Engagement toast in Armenian. Armenian wedding toasts

Armenian toasts

Why do we drink to women standing up? Firstly, because lying down is uncomfortable to drink. Secondly, to tower proudly over them for a while. Thirdly, we drink standing up, because that's how it enters more. Fourthly, we, thus, knead stiff limbs. Fifthly, we get up to brush the rest of the lettuce off our trousers. Sixthly, we get up in order to better see all the women present at the table. Seventhly, they came up with this ritual in order to rush sharply from a high start in which case. Eighth, we thus find out which of us remained under the table to molest women. Ninth, we get up so that when we sit down, we feel relieved. And, finally, we rise in order not to hear in our own ears: “Stop drinking! You've had enough." So, for women! Men drink standing up!

In one eastern state the ruler arranged a competition for young men: whoever cuts an apple on the chest of the Shah's daughter with a sword and does not injure her, he will receive a daughter as his wife and half the kingdom in addition. The first boy came out. The girl was so beautiful that he stared, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with his sword. The servants seized the young man and cut off his head. The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he waved his sword and wounded the girl's chest. He was also executed. A third young man came out, raised his sword over his head, struck, cut the apple without touching the girl's chest. He, too, was captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him: - For the company! So let's drink to our honest company!

Once a bee asked a snake: - Why, when I bite - I die, and when you bite - the bitten one dies? The snake answered her: - Because my bite is professional. Let's drink to professionals in their field!

A reckless woman is one who, without looking back, rushes into the pool of passion and always comes out dry from the water. For reckless women!

From our interlocutors we hasten respectful attention, from friends we expect sensitivity, support and understanding, from partners in sex - caresses and satisfaction of our longing desires. And only to those who are beautiful, we ourselves are ready to give free of charge the first, second and third. So let's drink for generous love and for its reciprocity!

Mount Ararat has been rising proudly for many years and centuries. It is for us a symbol of what We mean little in front of the eternal mountain. Let's drink in honor of the hero of the day, Let him be like Ararat, Without a shadow of a doubt and even a flaw, Happy, and powerful, and rich!

A noble woman is one who firmly believes that men are good. For faithful women, let them be rewarded according to their faith!

A silent woman is one who knows well who is worth what, and therefore is silent. For the silent ones, whose silence is costly!

An ascetic woman is one who leads a solitary life in a monastery. For ascetic women!

The mother praises the girl - run, the neighbor praises - take it. Let's drink to beautiful girls!

A true Georgian will always say that the best cognac is Georgian. A true Armenian will say that the best cognac is Armenian. A true Russian will say that the most best drink- vodka. So let's drink vodka for the friendship of peoples!

Three brothers lived in a mountain village. The youngest was 40 years old, but he looked like a decrepit old man. The middle brother was left without a single tooth at the age of 50. And the eldest was 70 years old, but his health was envied by those around him. Decided younger brothers find out what is the secret of such youth. The old man gladly received the guests in his house. And when the brothers came, he asked his wife to prepare refreshments. "Honey, don't forget to bring the best watermelon," the owner ordered. When the woman brought a watermelon, the old man cut it up and said: "This fruit is not suitable, bring another one." Six times the owner sent his wife for a new watermelon. Last option he liked it and was pleased with the woman's choice. When the meal came to an end, the guests asked the old man: "What is the secret of your youth and excellent health?" The owner replied: “Did you see how my wife obeyed me, fulfilling my desires? But at the same time, neither she nor I were irritated. My wife and I have been living in harmony and peace for many years. This is the secret of my appearance." In this toast, let's wish the newlyweds eternal peace, youth, harmony, mutual understanding!

Two Armenians are talking: - Yesterday I went fishing, I'm walking along the river bank, suddenly right at me - naked girl. Well, of course, the first thing I threw my fishing rods. - What are you, an idiot? – interrupts the other, – but what about the girl? - Wait, don't bother! Of course, the first thing I did was throw my rods into the bushes. A man in the Caucasus will never trade a beautiful woman for fishing! Per beautiful women fishing!

Armenian toasts
The best Armenian toasts from all over the internet. We have collected a selection of toasts for various holidays and for any occasion with an unsurpassed Armenian flavor. Read Only best toast on the Toast.ru website.

