White topaz is a stone with properties suitable for anyone. Topaz. Description of its properties, characteristics and magical properties. The magical properties of white topaz

Topaz are known for their beauty, the name of this stone is familiar to almost everyone. What secrets does the mineral hide and why is it considered valuable?

Topaz and its history

The origin of the name of this mineral is still unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island, near which it was discovered by the wrecked sailors. Another theory - the name comes from the Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that the topaz in the area where they were found had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been appreciated by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual items made from topaz, as well as various decorations. It is known that this stone was highly prized during the Renaissance and was very popular in Russia, where people knew it under the name "heavyweight", which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topaz can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that have been found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of an unusual size were also found in Brazil; specimens weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg are stored in the museums of the country.

Types and colors of topaz

Initially, natural topaz is transparent and colorless, however, stones are found in the mines that amaze with their variety of shades. All kinds of colors are obtained due to various impurities as part of the mineral. Yellow, green, blue, blue, pink, red topaz can be found, but this is not the limit - there are polychrome minerals that have several colors at once. This explains rare color Not only chemical composition, but also by the peculiarities of the crystal lattice of the stone, which causes a certain refraction of light, resulting in an unusual effect.

Under influence sun rays Topaz loses its color, which explains the fact that most of the stones found during excavations were colorless. But the heat directional effect, special processing, allows you to give the mineral a saturated blue tint, this is how the stones get similar color.

Many subspecies of topaz differ not only in their color, but also in the properties that these stones have.

Blue topaz

The stone looks regal and is considered one of the finest minerals. It is believed that he makes the aspirations of a person more exalted and does not tolerate lying people... Also, this stone can serve as a talisman for those who are looking for some information, seeking to get to the bottom of the truth and unraveling a complex matter. The sailors believed that the blue topaz on the ship would help ensure a successful journey and calm the storm. As for its medicinal properties, this stone can heal from depression, returning its owners to a positive mood and good spirits. It is also recommended for high blood pressure and asthma.

Yellow topaz

The color of this stone can vary from golden to brown. A similar variety of topaz was widespread in Ancient India, it was there that they found and medicinal properties this stone. It is believed that it makes a person's character more calm, balanced, allowing him to cast aside disturbing emotions. It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, stomach, accelerates metabolism. Stone Jewelry Can Protect Against Disorders mental plane... As for the magical properties, yellow topaz amulets helped people see lies and reveal conspiracies.

London blue topaz

This is the commercial name for blue topaz. The stone has a special cut and is highly valued in jewelry. In Russia, such topaz can be found quite rarely, but in the West they are popular.

This stone is not related to topaz, despite its name. In fact, this is one of the varieties of quartz, which, due to its unusual color, was attributed to topaz by mistake, but the name stuck and stuck in the trade classification. It is believed to have a beneficial effect on sleep, and also allows you to see prophetic dreams. It soothes and neutralizes stress, helps to cope with negative emotions... This stone brings a person into a meditative state, so it is not recommended for too dreamy people - it will lead them further away from reality.

Pink topaz

This type of mineral is considered one of the most expensive, along with red topaz. In India, it is believed that the pink stone is capable of magically restore lost hope to a person, ease grief and help cope with stress.

Green topaz

Green topaz is a fairly rare collectible stone. Its color is natural, formed due to the natural effects of radiation.

Blue topaz

Minerals of similar color are obtained artificially using heat treatment. On jewelry market blue topaz is highly prized and has its own trade names. In terms of properties, blue topaz has the same qualities as blue.

White topaz

It is considered that this mineral able to strengthen the immune system and the human nervous system, have a beneficial effect on emotional condition... Amulets from white topaz are a very good protective agent. In addition, this stone is used to maintain clarity of thought.

Golden topaz

This stone belongs to yellow topaz and has the same characteristics and properties as the above-described yellow variety.

Mineral deposits

Several topaz deposits have been found in nature.

The richest and most famous is the Brazilian deposit, it is there that a huge amount of valuable crystals are mined. In Brazil, the most valuable varieties are found - blue and red topaz.

In the European part, the Shnekkestein deposit is considered to be the main one, where colorless, golden and green topazes are found, which have received a separate name in honor of this deposit - Saxon diamonds.

The island of Sri Lanka has a deposit with colorless and golden minerals.

There are two topaz deposits in Russia, one is in the Urals, the other is in Transbaikalia. Crystals found in these places come in a wide range of colors.

How much is topaz worth?

Mineral prices depend on the type of stone. The most expensive and most valuable are the shades of red, pink, blue and blue topaz. The cost of such stones starts from $ 300-600 per carat. The yellow and brown varieties are slightly less expensive, but not cheap. If we talk about jewelry, then the cost is also influenced by the metal in which topaz is framed. For example, gold jewelry with this stone will cost more than silver jewelry.

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and highly valued, so it is not surprising that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to earn more money... In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help recognize imitation is to rub the stone against woolen fabric... If it becomes electrified and paper starts to stick to it, then this is real topaz.
  2. A natural mineral has high hardness and is able to scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral is immediately heated in the hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It should be noted that topaz light shades counterfeit much less often - they are not so rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can dip the topaz into it - the real one will be at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will float on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects, cracks, while artificial imitation has ideal smoothness.
  7. It should also alert too bright and saturated color topaz. In nature, there are no stones of poisonous shades, real minerals have calm, delicate tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of fake.

Topaz stone and its magical properties

Like other minerals, topaz has peculiar magical properties, famous people since ancient times.

In the east, it was called the stone of enlightenment, helping to achieve clarity of thoughts, wisdom and emotional balance.

In many countries, people noted the strong protective properties of topaz, making all kinds of charms from it that can protect against evil eyes, damage and other troubles.

It is believed that topaz helps to reveal intrigues and recognize lies, unravel complex cases. But at the same time, the stone itself does not tolerate deceivers and will not help such a person. The owner of topaz must have noble goals for the stone to agree to help a person.

In ancient times, it was believed that the mineral was able to calm the raging elements, therefore, topaz was often taken with them in cruisehoping in this way to avoid the storm.

Healing properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular with healers of that time.

