Makeup which means. Ideal at home? Not a problem! Make-up: what is it

At all times, women have tried to emphasize their beauty. Also in Ancient egypt women, and not only women, resorted to cosmetics to give their face unique beauty... Egyptians and pharaohs used arrows to emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Greek women achieved a blush on their cheeks with the help of iris juice. The Romans dyed their eyebrows and eyelids, bleached their skin, and gave color to their lips and hair.

Correct make-up

The correct one should be invisible and seem natural. Such makeup usually takes much more time. Not worth applying tone cream or powder in several layers. This creates the effect of old and sore skin. And the frequent application of cream and powder leads to the appearance of wrinkles.


It is best if it is hypoallergenic and High Quality, as it can cause not only a rash, but also skin ulcers or Quincke's edema.

The most common mistakes in make-up

Makeup mistakes are common. There are a lot of them, but among them there are five of the most common and significant mistakes.

1. Wrong tone - a mistake most often seen in soiled collars. It happens like this: the foundation was applied to both the face and the neck so that the skin color on the neck matched the complexion. The rule says - if the tone changes the skin tone, then it is incorrectly selected.

The selection of the tone of the cream depends on the complexion. When choosing a cream, it is necessary to test the color on the jawbone and not on the wrist many. Only then will the tone be right.

2. Using blush instead of shadows is a common delusion among women. They often use blush as eyeshadow to save time. it gross mistake, especially if the blush is pink. These shades give the eyes a sore, tear-stained and tired look. This will not happen with golden or beige blush.

3. A clear lip contour does not lose its fans. The time when he was in fashion is long gone. It looks vulgar now. The lip contour should match the tone of the lipstick, or be a shade lighter or darker.

4. An overabundance of lip gloss is a mistake of those who love plump lips. A few years ago, lip gloss was at its peak. It looks natural and makes lips luscious and shiny. But they should not be abused: a large amount of gloss creates the effect that a woman ate something greasy. Also, do not apply glitter to plump lips and on top of lipsticks bright color so as not to lose natural beauty.

5. "Drawn" eyebrows, even if done carefully, create a caricatured image. This is especially true for women with fair skin and hair. Also, the wrong drawing of the eyebrows does not look natural.

For proper eyebrow makeup, you first need to give them a shape that suits your face. For drawing, it is better to use eyebrow shadows and a pointed applicator rather than a pencil. The eyebrows should look natural.

makeup artist advice

It doesn't matter what type of makeup you choose, daytime or evening, but in order for the image to be perfect, you need to know a few basic rules on how to do makeup. Our three tutorials will help you create perfect makeup for any occasion.

Beautiful correct makeup

Makeup lesson 1. Beautiful skin, even tone

Foundation is the base for creating make-up, it makes the skin smooth and gives it natural shine! Before applying tonal basis make sure your face is well cleansed and hydrated. Then choose a foundation that suits your skin type. By choosing suitable shade, apply a little foundation on the jaw line, or on the inner side of the hand, where the skin tone most closely matches the skin tone of the face.

How to use: Apply to face and neck or to specific areas of skin with a damp sponge. From the center, smooth over the entire surface until completely absorbed. give Special attention border near the hair and folds near the nose.

Tip: Do not choose a base that is too dark, because of it Your face will look untidy.

Not all women can boast of flawless skin. There is a problem? Use concealers! For example, a concealer (concealer to hide imperfections) will perfectly hide pimples and other skin imperfections. If you have dark circles under the eyes, use a concealer for the skin around the eyes. It completely hides dark circles and contains reflective particles that make wrinkles around the eyes less visible.

How to use: Apply the corrector directly to the lesion and lightly rub it with your fingertip. For decreasing dark circles under the eyes light touches Apply Eyelid Corrector starting from the corners of the eyes closest to the nose. Smooth the cream out to the sides with gentle movements with your fingertips.

Tip: Use the same concealer shade as the foundation for a harmonious result.

V modern makeup the face should not be flat, so highlight the parts of the face with a dark and light tone, as shown in the photo:

Powder is essential element as it fixes the foundation and corrector and gives the makeup a natural matte finish... Choose the ultra-lightweight transparent powder a make-up that conceals imperfections with reflective particles for a satin-smooth finish and lightweight, lightweight coverage for a natural, flawless look.

