What dates in January to cut hair. Favorable days for a haircut in May. Is it possible to cut hair if tomorrow is a solar, lunar eclipse

Recommendations and tips for the Lunar calendar for cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in January 2017

Recommendations and tips for cutting, curling, depilating, epilating and coloring hair

When visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that haircut, made by the same master, is ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, and sometimes it is not possible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow quickly, and sometimes they grow very slowly. To be satisfied with the haircut, visit the hairdresser on days when Moon is in Leo or Virgo. haircut these days it's good to do like on the growing, and on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair in the days of Leo, the hair will look thick. If to get a haircut in the days of Virgo, they will grow back faster and will keep their shape perfectly. You can get a haircut on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. A waning moon haircut keeps hair in good condition but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair waning moon haircut in Capricorn, as well as a haircut on the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you make a haircut on a bad day, the hair will lie badly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut hair on the waning Moon in Aries - they will fall out quickly and strongly! It is also harmful to have a haircut on the days of Gemini.

hair waving successfully passes at any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong, because these days the hair curls itself. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, at any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and will begin to split and break.

Hair coloring better to do with the growing moon, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair on a waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether this or that color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo instead of paint. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see if the color suits you or not.

Depilation and epilation

There are many ways to remove hair and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot waxeffective method but painful, the razor has more pluses. When choosing a method for hair removal, keep in mind that hair removed on the growing moon grows faster. You can shave them off in the morning, and by the evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them on the growing Moon in Leo or Virgo, they will not only grow back faster, but also become even thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on the waning moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Conception calendar (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - reliability and durability marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. So take advantage wedding calendar and choose the most appropriate date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac and the auspiciousness of the lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmas, carnival, etc.

In the lunar haircut calendar for January 2019, various events have certain action for cutting human hair. By choosing the most favorable day for a haircut, you will save your positive forces and get rid of all the negative, find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

How to use the lunar hair cutting calendar we told. You should know that hair is the source of our strength, which means that everything that happens to them changes our bioenergetics. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another, not only our appearance but all of our lives.

In order not to harm yourself when cutting your hair or when coloring, so as not to lose strength and your Guardian Angel, you must follow certain security measures, know when auspicious days for a haircut, and when to refrain from visiting a hairdresser.

Haircut lunar calendars by day for a year ahead:

Haircut lunar calendar for january 2019 - hair curling

Perm hair is still popular, but now there are much more ways to do it than our mothers and grandmothers. Now there are many ways that the hair does not fluff, but fits into perfectly lying curls, not tangled and evenly separated. However, along with cosmetics- with gels, varnishes, foams, you need to correct the curl by choosing the right time for the procedure.

In January 2019, a particularly strong effect of haircuts can be obtained on January 10-12 These are the days when the Moon is in the constellation Leo. Most auspicious time - next days, January 13-14. The moon moves into the constellation Virgo, which, as you know, is the most favorable for creating new hairstyles. But perms are best done at the end of the month - during the new moon from January 23.

Remember that after a perm, the hair needs special care. Stock up on moisturizing masks and balms. Changes in the hair will remain even if the perm does not hold. The ends of the hair are treated with special soldering agents. Only newly grown hair allows you to cut off the curled parts.

Haircut lunar calendar for january 2019 - hair coloring

When modern lady gets to the hairdresser, she expects from a change of hairstyle not only putting her hair in order, but also emotional relaxation. If the hairstyle or hair color is chosen correctly, it is quite natural to expect a change in image and favorable changes in personal life.

Hair coloring is one of the main components of the overall image. Moon calendar makes recommendations for this event. The fact is that during the waning moon in the human body, many substances are washed out. Microparticles of paint will also linger on the hair for a short time. Therefore, if you just want to experiment with a new color, dye your hair in the first decade of January and in the last few days. The paint will take firmly in the middle of the month. Many people wonder about hair coloring after perm. Since you can dye your hair no earlier than 3-4 days after curling, referring to the lunar calendar. in January, it is best to do this in the middle of the month.

Haircut lunar calendar for January 2019 - favorable days for haircuts

Since it is ideal to visit the hairdresser when the Moon is in the signs of Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus and Libra, then better days for a haircut will be 3-7, 12-16, 19-22, 30-31 January. The hairstyle will turn out to be especially successful, internal well-being will improve, and even you will see positive changes in your personal life. At this time, along with the hairstyle, profit and success at work will come.