  • Topaz was believed to help cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal disorders nervous systemhelp to deal with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.
  • The stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.
  • Topaz helps to strengthen the immune system during an exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz returns the lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those who are losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topaz helps to avoid the possibility of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help cope with disease respiratory tract, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women Health, helping to restore lost cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. For the same purpose, a transparent stone can help.
  • In India, topaz is among the 12 main stones with the strongest medical properties and are used in Ayurvedic practices.

Talismans and amulets

Topaz jewelry is also used as an amulet.

It is believed that wearing a stone can attract good luck, help achieve a favorable outcome in any business.

Also, the stone helps to achieve success in professional activities, build good career and get a cash job.

As for individual professions, topaz patronizes scientists, entrepreneurs and travelers.

In addition, topaz amulets are used as a remedy to help restore reproductive functions organism, get rid of infertility and impotence.

A talisman made of topaz helps to calm down and soften anger, and it can affect both the person himself, returning him emotional stability, and those around him. Therefore, if someone has to communicate with angry bosses, an amulet with topaz will help smooth out the situation a little.

It is believed that red and pink topaz can help in love affairs, awaken romantic mood and make partners more attractive to each other.

Topaz and zodiac sign

Depending on the color, topaz varieties are suitable different signs zodiac.

  • The blue stone is advised to be worn by those born under the constellation Scorpio.
  • Yellow and colorless minerals are good for Gemini.
  • For the rest of the zodiac signs, topaz is, rather, neutral, allowing people to enjoy their positive properties.

Topaz can have a negative impact on a dishonest person, destroying relationships built on lies and negatively affecting those people whose thoughts are not distinguished by the purity of intentions.

Sapphire - properties of a stone

Topaz is a gem named after the island of Topazios on which it was discovered. The island is located near Ethiopia. Deposits have now been discovered in other countries. The largest is located in Brazil. Topaz of all known colors are mined here. According to another version, the meaning of the word topaz is "fire". It got this name thanks to one of its colors.

Description of the stone: glass luster and high transparency. Topaz doesn't like sunlight. Direct rays of the sun falling on the gem can cause the tone to burn out, but it is not permanently established. If the gem is placed in a dark place for several days, then the color will return.

Topaz jewelry is in great demand. This is due to the incredible beauty of the stone and its durability. Even from the photo, you can appreciate how attractive it looks. Topaz has pronounced healing and magical properties, which also affects the popularity of the gem. It is important what color the topaz is, but the characteristics of each of the stones allow them to be used by lithotherapists and esotericists. The properties and significance of this gem were studied by them centuries ago.

Topaz - precious or semi-precious gem? Despite all the beauty of the stone, which is visible even in the photo, it belongs to semi-precious stones. Due to the widespread occurrence of the topaz deposit, it was not included in the precious gems... Consequently, precious stone topaz is incorrect information. Therefore, the gem has an acceptable cost, which does not affect its popularity in any way. This semi-precious stone comes in yellow, blue, red, purple, orange, green, blue, pink and other tones. The gem is also artificially given a rainbow color. This does not change its magical and healing properties. Topaz with rainbow colors is called "".

Healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists are sure that topaz has medicinal properties. Their appearance is influenced by the color of the stone. Lithotherapy specialists advise using transparent topaz to strengthen the immune system and improve metabolic processes. Women with their help can solve hormonal problems and heal gynecological diseases... Transparent topaz also protects against colds and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Yellow topaz is used for diseases of the lungs and throat. Special attention should be paid to the gem for people suffering from asthma. They need to purchase a yellow topaz necklace and wear it at all times. Asthma attacks will then become uncommon even without medication. also advised to wear for psycho-emotional disorders. The gem will help get out of depression and overcome insomnia. Lithotherapists advise wearing this stone in case of gastrointestinal diseases.

Blue topaz helps fight thyroid diseases. He is prophylactic their occurrence.

Topaz of other colors have a complex effect on the body. They can be worn for any ailment, and they will try to overcome it. In case of diseases, it is important that the stone has contact with the skin, that is, it comes into contact with it.

The magical properties of Topaz

Topaz stone has magical properties. The meaning of topaz depends on its tone. The blue gem awakens kindness and compassion in a person. He helps the beloved, destined for each other, to reunite. There are situations when they cannot even meet. pushes them towards each other. However, it is a capricious stone. If a person does not please him, then he can embroil him with all close people.

Topaz blue tone soothe. Esotericists advise wearing such gems for mentally unbalanced people prone to aggression.

Yellow topaz helps you get rich quick. His magic not only improves financial condition, but really attracts unthinkable wealth. In any case, the esotericists say so.

Green topaz is advised to be worn by those people who are tormented by dark thoughts. There are situations when a person cannot cope with a shock on their own. Green topaz helps him survive difficult moments life.

The transparent gem is advised to be worn by people suffering from lack of concentration. This topaz helps to get ready and tune in to work. It also improves memory.

Esotericists advise wearing pink topaz to people with pronounced negative character traits - this is anger, greed, deceit and envy. The stone will root them out. He will make a person honest, open and sincere.

The meaning of a red gem is determination and self-confidence. The stone will add these traits to the character of those people who lack them.

The healing and magical properties of all types of topaz increase several times on full moon days. Even the brilliance and color of such gems becomes brighter.

Who is Topaz suitable for according to the zodiac sign?

The astrologer managed to find out who the topaz is suitable for according to the horoscope.

Topaz compatibility with the zodiac sign. Table 1.

Scorpio zodiac sign and topaz stone are perfect for each other. A gem of any tone suits him. The stone will protect Scorpio from any negative energy... Using a gem for meditation, people of this sign are freed from the accumulated negative. This helps to improve their well-being. Elderly people of this sign should pay special attention to topaz. He will help them maintain a good relationship with loved ones.

Topaz is also suitable for Gemini. The stone will extinguish those passions that often overwhelm people of this sign. He will make you calmer and more balanced. This will help them both in personal lifeand at work. Astrologers advise Gemini to wear a yellow gem. He will keep them from mental disorders and insomnia.

