How to play a modest but beautiful wedding. We organize a modest holiday from "A" to "Z". Bridesmaid dress for a modest wedding

Many girls have dreamed of getting married since childhood. And they, most likely, will not even have a question of what to choose: a large wedding or a modest one.

The answer is unequivocal - naturally, a luxurious holiday with a magnificent dress, a bunch of guests, fireworks, pigeons and other attributes " real wedding". A man can also be a supporter of a large banquet - after all, a noisy wedding is still an indicator of success and prosperity.

However, more and more young people want to celebrate their wedding more calmly: painting together and a modest dinner in a restaurant or at home with the closest ones.

If you don't have a definite opinion on what your wedding should be like, then this article is for you. We hope it helps you make your decision easily.


Do you have free money to organize a banquet for 70 people?

Undoubtedly, guests and relatives who will come to your wedding will partially compensate your expenses with their gifts, but only partially.

We are talking about free money, and not about the fact that you have to sell a car or something else, take out a loan or go into debt. Is it worth one day, albeit the most beautiful and joyful one, to use the last bit of strength to get money for it, denying yourself something else? And if you have several hundreds of thousands free, wouldn't it be better to buy something useful for your family with them or make a down payment on a mortgage?


Someone likes big and noisy companies, for someone they cause something like panic. Do you want to feel like real stars among the sea of ​​fans?

Often parents of young people insist on big wedding they say, “it’s accepted”, “relatives will be offended,” but you should always remember that this day is only yours, and only you can decide how and in what company you want to spend it.

Then of course big wedding Is your option. You can invite both relatives from distant cities, and all colleagues at work. This will be yours finest hour, because they will all gather for your holiday.

In the case when the bride and groom are literally allergic to increased attention to their persons, a chic banquet will only be a burden. Imagine, because the whole evening you will have to not only sit at the head of the table, but also take pictures with everyone, and kiss in front of hundreds of people.


A luxurious wedding with many guests means that you will be celebrating it in hometown... It is quite difficult to take 70 people somewhere abroad, even if they will pay for their travel and accommodation on their own.

"Wedding for two" gives where more options for a beautiful wedding ceremony.

Most likely, you will still have to officially sign the documents and put stamps in the registry office of your city, but these are little things. By the way, having decided on a ceremony in another country, you will successfully combine a wedding and a honeymoon trip!

You can go to an exotic country and take part in some amazing rite when the bride and groom are decorated with wreaths or garlands of flowers.

Or travel to Europe and get married in one of the magnificent town halls. You can even go to Las Vegas, and there, as you know, young people are offered
many of the most interesting options to cement their union. For instance, wedding ceremony can be held by the king of rock - Elvis Presley!

Time to prepare

A big holiday will require a lot of time, effort and nerves to prepare. Few brides (namely, they are most often picky about trifles) manage to do without a sedative on these hot days.

There are cases when, on the night before the wedding, the heroine of the holiday sewed tablecloths for the guest tables so that everything was perfect. Although, if you look at all this from the other side, the anticipation of the holiday is often better than the holiday itself. And all these chores, no matter how difficult and nervous they are, are still pleasant. In addition, you can spend more time with your mom and girlfriends, choosing a dress, decorations for tables and cars, and other attributes.

Undoubtedly, there will be no such excitement around a modest wedding. Ordering a table in a restaurant and submitting an application to the registry office is not even a matter of one day, but of several hours. So, if you have absolutely no time to prepare or you are not ready to go through a full-fledged pre-wedding jitter, then a modest celebration is the best way out.

However, there is another option that is becoming more and more popular - to invite a wedding organizer. A real professional in this area will solve almost all issues: he will help you choose a restaurant and call the administration himself, suggest and invite the best presenters and artists of the city, advise organizations that decorate the halls.

All that remains for the bride and groom is to clearly articulate their wishes about what their best day should look like.


A wedding is not one day. A wedding is a wonderful memory for a lifetime. Conducted modestly, this magical holiday will undoubtedly remain in the soul of you two.

