How can you dye fabric brown? My experience in dyeing fabrics at home. Instructions for dyeing black trousers

Our clothes, alas, are not durable, and the color usually suffers first. After several washes, it fades, and may even shed. The bright sun makes your favorite things faded, old. Looking at the deplorable result, we want to find a way to transform. The question arises whether it is possible to resume the color or even change it. At this point, an interesting thought comes: “How to dye clothes at home?”.

How to dye fabric at home?

Before creating a masterpiece, decide what paint and how you will do it:

  1. Dyes are powdered and liquid.
  2. There are aniline dyes (for wool, capron, fur and leather) and universal dyes (for linen, cotton, viscose and other fabrics).
  3. On the shelves you can find special preparations for dyeing silk and wool.

Important! It is better to buy them in hardware stores, and not in the market. Make sure that the package contains instructions for using the drug, which indicates which fabrics the paint is intended for, how and with what amount of water to dilute it, the process is described in detail,how to dye fabric at home. Be sure to check the expiration date.

How to apply natural dyes?

Fashion for environmental friendliness does not leave us. Therefore, we can please lovers of eco-style - natural dyes exist. Raw materials are around - these are herbs, berries, fruits. By mixing them, you can achieve various shades. These ingredients are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and cheap. One drawback is that the colors are not bright, muted, the shades are natural, natural.

Important! For coloring, you can use onion peel, coffee, chamomile, oak bark, elderberry, beets, red cabbage, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, oranges.

To dye clothes at home with these products, follow this algorithm:

  1. To obtain a coloring solution, grind the ingredients, place in a container with water, boil.
  2. For saturation, it is better to insist the night.
  3. Then strain to clear the broth from pieces of raw materials.
  4. We lower the prepared thing into the liquid and boil for the time necessary to achieve the desired shade.

Important! The processing time, as well as the amount of the original product, is chosen in a practical way, based on the volume, size of the thing and how saturated shade you would like to receive.

  1. To fix the color, 0.5 cups of salt can be added to 8 cups of water.
  2. Rinse the product several times.

Important! remember, that natural paints not resistant to direct sunlight, to synthetic detergents.

Secrets of dyeing fabric at home

Home painting is a risky business. You can't be 100% sure of the result. It is necessary to follow some rules in order to maximally exclude the adverse effect on the fabric and getting stains on it:

  • Always consider the composition of the fabric. Best dyed natural fabrics: jeans, cotton, linen. Blended fabrics when stained will be somewhat paler. Synthetics may not stain at all or go divorced.
  • Choose the right color. It is best to dye the fabric at home within the same color, but a few shades darker. For example, green to dark green. Be sure to take into account the original color of the product. If you want to repaint white blouse in black, it will most likely come out in an ugly gray color.
  • It is better to make test staining on a piece of similar fabric. If you do not like the color of the solution, then do not risk it - you have only one attempt.
  • Things should be clean, well rinsed from the powder. Before the direct process, wet the product, then immerse it in paint. This will eliminate the uneven distribution of color.
  • Wear gloves. Dyes can reliably stain the skin on for a long time and also cause allergies.
  • Follow the instructions carefully. Dissolve the contents of the package in a small amount water, strain through cheesecloth so that there are no lumps and solid particles. Then proceed according to the sequence written on the package.

Important! We advise you to add 2 tablespoons of salt to the solution, which will make the color more saturated. After dyeing, rinse the item several times in a running warm water and then cold until the flush water is clear. During the last rinse, add 0.5 cups of vinegar to consolidate the result.

Coloring in the washing machine

A smart unit will greatly facilitate the work if you decide to dye the fabric at home. You only need to follow special rules:

  1. Select a long wash cycle (no soak) and a temperature according to the type of fabric.
  2. Pour the liquid dye solution directly into the drum.
  3. After staining, rinse several times, the last rinse with the addition of vinegar.
  4. Now take care of your typewriter: turn on the rinse mode to wash out the remaining ink solution.

How to care for products after painting?

In order for the result of your work not to be reduced to zero, after painting it is necessary to properly care for the clothes:

  1. Make the first wash separately from other things.
  2. Add vinegar while rinsing.
  3. Do not use white laundry detergent.
  4. Dry only in the shade, as direct sunlight will cause the color to fade.

How to dye fabric with stains?