Topaz will also be a good amulet for Capricorns. They are advised to choose transparent gems and stones in pink or brown tones. The gem will endow women of this sign with beauty, and men with wisdom. Astrologers advise wearing people for whom family and friendship is not an empty phrase. For Capricorns who have a large family, topaz is contraindicated for wearing.

Who definitely doesn't topaz will do - this is Aquarius. For Taurus, wearing it is also not desirable, because this zodiac sign is the antagonist of Sagittarius.

The rest of the zodiac signs can safely wear topaz. The gem will try to be useful to them. At the same time, Leo and Virgo are advised to give preference to stones of a yellow tone, crayfish - green and blue-blue, and Aries - gold, purple and red. For Libra, green gems are suitable.

Topaz are inexpensive semi-precious gems that are striking in their beauty and are valuable as talismans and remedies... When correct wearing they will improve a person's life and health.

It is considered one of the most sought after in the jewelry industry. In nature, this stone is found in a rich variety of colors, and there are also colorless topaz stones. Beauty, radiance, luxury, durability - all this can be said about topaz. Brown topaz (imperial topaz) is considered the most beautiful type of stone and, in addition, such a gem has healing and magical properties.

History of the stone and its properties

To this day, the origin of the topaz stone has not been studied enough. It is believed that topaz got its name in honor of a Greek island, near which the surviving sailors of a sunken ship first discovered a luxurious gem. There is also a version according to which topaz got its name, derived from the Sanskrit word for fire and heat. There is no reason to doubt the veracity of this version, since the color of topaz is just associated with something warm and fiery.

Brown topaz

Magical properties and the beauty of topaz has been appreciated by mankind since ancient times. Confirmation of this can be called the fact that archaeologists managed to find jewelry and religious paraphernalia inlaid with topaz in the habitats of ancient people. Topaz gained its popularity during the Renaissance. In Russia, the properties of the stone were also highly valued (because of their significant weight, topaz was called "heavyweights").

Interesting examples of topaz are in famous museums around the world. For example, a ten-kilogram stone is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum. Brazil has two crystals of brown topaz weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kilograms. However, the most large stone was found on the territory of Ukraine in 1967. The weight of the find was 117 kilograms, and the crystal itself was found in pegmatites on the territory of Volyn.

Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Most of the topaz found near the surface of the earth are colorless. The thing is that the color of topaz disappears under the influence of the bright rays of the sun, therefore a stone with a color, in particular if it has a golden or brown hue, is highly valued.

In nature, topaz crystals have the appearance of single crystals, granular aggregates and large druses. Topaz has a high hardness index - as much as 8 points on the Mohs scale of hardness of minerals. Topaz has a pronounced cleavage, a stepped fracture and a pearlescent luster.

Topaz deposits are found in granite pegmatites and greisens. If granite is enriched in fluorine, then topaz in this rock is formed from magmatic melt. Topaz minerals are considered to be rauchtopaz, tourmalines and feldspar.

There are only a few deposits of high-quality jewelry topaz on Earth. The most large place the stone is mined in Brazil (rare blue and wine crystals of topaz are mined here). In Europe, gold, brown and mined in the Shnekkestein deposit. Quality golden and colorless stones are mined on the island of Sri Lanka. In Russia, topaz deposits are concentrated in the Urals and Transbaikalia. Topaz is also mined on the territory of Ukraine (Volyn).

Brown and yellow topaz, when compared with all varieties of this stone, have average cost - from 200 to 300 dollars per 1 carat. The cost of a stone in a piece may be higher, in particular, if it is set in a gold frame.

Earrings with brown topaz

Topaz is a stone that can be easily counterfeited, but some tricks can help you differentiate between natural and artificial minerals:

  1. If you rub a real topaz on a woolen fabric, then after this manipulation, a sheet of paper will begin to stick to the stone.
  2. Topaz can scratch crystal and quartz because it has a higher hardness.
  3. Natural topaz heats up slowly in the hand, which cannot be said about its imitation made of glass.
  4. Natural topaz has a soft and unobtrusive shade, and if the color of the stone impresses with its intensity, then there is no doubt that the mineral is a fake.

Magical properties

The magic of topaz has been appreciated since Ancient egypt and Rome. This stone is considered a symbol of inner balance, wisdom and discretion. It was believed that topaz helps its owner to become more enlightened and wise. The gem symbolizes the truth, therefore it is not recommended to be worn by deceitful people. But a sincere and kind person will be favored by topaz, attracting happiness and good luck into the life of its owner.

It is believed that brown topaz helps a person develop their talents and intelligence. Also, this gem attracts love and friendship into the life of its owner. Topaz helps to assimilate new information and gain knowledge, which is relevant for students.

Topaz stone patronizes representatives of intellectual professions, as well as entrepreneurs and travelers. Topaz attracts a person's life material well-being and good luck.

The first mentions of the medicinal properties of topaz can be found in ancient treatises on medicine. The crystal of such a stone was used in the treatment of poisoning and all kinds of disorders of the nervous system. helps a person protect themselves from infectious diseasesas well as asthma. Yellow and brown stones have a healing effect on reproductive health women: wearing topaz helps a woman solve the problem of disturbed menstrual cycleand also cure inflammation in the pelvic organs. In India, topaz crystals are used in Ayurvedic practices.

If a person wants to acquire a talisman in the form of topaz, then he should pay attention to the shade of the stone. For example, brown topaz favors only Gemini. Topaz will give the representatives of this zodiac sign self-confidence and good luck.

Topaz can be worn in an ensemble with other stones, but not with rock crystals and diamonds. Products with topaz gems are not recommended to be taken away from home for a long time, since this stone is considered "home".

Topaz jewelry is sold today in large jewelry stores. These stones are inlaid with items of silver and gold, and the jewelry itself is offered in a rich variety of models. Pendants, earrings, rings and brooches look great with brown topaz... In addition, topaz can be combined with other stones in the product, for example, cubic zirconia. How much do products with brown topaz cost:

  1. A ring made of gold with imperial topaz (fineness 585) weighing 6.5 grams costs 16,000 rubles.
  2. Earrings made of gold with topaz weighing 11 grams cost almost 27,000 rubles.