Memories shared with others will be brighter and last much longer.

But how wonderful it is when, in a week, a month, or a few years, your friends and relatives will remember with you funny stories from the wedding and redemption. How great it will be to get everyone together and revisit wedding video, clip or photos.

Yes, it is not at all easy to choose between humble and a gorgeous wedding... Both the one and the other option have their disadvantages and their advantages. Together with your loved one, you have to carefully consider all the pros and cons, so that later there would be no bitter experiences that this fabulous day did not go as you wanted.

And most importantly - remember that this decision is only for you.
two, do not ask for advice from relatives and friends,
only the two of you can decide how you want
spend your family's birthday.

Good luck and a beautiful wedding!

Each person has bright moments that deserve special attention- it can be the birth of a child and other wonderful moments. But, as you know, one would like to meet such events in a festive atmosphere.

If you imagine for a moment that two loving hearts decided to join the knot, then a delicate question immediately arises: "Will it be a modest wedding?" After all, the organization of any holiday, no matter how long-awaited and bright it may be, will cost a lot of money. The first will be associated with the acquisition wedding rings, whose modest brilliance should not darken the holiday.

But if the young people have decided on the scale of the upcoming marriage and decided to organize a wedding only for themselves and those closest to them, then now there is no need to think about whether the celebration will pay off.

Now the future spouses need to clearly plan the solemn event, which will help to avoid unnecessary material costs.

First you have to decide on the list of guests, and if it was initially decided that a modest the wedding will take place with the involvement of only the most dear and dear people, you do not need to succumb to emotions and expand it to incredible sizes. You can draw up invitations on your own or with the help of friends.

Now we will talk, perhaps, about the most important and expensive component of the celebration - the banquet. Lovers must decide on suitable place, It may not be an expensive restaurant, but cozy walls home or country cottage area located in nature. This is followed by a menu and purchase necessary products and drinks. A trip to a wholesale grocery store can be useful and economical. Dinner sets and other table accessories can be borrowed from friends and relatives.

You can decorate the venue of the banquet with your own hands using the material at hand - balloons, handwritten posters. And the creation wedding cake let the relatives who have the unsurpassed gift of a pastry chef take it upon themselves.

The next costly moment will be transport, toastmaster, music. A beautiful car can be provided by loved ones; a modest wedding can go well without a limousine. The role of toastmaster is quite capable of taking on the most active and cheerful person among friends. That's why musical accompaniment is unlikely to be a problem.

But the newlyweds should be different from the invited guests in their appearance... Beautiful White dress for the bride and formal suit for the groom, you can rent or buy used outfits, which will also save the budget of a young family. The bridal bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can be made from inexpensive delicate flowers.

If the future spouses are serious about organizing the holiday, then it is likely that a modest wedding, filled with sunny, cheerful moments, will remain in their memories for the whole further life not only at the newlyweds, but also at the invited guests.

The question of how to modestly celebrate a wedding becomes more relevant year from the year. Modest wedding, this is a holiday, without fanfare and fieries, without a feast for the whole world, without rivers of champagne, noisy crowd of drunken guests.

This is a celebration for two, centered around them and their loved ones.

Thinking that you are going to have a modest wedding, young bride and groom will certainly think about how much money should be spent on a modest wedding. The size of the budget that will be needed depends on the scenario festive events, on what is planned, what events and stages, how many guests, what menu and so on.

A modest holiday involves all events according to a modest scenario, and this has its advantages:

  • modest cost budget;
  • a small number of invited guests;
  • rational menu;
  • absence stressful situations and worries about comfort a large number guests;
  • the opportunity to wear not so expensive and pompous, but beloved and tailored with my own hands the dress;
  • the opportunity to pay attention to yourself, your feelings, each other and the most dear people;
  • lack of observance of outdated and very few people already interesting rituals;
  • the most sincere and genuine emotions of your most beloved people.

Organization of a modest celebration

Do you need something else? But a modest holiday in the plans does not at all mean that the organization of the event is on the brakes.

