Wedding costumes of the peoples of your region. Bulgarian girl in a traditional wedding dress in the Rhodope Mountains. Russian folk dress of the bride

Obligatory elements of attire for the wedding of a Russian commoner girl are a shirt and a shirt. The shirt is sewn from a very thin fabric and decorated with lace, and the shirt is made of rough homespun linen, embroidered with flowers, birds or other ornaments characteristic of her place of residence.

The Ukrainian bride also adorned her shirt with rich embroidery. Also in the outfit there was a deriga, a spare tire or a block - a piece of fabric rectangular, they were specially wrapped around the waist, and subsequently became what we now know as a skirt.

National wedding dresses of Belarusian brides are the same shirt or shirt, a narrow fitted vest that matches a homespun skirt and an apron decorated in the same way as a shirt.

Brides of Africa

Special meaning the bride in Africa attaches to the material. The traditional attire of the bride is a bright colored skirt"Bubah" and jacket. The bride's head is wrapped in a cloth in such a way that it resembles a turban, braids are woven from the hair, which means that the bride is modest and restrained. The traditional outfit of the groom consists of a jacket, tunic and headdress.

Brides from Mexico

A Mexican wedding attracts with its peculiar interweaving of Spanish traditions and customs of the Aztecs that have come down to us from ancient times, and therefore it is bright and colorful. Lace-trimmed mantilla, flamenco-style dresses with many frills for girls, trousers, a matador-style bolero jacket for boys, serve as a reminder of the time when the only holiday in a person's life was his wedding, where the best bright outfits were worn. Bright colors typical for a Mexican wedding are present everywhere - these are also traditional dishes national cuisine, exotic flowers, traditional for showering guests with sweets and confetti.

Brides of china

The basis for the outfits of the bride and groom in Asia is silk and the obligatory red color. Red and gold are considered symbols of happiness and wealth in China, so they are preferred when choosing even minor details, such as candles, envelopes with money or gift wrapping. In different provinces of China, national wedding dresses differ sharply from each other. For Northern China, the bride's dress "cheung sam", necessarily red, tight-fitting and with a high stand-up collar, while for South China, the “Hung Kwa” suit is preferable, which includes a jacket and several skirts, dressed one by one. A Chinese bride adorns her dress with symbolic embroidery. For example, golden birds symbolize marriage in China, embroidered flowers are considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. The bride's face is covered with a red silk veil, or beaded tassels, on her head wedding diadem in the form of a phoenix.

Following the old tradition, the bride must change her wedding dress three times during the entire wedding and reception ceremony. In a red dress, the bride is present at the wedding ceremony itself, in white at subsequent receptions. The traditional outfit of the groom is a dark blue shirt, a red silk belt, puts on long jacket made of black silk; a dark hat with red tassels is worn over the head.

Brides of Japan

The traditional attire of the bride of Japan is of course the kimono "shiromuku" white, made of white silk, a brocade cape, all kinds of jewelry and a wig, necessarily decorated with either kansashi hairpins, or silver hairpins or a comb. The wig is sometimes replaced with a scarf or tsuno kakushi cap to cover the so-called "horns of jealousy" inherent in each japanese bride... The cap also symbolizes reverence for the husband and the desire to hide their flaws. In the hands of the bride is traditional wedding fan... Before receiving guests, the bride changes her traditional white kimono for an outfit red-white"Iro-uchikake" decorated with gold and silver. Red, according to the Japanese, is able to ward off spirits and symbolizes marital happiness, and cranes are a symbol of life.

At the end of the evening, the bride wears "furisode" - a bright kimono for unmarried girls, as if saying goodbye to his bachelor life. For a wedding kimono, the choice of white is very important. White color in Japan is a symbol of a new beginning; with her white kimono, the bride emphasizes that she does not bring anything of her own to the groom's house. Along with red and white, the bride's attire can be any other color, just not purple. This color is considered a harbinger of the imminent breakdown of marriage. Traditionally, the clothing of the groom in Japan was and remains black, but his family's attire must be white.

