A dog that doesn't bark. Basenji breed: a dog that does not bark. Very comfortable pet

Among the huge variety of breeds, there are completely unique representatives of the canine tribe, the origin and breed traits of which are shrouded in a mass of rumors and half-true legends. One of these dogs, the Basenji, whose homeland is Western and Central Africa, is known to most dog owners for the fact that it does not know how to utter the usual dog barking and, like a cat, washes its muzzle with its paw.

The history of the breed is more than 6 thousand years old.

In the mountains of the African continent, the most ancient cave paintings depicting hunting scenes with the participation of unique dogs... Civilization Ancient egypt she was also familiar with these animals, brought by the priests from the lower reaches of the Nile as a gift to high-ranking nobles. In ancient burials, mummified remains of dogs are still found, wrapped in expensive bedspreads, with collars decorated with precious stones.

Basenji belong to an ancient primitive type of dog that appeared and evolved without human participation. The Congo forest dog appears to have common ancestors with the wild dingo dog, the aboriginal dogs of Australia and Papua New Guinea, and the Indian pariahs.

Initially, the Basenji belonged to the only pygmy tribe in Africa who hunted monkeys, pygmy antelopes and giant cane rats weighing up to 10 kg with the help of dogs. Subsequently, through natural exchange, some puppies of this breed ended up in others African tribes and, under the influence external factors, slightly changed their appearance.

Today there are two breed types:

  • Forest (or pygmy dog) characterized by short stature, stockiness and dark coat with a small amount of white.
  • Plain (Azande dog), whose representatives are more tall, with light hair and eyes.

For the first time in Europe, Basenji appeared at the end of the 19th century at the Kraft World Exhibition.

The dog was declared as a jungle dog or a Congo terrier. The breed received its current name in 1937. Translated from the common dialect of African peoples, it means "a dog jumping up and down." Those who have been closely associated with the breed cannot but agree with this name. When running, the animal literally flies over the grass. If the thickets are high, Basenji, in order to survey the surroundings, make vertical jumps like a ball, appearing and disappearing in the dense grass.

Until recently, the standard breed colors were considered red & white, tricolor and brindle, recognized more recently, in 2000. Silky thick coat Basenji does not smell and has practically no undercoat, so dogs of this breed, with rare exceptions, do not cause allergies. Another one attracts attention distinctive feature- having great cleanliness, they not only completely lick themselves, but also wash themselves like a cat with their paws.

Basenji are absolutely incapable of barking.

This is explained by the unique structure of the larynx of animals - the thickenings on the vocal cords are almost flat, which makes the usual dog barking physically impossible. This feature once again confirms the antiquity of the origin of these dogs - today such a feature has survived only among them, yes wild dogs dingo. However, this breed cannot be called silent. Dogs constantly whine, squeal, howl or laugh like hyenas. Depending on the emotions experienced, all Basenjis produce characteristic breed roulades, which are another feature of the breed.

The striking unusual appearance of the Basenji does not go unnoticed anywhere.

Recently, experiencing the peak of their popularity, dogs of this breed are increasingly in the hands of people who have a poor idea of ​​the nature of animals. Despite its relatively small stature, the Basenji cannot be called a decorative dog. Strong, smart, strong-willed and fearless kids, behind which there are several hundred generations of harsh African hunters, they are distinguished by their independent disposition and rationality.

In memory of the hunting past of the breed, dogs have a very strong pursuit instinct. Often when chasing a cat or stray dog, animals do not hear the prohibitive commands of the owner and die under the wheels of cars. Therefore, it is undesirable to let your pet off the leash in urban areas.

At home, these mischievous little devils are prone to stealing food.(in their opinion, however, this is quite equivalent to hunting prey), damage to things and various innocent and not very pranks. To direct to the right channel irrepressible energy of these dogs, it is recommended to take long walks with them, engage in sports training or run after a mechanical hare.

In relation to the owner, Basenji shows touching tenderness and affection.

Dog owners claim that their pets have magical aura and charm. That is why rarely is anyone limited to one dog. As a rule, after a couple of years a second, and then a third dog appears in the house. These animals get along well in a flock of both their own kind and other domestic animals.

However, you should not buy this dog just for the sake of exotic external data.

The owner and the dog of this breed should be tuned in to the same wavelength, understand and accept each other as they really are, without the desire to change or alter something in the partner. Having believed in a person, the Basenji will gladly open up the world of love and affection for him.

Look into the eyes of these dogs - from there ancient wise Africa will look at you, such as it was from the beginning of time. And, being captured by these deep mysterious eyes, you will forever fall ill with an incurable disease called Basenji.

Natasha Sherwood

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There are a huge number of dog breeds in the world that have one or another specific traits, by which they can be surely distinguished from others. Today we will tell you about a dog that does not bark. This is what a Basenji or Congo Terrier dog is called. What is this breed, how to properly care for it, you will learn all this in this material.

