Metis collie and german shepherd. Metis - a unique dog or a mongrel? Metis Labrador and German Shepherd

In Germany, a cross between a Rottweiler and a shepherd dog is called malhover. Crossing two breeds, German breeders pursued certain goals and achieved good results. What exactly they were after, and what to expect from crossing a Rottweiler with other breeds of dogs, you will learn from this article.

Mixed breed, half-breed, half-breed - all these terms refer to a dog obtained from crossing two purebred breeds with a clear set certain qualities... Disputes about whether the mestizo is a mongrel are still going on.

A mongrel or, as many joke, a "nobleman", is obtained by random multiple mating of several generations different breeds... Both purebred dogs and the same mongrels can participate in the process. The result is a dog, in the appearance of which it is almost impossible to determine the breeds that participated in its creation.

Most mongrels resemble the first dogs that humans domesticated centuries ago. They have in common:

  • erect ears;
  • muscular paws;
  • alertness in the look;
  • long, curling tail.

The results of the first crossing of two purebred dogs are considered to be mestizos. It can be either random or planned to produce unusual puppies. Unlike mongrels, whose gene pool is extremely diverse, it is more likely to guess what the mestizo will turn out to be.

In principle, random mestizos can also be called mongrels. That is why they cannot participate in exhibitions and all kinds of competitions. Despite this, such dogs can become loyal and loving companions.

Breeding versus simple mating

It is fundamentally wrong to consider the same selection work to create a new breed and random or "curiosity's sake." To develop a new breed, breeders are doing a tremendous job. Their goal is to consolidate the necessary mental qualities in the breed and physical features through a long and tough selection.

These are the tasks that breeders from the former GDR pursued, crossing and. They wanted to breed a harmoniously built, hardy and mentally balanced dog, which they did. The breed was named Malhover, but it never received official recognition.

However, fans of the Rottweiler hybrid and german shepherd still exist. After all, such versatile dogs do an excellent job with protective, guard, search and security services. But, despite the loyalty, activity and obedience taken from the shepherd dog, mestizo have stubbornness, aggression and dominance of Rottweilers. Therefore, to keep the dog under control, the owner must have leadership qualities.

A healthy dog ​​with an unpredictable temperament

It is believed that mestizos take the best from their parents, and this opinion is not groundless. Hybrids often have good health, as they do not inherit from genetic ancestors. But this does not mean that a mestizo will never get sick, because poor conditions of detention can undermine any canine immunity.

The character of hybrids may not be as good as health. Fifty-fifty odds - crossing two different breeds can both balance negative traits and enhance them.

Take, for example, a cross between a Rottweiler and. Both breeds are dominant and capable of showing. Two options are possible: either absolute calmness (naturally, when the owner and his family are safe), or a double desire to be a leader and sudden outbursts of anger towards outsiders. In any case, such a mestizo needs firm hand owner and constant.

But if you cross a Rottweiler with american bulldog, that is, the risk of getting explosive mixture activity and malice. And although the breeders managed to minimize aggression and the instinct of pursuit in bulldogs as much as possible, they remained at the genetic level. However, the dog can be as lazy as the Rottweiler.

Don't forget about the size. No one can give one hundred percent guarantee that a tiny puppy will not turn into a huge bear. Metis Rottweiler and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) can grow to the size of a Rottweiler and weigh about 50 kilograms. Or it can reach all 70-100 kilograms, because Alabai is one of the most big dogs in the world.

The same results can be expected when crossing a Rottweiler with, St. Bernard or other large breeds... The size of the puppy's paws can tell future size dogs, but this is not an exact parameter.

Among fans of hybridization, there is an opinion that the participation of a Rottweiler in crossing can bring a mestizo, similar to the American Pit Bull Terrier. That is, the dog may have good nature, loyalty to the environment, stubbornness, endurance, a desire to reach the end, activity, controlled by aggression.

A dog is a big responsibility

Before getting a hybrid puppy, you need to take a closer look at his behavior while he is still small. Thus, you can roughly imagine what character he will have in the future.

If there is no experience, there is no self-confidence, it is better not to take on such a responsible business as the acquisition of a mestizo. After all, not every owner is capable of becoming a good mentor and leader. Without education and proper training, an uncontrollable aggressor leader can grow from a funny fluffy ball.

If you have kept mestizos or know anything interesting about them, please tell us about it in the comments.