Brides of korea

The outfit of a Korean bride is very complex and consists of several suits that are worn on top of each other, emphasizing nobility and aristocracy. “Wonsam” is a green outfit, which is worn first, followed by a “hwarrot” made of silk fabric, which translates as “dress with flowers”. Both costumes are decorated with traditional embroidery of flowers and butterflies. Colored ribbons are tied on the white sleeves of the bride's dress, which means purity and respect, in accordance with the main elements of Eastern philosophy: red - sky, blue - earth, yellow - humanity.

The bride's waist is tied with a red belt with embroidered birds, a black hat with precious stones... The bride's face is adorned with traditional makeup, a red dot is drawn on each cheek, which serves as protection from evil spirits. The groom is dressed at the wedding in "faruotsu" clothing, traditionally dark green, trimmed with gold, the sleeves are held together by red, yellow and white ribbons. A black cap and a red belt, exactly the same as that of the bride, complete the groom's outfit.

Brides of India

Traditional color indian wedding is red, so the bride's sari is usually red in color, embroidered in gold, usually an eight-meter cloth that wraps around the whole body. The wedding sari also comes in yellow, gold, or white, depending on where the bride lives. In some states, it is customary to decorate saris with a gold border, symbolizing the solemnity of the event; in some, the bride wears countless bracelets on her hands, which will bring her good luck. The bride is wearing a red veil on her head, and a gold jewelery “thali” is worn around her neck - a symbol of her married life.

Silk shirt and bright holiday trousers beige colour, khaki or earth colors make up the groom's outfit. Occasionally, the groom's face is covered with special white tassels.

Arab brides cover their faces with a veil, which means sorrow for girlhood, and apply to their arms and legs the most complicated ornament from henna.

Brides of Europe

Traditional wedding dress for the European bride - White dress... There is a sign that the bride should be wearing one old thing, one new and one borrowed and something blue.

In England, a horseshoe decorated with lace is worn on the bride's hand. Symbolizes the luck of the couple old shoes shod for a wedding.

In Scotland, the bride receives a gift from the groom with a checkered scarf, symbolizing his clan, and a family belt, with which the groom tightens the bride's waist. The scarf is thrown over the shoulders and pinned up with a silver pin, thus emphasizing the strength of the senses. The traditional outfit of the groom at the wedding is the kilt.

Brides of southern European countries prefer self-made dresses, saving them later as a family jewel.

National wedding dresses by different people of the world was last modified: September 20th, 2016 by admin

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S.V. Citizen L.M. Zaitseva Russian folk wedding suit