Source: tosty.ru

Armenian toasts

Armenian toasts

A man and a bear fraternized. The man called Toptygin to visit and gave a feast in his honor. And saying goodbye, he kissed the clubfoot and asked his wife to do the same. But the wife spat and said angrily: "I can't stand stinking guests!" Soon the man visited the bear. Deciding to chop wood on the way back, he took an ax with him. Mishka affectionately greeted the guest, and then began to insistently ask him: - Hit me on the head with an ax! The man refused for a long time: is it possible?! But the owner of the den insisted on his own. What to do? The guest grabbed the clubfoot with a butt on the head and badly injured him. A month later, the friends met again. The bear's head had time to heal, and he said to the man: - You see, brother: the wound from the ax has healed, but the heart, wounded by the tongue of your wife, has not healed. The tongue can not only hurt, but also kill.
Let's be careful with this dangerous weapon!

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. Just got married, Shota has to go on a business trip.
“Don’t worry,” he says to his young wife, “I’ll be back in three days.”
Three days have passed, three times three days have passed, and Shota does not return. Ten times three days passed, and still no Shot.
The young wife became agitated, sent to ten cities ten true friends telegrams. And telegrams came from ten cities from ten true friends:
— Don't worry, Shota is with us.
So let's drink to true friends who do not fail in trouble.

Good mood club - funny greetings, songs, jokes, anecdotes. Video jokes and comic congratulations for a mobile phone

Cool Armenian toasts

Somehow a German, an Englishman, a Turk, a Russian and an Armenian gathered together at the table.
The German raises a toast:
Let's drink to German power!!
everyone is drinking..
- let's drink to English accuracy !!
drink it too..
— and I want to raise a toast to Turkish carpets!!
- then I will raise the next toast to Russian girls !!
the turn of the Armenian .. he, after thinking, raises a toast:
- let's drink to the Armenians who love Russian girls on Turkish carpets, with German power and English precision.

Armenians in Armenia drink:
Armenians in foreign countries drink:

Once Ashot was driving from one village to another. The road passed among the mountains, winding between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and not from a place. Ashot began to pull him, urge him on. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. Ashot began to scold him with bad words, call him names, whip him with a whip. But the donkey, as it stood, remained standing. Then he went. And then Ashot saw that around the bend there was a huge stone that had just fallen, and if the donkey had not stopped, the stone would have nailed him along with the rider. The owner hugged the smart animal and thanked.
So let's drink to the fact that we always listen to the opinion of another person in a dispute, even if he is a donkey.

One merchant had a shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell on the ground, and a wasp sat on it, and the cat ran and grabbed it. The dog chased him and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed it. Near this village there was another one, and the dog was from that village.
How the owner of the dog found out that the shopkeeper had killed the dog, ran and killed the shopkeeper. The peasants of the two villages rose up to Tuti, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, only one person remained who told me this story. And all this because of one drop of honey.
I propose to drink for the fact that not one drop could ever bring discord into our heads and deprive our minds.

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
“Take it, son, and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father's house.
Then the father called his son and said:
“Go on, son, and make your own money.
The son went and got a job. From morning until late evening he kneaded bare feet clay and, having received the money, brought it home.
“Look, father,” said the young man. “I have earned money.
The father replied:
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unfair to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.
So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

Beautiful Georgian toasts for birthday, wedding, anniversary

Often at any holiday they say not only lyrical and beautiful congratulations in verse, but also toasts. They are funny, humorous or life with meaning. In this article, Georgian toasts will be presented to your attention, which are ideal for a friendly feast. They bring a lot of laughter and joy to guests. They also teach those present about worldly wisdom.

A toast to women

In the Caucasus, men appreciate, respect and love the weaker sex. Therefore, in those places a lot of congratulations have been created that are dedicated to women. Here is one beautiful Georgian toast. Listen Caucasian parable, which circled the whole world:

Once, one sunny day, a snake crawled to Allah and said: “I'm tired of crawling, I want to remove my scales. Turn me into a woman And I can sting people anyway. It doesn't have to be a snake." Allah helped and turned her into a woman. Soon a white dove flew to him and asked for the same request as the snake. And so it happened. Allah turned the dove into a woman and said, "Go and do good." Since then, there are two women: evil and kind. So let's drink to good, lovely ladies, who are more than bad and harmful with a black soul.

Toast to love

A lot of poems and songs are written about love. There are probably as many toasts, if not more. They are not only about women, men, but also about strong feeling. Georgian toasts are famous for their simplicity and beautiful sayings. Indeed, in the Caucasus it is not customary to say wishes in a rude form. Georgia has beautiful toast about love and family relationships:

Dzhigit chose future wife among three girls who liked him. He asked the first: "What is 3 times 3?" She answered without thinking, "Eight." The horseman decided that his wife would be too frugal. He asked the same question to the second girl, and she said that it would turn out 9. The horseman realized that he was facing a very smart young lady. The third bride replied that 3 times 3 would be 10. The horseman decided that the girl would be generous and it suited him.

