What should be a teenager? How to Look Pretty When You're a Teenager

Ellen Page is the star of Inception, Juno, and Flatliners. The actress looks and dresses just like a teenage schoolgirl, but in fact she turned 30 this year! How much?

Emilia Clarke, 31

Well, can you give the Mother of Dragons more than 20? And the charming Lou from Me Before You? The 31-year-old actress looks younger than her age thanks to her cute baby face. She is equally good with blond and dark hair, with bright smokey and in the image of no makeup. It's impossible not to fall in love with Emilia Clarke!


Marina Maksimova (MakSim), 34 years old

MakSim's popularity peaked in 2005-2010. The hits “Tenderness” and “Do You Know” sounded from everywhere, and girls from all over Russia knew them by heart. Years have passed, not much is heard about the singer, but the paradox is that she has not changed at all - it’s as if she was frozen! Marina is no longer 20 years old, but just look at how she looks.

Miranda Kerr, 34

Miranda Kerr already 34, but her charming "baby" face with full lips, big eyes and dimples on her cheeks allows her to remain one of the most sought-after models in the world.

Christina Asmus, 29 years old

Angelic appearance is about Christina Asmus. A wide smile, an open look, a fragile figure and a sweet face allow the actress to be a contender for the role of a 16-year-old teenager in any film.

Alyson Hannigan, 43

The actress, who we remember from her roles in How I Met Your Mother and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, will turn 44 in 2018. The most interesting thing is that it has not changed much over the past 10-15 years. Alison not only has not lost her youthful charm, but also retained funny childish features, because of which she can easily be mistaken for a teenager.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon - 41, but how cool she looks! The forever young actress is not much different from Legally Blonde, and after all, 16 years have passed since the release of the film.

Polina Gagarina, 30 years old

A slender blonde with a charming smile and a radiant look looks much younger and fresher than the previous "version" of Polina - a plump brunette. Looking at the singer, you can’t say that she is 30.

Marina Aleksandrova, 35 years old

Fans of the Russian beauty-actress Marina Alexandrova now and then note that at the age of 35 she looks 18.

Tobey Maguire, 42

To look more brutal, Tobey Maguire grew a beard, but the type of face and mischievous eyes of the actor invariably throw off him for decades. By the way, Spider-Man was only 17, and Toby was approaching his 30th birthday when he played this role.

Jason Earlez, 40

The actor who played the role of Jackson Stewart in the TV series Hannah Montana takes pride of place in the rating of ageless stars: the 34-year-old actor played a 16-year-old schoolboy. And it is worth noting that it was very plausible!

Thomas Sangster, 27

The actor has long been over 20, but this does not prevent him from playing teenagers in high-grossing films and TV shows (The Maze Runner, Game of Thrones) and looking a maximum of 14 years old.

Elijah Wood, 36

Or maybe it's all about genetics? Elijah Wood is a good example of this. He doesn't seem to age at all. It may seem funny or jealous, but his boyish expression remains the same for a long time. In any case, this is precisely the personality of the actor who gave us Frodo from The Lord of the Rings.

Many teenage girls strive to look beautiful. Luckily, it's not that difficult, but it still takes some effort and a little time. Know that beauty is more than the ability to put on makeup, style your hair, and dress fashionably. First of all, you must learn take care about yourself, about your body, skin and hair. After that, it will become much easier for you to follow your style!


Face and body care

Try rinsing your hair with a vinegar solution. This advice It may seem strange to you, but the softness of the hair acquired with it is worth it to resort to it! Vinegar not only cleanses the hair of any impurities, but also restores its natural pH level. As a result, the hair becomes soft, shiny and smooth. Mix ½ - 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of water (240 ml), and then during the shower (toward the end), rinse your hair with this solution. To do this, tilt your head back and close your eyes so as not to accidentally get vinegar into them. Then pour cool water over your head to help close the hair cuticles and add shine.

If you have dry or damaged hair, try doing hair masks. Hair masks are similar to deep penetration conditioners, softening, nourishing and moisturizing hair. Masks from various manufacturers have their own characteristics, but they are usually used after shampooing and left on the hair (preferably under a shower cap) for 10-15 minutes. Then the mask is washed off. After it, no conditioner is required!

Take advantage of the natural texture of your hair. It will be noticeably easier for you to make friends with your hair than to fight it. Visit a stylist, ask him to choose a hairstyle that best suits your face type and hair texture.

Body care

Caring for outer beauty

    Understand that for beauty it is not necessary to apply makeup. Makeup is only necessary to please you. Don't put on makeup just because someone told you to. If makeup helps you feel better about yourself, use it! But if others are forcing you to use makeup, and you don’t want it at all, just ignore them and be yourself!