White wedding dresses began to enter urban fashion from the beginning of the 19th century. due to the general interest in ancient art. Bride in long light dress with a high bodice, a veil and a myrtle wreath in her hair, she was associated with the image of an ancient goddess. However, in the peasant environment, as well as among part of the philistine and merchant class up to the beginning of the XX century. remained bridal wear based on the national traditional costume.
The ritual accessory of wedding clothes determined on long time sustainable conservation traditional elements her cut, fabric colors, ornamentation and manner of wearing. In the XIX - early XX century. there were a large number of variants of Russian peasant wedding suits. Their diversity is explained, first of all, by the vast expanses of our country, its various climatic zones, the history of each region, the influence of the peoples living in the neighborhood and a number of other factors.
The book identifies two main women's wedding costume sets, typical for the Russian traditional clothing: a set of clothes with a sundress and a set with a ponytail. Maiden and women's clothing with a sundress was widely used throughout Russia. In the XIX century. in the Russian North, in the Urals and the Volga region, it was the main one. In general, the wedding dress of these regions included a shirt with straight polics or without polikas, a sundress - oblique or straight, an apron, a belt, a headdress, heart warmer, stockings, shoes, jewelry.
The ponderous complex was typical for the southern regions of Russia, although even there girls wore shirts or shirts with sundresses before the wedding. For a church wedding, they also wore shirts with sundresses, and only after the wedding did the sundress change to a neva, which they wore all their lives. In some localities, girls of marriageable age were wearing poneva.
The wedding dressing set consisted of a shirt with oblique, straight polics or without polics, a poneva, an apron, a belt or several belts, breast clothes, a headdress, stockings, shoes, ornaments. As a rule, the ubiquitous women's wedding suit was complemented by a veil or scarf. The bride and groom could get married, regardless of the season, in fur coats, belted with special towels.
The men's wedding suit was generally uniform throughout Russia. It consisted of a straight or slanted shirt with a slit on the chest, trousers, a belt, shoes, a headdress, and a caftan. In some localities, the signs of the guy's majority were the decoration on the hat - "feather" and neckerchief- "tie". "Feather" (a ribbon with flowers, a silk brush, bead threads that adorned the crowns of hats) was an archaic sign of readiness to marry. The scarf was usually folded diagonally and tied around the neck in a knot. Sometimes the ends of the scarf were thrown over the shoulders or tucked into the belt. Wedding suits differed from clothing for other purposes by the quality of the material, the color scheme and rich ornamental decoration, endowed with special symbols, manufacturing methods, multi-object, an abundance of various decorations, and the manner of wearing. At the same time, they did not differ in cut from everyday clothes, one of the main characteristics of which was a straight, free cut that did not emphasize the features of the figure. Traditionally, the fabric for wedding dresses was self-made- from flax, hemp, homemade wool. Of the thinnest linen fabric sewed wedding shirts. From linen and purchased cotton threads, material was woven for sundresses, from hair - long-staple wool of a young sheep, not shorn for a year - fabric for ponev and sundresses. Wealthy families used purchased fabrics: silk, brocade, velvet. However, the talent of Russian peasant women, their amazing skill in using the entire traditional complex of needlework, manifested itself, first of all, in the creation of wedding suits from home-made fabrics.
For premarital women's clothing and milestone costumes wedding ceremony, a special coloristic solution was characteristic: most often saturated, cheerful - for a girl's attire of marriageable age, strict, black and white - for clothes of the pre-wedding and wedding periods and bright, marked mainly in red - for a suit of a newlywed and a young woman of the first year family life... The red color was symbolic for such an important stage of the ceremony as a wedding feast, and had a protective, and most importantly, producing value.
The ornamental symbolism of the bride's attire is endowed with a similar sacred meaning: female figures, rhombuses - signs of fertility; crosses, swastikas - solar signs; trees that represent eternally wildlife... Ornaments were located, as a rule, along the edges of clothing - along the hem, collar, at the ends of the sleeves, as if protecting the exposed parts of the body from the effects of evil forces. Wedding dresses consisted of more details than ordinary clothes and were complemented by decorations made of beads, ribbons, feathers, coins, etc. Particular importance was attached to the time and methods of manufacturing, the manner of wearing. So, the girl sewed wedding clothes for herself and the groom herself or with the help of her friends before the wedding itself or in advance, necessarily on the eve of big holidays. Clothes were sewn by hand, sometimes the fabric was not cut with scissors, but torn by hand.
Covering the bride's head with a veil or scarf, hands with long shirt sleeves in the pre-wedding time and at the wedding, girding with towels was associated with the belief of the ancient Slavs that in this way you can protect yourself from "spoilage, evil eye and dashing words." Wedding clothes were treated with great care, they were kept and used throughout their lives. Girly clothes the pre-war period in some localities later served as a memorial and burial. The woman who came out of reproductive age, wore a wedding shirt as everyday. She could also be her funeral garment. A married woman put on a newlywed costume for the most great holidays before the birth of the first child. A men's wedding shirt was often used as a baptismal swaddle, as if protecting the child, transferring to him the strength and health of his father. The Russian bridal suit has not yet been sufficiently studied by researchers2. Real book being the first experience of such a publication, it does not pretend to be a broad generalization. The authors present a collection of Russian wedding clothes on a geographical basis, dividing it into costumes from the northern, Volga, Ural and southern regions. Men's wedding wear is considered as a separate block. For the first time, it is proposed to divide women's clothing into suits of girls of marriageable age and clothing corresponding to individual stages of the wedding cycle: "pre-wedding", which was worn before the wedding in the church, "wedding" and "newlywed", which was worn after the wedding ceremony. This division is most clearly traced in the costumes of the southern Russian region. According to the authors, this publication will help readers to better understand the meaning and significance of clothing in one of the major events in the life of the peasant world - a wedding.