Tip: Apply the powder in the direction of the growth of facial hair. It will give natural look... If your facial hair is very short, try powdering against the direction of hair growth for a velvety peach skin effect.

How to use: For best result put on loose powder with a puff or makeup brush. Be sure to shake off the brush or powder before applying. This will remove excess powder and allow for subtle finishing. Compact powder can be easily applied with a pad.
Tip: Never apply too much powder, especially around the eyes, where the powder can easily settle into fine wrinkles highlighting them.

Lesson 2. Eye makeup

Shape and accentuate your eyebrows - this is the basis of the attractiveness of Your eyes.

How to determine correct shape eyebrows?
Place the pencil vertically near the nose, opposite the lacrimal canal - the pencil indicates where the eyebrow should begin. Place the pencil at an angle from the base of the nose to the outer corner of the eye - the pencil indicates where the brow should end. Remove excess hairs with eyebrow tweezers.

So that the eyebrows have well-groomed appearance First, carefully comb your eyebrows with a small brush in the direction of hair growth. Tint the brows by applying short strokes with an eyebrow pencil and finally blend the line with a brush for a natural look.

Avoid unnaturally drawn eyebrows: perfectly straight outlined and so densely shaded that not even hairs are visible. Eyebrows must have natural look and be slightly uneven, only then the makeup can be called correct, and the face in this case will look naturally beautiful.

Never use hairspray to shape your eyelashes or eyebrows!

Tip: For shaping, there is a special nourishing conditioner for eyelashes, which will not only fix the shape, but also make the eyelashes stronger. Mascara can be used over the conditioner as needed.

Nourishing conditioner:
1. Gives to eyelashes and eyebrows healthy shine and well-groomed look. The side with long bristles separates the lashes, with the short bristles it shapes the eyebrows
2. Strengthens eyelashes, promotes growth. Use under mascara and at night.


Fashion makeup... In the photo: makeup from Christian Dior

The purpose of the eyeshadow is to make Your eyes more expressive. The traditional option is to apply shadows similar to the color of the eyes. Remember two when using eye shadow general rules... Light colors highlight and visually enhance. Dark tones shade and diminish. For makeup, it is convenient to use eye shadow sets of matching shades, which can be applied dry or wet way.

How to use: Using an eyeshadow brush, apply evenly over the eyelids light shade... In a dark tone, draw an even line along the natural edge of the eyelid to the side outer corner eyes. In the folds of the eyelids, use dark tone, which blend to the temples. To enhance the effect, you can apply shadows in several layers.

Tip: Remember to apply foundation and powder to your eyelids. This will help the eye shadow stick better.

Every woman knows how important is the role of a contour pencil in creating an image. It gives the desired shape to the eyes, makes the look mysterious and expressive. Use eyeliner for a natural look, or eyeliner for a brighter look evening makeup.

The long-lasting contour helps enhance eye makeup. Line up your upper eyelids along the lash line. To visually lengthen the incision of the eyes, the contour extended the line of the upper from outer edge the eyes are beyond the natural border of the eye section. The line should be thin at first, gradually widening towards the outer corner.

Tip: You can also line the lower eyelid. However, remember that black eyeliner narrows your eyes. To accentuate the lower eyelid, we recommend softening the line by slightly blending it.

The mascara defines the lashes and completes the eye makeup. Choose mascara according to your requirements and situation.

How to use: Apply mascara evenly, with a slight twirl of the brush, on the upper and lower eyelashes... To enhance the effect, reapply the mascara after 2-3 minutes. Comb your eyelashes well to separate them.

Tip: After applying the mascara, keep your eyes slightly closed for a few seconds so that the wet mascara does not get imprinted on the eye shadow!

Lesson 3. Correct lip makeup

Before applying lipstick, use the lip contour, which gives special clarity and does not allow the lipstick to "spread". To make your makeup look neat and natural, choose the color of the pencil in accordance with the color of the lipstick.

How to use: Mark the center border of the top and lower lip... Then draw a line from the center towards the corners of the lips.

Tip: Lightly cut contour pencil the surface of the lips, this will brighten the color of the lipstick, and the lipstick will last longer.

Which lips do you prefer: glossy, matte or natural? Now there are lipsticks for every taste.

How to use: Apply lipstick from the middle of the lip to the edges. Then swipe from the outer corners of the mouth towards the middle. Use a brush for a more even and precise application.

