That includes a classic pedicure. What is rubbing. Plain varnish ideas

Classic pedicure is the most popular and simplest hygienic way to care for your feet. It becomes especially popular in summer period... But it is worth recalling that pedicure is contraindicated for any diseases of the nails and feet. If microcracks appear between the fingers, it is necessary to consult a specialist - a dermatologist.

What is a pedicure

Currently, modern beauty salons offer many technologies for the treatment of skin and toenails: French pedicure, machine, European (not edged), etc. But the most popular and favorite for all is the method of classic pedicure.

While doing classical method the cuticle is carefully trimmed from the nail plate, corns and corns are removed, deformed and ingrown nails are brought into proper form. With this procedure, to the usual manicure set special files with a coarse abrasive or pumice stone are added to remove dead skin from the heels and toes.

The technology of a high-quality edging pedicure contains some secrets that few people know, but it is these little nuances that make the process easier and faster.

The method of carrying out a trim pedicure

The process of performing classic nail care consists of several stages. Each stage is important in the processing of legs and must be performed.

Few people know that before starting work, first of all, it is necessary to apply special cream with acids, which will help soften dead, rough skin on the legs. This procedure will help to reduce the time of the pedicure several times. It is also recommended to carry out it when poor condition skin of the feet.

At the second stage of the classic pedicure, work is carried out with the nails. The main thing at this stage is that the correction of the shape and length nail plate produced strictly dry. Only in this way the master can see the real picture of the position and length of the cuticle and will not harm it when working directly with nails.

The third stage is steaming the feet. V hot water if necessary or desired, you can add various antiseptic or wound-healing agents, as well as various herbal infusions to better soften the skin of the legs. This stage lasts at least thirty minutes, only in this case, working with dead skin will be easy, and the effect of the pedicure procedure will be durable.

The fourth step in the foot care process is brushing. Upper layer rough skin from the heels and other areas of the foot is removed with a pumice stone or files with a coarse abrasive coating. Then they begin to process the cuticles and skin around the toenails. With the help of wooden sticks with a pointed end, the cuticle is moved as far as possible from the nail plate, and then with the help of nippers and nail scissors, the cuticle and other skin growths around the nail are removed.

On the last stage classic edging pedicure, the feet are washed clean water, after which the feet are lubricated with the lung nourishing lotion to moisturize the skin, and rub in useful emollient oils into the areas of the skin near the nails.

Approximately the entire procedure for a trim pedicure takes about an hour. And to maintain your feet in constant excellent shape, you need to do a pedicure every 3-4 weeks.

Is it worth doing a classic manicure

Like any method of care, the classic pedicure has its pros and cons, after analyzing which you can make a decision, it is suitable this method or not. There are quite a few advantages of an edged pedicure. It is a high-quality treatment of the skin around the nails. The use of tools makes it possible to conduct perfect cleaning and remove even the smallest burrs. Steaming feet in trays with by various means allows not only to soften the skin, but also has medicinal properties that will provide beneficial effect on the skin of the feet. This manicure technology requires a relatively small time investment for the procedure. The effect of the classic pedicure will be noticeable even more long time if done in accordance with accepted methods.

Experts say that this method has almost no drawbacks. All the disadvantages of an edged pedicure come only from the inability or carelessness of the master. His unprofessional actions can lead to high degree the likelihood of injury. If the instruments have not been sterilized and disinfected, there is a risk of fungal infection and different kinds infections. Poor quality pedicure will lose its appearance very quickly.

When using a trim pedicure, never use a razor or razor to remove dead skin from your feet.

Firstly, it is very dangerous, and there is a very high probability causing various injuries, and secondly, the cut skin regenerates several times faster, so the skin growth will soon return again.

How beautiful the well-groomed marigolds are! To ensure that your look is always complete and neat, it is impossible to do without a classic edging pedicure. Therefore, despite the fact that beauty salons offer everything every day more options to put your feet in order, this type of pedicure remains the most popular.

Features of the classic pedicure

The classic pedicure technology necessarily includes trimming the excess cuticle in the periungual area. That is why this type of foot care is called, and not because during the procedure the master cuts off all the rough skin areas, as many think. The heel area and dense areas of the feet are treated with only a pumice stone.

Razors and blades are not classic pedicure tools. Their use is strictly prohibited. Of cutting objects, tweezers and scissors are used. Firstly, it minimizes the risk of injury and cuts, and secondly, blades and razors stimulate regeneration. skin, which accelerates the appearance of even more corns and seals. Disposable tools (for example, bamboo sticks), a bath, scrubs and nourishing cosmetics for the feet are also "helpers" for the masters of this type of pedicure.

