How to quickly and correctly tan fair skin? Masks made from natural ingredients. Self-tanning: an achievement for the beauty industry

1. How often can you go to the solarium or sunbathe

No more than 50 times a year- that is how many times a year it is recommended to sunbathe, it is not recommended to exceed this figure. It is recommended to visit the solarium 1-2 times a week.
At least 48 hours - this amount of time should elapse between tanning sessions in a solarium.
From 6 to 24 hours - such a period of time is recommended to be kept between sunburns, otherwise skin reddening may occur.
Small dose of UV radiation helps build a protective barrier to protect against harsher sunlight.
3-4 weeks before the start of the swimming season or departure to the resort, you can prepare your skin for the hot sun in the solarium. A visit to a solarium can help reduce the risk of getting burned.

2. Skin type


The companion of red hair is always translucent skin and freckles. This light type is also called Celtic or number 1. Unfortunately, this type of skin and the sun (solarium) are simply incompatible. The skin immediately turns red and never tan (not taking into account the uniform freckled cover). With the red-haired sun, you need to be careful - it is in the first type of skin that UV rays most often cause skin cancer.
The beach and solarium are taboo for you, unless you smear yourself with sunscreen of the highest degree of protection from head to toe and hide under a wide-brimmed hat. These precautions also apply to ski holiday- every 300 meters uphill increases the risk of skin burns by 4%.
Self-tanning creams are your salvation. If you spend the summer in the city, be sure to use a daytime face cream and decorative cosmetics with a high degree of UV protection. In the town Sun rays not as aggressive as in nature, since polluted air serves as a kind of sunscreen.


Light skin, light Brown hair, freckles and grey-blue eyes... An even tan with this type of skin (Scandinavian or light type 2) can be achieved, but it requires a lot of effort. This type of skin is very sensitive to the sun (solarium) and burns very easily, therefore natural blondes you just need a sunscreen (or tanning cream) with a high degree of protection.
Blondes are better off trying to avoid beach holiday in the equatorial zones, since the sun's rays fall almost vertically, which further damages the already hypersensitive skin to the sun.
For your skin to be covered with an even, deep tan, you need at least ten days of daily sunbathing naturally with sunscreen with a factor of 30 or more. Sunscreen is applied 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every two hours.
Ultraviolet rays penetrate even through clouds, so do not relax if a cloud has come across the sun, always use summer time decorative cosmetics with sunscreen filters. Even in winter it is better to use protective equipment, fortunately today almost everyone daily cream has a UV filter.


Bright skin, Brown hair and light eyes- these are signs of the third light type, European. You tan quickly, but you also get sunburn.
Sunscreen is essential to protect your skin from harmful effects UV rays and premature aging of the skin. If you go on vacation to the southern countries, try not to sunbathe between 11 and 15 hours.
A week on the beach will give you an even and deep tan. In the early days, it is best to use a high factor sunscreen (30) and gradually reduce. When in the city in summer, always use sunscreen cream, not forgetting your hair.


Dark hair and dark eyes- the fourth light type (Asian or Mediterranean). You tan quickly and very, very rarely get sunburned. In terms of lightness and persistence of tanning you can be envied. Leisure, sports on the water and in the mountains - all the brunettes do not care.
Even if dark skin almost never burns, protection from harmful ultraviolet rays just needed to prevent premature aging skin. In the first days of your stay at the beach, it is best to start with a factor of 15, gradually decreasing.
On hot days, you need to use special decorative cosmetics, which additionally nourish, moisturize and protect the skin.
6 The use of perfumery products may cause chemical burn caused by the action of ultraviolet rays on the components that make up your cologne or perfume.

3. The skin of the inner surface of the arms and legs

contains fewer pigment-forming cells, so tanning in these areas is not as intense as other parts of the body.
The skin of the face is more strongly protected from ultraviolet radiation, therefore, the tan lays down longer. Pigmented spots and freckles, on the contrary, darken faster, because contain a large number of pigments.

II. Sunbathe outdoors


First of all, you need to immediately remember that you can sunbathe only at certain hours. In the middle of the day, the sun bakes too much, you can get heatstroke. It is much more pleasant to sunbathe when the sunlight is not very intense. Best time for sunbathing from 9 am to 11 am and from 4 pm to 7 pm. It takes a while to get a good tan, but the tan will be smoother than if you were tanning in the middle of the day. Lying on the beach (working in the garden without clothes) preferably no more than 2 hours a day.

Do not hurry

To get only benefit from the sun (in the form of a beautiful tan and vitamin D), you need to take sunbathing gradually. That is, after winter, our skin has lost the habit of the dose of ultraviolet radiation that you want to give it. To avoid an allergic reaction, do not rush to sunbathe. Going out into the sun, first sunbathe for 5 minutes a day, then 7 ... gradually bring the time to 2 hours. You should not immediately go out into the sun in some swimming trunks (swimsuit), open your body gradually, first your arms, then your legs. And when the skin gets used to the sun, you can already sunbathe completely. This way, you are guaranteed not to burn your skin and get an even tan. Everyone knows how difficult it is to resist the temptation to tan as quickly as possible. BUT acquired gradually, it will look much better than burnt skin peeling off in clumps ...

A place

No one disputes that the best place to get a tan is at the beach. And not in vain, because sunbathing near the reservoir is much easier: water reflects the sun's rays and enhances their effect. During bathing, the skin also tans, the water does not in any way reduce the effect of the sun's rays. And if you like to dry out in the breeze after swimming, then the risk of getting burned increases significantly: water droplets on the body work like tiny lenses. Sunbathing by the water has another important advantage: the air there is more humid, which means that the skin will not dry out in the sun. Do not sunbathe on rocks or sand, use sun loungers. It is not recommended to sleep while sunbathing.


It is especially important to protect your face, eyes and hair from sunlight. To protect yourself from the scorching sun, do not forget to wear a hat and Sunglasses... This is necessary not only when sunbathing on the beach, but when going outside on a sunny summer day. In order not to spoil the skin with sunbathing, use protective creams for Tan.
Try to drink water more often, but only water !!!