And here is the question: “Which young lady will the horseman decide to marry? On economical, smart or generous? If you don't know the answer, it's easy. Dzhigit marries the girl that his heart points to, and at that moment he did not hear the voice of reason. So let's drink to the fact that we always listen to our hearts, especially when it comes to love.

birthday toast for a man

From time immemorial, Georgian toasts have been valued for their depth of thought. Their artistic style of presentation, solemnity, emphasis amaze and touch many people. Georgian birthday toasts for a man are beautiful and vital. We offer one of them:

In Georgia, in one driving school, a student is asked a question during an exam and the situation on the road is explained: you are driving along a narrow road, there are high mountains to your left, and a steep and large cliff to your right. Suddenly you saw that right in front of you is beautiful girl with a terrible old woman. Question: what will you push? The student answers: "A terrible old woman." The teacher says: "Wrong, you need to press the brake." Let's drink to the fact that in any, even the most difficult situation, the birthday man did not forget to press the brake in time.

This Georgian birthday toast to a man teaches that every person can stop in time, take his time and avoid unpleasant situations. And if a person has a difficult birthday, but an anniversary? What kind of toast would you like? Read more about this later in the article.

Georgian toast for an anniversary

Very long, but clever and instructive congratulations. Hear how beautiful it sounds:

Once upon a time, God gave man only 25 years of life. For some reason, he decided that this was enough. Animals (horse, dog, monkey) God gave as much as 50 years. However, the man decided that this was not fair, went to the animals and asked for a request. He begged the horse, the dog, and the monkey to give some of their lives.

Since then, it has become customary that the first 25 years a person lives well. Him happy childhood, carefree youth and no problems. For the next 25 years, people work, that is, they plow like a horse, not sparing themselves and their strength. For the next 25 years, the man lives like a stray dog. The children left him, many acquaintances forgot about him, no one needed him anymore. For the last 25 years, man has been living in the manner of a monkey. Those around him laugh at him, because he is an old and weak old man (old woman). So, let's drink to ensure that our hero of the day lives another hundred years, not as an animal that no one needs, but as real man without worries, problems and hassles. So that children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends never forget about him.

This Georgian birthday toast has a meaning that many people understand. He teaches to value himself, his closest and dearest people.

Armenian toasts

Somehow a German, an Englishman, a Turk, a Russian and an Armenian gathered together at the table.
The German raises a toast:
- let's drink to German power!!
everyone is drinking..
- let's drink to the English precision!!
drink it too..
- and I want to raise a toast to Turkish carpets!!
- then I'll raise another toast to the Russian girls!!
the turn of the Armenian .. he, after thinking, raises a toast:
- let's drink to the Armenians who love Russian girls on Turkish carpets, with German power and English precision!!!

Armenians in Armenia drink:
Armenians in foreign countries drink:

Once Ashot was driving from one village to another. The road passed among the mountains, winding between rocks, along cliffs and abysses. Suddenly the donkey stopped - and not from a place. Ashot began to pull him, urge him on. The donkey stands rooted to the spot. Ashot began to scold him with bad words, call him names, whip him with a whip. But the donkey, as it stood, remained standing. Then he went. And then Ashot saw that around the bend there was a huge stone that had just fallen, and if the donkey had not stopped, the stone would have nailed him along with the rider. The owner hugged the smart animal and thanked.
So let's drink to the fact that we always listen in a dispute to the opinion of another person, even if he is a donkey.

One merchant had a shop, and he sold honey. One drop of honey fell on the ground, and a wasp sat on it, and the cat ran and grabbed it. The dog chased him and grabbed the cat, and the owner of the shop hit the dog and killed it. Near this village there was another one, and the dog was from that village.
How the owner of the dog found out that the shopkeeper had killed the dog, ran and killed the shopkeeper. The peasants of the two villages rose up to Tuti, and a great battle began between them. And all the people died, only one person remained who told me this story. And all this because of one drop of honey.
I propose to drink for the fact that not one drop could ever bring discord into our heads and deprive our minds.