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A cross between a Rottweiler and a Shepherd is a service dog that combines qualities such as guarding and protective functions, poise and calm disposition.

Rottweiler and Shepherd Metis: a little history

Hybrid puppies born as a result of crossing a Rottweiler with a German shepherd are called malhovers and they owe their appearance to breeders from Germany.

In the middle of the twentieth century, a group of German breeders set themselves the goal of developing a new breed of service dogs with a stable psyche, good physical characteristics and balanced docile nature... For breeding work, the best representatives of Rottweilers and German Shepherds were involved and the results were very encouraging: the hybrids had good health, endurance and ability to learn quickly.

In the course of crossing both breeds in mixed puppies, exactly those traits that breeders sought - strength, intelligence, peacefulness and a calm obedient disposition - prevailed. And inspired by the success, breeders introduced the Shepherd and Rottweiler mestizos to the German canine community, hoping to achieve official status for them.

But here they failed, as experts refused to officially recognize the hybrids as a separate breed. The professionals motivated their decision by the fact that the selection results were unstable, and not all puppies met the given parameters.

On this breeding work to create mestizo rottweiler and shepherd dogs on professional level have been discontinued. But amateur dog breeders often cross these two breeds, considering the hybrids to be universal dogs with excellent protective and protective qualities.

Important: in Germany, mestizos are especially popular among police officers, as these animals do an excellent job with the guard and search service, remaining disciplined and calm even in stressful situations.

What does a cross between a German shepherd and a Rottweiler look like?

Both of these breeds have similar physical parameters they are large, proportionately built, strong and muscular. Therefore, a puppy born from marriage union Shepherd dogs and Rottweilers, practically does not differ from their parents in physique:

  • hybrids have a slender, toned body with a broad sternum and a straight back;
  • paws are long, thin and straight;
  • in the shape of the muzzle and the structure of the ears, mestizo are similar to Rottweilers;
  • the coat of animals is short, coarse and hard;
  • usually dogs are painted in rich dark color with red or light yellow markings on the belly, paws, front of the muzzle, neck and chest.

Features of behavior and character of Malhover

Rottweilers are calm, courageous and self-confident dogs that can be safely entrusted with the protection and protection of the territory. They are suspicious of strangers and will not hesitate to attack a stranger if they think they are a threat. Dogs of this breed are characterized by aggression, both towards strangers and towards other animals, considering them as potential enemies. Rottweiler puppy shows independence and independence with early age and inexperienced owners find it difficult to cope with the training of an obstinate pet.

German Shepherds are distinguished by their friendliness, activity, intelligence and pliable obedient disposition. Dogs always obey their owner, because he is a leader and authority for animals. There are no problems with the upbringing of obedient Germans, they are always ready to serve the owner and carry out any of his commands.

The Rottweiler and German Shepherd Metis are very playful and easily carry heavy loads

Among positive qualities mixed from these two breeds of a puppy can be noted high intelligence, sociability, poise and curiosity. They are active and energetic, so they enjoy spending time in joint games with the owner and easily tolerate any physical activity.

Metis is strongly attached not only to the owner, but also to the rest of the household, and it is very important for him to be with them all the time, feeling like a member of the family. These dogs do not tolerate loneliness and, from lack of attention, become nervous, irritable and aggressive.

As for training, a strong and strong-willed person should deal with the animal. Hybrids inherited from Rottweilers a stubborn and headstrong nature, so it is difficult to force them to obey and follow orders. Also, such pets are quite cunning and can pretend to be sick or tired to be left alone. During training and education, you cannot give in to the dog and follow her lead, otherwise the pet will become uncontrollable.

Rottweiler and German Shepherd mestizos need strict upbringing and training

It is strictly forbidden to use cruelty, screams and aggression in the process of training a hybrid puppy, because mestizos are vindictive and vindictive. Rough treatment of the dog will lead to the fact that sooner or later it will begin to rush at passers-by and may even attack the owner. You can win the trust and respect of your pet only by persistence and patience.

Important: you cannot provoke a pet by taking food from him or for fun, setting him on cats and other dogs. A metis brought up in anger and aggression carries a threat to others, including his own family.

A mixture of a shepherd dog with a Rottweiler: pros and cons

In the characteristics of such mestizos there are both positive and negative sides... And before you start a hybrid of a German shepherd and a Rottweiler, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Mestizos but also a Rottweiler have excellent protective qualities.