If the buyer sees on the counter jewelry store jewelry with rauchtopaz, then you should not think that the inserts in the form of a stone belong to topaz. Rauchtopaz is actually quartz, even though its name is consonant with the word "topaz". Rauchtopazes are also cheaper than imperial topazes.

A person who has products with topaz is advised to protect their favorite jewelry from direct sunlight, especially if the gem has pale shade... The thing is that under the influence of the sun's rays, the stone can finally lose its color, thereby becoming less valuable and attractive. Jewelry with topaz inserts should be stored separately from other products, which will help protect the gem from mechanical damage... The stone should also be kept away from detergents and sanitary ware, hair dye, acids and other aggressive substances.

To clean topaz, it is recommended to use a mild soapy solution, after which the jewelry with a stone should be rinsed in clean water. In no case should topaz be exposed to an ultrasonic cleaner - such a procedure can hopelessly ruin the gem.

Jewelry with imperial topaz emphasizes the beauty and elegance of its wearer, at the same time playing the role of a reliable amulet.

Topaz is unusual and very beautiful stone, which has been known to people for a long time. It has a wide palette of colors: from pink to blue and purple shades. That is why jewelers appreciate this stone so much, because jewelry made from it looks very exquisite, but at the same time is affordable. The variety of colors of topaz is not comparable to many other semi-precious stones.

Very often people choose jewelry based on certain properties that are attributed to minerals. Since ancient times, people considered topaz to be a stone with magical qualitiessuch as the ability to prevent intrigue and expose secrets. However, at present, experts in the field of lithotherapy believe that it has other properties, moreover, the peculiarities of the color of topaz greatly affect what this stone can contribute to.

Description of topaz

Topaz is the most different colorsshades: from blue through blue and green to wine-yellow, orange, pink. Colorless topaz is also found. In terms of its chemical composition, topaz is a fluorine-containing aluminum silicate.

As already noted, in ancient world Topaz was considered a stone that was able to reveal secrets. With its help, it was possible to influence others, subjugate people and expose intrigues. Therefore, he received the name "stone of psychologists", "stone of the courtiers."

Ayurveda considers topaz to be a precious stone, which gives an energy boost to the intellect, is able to kindle passion, reduce fear. Owners are recommended to wear it on index finger right hand, best of all - in a gold ring or in the form of a pendant around the neck.

  1. Topaz is able to sharpen the reaction to the environment, develops intuition, enhances forebodings. It is highly regarded for its beauty. This stone also has healing powers.
  2. In ancient times, it was believed that golden topaz promotes conception in infertile and helps to find the joy of motherhood, it heals mad people from insanity, it can heal liver disease, and restores normal vision in case of myopia. Topaz gives strength to the weak, and to women - beauty, is able to bring wealth and recognition, maintains an optimistic outlook on life.
  3. It is also believed that if you wear topaz framed in silver around your neck, it will ease asthma attacks, relieve insomnia, and exacerbate taste sensations, cure gout, help with epilepsy.
  4. In chronic diseases, the use of topaz will increase the effectiveness of other methods of healing. This stone, in addition, was used in the treatment of throat, tonsil inflammation, and diseases of the spine.

In the era of geographical discoveries, it was believed that topaz can pacify storms, so sailors, going on sea voyages, acquired a ring with topaz.

The word "topaz" comes from the Latin topazus, presumably going back to the Sanskrit word tapas - heat or fire. Other names for topaz: imperial, Brazilian ruby, heavyweight (in the Urals).

Topaz is an aluminum fluorosilicate. Often there are completely colorless topaz or with shades of various densities: pale yellow, cherry brown, blue, pale green, red, pink, golden. There are stones with the effect " cat's eyeยป

Physical properties

  • Crystals are prismatic, well-formed, rich in facets (rhombic prisms, dipyramids, pinacoid). It is found in the form of beautiful druses and fine-grained masses (topaz greisen). Rough shading along the vertical axis of the crystals is characteristic,
  • The color is yellow, smoky, blue, pink, often colorless,
  • Glass shine,
  • Characterized by perfect cleavage along (001),
  • Hardness 8,
  • Density 3.5.

Characteristics of the stone

The mineral is sensitive to heat. She is able to change its color. The stone is hard, but brittle, it breaks freely. This is due to the perfect cleavage in all 3 directions. The gem, although known as a precious mineral, is found in nature more often than others.

Topaz has a varied color due to small inclusions of metals in the atomic lattice of the mineral. The crystal shape is most often in the form of a tetrahedral prism with a flat or pyramidal base. The features of the gem include its vertical grooves along the prismatic facets.

Topaz stone, the properties of which make it possible to classify it as a particularly hard mineral, is the standard of hardness (8 on the Mohs scale). High density and a large proportion gave rise to the name of the gem "heavyweight". This is how the Ural miners called the mineral, for a long time continuing to use this name.

Crystals are afraid of direct rays, under which they tend to fade. Everything fades except colorless: both irradiated and non-irradiated crystals. Wine, tea, pink, purple and rare red gems lend themselves to rapid and uneven fading.

Green and blue topaz stones fade more slowly - over the years. But discoloration occurs before complete burnout. but natural stones it is common to restore natural color while in the dark.

Such a variety of shades is caused by a certain deviation in the structure of the crystal. Due to this, it became possible to ennoble (burn) the natural blue crystal to a rich, deep color.

The mineral is unstable to sulfuric acid.


Topaz origin

It is found in pegmatite veins, especially in cavities of the same in paragenesis with quartz, orthoclase, albite, micas. In dreams (pneumatolytic origin) it is associated with aquamarine, fluorite, cassiterite and wolframite.


The richest deposits are Ouru Preto and Diamontino (Brazil). The most beautiful crystals of almost all are mined there. existing colors... Especially in the price are found blue and transparent minerals and the so-called "Brazilian rubies" (red stones).

  1. The most important deposits in Europe are the Saxon Vosges (Schneckestein). The history of this deposit dates back to 1700. It is known for its green, colorless and yellow-wine minerals. The green stones in honor of the deposit were named "Saxon diamond".
  2. Sri Lanka is famous for its colorless crystals or so-called water sapphires. Yellow-orange stones - Indian topaz - are no less appreciated.

