Is it possible to make dried fruit compote during pregnancy. Dried fruits are a treasure of vitamins and nutrients! Why are they so useful for children and pregnant women? How to cook dried fruit compote

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, she begins to be picky about the products that are in front of her on the table. Especially such legibility is inherent in those who for the first time found themselves in an "interesting" position, because they have no experience behind them. And when the question arises about drinks, then they do not have as much choice as they would like.

Carbonated drinks can cause heartburn and increased gassing in pregnant women. Juices industrial production not credible due to chemical composition... Coffee and tea definitely fall into the group of prohibited drinks due to caffeine. This is where the need for homemade compotes arises.

Compote for toxicosis

The first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for women suffering from toxicosis. Loss of appetite, constant nausea, and in particular vomiting, not only interfere with the performance of their work and home functions, but also threaten a sharp weight loss. And this is not the best way may affect the nascent fetus.

Let loose unpleasant symptoms allows compote from dried fruits (dried apricots, rose hips, prunes and others). This drink improves well-being, awakens appetite, strengthens digestive system and stimulates intestinal motility, which is especially useful in the prevention of constipation - a frequent occurrence during and after pregnancy.

Compote and its nutritional properties

In the complex, dried fruit compote saturates the pregnant body and developing fetus inside it with nutrients. The iron content in most dried fruits helps to raise hemoglobin levels, which drop dramatically during pregnancy. Potassium can improve heart function, reducing the risk of heart disease.

The drink has a diuretic effect, which is especially useful for pregnant women who are prone to edema. Often, expectant mothers complain of thinning hair, bleeding gums, brittle nails, skin problems, and blurred vision. An invaluable help in such a woman's trouble can be a compote made from dried apples and pears.

Compote and the nervous system

Often, the pregnant body quickly gets tired, sleep is disturbed, the psyche is shattered, the threshold of stress resistance decreases. Constant whims, tears, tantrums - all the negativity endured by the mother is experienced by the baby inside her.

It is not so easy to protect a pregnant woman from the whole world, but you can reduce emotionality to a minimum with the help of dried fruit compote (rose hips, raisins, pears, and others). In addition, it helps to improve memory, stimulates the brain, boosts immunity and normalizes blood pressure.

Drinking such a compote is a pleasure, and the benefits are simply invaluable.

Doctors and scientists say that it is useful for expectant mothers to use various dried fruits and drying. Dried up naturally, these products contain a lot of vitamins, valuable folic acid other active substances... Snacking on dried fruits normalizes metabolism, satisfies hunger and prevents unwanted weight gain (dry fruit is lighter and healthier than a sandwich or cookies).

How you can and should eat dried fruit during pregnancy

Ingredients should only be selected in a trusted location. A good product will be firm, well-pigmented and soft.

Avoid the candied candied fruits, as they are many flavor enhancers, sweeteners and even colors.

After purchase, the products should be washed or, better, soaked for 10 minutes cold water... This will remove traces chemical treatment and waxes, with which manufacturers "improve" the characteristics of products.

important Dried fruits can be used for cooking various dishes for pregnant. They can be consumed in any quantity (except in cases of allergic or other individual reaction).

For breakfast you can cook healthy muesli (rolled oats, dried fruits and), cottage cheese with dried fruits, as well as cheese cakes, pancakes, casseroles. It is useful to drink a cocktail for breakfast: a glass of homemade unsweetened, 1 tablespoon of bran and 1 spoon of finely chopped dried fruits.

For lunch and dinner, you can prepare fruit salads or soups, as well as sweet pilaf. Surprisingly, raisins and prunes perfectly accentuate the taste. meat dishes and sauces.

And, finally, the well-known uzvar (compote) made from dried fruits and berries. Useful and natural drink quenches thirst and promotes good digestion.

The benefits of dried fruits during pregnancy

Dried fruits are widely used to normalize digestion, reduce the risk of anemia, reduce toxicosis and stabilize weight.

  1. Indigestion in expectant mothers (bloating, diarrhea, prolonged constipation) is common and delicate problem... It can be corrected without the intervention of doctors - a diet on dried fruits will help.

As a rule, prunes or dried apricots are used to normalize digestion. To prepare the uzvar pour boiling water over a few fruits and boil for about 5 minutes. Then wrap up and leave overnight. The resulting drink should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or before bedtime, and the fruit should also be eaten.

