but also death of North Caucasian children was closely connected with the cradle. Thus, the Ingush educator Chakh Akhriev described one of the tragic episodes of Ingush history: “... It is also not surprising that epidemic diseases, like the plague, have always raged among the Ingush, and a fresh legend has been preserved among the people. People then fled in fear, and there was no one to bury the dead. Therefore, those who fell ill, fearing that their bodies would remain unburied or be eaten by birds of prey, went to die in porridge, sometimes with entire families. And indeed, in many crypts you can still see cradles with children's skeletons and near them - female skeletons, you can also find all household utensils, since during the plague the Ingush demolished all valuable things there ... ". In medieval Ingush tower crypts, children's bodies are found, often placed in boxes resembling a cradle in shape.

Thus, the importance of the cradle in the life of the North Caucasian peoples can hardly be overestimated. That is why, in our opinion, the cradle has not lost its significance in the years of Soviet power, when there was an active struggle against the remnants of the old, and today. Lyulka is still the first orphanage convenient for the mother, which gives a significant freedom of action to the modern Caucasian woman, whose life is still associated with a large number of household duties and childcare (in many North Caucasian families there are often 5 or more children). Sophisticated hygienic devices have been replaced with modern diapers that allow the child to stay dry and clean for a long time. In addition, it is believed that a long-term lying of a child in a cradle has a positive effect on his health: fixing the head is especially important when the head of a newborn baby is still poorly held and can take awkward position, and the fixation of the torso and legs prevents the curvature of the spine and makes the legs straight. The Kabardians watched and watch that the child's pillow is not too high or too low: the child's neck will be too short, or, conversely, too long. When swaddling, do not overtighten the handles along the body, otherwise the shoulders could become too drooping.

Based on field studies conducted in different republics of the modern North Caucasus region, it can be said that at present a cradle is bought at the market and given to a newborn, most often by relatives of the mother of the newborn. Or the cradle is transferred from relatives. Many generations of family children often grow up in one cradle. Many mystical rites that accompany the process of laying in a cradle are a thing of the past, which is associated with the increased influence of Islam in last years, since the conduct of magical and pagan rites is fundamentally contrary to the requirements of religion and therefore is severely condemned. The child sleeps in the cradle several times a day, while many mothers note that the child’s sleep is longer and stronger in it. Putting a child to sleep in a cradle most often occurs before 1-1.5 years, after which the child is transferred to a crib. Despite certain difficulties that are associated with tight swaddling of the child and fixing it in the cradle, many North Caucasian women consider the cradle the most convenient and reliable condition for the development and upbringing of the child. Caucasian women say that if a child gets used to sleeping in a cradle, then it can be very difficult to put the baby to sleep without it. Therefore, the cradle moves with his family to different cities.

The holiday of putting the baby in the cradle is still very important for the whole family. So, in Ingushetia, on this day, relatives (mostly women) from the side of the parents of a newborn gather, who bring a cradle and give other gifts to the child: walkers, an arena, suits, toys, and much more. The first-born dowry is prepared by the mother of the woman in labor. A mawlid is held, during which the elderly read prayers. That is, the holiday acquired a Muslim significance. The Ingush believe that you can only approach the cradle from the right side (this is a sunnah, that is, a desirable action). This is explained by the fact that in Islam the meaning of the right and left sides is different. The child is allowed to put the Koran under the pillow.

Preservation of the custom of tight swaddling of children in the cradle also has a deep psychological meaning. According to M. K. Musaeva, “a tightly swaddled child from infancy was taught discipline in a cradle. The child was tied, untied - taught to come to terms with the need to obey the order, since life in all spheres was sufficiently regulated. The importance of instilling discipline in a child from the first days of his birth was understood by parents as a kind of preparation for further adulthood, and therefore fail on early stage upbringing was considered unacceptable. Indeed, North Caucasian cultures are etiquette, strictly regulated, which require the subordination of the younger to the elders, and a clear ritualization of behavior. Psychologists who study the ethno-cultural characteristics of education believed that the custom of tight swaddling informs the child from early childhood about the need to obey strong authorities (E. Erickson, M. Mead).

Summing up, we can say the following. From the point of view of modern psychological science, the meaning of "diaper determinism" and its influence on the formation of personal psychological features greatly exaggerated. The fact of the positive influence of tight swaddling on the formation of the correct posture or other structural features of the child's body is also controversial (modern pediatricians scare fans of tight swaddling with various dysplasia of the child's bones). Nevertheless, it is obvious that the sociocultural practice of tight swaddling, along with many other traditional institutions for raising children in the North Caucasus, is still of particular importance and value in terms of preserving the unique originality of the North Caucasian character.

