What the surgeon checks for a 1 month old baby. Children's doctor: schedule of visits. Mandatory list of doctors

After the mother and newborn return from the hospital, the documents are transferred to the children's clinic. First, the pediatrician and nurse examine the little patient at home. When the baby reaches the age of one month, it is necessary to regularly visit the clinic. Examination by a pediatrician and narrow specialists will confirm the absence of diseases, and, if any, will allow you to prescribe timely treatment.

Visits to the children's clinic before the age of one year are required every month. All specialists should be registered in advance. Before you go to an appointment, you should find out which doctors need to go to a newborn in 1 month. A nurse at the site will help you make an appointment with specialists.

Pediatrician - chief physician for a newborn

First of all, you need to visit a pediatrician and a nurse. The doctor examines the newborn every month. In children's clinics, an infant day is prescribed. You need to visit the doctor on this particular day according to the schedule.

What the pediatrician checks and looks at in the newborn:

  • interviews parents;
  • weighs, determines the height and weight of the baby, the circumference of the head and chest, examines the skin, navel, fontanelles, stitches on the head;
  • checks the skin and reflexes;
  • determines the development of the child, his the physical state, the functioning of organs and systems;
  • recommends the necessary daily regimen, hardening activities, gives advice on feeding;
  • prescribes a referral to specialist doctors;
  • if necessary, gives a recipe for a dairy kitchen.

In the absence of contraindications, the pediatrician gives permission to the child to be vaccinated in one month - vaccination against hepatitis. He explains to the parents which doctors should visit the newborn at 1 month. If the child is healthy enough examination by a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, ENT specialist. If nessesary additional examination, the list of specialists will increase.

Neuropathologist - diagnoses diseases nervous system

The doctor checks vision, response to sounds and light, coordination, sensitivity, muscle tone and reflex compliance with the child's age.

The neurologist evaluates:

The doctor identifies problems of the nervous system, in the development of motor skills, motor activity. The kid shows skills and abilities: he turns over on his stomach, holds his head, sits, plays with a toy.

The specialist prescribes a study of the brain. Neurosonography evaluates blood circulation. Echoencephalography and electroencephalography examine the electrical potentials of the brain. Echoencephalography will show intracranial hematomas or abnormalities cerebral circulation... Doppler ultrasonography examines the flow of blood in the vessels, and finds abnormalities in their development. The procedures are safe.

If your child has trouble sleeping, increased excitability, hands are shaking, he often spits up, tightens his toes, fell or hit his head, it is impossible to postpone a visit to a neurologist.

Podiatrist - fixes problems with locomotor apparatus

The doctor excludes congenital pathologies, abnormalities in the development of bones and muscles, legs, and the baby's pelvis. Doctor orders a study hip joints... He will be able to notice torticollis in time (the baby turns his head to one side, bends his head to one shoulder). Dysplasia is common in newborn babies. A specialist will confirm or deny congenital hip dislocation.

It is important to consult an orthopedist as early as possible, since many deviations may be invisible. In the presence of pathologies, treatment is prescribed immediately.

Oculist - checks the organs of vision

The doctor examines the organs of vision, monitors:

  • fixing the eyes on the object;
  • eye movements, opening and closing of the eyelids;
  • eye pressure.

The specialist excludes inflammation of the eyes, lacrimal glands, children's strabismus. On early stage he will be able to identify diseases such as dacryocystitis and conjunctivitis, obstruction of the lacrimal ducts. The doctor prescribes conservative treatment to avoid complications.

Surgeon - examines the skin

The surgeon examines:

  • general development of the child;
  • skeleton of a newborn;
  • genitals, lymph nodes, abdomen.

The doctor checks the presence of an umbilical and inguinal hernia, dropsy of the testicles, hemangiomas, in boys - cryptorchidism and phimosis. The reasons for contacting the surgeon can be diseases of the urinary tract, urination disorder.

The specialist directs them to gymnastics and therapeutic swimming.

ENT - will evaluate the hearing of the newborn

The otorhinolaryngologist checks the newborn's hearing, examines the palatine tonsils. Your doctor will perform an audiological screening or an otoacoustic test. it safe research to test your baby's hearing. Also, the specialist will appreciate nasal breathing, will exclude angina, sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis. If necessary, prescribe rinsing the nasopharynx, ear canals with drugs.