One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin and said:
- Take it, son and try to save money.
The son threw the coin into the water. The father found out about it, but said nothing. The son did nothing, did not work, but only ate and drank in his father's house.
Then the father called his son and said:
- Go son, and earn money yourself.
The son went and got a job. From morning until late evening, he kneaded clay with his bare feet and, having received the money, brought it home.
- Look, father, - said the young man. - I have earned money.
The father replied:
- Well, son, now go and throw them into the water.
The son realized that he had previously been unfair to the kindness of his father and lowered his head.
So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

It was a long time ago when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, he had a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with a hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot's hands, then the other - the hat continued to cover the lower abdomen.
Let's drink to the power that held the hat.

In one eastern state, the ruler arranged a competition for young men: whoever cuts an apple on the chest of the Shah's daughter with a sword and does not injure her will receive a daughter as his wife and half the kingdom in addition. The first boy came out. The girl was so beautiful that he stared, miscalculated the blow and touched his chest with his sword. The servants seized the young man and cut off his head.
The second young man enters. He looked at the girl, his hand trembled, he waved his sword and wounded the girl's chest. He was also executed.
A third young man came out, raised his sword over his head, struck, cut the apple without touching the girl's chest. He, too, was captured and put in prison to be executed. When he asked why they wanted to execute him, they answered him:
- For company!
So let's drink to our honest company!

An Armenian wedding is a beautiful and magnificent celebration, which usually takes place in compliance with many ancient traditions. If you have ever been a guest of such a holiday, you will surely remember it for a long time. The Armenian wedding is famous not only for its rituals, but also for numerous toasts, which are pronounced in a certain order and sequence. Parting words to the young are given by older relatives, family members of the bride and groom, their friends. Toasts at an Armenian wedding, as a rule, are dressed in the form of parables. These can be stories about brave horsemen, wise highlanders, beautiful girls. Armenian toasts, pronounced by you at the wedding, will become a real decoration of the holiday.

One day, a beautiful, but poor young man fell in love with a beautiful, but rich girl. The girl's parents did not give consent to the wedding, and then the young man turned to the gods with a request to help him in his grief. This is how the Armenian epic was born. Despite the favor of the gods, the girl's father sharpened his long sharp dagger and went to kill the unfortunate young man. Thus was born the Armenian tragedy. Having met the young man, he drew his dagger, but the blade pierced the wineskin with wine on the back of the donkey, which was led by the young man to drink with his future father-in-law. This is how the Armenians were born martial arts. Don't get lost good product, tears vine! They drank the wine, sat down under the blossoming almonds and, embracing each other, sang a song. This is how Armenian folklore was born. And the neighbors saw them, and reported from mouth to mouth good news a girl who fearfully waited for the denouement of this story. This is how Armenian radio was born.

I propose to drink for everyone to be witnesses today: this is how an (Armenian) family is born!

It is believed that the parents of love are the eyes and the heart! I raise this glass for the fact that the hearts of our young people would burn, and our eyes would be sharp-sighted for many, many years. For the eternal ability to love, let's drink to the bottom!

They once asked a very smart and old man: “Why is it very difficult to make enemies friends, and why is it easy to turn friends into enemies?” The simple answer of the sage made people think: “Yes, because it is easier to destroy a house than to build it, it is easier to spend coins than to earn them, and it is easier to give up love than to work on relationships!”

I propose a toast to the overcoming of all life's difficulties by our newlyweds! For hard work and dedication!

One famous Armenian poet, whose name is Mkrtich Koryun, came up with a comic poem:

The husband was drowning, blowing bubbles,

And from the shore, the wife: “You are disobedient from birth!

What month, take your ashes,

I repeat, I repeat: do not drink raw water! .. "

So let's drink to the wisdom of women, and also to the fact that we never have to drink water while there is wine!

High in the mountains lived an eagle with an eagle and small eagles. One day, returning from hunting, the eagle decided to test his eagle, to check how brave she is, how she protects the nest, the eagles from strangers. He put on the skin of a tiger and began to slowly approach the nest. The eagle, seeing a tiger sneaking towards the nest, boldly rushed at him. Wah, how she pecked him, beat her wings, and tore with her claws! And without even giving me time to come to my senses, I threw it to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.

So let's drink to brave women and to the fact that in whatever form the husband comes home, the wife would always recognize him!

A young man fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. And she says: "I will marry you if you fulfill a hundred of my desires." The young man began to fulfill the wishes of the girl. At first, she made him climb a rock without a single ledge and jump down. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. She then told him to walk and not limp. The young man did it. The next task was to swim across the river and not get our hands wet. Then - stop the enraged horse and put it on its knees. Then - to cut an apple on her chest and not hurt her ... So, one after another, the young man fulfilled 99 wishes of his beloved. There is only one left. Then the girl says: "Forget your father and your mother." Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse and was like that.

