An African dog that cannot bark. Basenji is a dog who did not know how to bark. Basenji: breed description

A unique visitor from sunny Africa - African dog, Congo terrier, Zande dog - all this is a small and surprisingly graceful Basenji. This breed is gradually winning the hearts of real dog breeders and is attracting more and more attention. The first thing that attracts dog breeders in this breed is complete absence barking... The dog makes sounds similar to snorting or rumbling, so it will be the perfect companion for those who love silence.

IMPORTANT! The dog is not suitable for lazy couch potatoes or retirees, as it needs regular long walks.

Basenji- a breed of dogs created by nature, to the breeding of which a person has nothing to do. The first representatives of this breed were brought to Europe only at the beginning of the 20th century, initially as animals for the zoo. But by the middle of the century, dog breeders drew attention to the uniqueness certain qualities these dogs and their amazing kindness.

Basenji character traits

A Basenji puppy, accustomed to its owner, will be the ideal companion and companion for a responsive owner. High level mutual understanding, combined with the benevolent nature of the dog, allows us to talk about true friendship between him and the person.

Many breeders note the similarity of Basenji with: in the manner of washing the nose with a paw, in a dismissive attitude to water.

IMPORTANT! For owners who are busy at work all day long, a dog of this breed is not suitable, because Basenji categorically cannot stand loneliness.

The friendliness of the Basenji allows you to take her as a second dog in the house to existing pets. This same quality applies to children with whom the Basenji quickly finds mutual language and easily organizes general pranks.

Exterior and health of representatives of this breed

Basenji dogs are distinguished by strong muscles, intelligent eyes and a tightly curled, flirtatious tail. Breeders distinguish four options for the most common color: black-piebald, black-piebald tan, red-piebald and brindle... Mandatory for all types is the presence of marks white on the chest, legs and tail.

The average height of an adult is 40 cm at the withers, while the weight does not exceed 10 kg.

The "naturalness" of this breed makes it practically perfect pet without special requirements: Perfect dog health means you don't have to go to your veterinarian. All the problems that arise are a direct consequence of improper care or feeding of the animal, a violation of the usual rhythm of life. Competent care will allow.

Competent care of Basenji

The most important thing in caring for a Basenji puppy is the obligatory long walks without a leash: the freedom-loving disposition and activity of the dog will make the owners get used to a long pastime on fresh air... Since walking your puppy is best done without, optimal time for a quiet walk it will be earlier in the morning and evening, when there are no annoying factors on the street: cars, bicycles and other dogs.

IMPORTANT! The Basenji has a highly developed pursuit instinct, which means that the owner needs to be as attentive as possible to the movement of the pet during walks in order to avoid possible injury.

The rest of the Basenji are as unpretentious as possible: their wool does not require special care, you only need a standard combing out of dead hairs. Attention should be paid to the teeth and ears in a standard manner, without much intervention.

IMPORTANT! Dogs of this breed are extremely attractive for allergy sufferers, since they practically do not smell and do not cause allergic reactions.

Education and features of training Basenji

Talking about full-fledged training in relation to Basenji is not entirely correct: the process of accustoming to the execution of commands is actually replaced by the establishment of mutual understanding between the pet and the owner. Only in this case can we talk about the acquisition of certain skills by the dog. The learning process with such a breed will last a lifetime: you can start practicing with and continue until the very old age of the dog.

A striking feature of the Basenji is a kind of two-facedness: on the street it will be a mobile and playful puppy, and at home it will curl up at the owner's feet, like a calm cat. This switching behavior allows the owner to build a competent and benevolent relationship with the pet.

Nurseries in Russia and Ukraine

Basenji dogs are still considered quite exotic and not so common in the CIS countries, but from year to year the attention to these entertaining pets is growing. Today you can buy a thoroughbred puppy for $ 500-800 in Ukraine or for $ 540-1100 in the Russian Federation.

In Russia, many nurseries are engaged in breeding Basenji, among which the following stand out:

  1. - a metropolitan nursery focused on exhibition samples of animals. Breeders provide active assistance in the further education and training of their puppies.
  2. - the kennel "African Silent" (St. Petersburg) is engaged not only in breeding puppies, but also provides services for mating, veterinary care, organization of participation in exhibitions and competitions.
  3. - a kennel with an exotic name "Nabamba" (Moscow) offers full support for puppies and recommendations for participation in exhibitions.