Today, the classic is very often performed unedged. In this case, the cuticle is removed cosmetic preparations rather than scissors or forceps.

Classic trim pedicure procedure

A classic pedicure is performed in several stages, each of which is required:

The whole classic pedicure procedure takes about 50-60 minutes.

Benefits of a classic pedicure

The classic pedicure has several undeniable advantages. Its main advantages include the following:

  • quality manual cleaning;
  • small time costs compared to other types of pedicure;
  • use of several emollients;
  • durable result;
  • low price.

Performing a classic pedicure includes familiar and understandable procedures, so this type of foot care is suitable for those who do not like newfangled laser or resurfacing technologies.

Cons of a classic pedicure

Adherents of the classic pedicure argue that if you choose a good experienced specialist, this procedure will not have any drawbacks. They are partly right, because the disadvantages appear only when the master does not know how to properly do a classic pedicure.

V modern world both women and men take care of themselves. It preserves youth, gives beauty. Wealthy, confident people will not allow themselves to appear in society in an unkempt form. To do this, they turn to professionals who provide all types of hairdressing services. also should not be ignored. The complexity and regularity of the procedures give a good result.

The essence of a pedicure

Existing and pedicure include a set of actions. They are produced in mandatory, regardless of the chosen technique. A particularly wide range of procedures requires a foot. Caring for her includes a certain sequence of actions.

Initially, the dry, stratum corneum softens. Then the upper layers of the epithelium (dead cells) are removed different methods... Next, the master processes the nails, eliminates their ingrowth (if any). Also, in the case of determining other deformations of the nail plate, its shape is corrected.

Treats the cuticle. During the procedure, corns, calluses, cracks in the heels are removed. In progress Completes the pedicure course It improves blood circulation, increases the tone of the body, as well as the mood of a person. it useful procedure if performed by an experienced professional.

Techniques and approaches

Depending on the level of the salon that provides foot care services, the client is offered one or another complex of effects. In addition to basic treatments, a relaxing massage can be offered. It is even possible to receive healing procedures or psychotherapeutic during a pedicure session.

Existing types of pedicure (photo is presented below) may include a course of paraffin therapy, depilation, and in-depth antiseptics. Such a wide range of procedures makes the presented service popular.

There are beauty salons that, during the procedure, use the effect on all the senses. Are applied aroma oils, play of light, sounds. During the procedure, a person listens to the sound of the surf, birds singing, etc. This is a very useful, relaxing effect. Color therapy also has a therapeutic effect on the psyche. This allows you to get distracted from the business, the daily hustle and bustle. During the session, the person rests both physically and psychologically.

Varieties of procedures

There are several basic approaches to performing a pedicure. The oldest of these is the classic approach. It has been widely used for many years. The easiest way to do this work is at home.

But it has many disadvantages. That's why modern species pedicure treatments are very varied. The most popular today are European, hardware, To choose best approach to perform the procedure, you should consider the features of each of them.

Classic pedicure

This approach uses the technique of cutting off the hardened skin of the feet and nails. First, the legs are steamed in a bath. Then the nails are cut, polished with different files. So their shape is corrected, deformations are eliminated. Then the cuticle is trimmed.

After these actions, heels and feet are treated with a pumice stone or other grinding agents. The main types of pedicure use the elements of this approach to one degree or another. The classic version is the most inexpensive and therefore affordable. But it has more disadvantages in comparison with other types. It is even preferable to perform such a technique at home than in the salon. This is the only type of pedicure that is actually easier to do on your own.

Disadvantages of a classic pedicure

When steaming the skin of the feet, the use of water is a classic pedicure. Types, techniques are varied, but many use foot baths. However, the water is favorable environment for the development of fungus and other skin infections. Even when using antiseptics, there is a possibility of getting infected through the bath similar ailments... This is especially true for special hydromassage devices. Not a single institution is able to qualitatively disinfect the nozzles after each visitor. This process takes a lot of time, which is sometimes not enough. There is, albeit small, but the likelihood of getting itching, burning on the skin, deformation of the nail plates after the procedure.

But this is not the worst thing. The method of cutting the cuticle sometimes, with inaccurate movement, leads to injuries to the skin. And this is far from uncommon. In this case, it is possible to become infected with very serious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, etc.). In the salon, there is no way to disinfect the instrument as thoroughly as in a hospital or dentistry.