Main characteristics of the Congo Terrier

Besides being known as the Congo Terrier or Basenji, a dog that cannot bark is also known as a Congolese artisanal dog. The breed came from Africa and has been popular in Europe and Russia for many years.

The key characteristics of this breed, by which it can be accurately distinguished from others, are as follows:

  • boys have withers of about 43 cm, body length up to 43 cm and average weight about 11 kg;
  • the height at the withers in girls is on average about 40 cm, the body is about 40 cm long, the average weight of girls is about 9 kg;
  • Congo Terrier puppies may have a tricolor color(black, red and red), as well as brindle, red or black. Regardless of the general color, the legs, tip of the tail and the breast of the dog are white. There may also be white markings on the head, but this is not common in all members of this breed. White color does not stand out as the main one, and the rest of the shades have saturation and are distinguished by clear boundaries when they change;
  • the dog has a strong skeleton, which at the same time looks graceful to everyone;
  • the ears of a representative of this breed are standing;
  • the tail is slightly curled;
  • eye color is always dark;
  • the dog does not know how to bark.

Many believe that Basenji dogs, which cannot bark, are the oldest breed in the world, but some dog handlers claim that this breed, although it is one of the oldest on Earth, it is not the oldest.

As already mentioned, according to some reports, the Congo Terrier breed originated in Africa, but there is evidence that she originally appeared in East Asia and only then was she brought to Africa. Basenji dogs were common in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by archaeological finds and rock paintings. Officially, this breed was registered only in the middle of the 20th century, when it became widespread in Europe.

Features of the behavior of a dog of this breed

Earning the trust of the Basenji is not easy. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by independence and pride, but at the same time they love their owners in their own way. For the Basenji to be satisfied, it is not enough just to feed, drink and provide a place to play and sleep. They want to be complete family members, so they should be given enough attention.

Congo Terrier dogs have a very well developed hunter instinct. Therefore, during a walk, you should be careful so that the dog does not chase potential prey, for example, a cat.

The Congo Terrier does not know how to bark, but at the same time he can whine, squeal slightly, growl, but even such sounds he gives extremely rarely. As a home guard, dogs of this breed are not suitable, since they will not be able to signal potential danger.

Who is the Basenji best for?

This breed of dog is suitable exclusively for those people who already have significant experience in raising pets. Basenji are very stubborn so don't expect them to execute your command the first time.

But despite his restless nature, Congo Terrier will quickly find a common language with someone who will perceive him as an equal to himself. Here are some tips for those considering it as a pet:

  • Congo Terrier is an excellent friend for active people who perceive dogs as companions, and not one who only follows commands;
  • you should not get a dog of this breed for elderly and inactive people, since she loves long walks and maximum attention to herself;
  • such a dog will become the best friend for the child and will be happy to play with him, unless, of course, the child will offend her;
  • Congo Terrier does not tolerate bullying, remember this;
  • Basenji gets along well with representatives of its breed of the opposite sex, but Cohabitation with dogs of other breeds depends on the circumstances. It is highly undesirable to start a Basenji when there is a cat in the house. They are unlikely to find a common language.

Features of basenji care

The ideal conditions for keeping dogs of this breed is a large yard next to the country house. But, if you live in a city, then get ready for the fact that you will have to walk a lot and for a long time with your pet.

If a dog of this breed lacks physical activity, then she begins to show dissatisfaction in this way:

  • gnaws at furniture;
  • tears the wallpaper;
  • chews things and shoes.

Well, if you create all the conditions so that your pet does not have to be bored in the apartment and you walk and play enough with him, then all this will bypass you.

Congo Terrier is clean, in some cases dogs even wash themselves like cats. The recommended diet is balanced dry food or dry and wet in a proportional ratio of three to one.

Features of training Basenji

At first glance, it may seem that Basenji are poorly trained, but this is not at all the case. They simply require more attention during training and special approach to yourself. The main thing for you is to break the stubbornness of your pet and make him learn.

For training, you should choose game form, do not use brute force. Training should begin from the moment when the puppy gets into your hands.

It will not be easy to prove something to your pet, because the Basenji are always confident in their opinion and the correctness of their actions, they may ignore your instructions. But after a long training, he will learn to obey you and will do it all the time.

If you become the proud owner of a puppy of this breed, but at the same time are not sure that you are able to raise him correctly, invite professionals in their field who will help you overcome the stubbornness of your Basenji friend.

What are Congo Terriers sick with?

The average life span of dogs of this breed is from 10 to 14 years. All these years they are equally active. The most common Basenji diseases are:

  • Fanconi syndrome is a kidney disease that affects the ability to process proteins and sugars. It is most commonly affected in dogs between the ages of 4 and 7. Previously, the disease was not treated, but now veterinarians already have experience with it. successful treatment... It is believed that the disease is inherited, although there is no scientific evidence for this;
  • hemolytic anemia, mainly in puppies. Not subject to treatment;
  • coloboma, which is a cleft in the iris. It is inherited;
  • dysplasia of the joints - requires surgical intervention, is curable. But individuals with such a disease do not take part in divorce.