Tip: For a long lasting color, secure the lipstick by applying a little powder over the first layer of lipstick. Then apply another layer of lipstick.

Make your lips shiny and sensual with lip gloss!

Choose a gel with additional protection from the sun (SPF) - the skin of the lips will remain smooth and beautiful for a long time. The gel can be applied to the lipstick or used alone. To make the lips more voluminous and sensual, apply a little shining gloss to the center of each lip over the lipstick - the shiny particles visually enlarge the lips, making you irresistible.

How to use: Apply the gloss directly from the tube or with a lip brush. You can also apply it with your fingertip.

Be irresistible!

Anastasia Shvedova,
© ShoppingCenter

Even more interesting.

In order to understand where women have an unshakable desire to be beautiful, you need to look into history. To be a little more precise, you will have to look in ancient times, namely Egyptian queen Cleopatra from the Macedonian dynasty will tell us the answer to this question. To find out what a make-up is and what it is eaten with, you will need to delve into the depths of foreign languages. Again, to be a little more precise, it will be English... Well, let's go on a journey called "Make-up, makeup and everything about it."

Make-up concept

The roots of makeup

Unfortunately, it is not known for certain exact date inventions of make-up and some ardent fans and big lovers of decorating their faces will not be able to celebrate makeup day every year, but this concept takes its origins back in antiquity. During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs many women painted over the edging of the eyes to make them more expressive. The eyes were tinted not only by Egyptian beauties, but also by men, and this was not considered something out of the ordinary. They did it with crushed stone with the addition of oils, such a substance was called antimony. The Egyptians also used antimony to prevent eye diseases and to prevent various infections.

Ancient make-up is not only eyeliner. In Greece many centuries ago, women used iris juice as a blush, rubbing it on their cheeks. And women ancient rome went the farthest and even applied hair dye using dried herbs. In addition, they already then bleached the skin on the face, dyed the eyebrows and eyelids, and applied coloring agents to the lips. All this was done in order to be attractive and unique. From all of the above, it follows that the concept female beauty has been walking tightly holding the hand with the concept of makeup for many centuries in a row.

To make the picture more complete, it is worth mentioning that our ancestors painted their faces before hunting or fighting to intimidate the enemy, wishing to merge with nature. It was a whole ritual with songs and dances around the fire. The roots of this tradition lead to the days of the ancient Celts. These tribes used the Vaidu dyeing plant for coloring, from which they received a shade of indigo blue. The drawing was applied to the face not chaotically, but quite deliberately. This was done so that the drawing itself moved with facial expressions. Thus, the enemy could find out about the warrior's intentions and decide what to do: fight or surrender.

Subsequently, but still very long ago, around the 16th century, the New Zealand Maori tribes began to do “eternal” make-up on the body and face - simply a tattoo. It was called "ta-moko" and besides the frightening meaning, it also wore another. For such tattoos it was possible to find out almost everything about the person wearing it: his social status to which family he belongs, what kind of child he is, whether he is married, whether he has children, and more. Descendants of Indian tribes to this day tattoo themselves with meaning and read each other like open books.

Make-up: what is it

Before fully answering this question, you need to understand where this fashionable make-up word came from and what it means. The word make-up is an English word that literally means makeup. Other similar meanings: cosmetics, composition, make-up. Very many English words entered the Russian language without translation. In most cases, this happens quite often and carries a certain fashionable subtext, namely: it is becoming popular to use English words and word combinations without translation - this is a riddle, youth jargon, a trend of the present time, from which there is no escape.

Now that we have figured out the meaning and translation of the word make-up, we can proceed to the very definition of this concept. To figure out what it includes and to understand for ourselves how correctly we understand it. So. Make-up is makeup. Yes, yes, friends. Clearly and concisely, without blur and a bunch of unnecessary words. Makeup is fine art applying decorative products to the skin of the face in order to give it graceful shapes and correct color... Correction of disadvantages and artistic highlighting of advantages. Now you can connect and understand that both, being the same in essence, were invented for the benefit of women, in the name of their beauty and happiness.

Makeup rules

In order to make a fashionable, discreet make, you need to adhere to certain rules and understand that it is best not to overdo it in this matter than to make yourself a laughing stock to others. It is worth paying attention to fashionable makeup trends in a specific time period, because in each season certain color trends and, for example, eyeliner arrow shapes. You must always remember that there is daytime and evening makeup. They are radically different from each other. Let's consider how they differ and learn the rules of a good make-up on occasion.