The traditional white bride dress is actually a tribute to simplification. In folk wedding dresses, everything is much richer and more varied.

White dress came into fashion and became an integral symbol wedding ceremony only in the 19th century thanks to Queen Victoria. She became the first woman to wear a white dress for her wedding. Until this momentous moment, women had chosen an outfit that matched the fashion of that era.

But the national wedding dress is as much a part of the culture as songs, legends and language. And for every self-sufficient people, he is different from others.

Users of the Bored Panda website have chosen the best, in their opinion, traditional wedding dresses of the peoples of the world. Here, of course, much depended on a particular photograph of the bride's or groom's dress, but nevertheless? here are the Top 20 traditional wedding dresses of the peoples of the world.


2. Nigerian bride

3. Hutsul (Carpathians, Western Ukraine and Moldova) young

4. Newlyweds in Ghana

5. Kazakh bride

6. Japan

7. Mongolian bride

8. Scottish wedding

9. Romanian bride

10. China

11. Yakan bride

The Yakans are an ethnolinguistic group that inhabits mainly the Basilan Island in the Philippines.

12. Goran's bride

Gorans (also gorane; goranzi, gorani, gorani; self-name: nashintsi, nashinskie) - one of the small peoples of the Balkans. In the censuses, they indicate their nationality mainly as Goranian or Bosnian, less often they identify themselves as Serbs or even as Turks and Albanians with their native Slavic language.

13. Norway

14. Indonesia

15. Hungarian bride

16. Bride from Peru


More than 185 different ethnic groups live in Russia, and many of them have their own separate wedding traditions... That is, about 180 photographs could be placed here.


19. Uzbek bride

20. Hamar (people in Ethiopia) bride

Chapter 6. Russian folk wedding costumes

Russian folk costume groom

In general, the groom's wedding suit did not differ much from festive costume married man.

The hat is an interesting attribute of the groom's suit.

Earlier, when going out into the street, both women and men wore a hat. But unlike women, who did not have the right to take off their headdress even at home (except for their room), the representatives of the stronger sex were supposed to bare their heads in any room, and if some man did not do this, it was considered an insult at home. However, the groom, contrary to this rule, wore a hat for almost the entire wedding, even indoors (with the exception of a wedding in a church, and even then, in Vladimir province, grooms were married in hats). In many regions, at the feast of the exit and drive table, the groom sat in a headdress, and only after the start of the main feast was his hat removed.

In addition, contrary to everyday etiquette, the groom did not take off his hats to anyone and did not bow to anyone, with rare exceptions. In Domostroy it is emphasized that if the groom still needs to bow, he must contrive to do it without dropping the hat from his head.

Usually the groom in any weather wore a cap (sewn from the skin with the skin on the outside). Or a hat with a fur trim, less often a simple one round hat... But so familiar to everyone caps (hats like a cap with a flower), in which collective farmers from Soviet films- this is just a tribute to the fashion of those times.

In some provinces, an important part of the groom's costume was a red dress ( large scarf). Usually it was folded diagonally, thrown over the shoulders, secured with a pin (resembles a raincoat).

On the day of the wedding, the groom received as a present from the bride details of a costume that she herself had recently sewn for him: a shirt and ports.

Shirts in Russian culture can be divided into two main types: with a straight or oblique cut at the neckline (blouses). The most archaic is the tunic-like straight cut, straight neckline with a slit in the middle. In this case, the shirt is sewn from three pieces of fabric about 40 cm wide each - this is the maximum width given by the ancient weaving looms... Have finished product two vertical seams are obtained in the front and back, which makes the man stately and visually gives growth.

White cloth shirts with abundant red embroidery, a red shirt with embroidery are common festive attire.

A festive shirt could be worn underneath (underwear).

The ports were not made in such bright colors, usually they were not decorated.