You can buy a thoroughbred puppy on the territory of Ukraine in the following kennels:

  1. - Kiev kennel "Nzuri Basenji" offers vaccinated puppies with good pedigree from the champions of Ukraine in their category.
  2. - nursery "Dream of Congo", located in Kiev, is engaged in breeding the best representatives of the breed. The kennel contains multiple champions of the country, multiple winners of competitions, titled dogs.
  3. - the Dnipropetrovsk kennel "EX SILVA DENSA" creates the maximum comfortable conditions for puppies and, if possible, socializes them, teaching them a number of commands and instilling useful skills.

Thin and fast-paced Basenji, striking the imagination with its slightly wild beauty, is sure to attract the attention of a dog lover. But having chosen such a companion for yourself, you need to be ready to devote a lot of time to the pet, try to truly love the dog and demonstrate your location to her every day. In response to the benevolent attitude and care from the owner, you can expect maximum sincerity and attention from the Basenji.

A dog is not just a loyal friend of the whole family, but also often a favorite, taking an honorable place in the life of its owners. But how often do you have to listen to a mournful howl or a sonorous yapping? How often are family members and neighbors in an apartment building willing to put up with a kind of "music"? With this thought in mind, most people are ready to give up the dream of buying a pet. But the way out was found!

There is a dog that does not know how to bark. Imagine, there are several breeds of such dogs. Let's take a look at the name of each of these breeds and what the future pet looks like in the photo.

Dogs that can't bark


This one is not barking breed occupies a leading position in the list of the quietest representatives of the canine world. This dog that does not bark was brought out naturally without human intervention. The age of the breed is 5000 years.

Basenji is an amazing hunter and a great runner. But at home, the pet of this breed behaves quietly and affectionately. Although experienced breeders note that this non-barking breed is distinguished by cunning, sharp mind, insight (it is almost impossible to deceive them), peculiar character(they hate tyranny).

If you look at a photo of a bas-relief of numerous Egyptian pyramids, you will notice that it depicts a dog that does not bark - a Basenji. At the first attempts to bring Basenji to Europe back in the days of the pharaohs, dogs of this breed died due to the inability to acclimatize. The tribes living in the Nile River valley were able to find a common language with representatives of this canine "race".

In other words, a dog that does not know how to bark is called an African dog, Congo Terrier, Jungle Dog, Zande, Yum-Yum Terrier; her photo can be found on the Internet. It is important that the Congo Terrier never barks, which attracts future owners. Representatives of African dogs can whine, squeal, growl, but quite rarely. Therefore, such dogs are useless as protection for an apartment or house.

So, we learned a lot of interesting things about the leader in the top 10. Let's find out the name of another dog that does not bark and does not cause trouble for its owners.

Bernese mountain dog

Also, breeders call a representative of this canine "race" a mountain dog. Seeing her in the photo, the future owner cannot take his eyes off and longs to acquire a peaceful and one of the quietest pets. Want to know which dogs don't bark and why mountain dogs are in the top 10? Devotion, lack of aggressiveness and infrequent demonstrations of voice are the hallmarks of the Mountain Dog. It is preferable if such a pet will live in a private house, since an apartment is too small a "territory" for such a handsome man. Mountain dogs are very sociable, so they often become true friends families with children. However, the owner should remember that loneliness is unbearable for the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Russian greyhound

Do you want to know the name of a breed that is reserved in character and liked by millions of people? This is a Russian greyhound. Judging by the photo, her appearance is impressive with grace and beauty. The first mentions date back to the 16th century. And since then, the Russian greyhound has won the hearts of numerous fans. Restraint and non-intrusiveness, strength and masculinity, a powerful hunting instinct are the distinctive features of greyhounds. By the way, it will be useful to know that such dogs need regular and impressive physical exercise, so it is worth considering whether a dog that does not bark can get enough attention from the owner, because judging by the photo, the dog loves long walks and active games.

Shar Pei

Who would have thought that a Shar Pei is a dog that does not bark! Some argue that Shar Pei are quite common in giving voice. This is by no means the case. Shar Pei uses a voice to warn the owner about something or show something. A keen mind, intelligence, good guarding instincts, exotic beauty are the features inherent in this breed.

Initially, Shar Pei were herding dogs. Over time, the situation has changed somewhat. Child-friendliness, a well-balanced temperament and a good disposition with other animals make the Shar Pei an ideal family member.