Day makeup:

  • This will be the first and only point, but very important. Most often, during the day, a girl or woman goes either to study at the university or to work. To look stunning, it is enough to use the following cosmetics:
    1. Foundation to even out complexion
    2. Mascara
    3. Eyebrow pencil
    4. Eyeliner pencil (you can use it at will, it is more for brave young ladies. In most cases it will be more appropriate to do without eyeliner in daytime days).
    5. Lip gloss or lipstick with pale colors

Evening make-up:

  1. When going on a date, don't wear makeup like a Maori. It will be enough to add a bright shade of lipstick and eyeliner to daytime makeup. This will make the face expressive and not add excessive color. Men don't like this.
  2. Going to a club with friends or a young man, you can afford a little more, provided that the girl or woman is an ardent fan of extravagant makeup.
  3. If you plan to visit an exhibition in the evening, it would be better to go to a museum or cinema. day makeup with a slightly brighter lipstick.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the 21st century, when it comes to make-up, most fashion designers, media personalities and celebrities prefer naturalness. The motto of our time is less cosmetics, more present. Fortunately now great attention also paid to the components from which cosmetics are made, their composition.

Every woman and girl will be able to choose a composition suitable for her age and skin type. Hypoallergenic cosmetics are produced for different types skin - and she should be given preference. Better less cosmetics, but high quality and proven than a whole boudoir of dubious fixtures. In everything, measure is needed and you should not overdo it with makeup.

It is important for every woman to look well-groomed. This can be helped by high-quality cosmetics and a beautiful make-up, which favorably highlight the dignity of the girls, adding charm and attractiveness to the image. However, not many people know the basics of makeup and makeup. Therefore, we will tell you how to make a beautiful make-up yourself at home in order to look stunning every day.

Initially, emphasis should be placed on the fact that the initial basis for a beautiful make-up is healthy skin... To look as attractive as models from glossy magazines, pay maximum attention to the condition of your skin. On perfect skin base and cream fit well. In addition, if there are no imperfections on the face, you will not need to spend extra time to hide them.

There are several rules to help you create the perfect look every day. It is not so difficult to make a "picture" of yourself at home if you use professional cosmetics and follow the basic rules of make-up.

A beautiful make-up looks like this step by step:

Skin cleansing and preparation. For these purposes, toners, toners, or light creams with a moisturizing effect are best suited.

Base application. This layer is necessary if you need a beautiful make-up for every day to have a flawless look for 8-10 hours. The base (primer, foundation) helps to create a smooth and even surface, ready for makeup application. You can also use corrective bases, among which the bases of green shades will remove redness and inflammatory areas, lilac shades - neutralize yellowness, and white shades will make the skin "porcelain".

Concealer. It is used to eliminate skin imperfections, eliminate dark circles around the eyes, and correct the contour of the face shape. He helps to achieve impeccable appearance and mask the "unevenness" of the complexion. Will help with this professional cosmetics for home use that you can pick up.

Tonal basis. To make a beautiful make-up at home perfect and at the same time help maintain a natural look, use a foundation. It will help to even out the complexion and eliminate the remaining imperfections on the skin. However, with this cosmetic product must be handled carefully so as not to create contrast with the rest of the body.

Fixer. One of the final stages of applying makeup is to consolidate the result. To create a beautiful make-up for every day, you should use powder with a matting effect.

Accentuate the brow line. Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows will complement the makeup and make the image more expressive, giving it a zest.

Shadows. For everyday makeup, choose pastel shades, harmoniously combining them with the color of the eyes. For other occasions, you can use various makeup effects (smokey ice, haze effect, etc.).

Eyelash tinting. Perfect for everyday makeup option will do dyeing the lower and upper eyelashes with brown mascara.

Blush to refresh the complexion. Apply a layer of blush, taking into account the shape of the face and the expressiveness of the cheekbones. It is necessary to apply correctly, with a slight smile, brushing the apples of the cheeks with a brush.

Lips. Bright shades for everyday makeup will not fit. It is better to use a balm that keeps the lips soft and gives them a light shade. Preference should be given to gentle and natural tones.