An obligatory attribute of a costume and a talisman was a belt, leather or wide woven (sash), which was fixed over the shirt.

Noble people wore outerwear over their shirts (fur coat, retinue, etc.).

Russian folk dress of the bride

As we said, at a Russian folk wedding, a woman had two outfits - a girl's and a woman's. The latter was not much different from the festive outfit, and the first in many cases looked like a normal girlish outfit, but not according to color scheme, but in the form of objects.

Russian female festive outfit - multi-layer clothing, could consist of the following parts.


Bottom shirt (shirt, chemise). A piece of fabric folded in half with a hole for the head and wide, sewn-in sleeves is the simplest, basic option. In ethnographic collections, there are also more refined items with inserts, darts on the figure, etc. Often the sleeves were very long ("long-sleeved"), to the floor ( important attribute ritual clothing). The collar is smooth with a button or gathered on a lace (this is convenient when a woman becomes a nursing mother). Along the hem, collar, sleeves, the shirt was decorated with protective embroidery, the significance of which is enormous, because this part of the outfit was closest to the body, which means that it also protected the soul of the newlywed.

Second shirt (optional). Some women, in addition to the bottom, wore another shirt made of a more expensive fabric. The sleeves of any top shirt were made about 20 cm longer than an arm, then to gather and fix with hoops (bracelets), or (later appearance) made cuffs with a button.

A ponyova or a sundress - what to wear for a wedding depended on local traditions.

The sundress in Russian sources was first mentioned in the XIV century - then it was both female and men's clothing... Until the 17th century, it was worn with sleeves. Later, the top was often made with shoulder straps, but sometimes just like a sleeveless jacket.

Poneva is an archaic, old Slavic piece of clothing. It consists of three warm panels attached to a lace-gashnik. Unlike the everyday one, the festive poneva was often decorated with ornaments.

In those regions where sundresses were not worn, before marriage, women dressed in belted shirts with aprons; after marriage, a poneva was added to this set.

Apron (curtain) - resembles an apron. It was often embroidered with the symbols that were adopted in the area.

Belt - important element costume and amulet. Women wore narrow woven belts.

Fur coat (sheepskin coat).

For the bride, the above items of clothing were provided in two sets. Except for the shirt, which should be the only one; the bride must wear it during the entire wedding, and even then at all holidays.

The first set is for the “sad” part of the wedding. Colors - white or black, small blotches of other colors are acceptable. The other is for the fun part of the wedding. He bright colors(red, yellow), there were variants with printed designs.

Closed shoes.


For girls: a headdress with an open top (crown, headband). One of the types of crown, koruna, is probably the most spectacular girlish headdress, it resembles a crown, but some models look like a kokoshnik. The headdress relied on a veil (bedspread, haze, veil) - an analogue of a modern veil.

For wives: a closed headdress (kichka, magpie, kokoshnik). Kichka was an ancient and ubiquitous headdress in Russia. Its subspecies is forty (typical for the central regions of Russia). The Kokoshnik is much younger than the Kichi, but over the four centuries of its existence, it has experienced a rapid flowering.

Jewelry: earrings, beads, bracelets, belt pendants.

“Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich's choice of a bride”. G.S. Sedov. Fragment. Here we see girly headdresses. They represent one of the types of crowns - "coruna".

The image of the Russian bride was complemented by a hairstyle:

before the wedding - a braid;

in the first half of the wedding - loose hair, covered under a veil;

after winding - two braids, curled in bunches, hidden under a closed headdress.

Let's talk about women's headdresses in more detail. Initially, only hats with a "bottom" were called kokoshnik, in which married ladies hid their braids. Those that we see in the drawings on the previous page were not called kokoshniks in the old days, but crowns. There are two main types of wreaths: the first was based on a hoop that ran from the forehead to the crown, and the second looked like a halo surrounding the face. If the crown had "terem", that is, elevations, rays, teeth, then it was called "koruna".