Cardiologist - will exclude heart pathologies

The pediatrician will refer you to a cardiologist. There may be a heart murmur in newborns, which will go away over time. An EKG will be helpful. It is extremely important to conduct an examination and exclude pathologies in the work of the heart. With functional murmurs, ultrasound of the heart is performed.

The specialist will pay attention to the presence of shortness of breath, fatigue, rapid or slow heartbeat. High blood pressure and severe infections can provoke failures in the work of the heart.

Important to remember what doctors should a newborn undergo at 1 month, regularly conduct examinations in a children's clinic to exclude pathologies in the development of a child. On early stage it is easier to identify the problem. Timely prescribed treatment will lead to early recovery. It is necessary to comply with the terms of vaccination. If you have any doubts or questions, you should definitely contact your doctor.

From the first minute of its birth, the baby becomes the object of all kinds of medical manipulations. Even a child, who is doing well with health, is endlessly examined, touched, measured, studied. Examination and close monitoring of the newborn is justified. Examination of a child at 1 month allows doctors to identify malfunctions in the child's body: congenital pathologies, abnormal development, an incipient disease. Many problems are easier to solve early on. A timely diagnosis can even save a baby's life.

The newborn comes under the control of doctors immediately after birth. Examinations begin at the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, the baby comes to the attention of the district pediatrician and nurse, who often visit the child at home. When the baby is one month old, the mother herself needs to bring him to the doctor's appointment.

Every month, the baby should be shown to its pediatrician. In addition, until the baby is one year old, he needs to undergo a medical examination several times. Which doctors should I visit?

  • One month: passage of a wide range of narrow specialists;
  • V three months old you need to visit a neurologist and orthopedist;
  • Six months - time for examination by a neurologist, orthopedist, ophthalmologist;
  • At nine months, a dental check-up will be required;
  • A one-year-old baby needs to be examined by such specialists: an ENT doctor, surgeon, dentist, neurologist, ophthalmologist.

Stay in the hospital

Under the supervision of which doctors is the baby in the hospital? In the delivery room, the newborn must be examined by a neonatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in the youngest patients - babies aged 0 to 4 weeks. He diagnoses childhood illnesses, prescribes a set of measures for the treatment and rehabilitation of babies born with various pathologies. A neonatologist should be a jack of all trades: a pediatrician, surgeon, cardiologist, neuropathologist, and so on. These doctors are capable of producing the tiniest premature babies.

Examining a newborn in the first minutes of life, a specialist needs to assess the baby's condition on the Apgar scale. The following indicators are assessed: pulse, skin color, respiratory movements, muscle tone, congenital reflexes, strength baby cry... Each sub-item is assigned a certain amount of points (0-2). Most best result- ten points. Children who are tested with a score of less than seven will be under special supervision.

The neonatologist visits the baby in the hospital every day. After being discharged home, the district pediatrician monitors the condition of the newborn. The first time he is obliged to visit the baby within three days. Then the doctor will come once a week, in addition, the baby will be examined by the patronage nurse several times.

When visiting, the pediatrician examines the skin, mucous membranes, checks the fontanel, palpates the abdominal cavity. It also listens to heart rhythms and lung function, assesses reflexes and muscle tone.

You need to prepare for the visit of the pediatrician. Choose a place where the doctor can check your baby normally. Think in advance (if necessary, make a list) what problems you would like to talk about the most, in order to ask the pediatrician the questions you are interested in.

And now the baby is one month old. It's time to get ready for the first appointment at the clinic. For what? The local doctor will conduct a standard examination, as well as check weighing and measuring growth.

Achievements in the first month of life

The baby's weight in the first month after birth grows by 500-600 years. In the second and next months, the weight gain will be slightly more. This is explained by the fact that babies lose weight during the first week. Why? At this time, babies receive little milk, and they excrete a lot of original feces. As for growth, for the first month its indicators will change upwards by about 2-3 cm.