Collie, or as it is called otherwise, the Scottish Shepherd, also a non-barking breed. In fact, a dog can only give a voice if he wants to communicate something very important to his master. Collie also refers to herding dogs. Her distinctive features can be called an affectionate disposition, endurance, self-control, devotion to the whole family. In addition, collies are highly trainable, so they are used as police officers and watchdogs. The breed became popular in 1860 thanks to Queen Victoria.


The photo of the Newfoundland is so eye-catching that you want to literally cuddle such a pet. Which dogs don't bark? Newfoundlands also fall into this list. Good-naturedness, calm temperament, rare barking, courage, endurance and incredible strength of these giants delights. For the first time, they began to talk about the breed in the 17th century, but the ancestors of this breed, the Molossus, appeared much earlier. Newfoundland is a great babysitter for children, so it's worth considering. In addition, Newfoundlands are excellent rescuers and guards.

St. Bernard

If you want to know the name and what a dog looks like, which does not get nervous by frequent barking, does not bark for no reason, then you should pay attention to the St. Bernard. These dogs are very social. They can bark only if a stranger encroaches on their territory. If you socialize such a puppy in infancy, then he will give a voice even less often. In courage, gentle disposition, strong affection the owner of the St. Bernards has no equal. Initially, they acted as rescuers in the mountains, where they were looking for lost people, thanks to their excellent scent and endurance. Acceptability with other pets and love for children make St. Bernards almost ideal dogs.

Most people don't know which dogs don't bark. Of course, the list of non-barking dogs can be expanded. There are several other representatives of the canine world who bark less often. Among them are the Persian Greyhound, Italian Greyhound, Bullmastiff, Afghan Hound, Akita Inu, Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound, Great Dane, greyhound.

As soon as she was not called: mute dog, Congo terrier, Congolese bush dog. She was known for 5000 years only in Africa, and then showed herself to Europe and won millions of hearts. Basenji is a pet of pharaohs and kings.

Male sizes: height at the withers - 40-43 cm, body length - 40-43 cm, weight - 10-11 kg.

Bitches sizes: height at the withers - 37-40 cm, body length - 37-40 cm, weight - 8.5-9.5 kg.

Color: red, black, brindle, tricolor (black with reddish-red tan marks). For any color of the paws, the tip of the tail and the chest should be white according to the standard. White head markings and white feet are acceptable. White should not be the main color in the coat. All colors of the color must have a rich, bright shade and clear boundaries of changing shades.

Additional characteristics: a medium sized dog with a strong bone that appears light and graceful. The ears are erect, the tail is slightly curled, the eyes are dark. Doesn't bark.

History of the African barking dog

It is believed that Basenji is the oldest breed of dogs in the world. Some dog handlers do not agree with this statement, but we can say for sure that it refers to to the 14 oldest dog breeds, which are the least genetically different from wolves.

It is believed that the Basenji originated on the African continent, in the Congo, but there is some evidence that its ancestors came there from East Asia... Basenji connoisseurs say that their blood contains the genes of Chinese wolves or their relatives from Southeast Asia.

In Africa, they have been known for several thousand years, drawings have been found in the tombs of the pharaohs, where dogs, strikingly similar to modern Basenji, sit at the feet of their owners. There were also Basenji mummies, which testifies to their high status... Egyptians hunted with representatives of the breed, they were considered unsurpassed game beaters.

Europeans first encountered the breed in 1895 in the Congo, so one of the names given in the beginning was Congolese bush dog.

At the beginning of the century, the Basenji were taken to the Berlin Zoo to be presented there as an exotic animal. Kennel associations recognized this breed only in 1943, from which its modern history began.

Famous owners:

  • King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej
  • Julia, Queen Mother of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • King Farouk of Egypt (1940s)

Character and temperament

The owner must earn the dog's trust. They are independent and proud animals, but they will give all their love to their friend. Basenji is not enough just to be fed and watered, to have a bed and toys, these Congolese beauties should feel like part of the family.

They have a highly developed hunting instinct, so many owners make sure that the dog does not have the opportunity to escape in pursuit of "prey".

An important fact: Basenji never bark. They can whine, growl, yelp, make sounds similar to screams, but these sounds are rarely escaped from them, so it makes no sense to use them as a house guard.

Basenji and man

For all its restless and restless nature, Basenji is the ideal companion for those who are ready to respect her. She fits active people who are looking for partnerships in their pet, not slavish obedience. This breed is absolutely not suitable for the elderly: it requires a lot of attention and long walks.

