Why should you go to kindergarten? Kindergarten teaches children to play. Is kindergarten really necessary?

Mother's care is the main thing in the life of the baby. Until the age of 3, a child constantly needs a mother. As the child grows, he expands his living space and social circle, contacts more with outside world. The mother's arms are getting tighter. To physical, intellectual, emotional development the child was harmonious, he needs interaction with peers, correct and systematic training, a certain amount of independence, sufficient activity. All this is fully provided to the child in kindergarten. Childhood- the time when the foundations of health, personality, intellect are laid.

Why do we need kindergarten?

Sometimes parents doubt why they should send their child to Kindergarten. This question is especially often asked if the mother is a housewife, grandmothers live in the family who are ready to “sit” with their grandchildren, or there is an opportunity to hire a nanny. “What is the importance of a son or daughter growing up without peers,” they say.

Communication with adults will not replace the child's contacts with peers, the experience of building relationships in society. For proper development the child must learn different models relations. Classes with parents - a weak alternative to learning from experienced teachers who know the intricacies of child psychology and the peculiarities of the perception of knowledge depending on age. The importance of kindergartens cannot be overestimated. After all, the successes of an adult, like his problems, come from childhood.

The main benefits of kindergarten:

  • active, versatile communication and learning to interact in a team;
  • acquisition of new skills;
  • identification and diversified development of abilities, proper development;
  • balanced children food;
  • teaching discipline and independence.

About tasty and healthy food

Which is better: mom's homemade pies and pancakes, sweets from loving grandmother or complete, balanced diet compiled by experienced nutritionists? The answer is obvious. In the family, the child is often pampered, fed with delicious, but junk food: chocolates, lollipops, cakes, ice cream. There is little benefit from such products. Children's health suffers from an excess of sugar, dyes and fat. In the garden, the child will receive the necessary calories, vitamins and trace elements in strict accordance with the needs of the body and the recommendations of nutritionists.

Kindergarten of the correct mode

Are they strictly observed at home correct mode baby day? Does your child often stay up late watching TV? Do adults obey "from the first word"? Parents are aware of the importance of a clear schedule in the life of the baby, but do not always find the strength to comply with it. In the garden, the teachers adhere to the established routine, constantly maintain discipline. A child who is used to doing everything “by the hour” will later find it easier to adapt to strict school rules.

"Home" children are often deprived of sufficient activity. They spend a lot of time indoors watching cartoons and playing games on their tablet. Such activities are not beneficial, the child's body needs movement. In a preschool institution, exercises are carried out with the kids, they are given the opportunity to run and frolic on a walk, organize relay races and sports competitions.

We develop correctly

Well-meaning parents often strive to make their baby a boxing champion, a polyglot, a brilliant mathematician, or a virtuoso violinist. Sometimes a child does not have a free minute just to play with his favorite car or doll, his time is scheduled in seconds. In the garden, educators know what is needed children's body in certain age how much time he should learn new things, how much - to play and relax.

In pursuit of fashion, parents send their children to swimming, ballet, horseback riding, English or Chinese, without regard to the inclinations and desires of the child. The child's mind is not prepared for the perception of complex information that moms and dads are trying to impose on him. In a preschool institution, teachers are able to discern in the baby the ability to be creative, learn languages ​​or play sports. If the kid is torn to the easel and paints, they will give him the opportunity to draw, but they will not force him to learn the scales for hours.

Homework with a child is usually irregular and devoid of a system. The kindergarten has developed a program for the development of kids different ages and preparing them for school. Boys and girls will not only learn letters and numbers, master the skills of reading, modeling and drawing, but will learn to work independently and consistently, the ability to achieve their goals.

The strength of the team

At home, the baby gets a certain role. He is either a “silly fool” in need of constant guardianship and teaching, or a “king and god”, all of whose whims are instantly fulfilled, or “hope and pride”, designed to embody the unrealized dreams of adults. In the team, the child is one of many peers. Here he can be himself, communicate with different children, learn to find mutual language with each and defend their position. Attending a kindergarten is necessary for the development of the right communication skills, behavior in society.