This toast is for you newlyweds to never forget those who gave you life! For your parents!

There were three brothers. The younger brother in his 40s looked like a very decrepit old man. Medium, gray-haired and toothless, at the age of 50 he was crippled by diseases. And the elder, even at the age of 70, was doing well. The younger brothers decided to find out what is the secret of his youth. The old man gladly received the guests and asked his wife to set the table. "Wife, don't forget to choose the ripest watermelon," he ordered. When the wife brought a watermelon, the owner cut it open and said, “No, this watermelon is not ripe. Bring me another one."

Five times the husband sent his wife for a new watermelon, and only the last one he liked. When the guests had eaten and began to ask the host about the secret of his youth, he replied: “You pointed out how I sent my wife for watermelon five times. Neither I nor she was at all annoyed. My wife and I live in peace and harmony. This is my secret."

Let's wish the newlyweds eternal youth, peace and harmony!

A long time ago in a mountain village, the bride and groom decided to exchange wedding rings. They climbed the highest mountain in the area, but the groom stumbled and dropped them into a deep gorge. He ordered the bride to wait for his return, and he himself went to that gorge for the rings. Years have passed. When the groom finally returned, he found a gray-haired old woman instead of the bride. He did not become frightened by the change that had taken place with his beloved and did not take his eyes off her wrinkled face, but just took it and put it on her finger wedding ring. And immediately the old woman turned into a young and beautiful girl.

Let's raise our glasses to everlasting love!

The parents had only one son. Everything was excellent with him, it couldn’t be better: he ate sweetly, slept soundly, in general, he lived well. And he had many friends. One day he met beautiful girl, the one and only, such that he immediately decided to marry her. In the pre-wedding chores, the father told his son that he himself would call all his friends. The son agreed.

Finally, the solemn day of the wedding arrived. Whoever was not at the celebration, but among the invitees there were no friends of the young man. Understanding nothing, the son approached his father for explanations. The father told him: “I called all your friends, but instead of an invitation to the wedding, I sent them letters asking for help. You see what came of it."

So let's raise our glasses to real friends who have gathered here today to support you in such a difficult and responsible hour!

After standing for half an hour near the house where his beloved lived, one quiet and reserved young man saw the door suddenly open and a woman appeared before him, casting a stern look on him.

Who are you waiting for here? she asked.

Your daughter,” he answered fearfully.

In that case, better get out of here,” the woman said. “You are not the right fit for our daughter. When her father was courting me, and I suddenly did not go on a date, he climbed over the garden fence, strangled the dog, put out the window, locked my father in the room, put a ring on my finger and said that we would get married right away. This is the kind of groom we would like for our daughter.

So let's raise our glasses to the brave and dexterous horsemen!

One day God took sunlight, thoughtful moonlight, the harmony of a chamois, the gentleness of a dove, the beauty of a snow-white swan, a breath of breeze, the lightness of fluff, the talkativeness of a magpie, the singing of a nightingale, streams of rain, thunder and lightning. I mixed everything, and it turned out ... a woman. God breathed life into her and gave it to the man: “Take it - enjoy and suffer!”

So let's drink to this magical mixture! For beautiful women!

I want to propose a toast to the fact that this table will never be empty, that it will break and even sag from the weight of wines and dishes, and that such cheerful, good and cheerful people will always sit around it. happy people, like now!

We hope that you will like the Armenian wedding toasts collected by us, and you will take them into account when preparing for the solemn event.

The origin of the word "toast"
Toast - word from of English language and denotes a lightly toasted slice of bread. In the old days, the inhabitants of the British Isles, before drinking wine or any stronger drink, dipped a slice of bread roasted over a fire into it, so that the drink would also absorb the bread flavor. Subsequently, the tradition of dipping bread in wine was forgotten, but another one arose: to say a toast before drinking wine.
The custom of clinking glasses appeared in those distant times, when it was not considered a serious sin to pour poison into the glasses of guests or neighbors at the table. Therefore, in order to assure the guests of his peacefulness, the host not only poured some wine first into his glass and drank it, but during the feast all the guests repeatedly "exchanged wine", that is, they poured from their glass into the neighbor's glass, and then symbolically combined glasses - clinked.
At the present time, the threat of poisoning is not so urgent, but the process of choking can complicate the course of the feast, especially if there is someone who wants to "connect" his glass with the glasses of all the numerous guests.
In any case, while clinking glasses, do not stretch your hand far across the table; a man should keep his glass lower than a woman's.