Attachment to humans is in the blood of the Congo Terrier, because for 5000 years they developed alongside people!

They need to be a part of the owner's life, to be able to communicate with him. The representative of the breed, due to his playful disposition, will become a play partner restless child, but parents must be sure that the baby does not offend the dog. A proud Basenji will not tolerate bullying: tail pulling and pinching are excluded!

Will they be able to get along with another pet in the house? A pair of different-sex Basenjis will get along well together, interaction with another breed will depend on the nature of both dogs. It is unlikely that he will be able to become a friend of a cat: hunting instincts prevent her from making friends with an animal of another species.

The ideal place to contain would be Vacation home with a large yard, but nothing prevents you from starting a Basenji in the city, provided that the owner is not lazy to walk with her at least twice a day for an hour.

With a shortage physical activity pets provide destructive impact on the apartment: tear the wallpaper, gnaw furniture, love to chew on the owner's things and shoes. This can be avoided by providing the dog with an adequate level of physical activity. It will be great if the owner has the opportunity to indulge the hunting instincts.

neat Many owners say they have seen their dogs wash with their paws like cats. No grooming required.

Education and training

It is worth saying that this non-barking breed is suitable exclusively for people who have experience education of dogs. Stanley Koren, Ph.D., published an article on which ranked these dogs 78th out of 79, but it was based on the response of the dogs to the commands. Many dog ​​handlers retort him that the bassinji are just enough stubborn, they don't always respond to commands the first time.

Bassendji demands much attention and individual approach during training. The owner has to break it stubbornness and put yourself in the shoes of the pack leader. Learns well in a playful manner... Brute force during training is excluded. It is important to start training from the moment the puppy just got into the house.

Sometimes they are defiantly ignore instructions from people. Even after careful training, the Congo Terrier will not always obey.

This doesn't make the Basenji a bad pet, it just inclined to check whether the owner has lost his leadership. It is worth reminding him of the primacy of man, but without rudeness and cruelty. If the new owner doubts his ability to raise the dog, then you need to turn to professional handlers who will help to cope with the exceptional stubbornness of the pet.

Major diseases

Average Basenji lives 10-14 years while maintaining its activity. There are a number of diseases that this breed is susceptible to:

  • Fanconi syndrome. Kidney disease that affects the normal processing of sugars and proteins. Most often it is diagnosed at 4-7 years of age. It was previously considered fatal, but today there are treatments for the syndrome. The offspring of some sires are more susceptible to the disease, although it has not been scientifically proven that the syndrome is transmitted genetically.
  • Hemolytic anemia. Affects mainly puppies. Incurable, mortality rate is 100%. Trusted breeders test for the disease and do not sell any puppies showing signs of the disease.
  • Coloboma. Cleft iris. Most often it is hereditary factor... Individuals with diagnosed coloboma are not allowed for further breeding.
  • There are several kennels of the breed in Russia and the geography is very wide: you can buy a dog from Moscow to Vladivostok.

    When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the reputation of the kennel or breeder, try to find out if there were any sick puppies from these parents in earlier litters. The puppy must be plump and active. If possible, look at both parents. The puppy should be free of nasal and ear discharge.

    Puppy price: 20 000 60,000 rubles

    Breed photo

    A selection of photographs of charming Basenji dogs.


Among the huge variety of breeds, there are completely unique representatives of the canine tribe, the origin and breed traits of which are shrouded in a mass of rumors and half-true legends. One of these dogs, the Basenji, whose homeland is Western and Central Africa, is known to most dog lovers for the fact that it does not know how to utter the usual dog barking and, like a cat, washes its face with its paw.

The history of the breed is more than 6 thousand years old.

In the mountains of the African continent, the most ancient cave paintings depicting hunting scenes with the participation of unique dogs... Civilization Ancient egypt she was also familiar with these animals, brought by the priests from the lower reaches of the Nile as a gift to high-ranking nobles. In ancient burials, mummified remains of dogs are still found, wrapped in expensive bedspreads, with collars decorated with precious stones.

Basenji belong to an ancient primitive type of dog that appeared and evolved without human participation. The Congo forest dog appears to have common ancestors with the wild dingo dog, the aboriginal dogs of Australia and Papua New Guinea, and the Indian pariahs.