How children's development is taken care of "with us" and "with them"

The importance of kindergartens is recognized all over the world. AT different cultures understand what the team gives the child. The first kindergarten was organized in Scotland in early XIX century. Innovation came to Russia in the 60s of the last century. Today in the Russian Federation there are about 60,000 preschool institutions. The upbringing of the child is carried out in accordance with the programs developed by teachers, doctors, psychologists.

In the USA, babies are admitted to the nursery from 1.5 months, in South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands, Israel - from 3. In Germany and Sweden, they go to the garden from the age of 1. In France, it is legal obligatory visit preschool institutions for children from the age of three.

In Russia, the baby will be accepted into preschool junior groups from 2 months, and in the usual - from two years. In our country, on average, 65% of boys and girls are covered by collective preschool education. Of the remaining 35% of babies, most stay at home not at the request of their parents, but because of the lack of places in kindergartens and nurseries.

So to be or not to be in kindergarten

The final decision on whether a child should go to kindergarten is made by the parents. After weighing all the pros and cons, dad and mom usually come to the conclusion that you need to start joining the team with early age. It is important not to miss the moment when the child is ready for independence and is able to easily accept changes. It is more difficult for older boys and girls to do this: the child develops persistent habits, character traits.

If you choose wisely preschool, it will be interesting, useful and fun for a child to go to kindergarten, and parents will be happy to watch the success of their son or daughter.

I'm afraidsend the child to kindergarten. What will happen to him there? Why does a child need a kindergarten at all? These snot, tears, diseases and other infections will begin. He picks up all sorts of uncultured things there. Teachers are so illiterate these days. Where are they found! They'll also yell at my child... Oh, no! Never! Why this kindergarten? After all, there is a mother!

Why does a child need a kindergarten

Many young mothers ask: why does a child need a kindergarten? I want to reassure these mothers and tell my childhood story.

We all went to kindergarten. Our parents always worked, there was no one to leave the children with, so we were sent to a kindergarten. Of course, anything happened in kindergarten, but this did not prevent us from growing up as normal people.

First in kindergarten I was sick a lot. My mother often stayed at home with me and missed work. But she never had a question why a child needs a kindergarten. Then I was transferred to another kindergarten, where I made many friends. There we were taught to read poetry, dance, sing songs, play games. We were instilled with a culture of communication and interaction in a team through reading the right fairy tales.

Thereby I learned to be friends, I learned to live among other children. Every morning I went to kindergarten as if it were a holiday. No mother could replace the experience of communication in the children's team, which I received in kindergarten.

And will you, dear mothers, be able to raise a socially adapted baby, deciding not to send the child to kindergarten? I highly doubt it. Will the child be able to learn to communicate with peers, make friends, give in, share food and toys without communicating with children? After all, this everything can be learned only by being in a team among other people. That's why a child needs a kindergarten.

Why a child needs a kindergarten, which children are the most adaptive, and which ones have difficulty getting used to kindergarten, is well described in the article.

The main thing is that in the kindergarten the child will learn to communicate. © Shutterstock

It happens that parents think that the child does not need kindergarten at all. And the baby can be taught everything at home. Parents are in no hurry to send the baby to kindergarten, and the child himself does not really want to.

But still, the child needs to visit children's team. website will try to convince you that a kindergarten is necessary for a child. And in order for the kindergarten to become a favorite place for your baby, you need your positive attitude and understanding why your child needs to go to kindergarten.

It is important that parents understand that communication is a necessary component harmonious development child. Then it will be easier for the baby to get used to the kindergarten. And if you prepare correctly, the baby will go to kindergarten with great pleasure.

Kindergarten gives the child communication

From 3-4 years old, and from 4 years old - absolutely, the child needs to communicate with peers. This opportunity must be given to the child. After all, if a child does not go to kindergarten, it will greatly complicate his infusion into the school team.

In kindergarten, while playing, children learn to defend their interests, show character, find friends and build relationships. Also, which is very important, in kindergarten the child learns to communicate with strangers. Learns to trust them, gains experience in communication.

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And this experience of communication with educators helps the baby to avoid difficulties in building relationships with school teachers.