Average cost of Basenji in Russia

On the territory of Russia there are kennels where they breed dogs of this breed. They can be found all over the country, from Moscow to the Far East. Depending on the exterior and title of the puppy's parents, its cost will range from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.

Before you go to the nursery in order to choose a puppy of this breed, pay attention to the following:

Do you care about your pet's health?
We are responsible for those we have tamed!"- says a quote from the story" The little Prince". Maintaining the health of the pet, one of the main duties of the owner. Take care of your pet by giving him a complex. The unique complex is designed for both cats and dogs, as well as birds and rodents.
An active supplement that will help your pet to shine with health and share happiness with you!

Living in the city, in an apartment of a multi-storey building, where every sound through the walls is heard, as if in the next room, silent dogs acquire special significance for amateur dog breeders. Such a pet will become part of the family and brighten up the boring gray everyday life, but at the same time will not disturb the neighbors. Therefore, now we will consider 10 breeds of "sloths" that do not bark and allow you to keep the peace on the staircase.


This particular breed of dog is considered the leader among the "silent" ones. And all because these cute African dogs simply do not know how to bark. Of course, they are not mute and are capable of making other sounds - rumbling, grunting, howling and moaning. However, they do not know how to bark at all.

The description of the Basenji dog breed would not be complete without mentioning that the breed was originally used, like a hunting one. It would be wrong to think that these dogs were deliberately bred. Not at all. This is a wild animal native to Africa, where even today you can find wild flocks of Basenji.

Basenji dogs are considered a very ancient breed, after all, the history of their existence is more than five thousand years old. The aborigines of the African jungle still tame these wild dogs and use them while hunting.

Despite the fact that the breed was not bred and came to us by taming wild individuals, these animals still get used to humans perfectly. Basenji came to Europe only in the middle of the 20th century, after which they began to be actively bred to maintain a house in an urban setting. And it is not surprising, because these dogs are not large in size (only 40 centimeters at the withers), moreover, they are incredibly quiet, perfectly trainable and are very clean.

Basenji are odorless. Even when wet, they don't smell. These four-legged animals have a short, smooth coat that is almost non-shedding and requires minimal maintenance. In addition, females only experience estrus once a year.

Did you know? Cleanliness Basenji not only will not give your apartment a characteristic doggy scent, they will also take care of their cleanliness, because these dogs know how to wash themselves! True, they do it like cats-paw.

It is not surprising that this breed has spread so quickly around the world, because many dream of a pet, but cannot afford to keep an animal due to its noise or for reasons of hygiene. But Basenjis completely solve this problem - clean and quiet.

The only "but" - this dog is not suitable for lazy people and the elderly, as it requires a lot of attention. They are active, inquisitive and cheerful. A huge amount of Basenji energy requires daily release, which is why the dog needs long park walks and active games oh on fresh air... In addition, loneliness and neglect is very difficult for a dog. So, this is a wonderful companion with whom you will not get bored, but you will not be able to be lazy with him either.


In spite of big sizes and sometimes quite menacing appearance, the bullmastiff, like Hagrid from "Harry Potter", surprises with his good nature and peaceful character. These dogs rarely raise their voices and almost never bark. preferring sometimes to snore and grumble, if you still need to "talk" with the owner.

Bullmastiffs do an excellent job with the security function, they are very obedient and peaceful. They are able to live even in a small city apartment and do not require any special or tedious personal care. Although they take up quite a lot of space, because the dog weighs neither more nor less - from 40 to 60 kg, and their height reaches the mark from 60 to 69 cm.

Although the dog is large, the modest size of a human dwelling does not bother her at all, and she is able to feel great even in a small living space. The only question here is how you yourself feel about tightness.

If you start socializing a pet at an early age, then it quickly absorbs communication skills, very quickly becomes attached to a person and becomes his real friend. Kind and affectionate, the bullmastiff is attached to the owner tightly and for a long time.

However, the dog has several disadvantages:

  • bullmastiffs are hardly able to tolerate the presence of other animals near them, especially cats or male dogs of other breeds, since they have a well-developed hunter instinct. However, it is this quality that makes them excellent watchdogs;
  • profuse salivation causes wet knees, sofas and pillows. If your pet's drooling does not bother you, then this friend will become a real outlet for you.

Important! Although bullmastiffs are not very active dogs, they are distinguished by extraordinary intelligence, so they need constant training and training. At the same time, training should not be monotonous, since the dog has a constant need to learn something new.