In the case of an inflamed and irritated stomach, a decoction of figs will help. Take 50 g of dry fruit, steam 1000 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Divide the resulting uzvar into 4 meals and drink during the day.

  1. Anemia is dangerous for pregnant women, as iron deficiency causes oxygen starvation tissues and organs. Deficiency of the element can provoke fetal hypoxia, worsen general state future mother. Among dried fruits, prunes and dates are valuable sources of iron.
  2. - quite an unpleasant problem, which is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. Potassium, which is found in every dry fruit and berry, can help alleviate nausea and indigestion.
  3. Dried fruits help to normalize weight while dieting. Fructose in their composition replaces the need for sugar and confectionery... At the same time, dried fruits are high in calories and quickly satisfy hunger, which will help you to give up some extra snacks. Doctors recommend that pregnant women have a bag of dried apricots and prunes with them for quick snacks. Also, a handful of fruit is recommended before bed if you want to empty the refrigerator.

Popular dried fruits: pros and cons

Each of the popular products has its own merits.

  1. Prunes (sweet and sour with pits). Enriched with vitamins B, C, A, PP. It is a storehouse of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. It is used to normalize digestion, calm nervous system... Helps improve blood circulation. Regulates metabolism and hydro-lipid balance. Contraindicated in pregnant women with diabetes.
  2. Dried apricots. In addition to the aforementioned vitamins and minerals, it contains calcium, copper and cobalt in daily doses. A handful of dried apricots will help stabilize the pressure. It also has a positive effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, promotes the work of the thyroid and pancreas. Dried apricots are used to relieve symptoms of toxicosis. Contraindicated in hypotension.
  3. (black and brown). Contains folic and nicotinic acid necessary for expectant mothers. Biotin in raisins lowers blood cholesterol levels. Raisins stimulate the heart, promote the formation skeletal system baby. Contraindications: diabetes, gastritis, ulcers, enterocolitis, tuberculosis.
  4. ... Contains sodium. It is used to soften the gastrointestinal tract and prevent constipation. Contraindications: pancreatitis, diabetes, gout, disease genitourinary system and kidneys.
  5. ... They help to strengthen the fetal skeletal system. Maintain water balance in the body and promote the elimination of poisons and toxins. Contraindicated in indigestion and diabetes.

Dried fruits are a simple and financially affordable way to improve the health of an expectant mother and baby. An abundance of fruits and recipes will allow you to diversify your diet and maintain a good figure after childbirth.

When a woman is carrying a child, it is very important to follow the diet so that the small organism is fully formed. Dried apricots called dried apricots have long been condemned by experts. Some prohibit its use, others argue that it contains many useful elements that provide positive influence to the health of mom and baby. Therefore, you should know why dried apricots are useful for pregnant women.

Beneficial features

Can pregnant dried apricots? It has general strengthening properties, so the body of a pregnant woman is supported, awkward moments when carrying a child are smoothed out.

In addition, the fruit is fully formed, because in dried apricots:

  1. contains many trace elements and vitamins;
  2. thanks to organic acids, heavy metals are removed from the body;
  3. vitamin deficiency is prevented, especially in the autumn and winter period NS;
  4. toxicosis is easier;
  5. there is no heartburn, digestion is improved;
  6. pressure is normalized;
  7. immunity increases;
  8. the condition of the kidneys improves, as it has diuretic properties. Excellent remedy from puffiness;
  9. teeth do not collapse, nails do not break, hair does not deteriorate;
  10. memory gets better.

Since glucose is a natural carbohydrate, a woman satisfies her desires for sweets. Obesity is not caused, insulin is not increased. A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood is prevented. If anemia is present, the woman will feel better.

Dried apricots for pregnant women are useful for their laxative properties - this is the prevention of constipation, which is quite common during pregnancy.

Therefore, if you know what the benefits of dried apricots are during the period of bearing children, then you need to use it deliberately. Recommended to cook healthy compotes for pregnant. If it is necessary to get rid of edema, then experts advise using a diuretic compote.


Despite the fact that dried apricots have a powerful effect on the body, they have certain negative impacts... There are cases when women are prohibited from using it when they are carrying children. Quite often positive and negative sides the effects of dried apricots are close to each other.

If a woman has chronic diseases, and she eats dried apricots, then the condition only worsens.

  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • reduced pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

In addition, attention should be paid to how dried apricots are used during pregnancy.

If the expectant mother knows how to choose and use dried apricots correctly, then the product will even better affect her health and the condition of the fetus.