In the kindergarten, the child begins to understand that, in addition to parents and relatives, there are adults whose opinions must be listened to. Often they have to obey.

The child learns to follow the rules

In kindergarten, the child gets used to performing certain tasks. general rules. Learns to behave in society so as not to cause inconvenience to others.

In the end, it is in the kindergarten that the child really learns what discipline is in the positive sense of the word. That is, the kid in the kindergarten learns to eat and sleep on time, to study according to the schedule.

You say: what is good here? The child is simply drilled.
But in fact, if the teachers are experienced and loving children, the rules of the hostel in the kindergarten should not be like drill. In addition, our life is subject to certain rules and discipline. So it is better if the baby gets used to this state of affairs from childhood.

Preparation for school

In kindergarten, children are engaged in drawing, modeling, construction, speech development and many other subjects. That is, in the kindergarten, the child develops both intellectually and physically.

And here it all depends on your desires and capabilities. You can find a kindergarten in which the child will be engaged in swimming, dancing, and even yoga. Not to mention that by school the child will be able to read, count, write and speak English.

© Shutterstock

Is it possible to provide the child with all the listed conditions for his proper development at home? At great desire, everything is possible.

Psychologists say that engaging in intellectual and physical development Just what parents should. After all, from native and loved one the child will acquire knowledge faster.

But at home to create everything for the baby the necessary conditions for social development it is unlikely that even the most loving parents. After all, this requires a team.

Today's agenda - guest post Angelina Demidova , author of the blog Business by the Fireside. Angelina is from that rare breed of people who are not afraid to ask tough questions and go against the grain.

A few years ago, after weighing all the pros and cons of a kindergarten, she preferred it to home education. This post is not a call to abandon the kindergarten for each child and not a manual on home education. This is a call to think, to ask ourselves complex issue to which there are no obvious answers...

So why do we need kindergarten?

I'll start my post with a little story. Once my son came from school (it was in primary school) and says: “Mom, today the guys and I discussed kindergarten, they told me this!!! It’s good that I didn’t go to kindergarten ... "

Of course, all this is from the realm of horror stories, but ... If we discard conventions like “all children should go to kindergarten” and try to assess the situation with an open mind, we can understand the following:

Not every child can go to kindergarten,
not every child needs it,
not every kindergarten is suitable for your child,
not all caregivers and children in groups will treat your child the way you want.

But this is important! The foundation of the personality, its main features and characteristics are laid and formed from 0 to 5-7 years and fall precisely on the “kindergarten period”. Have you ever thought about who and what puts in the head of your child in your absence, what morals and values ​​he instills, what models of behavior he demonstrates, in what ways he educates, limits or vice versa reveals his personality?

A child attending kindergarten spends more time not with his family. And if you remember that the process of education is a continuous process and it takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a break for night sleep, then the question “who and how raises your child” becomes very relevant.

Every child is like an uncut diamond. A lot will depend on who and how will make this cut - jewelry and lovingly remove the unnecessary and polish the best, or rough and indifferently do the job - a lot will depend, including his continued success in life.

What do parents most often follow when sending their baby to kindergarten?

1. You need to go to work, but there is no one to leave the child with
2. The child needs communication
3. The child needs to be developed
4. All children go to kindergarten
5. The child needs a kindergarten

Let's discuss these points in order.

“You need to go to work, but there is no one to leave the child with.” - You can't argue with that. In this case, kindergarten really saves.

“Children need interaction with their peers.” - I agree, the child needs communication, but not any. Why, for example, does he need such communication in which he feels offended or humiliated? The child needs positive communication! It is vital for him to feel like a person who is respected. Agree, you cannot guarantee that in the kindergarten the toys will not be taken away from the child, offended or punished - but does your child need it?

"Children need to be developed." - Of course you need to! But why not do it at home? It’s not possible to engage in the development of the child on your own, it’s not scary! Numerous developing schools for kids will come to the rescue, among which you can choose the one that suits your taste.