It is better to use special oils or oily creams to protect the skin. Nutritious cream absorbs too quickly and provides insufficient protection. The sun cream will keep your skin moisturized, and the special ingredients it contains will prevent burns. But if you apply it too thickly, the effect will be the opposite: the cream heats up and burns the skin. Thus, in order for the tan to turn out even, and the skin remains unburned, you need to rub the cream into the skin with wide massaging movements, starting from the hands and feet, gradually moving towards the heart.
If you use a special tanning cream, then it not only protects your skin, but also enhances the effect of the sun's rays. There are tanning creams with a "tingle" effect. Their action is based on enhancing the microcirculation of blood circulation in the skin. This stimulates the increased production of melanin pigment, the amount of which directly affects the intensity of tanning. Be careful, when using such a cream, allergies are likely. It is normal for the skin to redden and itch a little after using the tingle cream, but the reaction of each person is individual, so I recommend testing the new type of cream on a small area of ​​the skin first. Tingle cream is good for enhancing an existing tan, and it is best not to use it at all if your skin is not yet completely tanned. I would like to save you: this type of cream is absolutely not suitable for the face.
If you do not want to take risks, use a cream with special additives to enhance your tan. They can be used on completely non-tanned skin. The accelerator cream also stimulates the production of melanin, but also protects the skin from aging and sunburn... Perhaps this is the most the best option for those who want to get an even tan without ruining the skin.
When choosing a cream, read the label carefully. If the cream is intended for tanning in a tanning bed, it will not work for you. Why? It's simple: tanning cream does not protect against UV rays, and you will probably burn your skin. You need a sun tanning cream: it has a high degree of protection against UV rays, moisturizes, nourishes the skin and prevents aging.
All sunscreens differ in the degree of protection of the skin against ultraviolet A (UVA) and B (UVB) rays. The abbreviation SPF stands for Sun Protective Factor. sun protection factor... Typically, the protection factor ranges from 2 to 30 SPF. The higher it is, the longer you can sunbathe without harming your health. If you multiply the sun protection factor by 15-20 minutes, you get the recommended sun exposure for this product. However, scientists are increasingly inclined to conclude that no (even the highest quality and most expensive) sunscreen can fully protect against negative impact ultraviolet rays. However, sunscreens - creams, lotions, sprays, etc. - should be applied to the skin. The main thing is to choose the right product correctly.
The drugs are chosen depending on the natural darkening of the skin:
  • products with SPF from 2 to 4 - for people with naturally dark or already tanned skin;
  • products with SPF from 5 to 10 - suitable for those who tan quickly and without burns, as well as for those who have been tanning for several days;
  • products with SPF from 11 to 30 (high degree of protection) - for people with pale or very sensitive skin, as well as for children.
The most reliable protection against harmful rays is a sun cream filter. Look for the abbreviations UVA and UVB on the tube: these letters mean the cream protects against both types of UV rays.
If you are on vacation in hot countries, the first four days (if you have normal skin) should be protected with a cream with a factor 20. As you stay in the sun, you can weaken the protection to 7. To save on "factors" by buying one bottle instead of several, you will not will succeed: three layers with a factor of 10 will not have an effect of 30! So do not flatter yourself!
If the Canary Islands are an impossible dream for you, and you usually rest somewhere in the middle lane or in the south of Russia, inexpensive domestic creams with a protection factor of 2 to 6 will be quite enough.
Please note that the protective composition does not take effect immediately. To avoid scalding, apply the cream to your skin 20-30 minutes before going to the beach.
If the instructions say that the cream is waterproof, this does not mean that one layer of the cream is enough for the whole beach day - you will have to renew the protection after every two or three baths. Also, keep in mind that the layer of cream is rubbed off with grains of sand and a towel, and regular cream and is completely washed off at the first dive.

III. Sunbathe in the solarium

Solarium type

In order to optimally choose the solarium that suits you, it is better to go to studios or tanning centers that have several models to choose from at once (you will get a more uniform and beautiful tan in vertical solariums and in horizontal solariums with an ergonomically designed lower glass shape, because in places of the body on which we lie poor blood circulation, and the lack of oxygen leads to a decrease in the color of melanin pigments). There are the following types of tanning salons:

Horizontal solarium(unilateral)
The skin in it tans due to the diffused reflected light, since such solariums are equipped with reflective panels. The ergonomic acrylic bed reduces pressure on the back and ensures unobstructed blood circulation. As a result, you get an even tan without white spots on the protruding parts of the body. For the best relaxation, some models of such tanning salons are additionally equipped with a vibration massage device and even a whirlpool bath.
Horizontal solarium (double-sided / tunnel / "sandwich")
The tunnel-like shape of such tanning salons increases the tanning area by 20%. In addition, tanning appears much faster and lasts longer than with single-sided tanning beds, as both UV-A and UV-B radiation are combined. But sometimes where the body is pressed against acrylic coating, pale spots remain. The latest models are equipped with additional face lamps, air conditioning and cooling systems.
Vertical solarium
Provides an even tan without white spots. They are usually very powerful, so the session should last no more than 10 minutes. Vertical solariums are also more hygienic - the body does not come into contact with the inner surface. The resulting tan is more uniform and more natural looking. Such models are often even equipped with music centers - you can sunbathe while dancing.
Designed mainly for the face, décolleté and hands. These tanning salons are equipped with UV-A lamps, which makes them ideal for correcting tanning that quickly disappears from exposed parts of the body. Some models are equipped with built-in leg and back massagers.
Turbo solarium
In everyday life, this is the name for all hi-tech solariums equipped with an air conditioning and ventilation system, equipped with several tanning programs, a timer, a stereo system, an electric lift, call buttons, etc. the apparatus to work long time without the risk of overheating. Manufacturers usually call turbo solariums also devices that have high power (from 42 lamps) and, accordingly, allow you to reduce the tanning time to 7-8 minutes.