Haircut done in right time makes hair more voluminous, healthy and shiny. From January 1 to January 3, you should refrain from short haircuts. But from January 4 to January 9, the hair will grow beautifully, become stronger. These days work great nourishing masks and coloring. It is recommended that this day make nourishing hair masks, as well as coloring.

Hair color will be bright and will last for a long time. During the full moon from January 9 to 10 in January, it is generally not recommended to carry out any hair manipulations. From January 11, haircuts will be more durable, as in the waning phase of the moon, hair does not grow very quickly.

Haircut lunar calendar by day for January 2019

Jan 1 2019 9:26 - 4 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius Dec 31st 2019 4:44 to 2 Jan. 2019 13:24

Jan 2 2019 9:54 - 5 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius Dec 31st 2019 4:44 to 2 Jan. 2019 13:24

Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

Jan 3 2019 10:18 - 6 lunar day. Moon in Pisces Jan 2 2019 13:24 to 4 Jan. 2019 19:48

The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can bring diseases into your life or simply fall into depression, which will also affect your appearance.

Jan 4 2019 10:41 - 7 lunar day. Moon in Pisces Jan 2 2019 13:24 to 4 Jan. 2019 19:48

7 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life.
Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Jan 5 2019 11:03 - 8 lunar day. Moon in Aries Jan 4th 2019 19:48 to 6 Jan. 2019 23:22

8 lunar day is very good for a haircut. It will bring bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life.

Jan 6 2019 11:26 - 9 lunar day. Moon in Aries Jan 4th 2019 19:48 to 6 Jan. 2019 23:22

A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable, because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using mild natural ingredients.
Moon in Aries - haircut is unfavorable. Immunity may be weakened, diseases may appear. Try to choose another day for a haircut.

Jan 7 2019 11:51 - 10 lunar day. Moon in Taurus Jan 6th 2019 23:22 to 9 Jan. 2019 1:14

10 lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche).

Jan 8 2019 12:21 - 11 lunar day. Moon in Taurus Jan 6th 2019 23:22 to 9 Jan. 2019 1:14

11 lunar day is just perfect for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is just a “bomb”. Such a haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful.
Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Hair grows strong and healthy, less split ends.

Jan 9 2019 12:58 - 12 lunar day. Moon in Gemini Jan 9th 2019 1:14 to 11 Jan 2019 1:58

The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon).

Jan 10 2019 13:44 - 13 lunar day. Moon in Gemini Jan 9th 2019 1:14 to 11 Jan 2019 1:58

The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzangbskyed)
Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

Jan 11 2019 14:40 - 14 lunar day. Moon in Cancer Jan 11 2019 1:58 to 13 Jan 2019 3:16

14 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a more successful person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property, material well-being. (en spyod'phel)
Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

Jan 12 2019 15:47 - 15 lunar day. Moon in Cancer Jan 11 2019 1:58 to 13 Jan 2019 3:16

On the 15th lunar day, it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with pressure, an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear will appear.

Moon in Cancer - haircut is favorable. You can do styling, adjusting hairstyles. Avoid chemical treatments.

Jan 13 2019 17:01 - 16 lunar day. Moon in Leo Jan 13 2019 3:16 to 15 Jan 2019 7:24

The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut, because at this time you can attract misfortune and ill-wishers into your life.

Jan 14 2019 18:17 - 17 lunar day. Moon in Leo Jan 13 2019 3:16 to 15 Jan 2019 7:24

17 lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - attract diseases and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod).
Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the most best zodiacs for a haircut. A haircut will change your life for the better.

Jan 15 2019 19:32 - 18 lunar day. Moon in Virgo Jan 15 2019 7:24 to 17 Jan 2019 14:22

The 18th lunar day is bad for a haircut, as there is a huge chance of attracting situations related to the theft of property or its damage.

Jan 16 2019 20:46 - 19 lunar day. Moon in Virgo Jan 15 2019 7:24 to 17 Jan 2019 14:22

The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), but if the second aspect (the moon in the sign of the zodiac) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair.
Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the moon. Your hair will be lush, strong and magically attractive.