This quiet and cute pet is also called Scottish deer greyhound. This is exactly the dog that belongs to the non-breeds. They are reasonable and smart. They have a calm character and a peaceful disposition. They are real aristocrats and behave with dignity. At the same time, a certain twofold manifests itself in the behavior of the deerhound:

  • in conditions of living in the city and at home, they behave very quietly and measuredly;
  • but in the forest and on the hunt - these are real and tireless hounds.

But today this breed is most often kept by people as a companion. They are beautiful and graceful, and also subtly feel the mood of a person. They can be patient with children and have a peaceful disposition.

Life in a city apartment is quite to the taste of a deerhound, but he needs active and long walks in the fresh air to show his real spirit hound. The duality of this dog is also manifested in this, that in addition to active races, he loves comfort, so at home he can encroach on an armchair or sofa, considering his couch not comfortable enough.

But there is no guard from this breed. Deerhound gets along quietly with other animals, and greets all guests friendly. He simply does not know how to guard the house. This is a companion dog, a hunter, but not a guard.

Among the minuses of a deerhound are:

  • strong shedding. Long hair will be everywhere, and especially on the sofa, which the dog loves so much. Therefore, you need to comb it out every day;
  • long street walks, which must be done at least twice a day. Therefore, if you work a lot or you simply do not have the opportunity to make such long races with the dog, then it is not for you;
  • on walks, due to the developed hunting instinct, the deerhound can attack small animals and birds, therefore strict prohibition this should be brought up by the dog from the very early age.

Important! In caring for a Scottish greyhound, it is very important not to keep it on a leash, as it is a very freedom-loving animal, and to protect it from the hot sun, as it can hardly tolerate heat and can overheat.

Afghan Hound

A real aristocrat in the world of human four-legged friends. She is graceful, graceful and very beautiful. Long silky coat, long legs and the refined body make the dog very beautiful. The dog is one of those breeds that do not bark unless absolutely necessary.

Despite the remarkable appearance and great desire to acquire such a companion, it is still worth thinking about the correctness of such a decision, because the Afghan hound does not have the easiest character.

This hound belongs to one of the most ancient hunting dog breeds. She is capable of developing an astonishing speed - up to 50 km / h. Since ancient times, these dogs have been used for hunting and herding livestock. They also successfully coped with guard duties, diligently carrying out the guard for the cattle. But she still needs to be educated as a companion.

On the one hand, this dog does not show a tendency to dominate, is calm and is not overly emotional, therefore, you cannot hear barking from it. But on the other side, she is often stubborn, capricious and even shy.

The very long coat of a greyhound also presents some inconvenience for keeping - it has a very luxurious "mane" that requires painstaking care, daily brushing and frequent bathing.

By the character of the Afghan hound is independent and does not like outsiders. She is openly afraid of strangers and always avoids the company of other people. But in relation to the owner, she is able to show real tenderness and loyalty.

Important! The Afghan hound learns with difficulty and is difficult to train, and its socialization is "creaky". Therefore, if your family has small children, then this dog is not the best choice since she is shy loud sounds crying, and may be aggressive towards toddlers.

Chinese Shar Pei

Shar Pei - fighting and guard dog, which is not that it doesn’t know how to bark, but it just doesn’t like it. It is a calm animal that only speaks during exciting games or if it seems to him that the threat is imminent.

A distinctive feature of this breed is huge amount wrinkles, the skin of this dog consists entirely of folds and is covered with very short, smooth hair. Due to such an abundance of folds, the pet needs more careful care, since all wrinkles must be regularly wiped and cleaned of dirt, because they can become inflamed due to pathogenic bacteria.

In general, Sharpeis are considered to be quite aggressive dogs towards people. But with timely and correct upbringing, with early socialization, a Shar Pei puppy can be raised to be an excellent friend and family member. He will be loyal to his family like no other dog, he will guard the territory entrusted to him and clearly distinguish between "friends" and "aliens."

But you will not wait for some kind of tenderness from Shar Pei. They are not inclined to show their emotions and are rather indifferent to children. In addition, these dogs need an experienced trainer and very early start learning, because they have developed intelligence... You need to train on time, patiently and correctly, otherwise the dog will grow up stubborn and wayward, it may even be aggressive. Therefore, this breed is not very suitable for beginner dog handlers.

The Shar Pei is firmly attached to the owner and needs to live next to him, so keeping the dog in the yard will not work. And here life in a small apartment directly depends on the temperament of the animal- there are very active individuals, and there are passive ones, which do not need a lot of space and who are able to do with just short twenty-minute walks on the street.

Did you know? Shar Pei has the most extraordinary coat and skin among dogs, and its name literally means "sandy skin".

Rhodesian ridgeback

This handsome man has been appreciated by people since ancient times. Tall, contentedly muscular and hardy, the Ridgeback is capable of being an excellent hunter, watchman and guard. In addition, these dogs are often used in Europe in the police to catch criminals. In addition to working qualities, this breed can also display companion properties.

Possessing high intelligence and calm character, Ridgebacks behave with dignity. They do not like to bark, jump around the apartment or yard, and generally behave restlessly - this is not about them.