Tanning time

Choosing a solarium, you must take into account another important point - the duration of the tanning session. This is determined strictly individually, depending on your skin type. But this aspect also directly depends on technical characteristics solarium: first of all - on its power and the total number of lamps. The arithmetic here is simple: the more lamps and the more powerful they are, the shorter the tanning session should last.
Lamps high pressure usually have a power of 160-180 watts. The number of lamps in such solariums is on average 40-48 pieces. This type of solarium is ideal for those who value their time. But, be that as it may, at first in such a solarium you should not sunbathe for more than 5-7 minutes. Gradually, the time of each session is increased by 1-2 minutes - no more! In general, a tanning session with the largest number powerful lamps should not exceed 10-15 minutes.
Solariums of "moderate strength", eg with 100-watt lamps low pressure, give you the opportunity to relax, not counting a minute, and at the same time acquire a moderate tan. The duration of the first sessions in such tanning salons can be 10-15 minutes.
However, whichever tanning bed you prefer, to obtain a rich "tropical" tan, you still need 8-10 procedures of the maximum duration for you. To maintain the obtained effect, it is enough to sunbathe 1-2 times a week.

Ultraviolet dosage

The main and most convincing argument in favor of a solarium is the exact dosage of ultraviolet radiation: you can regulate the exposure to the rays, thereby achieving the desired result. After all, it is the percentage of UV radiation that plays a decisive role in the speed, color and longevity of tanning.
Conventionally, the entire solar spectrum is divided into three types: these are rays A (UV-A), B (UV-B) and C (UV-C).
Ultraviolet C (with wavelengths up to 290 nanometers) makes up a negligible fraction of natural UV radiation. Usually these rays are used for sterilization, since they have an antibacterial effect and literally kill all living things - therefore they are not used at all in tanning salons.
Ultraviolet A - radiation with a wavelength in the range of 320-400 nanometers. In natural sunlight it is up to 90%. UV-A rays oxidize the melanin enzyme in the epidermis, which protects the skin from heatstroke. Melanin is pigmented and the skin acquires brown tint... The rays from these waves contribute to the tanning of especially quickly "washed off" areas: face, décolleté and hands. Sunburn appears after a few hours, but not for long, since the new enzyme is not produced in the skin. The power of the lamps of such a solarium reaches 2.5 kW (high pressure lamps). Such tanning salons are designed mainly for people with naturally dark skin. An overdose of this type of radiation promotes photoaging.
Ultraviolet B is radiation with a wavelength in the range of 290-320 nanometers (about 10% in the solar spectrum). In high doses, B rays are carcinogenic, and in moderation, they contribute to the production of melanin. But it should not be released more than it should be oxidized, otherwise burns will appear on the skin - erythema. Beams B are more active, so the lamps emitting them can only be made low-power - usually up to 160 W (low pressure lamps). Sunburn appears only after 48-72 hours, but it lasts a long time. It is UV-B rays that create a darker and more lasting tan, while providing health-improving effect... Owners of pale, freckled skin in such tanning beds acquire a golden tan and do not fall into the risk group.

Precautionary measures

Before visiting a tanning bed, be sure to consult a doctor. The fact is that visiting a solarium has its own contraindications. So, it is categorically contraindicated to sunbathe for people who take medications that increase skin photosensitivity and provoke sun allergies (tranquilizers, tricyclic antidepressants, non-steroidal pain relievers, antibiotics, etc. birth control pills), as well as women in critical days... In addition, a solarium is absolutely unacceptable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people who have many moles on their bodies - this can cause their degeneration.
Carefully consider the choice of a solarium. Good experts will definitely recommend a tanning time depending on your skin type. If the employees of the institution you have chosen say that you can sunbathe "even for an hour", this is a reason to immediately leave there. In addition, it is worth turning Special attention for the following points.
Find out how long ago the lamps in the solarium changed ( allowable time lamp operation - 540 hours). If recently, the risk of getting burned increases, so the session time should be shortened immediately. When turned on, the lamps should not flash, as they do not require heating.
To correctly determine if a tanning bed is right for you, it is worth examining the UV certification (for the tanning bed itself, not for individual lamps). At your request, you must be sure to show it. The ratio of UV A to B should be optimal for your skin type: from 0.7% UV-B rays for people with delicate skin to 2.4% UV-B rays for people with dark skin.
Before the session, be sure to ask where the immediate stop button of the device is located. This will allow you to end the session at the slightest feeling of discomfort.
During the session, pay special attention to the most vulnerable areas.
To keep your eyes safe, be sure to bring sunglasses with you, as closed eyelids are very unreliable protection. Ultraviolet light easily penetrates the thin eyelid, adversely affecting the retina. By the way, if you wear contact lenses, they must be removed before the session.
Women are advised to be more careful with their breasts - when sunbathing, it is better to cover it. For this, there are special plastic cone-shaped caps that are issued in all tanning studios.
To protect your hair from brittleness and drying out, it is not out of place to take a cotton hat or headscarf with you.
Another vulnerable spot is the skin of the lips. Therefore, when visiting a tanning bed, use a lip balm with a UV filter.
It is better to treat the body and face before the session. cosmetic preparations specially designed for tanning salons - they do not contain UV filters and irritating components, providing a faster and more even tan. A clear advantage of such cosmetics is the substances it contains, which not only nourish and moisturize the skin, but also, which is important, do not interact with the acrylic glasses of the solarium. Such cosmetics should be sold in all tanning studios that guarantee the quality of their work. It is worth recalling that all protective products are individual and they must exactly fit your skin type, do not forget about this, otherwise your tan may end in failure.
Many might say, “Why cleanse your skin? And without it the tan will be good! ". But this is very big mistake, because on the surface of the skin new cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis (scales) are constantly generated. It is them that must be removed before tanning. Otherwise, the tan will not lie on the skin, but on the so-called scales, which will simply peel off the tan for some time. And it is even more sad that this will not happen evenly and you can become "multi-colored (oh)". A cosmetologist will advise you on the ideal skin cleansing process. After that, your skin will be perfectly smooth and even more prepared for tanning.
There are also several general points to be guided by both before and after the session.
-It is not recommended to visit the solarium after a bath or sauna - these procedures deprive the skin of its natural protection in the form of a layer of dead cells. Also, before the session, you should not wash with soap, since lather deprives the skin of its natural grease, which increases the likelihood of burns.
-Before visiting the solarium, do not use cosmetics. Essential oils, alcohol, preservatives, hormones or dyes that are part of it can lead to the appearance of age spots.
-A visit to the solarium enhances the activity of many functions of the body, so immediately after the session it is worth resting. That is why, by the way, it is not recommended to take a cold shower or exercise for 2 hours. physical work.
-Be sure to remove the jewelry.
- If you have tattoos, protect them with special means to protect the pigment of tattoos and permanent makeup, because ink may discolor or cause an allergic reaction.
- When tanning in a solarium, do not forget about tanning from the Sun, it can damage your health. Based on this, visit the solarium no more than once a day.
- Select the ratio of UV A and B rays that suits you.
- After the session, you should rest, because the activity of many functions of the body increases.
- If during the session you feel unwell, you should end the session and consult a doctor.