Jan 17 2019 21:58 - 20 lunar day. Moon in Libra Jan 17 2019 14:22 to 20 Jan. 2019 1:18

20 lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract poverty into the material and spiritual world. Tibetan: dbultog

Jan 18 2019 23:07 - 21 lunar days. Moon in Libra Jan 17 2019 14:22 to 20 Jan. 2019 1:18

21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and more attractive (gzugs bzang)
Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

Jan 20 2019 0:14 - 22 lunar day. Moon in Libra Jan 17 2019 14:22 to 20 Jan. 2019 1:18

22 lunar day is well suited for a haircut - you can get what you want and get required amount money.
Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Hairstyle - "dandelion" is guaranteed. A haircut will add lightness and ease.

Jan 21 2019 1:20 - 23 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio Jan 20 2019 1:18 to 22 Jan 2019 13:56

23 lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid a haircut today if other aspects say so.

Jan 22 2019 2:25 - 24 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio Jan 20 2019 1:18 to 22 Jan 2019 13:56

A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life.
Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

Jan 23 2019 3:28 - 25 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius Jan 22 2019 13:56 to 25 Jan 2019 2:00

The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for a haircut - you can lose sight of the most important thing, not see the opportunities that come and go. (mig tshag ong)

Jan 24 2019 4:28 - 26 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius Jan 22 2019 13:56 to 25 Jan 2019 2:00

26 lunar day is a great day for a haircut. She will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably.
Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is magically good, but maybe not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

Jan 25 2019 5:22 - 27 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn Jan 25 2019 2:00 to 27 Jan 2019 11:48

27 lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood won't leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung).

Jan 26 2019 6:11 - 28 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn Jan 25 2019 2:00 to 27 Jan 2019 11:48

An ideal haircut day - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes)
Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods Haircut moons. Hair splits less and grows faster.

Jan 27 2019 6:52 - 29 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn Jan 25 2019 2:00 to 27 Jan 2019 11:48

A haircut on the 29th lunar day is strongly discouraged - you can go astray and get in a lot of trouble. (bla`khyams)
Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

Jan 28 2019 2:07 - 1 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius Jan 27 2019 11:48 to 29 Jan. 2019 19:20

1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for a haircut. Tibetan sages say that a haircut on this day shortens life.
Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

Jan 28 2019 7:28 - 2 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius Jan 27 2019 11:48 to 29 Jan. 2019 19:20

A haircut on the second lunar day can attract into your life unpleasant events and conflicts. Avoid haircuts on this day.
Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

Jan 29 2019 7:58 - 3 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius Jan 27 2019 11:48 to 29 Jan. 2019 19:20

A haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can bring diseases into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money insanely.
Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. The time is good for experiments with a haircut and your life. If everything suits you so much, it is better to choose another day.

Jan 30 2019 8:24 - 4 lunar day. Moon in Pisces Jan 29 2019 19:20 to 1 Feb. 2019 1:10

A haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone.
Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Jan 31 2019 8:48 - 5 lunar day. Moon in Pisces Jan 29 2019 19:20 to 1 Feb. 2019 1:10

A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you good luck and wealth. A very good day in order to radically change your appearance.
Moon in Pisces - haircut is favorable. Dandruff may develop, and hair may become brittle and dry.

Many people believe in the power of astrology and that the Moon can actually influence events in life. So, the lunar calendar for today is a forecast of good days for starting important things, when to cut your hair or start repairs, leave for long trips so that all these things bring even more happiness and success.

Haircut lunar calendar

For many people, a haircut according to the lunar calendar has become a habit. After all, what time you choose will depend on how quickly your hair grows, whether it will bring you wealth or, on the contrary, it will reduce income along with cut strands. Knowing what the moon is now and the most suitable days when you cut your hair, you will be able to build your own destiny and get from life positive emotions.

Lunar calendar for January 2017

Below is a haircut calendar for January 2017, which is easy to determine for yourself auspicious moment to change your image. Remember that these are not exact oracle predictions, but only a forecast, such a kind of barber's horoscope that helps to avoid trouble. Choose the best day for yourself by date, and the Moon in January will do its job.

