What is given to a woman for her 50th anniversary. What to look for when choosing a gift. Exclusive hand-painted scarf, shawl or kerchief

For modern women The 50th anniversary is an important milestone in life, after which new opportunities open up. Vanity and carelessness are left behind and now, without a twinge of conscience, you can devote all your time active image life or travel, sports or favorite hobby. In vain, some people think that 50 is sad. 50 is freedom, it is new image, this is the future. Therefore, gifts for a woman of 50 should be chosen with a special approach.

There are endless options and ideas for gifts for a woman's fiftieth birthday. And they can be associated with a woman's career or love for grandchildren, augmentation or leisure. Indeed, for someone in their fifties, the best pastime is "rest" in the garden, but for someone life is unthinkable without creating culinary masterpieces. Some ladies are fond of travel, recreation, while others are happy to go fishing or car racing. For some birthday girls, esotericism, personality development, self-knowledge are close, while others like needlework. Therefore, suggest universal gift it is practically impossible for a woman to celebrate 50 years anniversary. But the resource This holiday has prepared some interesting ideas for different situations.

Practical 50th birthday gifts

Let's start our list with traditional but healthy gifts. The birthday girl will definitely be delighted with such a present, and it will not gather dust on the shelves in the closet. They will become irreplaceable helpers and “settle” in the house for a long time.

But it's better to ask in advance what to give a woman for a 50-year anniversary. Suddenly, she has long dreamed of a new expensive dinner service, which guests can only give together. Let's look at some good ideas.

Kitchen "helpers"

Someone will say that by the age of 50, a woman's kitchen is already equipped with last word technology. And in most cases it is.

But progress is moving forward at a breakneck speed, and interesting functional innovations are constantly appearing on the market. Consider that there are many kitchen appliances, who has long settled in the kitchen of the lady, is simply outdated or has acquired an unsightly appearance. Why not update the set of assistants for the 50th anniversary or put new gadgets in the kitchen. Give a lady a multifunctional multicooker unusual color or an ergonomic designer breadmaker. Consider an airfryer, airfryer, ham maker, food processor, mixer with various attachments.

Air conditioning equipment

There is still no escape from age. By the age of 50, ladies are more sensitive to the vagaries of nature. Help the birthday girl create a microclimate in her own home. And it is not necessary to give an expensive inverter air conditioner, although this is also a good presentation option. You can buy a modern ionizer that will create the effect of forest freshness or a portable mobile air conditioner that does not require special installation or heat removal. A humidifier or air purifier will also work. Such devices are designed to create comfort in the house, present it to your girlfriend, mother or colleague for 50 years.


Don't shout that this is trivial. With such a gift, you will always be in the top ten.

The main thing is to be creative with the choice, and not dwell on banal tea, coffee sets or spice jars. Go not only to the china shops, but also look for original proposals in online stores. A birthday girl in 50 years will definitely like a voluminous gosyatnitsa with ceramic coating because the family has become much larger. Or you can dwell on an original sushi set or bowls made of Czech glass, a cheerful set of cutlery for 12 persons, or a set of ceramic baking dishes, for which wicker stands are provided.

Useful gifts for body and soul

What should be a birthday present for a 50-year-old woman is difficult to answer. But at any age, the lady will be glad to presentations that will help support on the highest level beauty and health. But when choosing something from cosmetics, jewelry or wellness gadgets, try not to emphasize the age of the birthday girl.


This is a choice for close relatives: daughter, sister, daughter-in-law or a good friend. A woman, of course, will be delighted with good, expensive cosmetics, especially if it matches her preferences, but getting it out of the hands of a man or not very close friends will be the height of bad taste with a hint of old age... For this category of guests, a basket filled with various fragrant "things" for the bath is more suitable as a gift.


No fakes and samples, experiments and purchases to your taste. Only high quality and expensive perfume, and only those who became "relatives" for the birthday girl. Therefore, if you decide to give exactly perfumery, discard the conventions and ask the birthday girl about the preferences directly.

Leather accessories

Good original bag can cost a fortune and will definitely delight the lover of luxurious things.

Bag or card holder, wallet or case for glasses - great idea a 50th birthday gift from a friend or relatives.