Tanning preservation

To preserve the tan for a considerable time, you should use special cosmetics, because our skin is constantly renewed, then the tan also comes off along with the dead skin particles, the whole process takes about 28 days, and caring for the skin you can enjoy your tan for a longer time. ...

Solar capsules

The so-called "Sun capsules" have become a big discovery in the last few years in the field of beauty. They are used for a more persistent and beautiful tan, this drug also allows people with I and II skin types and people who suffer from certain skin diseases to sunbathe without worrying about their health, because it adapts the skin to ultraviolet rays and cuts off radiation harmful spectrum. Thus, the skin acquires additional protection... The tan becomes more durable and rich.

7 signs of tanning bed addiction

  • The thought of visiting a solarium rises in your spirits.
  • You feel light-skinned and lifeless without visiting a solarium.
  • You visit the solarium more than 10 times a month.
  • The duration of sessions in the solarium is more than 15 minutes.
  • You are considering purchasing a home solarium.
  • You visit a tanning salon with the goal of obtaining and maintaining an even golden or chocolate skin tone.
  • After visiting the solarium, you feel a rush vitality and mood lift.

Sunbathing is undoubtedly good for your health. Firstly, exposure to ultraviolet radiation promotes the activation of various processes in the body that allow you to maintain work immune system and other internal organs. And secondly, sunbathing allows you to get a beautiful and uniform tan, which not only slims a person, but also gives him a healthy appearance.

Of course, in view of all this, with the onset of summer, many women try to get out to the beaches more often to soak up the sun. But it is not safe for everyone. So, for example, for people with fair skin even a half-hour stay in the open sun can result in burns, redness skin and their subsequent desquamation. What should such people do? How to tan fair skin without harming it? We will talk about this now.

Before we talk about how to tan with fair skin, I need to say a few words about how tanning is useful. The sun's rays provoke melanin in the skin cells. This substance is a color pigment, due to which the skin acquires a golden or chocolate hue.

Melanin is very beneficial for the entire body. It provokes the synthesis of vitamin D, which takes part in all processes in the body, including the immune system. In addition, as a result of the appearance of melanin and vitamin D in the cells, the skin becomes healthy. It normalizes metabolism, which helps to increase its elasticity and firmness.

But for a tan to be really good for the skin, you need to tan properly. You cannot stay in the sun for a long time, as as a result of this, the cells of the upper epithelium begin to lose a lot of moisture and dry out, after which they die off. This process leads to metabolic disorders and the skin begins to age rapidly. Therefore, if you want to get not only a beautiful tan, but also the benefits for the body from the time spent in the sun, you should not neglect the rules of getting a tan. Especially if you have fair skin that is prone to burning. And how to properly tan with fair skin, we will now talk.

Basic rules for getting a tan for fair-skinned people

It is very difficult for fair-skinned people to get a beautiful and even tan. For them, the sun's rays are not at all "gentle", as they burn almost immediately. Nothing can be done about it, this is the type of people. They are of the Celtic or Nordic type. And they have their own rules for being in the sun.

What is important to know! In order to get a beautiful and even tan instead of a burn, such people should be in the open rays of the sun often, but not for long. Maximum 30 minutes in the sun and minimum 15 minutes in the shade.

But you also need to sunbathe at certain time intervals. At lunchtime, the sun's rays are most active and even people with dark skin risk getting sunburn during this period, and even more light-skinned people. Therefore, you need to sunbathe in the sun during the period from 8:00 to 11:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. It is this time that is considered the safest to get a tan.

Do not forget that during the period of being in the water, the skin is also exposed to the sun's rays, so this time must also be taken into account.

In people whose skin has the function of accumulating a specific pigment in cells, they tan very quickly. They only need to spend a few days at sea to become the owner of a beautiful and chocolate skin tone. But how quickly does fair skin tan?

IN this case doing this will be very problematic. First you need to start taking sunbathing for no more than 10 minutes, gradually increasing this time. Such actions are necessary so that the skin gets used to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and begins to sunbathe, and not burn.

At the same time, it is very important to use special cosmetics intended for skin care during the tanning period and after it. The first contains filters that help reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin. They simply repel them, preventing damage to the upper layers of the epidermis. People with fair skin should choose those cosmetics that have a high level of sun protection - at least 30 units, and ideally all 50.

After-sun oils and lotions contain components that have several effects on the skin at once:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • normalize water balance, that is, moisturize;
  • restore damaged cells;
  • cool the skin after heating in the sun.

Thanks to such cosmetic products you can protect yourself from sunburn, prevent skin peeling in the future and the appearance of rashes and comedones on it.

If we talk about how to tan for fair skin at sea, then it should also be said about cosmetics that contain a bronzer. This substance enhances tanning, but at the same time prevents sunburn. However, it should be noted that fair skin is prone to allergic reactions, and therefore use such cosmetics you need to be careful.

There is another way how to tan quickly with fair skin. And this is a solarium. However, it should be borne in mind that tanning in a solarium is much more harmful to the skin, since during this procedure the body is irradiated with artificial ultraviolet light, which can provoke the development of various dermatological diseases. In addition, visiting the solarium has numerous contraindications, which are also important to be aware of. These include:

  • menstruation;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • pathology thyroid gland etc.