Initially, the Basenji belonged to the only pygmy tribe in Africa who hunted monkeys, pygmy antelopes and giant cane rats weighing up to 10 kg with the help of dogs. Subsequently, through natural exchange, some puppies of this breed ended up in others African tribes and, under the influence external factors, slightly changed their appearance.

Today there are two breed types:

  • Forest (or pygmy dog) characterized by short stature, stocky and dark coat with small amount white.
  • Plain (Azande dog), whose representatives are more tall, with light hair and eyes.

For the first time in Europe, Basenji appeared at the end of the 19th century at the Kraft World Exhibition.

The dog was declared as a jungle dog or a Congo terrier. The breed received its current name in 1937. Translated from the common dialect of African peoples, it means "a dog jumping up and down." Those who have been closely associated with the breed cannot but agree with this name. When running, the animal literally flies over the grass. If the thickets are high, Basenji, in order to survey the surroundings, make vertical jumps like a ball, appearing and disappearing in the dense grass.

Until recently, the standard breed colors were considered red & white, tricolor and brindle, recognized more recently, in 2000. Silky thick coat Basenji does not smell and has practically no undercoat, so dogs of this breed, with rare exceptions, do not cause allergies. Another one attracts attention distinctive feature- having great cleanliness, they not only completely lick themselves, but also wash themselves like a cat with their paws.

Basenji are absolutely incapable of barking.

This is explained by the unique structure of the larynx of animals - the thickenings on the vocal cords are almost flat, which makes the usual dog barking physically impossible. This feature once again confirms the antiquity of the origin of these dogs - today such a feature has survived only among them, yes wild dogs dingo. However, this breed cannot be called silent. Dogs constantly whine, squeal, howl or laugh like hyenas. Depending on the emotions experienced, all Basenjis produce characteristic breed roulades, which are another feature of the breed.

The striking unusual appearance of the Basenji does not go unnoticed anywhere.

V recent times, experiencing the peak of their popularity, dogs of this breed are increasingly in the hands of people who have a poor idea of ​​the nature of animals. Despite its relatively small stature, the Basenji cannot be called a decorative dog. Strong, smart, strong-willed and fearless kids, behind which there are several hundred generations of harsh African hunters, they are distinguished by their independent disposition and rationality.

In memory of the hunting past of the breed, dogs have a very strong pursuit instinct. Often when chasing a cat or stray dog, animals do not hear the prohibitive commands of the owner and die under the wheels of cars. Therefore, it is undesirable to let your pet off the leash in urban areas.

At home, these mischievous little devils are prone to stealing food.(in their opinion, however, this is quite equal to hunting prey), damage to things and various innocent and not very pranks. To direct to the right channel irrepressible energy of these dogs, it is recommended to take long walks with them, engage in sports training or run after a mechanical hare.

In relation to the owner, Basenji shows touching tenderness and affection.

Dog owners claim that their pets have magical aura and charm. That is why rarely is anyone limited to one dog. As a rule, after a couple of years a second, and then a third dog appears in the house. These animals get along well in a flock of both their own kind and other domestic animals.

However, you should not buy this dog just for the sake of exotic external data.

The owner and the dog of this breed should be tuned in to the same wavelength, understand and accept each other as they really are, without the desire to change or alter something in the partner. Having believed in a person, the Basenji will gladly open up the world of love and affection for him.

Look into the eyes of these dogs - from there ancient wise Africa will look at you, such as it was from the beginning of time. And, being captured by these deep mysterious eyes, you will forever fall ill with an incurable disease called Basenji.

Natasha Sherwood

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The dog that doesn't bark August 24th, 2018

We have already studied such a question as. Let's plunge into history once again.

The Basenji or African barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but they emit special sounds characteristic only of Basenji, similar to rumbling, but they can be heard only when the dog is agitated.

The first traces of dogs, like Basenji, were found in Egyptian burials, which are more than six thousand years old, wall images, figurines, boxes and other household and cult items made in the form of a dog (Basenji). During the excavation of the tombs of the fifth dynasty of Egyptian pharaohs, the Basenji were found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun - embalmed, wrapped in fine fabrics impregnated with incense, these dogs had collars made of precious stones.