Not everyone dares to give a hero of the day, even with a personalized inscription, despite the fact that it is a wonderful memory and a gift with taste. Everything is connected with the signs that the walkers count the years and shorten the life. There is wonderful way how to get around this superstition. It is necessary not to give, but to sell a watch to a woman. Such a purchase for a nominal fee will become original congratulations happy Birthday.


Do not forget that a woman has a golden anniversary. Therefore, jewelry is most often presented from gold.

Of course, it is believed that such a present should be presented to a woman by her husband for 50 years. But no one forbids friends and relatives to give beautiful earrings, necklaces, bracelets. And if you choose a piece of jewelry with a correctly selected energetically stone, the lady will remember you for a long time with words of gratitude. Just do not stoop to banal jewelry or artificial stones... 50 is far from the age when a woman can be allowed to wear cheap trifles.

Gifts for health

Children, grandchildren or husband can give a woman for her 50th anniversary things that are simply necessary for her health. They are close to the problems of mom, grandmother, wife and the desire to make life native woman lighter. Therefore, she will normally take such care.


Everyone is crazy about massage. But the constant lack of time or money does not allow sessions to be carried out every six months, as doctors recommend. Create for your own birthday girl massage parlor at home. Present her with a classic massager for the spine or neck area. Consider a foot massager or an entire massage chair where you can relax and improve your health.

Medical devices

A gift in the form of a tanometer, glucometer is a great idea for the 50th birthday, especially when a woman really has certain health problems.

You can also consider the option of medical devices for carrying out physiotherapy procedures at home. Such devices are sold in specialized pharmacies or you can find them on the Internet.

We give cozy gifts

Shawl... Let it be exclusive item executed in interesting technique... Unambiguously the best gift will become a stole that you make with my own hands... But if you do not know how to crochet or knit, embroider with ribbons or paint batik, order a shawl self made.

Plaid... Another one interesting idea gift for 50 years to a woman. Today you can pick up pretty beautiful and high-quality blankets made of wool or terry cloth of any shape or quality. Blankets with sleeves or hoods, paired or contrasting, look interesting.

Wicker furniture... Keep in mind that such furniture is not suitable for every interior. And the set will be completely out of place for a small apartment. But for a veranda, a country house, you can pick up good original wicker tables, armchairs, rocking chairs, sofas. And every time a woman sets the table for tea, she will remember you with a kind word.

Interior items... You need to choose any decorations for your home, being firmly convinced that it will fit into the interior and will be desired. It is better to pick up a picture, a flowerpot or a vase, a lamp or a candlestick at the request of the birthday girl.

Gift for 50 years to the lady who has everything

The problem of what to give to a birthday girl who has everything is more often faced by subordinates and relatives of women leaders. It's hard to surprise her, it's hard to please her, and not every gift will be appropriate. She immediately recognizes the options on duty and puts aside the disgustingly banal presentations. We offer cool gifts on the 50th anniversary of a wealthy or spoiled woman.


This option is considered a win-win for the fiftieth anniversary. Of course, the artist's work will be immediately appreciated at the highest level. But will be appropriate and modern techniques making portraits in the form of printing on canvas or applications from pieces of photos. Fortunately, such services are offered by many art workshops and printing forms.


Choose not just a useful container for storing trinkets, but an aesthetic thing. Look for an antique or handicraft. The birthday girl cannot refuse such a unique product.

Flowers in a vacuum

Refinement and beauty. Living buds, securely packed in a glass vessel, look fascinating and are perceived as a miracle. The main thing is that in a vacuum the flowers always remain as if they were alive, that is, such a bouquet will become wonderful decoration in the office or at home.

Pick up cool and useful gifts, kind and lovely souvenirs, expensive and budget presents. The main thing is that your congratulations are from the heart and really please the birthday girl.

March 13, 2017.

Choosing a gift for a woman is always a daunting task. And if we are talking about significant and solid dates, it becomes more complicated.

A gift for a woman for 50 years should be dear and memorable for her. Indeed, at this age, the birthday girl has already reached the main thing in her life, her preferences and tastes have finally formed in all areas. Accordingly, to please a lady, you need to know her at least a little.

Among other things, after talking with the future hero of the day, find out how she relates to her age. If it is positive, it does not hide the 50th anniversary, then this number can be marked on gifts. And if she is trying to level the date, then you try not to name or write her age anywhere, so as not to offend the woman.

We propose to consider in more detail the options for gifts for such an anniversary to beautiful ladies.