The first month is adaptation period... Little people get used to new living conditions. The main achievements of the baby are the presence of congenital reflex reactions in him. By the end of the newborn period, the child should already hold his head for some time, hold his attention for a few seconds on a bright object. The most joyful event is the first smiles of a newborn, which also appear in this period.

Visiting doctors

Starting from the first month after birth, the baby should be shown to narrow-profile specialists. When? First time in 1 month, then in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. When you turn 12 months old, you will have to visit the doctors once a year.

List of doctor's offices for medical examination:

  1. neuropathologist,
  2. optometrist,
  3. otorhinolaryngologist,
  4. surgeon,
  5. orthopedist,
  6. dentist (at 9 months, 12 months),
  7. cardiologist (on the recommendation of a pediatrician).

Consultation with a neurologist

The doctor determines the presence or absence congenital reflexes, monitors the disappearance of some and the emergence of other reflex reactions. The neurologist determines the state of the muscle tone: it is decreased or increased. The specialist checks whether the mental and mental characteristics the child, as well as the development of his motor skills. In addition, the doctor finds out what skills and abilities the baby has managed to achieve: can the baby roll over on its stomach and back on its own, whether it sits well, holds its head, is it trying to crawl, what can it do with a toy, etc.

Ophthalmologist consultation

This specialist will check if the child knows how to focus on an object and follow it with his gaze. The doctor examines the fundus of the baby, determines the initial signs of children's strabismus, the condition of the lacrimal glands. He can diagnose obstruction of the tear ducts or conjunctivitis of the eye eyelid.

Why do you need an ENT

An ENT is an otorhinolaryngologist who will test your hearing one month old baby, will examine the palatine tonsils, nasal passages. ENT will help if the child has certain problems:

  • the baby does not hear well or does not react at all to sound stimuli;
  • the presence of sulfur plugs;
  • lack of normal nasal breathing;
  • ears hurt;
  • hoarse voice;
  • there was a cough;
  • the baby is unable to breastfeed or suck from the bottle;
  • foreign objects are stuck in your ear, nose, or throat.

Visit to the surgeon

The surgeon detects in infant Availability congenital abnormalities: hernia (umbilical, inguinal),. They also turn to a specialist if the baby is injured, with an ingrown nail, enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, fever.

At the appointment with an orthopedist

Such a specialist will help diagnose and eliminate problems with the child's locomotor system, indicate possible preventive measures. In newborn babies, there is a pathology in the formation and functioning of the hip joints, asymmetry in the length of the legs, torticollis (the tendency to turn the head only in one direction, the baby bends his head to the same shoulder). It is worth going to an orthopedist if the baby's legs have a curved shape, if the child puts the leg not on the entire foot, but only on its inner or outer sides. The orthopedist will choose the appropriate treatment: massage problem areas, medicinal physical exercises, the use of orthopedic structures.

Additional examination

  • Ultrasound abdominal cavity;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound of the hip joints;
  • Ultrasound of the brain;
  • examination auricles for the child's deafness with an ultrasound device;
  • pass urine and blood tests.

A few words about vaccinations

What is vaccination? it preventive measure directed against dangerous infectious diseases. A micro-dose of pathogens is introduced into the human body in order to obtain immunity to a specific disease.

Remember: it is up to the parents to decide whether to vaccinate or not. Vaccinations cannot be compulsory. Already in the hospital, immediately after the birth happened, the mother is offered to vaccinate the newborn, for this she must give written agreement to carry out appropriate medical procedures. Be knowledgeable about vaccinations, study the problem thoroughly, weigh the pros and cons. The decision you make should be meaningful, because the future health of your child depends on it.

What is a vaccination calendar? it full list all the necessary vaccinations, which must be carried out in a certain sequence, at a specific time.

Why doesn't everyone agree to have their child vaccinated? Main reasons:

  • there is no way to check the quality of the proposed vaccine;
  • concerns about complications arising after vaccination caused by an individual, not always predictable reaction of the child's body.


List of vaccinations for the first year:

  • Hepatitis B,
  • tuberculosis,
  • DTP,
  • Measles, rubella, mumps.

In the first month of life, the baby is vaccinated against hepatitis and tuberculosis.