Will a strong immune system protect against flu complications? Why are they not vaccinated against tuberculosis in Europe, but we vaccinate newborns? Are measles vaccines linked to autism, and why shouldn't you take your kids to the malls? Tatyana Kalugina, the chief pediatric infectious disease specialist of Yekaterinburg, answered questions from E1.RU - Tatyana Viktorovna, died of tuberculosis in the fortieth hospital in early November one year old baby. As an infectious disease specialist, can you explain how this happened in prosperous family in such early age when they don’t go to kindergarten yet, is contact with the outside world minimal?

Even when you just enter the entrance, you cannot exclude contact with the pathogen. A sick person has just passed - mycobacterium is already circulating in the room. The child did not have an antituberculous BCG vaccination, and neither did the Mantoux reaction. All doctors, pediatricians insist that the child should be vaccinated at least against those infections that give such severe forms and can end tragically.

It is believed that tuberculosis develops over the years in humans ...

It all depends on immune system, on the dose of the pathogen. Children are at risk for the development of generalized forms (when the infectious process spreads throughout the body. - Ed.), with damage to the central nervous system. It is quite difficult to treat tuberculosis. Over the years, the pathogen has acquired resistance, resistance to drugs ... So you asked where in a prosperous family a child has such an infection. Our same shopping centers are a hotbed of infection. I look: the child is still in the cradle, and he is already in shopping center are being driven.

Are you against?

Absolutely. No need to take a small child to shopping centers.

There is also a whole infrastructure designed for family holidays. Cafes, playgrounds…

Perhaps, if only the child will be on the playground ... At least you don’t have to drag him to the shops. Although in the playground, if your child is not vaccinated, he is at risk.

Opponents of vaccinations will object to you that in progressive Europe, BCG was generally removed from mandatory vaccinations.

Yes, our parents are well versed in the Internet and compare our vaccination calendar with the vaccination calendars of other countries. Indeed, in some countries today there is no vaccination against tuberculosis. But we must remember that the country is different country. It all depends on how widespread the infection is in the area. While we can not boast that we are free from tuberculosis. This is a socially significant infection.

While we have high level incidence of tuberculosis, the risk of infection remains. We cannot cancel vaccinations. It is no coincidence that this vaccine is given immediately at the birth of a child, on the third or fifth day. Until the baby is born. Then we control the children with the Mantoux reaction on an annual basis. If it becomes positive, then phthisiatricians are connected. They evaluate what it is: a post-vaccination allergy or a disease marker. The next, repeated revaccination takes place at 6-7 years. Now there is a better, more informative diasken test. But it is carried out from school age.

Some people argue like this: vaccination still does not save from the disease, the same tuberculosis. Otherwise, why put Mantoux every year, control the reaction?

What happens when you get vaccinated. We inject the antigen and wait for the production of antibodies. This is called post-vaccination immunity. But when we vaccinate, we don't know how a particular patient will respond to a given antigen. Some of the vaccinated will have strong immunity, long enough, and even having met with the pathogen, the person will not get sick. The second group of vaccinated - with moderate immunity. They may become infected. But infection and illness are two different things. Someone can live their whole life infected, but not get sick. And there is a small percentage of those vaccinated whose body did not respond to this vaccine due to the characteristics of its immune system. Of course, this contingent is at risk.

Many of those parents who refuse vaccinations feel that the national vaccination calendar is out of date. They say that many diseases have already been defeated, there is no threat of infection.

Today we have eliminated one infection - smallpox. At one time, everyone was sure to be vaccinated both in our country and abroad, both in developed countries and in developing ones. This made it possible to eliminate smallpox as a disease. Similar programs have been adopted for measles and poliomyelitis. By 2010, the incidence of measles in Russia was reduced to zero, we were almost ready to declare that it had been eliminated in our country. But at this time, parents in England began to massively refuse vaccinations: for some reason they suddenly decided that measles causes autism. This is an unfounded assertion. I can tie anything like that: I went out into the street, stumbled and decided - Tuesday is a black day for me, on Tuesday I fall all the time. Or someone says: they got vaccinated - the next day he fell ill.

So, the child could become infected on a walk, at a party, in the store. Of course, against the background of the vaccine effect, he can get sick more severely. But what about vaccination? The same with autism. If it were that simple and autism was associated with vaccinations, then there would be no autistic children. Autism is equally present in both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. But the parents decided that the measles vaccine caused autism and began to refuse vaccinations. And there was a sharp surge in measles. Immediately, measles passed to Europe, from there to Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg.

That is, the danger is not from migrants from Asia, but from prosperous Europe, where vaccinations are refused?

I would not like to stress this. Poliomyelitis came to us from Asia a few years ago. It is important that today travel abroad has become massive, how to go to the neighbors: the Emirates, Thailand, African countries. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the seemingly defeated infection will not be brought back to us from outside.