The ombre effect is in fashion right now. It is used in manicure, when dyeing hair. These look interesting original solutions in clothes.

At home, you can try to create an author's thing. To do this, you need to dye the clothes in this way:

Dyeing clothes at home with chemicals and natural dyes not as durable as the factory one. But it helps us in those cases when we need to paint over a spot, add brightness to a faded thing. With its help, you can create author's masterpieces and we hope you will get spectacular and beautiful ones.

Are you tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, White T-shirt Has ceased to please you, because its shade has become boring, but you don’t want to buy a new one? There is a way out - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you about how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other natural dyes, as well as how to properly care for a dyed item.

How to dye white fabric with green paint and other dyes?

Tulle and curtains are accessories that people notice when they enter your room. Fabric curtains can both decorate and hopelessly ruin your entire interior.

Paint curtains a different color quickly and also without any special efforts- this is one of acceptable options for the transformation appearance rooms. By changing color scheme clothes for windows, as well as picking up cute little things to match, you can get a new solution for your home or working environment a habitat.

Do-it-yourself painting of tulle and curtains can help you if you don’t have the funds, as well as time to update the interior and repair, and your soul asks for something new. The painting process is very economical in every sense, because:

  • significant cash costs are not required for the purchase of dyes;
  • it is not necessary to waste your time waiting, as well as listen to the recommendations of the designer;
  • there is no need to go from store to store for a long time in search of new materials;
  • there is a possibility of re-staining.

Home conditions are suitable to give a window wardrobe on your own the new kind. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of how to dye fabric with brilliant green and other equally interesting improvised means. Moreover, this fabric can be both the basis of interior decor and your clothes.

The process of dyeing tulle and white T-shirts

Preparing fabrics for dyeing required condition while choosing any of the various dyes. By dyeing only clean fabric, you can get desired result. Be sure to wait until the fabric is completely dry after washing is completed, a slightly damp tulle or a T-shirt will quickly absorb all the coloring pigments into itself.

Important! The color intensity of a fabric product depends on how concentrated the dye is, as well as on time. Therefore, think about how bright the result you are trying to get before you dye the fabric with green.

Aniline dyes

If you chose this method staining, in no case do not experiment. You can effectively paint tulle in a different shade only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:

  • Dilute the dye in a small container until the dye is completely dissolved, and then pour it into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
  • Add the dye immediately to the basin or to another container into which you have already poured warm water. In the resulting solution, put the product you are painting.

Important! Quite often, dye manufacturers advise salting water with table salt to obtain a stable color. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.

good old greenery

To dye the fabric with brilliant green should be for those housewives who want to see window curtains or T-shirts in greenish tint. The method of application is extremely simple:

  1. Dissolve not a large number of green pharmacy liquid in warm water. Determine the required volume of the medical solution yourself, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 10 ml is taken per 5 liters of water. diamond solution(1 bottle).
  2. Stir the entire contents of the container evenly.
  3. After that, place a damp cloth or T-shirt there.
  4. Keep for 20-30 minutes.

Important! It is possible to dye clothes with brilliant green at home evenly, without streaks, as well as stains, only if you periodically turn the product over in containers. The same rule is observed when you decide to change the shade of tulle, curtains, nylon mesh and any other textile.


You need to dye your clothes green if you want to get green color. Everything is logical here. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink hue, then feel free to take a similar medical solution called “Fukortsin”. It is popularly called “pink green”, as it is similar in its properties, but has a distinctive color.

The whole coloring procedure takes a very small amount of time, and the result will surely please you. The principle of staining is exactly the same as when using brilliant green.

Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home bins, it is an excellent analogue of "Fukortsin" to dye the fabric. Feel free to use it.

Aromatic coffee and tea

In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea leaves or ground coffee. It is just as easy to dye fabric with tea at home as with other natural dyes - 2 tsp. tea brewing or coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution:

  1. Dip in 1 liter of boiling water 2 tsp. tea leaves or ground coffee.
  2. Wait for complete dissolution, and then strain.
  3. After that, put the fabric to be dyed into the broth you have prepared.

Important! If the tulle is too large, then increase the proportions of tea or coffee and water.

Beets - a natural dye

This product has excellent coloring properties, and is also able to dye curtains and T-shirts in a different color.

