New Year's crafts with children from napkins. What you can do from napkins with your own hands: using napkins in unexpected ways, master classes on making panels and volumetric paintings, making Christmas tree decorations. Napkins in the shape of an iris flower on Nova

Useful Tips

To festive New Year's table looked brighter and more attractive, it can be decorated napkins by adding them in an unusual way or using interesting jewelry for these napkins.

Here you will learn how to fold fabric and paper napkins beautifully and in an original way for the New Year, as well as how to create beautiful jewelry for these napkins.

New Year's napkins: felt decoration

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Template (optional)

Hot glue

Pompons (optional).

Herringbone napkin

The origami technique will help you fold paper or cloth napkin in the shape of a herringbone. There are several ways to do this, and here are the most interesting ones:

DIY Christmas napkins: candle

DIY napkins in the shape of an iris flower for the New Year

Crafts from napkins for the New Year: star

1. Place the tissue on a flat surface and turn it diagonally towards you.

2. Bend the top half so that the top and bottom ends touch.

3. Bend the left and right side to the middle.

4. Turn the napkin over, keeping the folded design in the same position.

5. Bend lower part up.

6. Lift the bottom of the napkin as if you are going to fold it in half.

This is how it should look. The lower two sections will act as the lower two rays of the star.

7. Lower the upper two sections to the middle, thereby straightening the remaining two rays of the star.

* Adjust the napkin so that its sections are more or less even, and place on a plate as a table decoration.

* Can be used paper napkin, and if we take several different colors, then the New Year's table will look even brighter and more fun.

New Year Napkin Rings

You will need:

Cardboard sleeves from toilet paper

Acrylic paints or gouache and brush


Sequins and rhinestones

PVA glue

Hot glue.

1. Cut 10 cardboard sleeves lengthwise and paint each in green color from the inside.

2. When the paint is dry, paint the outside of the grommets.

3. Cut (lengthwise) each of the colored sleeves into strips 5-6 mm wide.

4. To make the main branch of the future Christmas tree, prepare several strips and twist one end of each strip around the brush to create a twist. The lower the branch, the less you need to twist the strip.

5. Use hot glue to glue all the branches together. Add a few more twigs on the sides and glue them as well.

6. Smear the sides of the branches with PVA glue and sprinkle sparkles on top.

* You can glue small buttons and rhinestones to the tree.

7. Cut a few more cardboard sleeves in half and paint each half red. The number of halves depends on the number of napkins.

8. Glue your Christmas tree to the colored half.

Now you can thread a napkin through the ring and decorate the festive table with this craft.

New Year's napkin in the form of a lily (diagram)

1. Place a napkin on a table and fold it in half diagonally.

2. Place the resulting triangle so that its vertex is facing you.

3. Bend the bottom so that the top slightly overlaps the base of the triangle by about 2-3 cm.

4. Fold the napkin accordionally from left to right.

5. Grip the napkin firmly and insert it into the glass or ring to create a lily.

Christmas napkin crafts: double herringbone

1. Prepare two napkins different color but about the same size. Lay one on top of the other. The base color napkin should be on the bottom.

2. Fold the napkin in half once, and then again.

3. Rotate the napkin so that all loose ends are facing you.

4. Fold up the first layer.

5. Begin to fold up each new layer, leaving about 2 cm from the top.

6. Rotate the napkin so that the top of the napkin is facing away from you. Now turn it over.

7. Fold the right side by 2/3 and then also bend left side(see image). Top part the fold should be parallel to the edge of your table. You should now have a small triangle.

8. Secure all layers with a paper clip or large paper clip as shown in the image. Flip the napkin over again so that all the layers are looking at you.

9. Start bending each triangle inward on the layer above.

* You can make a few more similar Christmas trees and decorate the New Year's table with them.

DIY napkin rings: red flower

You will need:

Felt (green and red)

Beads (3 pieces)

Toilet paper or paper towel cardboard sleeve


PVA glue or hot glue.

1. Cut the cardboard sleeves into 2 or 4 pieces.

2. Cut a piece of felt to cover a piece of the cardboard sleeve.

3. Felt around the pieces of cardboard sleeves and secure with glue. Hot glue is best, but PVA glue can also be tried. You now have a ring to which you need to add a beautiful flower ..

4. Prepare red felt and cut out some leaves from it (see image).

5. Glue 5 leaves first, and then glue 5 more on top.

6. Glue the beads on top of the colors.

7. Now glue the flower to the green ring.

New Year's table setting of napkins in rings with cones

You will need:

Small spruce twig(better artificial)

* If the branch is too long, then you can cut it with nippers.

Svetlana Akhnovskaya

Target: Manufacturing Christmas toys using improvised material for development creativity children.


Teach children to create Christmas toys, use improvised material in your crafts.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, creativity, aesthetic perception.

Cultivate interest in crafting Christmas decorations .