The dog is reasonable and sensitive to the mood of the owner. When a person needs to be alone, the dog catches it and leaves the owner alone with him. He will never bother and demand too much attention.

Despite obedience and good training, in some situations Ridgeback is able to make decisions independently. We are talking about those cases when the owner is in danger. Then the dog acts in accordance with the situation and for the benefit of the person.

These four-legged people get along with the household, they are peace-loving and patient with children, but it would be a mistake to think that they are too trusting and will run after everyone who gives them treats. These dogs, not to say that they are aggressive towards strangers, are rather suspicious of them.

The feeling of independence in these dogs is innate, so you need to start from the moment the puppy crosses the threshold of the house. From the first days, you need to show the animal who is the boss here, showing severity and persistence in their decisions. Excessive softness in relation to the dog will cause its natural restive and freedom-loving character. However, with proper education, dogs are happy to learn and follow all commands.

The Rhodesian Ridgeback can easily get along in an apartment, but needs regular, long and active walks. But caring for him is not very burdensome - it is enough to comb out the coat a couple of times a month, trim the claws and clean the eyes and ears. Bathing can be carried out no more than two to three times during the year.

Akita Inu

If you are interested, what breed of dog does not know how to bark and behaves very quietly, then Akita Inu belongs to this type. This is a real Japanese treasure. Beautiful, fluffy, like plush toy, good-natured - this dog is able to win the heart at first sight.

These animals are distinguished by immeasurable devotion and loyalty to the owner and his family. More faithful dog probably you will not find it. They are great protectors and great companions. However, the Akita is not at all suitable for lazy people, because this dog is very active, loves games and really needs constant communication.

Akita living under the same roof with the owner is simply a must, because alone she will simply wither away. She loves to spend time with her family, play with children and generally communicate with people. At the same time, the dog does not bark, although it emits a wide range of sounds - snorts, grunts, moans and howls.

Also, be prepared for the fact that this four-legged pet will constantly carry various things in his teeth. He can hide slippers and small things, bring a leash, asking for a walk, and even try to drag your wrist, but you should not regard such behavior as aggression, because in this way the pet is trying to show you his love.

Did you know? An interesting feature Akita Inu is that they have truly feline habits - they lick their fur, wash their paws, and hunt just like large felines - quietly sneaking up and falling with their whole body to the ground.

In relation to strangers, this dog is often wary and distrustful, but in the presence of the owner it behaves calmly and does not show its distrust. But Akita simply adores her family.

Since the Akita is a natural-born hunting dog, it is necessary to educate it from an early age, and the training time can be quite long due to the wayward and sometimes stubborn nature of the animal. Therefore, its owner must be an experienced and patient dog handler. If you doubt your successful learning, then you can entrust the training to a professional who will teach the dog all the necessary commands and raise him socialized and obedient.

Clumber Spaniel

It is the largest of all spaniel breeds. The dog belongs to the hunting class and is completely unsuitable for the role of a guard.

Calm character, slowness and phlegm make the Clumber an excellent pet not only for families with children, but also for retirees. They are not fussy, do not bark for no reason, do not show excessive emotions. But they need walks, and you need to walk the dog at least two or three times a day.

Important! The Clumber Spaniel can make an excellent babysitter for kids if properly raised and trained to care for children.

Clumber Spaniel does not impose his own society and is sensitive to the emotions of the owner. Is able not to interfere with his presence when necessary, although he is sociable dog... He is smart, non-aggressive, affectionate and caring. He is loyal to the owner, but in relation to strangers he behaves wary, although he is not able to stand up to protect the owner.

But the fluffy and long hair of this dog can become the real problem, as they shed heavily. Therefore, you need to comb the dog every day, but clean your eyes and ears only as it gets dirty.

In addition, clumpers often suffer from obesity and therefore need proper and healthy eating rich in vitamins. However, the increased tendency to allergies makes it necessary to monitor the pet's diet even more carefully.

When it comes to training, clumpers learn easily and with pleasure, especially if the interaction between a person and a dog is built on a trusting and affectionate relationship. They love to learn new teams and are aficionados for grabbing. For a clumber, there is nothing more pleasant than bringing a thrown ball to the owner or taking a string bag out of the supermarket.

Greyhound (greyhound)

This lean and swift dog is also known as the English Greyhound. This is a true hunting breed, and the fastest in the world. Today these greyhounds are often on the races. The tall and slender build, well-developed muscles, long legs and low weight contribute to the dog's ability to develop astonishing speed. Due to such characteristics, this animal was traditionally used for hunting purposes, therefore, having established itself for many centuries, they have a very developed hunter instinct, which makes friendship with other animals problematic.

But in the family, as a companion, the Greyhound does an excellent job. It's kind and calm dog who is extremely loyal to her master and household members, needs human love and is able to lovingly take care of children.