As you can see, creating a beautiful make-up at home is quite simple. Considering the recommendations and characteristics of your face, try to create an attractive and charming image yourself.

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More expressive, thanks to him, any girl can emphasize her individuality and create unique image... Women began to actively use cosmetics not so long ago, but the history of its creation goes back millennia, and even men often use it.

From antiquity to modern times

The ancient Egyptians were the first to discover dyes, which soon came into use. Antique frescoes often depict beautiful wives pharaohs with neatly drawn arrows at the eyes, tinted eyebrows and lips. However, makeup was not always an aesthetic purpose: face painting was performed for magical and religious rites, before military campaigns.

Millions of women follow the beauty of the body, but not everyone knows what a make-up is. In English, this word means "makeup", and the word "cosmetics" is borrowed from French and is translated as "the art of decorating." Indeed, the procedure for applying makeup is a whole culture that can transform a person beyond recognition.

There is never too much makeup?

Every woman's makeup bag is full various shadows for eyelids, false eyelashes, lipsticks and bronzer shades. But how not to get lost among this diversity? It's not an easy question, because I want to apply a little bit of everything on my face, so that the eyes shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and the blush is as bright as possible. For Everyday life excess makeup is unacceptable.

The correct make-up should be subtle, because it is done in order to hide flaws and emphasize advantages, so that the beauty looks as natural as possible. Wanting to mask freckles or make the tan less noticeable, girls apply several layers of foundation and powder, making big mistake... Facial products are used to hide mimic wrinkles and make the tone even. Many people forget what make-up is and start applying thick layer makeup that looks unattractive up close. Overuse of creams leads to premature aging skin, but because of a large number face powder will appear frozen.

What should be the right cosmetics

The range of skin care products is striking in its variety. Mascara, creams and lipsticks differ in quality and price category... Make-up (cosmetics) should include anti-allergenic agents, otherwise any application procedure will result in itching, blemishes and peeling of the skin. Fashionistas should know that quality daily makeup will be expensive, but beauty comes at a cost. Do not be surprised if the manufacturer demands an amount with three zeros for a foundation or mascara - with such a tool you can not worry about your skin condition.

It's no secret that cosmetics are often counterfeited, and in beautiful packaging can put a substandard product disguised as famous brand... No one is immune from deception, but in order to somehow protect yourself from the consequences, do not forget to read the annotation and watch the expiration dates.

Ideal at home? Not a problem!

Beauty salon by special cases a must visit for every girl. But wasting time on a daily basis long procedures can only be afforded by artists or models. Knowing what a make-up is, you can create an ideal image at home, even with a small range of cosmetics.

First of all, a moisturizer is applied, then the foundation is evenly applied, which should be almost invisible on the skin. Concealer allows you to hide dark spots, under the eyes or small pimples... Powder removes greasy shine and evens out the tone. Blush comes in natural, brown and pink shade... Choose an option depending on the event for which you apply the make-up at home. Eyebrows can be accentuated with a soft pencil or eye shadow. Followed by Completes the procedure by applying lipstick or lip gloss.

Impudent eyes

No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. The rule for applying the foundation remains unchanged, but the eye makeup can be changed every day. It is the most time-consuming to create, but with long-wearing eyeshadow and mascara, it won't have to be tweaked for hours.

It should be natural and make the look more expressive, and if there is a long night ahead, the eyes should be bright and bold, so there can be no boundaries - more shadows, eyeliner and mascara.

Make-up cosmetics for the eyelids can be different: solid or loose shadows, liquid formulations, eyeliner or pencil. For a perfect look, several shades of paint should be involved. The lighter shade of the eyeshadow is applied to the upper and lower part eyelids, a thin line is drawn with a pencil along the outer corner of the eyes and below. Dark shade you can make neat hollows under the eyebrows - this technique is suitable for European centuries... To make the eyes more expressive, it is necessary to draw an arrow with eyeliner along the growth of the eyelashes. The final stage is mascara.

Unleash your imagination!

All women of fashion know perfectly well what a make-up is, and they apply it daily, but it is worth turning on additional elements: rhinestones and sequins - and with a slight movement of the hand everyday look will turn into fabulous. Bright makeup would be an excellent choice for extraordinary style on prom, for a disco or photo session. The main thing is to give free rein to imagination and not be afraid of new experiments.