Tips for Maximum Benefit:

  1. the product is concentrated, therefore, its abuse is undesirable;
  2. dried apricots are useful with less heat treatment;
  3. the product must have natural color, elastic and tough. It is desirable that these are dried apricots from Turkey. They are of the highest quality;
  4. the dried fruit is stored in the dark in a dry place;
  5. before eating, it is recommended to lower the product for 15 minutes in warm water and then rinse well.

Can pregnant women drink dried fruit compote? Quite useful compotes for pregnant women, as well as cocktails and decoctions. In fact, the recipe for dried fruit compote for pregnant women is simple. Take half a kilogram of dried fruit, rinse, pour two liters of water and cook on fire for almost an hour. Then the compote cools down, sugar or honey is added to it to taste.

What are the benefits of dried fruit compote for pregnant women:

  • the body is saturated with vitamins and elements;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • toxicosis becomes softer;
  • bowel function improves;
  • toxins are removed from the body.

Thus, the benefits of dried fruit compote for pregnant women are enormous. It is difficult for a woman to choose while waiting for a baby correct diet... Dried apricots will definitely help here, it facilitates bearing the fetus.

Dried fruits

Many people know that in autumn and winter it is quite difficult to find dried fruits that are actually good for the health of a woman expecting a baby. Beautiful products are brought from abroad. Naturally, these are beautiful products, but they do not contain vitamins at all and required elements because they are processed with preservatives.

Compote is a tasty and healthy drink. It quenches thirst, saturates the body useful vitamins and trace elements. From childhood, we are accustomed to thinking that drinks, for the preparation of which only berries and fruits are used, cannot do any harm. But if the expectant mother uses them? Will this not reflect negatively on her and her long-awaited baby? Can you drink compote during pregnancy? How much and in what quantities so that its consumption is only beneficial?

Is compote possible during pregnancy

This drink is good for both adults and children. In summer, it is especially rich in essential elements for health. In winter, when there are not enough vitamins, the use of compote allows you to replenish their supply in the body.

Useful properties of fruits and berries

It is best to prepare it from fruits and berries grown on your own site or purchased from trusted sellers. Store drinks are less healthy.

Pregnant women can also drink compote. Only potentially allergenic ingredients should be excluded from its composition.

Benefits for expectant mothers

The body of a pregnant woman spends on maintaining the life of the mother and on the development of the baby in her womb a large number of vitamins and minerals, the supply of which must be replenished. The best way to do this is by eating nutrient-rich foods and beverages. And compote is one of them.

Beneficial features:

  • relieves the manifestations of toxicosis (especially morning sickness);
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • enriches the body with useful substances;
  • activates work gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion;
  • reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood, cleanses from toxins.

How to drink?

Like any other product or drink, expectant mothers should consume compote in compliance with certain rules. Only then will it become a truly valuable source. nutrients and will not harm your health.

  1. Monitor your blood sugar closely. It so happens that during pregnancy, a woman is diagnosed with diabetes or a periodic rise in sugar. In such cases, doctors recommend limiting the consumption of compotes, since even if you will not sweeten them during cooking, there is also plenty of sugar in berries and fruits.
  2. You should not include components in the drink, allergic... Especially if a pregnant woman has a tendency to manifest it.
  3. Compote should refresh, but not provoke the appearance colds... Therefore, do not drink too cold drinks.
  4. Eat fresh compote. Long-term storage leads to its deterioration.
  5. You should take care of the quality of berries and fruits.
  6. A person should quench his thirst with water. Drinks, including compotes, do not replace water.
  7. You should not drink in large quantities, as this can lead to the appearance of edema, which is highly undesirable and is fraught with complications of the course of pregnancy.

The amount of liquid that a woman should consume per day is determined individually, depending on the weight of the expectant mother and the duration of pregnancy. And this amount is calculated by the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the pregnancy.

Types of compotes

Each housewife has her own recipe for compote. Someone likes to cook it from one component, while others value the taste variety. Only the raw materials for its preparation remain unchanged - these are fresh or dried fruits and berries.

From apples

Apple compote is extremely useful for expectant mothers

In our strip, the most common fruit trees apple trees are considered. But do not underestimate their unpretentious fruits, because they belong to low-allergenic products, and besides:

  • contain organic acids (malic and citric), which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and tannins;
  • rich in vitamins C, B3, PP, B1 and A, as well as iron, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc.;
  • improve digestion, skin condition;
  • relieve constipation, which is facilitated by the fiber that is part of their composition;
  • remove toxins from the body.