Doctors themselves admit that flu strains mutate every year. Therefore, many doubt the benefits of the flu vaccine. What's the point of putting it up if everything changes?

The flu is really inconvenient in that its structure changes very quickly. Therefore, it is impossible to develop one vaccine that can protect for several years. As, for example, from tuberculosis and whooping cough. This is not the case with the flu. We must be revaccinated every year, this is due to the variability of the virus. There are a lot of institutions that predict probable strains of the virus. Each year, the vaccine is reviewed based on the likely strain of the virus expected to have an outbreak in the current year. That is, the Sovigripp vaccine has already been changed, it differs from last year.

What kind of flu is predicted this year?

This year, H1N1 - swine flu is preserved, other strains are being added.

No one will argue that vaccinations are given only to healthy people. And after the illness, how long should it take from the moment of recovery?

Of course, the person must be absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination. Today there are assumptions that if a child has minimal catarrhal phenomena (for example, a little sore throat. - Approx. ed.), then supposedly this is not a direct contraindication to vaccination. But - perhaps not all doctors will support me - I believe that it is possible to vaccinate only absolutely healthy child. And after the illness, it is advisable to wait four weeks. Although now everything has been simplified, it is believed that two weeks. But if in severe form, then you definitely need to wait four weeks.

Why then are flu shots not given immediately after the holidays, when most are healthy, with strong immunity after the summer, but they put it on when they are all sneezing, coughing, infecting each other?

The vaccine has certain deadlines in order for antibodies to be developed, and immunity must be maintained for a certain period. If we vaccinate in June - August, then immunity may end at the time when the seasonal rise in SARS begins or an epidemic begins. Planted in late September - early November. This is the period when it is most important to get vaccinated, and it can protect us when the disease is expected to rise. The fact that they cough and sneeze is a problem because sick children are taken to the kindergarten. Parents need to go to work, a sick child, fed with antipyretics, is sent to kindergarten. And when he gets into a group of 25–30 people, a group outbreak begins, SARS quarantines begin.

As for flu shots, they may still object that the disease is not fatal, and it is better to strengthen immunity by walking, right mode, good nutrition and vitamins.

Neither garlic, nor herbs, nor vitamins, nor sports can protect against a severe form. Vaccination only. At severe forms when the virus multiplies rapidly, decay products appear. Antibodies remove the viral load, they are already ready for this. Either memory cells remain, they attack this virus and begin to produce antibodies. The weight is off. But garlic and other things do not perform this function. If you are confident in your immunity - this is your choice. But again, a fly in the ointment: the response of the immune system may be too strong, hyperreaction. In this case, there is a rapid decay of the infectious agent, and this kills the body, because there are no antibodies that could carry out the function of detoxification. This is called suicidal defense mechanisms. The body devotes all its resources to killing the virus and renders a disservice, as a result of the massive decay of microorganisms, the emerging toxins poison the body, and the immune system does not have enough strength to cope with this. Toxins affect organs and blood vessels.

This year there were no imported vaccines in Yekaterinburg, many are afraid to give themselves and their children the domestic Sovigripp vaccine, believing that it causes more complications.

The vaccine is worthy, immunogenic enough, that is, with a minimum of post-vaccination reactions. Imported vaccines may be private medical centers, you may ask.

By the way, some believe that there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child of three or four years old is often sick. So, they say, immunity is strengthened.

On the one hand, it is not necessary to artificially protect the child from outside world, create greenhouse conditions. Do not go anywhere, disinfect everything around endlessly. The child must be immunized, he must contact the microflora, acquiring natural immunity. And the child thus creates protection. But if a child gets sick every week, every month, this negatively affects his immune system and can lead to chronic pathology. There is nothing good in this. Yes, someone says: it's okay, I went to kindergarten and was sick until the age of four, then everything became normal. Yes, someone passes, and someone goes into chronic diseases.

So what to do? Pick up from kindergarten?

Look for the cause of frequent respiratory illnesses. Or bad conditions in kindergarten, or features of the immune system. We need to establish the cause. There is a criterion: for three years, the norm is considered to be ill up to six times a year. This refers to SARS, if bronchitis, and even more so obstructive bronchitis, is a completely different situation, this is the danger of bronchial asthma.

And at six years old, how much is the norm?

At six, you can up to four times a year. And then these criteria are being revised, foreign experts allow more: both 8 and 10. Maybe in the near future our approaches will change. But my personal opinion is that it shouldn't be. It is not normal. Immunity is best strengthened with the help of walks, nutrition, regimen and vaccination.

Read also what medicines should be at home for colds, so as not to “feed” pharmacies, but really help the body.