To paint tulle at home:

  1. Cut the beets and fill them with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
  2. Boil the beets until completely softened with the lid closed.
  3. Strain the juice, and dip your product into this strained juice.
  4. The “fabric bath” time depends on how saturated you want the shade to be.
  1. most important and main advice. Before proceeding with the direct painting of clothes, weigh the pros and cons. Amateur painting is always a risk.
  2. Know the composition of the fabric, because the whole result of painting depends on the composition of the fabric:
    • if the fabric is natural, for example: cotton, linen, jeans, then, as a rule, the dyeing is excellent;
    • if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
    • if the fabric is 100% synthetic, there is a very big risk the fact that the fabric will not be dyed at all, because from synthetic fabrics, the paint flows down like from cellophane, and the product will remain exactly the same shade as before painting.

Important! Please note that, unfortunately, this moment there have been cases when the composition that is written on the label does not match reality.

  1. Decide on a color. We recommend dyeing in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best dyed blue or dark blue. Also, do not forget to take into account the original shade of the thing. Perfect option if they are similar colors. But if you dye white jeans black, you end up with gray or dark gray, but not black.
  2. Evaluate the final shade only on a carefully dried dyed item, because wet items are always darker.
  3. If color is very important to you, dye a test piece of fabric that will be the same in composition, dry it and see the result.
  4. If you don’t like the shade of the paint you prepared, it’s better not to risk it. In industrial conditions, shades of paints are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color. At home, you have only 1 attempt.
  5. Use only with gloves. Put on gloves before opening the paint bag if you decide to use not the options we have proposed, but an industrial solution. In the case of working with medical solutions, also do not ignore gloves, so as not to think later about how to wipe brilliant green or potassium permanganate from the skin.
  6. Dye things according to the instructions that are written on the packaging on the packaging when using industrial dyes.

Tips for dyeing fabric products in an automatic machine

Dyeing with a washing machine greatly facilitates the entire painting process, but it has its own characteristics:

  1. Pour the diluted paint into the drum, and only into it.
  2. Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle without using pre-soak.
  3. After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of table vinegar.
  4. empty after painting washing machine once again turn on the rinse mode to completely clean it of paint.
  5. Immediately after painting is completed, do not wash white items in the washing machine.

Proper care of the product after staining:

  1. Do not dry clothes in direct contact with sun rays otherwise the paint will burn out.
  2. Wash the first 2-3 washes separately from other items.
  3. During subsequent washings of clothes, after wearing, add a small amount of vinegar when rinsing.
  4. In this article, we have tried to collect all necessary information, which would help you safely and efficiently paint any thing at home. We hope you will be able to correctly use these recommendations and dye the fabric with green paint or any other suitable color tool to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or your favorite thing.

If there is a need to re-dye clothes in a different color or update their shade, you can contact the dry cleaner, but such a plan is not cheap. In such cases, special aniline fabric dyes come to the rescue, with which you can get almost any shade. The second option is the use of natural dyes. plant origin which have been used for centuries.

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    What fabrics can be dyed?

    Before you start painting, you need to determine the composition of the fabric. Natural materials lend themselves well to dyeing, but if the fabric is synthetic, then there is a chance of getting the wrong tone that you would like. For example, instead of deep purple, you can get lilac. Some synthetic fabrics generally not amenable to dyeing - the dye does not penetrate into the fibers and flows down with water.

    If it is difficult to determine the composition by touch, then you should look at the product label. However, one must be prepared for the fact that clothing manufacturers do not always truthfully indicate the composition on the labels.

    What shade to choose?

    When choosing a color, it should be borne in mind that the initial shade of the fabric affects the result of dyeing. Unlimited scope in the choice of tone is provided only by pure white things. For others good choice there will be a shade close to the original, but more saturated or darker.

    For example, a worn and worn light green jacket can be turned into dark green, and old light gray jeans can be given a graphite color.

    Types of dyes

    At home, things can be dyed using two types of products:

    • aniline dyes;
    • natural substances.

    Aniline dyes are sold in powder form in small bags or in liquid form in jars. The label always indicates for which types of fabrics the product is intended.

    Natural dyes can also be used to obtain various tones:

    • A green tint is obtained using elderberry leaves, marsh horsetail stems or juniper berries.
    • To achieve beige or cream tones, use strong tea or instant coffee.
    • For coloring in Brown color dry buckthorn bark is taken.
    • You can dye the fabric in golden tones with the help of barberry (roots and bark of the plant), and to get more rich color turmeric and birch leaves are suitable.
    • To obtain blue tint, you will need blackberries, meadow sage or Ivan da Marya flowers.
    • If you need to dye a thing red, use ripe elderberry or oregano herb.