Hepatitis B is a virus that causes liver damage. Infection occurs by penetration into the bloodstream, through sexual intercourse, airborne droplets. Vaccination is done on the first day of the baby's life in the front of the thigh. Revaccination is carried out at 3 and 6 months.

Tuberculosis - infection bacterial origin. Penetrates into the body by airborne droplets. The vaccination must be done in the maternity hospital in the first week of life. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously in the left shoulder.

Immediately after birth, the baby is examined by a neonatologist. This is a doctor who specializes in newborn babies up to one month of age. The doctor already in the first minutes of life according to such indicators as the pulse of the child, the color of the skin, breathing, muscle tone, the power of the scream is appreciated. This system is designed to identify children who urgently need health care... Healthy babies receive a score of 7-10 points. If the score is vital important criteria below 6 points, then the child comes under close medical supervision. In any case, within the walls of the maternity hospital, the baby is periodically examined by a neonatologist.

After the mother is discharged from the maternity hospital, information about the newborn baby comes to the polyclinic at the place of residence. Within three days, the district pediatrician, together with the nurse, will visit the child without a preliminary call. At the first examination, the doctor examines the little patient from head to toe, pays attention to the condition of the fontanelle, skin, mucous membranes, probes the tummy, listens to the heartbeat, the frequency and depth of breathing, and evaluates reflex excitability and muscle tone. Such an examination is necessary and justified: if pathologies are detected at an early stage, they are easier to treat or correct.

Also, the doctor is obliged to assess home environment, living conditions, social status parents, their ability to provide the baby with proper care. All the data obtained is entered into the newborn's medical card.

Tip: Prepare a place that is convenient for a normal examination of the newborn. The doctor will undress the child, so the room should be warm. It is worthwhile to prepare in advance a list of questions of interest to the doctor, best of all in a written version, so as not to forget anything.

In the future, up to the age of one month, the child periodically visits. During her visits, she should not only monitor the condition of the baby, but also advise the young mother on feeding and caring for the newborn. Patronage nurse you can and should ask questions about the development of the baby.

The first independent trip to the clinic

At 4 weeks, the mother must bring the child to the clinic for examination.

The first trip is always exciting, so that it goes well, you need to prepare in advance:

  • find out at the reception what day in your clinic is reserved for receiving babies,
  • take a clean diaper with you (preferably two), large wet wipes, trash bag,
  • pour boiled water or ready-made milk mixture into a thermo bottle - suddenly the reception will drag on and the child will get hungry,
  • a clean notepad and pen to jot down the pediatrician's advice and guidance.

First you need to go to the local doctor. He will visually examine the baby, weigh him, measure his height, head circumference. After that, he will tell you which doctors are newborns at 1 month

The list is rather big:

  • ENT doctor,
  • orthopedist,
  • surgeon,
  • optometrist,
  • neuropathologist,
  • dermatologist - appointed selectively if a newborn baby has skin problems, rashes, diathesis, allergic manifestations.

Walking through the offices of narrow specialists is mandatory. They will examine the child in more detail, draw conclusions about the state of his health, and, if necessary, prescribe an additional examination or treatment.

More about narrow specialists

An otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) examines the ears, nose and neck of the newborn, does otoacoustic testing to check the baby's hearing, looks if the baby has sulfur plugs, whether the nasal passages are developed correctly. This doctor can answer the question of why the baby is not breastfeeding well or is unable to suck from the bottle.

Orthopedist - this specialist must be passed to assess the health of the child's musculoskeletal system. The orthopedist will examine the legs and hip joints of the newborn and give a conclusion on the results of the examination. Dangerous pathology- dysplasia of the hip joints - observed in 30% of infants.

V early age the pathology is corrected by 100%, but if you do not pay attention to it and do not start treatment in a timely manner, then the child will remain crippled. Also, an orthopedist can identify a number of other problems - torticollis, clubfoot, asymmetry of the legs.

The oculist will measure the intraocular pressure of the baby, check the condition of the lacrimal glands, diagnose conjunctivitis of the eyelids. At 1 month, it is already possible to assess the baby's tendency to strabismus and, if necessary, predict treatment.