Traditional gifts for a woman on her 50th birthday

A huge basket of flowers and a variety of sweets can be a win-win option for an anniversary gift. Despite the high cost, such a present will make an indelible impression on the birthday girl and all her guests. This option is also good because it is suitable for a woman whose tastes you do not really know and it is difficult to find a more individual gift. Flowers and sweets also wonderful gift for the mother-in-law for 50 years.

If we are talking about congratulating a colleague, then you can present an expensive painting, an elegant business card holder or a business leather portfolio. a woman director must be accompanied by a bouquet of flowers, without which the atmosphere will not be truly festive.

For loved ones, they are perfect as a gift Jewelry, Gift certificates to your favorite stores, wardrobe items. For example, wonderful gift for a wife for 50 years will be an elegant silk scarf, handmade or fancy dress if you know her size for sure.

Original gifts for 50 years old woman

A beautiful leather-bound pedigree book can become an unusual gift for a woman for 50 years. At this age, the lady will be pleased to visualize the place of each family member, realize her family wealth and remember relatives, even distant ones. Such a gift will undoubtedly move a woman and take an honorable place in her home.

If a woman loves extreme sports and sports, give her a lot of impressions thanks to a certificate for horseback riding, sailing or traveling. Like original gift for 50 years will be remembered for a lifetime.

What is not customary to give a woman for 50 years?

For an anniversary, we do not recommend giving a woman a watch, even an expensive and high-quality one. The fact is that, in addition to the superstitious component, such a gift indirectly hints at age, at the passing time and its transience. And if a woman does not accept her age, then the clock can upset her.

All kinds of sets of anti-aging cosmetics, certificates in spa salons for procedures for aging skin and all similar gifts will remind a woman of her age even more. An exception can be considered only those cases when the birthday girl personally ordered you specific gifts of this category.

We do not recommend presenting a kitchen for a woman for her 50th birthday. household appliances... Such gifts are a hint that she did not take place and her place is in the kitchen by the stove. Believe me, by the age of 50, every housewife has already acquired kitchen utensils, and if she needs some kind of technical novelty, it is better to present a certificate to the appropriate store.

And the most important thing is to refrain from cheap gifts on this day. 50 years is a respectable age. Do not spare money and attention to the birthday girl and she will definitely appreciate such care.

A woman remains a woman at any age: she appreciates attention, loves pleasant surprises and wants to be irresistible. Therefore, a gift for her anniversary should take into account all this. What to give a woman for 50 years to be appropriate and like her?

Practical options

A woman expects practical gifts, first of all, from her close relatives. After all, they, even if they do not live with her constantly, see her often and know what is necessary for her or her house:

  1. Appliances. It is necessary to choose what she has long dreamed of. For example, a multivariate, a washing vacuum cleaner, a juicer, etc.
  2. A piece of furniture. It can be a computer or orthopedic chair, a rocking chair, a side table, a bookcase, etc. The main thing is that the item fits perfectly into the interior of a woman's house and matches her tastes.
  3. Pillows and blankets. Now you can find these products from environmentally friendly materials with useful natural fillers; some of them even have the ability to shoot headache.
  4. Set bed linen from natural fabrics. The colors should be such that they fit the overall colors bedrooms - ladies are often very sensitive to such trifles.
  5. Modern smartphone, tablet, laptop. The choice of such a gift must be taken with caution: some women are poorly versed in such a technique and are unlikely to actively use it, while others, on the contrary, cannot imagine their life without gadgets, and in this case the present will be appropriate.
  6. A separate gift must be made by the spouse of the birthday girl. It is he who can present to his lady of the heart gold decoration(after all, 50 years is a golden anniversary), expensive perfume, a romantic walk, etc.

Friends and colleagues will most likely choose gifts of a different plan from what to give a woman for her 50th birthday. But they must also demonstrate Attentive attitude to the hero of the day and her tastes, for example, beating the presentation in the form.

From friends

If relatives would probably prefer to do one great gift from everyone, then friends will take the opportunity to present individual gifts. What is the best choice?