Toasts Congratulations

We do not curse our perverted fate
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once "plowed" her!
So let it gurgle and splash in a glass,
When the rear is securely secured!
Good luck to you, defenders of the Fatherland,
On this glorious Day of the Armed Forces!

We praise those who did not cry
From your pain
But did not hide the tears
On the graves of friends
Those who were men
Not in words
Coward did not celebrate
Sitting in the bushes
Those best
Sons of mankind
Those who are on guard of the Fatherland!

You real men
We wish you great strength...
So that with this strength
You defended peace and tranquility!
We will be happy and doubly calm,
When there are guys like that around us...
So be happy and you are twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

My congratulations - not an empty sound!
My congratulations - holy!
It is ours for you former hero,
Our protector in the form of a soldier!
And let the conquered world keep
Holy serenity,
And let all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

With them, the lamps shine brighter!
And I'm on festive table do not count.
They are a joy to us and our children.
Thank you men for being you.

If you stand in line
Remember your homeland
Remember: you are a son and a soldier.
You are always looked at
Our keen eyes
Our kind hearts.
And the answer to all of you -
Dearer than our Motherland
Not in the world!!! Happy holiday!
There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, minds,
But if next to us there is no man
Could we reach our heights?

Let me wish you with a smile and a joke:
Always remain attentive, sensitive.
Let work be a pleasant burden for you,
We wish you health and a good life!

We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
We place articles in newspapers
And we sing love songs.

May you have long been sung
Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy,
As before, sonnets are written
And poets do not sleep at night,
Building bridges to your loved ones.

Oh Women!
I love you without memory
And I can't, I confess, resist
When you knock me down with a smile,
And I am ready to love you and suffer.

Let the hardships of life fly by
Like a stream in the spring, let the blood play!
I wish you always be loved
And in any years to feel love.

Let the storms and bad weather perish,
Let them go forever into the shadows.
We wish you only happiness
On your kindest, brightest day!

Let the heart beat drops to the beat,
Let the blizzards sink into the past
And let in spring round dances
Forget the heart of adversity.

May this day be happy
And all dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere
And the flowers are smiling.

We wish you much love and happiness,
So that there is no reason for sadness!
Let them say it's all from God
And I think - more from men!

I wish you happiness and love.
They are more precious than all gifts.
And may all dreams come true
On a beautiful day - March 8!

I wish you lots and lots of happiness
Joyful smiles bouquet,
Friends, healthy and cheerful,
Luck in life years,
And to spite everyone's troubles
Lived, loved and lucky

Lovely women are ubiquitous
And always, somewhere and something carrying,
May your native land give you strength,
And men will give love.

I wish you everything that life is rich in:
Health, happiness, long years,
Let this holiday - the day of March 8 -
Leave a good mark on your soul!

happy birthday (professional)

We wish you a life without torment,
Don't worry for no reason
Always have cheerful look,
Never know where it hurts.

Be happy (th) - even though it will be difficult sometimes,
Be your beloved - love always saves us,
Be well done - hold on in any conditions,
After all, whatever it is, this life is beautiful.
Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom.
May the heart be forever young
Good crowning kindness.
Be healthy and lucky beyond measure!
We wish you success, bright faith,
And may you be a guiding star
Life shines brightly and always.
We wish you health, love and warmth,
So that life is interesting and long,
So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.
Let the years run by
Bypassing all the bad weather,
We wish you with all our heart
Love, health, happiness.
We wish you much happiness
Defeat misfortune.
Live for many years, like in a fairy tale,
In full health and kindness!

What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?

From life everyone wants their own ...

And we wish you just happiness,

So that it was a little, but everything!

We wish you happiness and health,
Smiles, cheerfulness and strength,
So that every day ordinary life
Only brought joy!
God bless you in your decisions
And multiplications best qualities,
With kids - great relationship
And understanding their eccentricities.
Don't let your youth fade away
And with it - love and kindness.
May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!
May this day
The sun shines brighter for you
Flowers fall under the feet of a carpet,
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.
So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you well
Long life, health and happiness!
I want to forget about illness, adversity,
Stay healthy for many more years
So that people give you joy in full,
So that peace and spring reign in the heart!
long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
May always - not only on your birthday -
Cherished dreams come true.
Birthday is a wonderful date
It doesn't matter if the years go by.
Life is so bright and beautiful
That you should never be sad.
We wish you health for many years,
Let all sorrows and hardships pass a mile,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy, happiness,
And only tears sparkle from laughter.