Useful substances that make up apples

You can only cook compote from apples. But then its color will be pale, and the taste will be dull, monotonous. To make a difference in better side, it is enough to add quite a bit of other berries or fruits in a 1:10 ratio. Then the taste will become richer, and the drink will acquire an attractive color.

Cooking compote is very simple. The main thing is not to let the fruit boil for a long time. Otherwise, all useful substances will be lost. The maximum boil time is 5 minutes.

From apples and grapes

For this drink, grape varieties that are used for wine or preparations are best suited. To make the color of the compote saturated, take dark grapes.

To prepare compote according to the classic recipe, you should use apples and grapes.

  1. The apples are peeled and cut into wedges.
  2. The grapes are separated from the grape branch.
  3. Place the ingredients in a saucepan.
  4. Pour in water. Drinking or filtered water is best.
  5. Sugar is added to your taste. To prevent the drink from being sugary, you can put a maximum of one glass of sugar in four liters of water.

From apples and strawberries

Strawberries give apple compote amazing pink color, amazing aroma and pleasant taste. Moreover, to achieve such an effect, it is enough to put 10 berries per kilogram of apples.

It takes less time to cook strawberries. Therefore, in order to avoid overcooking, first boil the apples for three minutes, then add the berries and boil for another two minutes. This rule also applies to cherries and raspberries.

Strawberries can cause allergic reactions therefore, expectant mothers should use it with extreme caution.

With the addition of pear

Apples are less flavorful than pears. Therefore, if you put one kilogram of apples ripe pear, the taste of the compote will improve, the aroma will become brighter.

The pear should be taken soft and cut into two parts.

Cherry plum, plum and apple

In addition to apples, plums bear fruit very well in the middle lane, so compotes that combine two types of fruits and more are not uncommon. In addition to plums, cherry plum is perfect. Sugar is added to taste: if the plum is sour, more sugar will be consumed, and if it is sweet, then half as much.

Lemon, mint and apple

In summer, a drink made from apples, lemon and mint will refresh very well.

  1. First you need to prepare the mint. Separate the leaves and place them in a small container of water overnight.
  2. In the morning, cook the cut apples. Then, a couple of minutes after boiling, add lemon, previously peeled from the zest and cut into slices, into the compote.
  3. Mint and water, in which it stood overnight, are added at the very end. Then sugar is poured and, after boiling for another three minutes, the drink is removed from the fire. Drink chilled, but not ice-cold.

With rose hips

For cooking, take 100-150 grams of rose hips, five liters of water and one kilogram of apples. Cook everything together for 5 minutes, adding 0.5 kilograms of sugar. Let it brew before use.

Video "Cooking apple compote"

From dried fruits

You can prepare compotes not only from fresh fruits, but also from dry ones.

Dried fruit compote replenishes the body's reserves of vitamins, relieves toxemia for early dates, from edema and constipation

This drink is extremely useful during pregnancy. In addition to replenishing supplies important vitamins and perfectly quenches thirst, such a compote allows you to get rid of some of the problems that expectant mothers have in connection with their interesting situation: from toxicosis, edema and constipation.

Vitamin C, fiber and iron, which are so rich in dried fruits, are very important for maintaining the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. Per mental development the fetus is responsible for iron. The same element increases hemoglobin and improves heart function. Vitamin C energizes and strengthens the immune system. Fiber normalizes digestion.

Compote can be cooked from one or more types of dried fruits. You can use:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • figs;
  • quince;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • currants, raspberries, strawberries and other berries;
  • rose hip.
  1. To begin with, dried fruits are washed well and soaked for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then the water is drained, poured clean and boiled in an enamel bowl until boiling.
  3. Pour sugar, turn off the gas and let the compote brew. This drink is drunk both warm and cold.

On later dates pregnancy, when many expectant mothers suffer from edema, it is good to add rosehip to the dried fruit compote. It has diuretic properties and removes excess fluid from the body.

Photogallery "Dried fruits for compote"

Video "Delicious compote from dried fruits"


The diuretic effect can also be achieved from the use of lingonberry compote. In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst, strengthens the immune system, invigorates and refreshes.

The composition of the "berry of immortality", as they called lingonberries in ancient Russia, includes:

Lingonberry has a diuretic, hypotensive, choleretic, tonic and other properties.