You can find out more about contraindications for visiting a solarium in the salon. You must be warned about them.

But even in a solarium, you should follow some rules for getting a tan for fair-skinned people. If you have fair skin, you are blonde (by nature), your eyes are blue or greenish, and you have freckles on your body, then you are of the Celtic type. You can stay in the tanning booth for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise you risk getting burned. In this case, you should definitely use special creams for tanning in a solarium. They can be purchased at any beauty supply store.

People who are of the Nordic type (light brown hair, pale skin, few moles on the body, green or grey eyes), then you can sunbathe in the solarium for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, it is allowed to visit the solarium several times a week, while people of the Celtic type are allowed to visit it once every 1-2 weeks.

If you are the owner of fair skin and are afraid to sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium, as you immediately get sunburn, then you can get a beautiful and uniform tan without harm to your health using a procedure such as instant tanning.

It means applying a coloring composition to the skin, which gives it a bronze or chocolate tint. This coloring composition is completely harmless and contains natural ingredients. And it is washed off after 2-3 weeks, if all the rules of skin care are followed after such a procedure.

If you have fair skin, you should not avoid visiting the beaches to avoid getting burned. You also have every chance of getting a beautiful and even tan without harm to your health if you adhere to all the recommendations described above.

Fast tan video for fair skin

Answers Galina Sofinskaya, doctor the highest category The Institute plastic surgery and cosmetology:

- Even 7-10 days at sea is enough to get a beautiful tan. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules and take into account some of the nuances.

1. Prepare to go to the beach in advance

Before the trip, do an exfoliation to free the skin of dead skin cells. It can be done both in the salon and at home using a scrub and a hard washcloth. The scrub can be bought ready-made, or you can prepare it yourself. Suitable for this coffee grounds or fine salt (2 tbsp. l. sour cream mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fine salt). Rub the body with massages, in a circular motion, leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You need to carry out the procedure ahead of time - "new" skin is prone to burns. Even home peeling it is better to do it 2-3 days before the trip so that the skin has time to recover.

Moles should be treated with extreme caution. Under the influence of UV rays, they can develop into malignant tumor- melanoma. The most dangerous moles are unevenly colored and irregularly shaped. It is better to consult a dermatologist and an oncologist before the holidays, and on the beach cover them with a piece of plaster cut in the shape of a mole.

2. In the early days, be careful

No matter how much you want to get "everything at once", you need to sunbathe gradually. A shock dose of the sun's rays on the first day at sea is a severe stress for the skin, fraught with burns, after which the rest of the vacation will have to be rehabilitated. In the early days, you need to sunbathe under an umbrella, and gradually increase the time spent in direct sunlight.

3. Go to the city beach before your trip

This will prepare the skin to face the aggressive southern sun. The tan will lie smoother.

4. Eat right

Products containing carotene (carrots, apricots, peaches, bell peppers) help to tan. They need to be included in the diet on the eve of the vacation. In the first days on vacation, lean on fish, seafood, eggs (they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids) and foods rich in vitamin E ( vegetable oils, nuts): they protect the skin from sunburn.

5. Use protective equipment

They prevent the penetration of the rays of the dangerous spectrum and do not allow the sun to dry out the skin excessively. The lighter the skin, the more powerful protection it needs. Light skinned people need to use SPF 30, and dark skinned and already tanned ones - 10-15.

Why do small white spots appear on the skin after sunburn? This is how it manifests itself fungal infection skin, which is common in people who are sweating. IN ordinary life does not manifest itself in any way, but makes itself felt only with a spotted tan. On vacation, nothing can be done about this, and on return it is better to undergo a course of treatment - in case of complication, itching may occur, and if untreated, the spots merge into large lesions.

However, remember: sunscreen short term shelf life - after opening, the cream can be stored for no more than 6 months. Do not use the cream left over from the last vacation - upon contact with oxygen, many components of the cream oxidize and the product stops working.

Apply the cream in a dense layer to exposed skin areas, including lips and auricles: The skin of these areas of the body burns easily. Don't smear yourself on the beach! This should be done 15-20 minutes before leaving.

6. Sunbathe at the right time

Staying in direct sunlight is the shortest path to a burn. The most useful and safest sun in the morning is from 8 to 11 and in the afternoon - after 4 pm.

7. At the beach, drink plenty of fluids, and then apply cream to the skin.

The sun dries out the skin. You can moisten it both outside and inside. Therefore, on vacation, you should always have a bottle of water and active moisturizers with "super" or "ultra" prefixes at hand. They should be applied to the body at least 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, and on the hands - up to 4-5 times a day.

8. Be careful when taking medication

Some medications increase your sensitivity to sunlight. Among them are popular antibiotics (tetracycline, doxycycline) and oral contraceptives.

9. After the beach, do not rush to shower

The sun continues to run for about 2 hours after you leave the beach.

10. Protect your tan

After returning from the resort, do not rush to use bleach, scrubs and hard washcloths. Read labels carefully - many creams and masks have a whitening effect. Moreover, the enemy of tanning is not only cosmetics from a tube - homemade masks from oatmeal, strawberries and cucumbers will also erase the bronze from the skin.

52 291 0 Hello! In this article we will tell you about sun tanning. Gone are the days when the pale White skin was considered a sign of aristocratic origin. Now successful and happy ladies stand out with a beautiful even tan.

Tanning: is it useful

"It is harmful to sunbathe in the sun!", "The sun ages the skin!", "Lying on the beach, you can earn cancer!"- we have all heard such sayings at least once. But are they as fair as is commonly believed?

Indeed, the scorching sun can cause great harm skin and body. If you sunbathe in moderation and follow certain rules, then sunbathing becomes a useful and pleasant experience.

A proper tan helps in the fight against skin diseases. So, sunbathing with psoriasis is not only possible, but even necessary. The sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the patient's skin condition, reduce itching and discomfort. In combination with the treatment, tanning helps to get rid of diseases such as fungus, eczema, acne etc.