Short toasts

And what am I talking about? Isn't it time for us to lay down? It's time!
African toast: Let's drink to women in whose shadow we feel good!
God once said, "And drink that day!" But in which one - he did not say. So let's drink every day, so as not to miss that day!
Let us be thrifty on the lower level in order to be wasteful on the higher. For the joys of the spirit!
Be healthy for a hundred centuries!

There is a true thought in the Bible: what is taken is lost, what is given is all yours. Let's give our hearts to each other!
Sadness in the heart, stagnation in the brain, isn't it time for one!
Vodka is our enemy. But who said that we are afraid of enemies!
Vodka is an abomination, vodka is poison! But a hundred grams won't hurt!
Is that what I feel now? I feel like aavili salary and gave bonuses, and therefore I drink for you!

You left with a straight gait, dissolving in the fog of days. Let's drink from grief ... where is the vodka? Your heart will be happy!
Let's pour out for a word consisting of three letters. Men protect him, women adore him, children write on the walls. So let's drink to PEACE!!!
Let's drink dry to the power of our spirit!
Let's drink to the fun and the divine feeling of spiritual kinship this evening!
Let's drink to wives and mistresses so that they never meet!
Let's drink to the slow flow of fast-flowing life!
Let's drink to you and me - to hell with them!
Let's drink to have a good time!
Let's drink to now!
Let's drink to those who think about everyone, not only about themselves, not only for their own joy, but also for others a little!

Let's drink to those on board. Who is overboard, he will get drunk.
Let's drink to those who, absent, are invisibly present here!
Let's drink to having gunpowder in the flask!
Let's drink to the fact that reality was not so hard and rough!
Let's drink to our life rushing in joy, music and communication!
Let's drink so that any mood is with someone to share!
Let's drink to not causing offense and suffering to others!
Let's drink to increase the price of wine and vodka bottles!
Let's drink so that the tables are not empty, the words are not empty, the hearts are not empty, and that what is in them is beautiful!
Let's drink to the fact that we have everything and we have nothing for it!

Let's drink to our friends going to banquets and our enemies on crutches!
Let's drink to die peacefully, in a dream, like my grandfather, and not in fear and with screams of horror ... like his passengers!
Let's drink to the fact that if all the stumbling blocks meet on our way, then only on the sidelines!
Let's drink, as the great Einstein said, relatively little!!!
God forbid - not the last! And if the latter - then God forbid!
The day was not in vain. Let's drink so that the evening too ...
Why was man created? For eternal desires. For always wishing and fulfilling!
Will you take a soul? No?! Well, move over then!
Her soul is like a flower, it always blooms. Let's drink a glass of wine to N.!
Fir-trees-needles, why not drink in a pile!

Wedding toasts

May the sun, peace, love and children
You will be a great joy!
Live in peace and harmony
Until your golden wedding!
Let the sun shine only for you
Flowers grow for you
The whole world and the sun at your feet -
You have become a family.

I will toast with the words of Pythagoras: "Prudent wife! If you want your husband to spend time with you, then take care that he does not find such pleasant pleasure and tenderness". I propose to raise glasses and drink to it!
Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I wish you to celebrate at least ten more weddings in your life: paper - in a year, glass - in two years, aged - in three years, chintz - in five years, bronze - in ten years, porcelain - in fifteen, crystal - in twenty, silver - in twenty-five, gold - in fifty, diamond - in seventy-five years. And also I wish that all today's guests will certainly be present at all these weddings. Let's drink to the fulfillment of this desire and the happiness of the young!
Dear newlyweds! I will begin my toast with the words of the great Spaniard Cervantes: "In my time one and the same comedy was stoned in Madrid and showered with flowers in Toledo; do not be embarrassed by the first failure." Let's drink to your steadfastness in the face of possible small and big failures in your life. life together. Never regret the past, never fear the future, and always rejoice in the present!
To live up to silver wedding, you must have the golden character of the wife and the iron restraint of the husband. Let's drink to a wonderful alloy, to the flourishing of our domestic metallurgy!
Dear young! As Bernard Shaw said: "A polite man should treat his wife in the same way as he treats any unknown woman, only ten times more polite." So I raise a glass to you always being a polite person!
I wish the young couple to live until the golden wedding in health and fidelity, in love and tenderness. And, sharing joys and sorrows, always be each other's most devoted friend. And may a happy, faithful union always be an example for us. Bitterly!
Three wanderers on the road found the night, and they decided to ask to spend the night in the first house they came across. They knocked, the owner opened it and asked:
- Who are you?
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in, master, to spend the night.
- Unfortunately, I only have one. free place. I'll go and consult with my relatives, which of you to let in. The sick mother said, "Let Health in." A young daughter asked to let in Love, and his wife - Wealth. They argued for a long time, and the travelers, tired of waiting, went on to look for an overnight stay. Friends! So let's drink to the fact that in your house there is always a place for Health, Love and Wealth!
One married couple lived up to diamond wedding, and all the years lived, the spouses were happy. When asked what their secret is family happiness, they have replyed:
- The secret is in the single bed. She was with us all seventy years. So let's drink to a single matrimonial bed!
In the XVIII century. German philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg wrote: “There is a state (at least not very rare for me) when the presence and absence of a loved one is equally difficult to endure; in any case, in his presence you do not experience the pleasure that one might expect, suffering from his absence. I propose a toast to the fact that our newlyweds should have such a "state" much less often than a famous philosopher, and even better if it never happens at all!
As the famous Madame de Stael said: "He who truly loves is not jealous. The main essence of love is trust. Take away trust from love - you will take away from her the consciousness of her own strength and duration, all her bright side - therefore, all her greatness. " Friends! Let's raise our glasses to the trust between spouses - the basis of family well-being!