Important! In order for the lingonberry compote to be transparent and fragrant, the washed berries must first be dried on a towel. And they should only be immersed in boiling water.

To prepare the compote, you will need 250 g of lingonberries (fresh or frozen) and 200 g of sugar for 2 liters of water (purified).

  1. Pour water into an enamel saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Fall asleep granulated sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Add lingonberries to the boiling syrup.
  4. We are waiting for the compote to boil, and cook it for 3 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Remove the pan from heat, cover with a lid, let the compote cool and brew.

Due to the fact that you cook lingonberry compote for a very short time, most useful properties it is saved.


In the old days, cranberries were called "northern lemon". Due to the high content of vitamins C, K, PP, citric and quinic acids in it. The berry has a sour taste, so in fresh few people use it. But compotes, fruit drinks and jams from it are pleasant, and most importantly, healthy.

Due to the content of vitamins C, K, PP, cranberry compote is very useful for pregnant women

This berry is sour. Therefore, you need more sugar to make compote.


  • 300 g cranberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • apples, lemon peel, honey, vanilla sugar - optional.
  1. Rinse the cranberries under running water, dry on a towel and knead with your hands or with a rolling pin.
  2. Boil water, pour sugar into it and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Add the berry gruel to the syrup and stir the compote well.
  4. Let it simmer and remove from heat. Let the finished compote infuse and cool.
  5. Then it can be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Ready! Drink cranberry compote can be hot or chilled.


Cherry compote strengthens the immune system and promotes correct development fetus

Cherries are used to make compotes more often than other berries and fruits, which is well deserved. Everyone knows her delicate aroma... But the unique taste is not the only advantage of this berry. Cherry compote:

  • strengthens the immune system thanks to organic acids, vitamin C and coumarins;
  • contributes to the correct development of the fetus. Folic acid helps to avoid developmental pathologies in early pregnancy. Prevent disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and heart, the appearance of anemia, create conditions for proper functioning circulatory system the future baby allow nutrients, potassium and vitamin B;
  • prevents the development of thyroid diseases;
  • has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Natural pectin gently stimulates peristalsis, activates stomach contractions, enhances the secretion of gastric juice.

To prepare cherry compote, you need 0.5 kg of berries.

  1. The fruits should be sorted out and the petioles should be separated.
  2. In 3 liters of water brought to a boil, lower the cherries and 1 glass of sugar.
  3. Bring to a boil again, then reduce heat and simmer for another 3-5 minutes.

Video "How to make a cherry drink"

Strawberry with mint

Few people know what strawberries contain great amount vitamin C. To replenish daily allowance you need to consume only 100 grams of berries.

Strawberries contain almost all the vitamins necessary for expectant mothers, namely:

  • folic acid, which allows the fetus to form properly;
  • phosphorus, calcium and iron;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins B2, B1, B3, B6, as well as C, H, PP, E;
  • sulfur, zinc, bromine, chlorine, potassium and sodium, manganese, copper, iodine, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel and cobalt.

The effect of strawberries on the human body

Strawberries normalize blood pressure, increase appetite, improve metabolism, remove excess fluid, activate the stomach and improve the work of the cardiovascular system.

But there are also contraindications to the use of strawberries.

  1. The berry is on the list of potential allergens.
  2. Able to cause hypertonicity of the uterus.
  3. Its seeds irritate the stomach lining.
  4. Contained in it oxalic acid promotes the leaching of calcium from the body.

The negative consequences can be avoided by using strawberries in the form of a compote of low concentration.

To prepare the compote, peel the strawberries (200 g) from the tails. Fall asleep with sugar (2 tbsp. L.) And leave to start up the juice. Then pour the berries with boiling water (one liter) and cook for five minutes. Add mint (2 sprigs) and refrigerate. It should be consumed chilled.


In winter, the body is often deficient in vitamins. You can replenish their reserves by using canned fruit and berry compotes. They, like fresh ones, contain all the nutrients. But, of course, you should only trust the blanks made by yourself.

Canned compotes retain useful substances

However, it should be remembered that overuse even such a healthy drink as compote can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, observe the measure!

Video "Assorted for the Winter"

Compote is a tasty and healthy drink that can and should be consumed during pregnancy. He will raise expectant mother mood and enrich her body with useful substances. All this will have a beneficial effect on the health of the baby. However, in everything it is necessary to know when to stop. Be healthy!