    Consider application light makeup. More serious makeup will not make you more beautiful. For that matter, it can age you outwardly and make you look too frilly. Majority professional makeup artists inclined to use light natural day makeup. And just for evening make-up And special events they choose something more dramatic.

    • To apply a simple everyday makeup, try a tinted moisturizer, brown eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss. You can also use blush and bronzing powder, but only slightly.
    • If you like more expressive makeup, use it! Just do not forget to periodically give the skin a rest from cosmetics.
  1. Try covering up pimples and dark circles under your eyes with a concealer. use concealer not necessarily, but it can improve the way you feel about yourself and make you feel more confident if you're embarrassed by your pimples and dark circles.

    Take care of your hands. When it comes to creating yourself beautiful image, people often concentrate on the face and hair, but forget about the hands, which are no less important! Keep your hands soft with a moisturizing lotion, try not to bite your nails. Keep your nails neatly trimmed and clean any dirt underneath with a nail brush each evening. Do not be afraid to paint your nails with varnish and resort to professional procedures manicure. A little extra color never hurt anyone!

  2. Shave or depilate excess vegetation on the body. In most cases, girls get rid of hair on their legs and underarms, but you can also consider removing hair from the forearms, especially if they are thick and coarse. In addition, you can go to a beauty salon to correct the eyebrow line and remove the mustache on the upper lip!

    • It is not recommended to pluck your own eyebrows, as it is quite difficult to determine the optimal shape for them and it is very easy to ruin everything and make it worse.
    • If you don't want to pluck your eyebrows, consider combing them. Pull out any stubborn hairs with tweezers, and comb the rest with a clean eyebrow brush.
    • Talk to your parents first. They may not allow you to shave for religious or personal reasons. It would be wise to ask their opinion and obey what they say!

Many people have a standard of beauty that they want to meet. The cult of beauty has a strong effect on the psyche of adolescents, causing them to be dissatisfied with their appearance. Negative attitude to himself develops into an inferiority complex that traumatizes the psyche and leaves an imprint on relationships with peers. The reasons for the appearance of complexes and options for getting rid of them tried to figure out “I am a Parent”.

Why do complexes appear?

Adolescence is a stressful time. He is associated with the strong physiological changes, causing change appearance. This does not always suit teenagers. Most often they do not accept their appearance. And is it possible to be satisfied if she constantly prepares surprises: the size of the legs changes, the breast grows (or does not grow), the volume of the hips increases, acne appears. The body is elongated, becomes somewhat shapeless or, on the contrary, overgrown with excessive roundness that attracts the eye. The face also changes: the nose becomes longer or wider, the eyebrows become thicker, hairs begin to break through locally. Children do not have time to get used to similar changes, reject them and become discouraged.

This is exacerbated by the fact that psychological characteristics teenagers tend to find an ideal for themselves - for example, in the face of a star. At the same time, the person on the cover, of course, is strikingly different from the teenager himself.

Adolescents' fears about their own unattractiveness are confirmed by the fact that a member of the opposite sex who likes does not pay attention - he is in love with a school star with long legs or broad shoulders respectively.

Teenagers are generally prone to self-criticism. They know how to find flaws even where there are practically none, while clearly exaggerating their significance, and become categorically dissatisfied with their appearance.

Of course, by watching, you can reassure yourself that this will pass: all girls and boys go through such a period. But we must not forget that, unfortunately, not everyone copes with it. That's why teen complexes sometimes develop into a pathological rejection of one's own appearance - dysmorphia.

But even if we dismiss the possibility of mental disorder, one cannot but recognize the fact that the complexes leave a strong negative imprint on the life of a teenager, causing a whole spectrum related problems in learning and communication.

When should you sound the alarm?

Teenagers are a special category of people: they are rather secretive and withdrawn, they do not want to discuss their problems, especially with their parents. Firstly, adolescents are not sure of the sincerity of their relatives, knowing in advance that their parents will convince them otherwise, and secondly, they no longer recognize the authority of their parents as indisputable. Often they are guided by the opinion of their peers or the canons of fashion.

However, it is the parents who are most likely to notice complexes in a teenager in a timely manner and help to cope with them.

First of all, you need to state the existence of a problem. Moms and dads should be on their guard in the following cases:

  • The child refuses to be photographed or tries to stand behind peers in the photographs.
  • A teenager avoids looking in the mirror or, conversely, looks at himself for a long time without apparent satisfaction.
  • He often touches his face with his hands.
  • Starts wearing things to hide his flaws.
  • A teenager very often pays attention to certain elements of appearance in other people (nose, chest, height, legs, etc.).
  • The child shows signs of depression: refusal to eat, sleep disturbance, apathy, unwillingness to communicate with friends.