Armenian toasts

It was a very long time ago, when the mountains of Armenia were even higher than they are now. Ashot stood naked by the rock, he had a hat on his head. A primitive naked woman approached Ashot. Ashot covered his lower abdomen with a hat. The woman first removed one of Ashot's hands, then the other. The hat continued to cover the lower abdomen. Let's drink to the power that held the hat!

There is a concert going on in a huge hall.
The facilitator loudly addresses the audience:
- Are there married couples in the hall who have been married for only one day? Let them take the stage!
One such pair was found.
- Are you married for one day? - asks the presenter.
- Yes, - the newlyweds answer.
- Then just one question: what are you doing here?
Our married couple took place a few hours ago. So that they are not asked the same question, let's disperse! They need to be alone!
For the young.

Armenian radio asks:
- What will happen if an Armenian begins to sue a Jew?
- The prosecutor will get 10 years.
So let's drink to not judge and not be judged.

The bull complained to the donkey:
- I was disappointed in cows: lazy, fat, stupid ...
“Perhaps I, too, will be disappointed in cows,” answered the donkey.
- Why are you? - the bull was surprised.
- You see, if I am disappointed in people, then I will get on the ridge, and if in cows, then it is quite safe ...
Friends, I propose to drink so that we never give up on people.

At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation:
- You are driving in a car along a narrow road. On the left - high-high mountains. On the right - a cool-cool abriv. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Who will you press?
- Of course, the old woman.
- Fool ... You need to press the brake.
So let's drink to difficult situation we didn't forget to hit the brakes.

Armenians - wonderful people. Almost without exception. We bet that the person you plan to congratulate on his birthday is distinguished not only by good nature, but also by an excellent sense of humor, devotion and friendliness. Armenians are such a people, and it's just wonderful. And therefore, we are drawn to present congratulations that would not just sound in the ears of the birthday man, so to speak, for show, but will be remembered by him for several years, or even for the rest of his life.

How to do it? With what help to do it? For example, you can give a birthday man a huge boat or a luxurious mansion outside the city. Such a gift will definitely be remembered. But, unfortunately, so much money is at the disposal of few of us. And, we are sure, such a rich person would not read our site now. Lying on the same yacht somewhere in the middle mediterranean sea and relaxed. We, mortals, are forced to look for cheaper and more modest ones. For example, birthday greetings on Armenian.

So what if you don't even have a bit of Armenian blood in your veins? You will think that you do not know the language at all. For you, this should not be a hindrance. The poems presented here do not have to be read flawlessly. The fact is important. And here everything is in your hands.

Sirelis, tsnundt schnorhavor!
Kez isrtants tsankanum em
Arohchutsyun, Erjankutsyun
Gorzerum miayn hajohutsyun!

Jvarutsünner kankumt member,
Ete Linen, Kohkovt Toch Antsnen!
Amena lavn at barin em
Kez es tsankanum, imast kyanki!

(Name) ՋԱՆ!
Սրտանց շնորհավորում եմ ծննդյանդ օրվա առթիվ:
Ցանկանում եմ բազում երջանիկ տարիներ, առողջություն և աշխատանքային վերելքներ:

(Name) ՋԱՆ!!!
Ընդունեք իմ ջերմ շնորհավորանքները Ձեր ծննդյան տարեդարձի առիթով։
Քաջառողջություն եմ Ձեզ մաղթում։