    In addition, all fruits and other parts of plants that are difficult to wash are suitable for staining.

    Dyeing fabric with aniline dye

    The clothes should be washed first, because if there is dirt on the fabric, the paint may lie unevenly. For the staining procedure, you will need an old enameled basin or pan, subsequently cooking in such dishes is strictly prohibited. All further actions must be done with rubber gloves to protect hands from exposure to paint.

    If a dye is used in powder form, it must first be diluted in a small amount of water. room temperature, stir thoroughly and strain the solution through gauze folded in several layers. For ready-made liquid paints, the straining step is skipped.

    Before diluting the substance in water, be sure to wear a respirator to prevent inhalation of the dye.

    To dissolve the paint, it is desirable to use soft (melt or rain) water. Another option is to add to plain water table salt at the rate of 1 tsp. for 10 liters of liquid. To determine approximately how much paint is needed, it is advisable to weigh the thing: the instructions usually indicate which Weight Limit products calculated the contents of the sachet.

    • First you need to read the instructions for the dye. Depending on the manufacturer, the proportions when diluting the product with water and the staining technology may differ.
    • The resulting solution should be poured into a basin and add required amount water. There should be enough liquid to completely cover the workpiece.
    • It may be necessary to heat the solution on the stove, if the instructions for the paint indicate that.
    • The thing must be carefully straightened to ensure access of paint to all areas of the fabric. If the matter sticks together somewhere, then a bright spot may remain in this place.
    • After that, the product must be immersed in a basin and periodically rotated with a wooden stick or tongs.
    • When the matter becomes darker than intended, the item should be removed from the water and rinsed thoroughly several times. In order for the fabric to shed less in the future, at the last rinse, half a glass of vinegar should be added to the water.

    If you want to get an unevenly colored product with stains at the output, then you should twist the thing into a bundle and fasten it in several places with a rope or rubber rings. Dry dyed things should be in a dark place, away from heating appliances.

    Uneven staining

    Some dyes must be heated on the stove, and then clothes should be dipped in them. For this procedure, it is recommended to use an old enameled pan - subsequently cooking in such dishes is strictly prohibited. There should be no chips on the boiled enamel, which will prevent the reaction of the metal with the dye.

    Before dyeing, remove food pans from the stove to prevent dye from getting on them.

    Use of natural dyes

    To get a coloring solution, you need to cut the vegetable raw materials, put them in a saucepan and pour water in an amount twice the volume of the raw materials. Next, bring the mixture to a boil and then simmer over low heat until desired shade. To create a more saturated color, the mixture should be left to infuse overnight. At the next stage, the resulting broth should be filtered through cheesecloth, folded in several layers.

    The coloring process looks like this:

    • Heat the solution to 50 degrees and immerse the fabric in it.
    • Simmer the pan on the smallest fire until the product acquires the desired shade.
    • Remove the thing from the solution and add the mordant to the same liquid to fix the resulting color. Alum (25 g) and soda ash (6 g) are used for every 100 g of matter.
    • Dip the fabric back into the pan and keep it there for about 5 minutes, after which the thing is removed, rinsed thoroughly and dried.

    There are other options for preparing a fixing solution:

    • If berries are used for coloring, then half a glass of salt should be added to 8 glasses of water.
    • If the raw materials are vegetables, you need to dilute the vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 4.

    In the resulting solution, boil the thing over low heat for an hour, then rinse the product cold water. This procedure is done immediately before dyeing and helps the fabric to better retain the coloring pigment.

    Things treated with natural dyes should then be washed in warm (but not hot) water using gentle detergents.

    Fabric aging

    Sometimes it is necessary to artificially give the matter the appearance of an old canvas. Such fabrics are often used by needlewomen for sewing clothes for dolls and other crafts. The easiest way to aging the material is with tea bags (black or hibiscus). The final color, in addition to soaking time, depends on several factors:

    • welding strength;
    • liquid temperature: the hotter the tea, the more intense the shade will be.

    From other means, iodine, onion peel and a solution of potassium permanganate are used. To get the desired tone, you should use the table.

    In order for the tone to turn out to be uniform, the solution with the cloth immersed in it must be periodically mixed.