In addition, sunburn becomes the prevention of rickets, since during sunbathing, vitamin D is actively formed in the body, which helps to strengthen bone tissue and muscles.

Ultraviolet light also stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Helps improve blood circulation and endocrine activity.

Melanin - what is it

Why do people get different tanning under the same conditions? Why doesn't the skin tan in the sun? Why can't I get tanned in the sun before? It's all about melanin. It is he who is responsible for our color of eyes, hair and skin. In addition, melanin plays a protective role in protecting the skin from sun damage. Accordingly, the more melanin, the darker skin and richer tan. In the body, special cells are responsible for the production of melanin - melanocytes.

The tanning process is as follows:

  1. You find yourself in the sun.
  2. Ultraviolet rays begin the process of destroying DNA in the body.
  3. The body begins to produce melanin to prevent further damage.

Sunbathing and tanning beds increase the amount of melanin. This can explain why people who are already tanned are less prone to burns and detrimental influence sun. For the same reason, it is recommended to sunbathe gradually.

There are people whose skin practically does not tan in the sun, and any attempts to acquire a beautiful tan end with burns and disorders. In such people, melanin is produced in small amounts or not at all.

Owners of such sensitive skin are not recommended to sunbathe and stay in the sun for a long time. It is worth noting that the number of melanocytes is approximately the same for everyone, but the amount of melanin released is different, and not everyone has enough of it to get a tan.

For what diseases you can not sunbathe in the sun

Not everyone benefits from tanning. Contraindications for sunburn are:

  • Oncological diseases
  • All precancerous diseases
  • Eye diseases
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Tuberculosis
  • A large number of birthmarks
  • A large number of
  • A large number of age spots
  • Some medications
  • Age up to 5 years
  • Large moles (more than 1.5 cm)
  • Some female diseases
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Small amount of melanin (fair skin and hair)
  • Relatives with melanoma
  • Freckles
  • Hypertension
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Elevated temperature
  • Infectious diseases
  • Psychoneurological diseases
  • You can not sunbathe with mastopathy and polycystic ovary.

Sometimes the question arises: “ At what temperature can you sunbathe in the sun?". You can sunbathe in the sun at any temperature inherent healthy person... If there is an inflammatory process in the body, and the body temperature is elevated, trips to the beach should be canceled until you recover.

Pregnant women are prohibited from sunbathing and being in the sun. Breastfeeding mothers can sunbathe, but be very careful to avoid overheating and burns. Young mothers need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. You can sunbathe only from 9 to 10 o'clock or from 16 to 17.
  2. Drink water with lemon on the beach.
  3. Tanning sessions start from 15 minutes, gradually increasing to 1 hour.
  4. When choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to its possible effect on the child.
  5. Tanning without protective equipment is prohibited.
  6. Avoid direct sunlight and stay in the shade.

In addition to all of the above, some cosmetic procedures can negatively affect the condition of your skin and become a contraindication for tanning. These procedures include:

  • Peeling
  • Hardware skin cleaning
  • Epilation
  • Botox injections
  • Permanent makeup
  • Essential oil wrap
  • Removal of moles and warts.

Baby tan

Children over 3 years old can already go to the beach, but under close maternal supervision. Do not allow the baby to stay in the sun and water for a long time. If the child loves to swim and cannot be pulled away from the water, put on a light shirt to cover his shoulders. Keep your child out of the sun without clothes. Give your baby water often.

For sun protection, use only products made specifically for children. Even a good adult sunscreen can irritate toddler.

If the child does not sunbathe at all, this is a reason to be wary. Perhaps the child lacks melanin and sunbathing is best avoided altogether.

How to sunbathe in the sun

Before you start sunbathing, you need to decide on the degree of protection and the type of your skin. The easiest way to find out your type is to look at your appearance. The table presents brief recommendations taking into account the type of appearance: how much you need to sunbathe in the sun, what kind of sunscreen should be and what is the reaction to tanning.

Appearance type Tanning reaction Time of continuous tanning in one session (before 12.00 and after 16.00) Recommended SPF Factor for Sunscreens
Dark hair and eyes, dark skinThey do not burn out even after the first long tanning sessions.1,5 hour15-20
Dark blond, chestnut or blonde hair, bright skinBurn out quickly and get burned. The tan sticks quickly.1 hour20-25
Blond or red hair, brown or gray eyesAre susceptible to burns.45 minutes30 and higher
Blond hair and blue or green eyes; red hair, pale skin, freckles,They burn out instantly, burns heal for a long time.30 minutes50 and above

Tanning preparation

When it comes to a beautiful tan, the main thing is preparation. Take care of your skin before heading to the beach:

  1. Exfoliate or scrub... Dead cells prevent even tanning, which means you need to get rid of them. To do this, you can use any scrubber or stiff brush. After the procedure, it is advisable to wait 2-3 days for the skin to finally recover. On clean, renewed skin, the tan lays down evenly.
  2. Use the rule of gradualism... Start sunbathing at 5 minutes, gradually increasing the interval. This rule also works in clothing. In the early days, try to cover your body, gradually exposing it to the swimsuit.
  3. If you are going to relax in hot countries, it is useful to prepare your skin for the sultry sun. For this visit the solarium twice a week for five minutes.
  4. Buy a special vitamin complex for your skin from a pharmacy.
  5. Review your diet for summer time... Skip alcoholic beverages on the beach. Include in your diet bright vegetables and fruits such as: carrots, tomatoes, watermelons, peaches, apricots, peppers, etc. They are high in beta-carotene. And he, in turn, activates the process of melanin production. So that the skin does not age and is protected from harmful influence sunlight, you need to add nuts, corn or olive oil... These foods nourish the body with vitamins E and selenium. Protect the skin from free radicals greens will help: spinach, cabbage, onions.
  6. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach, but you should not sunbathe immediately after a meal.... The best option is to sunbathe 30-40 minutes after eating.
  7. Select in advance right time and place. Remember that there are hours when it is very dangerous to sunbathe in the sun.
  8. Collect the bag... You should definitely have a hat, a bottle of water, a blanket or a blanket, a towel, sunscreens, sunglasses, lip balm with you.
  9. Apply sunscreen 10 minutes before leaving home.