Supposedly, for the Egyptian pharaohs, Basenji were more than dogs for hunting, they were living amulets that protected their rulers from black magic and witchcraft. And now the aborigines in Central Africa believe that their "M`bwa m`kubwa M`bwa" (jumping up and down) - the native name of the breed - can protect their owner, take negative energy and restore the destroyed aura…. The first dogs of the Basenji type were brought from the sources of the Nile as a gift to the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. Later, when the civilization of Egypt fell into decay and ceased to exist, the Basenji were consigned to oblivion. However, in the homeland of this breed, in Central Africa, it continued to be appreciated for its intelligence, speed, magical properties, hunting ability and ... silence. The natives widely use all these abilities in hunting for small animals: for corraling game in the net, pursuing a wounded animal, and also for hunting reed rats - evil creatures with long teeth, which weigh about the same as Basenji, moreover, "silence" dogs play in such a hunt huge role... In addition, Basenji is used to accompany a hunter through the jungle and to warn them about the approach of dangerous animals.

In 1895, researchers brought a couple of dogs to England. But the attempt to acquaint the "outside" world with these amazing creatures, unfortunately, failed, because these little dogs did not endure the journey of many months, fell ill and soon died.

The breed's official debut took place in 1937 at the Kraft show, where the Basenji were held under exotic names: "Congo Terrier" and "Jungle Dog". In the same year America saw them. After the Second World War, the Basenji began their triumphal march through the countries of Europe and America. And first of all, this is due to their exhibition success: the rare “Best-in-show” finals do without Basenji, but it is difficult to list all the exhibitions at which these shining newcomers from Africa became the winners. Basenji not barking. This is how hunters carry their dogs for hunting, with a bell made of dried pumpkin. In 1942, James Street's story "Farewell, My Lady" was published, which was very much loved in America. In 1956, a film of the same name was directed with Brandon de Wild. He won the hearts of ordinary Americans, aroused a huge interest in the breed, which continues to this day. Hunter and companion. This is a small, smooth-haired, unusually graceful and quick-witted dog, similar to a graceful gazelle. One of the features of Basenji is the absence of barking, and this dog's vocal cords are all right, because she makes various sounds, corresponding not only to any situation, but also to her mood: growls and giggles, mutters and groans, snorts and a kind of Tyrolean howl - yodel, which is melodic enough not to irritate even the most sophisticated ear.

Another feature is its coat. Coming from countries with tropical climates, she has a silky coat that shines with copper in the sun. In countries with colder climates, the coat of dogs coarsens, but does not lose its shining shine; this coat has other advantages, for example, it practically does not cause allergies, it never smells, even if it becomes wet. It is also made attractive by the ears - set high, pointed, slightly inclined forward, giving the impression of two graceful hoods, as well as the forehead covered with "wise" wrinkles. The tail is set high, pressed tightly to the thigh and rolled into one or two coquettish rings. She is docile, but not obsequious, she is mischievous and curious, infinitely loves children, and is unusually clean.

It is an adorable and lovable companion, very playful and at the same time affectionate like a kitten. They are attracted by the refinement and neatness of this dog, which licks itself like a cat. This is the only breed of dog that, after eating, will not wipe its soiled muzzle on the clothes, hands of the owners, or, even worse, on your favorite chair. All this makes Basenji ideal for those who value cleanliness in the house.

When communicating with these dogs, their look is striking, mysterious and mysterious. In this regard, there are many legends, according to one of them, once the Basenji knew how to talk, and once one of them learned a very important secret of his master, but, fearing it to someone, he fell silent forever and only his eyes spoke eloquently that the dog knows what is under the veil of secrecy. This breed has found many ardent admirers in many countries of the world. Some found in her loving friend, others - a cheerful companion who saves from loneliness. Still others are a source of pride at exhibitions, but they all have one thing in common - a love for these dapperly beautiful dogs, which are imposing, like English lords dressed in tuxedos. And this dandy can easily outsmart you and get his way with his natural charm, not stubbornness. Basenji are absolutely fearless and can repulse any of their relatives, and with a person they are gentle and affectionate, but at the same time they do not lose their self-esteem.

The lovers of this breed include representatives of the world elite. Among them: the previous queen of Holland Juliana, whom the people on silver anniversary presented a portrait depicting Basenji Zara, the Queen's favorite sitting on her lap; Egyptian king Farouk, who, even after abdicating the throne and leaving for Monaco, did not part with his favorites. Many royal houses of the world have kept dogs of this breed for decades, including Queen Helena, the Queen Mother of the Romanian Kingdom, King Michael of Romania and Queen Anne, Princess of the Kingdom of Monaco Antoinette, the former Crown Prince of Japan and many, many others.

M. Ermakova, President of the National Club "Basenji", expert cynologist -

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