Haircut lunar calendar for January 2017:

  • 1 - in the sign of Libra. It would be best to radically change your hairstyle to a more extravagant one. Favorable time to change color, bright coloring or highlighting. Classic hairstyles are best left for later.
  • 2 – new hairstyle will bring you closer to material wealth. Luck will be on your side and will linger with you.
  • 3 - it is undesirable to visit a hairdresser, because the health of you or your loved ones may worsen. The strands will lose their vitality, so you will have to spend a lot of effort to restore their former beauty.
  • 4 - the sign of Scorpio. If you do not want to have enemies and ill-wishers, then give up the haircut. It is not recommended to dye your hair.
  • 5 is a good day for creating a new look with hair coloring. Life will be filled with good moments. not excluded love adventures that will be remembered for a long time and go beyond January 2017.
  • 6 - in the sign of Sagittarius. Devote this time to yourself, but it is absolutely impossible to cut your hair. The moon will only bring you disappointment and ambiguity in unresolved situations. Better clean up, go to the bathhouse or cosmetic procedures.
  • 7 - coloring, curling will attract good luck and material wealth in 2017. Weakened strands will recover, they will grow thick and strong.
  • 8 is one of the most perfect days month. Your mind will become more insightful, you will be able to make informed decisions that will change your life for the better.
  • 9 - the sign of Capricorn. If you are afraid of something and do not want it to happen, then it is best to refuse a new hairstyle on this date in January 2017.
  • 10 - you can safely go to your stylist to get a haircut. He will manage to make you even more attractive, people will be attracted to you like a magnet.
  • 11 - in the sign of Aquarius. A new hairstyle or hair coloring will bring you closer to material wealth, expect cash receipts in 2017. Luck will be on your side and will linger with you.
  • 12 - undesirable visit to the hairdresser. The health of you or your loved ones may worsen. The strands will lose their vitality, so you will have to spend a lot of effort to restore their former beauty with the help of daily care.
  • 13 is the sign of Pisces. If you do not want to have enemies and ill-wishers, then give up the haircut.
  • 14 - diseases, poor health, ill-wishers - all this can appear in your life if you decide to cut your curls.

  • 15 - in the sign of Aries. You can attract unpleasant situations: theft, damage. wait for more have a better day so as not to spoil your mood.
  • 16 is a very good day to visit the hairdresser. Will add you even more beauty and youth. Hair will become thicker and healthier.
  • 17 - in the sign of Taurus. An unfavorable day, especially if you feel a breakdown. You can lose your spirituality, even if only for a while, but it can change the course of events in 2017.
  • 18 - devote all the time to yourself, but it is absolutely impossible to cut your hair. The moon will only bring you disappointment and ambiguity in unresolved situations. It is better to clean up or go to the bath.
  • 19 - you can safely go to your stylist. He will manage to make you even more attractive, people will be attracted to you like a magnet.
  • 20 is the sign Gemini. A new hairstyle, coloring - everything will attract good luck and material wealth into your life in 2017. Weakened strands will recover, they will grow thick and strong.
  • 21 - if you have nothing to lose, then you can take a chance and get a haircut. However, the Moon will not bring anything good, but very bad too. Your hair won't get better.
  • 22 - the sign of Cancer. Bad day. Diseases, loss of spirituality, deterioration financial situation. Postpone any beauty treatments.
  • 23 - a new hairstyle can bring both loss and attractiveness. If you are afraid to lose sight of something very important, then it is better to do something else.
  • 24 is the sign of Leo. A very good day. Happiness, beauty, money are just a few pleasant moments that you will have with the purchase of a new hairstyle.
  • 25 is also an auspicious day. You will stay in good location spirit is still very long, so do not put off going to the hairdresser.
  • 26 is the sign of Virgo. One of the most perfect days of the month. Your mind will become more insightful, you will be able to make informed decisions that will change your life for the better.
  • 27 is a bad day. The curls will completely lose their strength, it will take a long time to restore them. Relationships with people will become strained. Refuse to go to the hairdresser, even if you are invited to free treatments.
  • 28 - on this day you will shorten not only your strands, but also your life. An unfavorable day for changing the image.
  • 29 is the sign of Libra. If you decide to visit a stylist, then beware of crazy spending later that will not bring you joy, and there will be less peace.
  • 30 - give up the haircut, otherwise unreasonable anxiety, fear are provided to you. The hair will become brittle and lose its vitality.
  • 31 is the sign of Scorpio. Luck, wealth, love, well-being - this is just the beginning of what a visit to the hairdresser will bring you on the last day of the month. So make up your mind!