    How to get black clothes back?

    Black dresses and trousers tend to fade over time. To restore a deep shade, you should use a tobacco solution. In 3 l boiled water you need to pour 30 g of tobacco, mix everything thoroughly and strain through gauze folded in several layers.

    Stains must first be removed from clothing, washed and dried. After that, immerse the thing in a tobacco solution, which can be heated to 30 degrees before that, and keep until you get desired result. After that, rinse and dry the product.

    Painting fabric with a brush

    At home, you can create beautiful multi-colored stains on the fabric. Such a cut can later be used to create a scarf, skirt or as a material for needlework.

    Before starting work, prepare the following materials:

    • A piece of natural silk or cotton fabric.
    • The wooden frame is the same size as the piece of cloth.
    • Ceramic plate for palette.
    • Art brush (flat) 3 cm wide.
    • Paint brush 10 cm wide for wetting matter.
    • Dissolved aniline dyes, universal or for silk.
    • Urea (a fertilizer that says "urea" on the label) and coarse sea salt.
    • Two containers with water: one for wetting the silk, and the second for washing the brush.
    • Stationery buttons.
    • Regular hair dryer.

    To prepare powder dyes for work, it is necessary to dilute them with warm water and pour them into half-liter jars with screw caps. Get color solutions high concentration which can be used for more than one year.

    Before pouring water into powder dye be sure to wear a respirator to prevent inhalation of the powder.

    Further work looks like this:

    9. Close the pot tightly and bring the water to a boil. After that, keep on low heat for 2 hours, during which you need to make sure that the water does not boil away. After this time, you need to remove the dishes from the stove and cool.

    10. The fabric should be rinsed with lukewarm water and ironed immediately.

    A pot and a sieve after chemicals cannot be used for cooking.

    It should be understood that at home to get the same stable color of products as with industrial production, difficult. Much depends on the type of fabric and the chosen dye. Therefore, before processing the product, it is advisable to test the effect of the coloring matter on a piece of the same fabric.

Has your favorite item faded and lost its appeal, or do you want to experiment with old jeans and t-shirts? There is a simple solution: you can dye the fabric at home. How to do it? Hardware stores sell special fabric dyes. You can also use products that are always at hand and are inexpensive - fresh vegetables, berries, spices. Read more about dyes and the staining procedure in our article.

Why is this procedure necessary?

Any thing sooner or later loses its brightness and expressiveness. Often, housewives are lazy and do not follow the rules for caring for clothes written on labels. As a result, the thing, not having time to wear out, becomes dull and lifeless. Store-bought dyes or natural products can bring old washed clothes back to life.

Fabric dyes are a way to emphasize your individuality. Creative people see them as a great opportunity for experimentation. Having shown imagination, you can make a masterpiece out of an ordinary white T-shirt. No one will have such clothes. Dyes - essential attribute in the work of a home seamstress.

What types of fabrics can be dyed

The most pliable in this matter are fabrics from natural materials: cotton, linen, wool, silk. Well stained mixed textile materials- semi-silk products, semi-wool. Polyester is laboriously dyed, and the result will not be as impressive. The fibers of such a fabric do not absorb paint well, the color of the product will be dull, and, most likely, it will shed during the first wash after dyeing.

If faded synthetic jacket, then its painting should be entrusted to dry cleaning. They will pick you up there professional tools for dyeing that require strict temperature and other conditions. At home, cotton t-shirts, towels, dresses and skirts are easy to handle. A popular procedure for dyeing jeans.

How to dye fabric

In hardware stores, there are dyes of various colors for sale. different types fabrics. They come in powder, crystal or paste form. However, not everyone will dare to use "chemistry", because you can damage the product, and instead of an exclusive thing you get a rag for washing the floor. At home, natural dyes are successfully used. They are safe for tissue and for humans, although they are not as intense as chemical ones.

Natural dye for fabrics:

  1. Onion peel, oak bark, tea, coffee, cinnamon, henna and basma give a brown tint.
  2. You can make things green with the help of spinach, poplar bark, bird cherry, juniper berries, sorrel, elderberry leaves.
  3. With the help of natural coffee, you can achieve black color.
  4. To obtain a red color, blueberries, elderberries, wolfberry leaves, and beets are used.
  5. blue and Blue colour will give blackberries, red cabbage, Ivan da Marya flowers, sage, quinoa seeds.
  6. Celandine, wild apple bark, turmeric - for orange shades.
  7. Yellow paint: wormwood, carrots, cumin, turmeric, nettle roots, poplar buds, birch leaves and bark, orange peel.