Another disadvantage of the method is cutting off the stratum corneum along with partial disruption of living cells. This enhances the regeneration process. The skin grows faster. Therefore, this approach is not effective enough.

European method

Improved versions of the classical technique exist today. These include the most different types pedicure. Their main differences lie in the improvement of one or more procedures. But general principle persists. One of these modified approaches is the European methodology.

All stages and actions remain the same as in the classic version. The only difference is the lack of cuticle cutting. This is a safer pedicure (you cannot get hepatitis, HIV). With a wooden spatula, the cuticle moves to the edge. Moreover, it is processed special means... It softens the skin. With regular repetition of the procedure, the cuticle grows more slowly, and cuts can be avoided.

However, the application water treatments leaves the possibility of infection with fungal infections.

SPA pedicure

The previously discussed types of pedicure can be supplemented with various caring procedures. The principle remains the same. On initial stage legs are steamed in a bath of water (there is some chance of infection with a fungus).

But the use of various scrubs, masks and creams for the feet gives best result... The skin becomes hydrated, acquires healthy look... In the process of applying the product, a light massage is performed. It relaxes well, calms the nervous system.

Combined approach

The most controversial reviews are about combined type pedicure. He is marketing ploy allowing the craftsman to charge a large fee for his work. This is normal classic version, in which the skin is sanded with a machine. It just makes the job easier for the master. However, all the disadvantages of the classical method remain in it.

This type provides, like all other approaches, the application of varnish to the nails (at the request of the client). However, nail extension is a separate procedure that no pedicure includes. Coating types are different in structure, color and possible therapeutic effect.

Hardware method

The previous option cannot be considered a hardware pedicure method, since it involves steaming the skin of the foot. before the start of the work of the master, it provides for the treatment of the feet with a special antiseptic. Next, a special substance is applied to the skin. It only softens dead cells. Further, with the help of an apparatus with various attachments, only the stratum corneum of the epithelium is removed. Living tissues are not affected by this. This eliminates the likelihood of cuts, skin injuries.

It is also the most hygienic approach. During it, you cannot get infected with a fungus or other even more serious ailments, since baths are not used. This method was developed and is widely used in Germany. Attentive to the little things, the Germans ruled out the possibility of infection with various infections and viruses. This is a really high quality procedure.

The competence of a beauty salon worker should raise serious doubts if he performs grinding with a device on a wet foot. V best case the procedure will simply not work. Wet skin particles clog the pores of the clipper attachment. Therefore, mixed types of pedicure are regarded as unprofessional.

Processing by the apparatus wet skin not only ineffective but can also lead to burr formation. The procedure will have to be repeated again, but not with this master. After the work of a professional, the legs retain their beauty long time. Characteristic feature hardware pedicure is an gradual decrease needs to carry out the procedure. When only the stratum corneum is removed, the regenerative processes in the tissues are not accelerated. The skin becomes healthy, soft and extraordinarily beautiful.

Having considered the main types of pedicure, it is worth concluding that all of them, except hardware method, one way or another, expose the health of the legs to the threat of infection various infections and fungus. Therefore, it is best not to skimp and perform foot care with a truly safe approach.

Pedicure is called not only the care of toenails, but also for the entire foot. Toenails quickly get dirty and lose neat look, especially in summer time years when mostly open shoes are worn.

They become covered with dust, dirt, and when regular wash it is impossible to completely remove all contaminants. That is why a pedicure needs to be done every month - to clean the nails themselves, as well as the soles of the feet, fingers and the spaces between them.

The only case when a pedicure cannot be done is various diseases of the skin of the feet or nails. Nail fungus, cracks, thickening of the nail - all this is a signal "stop", and before carrying out any procedures, you need to consult a dermatologist.

The most common type of toenail care is a classic pedicure, but not everyone knows what this is. This type of pedicure is also called edging - it got this name due to the fact that during the procedure the excess skin around the nail plate is trimmed.


The classic pedicure, despite the movement of progress and the presence of other methods of foot care, still remains the leader of choice for both women and men.

The classic pedicure procedure is not complicated at all and lasts approximately 50 minutes - an hour. Having figured out what it is, a classic pedicure, it becomes clear that keeping your feet clean and well-groomed will not be difficult.

After the most hygiene procedure nails can be "beautified". Modern salons and beauty shops offer all kinds of tools to bring all kinds of pedicure ideas to life.

How to do a trim pedicure yourself at home: tips and tricks

The technology for performing a classic pedicure consists of several stages. Do classic trim pedicure so simple that every woman can make it at home on her own. Kit necessary tools very simple:

  • nail file;
  • nail scissors;
  • tweezers for treating the skin around the nail;
  • pumice;
  • exfoliating foot cream;
  • any nourishing cream.