  1. Collectibles. If a woman collects some kind of collection, she will be happy with a rare piece that will replenish her. It can be a porcelain doll, rare books, coins, teapots and some interesting dishes - in general, ladies are different, and their collections can be anything.
  2. Painting. You need to choose not just some pretty image in a frame, but something that is dear to the hero of the day. For example, she was born and raised in a small seaside town - so you need to find an image of the landscapes of that place; or she met her future husband at a contemporary art exhibition (an exhibition of some artist) - you need to find a good reproduction of a painting of this particular artist or style. Reproductions, as a rule, do not have a very high cost, so such a gift is suitable for those who are thinking about what to give a woman for 50 years inexpensively.
  3. Products from genuine leather perfect only if the lady is not an ardent protector of animals. Then a purse, a clutch, a portfolio bag for work (if we are talking about a business lady), a housekeeper, etc. will come in handy.
  4. Everything related to the birthday girl's hobby: a set for needlework, wicker baskets different sizes where she could fold threads, knitting needles, crochet hooks, hoops, etc. If a woman paints with pleasure, then brushes, paints and an easel will come in handy, and if she is a real florist, then pots, stands for flowers, rare specimens of plants, etc. are appropriate.
  5. Impression. When it seems that a woman already has everything and any gift will be secondary and to some extent useless, you can stop at the certificate. What it will be depends on the preferences of the hero of the day: visiting the SPA-salon, flying to hot-air balloon, an interesting excursion, a master class, swimming with dolphins in the dolphinarium, etc.

Thinking about what gift to give a woman for 50 years, you can ask the relatives of the birthday girl what she would like most. Because it is from friends and acquaintances that the hero of the day expects what will then remind her of a wonderful day and loved ones for a long time.

From colleagues

Many women in their 50s continue to work actively and even run their own businesses. Therefore, colleagues will have to think about the gift. Since at work, as a rule, everyone is connected only by good business relationship, then the present should be more or less neutral. Not giving anything is unacceptable.

  1. The gift may be associated with professional activities women: an employee sitting at a desk will probably need a set of good stationery (an engraved pen, stand, diary); and the one that is always on the road and at meetings - a business card holder, a phone case; for a lady on wheels, a stylish braid on the steering wheel or a massage seat cover will suit.
  2. Colleagues may limit themselves symbolic gift: the story of the name of the hero of the day, beautifully framed; to make a medal or cup for the “best leader” (secretary, manager, etc.).
  3. Desk clock, lamp, figurines, vases, beautiful flash drives, a custom-made mug and even just an original flower composition- all this is appropriate to give to colleagues.
  4. When the team thinks what to give a female colleague for 50 years from everyone, then you can choose a more expensive gift: a product made of precious metal or a weekend trip to a holiday home. You just need to make sure that the birthday girl, after receiving all the congratulations, does not feel obligated, so you should not overdo it either.

Of course, there are gifts that a woman at any age hardly dreams of getting. These are anti-aging cosmetic products, ladle sets, a millionth set that will have nowhere to put, warm clothes, a blanket, slippers (they strongly hint at the approaching old age). This type of gift includes a tonometer, electronic thermometer, an inhaler, a massager that removes cellulite, etc. All these things risk ruining the mood of the birthday girl and the whole holiday.

Choosing a gift for a man is not an easy task, especially if he has an anniversary. Indeed, at this age, he is already a wealthy man who has almost everything. And in order to surprise him with some special gift, you need to try hard. If you still have not decided what to give a man for 50 years, then I will help you with this 12 best ideas, thanks to which your gift will be inexpensive and tasteful!

1: Car accessories

When it comes to a gift for a man, even if he is already 50 years old, the most practical and at the same time interesting present is considered to be an accessory for the beloved iron horse of the hero of the day. It can be either an inexpensive car tuning element or an expensive gadget in the form of a navigator or radio tape recorder. There are a lot of ideas in the indicated direction, you just have to search and you will find great gift affordable.

2: Book

Such a present will never lose its relevance and value. Especially 50-year-old men will be delighted with such a gift if the book is rare. But given the peculiarities of our time, giving a paper book may seem a little out of place. Therefore, it is worth looking for electronic libraries, shops and online publishers and buy subscription cards. So a man will be able to independently choose the editions he needs and your gift will definitely not gather dust on the shelf. On the other hand, some rare book will look better in paper form... In addition, now there are many Internet publishing houses that, for little money, about 5-6 thousand rubles, will write the autobiography of the hero of the day in both paper and electronic form.