This mineral is also mined in Russia. Known 2 large deposits... One is located along the eastern slopes of the Ural Mountains, and the other is located in Transbaikalia near Nerchinsk. There is also a field in the east of Siberia, but less known. Crystals of various shades are mined in these areas: blue, yellow, green, reddish, pale brown.


The origin of the name of this mineral is still unclear. According to one version, the stone is named after the Greek island, near which it was discovered by the wrecked sailors. Another theory - the name comes from the Sanskrit word meaning fire and heat, from this information it can be understood that the topaz in the area where they were found had a golden-orange color.

Topaz has been appreciated by people since ancient times. Archaeologists have discovered ritual items made from topaz, as well as various decorations. It is known that this stone was highly prized during the Renaissance and was very popular in Russia, where people knew it under the name "heavyweight", which the mineral received due to its high density.

In addition, some topaz can be found in museums. These are huge crystals that have been found in the bowels of the earth. The smallest - 10 kg, is kept in the St. Petersburg Museum, and the largest - 117 kg - was discovered in Ukraine. Stones of an unusual size were also found in Brazil; specimens weighing 31.8 and 50.4 kg are kept in museums of the country.

Types and colors of topaz

Initially, natural topaz is transparent and colorless, however, stones are found in the mines that amaze with their variety of shades. All kinds of colors are obtained due to various impurities in the composition of the mineral.

  1. Yellow, green, blue, blue, pink, red topaz can be found, but this is not the limit - there are polychrome minerals that have several colors at once. This rare color is explained not only by the chemical composition, but also by the features of the crystal lattice of the stone, which causes a certain refraction of light, resulting in an unusual effect.
  2. Under the influence of sunlight, topaz loses its color, which explains the fact that most of the stones found during excavations were colorless.
  3. But the thermal directional effect, special processing, allows you to give the mineral a rich blue hue, this is how stones of this color are obtained.

Many subspecies of topaz differ not only in their color, but also in the properties that these stones have.

The stone looks regal and is considered one of the finest minerals. It is believed that he makes a person's aspirations more elevated and does not tolerate deceitful people. Also, this stone can serve as a talisman for those who are looking for some information, seeking to get to the bottom of the truth and unraveling a complex matter.

The sailors believed that the blue topaz on the ship would help ensure a successful voyage and calm the storm. As for its medicinal properties, this stone can heal from depression, returning its owners to a positive attitude and good spirits. It is also recommended for high blood pressure and asthma.


The color of this stone can vary from golden to brown. A similar variety of topaz was widespread in Ancient India, and it was there that the healing properties of this stone were discovered. It is believed that it makes a person's character calmer, more balanced, allowing him to cast aside disturbing emotions.

It also has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, stomach, and accelerates metabolism. Stone jewelry can protect against mental disorders. As for magical properties, yellow topaz amulets helped people see lies and reveal conspiracies.

This is the commercial name for blue topaz. The stone has a special cut and is highly valued in jewelry. In Russia, such topaz can be found quite rarely, but in the West they are popular.

Smoky topaz or rauchtopaz

This stone is not related to topaz, despite its name. In fact, this is one of the varieties of quartz, which, due to its unusual color, was attributed to topaz by mistake, but the name stuck and stuck in the trade classification.

  • It is believed that rauchtopaz has a beneficial effect on sleep, and also allows you to see prophetic dreams.
  • It soothes and neutralizes stress, helps to cope with negative emotions.
  • This stone introduces a person into a meditative state, so it is not recommended for too dreamy people - it will lead them further away from reality.


This type of mineral is considered one of the most expensive, along with red topaz. In India, it is believed that the pink stone can magically restore lost hope to a person, ease grief and help cope with stress.

Green topaz is a fairly rare collectible gem. Its color is natural, formed due to the natural effects of radiation.


Minerals of a similar color are obtained artificially using heat treatment. In the jewelry market, blue topaz is highly valued and has its own special trade names. In terms of properties, blue topaz has the same qualities as blue.


It is believed that this mineral is capable of strengthening the immune system and the human nervous system, and has a beneficial effect on the emotional state. White topaz amulets are very good protective agents. In addition, this stone is used to maintain clarity of thought.

This stone belongs to yellow topaz and has the same characteristics and properties as the above-described yellow variety.

How to detect a fake?

Topaz is popular and highly valued, so it comes as no surprise that scammers counterfeit this stone in an effort to make more money. In order not to fall for tricks, you need to be able to distinguish natural stone from fakes.

  1. A very simple way to help you recognize the imitation is to rub the stone against the woolen fabric. If it becomes electrified and paper starts to stick to it, then you have a real topaz in front of you.
  2. A natural mineral has high hardness and is able to scratch quartz or crystal, but a fake one does not have such properties.
  3. Natural stones remain cold for a long time, so if the mineral is immediately heated in the hands, then most likely it is a fake.
  4. It is worth noting that topaz of light shades are faked much less often - they are not so rare.
  5. If you have a solution of methylene iodide, you can dip the topaz into it - the real one will be at the bottom of the vessel, and the artificial one will float on the surface.
  6. Natural samples, as a rule, have minor defects, cracks, while artificial imitation has ideal smoothness.
  7. It should also alert the too bright and saturated color of topaz. In nature, there are no stones of poisonous shades, real minerals have calm, gentle tones, so excessive brightness is a sign of fake.

In order for the jewelry to remain bright and attractive, it is important to properly care for them, as well as to be careful about the direct use of the products:

  • Remove jewelry when doing household chores: particles household chemicals may damage the stone. In addition, the structure of the stone is easily chipped: one unsuccessful, but accurate blow can break the stone along the cleavage line.
  • Try to wear jewelry after choosing an outfit, hair, and makeup: regular use of makeup can cause the item to tarnish.
  • Try to put on and wear jewelry in the evening, and in daytime - hide them from the sun, otherwise the stones can quickly fade or completely discolor.

It is important to regularly lightly clean your jewelry. For this in warm water some soap is diluted or detergent, stones soak in soap solution about 20 minutes. After that, the jewelry is easily cleaned with a regular soft toothbrush, dried and put in place.