At the first meeting, the surgeon palpates the baby's tummy, evaluates his reflex reactions, diagnoses the umbilical, umbilical or inguinal hernia, probes the lymph nodes. In boys, the external genitalia will be examined to exclude dropsy, undescended testicles into the scrotum, cryptorchidism and hypospadias

When examining a newborn, a neurologist will assess his reflexes and locomotor activity, examine the fontanelle, check muscle tone, the level of motor development.

Advice: do not try to pass all specialists in 1-2 days. It is very tiring for both the baby and the mother. After the district police officer tells which doctors are newborns in 1 month, you need to write down the days and hours of the appointment in a notebook, and then plan a visit to no more than two offices a week.

Now you know what kind of doctors are newborns at 1 month. But the local pediatrician can prescribe an additional examination - ultrasound, MRI, blood and urine tests - if there are suspicions of cardiac, renal, intestinal and other pathologies.

Additional examination

Urine analysis - for this you need to collect morning urine from the baby. This is done with the help of special urinals, which differ in shape for boys and girls. You can buy them at any pharmacy. The local nurse will tell you how to collect urine using the device. It is very important to thoroughly wash the child on the eve of collecting the material.

A blood test - a general one is done on the basis of blood sampling from a finger, a biochemical one - from a vein of a newborn. Biological material such small children are taken at any time of the day, regardless of the meal.

ECG (electrocardiogram) - taking heart rate indicators and predicting the child's condition in the near future.

Ultrasound ( ultrasound procedure) brain, heart, abdominal cavity - to identify deviations in the development of body systems.

Ultrasound research is especially relevant for premature and low birth weight children, whose assessment at birth was less than 7 points on the Apgar scale.

Of course, such an in-depth examination is not assigned to every baby, but only to those children whose condition inspires anxiety in the district pediatrician or other doctor. Mothers do not need to independently prescribe any procedures for the child or insist on carrying out one or another type of examination, since the district pediatrician is able to adequately assess the health of the newborn and the need for additional tests.

Vaccination room

In the maternity hospital, a newborn child is given necessary vaccinations, but at 1 month you need to get another vaccination - against hepatitis. Permission for vaccination is given only by the district pediatrician after a complete examination of the baby and obtaining confidence that the baby is healthy. Parents have the right to refuse vaccination, but this must be done deliberately after studying the issue from all sides and receiving advice from a competent specialist. If you have doubts about the quality of the vaccine, you can agree to buy a different vaccine material - less aggressive, more purified, from another manufacturer. But this issue must be discussed with your doctor beforehand.

Please note that the standard vaccination calendar can be changed individually for you, taking into account the health of the baby.

Keep a notebook and be sure to monitor the vaccinations. Do not be shy once again ask a doctor to check your personal calendar vaccinations. This approach will help to protect the child from a serious illness in the future.

Remember that taking care of the child's health is primarily the responsibility of the parents, so you cannot miss going to the clinic when the baby is 1 month old.

  • What kind of doctors do you need to go through a month?
  • Why do you need an inspection different specialists? What can they find in a baby?
  • Can I skip the check-up if my child is sick?
  • Why would such little child do an ultrasound of the brain and hip joints, as well as the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract?