What time can you sunbathe in the sun

No matter how quickly you want to sunbathe, you should not go to the beach during the peak hours of sun activity. The time of day and the degree of danger of sunburn are presented in the table:

Choosing a place for sunbathing

In the summer, the issue of tanning in the sun is solved quickly and easily. It is enough to prepare the skin and go swimming and relaxing on the nearest beach.

The problem with tanning is more difficult in the cold season. Many people ask the question: “ Is it possible to tan in the sun in winter? ". The answer is simple: it is possible, but difficult. The sun is at a different angle from the Earth, which means that ultraviolet rays have to make a difficult path through other layers of the atmosphere. Consequently, tanning takes longer.

But even if you risk undressing for a tan in winter, this procedure is unlikely to give you pleasure because of the cold. Therefore, the most The best way winter tanning is to go to warm countries.

How to get a bronze tan in the sun

The place of your vacation depends not only on your impressions and places that you can visit, but also on the color of your skin after returning home. Sunburns vary from country to country.

Desired tan color Where to go Notes (edit)
GoldenFrance, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey
BronzeGreece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania, BulgariaIt is recommended to sunbathe in the morning, or after 16.00, use moderate protection.
ChocolateCongo, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Indonesian islands, Ecuador, Brazil, ColombiaUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute.
Dark coffeeIndia, MaldivesUse products with maximum SPF. Start a tanning session in a minute. Burn symptoms are slow to develop.
Shade of cinnamonEgypt, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, BahrainUse maximum SPF.

However, if possible, it is best to soak up the local beach first so that the skin becomes less susceptible to the sun. Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a tanning bed? Not only is it possible, but even necessary. A five-minute trip to the solarium will prepare your skin for the warm foreign sun.

How to sunbathe exactly on the beach

For even tan a number of recommendations must be followed:

  1. The basic rule of even tanning is movement. Just lying down and turning around from time to time is not enough. You need to move on the beach: swim, play, run, walk, etc.
  2. Do not use perfume or alcohol on your skin. This can cause sun spots.
  3. To avoid being in the sun for more than 2 hours.
  4. Do not neglect hats, otherwise your hair will turn into straw.
  5. Use sunscreen.
  6. Moisturize your skin.
  7. Relax. Better not to read or watch videos on the beach. The eyes are already under strain. But you should not sleep on the beach, otherwise you will definitely get burns and tan unevenly.

How to speed up your tan

If tanning is necessary, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Apply protection. You can't do without it.
  2. During peak hours, sunbathe in the shade instead of in the open sun.
  3. Move.
  4. Sunbathe near the pond. The water reflects the sun's rays and the skin tans faster. For the same reason, after bathing, you do not need to wipe your skin. The water droplets will work like lenses.
  5. Use and.
  6. Quick tan will help to obtain funds with the "crucible" effect. They increase blood circulation.
  7. Renew your layer of sunscreen every half hour to hour.

Why does not the face tan

If your face is not tanning, pay attention to the position of your body while tanning. Apply sunscreen on the face every time before going to the beach. After returning home, wash off the cream and apply a moisturizer: lotion or milk. Burns quickly develop on the face, so do not overuse tanning for this part of the body.

Home remedies for tanning

In obtaining a beautiful tan, folk remedies can give a head start to purchased creams and oils.

Home remedy for sun protection

You will need:

  • Oil walnut- 1 bottle
  • Jojoba oil - 2 tsp
  • Wheat germ oil - 2 tsp
  • Lang ylang oil - 5 ml.
  • Shea butter - 1 tsp
  • Avocado oil - 2 tsp

Mix all components and place in an airtight container. You need to apply the mixture 3-4 hours before leaving the house. This tool will be enough for you for a long time.

How to maintain a tan with folk remedies

You can also make your own after-sun lotion. You only need oil for this. apricot kernels(50 ml) and sea ​​buckthorn oil(3 drops). Apply gently after tanning as it can stain your skin.

In order for your tan to remain beautiful and rich as long as possible, you will need:

  • Carrots 10-15 cm long - 1 pc.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp
  • Buckwheat flour - 1 tsp

Grate the carrots and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply and leave on the skin for 30 minutes. Wash off. The mask can be used every three days, with a course of five to six times.

Complications after sunburn

Sunburn does not always go away without a trace of health. Failure to comply with safety rules often leads to changes in the body. Many people notice the appearance of new moles and freckles. Sometimes skin diseases may worsen. This often happens with herpes on the lips.

In addition, vascular veins and "mesh", areas of light skin, a large number of small moles may appear. The latter can lead to cancer if sunbathing is abused.

Where to buy sun tanning products

Especially for the readers of our site, we have selected tanning products, as well as after-sun creams of various brands and brands. Choose the one that will best suit your skin in composition.

Yves rocher

For Tan:

  • Kit " Perfect tan»With SPF 30- the set includes: Spray for preparing the skin of the face and body for sunburn + Revitalizing milk for the face and body after sunbathing + Sun Protection Milk-Spray for the Body SPF 30 and Transparent cosmetic bag - AS A GIFT
  • Sunscreen Milk for Face and Body SPF 50+
  • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 30
  • Sunscreen Anti Aging Cream for face SPF 30
  • Sunscreen Satin Body Oil SPF 15

After sunburn:

  • After Sun Repairing Milk for Face and Body- Milk with a light melting texture instantly refreshes and soothes the skin after sun exposure thanks to Primorsky's Einegolovnik extract. This unique polyactive herbal component protects the skin from photoaging and stimulates cell renewal.
  • Revitalizing Anti-Aging After Sun Cream- Protects the skin from photoaging and activates cell renewal.
  • Moisturizing After Sun Milk 3in1- soothes the skin overheated in the sun, moisturizes it and prolongs the tan.


For Tan:

  • Capital Vichy Ideal Soleil Set matting emulsion SPF50 and mineralizing thermal water VICHY

After sunburn:

    Thermal water VICHY Strengthens, restores the skin, normalizes pH, enhances the barrier-protective functions of the skin.