Storage of jewelry also has features: it is better to lay jewelry separately from each other and wrap it in soft rags to avoid damage.


How much is topaz worth?

Mineral prices depend on the type of stone. The most expensive and most valuable are the shades of red, pink, blue and blue topaz. The cost of such stones starts from $ 300-600 per carat. The yellow and brown varieties are slightly less expensive, but not cheap.

If we talk about jewelry, then the cost is also influenced by the metal in which the topaz is framed. For example, gold jewelry with this stone will cost more than silver jewelry.

It can be similar to many other gemstones, depending on the color. In fact, the ancient Greeks are thought to have mistaken chrysolite for topaz. Orange brown and imperial topaz is similar to citrine, zircon, chrysoberyl, golden beryl and sapphire.

Pink is similar to morganite, tourmaline, kunzite, rose quartz and spinel. Yellow can be compared to chrysoberyl, heliodor, zircon and yellow sapphire. Blue topaz is similar to aquamarine, zircon, spinel and euclase.

White shares some characteristics with diamond, zircon, rock crystal and goshenite. Topaz is chemically related to sillimanite, andalusite, canonaite, kyanite and mullite.


The most common minerals are yellow, but the variety of shades of gems does not end there. Topaz can be clear, blue, pink or bright red, purple, brown, golden and pinky-yellow.

The main volume of mineral extraction falls on Pakistan. The color of the crystal is not affected by it chemical properties or included in the composition of the impurities.

  • Gems owe their color to various defects in the structure of the lattice of atoms.
  • Most of the minerals used in the jewelry industry are refined in color.
  • Colorless stones are exposed to harmless radiation until a brown hue is formed, and then heated until the crystal acquires a blue or blue color.

Only experienced jewelers can distinguish between natural and artificial topaz. The only external factor that indicates the work on the color of the stone is the oversaturated shade of the gem. The natural mineral has warmer and softer tones. The disadvantage of artificially colored stones can be attributed to rapid discoloration under the influence of the sun.

Often cheap citrines can be passed off as topaz. Bohemian, Indian, Spanish gems have nothing to do with natural crystal. In most cases this is smoky quartz heat treated. Also, instead of cut topaz, unscrupulous sellers can slip other natural and synthetic analogues. So, blue minerals are similar to aquamarines or zircons, and colorless resemble rock crystal.

In most cases, the authenticity of topaz cannot be determined and the buyer can only check the crystal for hardness. Such minerals are much harder than quartz counterparts and should leave scratches when passed over glass.

If you touch a gem to skin a pleasant chill runs over him. This feeling appears due to the low thermal conductivity of the material. also in natural crystals defects in the form of cracks and foreign inclusions are often present, which is not found in artificial analogs.

Professional jewelers insert topaz into a ring, bracelet or pendant. Also, the stone is used to decorate headsets. The formation of the value of topaz depends on its weight, color and transparency of the crystal, as well as on the quality of the cut. The gem must be protected from temperature extremes and mechanical stress in cleavage areas.


Stone and its magical properties

Like other minerals, topaz has peculiar magical properties that have been known to people since ancient times.

  • In the east, it was called the stone of enlightenment, helping to achieve clarity of thoughts, wisdom and emotional balance.
  • In many countries, people noted the strong protective properties of topaz, making all kinds of charms from it that can protect against evil eyes, damage and other troubles.
  • It is believed that topaz helps to reveal intrigues and recognize lies, unravel complex cases. But at the same time, the stone itself does not tolerate deceivers and will not help such a person. The owner of topaz must have noble goals for the stone to agree to help a person.

In ancient times, it was believed that the mineral was able to calm the raging elements, therefore, topaz was often taken with them on a sea voyage, hoping in this way to avoid a storm.

Depending on the color, the varieties of topaz are suitable for different signs of the zodiac.

  1. The blue stone is advised to be worn by those born under the constellation Scorpio.
  2. Yellow and colorless minerals are good for Gemini.
  3. For the rest of the zodiac signs, topaz is, rather, neutral, allowing people to enjoy their positive properties.

Topaz can have a negative impact on a dishonest person, destroying relationships built on lies and negatively affecting those people whose thoughts are not distinguished by the purity of intentions.


Yellow and golden breeds will harmoniously fit into the rhythm of Gemini. These yellow minerals are great for lions and virgins. For cancer, blue topaz (jewelry) and greenish shades of gems will be more harmonious. Blue topaz and white products will increase Cancer's luck. These minerals are saturated dark- of blue color with green, Gemini will come in handy.

Aries is good red will do, purple or golden topaz. Capricorns and Virgo - brown, lilac or greenish shades of transparent topaz.

But whatever the color of the decoration, by its nature, topaz is still a very hard stone. It makes its owner really look at things and carefully evaluate people, which can be bad for people with large families... Therefore, family Pisces, Taurus and Libra can use these minerals on rare occasions and only as decorations, and not a talisman.

Topaz is a wonderful and very beautiful mineral. It has a special luster, high specific gravity, hardness, an incredible variety of shades. It is so good that it is sometimes confused with a diamond. It is believed that topaz jewelry should not be combined with other gemstones, as topaz can tarnish.

  • Topaz jewelry is different interesting feature - the stone is able to change its color range.
  • When the product is heated, the mineral can completely discolor, and with some types of irradiation, it can become more saturated in color.

The effect of topaz on the human body is only positive. The owner of the jewelry can get rid of depression and fatigue, prolong his life and strengthen his mind, he is charged with positive.
Since ancient times, topaz has been considered a protector from life's storms and hardships. This mineral is useful for businessmen, researchers and tourists.

Topaz as an amulet heals men from impotence, and women from infertility. different shades its own task. A rock blue accelerates tissue regeneration. It balances emotions, strengthens the thyroid gland, and soothes. It protects against insomnia and mental illness.

The energy of topaz with a slightly blue color helps to realize fantasies and dreams, it is no secret that the presence of a talisman helps many people feel confident. golden color frees from dangerous and violent passions, it gives a person a feeling of enjoying life, drives out hatred and anger.