According to R. M. Kirsanova, over time, crowns also began to be called kokoshniks, if they had a high crest38. Do the same modern people: if they see a headdress in the shape of a semicircle on the head, they immediately say that it is a kokoshnik.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the kokoshnik experienced a bright flash of fame. They began to wear it even abroad - these were secular ladies who became imbued with the style "a la rus" thanks to the wave of Russian immigration. Fashion historian A. Vasiliev writes that the kokoshnik in the 20-30s of the XX century. was in the arsenal of fashionistas all over the world, including a wedding suit (see photo Peggy Fish, p. 235). This flash of fame for the kokoshnik was probably the last, because soon he, like other complex old Russian attire, was no longer worn even on holidays in the villages.

Magic symbols

What symbols were used to decorate costumes?

Feeling like the world allowed ancient man be in harmony. The outfit, in which the headdress symbolized the upper world (sky), the middle one (the air space between the earth and the sky), and the hem - the earth, helped. Dangerous lower world(underground) was not shown in a suit, since a living person did not belong to him.

The symbolism of the upper world is clearly visible in women's headdresses. On them you can see solar signs (a schematic representation of the sun).

Temporal pendants (ryasny) were often attached to headdresses. And also graceful nets, woven from threads with beads or pearls (lower, lower, duckweed). Both are symbols of rain.

Some forms of kokoshniks and crowns resemble a solar halo around a woman's face.

A wreath of natural or artificial flowers - one of the options for Russian wedding dress... In some songs, it is sung that the wreath glows, and it becomes clear that this circle-shaped headdress was considered a symbol of the sun.

Separately, it should be said about the "horned" headdresses. Their origin is rooted in antiquity, they are familiar to all Eastern Slavs. The first mention of the kichka dates back to 1328. The kichka is two-horned, and the kokoshnik is one-horned, less often two-horned (or hornless different shapes). Horned headdresses were only worn married women- the old-timers said that this is an image of the horns of a cow - a symbol of wealth. However, according to the views of the outstanding scientist A. N. Afanasyev, the cow is a secondary association, while the symbolism of the Month is primary: young month golden horns. The horns of the month attracted the thought of a horned animal. " If the kichka is considered the symbol of the month with its horns up, then a kokoshnik in the shape of a crescent depicts it with its horns down.

Horned kitch from the costume of the Ryazan region. 1900s

In addition, the top of the costume includes shoulder embroidery, which often depicted stars (sometimes they took the form of flowers). And also kolovrats (swastikas) are one of the ways to depict the sun or fire.

Skates were embroidered on the costumes, trees were auspicious symbols.

The hem of the shirts was decorated with symbols of fertility. For example, diamonds are a schematic representation of a field.

In the middle of the outfit there was a belt - a talisman on which the most important symbol for the owner of the clothes could be depicted. If the fabric of the outer garment was very expensive, they tried to protect it from abrasion, and the belt was worn under it.

Interestingly, all these rules are invariably true for women's clothing. However, the male outfit was often a "changeling" in comparison with the female one: at the top of the suit (at the neck, on the shoulders) symbols of the earth were depicted, and the upper world was below. This has not always been the case. Perhaps this showed the opposite nature of man and woman.

In the XIX-XX centuries. in some areas a new belief appears: supposedly it is better to sew a wedding dress from plain fabrics without patterns and embroidery, so that life is "even", wedding rings also chose smooth ones. For a while, the new superstition even supplanted the tradition, and it came to the point that wedding dresses came into fashion not only without drawings, but also in dull, calm colors, so that the marriage was “calm”.

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The choice of wedding dress for representatives of many nations is already determined by religious beliefs or ancient customs, from which girls and their families do not want to retreat. The manifestation of the heritage of the past is imprinted in colors, styles or additional attributes to clothing. Traditional Wedding Dresses individual peoples are presented in the public Cognitive.

1.Bulgaria, Rhodope mountains.

A girl living in the Rhodope Mountains puts on a long outfit. The wedding dress is decorated with hand-embroidered ornaments.

Bulgarian bride.

2. Indonesia.

On different Indonesian islands, girls have their own preferences when choosing a wedding dress. Many people dress in brightly colored dresses decorated with three-dimensional embroidery.