Christmas toys can serve wonderful gift or decorating a Christmas tree.

For work we need:


Satin ribbon;

Decorating a Christmas tree is an exciting activity for both adults and children. But it's even more interesting to dress up New Year's beauty toys made with your own hands. Christmas toy with their own hands will attract the attention of both children and adults. DIY craft can become like Christmas tree toy and a wonderful gift. In our case, this is a Christmas tree a toy.


1. Divide the napkin into 4 parts, by folding and fix the stapler layers in the middle.

2. Cut out circles from the resulting squares.

3. In the resulting circles, compress the layers in turn. napkins shaping bud.

4. From the scraps we form the base christmas toys... For this napkin wrap with scotch tape.

5. To the base we glue a ribbon in the form of a loop and the resulting buds, decorate with rhinestones toys.

8. The result of our work

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DIY Christmas toys from viscose napkins. Step-by-step instruction with photo

Master class on creating Christmas tree decorations do it yourself. Theme: "Christmas toys"

Material description: The master class is designed for children in grades 5-8, parents and teachers.

We are Christmas toys
Hares, squirrels, frogs.
Hedgehogs, turtles -
Such charms!
We are not afraid of needles
We are the decoration of the Christmas tree.
In a magical bright light
All children like us.

Everyone likes to decorate the Christmas tree, both children and adults, in anticipation of the very fabulous holiday New Year. Now you can buy all sorts of different Christmas decorations for every taste. And I suggest you create them with your own hands and with your children. These toys will transfer the warmth of your hands and they will look just fabulous on your Christmas tree. Such toys can be presented to your loved ones.
Working in a sanatorium, you pick up material that is not expensive, so that it can be bought for all children. This time, instead of felt, I took viscose napkins for dust, they are really only three colors, but for Christmas tree decorations enough. The material is well pierced, does not crumble.
Target: Making Christmas tree decorations for a Christmas tree, with minimal material costs.
-Development of creativity, imagination, taste;
- Fostering interest in making jewelry with your own hands;
- Improve skills in working with auxiliary tools: a needle, scissors.
For work we need the following materials:

1. Viscose napkins of three colors
2. Threads of different colors
3.the pencil is simple
5.large eye needle
6.for decorating beads, sequins
7.stencil herringbone
8.filling any


1. Take a napkin of any color, apply a Christmas tree stencil to it and outline it with a pencil.

2. After we have circled the stencil, take the scissors and cut out the part. Since you need two parts, you can cut two at once, or one at a time, as you prefer.

3. Cut out. We have two details.

4.Now we decorate one piece according to our liking. You can cut circles, triangles, etc. from a different color of the napkin. and sew on the detail by adding sequins.

5. Sew on as we like, I love with a cross.

6. And so we have two parts, one is decorated and the other is not. We sew them with a overlock seam.

7. Having sewn almost the entire part, we leave a place through which we will stuff. We do not fill very tightly.

8. Stuffing. We sew to the end and make a loop for which we will hang on the tree. The loop can be made from the same thread with which it was sewn or you can take a ribbon.

Well, the tree is ready.
Here's a set I got.

You can make different stencils. But these Christmas tree toys turned out for my children.

Good luck.

New Years is soon? Then it's time to decorate the house with handmade Christmas decorations. We have collected many ideas for inspiration.

Eve New Years holidays- a fabulous time. Everything around smells like spruce, tangerines and cinnamon. Streets, shops, offices, houses are decorated with Christmas trees, New Year's decor and garlands. In this pre-holiday cycle it is impossible to resist and not decorate your home!

Here are collected photos and templates of interesting New Year's decorations from one-sided and double-sided paper, decor from napkins, cones, sweets, and even balloons... Get inspired by our ideas, stock up on materials and get started!

Christmas paper snowflakes on a Christmas tree: photos and stencils

Christmas decoration made of paper - a snow-white snowflake immediately comes to mind. Want to cut snow-covered spruce trees, crystal snowflakes, butterflies and more?

Resize or print the template, fold the sheet of paper and let the child cut along the outline.

Children love to fold paper and cut out fancy patterns to New Year's melodies.

Just a minute and a gorgeous snowflake created by a child will flaunt at your home.

Christmas snowflakes made of paper stencils

Original christmas snowflakes... Stencils

Christmas paper garlands on a Christmas tree: patterns

But snowflakes are just a small part of what can be made from paper. Want to quickly and easily decorate your home or office. Print on double-sided bright paper, the template below, and all that remains is to cut and hang in the form of a garland from the ceiling.

Patterns of toys-crystals, pyramids and paper cubes on the christmas tree

Do you want to create toys for the Christmas tree? Gorgeous crystals, pyramids and cubes and even a melting snowman under the tree? Author Keith created interesting templates... It's as easy as shelling pears to work with them:

  • Print
  • Cut
  • Glue a loop of thread to the top of the toy, thanks to which the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree
  • Bend along the lines
  • Glue in the indicated places
  • Optionally, you can decorate one of the ends of the toy with sparkles.