Heals organs well: liver, spleen, gall bladder... Relieves stress and helps with energy and nervous exhaustion. The owner of the stone replaces anger with serenity and peace, infidelity with devotion.

Features of color and zodiac sign

Astrologers recommend wearing topaz in the form of a talisman for the zodiac sign Scorpio. First of all, purple and bluish shades are most useful for them. For Scorpio women, blue topaz jewelry will help you become more discerning and control evil thoughts.

For young scorpion girls, topaz with a slightly bluer color can give confidence in their own strengths and liberate them in communication with others.

Colorless and yellow stones are suitable for Gemini. Twin women are especially recommended to wear a talisman with blue topaz, it will help make their mistress softer and more pliable, prevent outbursts of anger and negative emotions.

Crayfish are well suited for blue - London blue, blue and green topaz. Women who represent given sign zodiac, topaz will teach you to plan and think about your actions and their consequences.

  • Aquarians can be advised of pink topaz. A woman seeking to re-attract love to her family hearth, and to understand what kind of relationship she really needs, should wear pink topaz in a pendant or pendant.
  • Red and pink topaz are good for Leo. For the female half, jewelry with this color palette help to reveal the sensual side of their character. A gold ring with blue topaz will help a lion woman find language with loved ones and subordinates.
  • Aries, according to the horoscope, will be favored by lilac topaz and golden hue... Jewelry with such topaz gives women wisdom and prudence.
  • For Virgos, purple and yellow topaz should be perfect. For female virgins, this gem makes it possible to independently make decisions and not depend on their emotional state.
  • Transparent and green minerals are suitable for Capricorn. Topaz serves as an amulet for people born on the eighth and sixteenth lunar days.
  • In Pisces, topaz is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and tune in a positive way. Blue topaz for fish women can give some serenity and tranquility. And also help restore health and longevity, protect against dangers and intrigues of enemies.

Sagittarius as a talisman is perfect for a necklace interspersed with blue topaz. He will not allow the representatives of this zodiac to be scattered over trifles and directs them to a single goal. For Sagittarius women, such a topaz will give the necessary fortitude to make independent decisions.

For women-Taurus, blue topaz helps perfectly as a talisman, protects its owner from the evil eye of bad people. For men, it will help to determine in this life, to understand the World and themselves.

For Libra born in October, blue topaz is an excellent talisman in true love and friendship. It gives the girls of this zodiacal constellation additional energy and makes them socially more successful and independent.

People born under the Scorpio zodiac sign are especially advised to wear topaz. Scorpio women often tend to go to extremes, and the stone restores balance and helps make the right decisions in difficult situations.

In many cases, young Scorpios need prudence and wisdom from the outside. When the stubbornness, independence, self-confidence, contradictions of people under such a sign goes off scale, it becomes difficult for them to communicate with people, it is necessary to restore ties and relationships, to establish contacts.

During such a period, the magical properties of topaz help to reconcile the owner himself with people, helps to avoid stressful situations and control yourself.

The prospects and possibilities of Scorpio in improving themselves are very great, therefore, sooner or later, these desires arise in any person, especially those born under such a sign. Topaz helps to concentrate, to know oneself, to reflect, to establish relationships with loved ones, to better understand them. In the second half of life for Scorpios, this becomes especially important.

Basically, topaz is favorable for all signs of the zodiac, it is considered one of the most versatile mascot stones. Gold jewelry with topaz is great giftas it will satisfy even the very picky seeker of meaning. To give this stone means to wish a person good luck, happiness in business and to show your disposition.


Healing properties

Topaz is mentioned in ancient medical treatises; it was popular with healers of that time.

  • Topaz was believed to help cope with poisoning.
  • The stone can heal disorders of the nervous system, help cope with psychological problems, relieve insomnia, fears, worries and depression.

  • The stone has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.
  • Topaz helps to strengthen the immune system during an exacerbation of colds.
  • Wearing topaz returns the lost appetite, so the stone is recommended for those who want to gain weight, but for those who are losing weight, on the contrary, it is better to use topaz with caution.
  • Blue topaz helps to avoid the possibility of Graves' disease.
  • Yellow stones can help cope with respiratory diseases, asthma and bronchitis. Also, the yellow mineral has a good effect on women's health, helping to restore lost cycles, get rid of problems with the uterus and conceive a child. For the same purposes, a transparent stone can help.
  • In India, topaz is one of the 12 main stones with the most powerful medicinal properties and is used in Ayurvedic practices.

Topaz jewelry is also used as an amulet.

It is believed that wearing a stone can attract good luck, help achieve a favorable outcome in any business. Also, the stone helps to achieve success in professional activities, build a good career and get a money job.

As for individual professions, topaz patronizes scientists, entrepreneurs and travelers.

In addition, topaz amulets are used as a means to help restore the reproductive functions of the body, get rid of infertility and impotence.

A talisman made of topaz helps to calm down and soften anger, and it can affect both the person himself, returning him emotional stability, and those around him. Therefore, if someone has to communicate with angry bosses, an amulet with topaz will help smooth out the situation a little.

It is believed that red and pink topaz can help in love affairs, awaken a romantic mood and make partners more attractive in the eyes of each other.

Magic stone topaz - properties should be known not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. It is best to wear jewelry with a stone on the right hand. Topaz is a stone, the magical properties of which have no limit. A ring with a gem on your index finger will always show you the right path through life. Not one mystic who believes in parallel Worlds, and maybe communicates with its inhabitants, uses these minerals as its guides. It is better that the metal under the stone was yellow colorthen the rainbow mineral works better.

Topaz and American gold go well. You can also wear pendants on your chest or bracelets on your right wrist. Such an amulet, especially rauch, protects even from the evil eye, if you choose it correctly.

Topaz is able to live peacefully with other stones, with its relatives. While many gems lose their properties next to their own. Topaz, on the contrary, multiplies strength and saturates its owner with positive energy as much as possible.

  • Use amulets with an insert of semi-precious stonemeans to achieve success in work, to overcome troubles in the team.
  • If you will use a pendant or brooch as your daily jewelry, you will get vitalityby emphasizing it with your own hands, you will overcome difficulties.
  • Topaz amulets helps women open the female chakra of love, get rid of infertility. And it has no analogues.
  • A man worth a look smoky topaz, which after purchase will give him masculine strength fully.
  • It is customary to wear golden topaz in the form of a small ring or earrings. One trinket with a stone will be enough to multiply vital energyeven if you keep it within your home walls.