How to choose a dye

The choice of dye determines the material of the product and its color. How to determine the type of textile? Pull one small thread along and across the fabric and set it on fire. Artificial silk, cotton and linen burn well. You will smell burnt paper. Burn badly natural silk and wool. The woolen thread will smell like a burnt horn, a sintered ball will form at its end.

The color of the product is important for the choice of dye and its quantity. If stained white fabric, then, subject to the conditions, the color of the product will be the same as indicated on the package. When dyeing colored clothes, the result may differ slightly, and sometimes dramatically, from that shown on the pack.

Colored clothes will always come out darker than white clothes. To paint such a product, it is recommended to choose either the same color or a darker version of it. For example, for blue, use navy blue. It is good to dye colored things black. Black paint covers all colors, but acquires a barely noticeable shade of them. When repainting bright products in other colors, a dirty and ugly shade can result.

The purpose of staining also affects the choice of dye. For getting light shades you can take natural dye or chemical in small proportions. To get a rich color, you can take a chance and exceed the norm. If the item has been washed and faded, it will require less dye to restore color than to dye white items.

Preparatory stage

For the staining procedure you will need:

  • textile product,
  • deep tank,
  • wooden sticks or spatulas,
  • water,
  • dye,
  • protective gloves.

Textile preparation

To paint products, they need to be prepared. All clothing must be washed and free of stains. chronic pollution also need to be removed, as they can stand out against the general background and spoil the look of the product. Apply the stain remover and be sure to remove it from the fabric by washing and ironing. If this is not done, then the product will be unevenly painted.

Advice! If stains cannot be removed by any means, then choose only dark shades for repainting. Light-colored paints do not cover such spots.

Also remove metal jewelry and buttons from products. They can get damaged and rusty.

With new cotton and linen products, you will have to remove the starch layer. To do this, they need to be boiled for 20-25 minutes in a soapy-soda solution. Rinse thoroughly after the procedure. Soap and baking soda residue can interfere with color.

Rinse wool products in this solution: 12 liters of water + 2 tbsp. ammonia. When dyeing yarn, it is important to ensure that it does not get tangled. To do this, paint it with separate skeins, tied in several places. For convenience, skeins can be strung on a piece of thin rope, so it will be easy to turn them over during the painting process.

Preparation of containers and water

Not only textiles are being prepared, but also containers for dyeing. Dishes must be absolutely clean. An enameled vessel will do. For galvanized and aluminum cookware, there is a rule: remove all traces of scale before the procedure.

The capacity must be right size. During dyeing, the fabric should not be wrinkled. It will absorb the color well if it is completely immersed in the coloring solution. If the dishes are too small, then there is a risk of uneven staining of things.

To turn fabrics while dyeing, prepare two wooden sticks. They should be smooth, without knots. uneven wooden surface can catch the product on the fibers and tear it. Sticks are taken long and strong, so that it is convenient to turn things over and pull them out of the solution.

Water for the procedure should be soft. Ideally, this is melt or rain water. Hard water can be softened at home. To do this, add 1 tbsp for 12 liters. drinking soda.

Painting stages

When everything is ready, we proceed to painting the products. Pour the dye into a small bowl following the instructions. Add water gradually, stirring the paint thoroughly so that it is completely dissolved. Now strain the dye solution and pour it into a container in which the product will be painted. Dilute the paint with water so that it completely covers the thing.

Place the container on the stove. Now you can immerse the product in the dye. To get a uniform color, rotate the fabric in a circle with a spatula or sticks. You need to remove the product when it becomes more dark color than you wish. The fabric will lighten as it dries. To get stains, the product must be twisted, as in the spin cycle, and fixed with rubber rings.

Rinse the painted material well in water. After the last rinse, the water should remain clean. The better you rinse the fabric, the less it will shed in subsequent washes. Do not dry dyed products in the sun or near the stove.