Positive qualities of mestizos:

  • they are excellent guards and protectors;
  • have endurance and good health;
  • attached to the owner and family members;
  • will not bark for no reason;
  • right well-bred dog is an great friend and a companion.

A cross between a Rottweiler and does not get along well with other pets and children in the family

Cons of hybrids:

  • get along poorly with other pets;
  • may show hostility and anger towards neighbors or guests;
  • they cannot be started by a family with small children.

To mestizos, a shepherd dog and a Rottweiler need special approach... These large and beautiful animals will become reliable protectors and loving pets, provided that the owner will devote a lot of time to training and communication with the dog.

Dogs are probably one of the most diverse human-created species on the planet. Thousands of years of selection have created a wide range of distinctive breeds with various colors, coats, physique and sizes. But what happens when the two breeds produce a successful mestizo that combines the most noticeable traits of their parents? You can get an adorable dog that combines the best of both breeds.

The debate about who is better, mongrels or purebred dogs, will probably never end. Purebred dogs have a predictable set of characteristics such as size, color, and character. However, breeding animals are generally more susceptible to genetic diseases... Mestizos tend to be healthier in this regard, but they may have behavioral problems... In addition, if you, for example, want to have a shepherd mestizo puppy, then you may have little idea of ​​how big it will grow.

Golden shepherd

The golden shepherd dog, or the golden shepherd dog took best qualities golden retriever and german shepherd. This mestizo has less aggressive personality traits than the German Shepherd and makes an excellent family dog.

However, it is hardly possible to tame a mestizo completely, because Golden Retrievers are known for their energy, but at the same time obedience and desire to learn. All this makes the golden shepherd ideal for hunting, guarding, obedience and search and rescue operations.

Metis Labrador and German Shepherd

Labradors are easy to train, obedient, and surprisingly patient with children. They tend to have a slightly lower energy level, which is balanced by the high-energy German Shepherd.

Metis Laba and Shepherd Dogs are an excellent dog for children, she will always be playful and affectionate. She also tends to get along well with other pets, and can stay alert throughout the night. This well balanced hybrid can truly provide you with the best of both breeds.

Chow shepherd

Chow Chows are known for their incredible wit, curiosity and developed intelligence... Today, their main functions lie in the field of hunting, protection, or protection of property. So when the natural protective instincts of the Chow Chow are combined with the suspicious nature of the German Shepherd, the result is a dog that is always on guard.

Fortunately, Chow Shepherds love to please their owner and are always happy to please him. This means that your family will always be safe if there is a Chow Shepherd nearby.

Metis german shepherd and pug (nops)

This mestizo combines the size of a German Shepherd and loving character pug. As a result, the hybrid breed is relatively average in size and loves to cuddle with its owner just like the pug.

Siberian Shepherd - Mestizo Shepherd and Husky

The Metis German Shepherd and Siberian Husky, known as the Siberian Shepherd, is both highly intelligent and obedient. The hybrid is large enough. The dog also has a fairly thick coat, so it is not the best choice for hot climates. In general, the Siberian Shepherd Dog can be characterized as loyal, intelligent, sociable, energetic, possessing developed protective and protective instincts.

Metis German Shepherd and Collie

This hybrid breed has a developed vigilance, a cheerful and energetic character, and has a friendly dispositional disposition. Both the Collie and the German Shepherd were used as herding dogs, so they need a lot of walking and exercise. The hybrid is easily trainable and always strives to please.

Metis corgi and german shepherd

This mestizo is another odd hybrid, but quite balanced at the same time. The hybrid is substantially smaller in size than the standard German Shepherd.

Welsh Corgi, despite their size, tend to be in a dominant position, so you must be prepared for this and let him know who is in charge in the family. If given a chance, the pet will dominate its owner, and in this case, training will be useless. So a mestizo that combines the dominant personality of the corgi with the stubbornness of a shepherd can be a recipe for disaster, unless you have a dominant, strong will.

Metis rottweiler and german shepherd

When it comes to protection and security, probably not best breed than a mestizo shepherd and rottweiler. These dogs are usually very large and weigh about 50 kg on average, so you need to be prepared for this if you want to get yourself one.

This hybrid breed needs a master to be the alpha male of his family. In general, they are surprisingly calm and confident animals, with enough energy to be ready for whatever you have to offer them.