Patterns of Christmas toys on a Christmas tree made of paper

Christmas tree decorations - long crystal and diamond

  • Crystal, small crystal, medium crystal, long crystal, diamond
  • Christmas decorations
  • Cube, cylinder

Paper snowman on a Christmas tree: template, assembly

Assembling a snowman.

  • Print on white paper
  • Cut
  • Bend, fold and glue the snowman's head
  • Glue the pre-glued paper "carrot"
  • Glue to the base and place under the Christmas tree!

DIY Christmas toys on a Christmas tree from napkins

You can also decorate your home by creating christmas balls from napkins. To do this, you need a package of napkins, thread, a hot glue gun and foam ball small diameter.

From large napkins cut into strips 25x12.5 cm.

We fold it with an accordion, the width of which will be 12.5 cm.

Gently pull the middle of the accordion with a thread and fluff it up.

We repeat this with the rest of the stripes.

We glue ready-made "flowers" to foam ball hot glue. On one side, glue a loop of thread.

We hang our ball in the center of the garland connection or above the horse. Or we put it on stands.

Christmas tree made of cardboard and napkins

The Christmas tree usually stands in the living room, but you really want to put a little beauty in every room. We propose to create a forest beauty out of cardboard and napkins.
For work you will need: three-layer napkins, cardboard, glue, a round shape of small diameter, a stapler.

  • We take a napkin round shape and a pencil,
  • circle as in the photo,
  • cut out mugs from the entire pack of napkins.

We fasten one circle with a stapler in the center

and gently fluff it up as in the photo.

We get a beautiful flower

Cut out and glue a cone from cardboard.

Gradually glue the finished "flowers" tier by tier to the cone.

Such a Christmas tree can be either monochromatic or variegated.
If you wish, you can decorate it with glitter, beads and small toys.
If you liked the idea of ​​a Christmas tree, but such a long process scared you, we offer a simpler and more airy Christmas tree made of dense napkins with a pattern.

Christmas tree toy made of thick napkins

For such a Christmas tree, you need a skewer, three napkins of different diameters, wooden beads, a hot glue gun and a 90ºC square.

We take a napkin, apply a square and cut out 1/4 of the napkin as in the photo. We glue the edges.

We cut off the cone so that the skewer can pass. We pierce and fasten it to the bead from below. We fix everything with hot glue. Repeat with the remaining 2 napkins.

The Christmas tree is ready, it can be planted with the same Christmas trees on the forest edge of foam rubber, or in a decorative bucket.

Christmas toys on a Christmas tree made of threads and balloons

Bright balls for decor, you can create it yourself using balloon, threads, PVA glue and sequins. Having learned how to make such balls, you can decorate the place under the tree, the space above the ceiling, and also make beautiful candlesticks.

So let's get started:

  • Inflate and tie a balloon
  • Take the needle and thread it in. We pierce a bubble of PVA glue. Further, the glue may allow the glue to pass a little, so put it in a container.
  • We remove the needle so as not to damage the ball and randomly wrap the ball. We additionally process the end of the thread with PVA and glue it to the threads on the ball so that it is not visible
  • The rest of the glue is applied to the threads and the ball. Until the glue has dried, sprinkle with sparkles on all sides.
  • We are waiting for 12 hours until the glue is completely dry.
  • Pierce the ball with a needle and take it out through the hole

Christmas toys on a Christmas tree made of cones

Cones, like a Christmas tree, are a symbol of the New Year and Christmas. You can make a lot of simple and interesting decor from them.
To begin with, let's pay attention so as not to return to this issue later,

cones can be used untreated, varnished, coated with paint or gold / silver from a spray can, as well as decorated with glitters.

Try, combine, create!

Attach loops to each bump and decorate to your liking.

Put them on the variegated satin ribbon... To prevent the bumps from sliding down the middle under the weight of the weight, tie small knots of ribbon between them.

New Year's and Christmas wreath of cones

We make a circle from the wire, for strength from several wires as in the photo. This is the basis of our composition.

Decorate the cones and attach hooks to them with hot glue.
We connect the hook and the base with a thin wire, fix it well. We fasten the cones tightly one to one so that the base is not visible. At the top, we attach a bow or a toy to hot glue.

By this principle, you can create a wreath not only from cones, but also from branches, toys, etc.

DIY Christmas tree made of cones

You have a lot of bumps and a desire to create unusual tree with your own hands? Then the pine cone tree is what you need.

Remember just above the Christmas tree made of napkins glued to the cone. It is necessary to glue the cardboard cone. Decorate the cones, as well as the "flowers" from napkins, tier by tier to glue to the base. The result is such a great eco-tree.

And in conclusion, a video master class pineapple on a bottle of champagne.

Video: Pineapple from sweets