Almost unlimited variety can be obtained from the crystal. jewelry because of its versatility. It is ideal for rings, necklaces, bracelets and pendants, and can be transformed into almost any shape. Like a diamond, it must be protected from strong impacts by protective parameters in rings for everyday wear.

This is due to the fact that one blow can cause destruction of the stone due to its great fragility. Topaz is very hard (8 on the Mohs scale), which makes it tough and scratch resistant.

Famous stones

Topaz Eldorado is the largest cut gemstone in the world and weighs 31,000 carats (6.2 kg). It is a faceted emerald yellow topaz gem that was found in Minas Gerais, Brazil and weighed 37 kg before being cut. American Gold Topaz, which is the largest cut of yellow topaz, weighs an astonishing 22,892.5 carats (4.6 kg).

  • It is on display at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.
  • This one of the largest faceted crystals in the world came from Minas Gerais in Brazil, and it took two years to cut its 172 facets.

There are incredibly huge uncut yellow crystals, reaching a mass of 31 kg and 50 kg. These uncut precious minerals are on display as part of the collection of the Smithsonian Museum.

Chalmers Topaz is another huge cut topaz, and weighs 5,899.5 carats (1.17990 kg). It is blue and white on the cut and has oval shape... Exhibited at the Field Museum of Natural History, USA.

Another famous example is the 1,640-carat Braganza "Diamond", which is part of the Portuguese crown jewels collection. It was originally thought to be a diamond as it was found in Minas Gerais, a diamond mine, but later revealed to be a white topaz crystal.

Who is blue topaz suitable for?

All signs of the zodiac perceive the mystical stone in their own way. Who is suitable for a valuable natural mineral - let's figure it out.

When choosing natural topaz according to the sign of the zodiac, the color of the stone must also be taken into account. The shade should suit you externally and like your soul. As for the Scorpions, lilac and blue rare gems are more suitable for them. They will teach not only how to calm emotions, but also learn about the world and people around them.

This is important for young and middle-aged scorpions. The November zodiac sign and the magical properties of topaz are very interrelated. Scorpio women get irresistibility from the mineral. Men receive strength and prudence from the stone.

The strangest thing is that the topaz stone gets along with absolutely all the signs of the zodiac, the names of which you know and helps everyone who will use topaz. Libra and Pisces also get maximum knowledge and energy from topaz. The mineral will help you to believe in yourself. Especially, this applies to scales, the forces of which need to be balanced and directed in the right direction.

But it is worth noting Taurus, as a sign completely opposite to Scorpio. It is not recommended for Taurus to wear jewelry made from these gems (unless only white topaz), it will not protect them. Opal or corundum is more suitable for them, as it is similar in color to the blue mineral. The blue natural mineral looks spectacular in silver or white gold.

The name of this mineral is due to the name of the place where the first stone was found - the island of Topazios. He became a symbol of spiritual purity and affection, a talisman of love and friendship.

Properties of Topaz stone

Topaz stone - an excellent companion for people seeking truth or seeking enrichment. It seems to be clearing the way forward, setting the owner to do good deeds. For sailors, it has long been a talisman that could ward off storms and other bad weather. Such a pebble was necessarily kept on the ship until the end of the journey.

The magical properties of topaz stone - help a person gain wisdom and tranquility. This amazing mineral brings joy to life, making its owner an optimist. Each owner of topaz becomes sociable and generous, spreading flows of positive energy around him. Any depressive states and outbursts of anger bypass such people.

The ancient Greeks were convinced that topaz bestows on men sexual energy, generosity and charm, and makes women amazingly beautiful. Modern observations support these beliefs.

The magical properties of topaz enhance the ability to focus and solve difficult intellectual problems. In addition, the mineral sets a person up for constructive communication, making him more peaceful and understanding.

For women, the topaz stone is priceless, as it is able to preserve beauty and youth, as well as add novelty to the relationship with the spouse. Topaz keeps warm home comfortprotecting family bonds from negative impact... He also helps to maintain any friendship or love union, ensuring the loyalty of people in relation to each other.

In business and politics, topaz stone significantly helps to achieve success in negotiations, to establish important ties and relationships. He patronizes people who want to achieve success by their own efforts, and not by cunning and lies.

For creative people using a topaz stone will also be very effective. It will help to implement not only explicit, but also hidden talents its owner.

Topaz most of all shows its magical properties in a gold setting. The stone will not begin to act immediately, at first it must get used to its owner, love and accept him. This habituation may be indicated by a slight change in the color of the mineral. Fiery yellow topaz may acquire a soft golden hue.

Healing properties of topaz

Topaz stone has quite strong medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used as an indicator of poisoned food and drinks, so cups were decorated with it. Currently, topaz is used to strengthen immune system and treatment a large number diseases.

The healing properties of topaz can be aimed at treating depressive conditions and nervous disorders... It will relieve insomnia and unreasonable fears, giving a person self-confidence and calmness. Topaz heals diseases of the musculoskeletal system and female infertility.

This wonderful stone will help to cope with heart attacks and strokes by strengthening general state cordially vascular system... Topaz is becoming a reliable assistant in the treatment of visual impairment. Most often it is used to eliminate myopia.

Simply wearing the stone on your body will prevent colds and flu and provide you with a boost of energy. Topaz has medicinal properties in the fight against diseases of the spleen and gallbladder. Some people manage to successfully treat bronchial asthma using topaz. In addition, topaz neutralizes pressure surges and helps with gout.

Topaz for the zodiac sign

The Topaz stone can become a companion of any of the representatives. It is equally useful for fire, air and earth signs, helping them to achieve balance and receive a positive charge of energy.

However, he is most suitable because he is able to neutralize his tendency to go to extremes. The topaz stone helps to gain wisdom for this contradictory sign and improve relationships with others. This mineral will become irreplaceable assistant Scorpio on the path to self-improvement.