All this is in every lady's set. How to do it right trim manicure- follow the recommendations and follow the procedure step by step.

First you need to wash your feet and hands.
If you have varnish on your toenails, remove it and apply an exfoliating cream to your feet. You need to let it soak a little, and then you can start processing your nails. During this time, the skin will completely absorb it.

Firstly, before steaming the legs, you need to deal with strictly nails.- not cuticle and not hardened skin, and steaming is not necessary to work with the nail plate.

Secondly, the steamed nail is very easy to damage., and filing it is also inconvenient (it is correct to file toenails, and not cut them, in extreme cases, first cut off, and then carefully cut each one so that there are no sharp corners).

Thirdly, last reason why you don't need to steam your legs right away - by adjusting the shape and length of nails on steamed feet, it is impossible to determine exactly what the final result will be. This is akin to the reason why it is best not to cut your hair on wet hair- this can only be afforded by pros.

So, after processing the nails themselves, after the exfoliating cream has been absorbed, steaming is recommended. You can add almost anything to the footbaths - essential oil, herbal infusion, sea ​​salt, a few drops of iodine, lemon, etc. Depending on your needs, you can use certain herbs, or you can try something new every time.

After steaming, rough skin on the legs should be treated with a pumice stone.
The most problem areas usually the heels, the outside of the feet, and the pads of the toes. After that, you need to remove excess skin around the nails themselves - this should be done using special tweezers, in extreme cases - with scissors, but very carefully to avoid injury and damage to soft tissues.

The final stage is washing your feet and applying a nourishing cream to them. After completing the hygienic component, you can start decorating your nails. Many people prefer pastel shades, classic French pedicure, bright, but gradient varnishes on every day.

For special cases For example, on vacation, women often use various designs, sequins and other decorations. Now the most fashionable are themed prints - a pedicure with shells, palm trees is suitable for the sea, a bold abstraction for a secular party, for romantic date- cute hearts. It's all about imagination.

For supporting desired effect it is enough to do a pedicure just once a month, and in the summer - every 3 weeks. In addition, such a procedure is a good prevention. various diseases feet - ingrown nail plate, flat feet and other unnecessary problems.

Classic pedicure

This is the most popular type of pedicure, let's call it old-fashioned. Classic pedicure (like classic manicure) is also called edged. Make a bath with warm water and dilute the salt in it to soften the cuticles and skin of the heels. The master removes the cuticle with nippers, and excess skin from the heels, small corns and calluses - with a special file for grinding.

European pedicure

Another type of modern pedicure. It differs from the classic one in that it does not involve cutting the cuticle, therefore it is often called "unedged pedicure". The technique of such a pedicure is as follows: the master applies to the cuticles special composition which helps dissolve the cuticle without damaging thin skin... And then he pushes the cuticle to the base with an orange stick.

Hardware pedicure

Unlike the classical and European, hardware pedicure involves polishing the foot and nails using special polishing attachments on the device. The master selects nozzles, caps, cutters individually for the structure of the foot and the shape of the nails. This type of pedicure does not imply soaking the feet in water - the master processes them with a special gel or solution. In case you suffer from calluses, corns or ingrown nails, you should sign up exclusively for a medical pedicure.

Combined pedicure

It means a combination of two techniques - classic and hardware pedicure. The master processes the feet with an apparatus, and nails and cuticles with ordinary instruments.

Express pedicure

If you see the item "express pedicure" in the menu, most likely, this means only working with nails, that is, removing the coating, quick processing of nails and varnishing. No salt baths - such a pedicure is suitable either for a busy business woman, or for those who change the color of their nail polish every week.

Spa pedicure

Peels, scrubs, masks, socks, massage and certainly aromatherapy - after a spa pedicure, you go out not only with a new pedicure, but also with the feeling that you have been on the coast of the Indian or Atlantic Ocean. It depends on what means the master used during the procedure. This also means a Brazilian pedicure (instead of a bath, the master puts on you socks with a special lotion that softens corns and cuticles), and the so-called detox pedicure - with particles of black coal, as well as banana-coconut. By the time this pedicure procedure lasts a little longer than usual.

Acid pedicure

This type of pedicure is also called Kart or ADN - by the name of the brands that produce special solutions for a pedicure with acids. The essence of the technique is that the solution "corrodes" the keratinized particles of the skin and sometimes does not even include the processing of the skin with a file. What you need for those with thin and sensitive skin.