3: Useful gadget

Modern technologies go by leaps and bounds and gadgets appear almost every day that can surprise not only little child but also a 50-year-old man who has lived his life. In addition, any modern gadget is primarily a useful tool. Whether it's a phone or a tablet, it can always come in handy in Everyday life... And if a man works a lot with various documentation, then the laptop will be the most useful gift... Of course, such things are quite expensive, so sharing the burden of expenses between two or even three will not offend the hero of the day.

4: Course of study

If you know any long-standing predilections of the hero of the day, for example, the manufacture of various sculptures that he is not very good at, you can give him training courses in this matter. After all, a 50-year-old man is already considered pretty free man who has a lot of free time. Such a gift will delight him much more than much else. Hobby courses are quite common today and are inexpensive. Monthly course learning to draw, dance, etc. will cost the presenter 3-4 thousand rubles. In any case, such a gift will be interesting for the birthday person and will pleasantly surprise him.

5: Tickets

You can give a man for 50 years tickets to a concert, to a theater, or to Soccer game... It all depends on the preferences of the birthday man. And the cost of such a gift is small. But do not belittle its importance. If, according to the tastes of the hero of the day, there is any memorable event, anniversary concert, derby of the two strongest teams, etc., it is better to present tickets for these events. You can embellish your gift with some memorable thing... So, if you donate a ticket to the Philharmonic, you can add a flute to it, and for a football match - clothes with the emblem of your favorite team. Everything in a compartment will not cost more than 2-3 thousand rubles, but the birthday person will be pleasantly surprised.

6: The Long-Awaited Journey

If the birthday boy is a careerist and has devoted his whole life to his favorite work, then perhaps he will be pleasantly pleased with a trip to the country of his dreams. To do this, you will need to find out where the birthday man would like to visit. If done correctly, it will be the best gift for a man's 50th birthday. As for the price, such a voucher can cost several tens of thousands of rubles, but it does not lose its significance. So it is worthwhile to cooperate with several guests of the holiday and make a long-awaited gift. A man will certainly appreciate such a gift and will not pay attention to the collectivity of such a present.

7: Cooler bag

A 50-year-old man comes exactly that time in life when he needs to be more often in the bosom of nature. Whether it's hiking in the woods, mountains, etc., a cooler bag comes in handy everywhere. This present will be considered the most practical among all the others at the holiday. In addition, such a refrigerator is not expensive. Depending on the functionality and volume, its cost can range from 3 to 6 thousand rubles. For greater effect, you can attach personalized handles, a door to the refrigerator, and also draw Interesting Facts from the life of the hero of the day. It all depends on creativity.

8: Walk of Fame Star

The creativity of such a presentation to a 50-year-old man is simply off scale. Firstly, it will commemorate the achievements of the birthday man, and secondly, such a gift will cost quite cheaply. But there are certain difficulties. You can present a plate with a star indicating the name of the hero of the day. But for more creativity, you need to leave a handprint of the birthday person. The difficulty lies in the fact that it will be necessary to agree on this circumstance with the birthday man. The gift will simply lose the power of surprise. But to those who prefer memorable gifts Is one of the best solutions.

9: Portrait

An ordinary portrait of a 50-year-old man as a gift may seem a little trivial. Therefore, you need to be creative. It is best to make a portrait of the hero of the day in the image of some great historical figure. It is better to weed out Napoleon, because he died at the age of about 50 years. But in general, such a portrait will emphasize the life achievements of the birthday man and show his significance for the people around him. Since such portraits are not yet common, your gift will be distinguished by originality among the gifts of other guests. To order such a portrait costs much less than a regular one and will cost about 2 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen cut.

10: Rocking chair

Original and at the same time practical gift can become a rocking chair. He will especially delight the hero of the day if he is a couch potato. For greater effect, you can order unique design for the chair. Such a purchase will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. You can do it yourself cheaper. But for this you need to have tools and necessary skills... Otherwise, you simply risk ruining the chair and wasting money. But uniqueness is the main highlight of a gift for a man for 50 years. Thus, you emphasize his individuality and let him know about your particular respect to him.

11: Mini Brewery

Such kits for making beer appeared relatively recently, they include everything so that you can make several liters of a foamy drink. Such a gift will delight those who love to surprise their guests with various unexpected delicacies.

12: Travel kits

They can be of various sizes and contain the most different subjects, but, one way or another, these will be basic necessities: scissors, a knife, a toothbrush, pins, Shaver etc. These sets are indispensable for those who are constantly on the road.