How to dye things with natural dyes

  1. Test before painting natural remedy on the small piece fabrics.
  2. Pour the selected raw materials with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Put on the stove, bring to a boil, then remove immediately. Now let the future dye brew. The longer the raw material is infused, the richer the color will turn out.
  3. You need to prepare the tissues by immersing them in a fixative solution. For berries: 0.5 cups of salt per 2 liters of water; for vegetables: vinegar + water in a ratio of 1:4.
  4. Now things can be immersed in the dye. Keep them until you get the desired shade. Remember that the fabric will lighten a little as it dries.
  5. Dry fabrics on a hanger to avoid streaks.

  1. Before painting, weigh the product - this will determine the exact amount of dye.
  2. Dishes after staining chemicals Can't be used for cooking!
  3. For silk fabrics: when rinsing, add 1 tbsp to the water. vinegar.
  4. For woolen fabrics: dissolve the dye in hot water.
  5. For denim and linen: first add a pinch of calcined salt to the dye and only then dissolve it in water.
  6. If the cellulose cloth is unevenly dyed, dip it in hot water co washing powder. This measure will help even out the color.
  7. If a thing is planned to be altered, then it must be torn at the seams before staining.
  8. You can put a wooden plank at the bottom of the container so that the clothes do not burn.
  9. Do not dry wool garments on hangers. They can stretch out under their own weight. Just lay them out on a flat surface.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Let your old clothes will be reborn and serve you for some more time!

Hello Oleg! From your question, it is absolutely incomprehensible what kind of thing needs to be painted, for what purpose and how - just apply some kind of pattern to the fabric, or paint over completely. Therefore, I bring you all the information that I found on the topic of dyeing synthetic fabrics.

Fabric paints are divided into two categories: professional and hobby grade. Professional paints require special training and work skills. Hobbies are mainly acrylic paints that contain plastic synthetic resin. Today on Russian market presented big variety paints for painting fabrics of various manufacturers.

Pebeo paints (France) are made according to traditional technology, easy to use. Almost all of them are fixed with an iron with wrong side fabric through a sheet of paper, the temperature is selected according to the composition of the fabric. Ready product can be erased. Paints are available both separately and in sets.

Paints for painting fabrics JAVANA, C.KREULKUNSTLER FARBENFABRIK (Germany). JAVANA paints are also very easy to use, belong to the "hobby" class, are fixed with an iron, contain a rich color palette. In addition to colors, we offer additional accessories for fabric work.

The American company RUPERT, GIBBON & SPIDER is one of the largest manufacturers of Jacquar textile paints, accessories and additives for painting any fabric. Paints are mainly aimed at professionals, their use requires some experience and knowledge of painting technology. Paints are fixed in a steamer (autoclave) or with the help of special fixatives (fixatives), which are part of some kits or are offered separately. For amateurs and beginners, educational and Gift Baskets, which contain detailed, colorful instructions, devices and additives necessary for the performance of work. RUPERT, GIBBON & SPIDER do not disclose the composition of their paints, so we do not recommend mixing them with paints from other manufacturers and to create additional effects use the funds of this company.

The company "GAMMA" (factory "Red Artist") began production of paints for hand painted fabrics designed for professionals and amateurs. You can note good quality paints, high-quality imported pigments are used in their production. Paints are produced both in a set and in separate colors, designed for fabrics made of natural fibers. Also developed paints for fabric class "hobby".

All the companies listed above and their products are rather intended for painting on fabrics. More detailed information you can find about these manufacturers at the link In the same place, below, you can see the Summary table of characteristics of paints for fabrics presented on the Russian market. The article on this site is from 1999 and therefore some of the information, such as prices, may be out of date. But, on the other hand, the table shows well the possibilities of using textile paints, depending on the type of fabric - natural or artificial.

As for dyeing, for example, an already finished item completely in a different color, you can use special dyes that allow you to make a complete and uniform dyeing of the fabric in washing machine. There are a lot of such paints and to buy them, just go shopping - household or other, ask the sellers. Synthetic fabrics are more difficult to dye and dyes for them are also harder to find, apparently. But good recommendations American dyes RIT. You can also try using the Surf dye. It is designed for dyeing fabrics made from natural vegetable and mixed fibers, as well as nylon.
Designed for dyeing 500 g of fabric at a temperature of 95 °. detailed instructions for use on dry powder packaging. Production Russia.

If you can't find suitable paints in ordinary stores, use the services of online stores.

As far as I understood from monitoring Internet sources, it is very important to follow the instructions exactly when dyeing fabrics. Then the result of dyeing the fabric will be good.