    Vichy capital ideal soleil moisturizing set spray veil body tanning activator SPF30 and a beach bag as a gift.

    Toning treatment against age spots SPF50 + Instantly evens out complexion and corrects dark spots day after day.

La roche posey

For Tan:

  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS XL FLUID 50+- fluid for the face.
  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS MILK FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN 50+- milk for babies.
  • La Roche-Posay ANTHELIOS SPRAY FOR CHILDREN 50+- spray for children with sun protection.

Garnier - Amber Solaire

For Tan:

    GARNIER coconut intensive tanning oil

    GARNIER sunscreen body spray SPF30 pure protection +

After sunburn:

  • GARNIER moisturizing and soothing after-sun milk
  • GARNIER Intense Golden Sun Spray, Waterproof, SPF 15

Other tanning products:

  • Avene SPF 50- Solaires Mineral Cream. Cream with natural base, not only protects, but also restores after damage to the skin of the face, contains spf and ppd filters.
  • NIVEA SUN 30 or Sun Care spf 50 It has a soft texture with nourishing ingredients.

Other after-sun products:

  • NIVEA after-sun cooling spray

You can find a large number of products for tanning and after it from our partners " Cashback service LetyShops ". You not only buy goods in trusted stores, but also get cashback.

Differences between tanning in the sun and in a solarium

Finding the external differences between tanning in the sun and tanning is difficult.

However, the main advantage of a tanning bed is the ability to dose the radiation. Natural conditions this will not be allowed. In addition, hard waves are filtered, which have a bad effect on the human body.

Another advantage of the solarium is its accessibility for city dwellers.

How to tan quickly / 8 rules for a perfect tan

We all know from childhood that prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on our face and body skin can result in rather negative consequences, up to and including cancer.

But what if nature has rewarded you with pale, almost white skin and you so want to look beautiful and tanned throughout the year?

Precautionary measures

And the first thing you need to remember: try to visit the tanning salon as little as possible. It turns out that tanning obtained in this artificial way is much more harmful than constant exposure to the sun. After all, here you can get burns to the skin and eyes.

But if you nevertheless decide on this method of acquiring a tan, you should remember a few rules:

And one more thing: so that going to the solarium is not so traumatic for your dermis, then you should remember one simple truth- such sessions can be repeated no more than once every seventy-two hours. BUT optimal amount visits to the solarium are only once a week.

But today we will talk about how to make a tan at home. After all, you must agree that it is not always possible to get out to warmer regions in winter. But a weekly visit to the solarium is quite an expensive pleasure.

Dark skin at home: how to do it

And, before we move on to the study of ways to give the dermis a dark shade with folk remedies, I would like to draw your attention to what should not be used. Namely, self-tanning cream.

Of course, if you buy similar remedy in the store, then you do not have to waste time preparing homemade masks. But remember that these types of creams can also harm your skin. For example, do not forget about the presence of parabens in any cream, which can have a destructive effect on the cells of the epidermis. There are no parabens only in natural, and, therefore, very expensive, creams. And if you are thinking about what you could not save on your beloved, then before buying such a tool, we recommend that you practice a little math.

For example, you can roughly calculate how many times a year you will need to use a similar cream. After that, you need to count how many jars of this miraculous remedy you will need. Well, in the end, do not forget to calculate the total amount. Then compare the result with the cost of the trip to the sea. And believe me, you will not need to report much about the cost of the voucher.

And what is better in this case: to use an expensive self-tanner all year round or to fully relax in warm regions?

So, if you opted for home cosmetics to give the dermis a dark shade, then first of all let's talk about nutritional features. Yes Yes! It turns out that the color of the skin depends on the diet. Therefore, if you do not want to be too pale, then you should include foods such as carrots, peaches, tomatoes, apricots and other red and orange foods in your diet.

This need is explained very simply: pale skin can appear due to anemia.

And in order for you to look a little more rosy, you should replenish the body's reserves with all kinds of useful microelements.

Also, in order for your skin to become darker, you must eat foods rich in iron. These include pomegranate, apples, and dietary meats. And of course, in order for the painful pallor to disappear from your face forever, you should remember about the need to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

And the first thing you need for this is to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. By the way, pay attention to the fact that drinking enough water will help you cope not only with the problem of excessive pallor, but also restore the water balance of the epithelium. Accordingly, you will look much fresher and healthier.

How to make skin darker: folk remedies

So, now let's get down to the direct description of the ways to make your skin darker at home. And the first product that can help you with this is regular coffee. By the way, for a more delicate dermis, you can use cocoa, although this remedy is less effective.

It is very easy to make such a mask. You need to take a small amount of freshly ground coffee or cocoa and pour boiling water over it. The consistency of the resulting product should be quite thick. Then we apply the resulting mixture to the whole body or specific areas and leave it for ten to fifteen minutes. After that, rinse off the coffee or cocoa with plain warm water.

Attention! In the process of rinsing, under no circumstances should you use shower gel, soap or a washcloth. After all, this way you will wash off all the coloring particles from the skin and there will be no effect. Remember that you can only wash off such a product with warm water.

Now for the face. If you want the skin of your face to become darker, then you can use black tea or chamomile infusion for this. Application should be as follows: brew about seven tablespoons of loose grass with one liter of boiling water. Such a decoction should be infused for two to three hours. Then we thoroughly filter the liquid through a strainer.

The resulting infusion needs to be washed every day. In doing so, pay attention to two features. First: you can use such a decoction only for two days. Second: you should not use bags for such purposes, since there will be no effect from the broth.

Useful for purchase dark skin and a product such as rhubarb root. It should be used as follows: we brew one tablespoon of dried roots with a liter of boiling water. Then put the pot of rhubarb on the stove and simmer the contents for twenty minutes. After this period, carefully filter the broth and leave it to cool.

Use this remedy it is necessary as follows: moisten a sponge in it and gently wipe the dermis.

And after fifteen minutes, the product can be washed off.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make the skin darker at home. And all you need for this is a little time and desire. So we brew broths, prepare scrubs and get closer to your ideal! Good luck!