Indonesian wedding dress.

Henna designs of birds and flowers are an important element of the image of the Indonesian bride.

Henna drawings.

In a traditional Nubian outfit, there are 3 details of the headdress at once: a scarf with a floral print, a white veil and a transparent veil.

Nubian bride.

The choice of wedding dress and jewelry is the lot of the Tibetan groom. It was he the day before significant event is obliged to bring his favorite clothes for the upcoming ceremony.

Traditional wedding dress in Tibet.

Indian bride prefers traditional dress lehenga-choli. Bright red color and 16 ornaments are the main prescriptions of the canons of Solah Sringar.

Lehenga-choli is an Indian wedding dress.

In Tuva national costume the lifestyle of nomads is displayed. Ceremonial clothes are distinguished by freedom of action - the newlyweds can safely ride a horse in it.

Tuvan national wedding costume.

7. Turkey.

The waist of the Turkish bride is tied with a red ribbon before the ceremony, which is a symbol of innocence, happiness and good luck. This role is assigned to the girl's father, brother or uncle.


8. Bulgaria - Ribnovo.

The girls from Ribnovo pay the most attention to their face, which is painted with special white paint, and dozens of shiny rhinestones are glued on top of it. The veil is made from silvery threads. The custom is rooted in the centuries-old past.

A bride from Rybnovo, Bulgaria.

9. Sri Lanka.

The dress of the bride from Sri Lanka reflects the influence of the East and West: a traditional wedding dress, a silk sari, complemented by a European-style veil. Accessories in the form of an odd number of stones must be present in a wedding dress.

Sri Lanka.

10. Israel.

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish brides are distinguished by their modesty. Long dress the white color hides her body completely. Only the girl's face and hands remain in sight.


11. Tajikistan.

The traditional outfit of a bride from Tajikistan is a dress over trousers.

Wedding dress in Tajikistan.

12. Pakistan.

Red, pink and purple colors preferred by Pakistani girls. A veil made of colorful beads is a must-have for a wedding dress.


13. Eritrea.

The clothes of an Eritrean young man are completely identical to that of the groom: a velvet coat decorated with golden embroidery and a crown-shaped hat.

A wedding suit from Eritrea.

14. Palestine.

For the official ceremony, the girl wears snow white dress... In the wedding wardrobe of the newlywed, there must be clothes sewn by hand by her mother.


Traditional dresses of red and black color are chosen by capital Peruvians. Layered cotton skirt and embellished hem - integral element wedding vestments.

Lima, Peru.

The Jordanians borrowed European fashion for white dresses and gold jewelry. The only difference is a silk shawl that hides the bride's face.

Wedding dress, caftan, must match colors with a groom's suit. Lavender and purple tint often prevail in the attire of newlyweds.


The traditional hanbok wedding dress has a very ancient history- it was worn several hundred years ago. Since then, it has remained practically unchanged: a silk or cotton blouse combined with a high-waisted skirt.

Korean traditional wedding dress.

19. Japan.

A snow-white kimono with a hood is the wedding dress of a Japanese girl.

Japanese kimono.

A beautiful brooch and a belt at the waist are an important attribute of a dress. Chechen bride... A closed white dress and a scarf emphasize her modesty.

Chechen wedding dress.

Traditionally, Iraqi brides have to change clothes up to seven times. Each outfit symbolizes a specific color of the rainbow.


22. Nigeria.

Bright lace blouses and patterned caftans, along with coral beads and a voluminous headdress, are a traditional Nigerian wedding dress.


23. Italy.

Italians often opt for a dress or a necklace. Green colour, which brings prosperity and good luck.

Italian bride.

24. Morocco.

During the celebration, the Moroccan changes clothes three times. A white caftan or dress is selected for the official ceremony.

Moroccan wedding traditions.

25. USA, XIX century.

Traditional wedding dress a 19th century American bride looked more like a regular festive outfit from her wardrobe. Indeed, poor girls could not afford white clothes, because she often got dirty. That is why American women chose the best that was in their closet.

USA, 19th century

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