How to help a teenager get rid of complexes?

Of course, children's discontent may seem ridiculous to adults. own appearance. It seems obvious to moms and dads that their child is in such young age looks charming. The trouble is that teenage children do not hear us, even if we try to explain their delusion. Therefore, it is necessary to act gradually, with understanding and tact.

    Be patient. Adolescence will inevitably come to an end, passing from stage to stage. On one of them, parental authority will begin to return.

    Watch for changes in your child's behavior. Even if you think that you know everything about the child, observe his behavior in different situations. So you can understand the fears and worries of a son or daughter.

    Become an interesting conversationalist. Talk about your childhood experiences, secret about your girlfriends, friends and even celebrities - Hollywood stars can present a range of stories for all occasions. Let your stories be funny and funny.

    Focus on the positives without mentioning the negatives. Talk to your teenager about his strengths. Find leverage to boost your self-esteem.

    Transfer the child's excessive attention to appearance to something else. The purchase of a subscription to water aerobics works well, the purchase pet or the desired sports bike.

    Take your teen's problems seriously. Pick up cosmetics for the face together (if that's the case), seek the advice of a specialist, explore the Internet for a problem. The teenager should feel your sincere interest.

    Notice any positive changes in your appearance. Help your child to believe in himself.

Often teenage problems pass into adults, interfering with self-realization in the personal and professional spheres. Teach your child who he is. Prove to him the importance of other aspects of personality with an example successful people. Become a friend and helper in everything: in choosing cosmetics and clothes, healthy eating and doing sports. Be careful and patient.

Svetlana Sadova

A teenager is already a well-formed personality. According to their physical, physiological and psychological state they are close to the adult world. But due to their small life experience misunderstandings and misunderstandings arise between adults and adolescents. Very often, adults forget that they were at that age, and teenagers do not yet know what they will be like in a few years.

Necessary knowledge for a teenager

Consider what a teenager should be like. Since a teenager is on the verge of childhood and growing up, his immediate future is still unclear and a little frightening for him. Therefore, he must be aware of what is happening to him and understand what is happening to him in order to avoid mistakes in the future. The next generation should know:

  • About puberty. Adults should explain to them about what love, sexuality and sexual relations are. During puberty, adolescents experience new sensations, their body changes, and mood changes occur. Parents and teachers should protect them from false information and try to answer their questions.
  • What you need to do to avoid the temptation of alcohol. All parents are very worried about their children not being influenced bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs. IN adolescence children are careless about this, they are not yet fully aware of the consequences that may arise as a result of their use. Therefore, what a teenager should know about alcohol and drug use is very important. important point in his life. To do this, parents must constantly monitor the child and conduct conversations on these topics. And if necessary, contact a psychologist.
  • About employment. Teenage children are eligible for temporary employment and they should be aware of how many hours per week they can work based on age and in accordance with applicable law. For example, teenagers aged 15-16 may work five hours a day, while students may work no more than 2.5 hours a day.
  • About money. Parents should educate teenagers about how to behave in relation to money, namely:
    • they must learn to save
    • be able to count money
    • be able to spend wisely
    • learn to live within your means

Appearance of a teenager

Consider what a teenager should look like. Almost all teenagers want to look fashionable, they want to wear clothes that are on this stage will express them inner world to suit their desires and interests. Following a certain style, they want to express their personality through clothing. Some adults are annoyed by the sight of a boy or girl who is screaming and believe that such young people have problems psychological nature. It is not necessary to focus attention on this, and even more so to aggravate an already difficult transitional age, because sometimes it is very difficult for them to say goodbye to their childhood dreams and it is hard to understand surrounding reality. Each group of people has their own clothing style priorities, for example, there are lovers of hip-hop clothing, and there are teenagers who like romantic or sport style. Each of these styles expresses his inner world and passion for something. In any case, outwardly all teenagers should wear clean and tidy clothes, and parents should always be able to understand, support and, if necessary, be able to guide and advise.

Books for teenagers

In many ways, the formation of a child's personality occurs on the basis of the books read. Therefore, according to well-known smart people, books that a teenager should read should be relevant in our time, since knowledge and feelings cannot be dispensed with. Among the most popular books, readers highlight the works of Pasternak, Pelevin, Ulitskaya, Okudzhava, Ilf and Petrov, Mitchell, Hugo and others.