The plan of examination and monitoring of your baby is determined by the pediatrician. First of all, the doctor will establish a health group and a risk group for your child in the neonatal period. The state of health of the baby, heredity, peculiarities of the course of your pregnancy and childbirth, as well as adaptation in the first week of life are taken into account. Also pediatrician and health visitor nurse must know living conditions, the material security and lifestyle of your family. Depending on this, examinations by a pediatrician and specialist doctors are planned. First healthy child is invited to the children's clinic for an appointment with a pediatrician at the age of 1 month. The baby will then be examined by specialist doctors.
A pediatric neurologist is a specialist who carefully monitors the development and maturation of the child's nervous system. During the examination, he will determine whether the neuropsychic development of your baby corresponds to his age: he will assess the formed reactions to light, sound, as well as motor and psychoemotional activity. The neurologist pays attention to appearance one month old baby, shape and size of the skull, facial expression, posture, color skin... Certain diseases of the nervous system long time do not manifest clinically, however, their timely detection and treatment contribute to a favorable prognosis. For early diagnosis brain lesions are performed with neurosonography (NSG). Neurosonography is absolutely safe and reliable method, allowing through the fontanelles to see changes in the structure of the brain and signs of increased intracranial pressure.
A preventive examination by a surgeon reveals congenital surgical diseases. In infants, malformations of the anterior abdominal wall: inguinal, inguinal-scrotal, umbilical, peri-umbilical hernia; communicating dropsy of the membranes of the testicles, cryptorchidism and others.
Also, the baby must be examined by an orthopedic doctor. This is done for the timely diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment of the pathology of the child's musculoskeletal system. Some violations may long time not show up and not bother the baby, his parents and even the pediatrician. But gradually forming serious illness, in some cases leading to disability. First of all, this applies to hip dysplasia and congenital dislocation of the hip. Ultrasound of the hip joints helps detect dislocation, subluxation, dysplasia and physiological delay in the development of the hip joints. Currently, this research method is carried out for all children, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of the disease.
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed in order to exclude congenital defects development and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.
The above consultations and examinations are screening, that is, mass. They are carried out for all children at the age of 1-2 months for a more accurate and timely assessment of their health status. Based on the results of the examination, the baby will be recommended health and preventive actions... You should also understand that the treatment of diseases detected in a timely manner is more effective than treatment. running forms... Therefore postpone preventive examination and examination in case the child is ill is possible, but then it should be done. "

Newly made parents, no matter how closely they monitor the health of their child, cannot always notice in time a deterioration in the condition of the child, therefore, in the first year of life, children's specialists closely monitor the health of the baby and there is a special schedule for visiting doctors up to a year.

In the maternity hospital the newborn is closely monitored. The baby is tested, specialists carry out full examination crumbs, with the consent of the mother, the necessary vaccinations are given. All this time mom and baby are under close observation specialists. And if the child and mother are healthy, then for 3-5 days they are discharged from the hospital.

Download a table with indicators physical development children under 1 year old, and be sure that the baby develops according to the norms!

After discharge your child is being monitored. In the first month In life, a district doctor and a patronage nurse come home to a newly-made mom and her baby. The pediatrician should visit the newborn 2-3 days after discharge from the hospital. Health visitor will visit mom and baby every week during the first month of the baby's life.

According to the results of examinations and in the absence of contraindications, the baby is given routine vaccinations(booster vaccination against viral hepatitis B).

In the second month In life, a mother and baby visit only a local pediatrician.

When the baby is fulfilled three months the pediatrician will write out a referral for passing:

  • podiatrist
  • neurologist

Based on the results of the examinations, your doctor will decide whether your baby is ready for routine vaccinations (general vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) and against polio.

Fourth and fifth months the child's life is examined only by the local doctor. At this age, the baby is given a second routine vaccination with DPT and against polio.

At six months The baby is examined not only by a pediatrician, but also by a neurologist. At this age, the baby is recommended to introduce complementary foods. The pediatrician will tell you everything necessary information about the beginning of complementary foods. After the examination, the doctor decides on a planned third vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio and viral hepatitis B.

In their seven and eight months the baby is routinely examined by a pediatrician.

Aged nine months the baby, in addition to the district pediatrician, is re-examined by the surgeon. You also need to visit the dentist, regardless of whether your baby has teeth or not.

At ten and eleven months the child is examined by a pediatrician to assess the state of health.

At the age of twelve months the child goes through the last comprehensive examination early childhood... At this time, it is necessary to surrender everything. required analyzes and pass specialists

  • pediatrician
  • neurologist
  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • otolaryngologist
  • optometrist
  • dentist

And also the child is given vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps. Taking into account the examinations of specialists, the pediatrician will determine the health group of your child and develop a further plan for monitoring him.

Despite the generally accepted schedule of doctors passing up to a year, scheduled examinations specialists in each clinic are different and may differ slightly. Ask your local pediatrician for all the details. Try not to neglect specialist visits. After all, a timely detected disease and timely treatment in the first year of a baby's life are a guarantee of your baby's health for many years.

- how to survive it? Read in our next article.