Favorable days for a haircut in January

As you have already noticed, January is not so rich in favorable days for going to the hairdresser, but you should heed the advice of astrologers. The moon is in the very phase when it can attract people happiness and good luck in solving many issues. Want to change your life for the better? Then follow the recommendations and go for a haircut on the days that are favorable for a haircut.

Favorable days for hair cutting in January 2017 for women and men:

  • 1 - suitable for a radical change of image and bright color solutions.
  • 2 - help to get rich.
  • 5 - will attract Cupid.
  • 7 - restore weakened strands.
  • 8, 25 - successful haircut days according to the lunar calendar.
  • 10 - become more attractive.
  • 11, 20 - a good time for a haircut according to the lunar calendar, will bring material benefits.
  • 16, 19 - rejuvenate and make more attractive. lucky days for a haircut.
  • 24, 31 - do you want everything at once? That's when you can cut your hair.
  • 26 - these days will help change your life for the better.

The value of lunar days for cutting hair

How is it determined best time for a haircut? How can the Moon and its phases affect the course of events in your life? The lunar calendar has been used by all peoples for many millennia. Indeed, certain events occur in certain phases of the moon in the astrosphere, so that people had no choice but to create a lunar calendar for themselves and follow its recommendations. Now many of its variations are known, and in Russia the Buryat and classic version.

As for visiting the hairdresser on a certain day, the Moon can both improve the condition of the hair and ruin it. Why do some visits to the hairdresser end in split ends or unruly hair, unstylable? So you chose the wrong day for a haircut. Hair is a conductor that absorbs negative and positive information. They must be cut carefully so as not to harm your own destiny.

Video: haircut horoscope for January

When can you cut your hair?to make them healthier and bring good luck? Once upon a time people gave curls magic power Therefore, caring for them was permeated with a whole ritual. This knowledge has been preserved, and perhaps some of it will soon receive a scientific explanation.

Proper care: how often you need to cut your hair

to cut hairnecessary, but Can don't do it as often When the masters advised.

To determine how often you need to cut your hair, you should consider the length of the hair, the presence of bangs and shaved areas, as well as the general condition of the curls.

Long hair, if they are healthy, it is enough to trim 2 times a year. For owners layered haircuts it is worth doing this every 3-4 months.

Hair middle length you can cut it once every 3 months or a little more often to maintain the shape of the haircut. Length short hair will have to adjust after 4-6 weeks.

Bangs, undercut haircuts and shaved temples require special attention. Straight bangs need to be adjusted once a month, and long, going to the side - once every 6-8 weeks. creative haircuts needs to be updated at least once a month.

These tips are suitable primarily for those who are not going to change the length. But what if you want to let your hair go? Should I cut the ends of the curls and how often should this be done?

How often should you trim your ends?

Many women believe that by cutting the ends of their hair, they increase the rate of their growth. This opinion is wrong. The growth rate is determined by genes, and even among relatives it can be different.

On average, curls grow by 8-13 mm per month, faster in summer, slower in winter. That's why Those who want to grow braids should focus primarily on strengthening and nourishing them.

ends healthy hair it is enough to trim 2-3 times a year, and problem ones - every 10-12 weeks. It is important to remember that their beauty is directly related to general condition organism.

Those who do not cut the ends of the strands at all are also mistaken. How longer hair, the weaker their tips become, the more likely that they will start to crack. In addition, the hair grows unevenly.

If you do not trim the ends for a long time, the look will be sloppy. And together with the cut strands, the accumulated negative emotions that adversely affect the human condition.

What day of the week is best to cut hair

Secret good haircut lies not only in the skill of the hairdresser. To get a good result and be fed with positive energy, it is necessary to take into account many factors.

One of them is the day of the week chosen for hair manipulations:

  1. Monday- lucky day. According to signs, anxiety and sadness will go away along with the cut off hair. Any experiments with the image will be appropriate, up to a radical change in hairstyle.
  2. Tuesdayright time to trim the ends of the curls or adjust the bangs. These actions will help improve health and give strength to solve accumulated problems. It will also be useful to get a haircut for those who are tired of the routine and want to make life more diverse.
  3. IN Wednesdayeveryone can have a haircut, except those born on Thursday. A visit to the hairdresser will improve the activity of the nervous system, memory and learning ability.
  4. Haircut in Thursday, you can clear the biofield, build relationships with loved ones and attract good luck. Communication will be enriched with new acquaintances, old ties will be restored.
  5. Haircut made inFridaypositively affect all spheres of life. This day passes under the auspices of Venus, so any manipulation of the hair will be successful. However, the work of a hairdresser can greatly change the appearance and disrupt the inner harmony.
  6. Get a haircut in Saturdaygood omen. This will help improve emotional and physical state, forget old problems and grievances. The length of the hair will quickly recover. There will be strength, patience and the opportunity to see the hidden talent in yourself.
  7. IN Sundaygoing to the hairdresser will only hurt. Cutting off the hair, a person loses his luck. The only case when possible on that day to cut hair- if it doesn't work at all. Then fate will change dramatically for the better.

When is the best time to cut hair according to the lunar calendar 2018

The satellite of the Earth mysteriously influences the ebb and flow, the harvest and the condition of a person - spiritual and physical.

When can you cut your hair according to the lunar calendar in 2018. Oracle of haircuts, days of the week

Our ancestors noticed that the quality of hair changes depending on what phase of the moon they were cut during.

Is it possible to cut hair if today is "satanic day" according to the lunar calendar

Find out when you can and cannot cut your hair Just. It is enough to open the lunar calendar for the period of interest. In every lunar month there are 4 "satanic" days, when the night luminary is completely hidden from human eyes.

It is dangerous to carry out any manipulations with hair at this time: the energy field becomes defenseless, and the power of curses increases many times over. It is important to know that these are the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th of each lunar month.

In what phase of the moon is it better to cut hair - on which moon. Best moon phase for hair cutting

Waxing moon for hair cutting

The growing moon is a symbol of prosperity and growth, the best time, When you can cut your hair. Curls cut in this phase will grow back faster.

It is most favorable for any action with hair: lamination, coloring, aligning the tips or creating new haircut. It is best to do this on the 5th, 8th or 11th lunar day.

Is it possible to cut hair on a waning moon

It is better to devote this time to care using masks, it will give noticeable result. If you need to strengthen your hair, you can trim the ends a little. But they will grow back slowly.

Also, a haircut on a waning moon can weaken your eyesight. Auspicious days are 21, 26 and 27.

Is it possible to cut hair on a full moon - if the full phase of the moon

It is undesirable to radically change the hairstyle on the full moon, but you can trim the regrown strands. And the time of the new moon can be used to experiment with appearance and change the image.

Is it possible to cut hair if tomorrow is a solar, lunar eclipse

Solar and lunar eclipses are a time of crises and losses. Astrologers advise not to visit a hairdresser during this period. The protective field of man is weakening. Together with the cut strands, health and vitality leave, so there is a great danger of getting sick.

When can you cut your hair according to the Oracle

Choosing when can i cut my hair, it is useful to pay attention to the constellation in which the satellite is located.

The most favorable days for women will be the days under the sign of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Leo.

The Aquarius constellation patronizes experiments, and under the influence of the Pisces constellation, it is dangerous to do anything with hair.

Is it possible to cut hair in the evening

New haircut will change your life better side, if not only the correct day is selected, but also the correct time. folk wisdom says that haircuts can only be done during daylight hours.

In the evening, after sunset, it is easier for a creature of darkness to gain power over a person. Even trimming the regrown ends or bangs, it is easy to break the connection with the divine principle. Any actions with hair will cause health problems, physical and mental. It is also believed that a person will lose good luck and money.

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy

Is it possible to cut hair during pregnancy? The answer is in our article!

Once upon a time, people believed that life was hidden in a woman's hair. The braids of pregnant women were treated with particular trepidation: the expectant mother was forbidden to cut her hair during the entire period of bearing a child, and especially before childbirth.

Modern magicians also claim that by cutting hair, a woman loses vitality necessary for her and the baby.

It is forbidden even to trim the regrown ends of the curls. Violation of this rule will result in premature birth, short life or termination of pregnancy.

But doctors think otherwise. Some specifically advise patients to visit a hairdresser if it will cheer them up. After all, the positive emotions of the mother will favorably affect the development of the baby.

There is no single answer to this question. However, it is noticed that during pregnancy the hair becomes better. This can be used to start growing them.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation

Menstruation is not the best timewhen can i cut my hair. Changes during menstruation hormonal background which affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This time is considered unfortunate for a haircut.