She is silent, almost never barks or makes a noise. It is a mistake to believe that this dog is a fidget and cannot survive without long active walks... On the contrary, at home, the English greyhound often behaves in a measured manner and can even be lazy.

Greyhound- a very balanced and gullible dog who never shows a tendency to dominate, not only in relation to humans, but also to other animals. True, hunting habits often make themselves felt if a cat or other small animal is seen nearby.

Obedience and gentleness of character make the training of the English greyhound a real pleasure. The dog willingly and instantly fulfills all commands, does not cause problems, does not show aggressiveness.

Did you know? "Cheetah of the canine world"-that's how they called the Greyhound. This dog-champion of dog racing, who is able to overtake even African wild dogs and reach a speed of 70 km / h.

These dogs do not like noise, do not gnaw on things, and are even able to remain alone. And with the right early education greyhounds even wean themselves from chasing small animals.

Grooming a Greyhound is not tiring, as its coat is short and smooth, almost does not shed. You need to comb it out with a rubber glove only once or twice a week, and bathe it no more than a couple of times a year as it gets dirty.

This is an excellent companion who will loyally love his family, tenderly look after children and delight his docile nature and a desire to learn.

Russian hunting greyhound

Russian hunting greyhound is a national treasure of Russia. Aristocratic, graceful, graceful, this hound has been known for a long time, but to this day it has not lost its relevance among dog breeders. And, if earlier the Russian greyhound was used mainly for hunting purposes, now it has become a human companion.

Calm character at home, lack of tendency to make noise and bark, loyalty to the owner and family, as well as aesthetic appearance, make this dog an excellent family member and pride of it.

Compliant and gentle, this dog loves to fondle a man and bask in his arms. We can say that this greyhound is a monogamous. She cannot have two masters. She becomes attached to one person and will never again be able to accept another, so you must be sure that you will always be with your pet and do not decide to give it up once, otherwise such a decision will be deplorable for a greyhound.

And although the dog is sensitive and vulnerable, on the one hand, but, on the other, she is whimsical, independent and proud. She cannot bear the neglect of herself, demanding respect, like a real aristocrat. She also dislikes strangers and can be aggressive towards them, although she adores her family and remains faithful to her.

Did you know? The ancestors of the Russian canine greyhound were dogs brought to Russia by the Golden Horde and crossed with herding dogs, which is why the greyhound acquired a fluffy fur coat.

The greyhound does not like hustle and bustle, as well as any active games. She prefers to watch such activities from the sidelines, and sometimes she can even go to a place where unnecessary fuss will not bother her.

Like any hunting dog, the Russian canine needs long walks in the fresh air. However, walks should take place in places far from the highway and preferably where there is little chance of meeting a cat or small dog, otherwise the hunting instincts can take over, and the hound will "take the trail."

Regarding living in the house, then she needs more space, therefore it is better to keep it either in a large apartment or in a private house.

The animal differs from nature in cleanliness and neatness, will not turn the house upside down and gnaw furniture. In addition, the greyhound does not have the characteristic canine scent. But long hair requires care and careful combing during moulting and estrus.

We examined 10 of the most silent dog breeds that can perfectly take root even in a small city apartment and not disturb sensitive neighbors with loud barks. Some of them have a restive character, while others are loyal and immensely obedient. Which dog to choose depends only on you and your preferences and capabilities.

The dog that doesn't bark August 24th, 2018

We have already studied such a question as. Let's plunge into history once again.

The Basenji or African barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but emit special sounds characteristic only of Basenji, similar to rumbling, but they can be heard only when the dog is agitated.

The first traces of dogs, like Basenji, were found in Egyptian burials, which are more than six thousand years old, wall images, figurines, boxes and other household and cult items made in the form of a dog (Basenji). During the excavation of the tombs of the fifth dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, the Basenji were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun - embalmed, wrapped in fine fabrics impregnated with incense, these dogs had collars made of precious stones.

Supposedly, for the Egyptian pharaohs, Basenji were more than dogs for hunting, they were living amulets that protected their rulers from black magic and witchcraft. And now the aborigines in Central Africa believe that their "M`bwa m`kubwa M`bwa" (jumping up and down) - the native name of the breed - can protect their owner, take negative energy and restore the destroyed aura…. The first dogs of the Basenji type were brought from the sources of the Nile as a gift to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Later, when the civilization of Egypt fell into decay and ceased to exist, the Basenji were forgotten. However, in the homeland of this breed, in Central Africa, it continued to be appreciated for its intelligence, speed, magical properties, hunting ability and ... silence. The natives widely use all these abilities in hunting for small animals: for corraling game in the net, pursuing a wounded animal, and also for hunting reed rats - evil creatures with long teeth, which weigh about the same as Basenji, moreover, "silence" dogs play in such a hunt huge role... In addition, Basenji is used to accompany a hunter through the jungle and to warn them about the approach of dangerous animals.