Metis Shepherd and Labradoodle

This hybrid combines the unique traits of both breeds and is an extremely intelligent and fun dog. They are quite large, weighing from 25 to 35 kg. Metis is in many ways a truly unique dog and, moreover, unlike most other shepherd hybrids, it practically does not shed.

Metis wolf and german shepherd

A cross between a wolf and a shepherd can probably be closer to wild animals than domestic ones. However, the mestizo possesses the usual traits of domesticated dogs. If you want to take on such a half-breed, then you must play an alpha role in your family, otherwise he will take on it as soon as he becomes a little older.

Metis German Shepherd and Akita Inu

Akita are known to be good family dogs, great for children, but with some stubbornness. Combined with the stubbornness of the German Shepherd, it will be even more difficult case so you must use a fairly confident and consistent approach to teaching them.

Being large dogs with high level energy they need a large number physical exercise... With the right training and socialization, you will eventually end up with an intelligent and well trained dog that will love you and your family.

Perhaps there are other German Shepherd hybrids or mestizos? Please let us know in the comments!

A purebred dog has a clear specific traits characteristic of the breed. In this case, there is no need to expect surprises. Mestizos are another matter. An interesting example can serve as a cross between a German shepherd with dogs of other breeds.

Metis German Shepherd

general characteristics

Husky has blue eyes, "German" - dark, mestizos have any of these options. From husky puppies inherit incredible energy, and from his second parent - caution.

Interesting! Dogs meet with eyes different color: one is blue, the other is dark.

German shepherd mestizo (with husky):


The protective qualities of a Rottweiler, multiplied by the shepherd's guarding and detective abilities, give excellent result.

Malhover's appearance is very memorable.

Large animals inherited the color of the Rottweiler. The ears and the structure of the muzzle were inherited from the shepherd dog.

These features give the dog an even more formidable appearance than the parents.

Wolf and german shepherd

This is a large, stately animal. Hybrids inherit features of the shepherd dog's color: darker than that of a wolf, saddle cloth, reddish-brown wool.

Mestizos are strong, hardy, and well trained.

Important! For a person with a gentle disposition, this is not a suitable pet.

The gregarious lifestyle of the wolf has left its mark - the mestizo must know exactly who is in charge, otherwise he will begin to claim leadership, showing aggression towards the owner.

Golden shepherd

View the descendant of a German shepherd and a golden retriever is very unusual.
Most often he resembles a medium-sized "German", covered with golden-red long hair.

To characteristic qualities service dog- intelligence, ability to navigate well even in difficult situation- the friendliness of the second parent is added: golden retrievers- very quiet and balanced dogs, which are difficult to piss off.

Chow shepherd

The offspring of the "German" and the chow-chow goodwill... The strict temper of the German Shepherd is usually weaker than the calm and phlegmatic character of the exotic Chinese dog.

Black-backed color among mestizo puppies occurs more often than plain red or black. The proportions of the animal's body are similar to the Chow Chow. Wool middle length, very dense, with abundant soft underfur. The sizes are average.

German Shepherd / Labrador Mix

From this mestizo puppy a large dog will grow up. The color in most cases is black-and-back, but sometimes there is also a black suit. Added to strength and endurance is the poise and absolute tolerance of the Labrador.

At the same time, security and guard qualities do not disappear. The dog is an excellent learner. Tolerant of children. She can be safely kept in the house.

Collie and german shepherd

Puppy these breeds inherit traits from both parents randomly. Tall on his feet - from a collie. Body proportions and color features - from the "German". The length of the coat is from a collie. Dogs are smart, obedient, not aggressive. Excellent guards and shepherds, poorly trained, often moody and disobedient.

A cross between her and the "German" looks not very attractive- a small shepherd dog with short legs, devoid of service inclinations and reluctantly obeying the owner. This is just a strange dog with a difficult character, which passed on to her from the Welsh Corgi.


Incredibly, the pug and the German shepherd viable puppies. The mestizo of these very dissimilar breeds is quite pretty... Animals are medium-sized, but still significantly more sizes pug dog, and a dense body.

Wide muzzle a bit like sheepdog. This is an intelligent, friendly, playful dog, which at the same time is able to fend for itself - of course, as far as the miniature size allows.

When choosing a pet mixed blood need to pay attention not only on appearance, but also on the character traits of the parents. Only then will it be possible to make the right choice in all respects.