Organizing a modest wedding requires a more serious approach to detail so that the modest wedding doesn't turn into a banal party. If you approach with soul and deliberately, then even limited opportunities will not spoil the overall picture.

The first thing to consider when planning a modest wedding is the budget you have at your disposal.

Understanding what resources are available, you can plan what will be at your wedding and what will not be, you can understand how many guests you can invite, which menu to make, which restaurant or cafe to choose.

home furnishings

Any modest, aiming to save money, should start with the maximum use of their own capabilities.

If your home allows - organize a holiday in a cozy home environment, attract sisters, girlfriends and friends to help.

Even the menu to the modest wedding feast you can master it yourself. But keep in mind that everything that you decide to do on your own will require a significant investment of time from you.

When organizing a modest wedding party at home, do not forget to create the appropriate atmosphere and comfort in the house, decorate the house.

Non-standard ideas

  • But a modest wedding does not oblige you to have a home celebration. You can think of a more original celebration.
  • For example, a small number of invited guests will allow you to rent a limousine. Walk along city memorable places with guests and have fun.
  • A picnic in nature too a good option for a modest wedding celebration. It will allow you not to spend money on a restaurant, but to organize everything on your own in a picturesque place.

Restaurant or cafe

But if you certainly want to celebrate this event in a restaurant after registering your marriage, then you shouldn't choose a pompous expensive establishment.

Give preference to cafes or restaurants with a cozy home furnishings... In such an establishment, you will have the opportunity to relax and pay attention to each other.

This option, by the way, will free the bride and her loved ones from the process of preparing dishes for a feast, which on such a solemn day does not want to waste time at all.

Wedding Dress

A modest wedding also implies a modest one. Layered mesh skirts are hardly appropriate and needlessly open neckline... Moreover, such dresses are already out of fashion. You are taking wedding dress in a laconic Greek or Roman style. It is very pretty and elegant.

Main guests

No matter how modest your wedding is, you should not forget about your loved ones. Even at the most modest wedding, attention should be paid to the parents. Invite them and give them the opportunity to congratulate you on this important event in your life.

And we didn’t want to waste ourselves on trifles, especially since we had lived for 3 years and did beautiful wedding, but only for relatives, friends did not even know!

Bought rings with bryulli, they sewed the dress of my dreams (no lush dresses I didn't want to!), they also dressed up the groom.

We ordered a vip room in a beautiful restaurant and on 07/29/11 right after solemn registration went to a photo session in beautiful park... We save up the rest of the money for an apartment. In a couple of days we set off on a trip.

Oh yes, a week before we got married friends, where I caught for the first time in my life bouquet and husband suspension

This day will be remembered for a long time, regardless of the budget.

I wish you success in this business!

Yes, we have decided unequivocally that the wedding will be ours, not relatives and friends))) You are great, you look great!

Marfushenka-Dushenka, after painting, we traveled around the monuments, then our family celebrated in a cafe ... and with friends on the lake shashalyki and booze

we will also go after the painting for a photo session, and then we plan to go to a good restaurant, since we have a day of painting on Wednesday)) Everything will be free, I mean cafes and restaurants)))

My husband and I were also supporters of arranging a modest wedding because we had lived together for a long time before. They only wanted parents and everyone, because there is not much money. Well, instead of being happy for her son, the mother-in-law threw a tantrum and ruined the whole holiday, as she would not show that her son was getting married. And our opinion was not at all interested in the main thing as she says so be it. So I regret not having done the wedding like ms.Kristi. It would be possible to return everything. I did everything differently. Well, the most important thing is that we are together, and the rest is nonsense. I wish you strong family happiness and love each other! And the kids are a must!

Oh, these mother-in-law. My husband forbade me to speak to my relatives! He says they are easy-going, they will all screw up ...))) Thank you for your wishes !!! And to you love, happiness, all the best!

We arranged such a day for two in June. We had some photos in front of the registry office, inside ... well, and then a little after the ceremony. We rode around the city together, drove to work, there they congratulated us (we work in the same company), rode around the city a little more (with champagne) and went to a restaurant. And after a little more we wandered around the city center, recalled our early years(we have known each other since the end of 2005, and there are a lot of memories with walks in the center).