In 1895, researchers brought a couple of dogs to England. But the attempt to acquaint the "outside" world with these amazing creatures, unfortunately, failed, because these little dogs did not endure the journey of many months, fell ill and soon died.

The official debut of the breed took place in 1937 at the Kraft show, where the Basenji were held under exotic names: "Congo Terrier" and "Jungle Dog". In the same year America saw them. After the Second World War, the Basenji began their triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America. And first of all, this is due to their exhibition success: the rare “Best-in-show” finals do without Basenji, but it is difficult to list all the exhibitions at which these shining newcomers from Africa became the winners. Basenji not barking. This is how hunters carry their dogs for hunting, with a bell made of dried pumpkin. In 1942, James Street's story "Farewell, My Lady" was published, which was very much loved in America. In 1956, a film of the same name was directed with Brandon de Wild. He won the hearts of ordinary Americans, aroused a huge interest in the breed, which continues to this day. Hunter and companion. This is a small, smooth-haired, unusually graceful and quick-witted dog, similar to a graceful gazelle. One of the features of Basenji is the absence of barking, and this dog's vocal cords are all right, because she makes various sounds, corresponding not only to any situation, but also to her mood: growls and giggles, mutters and groans, snorts and a kind of Tyrolean howl - yodel, which is melodic enough not to irritate even the most sophisticated ear.

Another feature is its coat. Coming from countries with tropical climates, she has a silky coat that shines with copper in the sun. In countries with colder climates, the coat of dogs coarsens, but does not lose its shining shine; this coat has other advantages, for example, it practically does not cause allergies, it never smells, even if it becomes wet. The ears are also attractive to her - high-set, pointed, slightly inclined forward, giving the impression of two graceful hoods, as well as a forehead covered with "wise" wrinkles. The tail is set high, pressed tightly to the thigh and rolled into one or two coquettish rings. She is docile, but not obsequious, she is mischievous and curious, infinitely loves children, and is unusually clean.

It is an adorable and lovable companion, very playful and at the same time affectionate like a kitten. They are attracted by the refinement and neatness of this dog, which licks itself like a cat. This is the only breed of dog that, after eating, will not wipe its soiled muzzle on the clothes, hands of the owners, or, even worse, on your favorite chair. All this makes Basenji ideal for those who value cleanliness in the house.

When communicating with these dogs, their look is striking, mysterious and mysterious. In this regard, there are many legends, according to one of them, once the Basenji knew how to talk and once one of them learned a very important secret of his master, but, fearing it to someone, he fell silent forever and only his eyes spoke eloquently that the dog knows what is under the veil of secrecy. This breed has found many ardent admirers in many countries of the world. Some found in her loving friend, others - a cheerful companion who saves from loneliness. Still others are a source of pride at exhibitions, but they all have one thing in common - love for these dapperly beautiful dogs, which are imposing, like English lords dressed in tuxedos. And this dandy can easily outsmart you and get his way with his natural charm, not stubbornness. Basenji are absolutely fearless and can fight back any of their kindred, and with a person they are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time do not lose their self-esteem.

The lovers of this breed include representatives of the world elite. Among them: the previous queen of Holland Juliana, whom the people on silver anniversary presented a portrait depicting Basenji Zara, the Queen's favorite sitting on her lap; Egyptian king Farouk, who, even after abdicating the throne and leaving for Monaco, did not part with his favorites. Many royal houses of the world have kept dogs of this breed for decades, including Queen Helena, the Queen Mother of the Romanian Kingdom, King Michael of Romania and Queen Anne, Princess of the Kingdom of Monaco Antoinette, the former Crown Prince of Japan and many, many others.

M. Ermakova, President of the National Club "Basenji", expert cynologist - http://marlenbrao.ru/publ/1-1-0-3

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To the question What dogs do not know how to bark? given by the author furious the best answer is There is such a breed called Bassendzhi.
The first images of a dog similar to a Bassendzhi were found in Egyptian burials that date back to the third millennium BC. NS. These dogs, which are also called Congolese, were brought to Europe in 1934. Then English dog breeders improved this breed, and the Bassendzhi spread throughout the world.
Description. At first glance, this dog gives the impression of cheerful and cheerful, but the wrinkles on the forehead give it the appearance of a pensive old man. Height: 42.5 cm - male and 40 cm - female. Weight from 9.9 to 10.8 kg. These dogs have a flat skull, a pointed muzzle, and a black or pinkish nose. The eyes are brown, almond-shaped. The ears are straight and directed forward. The tail is twisted into two rings, lying on the back from the side of one of the sides. The thighs are well muscled. The coat is short and silky. The color is reddish with white spots. The skin is loose. Easy gait, similar to a horse.
Cheerful, loyal, patient with children. The dogs are very clean, they don't smell at all. Bassendzhi has another quality that is rare for dogs: he does not bark at all.
In Africa, these dogs are used as guides through the jungle, which warn owners of the approach of wild animals, as well as hunters for small animals. In Europe and America, the Bassendzhi is considered an excellent decorative dog.