According to signs, curls weaken, easily tangle and grow slowly, and a woman can get sick or grow old quickly.

The experience of hairdressers shows that the strands lose their elasticity and shine, become more oily at the roots. This does not allow for good styling.

The menstrual cycle of a woman is similar to the lunar cycle. Even if the female cycle is longer, it consists of the same phases as the luminary cycle, only their duration is slightly longer.

First phase lunar cycle lived in the individual cycle as a phase of bleeding. It is unfavorable for any action with hair.

Is it possible to cut hair on a birthday

The better your birthday goes, the happier the year will be. The birthday boy should take care of his appearance. You will have to think about the hairstyle in advance, because getting a haircut on this day is cutting off your luck. And you can make styling: it will not affect fate.

The day of the week on which a person was born also affects the choice of a good time for a haircut:

  • Suitable days for those born on Tuesday are Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Inappropriate - Friday.
  • If your birthday falls on a Wednesday, the ideal day for a haircut will be Saturday, and Thursday is better to do other things.
  • Those born on Thursday will receive best result on Monday and Friday. You should not visit the master on Wednesday.
  • The best days for people born on Friday are Monday, Thursday and Saturday. It is undesirable to get a haircut on Tuesday.
  • For those who saw the light on Saturday, the favorable time is Wednesday and Friday, the unfavorable is Sunday.
  • Sunday born should schedule a haircut for Tuesday and Thursday and avoid going to the hairdresser on Monday.

Those who were born on Monday, it is advisable to go to the hairdresser on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Unlucky day is Sunday.

Who better to entrust a haircut

Finding the right craftsman is not just a sweet whim. A person conjuring over a hairstyle changes the biofield of his client.

Trusting hair really good master you can restore strength, gain self-confidence and attract good luck. By what signs to recognize "your" hairdresser?

Consider these factors when choosing a hairdresser:

  • positive attitude. A benevolent, loving master will charge a person with positive energy and a desire to create. It is worth paying attention to the general grooming of the stylist - an untidy appearance can be a sign of fatigue and depression.
  • Age. How older master, the stronger it affects the human biofield. This can be used to break a series of troubles, restore faith in yourself and overcome a spiritual crisis. And for harmonious natures, who do not yet want changes, it is better to choose a hairdresser of your age or a little younger.
  • Floor. It is dangerous to trust curls to a master of the opposite sex. An accidental sympathy will create problems in the personal life of his client.

Can a husband cut his wife's hair?

Not always on that daywhen can i cut my hair, suitable master turns out to be free. In addition, you don’t always want to go to the hairdresser just to trim your bangs.

It seems easier to address this request to relatives, for example, to a husband. But there is a sign that forbids this. A husband cutting his wife's hair shortens her life.

A wife should not cut her husband's hair for the same reason. But the fact that married couple regularly corrects each other's hair can provoke treason.

When not to cut hair

There are periods when a person especially needs protection and patronage. higher powers. Curls are the threads that connect us with the cosmos and the family, but with a thoughtless attitude towards them, this connection is easy to break or turn to our own detriment.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to apply the knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation. It's good to remember on what days and periods of life it is strictly forbidden to cut hair:

  1. In "satanic days", during lunar and solar eclipses.
  2. Sundays and church holidays.
  3. In the evenings.
  4. During pregnancy and menstruation.
  5. Students - during the session.
  6. On the birthday and on the days of antagonists.
  7. Children up to a year. It will also be a mistake to shave the baby baldly: this will not affect the quality of the hair and deprive him of strength.

There is another very important rule. It is worth talking about it separately.

Why you can't cut your own hair

Those who decide to cut their own hair - no matter for what reason, need to know how to mitigate the consequences of this action.

By cutting his hair, a person deforms his own biofield.

It breaks energy metabolism with the universe that Everyday life will look like illness, parting with loved ones, problems with money.

It is believed that after the first independent haircut, the troubles will be small, but with each next one they will begin to increase. If you repeat this action regularly, a losing streak will begin in life.

Among hairdressers, there is a well-known sign: the one who cuts lives longer than the one who is cut. A person who cuts his hair shortens his life.

To prevent this from happening, you need to perform the following ceremony before the haircut: cross yourself three times and drink three sips of water from the tap, which has not yet been opened today. Then sprinkle water on your hair.