It was just super !!! I never wanted a pretentious wedding. Since childhood, I dreamed of a short wedding dress))))

and the next day we gathered the parents for a family dinner at home, cooked ourselves. The parents met right there)))

We, too, will be modest, only for ourselves. I go to forums, I read who and how they celebrated weddings, some are out of their way, but they just gather crowds of guests, get into debt, on loans ... they buy some unthinkable outfits ...))) No, okay if money is extra, but some do not have it, but there too))

Every girl from childhood imagines her own perfect weddinggorgeous dress, a beautiful car, admiring glances of friends and family, and next to him, the man of her dreams. But it takes a lot of effort to make dreams come true. Below we will look at the main stages of self-preparation for the wedding.

Budget planning

To begin with, you must decide on the amount that you are ready to spend on the upcoming celebration and draw up a list of expenses, also including additional and unforeseen expenses.

Definition of the wedding concept

V Lately Weddings with a special style are gaining in popularity, when a certain theme appears in every element of the holiday - from the outfits of the newlyweds to music and treats. It can be anything from a 007-style party to a country manor dinner in the spirit of the French aristocracy.

Date picker

The choice of a wedding date depends on many factors - place of residence, time of year and even the work schedule of the spouses. Someone is dreaming of a wedding in the background autumn landscapes, and someone is dreaming of a ride in a sleigh with a fluttering train of a veil across the snow-covered fields.

Guest list

The next step is the need to think over exactly how you would like to see your holiday. Whether it will be a modest evening with your closest friends and relatives in your favorite restaurant near the registry office or a noisy large-scale party with a hundred guests.

Seat selection

Based on the number of invited guests and the concept of the wedding, you need to decide on the venue for the holiday. Decide on the main criteria that the restaurant must meet, banqueting hall, Cafe, Vacation home or a recreation center by the reservoir. When choosing a place, pay attention to such important points - room capacity, average bill, opening hours of the establishment, the possibility of self-decoration, cuisine and choice of dishes, the ability to bring alcohol and some products with you.

Choosing a registry office and submitting an application

Traditionally, the bride and groom must go through the marriage registration procedure at the registry office. To do this, you need to choose a registry office, submit an application, pay the state fee and wait a couple of months. Also, after receiving a marriage certificate, some spouses wish to hold a wedding ceremony.


If you have already finally decided on the date and place, then you can start sending out invitations so that guests can prepare in advance for the celebration. Here you can get creative and print invitation cards With unique design, or send out e-cards.


For one of the most important days in your life you will remember forever, you need helpers - these can be both your close relatives and friends, and professional specialists- photographer and videographer, host, toastmaster or DJ, florist, for himself beautiful bouquet bridesmaid and pastry chef who will bake a delicious wedding cake.


The bride needs to decide on the style of the dress - original or simple, traditional, tight-fitting or lush, with a train, retro or modern. The dress can be bought ready-made in the salon, or rented or sewn to order. Also, to complete the image of the bride, the services of a make-up artist and hairdresser will be required, so it is better to decide in advance on the choice of hairstyle and makeup.

The groom, when choosing a suit, must clearly imagine what he would like to wear at a solemn event, so that he is comfortable - classic suit, tailcoat or tuxedo.


An engagement ring is not just an accessory that we match to our everyday outfit. This is a symbol of marriage, which will always be with you. Jewelry stores will help you choose how ready-made options and models to order. Most importantly, trust your feelings and sense of taste. After all, so that you don't want to take off the ring, you must like it.


If you want to drive up to the registry office in a beautiful luxurious car, then do not delay solving this issue. The choice of machines is very wide - from simple passenger cars to limousines different lengths... And also do not forget about buses or minibuses that will take guests to the venue of the celebration.

Wedding entertainment

And finally, you need to decide on the entertainment. Whether it will be traditional wedding entertainment with the ransom of the bride, contests or trips to the sights of the city - it's up to you!