All children go to kindergarten. - But with this statement, I will allow myself to disagree - not all! According to statistics (data for 2011), 46% of children in Russia do not attend kindergarten, 14% of children (which is a little more than 1,500,000) do not attend kindergarten voluntarily, and the number of such "home" children is growing every year.

There is another very important point. In a kindergarten, even the best one, you will not be provided with a 100% individual approach to your child. In kindergarten, children are more likely to use a collective approach, they are taught to follow the established rules. I would not say that such methods help the child to open up fully. Rather, they "level" the children, they teach to be like everyone else.

Provide for the child at home individual approach very easy if you want.

And now we come to the last, in my opinion, the most biased argument.

How many times have I heard this phrase when, in response to the question of doctors, acquaintances, neighbors and even friends, “When will you go to kindergarten?” She said, "We'll stay at home." "How! The child needs a kindergarten! they disagree. "Why?" I ask a counter question. Well, I'm very interested in what they will say in response. 🙂

Most often, in response, I get confused silence or arguments like “Uh… well, they still go to kindergarten… the child needs to communicate… and so on. (see the list above 🙂)"

And what do we get in the end? Why does a child need kindergarten?

A child does not need a kindergarten - we believe that he needs it. In reality, children need a mother, communication and development. All this can be successfully given to a child by raising him at home. And if you do not work, think about whether it is worth sending your child to kindergarten? Maybe it's better to give him home education? But how to do it and what to pay attention to is a topic for another post.

Pre-school education in our country is not compulsory, therefore the question of whether to take a child to kindergarten, each parent decides for himself. At the same time, many believe that the kindergarten is needed exclusively by the parents themselves so that the mother can go to work, therefore, if the mother does not work, or the child can be left with a grandmother or a nanny, then the kindergarten seems to be unnecessary. Moreover, many parents oppose kindergartens, believing that attending them has a negative impact on health and mental state child. Let's see if a child needs a kindergarten.

Despite all the difficulties associated with the kindergarten, parents whose children attended this preschool agree that a kindergarten is certainly needed, and the child himself needs it. To the question - why, we suggest finding the answer yourself on the website http://anomir.ru/ - this is a network of kindergartens, but if you are limited in time and are ready to consider our opinion, then we will answer this question further.


Firstly, kindergarten teaches the child to be independent. Here he has to eat, dress, go to the toilet, go to bed, etc., because the children attending the kindergarten usually serve themselves, which removes some of the worries from the parents, which are already complete.


Secondly, the kindergarten contributes to the socialization of the child, instills in him communication skills, teaches the rules of behavior in a team, which is very useful at school and in general in life. Unlike communication on the playground or at a party, in the kindergarten the child does not have support in the form of parents and other familiar adults, because here the baby learns to stand up for himself. In addition, communication in kindergarten contributes to the development of speech. Many parents whose children have started going to kindergarten note that the child began to talk better, and his vocabulary increased significantly.


Another important plus of kindergarten is developmental classes. Educators work with children according to a special program developed taking into account age features children. In the kindergarten, children draw, sculpt from plasticine, make applications and crafts, dance, sing, learn poetry, do physical education. In conjunction with teacher education and extensive experience in working with children of educators, this allows you to develop the talents of the child, make his life more eventful and interesting. Taking a child at home is a whole problem so that the baby does not get bored and does not hooligan, the mother will have to quit all her business and devote all the time to the child, but even in this case it will hardly be possible to give the child as much as they give in kindergarten.


Also, the correct mode cannot be attributed to the advantages of kindergarten. In the garden breakfast, lunch, dinner, daytime sleep and walks are carried out strictly according to the schedule, which teaches the child to order. In addition, waking up, falling asleep and eating in certain time good for health and promotes proper growth and development of the body. Pay attention to the menu in the kindergarten: it is very diverse and consists exclusively of dishes that are healthy for children. To create such a diet for a child at home is simply unrealistic.

Child needs kindergarten

Thus, we can conclude that the child really needs a kindergarten. If your child has just started going to kindergarten and he does not really like it, do not rush to take the baby home, let him adapt, focus his attention on positive aspects visiting the kindergarten, then with highly likely the child will love this place and will be happy to go here.