Magicians claim that money problems will arise if the length is changed drastically. For example, cut off a braid. You can trim your hair a little, most importantly, do not do it on Friday.

Before cutting, you need to cross the scissors 3 times and sprinkle holy water on the strands.

You can avoid health problems if you adjust your hair in a room where there is something green, at least a rug. And again, it's best to look at the lunar calendar first.

You can cut your hair quite different from how they did it When something: putting sacred meaning into all actions with them. Properly caring for your hair, the condition of the curls will begin to improve, which will affect the improvement of well-being, increase mood and self-esteem.

In this helpful video you will learn when you can cut your hair:

This video will tell you when you can cut your hair by day of the week:

Girls have always loved to take care of themselves. And doing your favorite haircuts is no exception. The lunar calendar will help lovely ladies choose the most favorable days for themselves in January.

January 1 is a good day for dyeing and cutting hair. A haircut will give you well-being and beauty, but for shades of paint it is better to choose red and light.

January 2 is a neutral day for cutting and coloring. Haircut will give acquisitions, however, you can dial excess weight.

January 3 - on such a day, a haircut will help make you feel better, and also give a sparkle in your eyes. The day is also suitable for coloring.

January 4 is a very bad day for coloring and cutting. You may have health problems. If you want to color curls, then it is better to take dark shades, then there will be success at work.

January 5 is not a good day for a haircut. There may be health problems. But conflicts can provoke staining.

January 7 - the day is suitable for coloring and haircuts. You will have warmth. But profit and health will bring you a radical change in hair color.

January 8 - the day is suitable for a haircut. People around you will pay attention to you. But it’s better not to color the strands.

January 9 - the day is not suitable for coloring or cutting. You will lose positive energy as well as financial difficulties.

January 10 - today you can’t dye or cut your hair, financial problems will appear or positive energy will disappear. Coloring strands will help correct financial difficulties.

January 11 is a bad day for bleaching and haircuts. Haircut can lead to waste. If you color the curls in natural dyes this will help you in your career growth.

January 12 - the day is not suitable for cutting or dyeing strands. Bad thoughts will come to your mind.

January 13 - coloring and haircut are allowed today. Haircut contributes to wealth and acquisitions. Also on this day it is allowed to lighten curls.

January 14 - thanks to a haircut on this day, your body will be healed. You will also get rid of negativity. But it is better to refuse staining, because this will lead to conflicts in the team.

January 15 is a pretty bad day for coloring and cutting strands. There may be problems at work and with health.

January 16 is a pretty good day for coloring and cutting. You can get longevity and health.

January 17 - the day is not suitable for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations. Diseases may appear.

January 18 - the day is not suitable for cutting strands. Health may get worse. But it is allowed and useful to dye curls with henna, this is how you will just increase your authority at work, as well as strengthen your immunity.

January 19 - the day is suitable for coloring or cutting. A haircut can enhance intuition and sharpness of mind. You will make a profit if you dye the strands in copper or gold.

January 20 - this number is not suitable for coloring or cutting. Misfortune may come. The stars only allow you to dye your curls in natural dyes, this will increase your status.

January 21 - the day is suitable for cutting hair. This will help attract happiness as well as make you look better. But today it is better to refuse staining.

January 22 is a great day for a haircut or coloring. Your financial condition will improve. Stars recommend using only soft dyes.

January 23 - the day is not suitable for coloring or cutting. Health problems may appear. Given number suitable only for those people who dye curls natural dyes dark shades.

January 25 - haircuts are not allowed today. There may be obstacles in business. It is allowed to color the curls in red or light shades.

January 26 - on such a day it is better to refuse a haircut, because troubles may appear. Strands are best painted only in those colors that bring you good luck.

January 27 is a great day for a haircut or coloring. A haircut will prolong your life. But success in business will enhance staining with natural paints.

January 28 is a pretty bad day for coloring and cutting. Today you may not like the result.

January 29 - the day is suitable for coloring and haircuts. Thanks to the haircut, you will receive well-being and beauty. For paint, red and light colors will be successful shades.

January 30 - the stars today allow coloring and haircuts. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. If you choose shades, then it is better to take light or red.

January 31 - today is a neutral day for coloring and cutting. Haircut will give new acquisitions. Only here is there a chance to gain excess weight. If you paint, then choose natural shades.