Answer from Hair[guru]
The Basenji is a breed that is approximately 5000 years old. Basenji is a dog that does not bark. Basenji is hunting african dog... This is what people mostly know about this rare breed... The history of this breed goes back centuries. Basenji are depicted on bas-reliefs in the tombs of the pharaohs, their figurines have been found, dogs have also been found in the tombs of the pharaohs. These dogs were buried with amazing honors. In the tomb, not far from the sarcophagus, were carefully embalmed Basenji. The mummies of these dogs were wrapped in silks and adorned with precious stones. But the homeland of these dogs is not Egypt, but central Africa. Warriors or travelers from the lower reaches of the Nile took these dogs with them as precious gifts. In the middle of the 19th century, researchers discovered these dogs in Congo and South Sudan. The first dogs were brought to England in 1895. But, alas, they died, being unable to cope with the diseases that the Old World awarded them. The second attempt in 1937 was crowned with success. And Europe recognized the Basenji (forest dog from the Congo) or as they were also called the African forest dog, Lagos forest dog, bongo terrier, Congo terrier, nyam-nyam-nyam terrier. After Kraft's show in 1937, the breed was recognized as a Basenji. Since 1941, these dogs have been bred in the United States. There are large nurseries in Sweden and Finland. Dogs have recently appeared in Russia. But to the delight of lovers and connoisseurs of the breed, they can already be seen across Russia. The dogs of our kennel live in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and in Cherepovets, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg. and in other cities. You can read many versions of the origin of the breed, but they are all just speculation. Here is one of the versions: Basenji (forest dog from Congo) inhabiting the territories of Congo, Sudan, Liberia; similar dogs found in the Malay jungle and north of Kathmandu. There is an opinion based on the appearance that the Basenji is descended from Spitz dogs, but others believe that this breed originated from the Central African dogs - pariahs. Found these dogs in the Congo, South Sudan. A lot can be said about appearance and temperament. Those who had the opportunity to communicate with this breed find for themselves many unusual points that distinguish Basenji from other dogs or similarities with Basenji dogs that are completely different in appearance. And the shape of the paw is different from all dogs. It is like a jackal, that is, the pads of 2 central fingers are spliced ​​at the base. Basenji - dogs below average height (height at the withers for a dog is 43 cm, weight 11 kg, for bitches - 40.5 cm and weight 9.5 kg). It is a slender, graceful dog with light bones, aristocratic posture, long-legged, slightly shortened format, with a high neck set. The head has a flat, medium-wide forehead, the muzzle is sharp, rather long, tapering towards the tip of the nose, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is barely noticeable. Ears are pointed, erect, slightly inclined forward, set high. When the ears are alert, the forehead is covered with expressive wrinkles. The tail is set very high, so that the ischial tubercles are noticeably farther than the base. It is sharply twisted into one or two rings and is tightly pressed against the sacrum or thigh. The coat is short, smooth, tight-fitting. The color is distinctly black and white, red and white, tricolor, brindle, but all colors have white legs, chest, often neck and always the tip of the tail. The dog is very harmonious and graceful. The behavior is quite excitable, the character is sweet and affectionate in relation to a person; the dog is curious and mischievous, but tends to get into fights with dogs. Basenji does not make a cute "pillow" dog. This is a very independent animal. The dog is very energetic, stubborn, with great dignity.

Answer from ? [email protected]@lie?[guru]
The African breed of Basenji dog does not know how to bark. Basenji is surprisingly harmonious and graceful. This dog - amazing example natural beauty, achieved not by a special thoughtful selection of mankind, but the harmony of appearance and internal content carried through five millennia. This is the very simplicity that they say - genius These dogs differ in that they do not know how to bark. They are not silent, they can growl, yelp, express their feelings with a snort or melodic howl, but you will not hear barking. At the moment of the highest emotional peak, a sound similar to the Tyrolean yodel can be heard. The reason for this is the different structure of the vocal cords. At home in Congo, South Sudan, dogs of this breed are used as a driven hunting dog for small game. A hunter who has several dogs of this breed is considered a very wealthy person. Basenji are very good for keeping in the house, as their short hair does not require difficult care, the dog itself is very clean, it even washes itself like a cat with its paw. This is another Basenji mystery. She is very mimic, emotional and sociable. The Basenji is a primitive, natural breed that has existed for a long time without human control. And even now, in the homeland of the Basenji, in Africa, nothing has changed in their lives. Basenji are independent, self-confident and tend to build their relationship with a person on the basis of mutual trust, understanding, and mutual consent... Until now, Basenji has retained a number of features inherent in wild animals. One of them - bitches of this breed flow once a year, mainly in autumn-winter, which is left as a heritage from Africa of their homeland. Thank you for such a question.